LAKE C OUNTY WAtJKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXII-NO. 39. BIXTEREN PAGES. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COU=NT, ILL., FRIiDAY, JlINE 18, 1915. ONE TO EIGHT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVA.NC.k erf ield Mar- Pk. George n auto Ilago ai leap on o for It rhicli ln- 'k. tiree &ftor it. Ig close. Mee tara- Herman ls street la front ce, elgbt Itop. Herma ue and lie auto. mIn tisI ln Chief <I Park, fleuaint- meamhai. that lie t thère k hsan"a eance. eua than flied et Laum. ia one occasion. drop their busi- ness ani d cc ean clection forthie fn ut$3 a day ut 18 ta 24 boums? nTIc, Lake couaiy board ot super- visons liav-eflot peu uover $3 a day ta any mavlie semuci as a juige or clcmk o! lecîlon, The supervis- or% agneci mar rean c&ga to allov juigea anidcks $3 for cigit lboum' service. Ai the lest Judiclel elcetion held lui e fev icys &go Flic juigea and cleeka sccvci from 7 o'ciock la thc morning untîl five o'clock or tea hours la ail. Tbey received $3 for thc fine i ddt heurs af labor, and thc huard of snpccvlasra always han aI- loved tbem ivu dollrs for aver hlme. Thc Juiges and clenke o! Weukc.gaa are not unlonlacd, but ilicy do tee! thai iglit houra consîlintes e vomIt- lng dey and thai ihcy are entilci lu over time. flair sers, "I suppose I vîlI me .c myseif very unpopular as a esult of Ilas." "Penliapa flairosees Fie hani- wrlling on the vall.P sali une man wio lias served as a juige ut lection for mar yers. BOY DIES AFER FALL FROMR SWINGl Twelve-Year-OId Boy Falls From Swing-Docto Finds Bursted Blood Vessel. Water Protine. 12 yesr )oh @on of Mr- sua irsmm Wm, Protine of Spring tirove. lied st the borne o! lionts uai Wr. Aon. yo. ut Warcenlon. Ill.etail3oclock 8aturdar afttenoon, Walter and hi@ cousin vers aving ln thîe lbarn et the Tarte Saulaiav moraing et 10 o'clork vbca the rare broke eni young Pro- ,une vas timova lu tie grouni, The Goaro boy rue ici m the bouse and spreai the elarm atter lielied filci la an attcmpt to avekea bis cousin. Wlien mea cf Ilie bouse reacisci the scene lIer tonnd Propine liai leen nenderci uncoasclous ly thc feU. A fow bonms later the boy ae some fruit and cao walkei accusa thc room, but eit tlIe o'ciacklie vas dcci. Tt developed that a blood vessel ta lis beai lied heemrupturci ly the 'feul. Thc tuneral vas held trom tFlic on- ru residence todey, vill luilinl Lekeside csmetery.IlibertyvWbe. or the other plan would bring resuits. Leaves Note to Wlfe. Quentin lef t a very brief note to hie vite, ehown above. While the note dld flot Intimate vhat cauaed hlm to desiro te end hie lite, it la rumored among his friende that for soute tîme Quentin liad not beau maktng money but instead, his finances had gredualir depleted until he had liegun W vworry coneldereibe about them. Thus. the feeling la he became despondent and declded the quickest way to end It al vas to take hie lite. %Ira. Quentin was away when he vent to hie home to commit the act ani upon lier return sihe vas pros- trated by the sliock of flnding her husband dead. Mrs. Quentin later sald that 8he knev of no substantiel reason why he vouid end hie lite for hie new business. that of running a moving picture theater on Wet Medi- son street, near 42ed avenue. lied been provlng very succesefui and theretore shte could flot figure out why lie would vieli te commit sui- cide. Moved From Libertyville. fitvas about a montl ea that Mr. and Mns. Quentin soid their fine home in Lîbertyville and maved to Chlcego where lielied purchased the moving picture house. Tliey located In a nice fiat and seemed to be gettlng on fins. Libertyville friende had seen Mr. Quentin frequently and he seemed ln hie usuel spirits; not one liad any ldea that lie vas brooding over any- thing and the neye tliat liebhad ended lits lite caused a great shock and wave of sorrow to spread emong the varinus circles or friende that he lied In verlous parts of Lake county. Mlr. Quentin was 51i yeere old aud. 26 yeers ago married Louise Baker, whosee tmily stili livee et Palatine, where tliey are classed as pionecre of the community. Mr. and Mirs. Quen- tin lied no chiîdren. FoUlowing bis marriege. Quentin operated e creamery et Long Grove and later et Gilmer, liamiets In eoutli- western Lake county. There lie made e considerable fortune and beceime promInent In Vernon township vliere lie vas elected to various ofmcee and leter became supervisor from tlie township. thiring his incumbency lie wae elected chairmen of the Lake county snpervtîore and served vitli credit as a presiding officer. iHe vas (Continuefi on page tlirs.) the t-harges mîade as absoltît- i-t' w ithouît fotindation.1 H. G. INAETHER. j IL. W. FERRY. 'he vote vas as follovs: For the report: Belntov. Clarke, Crapo PIckE. Holdenige. Kag, Kirchiner. MacUser. Meyer (Premont). MfoCul- laugli. RIngdehl. Rocienlach, Strat- toa of Grantý Stratton ut Lakte Villa. Tliompson, Tuttle, Walsh, Web, Wllhte-19. Agans-Conrai.Emmons. (lus., Maertin, MMoyer (Waoikegan). Mnoity Ropor't ln. O. fD. Goas, tiiri member of the la- ýêetigatag commtîe. preaentcd a mianrty report fullowlag the reeding ufthei majorty report. He sali ln It tha e lidinet agmcc vith lie metliod eto!teklag la evideace la coaaectlua vlth the Investigation. He sailie diflt epprove o! Dr. rBoyn's pres- ence at the verlona boarlages a felt tisat la face otheUInvestigation tise comuittee aboui le continui until Illi adinlvestigaei furtlier. Howver, afttar anaideelile discus- sion, thse motion on tise meJorlîYrne. port vas takenaend recorici sasabove therefore tise mlnoity report vas net votei on. la preaenting lie report. Meether sai vhen the eooeaittee vas aamei ln Mrci tise changes vers Indefllt. On Mrch 16 the commttcc met atîe ndvertisiag for compilate 1te ppear. -We gave cvcrybody e chance.'lie sai. "We veat te the liospitel and telked ta patients. 'On Mer 19 ve met egain and bear Mus Welchs deposition rmadinla vich alie maie certain statemnents and aise leter ve bîerd evideace fruni a former nurse ln Chicago. We heeci depoaltions furalisc nus ly lDn. Brown freim for- mer patients. We lavestlgaeds most thonouglily. the patienta ai thceliospitel vere Germens. i telîsi te tlicm la Gemman and sekedti lem if tliey hai complainte agatasat thc management. Weil, after bearlng lb ail. ve came taeFlic tacts as eliava la our uajority report, CLARKE, Highiand Park-"i lthink the henadilao! 'Po u atera' la alck Unes lias been muc i mproi iurlng 4. Flic pest !Ov rears, capeeilbirsiace tihe adoption o! tle euunty dutar plan; tissa ve.ilît the nev hosptet and trom viset I liave ieari. the mn- (Continued on pane tisr.) ADMIRAL ROSS MIN WEDDED Carde announelng the marriage of Mrs. Charle Berilett, wldow )f Commodore Bartisît, 1'.S. N. Wo Rear Admirai Rose, U. S. N., formerly com- mandant of the North Chicago naval training station. The ceremony Wook place et Annerolis. Nonday. June 7. Rear AdmiraI Rose. wlio la veil known ln this vlclnitY, le One Ofttise mont dlstiaguiabod olicers ln the navy ad lias completed 54 ye.a' service. He vas gredu&ted f rom the naval ecademy ln 1861 and was commission-' cd as captain la 1902. lie was raieed DADI IS CIIAR(ED SISTER 0f JAMES WITH RANK NEEiLI- 6. WELCII IS DEAD EÎENCE IN ACTIONS Allowed Three Alleged High- wood Blindpigr to Go Home and=Sra Alarm OTHERS HAVE SKIPPED OUT Other Alleged Blindpiggers Take Advantage of 'Tip' andt Take 'Leg Bail.' States Attorney Rslph IJ.lot., ts lu lise renk o! cear admiral ln 190. Ing clsaaged villi gruau neglgence He lied entîre charge o!fhbuidng the ln thee menner lu vblch lie 1,ucun. naval station et Northlicilago. lie r iucting the Biglivood blini ptg cases. i., 67yeens endlias île daugliter, Inlutact, la ia chargei Iliel pracîlcal- wlio is the vite uoL .- in . IB. Gene!, ly every blini pig keepen ln Higis- or te Engineers' fnfai lrý, L" S.A. wooi lies taken 'lIeg hle" and skipped out au that It lu impossible fon hlmt DRI ~ ~ ~ ~ b VEbIS[S dlehought loto court and triei ou DR VE 'ASHSthe c re avflied informations agaînut severel Iihodmncag EYEIO GE UIT; tng thern vîfithi-nnuctiuîg bidp t ,(alaes esure lsaîied for lisese men. neturnneble to Itle cîuntIy court flu B16 AUTO T R Waukegan, but iitîtthe leire sent tîimeÉ SUPER VISORS COUNTY PHYSICIAN WHO IS LOEE UNI EXONERATE DR. À; ENDS LIFE IN lIS E. BROWNM4ONDÀY CIIICAEIO RESIDENCE BY VOTE 0F 19 TO 5 SUPER- Former Libertyville Resident VISORS CLEAR HlM PROM and ex-Chairman of Coun- THE VARIOUS CHARGES ty Board Takes His Own 0F MISMANAGEMENT 0F Life During a Fit of Despon- THE COUNTY HOSPITAL-ý denoy. ___ M &ORITY COMMITTEE. LEFT A NOTE TO WIFE REORT ACCEPTED--Mi- M RL AIGGO -Y NGRITY REPORT 0F MR. MRL AIGGO-Y GOSS URGES FURIHER IN- Sokn c fOf fMs VESTIGATION. Shokin At Raidn a ost Bya vote or 19 teo7,,the board of!LPr on nty R esent ri BuJ-rI isors Monday p. m. exonerat-LaeCut Cuss e- ed (oîîty hysclani~r A . Bovneral Sorrow Among His from 'h- varions charges of mîsmen- MayFens eseni.nt whichlied been placed ___ hl Nt 'ise Welcli, to>M er ieed Dr. A. E. Brown. nurs, el the county bosPital vhen the GEORGENOTET INS toard sdopted Ibis report mede by i ANN0T P O U EDeaT oe TOu hIS m ort fthe speciel investlgetlagDarLue:Vnhe (ulniIt--.named lesqt March. r 1 1 TATbeen gnod to me.,e My ~Vaîkîgan ni, IEL God bless you and have EFIC~IENT merATy on me. Good bye. June 7, 191-) .r GEORGE', T(, ftirfle, C~'hIe(ail'niaîî BUT $3.00 PER D.&Y il i E-lt ()f-<iltli, i <)r< \Geor9p Quentinl, until recePntly of l' 'SIlpip.- soî-s of Lake Business Men of City WiII Not Lhertyville and at one time chaîrnian îîîuv, IIinis: NegectBusiess a Of 1ci ortthe countY board of supier- t' Il<li ti1 eg't usfor toOfic vîisors,wlien lie vas superviser troni I\e ll p atefo the L.oufty. v'ernon township, commulted suicide iiiliti l. ii lii Sdlil iltitln Chicago, F'riday afternoon. June Il. ii.r t iti sa idi lii Gid tii 111- ltalpih .1. Dady, statëes attoriiî-y, ilo- Fils body vas found tnae hait flled Vi-ti~îtî î-iiîg'~ against tlfid Ille lake colînt>- board of super beliîtub and the ges wes tnrned on, in ti-l ak- itv liospital visors on \Ionday that il vas unies- his home, 4325 Wllcox avenue. lie )î-. A.1-:. B'uwfu. for*- tliem <neîîy judgeesud etecks I as deed vhen found by neiglibors E.tti I w 11'g s -a1 eo!r'-ectionumore than $3 a day. ln nthe fiat building whO ametted the i ~ i***t ~past veeri; judges and clerkslo elec. gaand hestened te the fiat F0 meke tM î-- oi(iîtM i--t a dlate lion have recelsed $5.00 a day- the gliaslly disoovery, hîrs. Quentin fi ilhr'a-iiî a I i-l a ndatu This question suggesîs itgle %it lwes eay et the lime. 1îîiîi~h-i îiîîi--sut'th- ~jî jLake county lie able to enîptov effi- When the neiglibors reeclirdFlic iîeî-iit~ tV- -ar'fîii fai-cient hlpI tp sin I ost Important leec room, they fonnd the gag esceping fait* tie Hn matter et tht. saley' ele rom an open jet and the mens body lvandines -ta eonsîdeî- No! Laie county vilI not btabc lay la tlie saîf-filidbetlitnb. Lite iil al tht'e idenee 1)l'odiit'Pd. to preeure elicient bnlp taytng JI3lied been e;tinct for s0o tinte. W"t- havc'e viîîeiîîd<d that the a day. filvas difftuit tu determîffe-wietli- innae ii-îît of the ILak#- I'euld Dn'l Graay, istmester, tr hie dcatli vas duc te drownlog or 'oîntvIlopiai nd r. led Churchill. president ot the ePc to asphyxiation. but the blele 9thet lin,ýI)ia and -1. c nriy Tille and Trust iolsan 3:1 it vas due te tlie effects of the gas 1.. Bîî ik îivi' lotie theiî Frank Bealey, James Nterchent orJ fumes more then te the vater,, but. WL îrk effie-itntiv, ahiv and aoy one other of the efficient judges; it Io clearly apparent thet Quentin <-r îlts-eflntîsir andi eonsidecr who have served Waukegen on more, vaated to make sure that either one. thie aliirift la ccn iitahie to tocate lbem eand lie ha- leen înformed Ihe te tellnws have s ilîîied oui ot tovu. Here la boytiliaipenid A few ia3 s ago flic laIes attorniey ceused the arresi of Iire elleged Highvood blind ptggers. The mcei veme liroitiht liene quietly, were ar- reignei ln court and their bonda vere fixki. None ut then' cere al t secure a bondsmen. Inteai of cens- ring tliem to he locked up in the county lait as la custumary in sncb cases, the satees attorney ta said to have per- mittri Fise men lu aigu their ovu bonds, vhtch ln ilseif la cuasidered rether e remerkable proceedlng. Tliey vece then elloved lu returu to their homes ln Highwood. Tley lied flot been home an baur, it la setd, vlien eveny bttnd plgger ln the Cty kncv aIt the details ufthFli case and vere evere tliat tliey mîglît le thet nexi lu lie ancested. There vas e grand scurytng and vlien Ilie heil! eturned ta Higli- vuod to meke other erreste hl vas im- posaible 10 finid eny ut the mca againet vhom informations bail bea, Ied. Tisey lied maie good Fliir excellent oppotunir 10a escape. It le eald that lied the situation been planned cars- tully lit couli not have vorkei out betten to defeet the ends o! justice. Just vhy the stete's attorney shouli have alloved the thremen cata ratura 10 Higlivood t10 up off liii band ls not knw, but negligence ssems telie thc alceat charge thet couli be maie. The Ilire men vbo vers aliowed ta etuna, and vlio are sali ta have tipped off tise Higlivooi mca. are: Frenk Inon, Ois Sie e nd John Kofft. Accomding lu une Higliyooi man Flic elleged systemi of seiling liquor ln l-iglivuod vas vorkei out smoothly. There vere men vho actci as "mii- dlemen" or "go-etveens.' la ts sai. When e man yislied lu purcliese a pintut ovhiskey lie vent tuoune ut these mdiiemen and gave hlm seven- tyfive cents, it lis eseerîci. Tlie mii- dieman thea vent tu the men vbo reely sold Flic liquar, it secms. and purcliec the plat for sirty-flve cents.i lu this vay le maie a dlean profit ut ten cents on ecdiplat soli. As a re- suit ot the statesa attureys allegcd cancleemnese, Iltalebelicîci thet tise chaences ut posecuttng eny liquor dealers ln Higlivooti is very remote. It vouli seem tFlat the Higbvood blini pig cases viii have la go avec'j until the altegei violaturs retura. if lhey ever du. FORMERLAKE BLUFF PAÀST OR DIES Dr. leaiel Villars, former president uf McKendree college, Lebanua. Il. and a former claialan l the Joliet penteatiary, as velI as a former Lake Bluff pasftur for yearis. dlei Saturiay ln is home ln New Lenox, Ill.aillhe age of 76 yers. Dr. Villen vwas aq mintster ln the NMethodisi Bplscopal churcli for more tIen flfty yeems. and in 1909 vas eledisi iepsmtment chep- lain, Grand Army of the Republic.1 He servcd Ilirougli Fli civil ver as e corporeilnlaCompany D, Tisird Illinois lnfantry. He vas presiient uf Me- Keaicce coilege titrie er. He la1 surviveci ii a vidow and unt son. Dr.1 U. S. Vlljars o! Minaeapolis. Indepeaisat resier? 819 ONEL Waukegen, June 12. Attorney James G. Welcli las jult returnci trom Miahvakead..vlicrc lie attsndcd the funeral of hie sister, Mins Mary D. Welch. Mr. Welcli vae called tu Mishivaka about ten daysq ago liccause of lie îleter's serious 111- usese., She lied been alling some tlme but lier condition lied teken a rapid tur for the vorse. Her deetli odeur- red on June 8. Mies Welch lied speat the greater part of lier Itfe in Mishi- waks. lieving leen principal o! the liteli chool there for the test Fventy- one yeers. The tuerai vas heid on Thîtreda yeud %Ir. Welcb returned honte Fridey evening. STIFF POKER GlAME TAUfiHIT (UESTS 0f CLUB DY R. J. DADY Bachelor Club Guests Telling How State's Attorney Show- ed 'Emn Exciting Gamne. COt'NTV OF LAKE.1 s State of Iltlinois. % Some ut the men vlio pleyed in the game of poker' et the Bachi- elons' club '.opening" lest Sundey and who vere tanglit boy the nev gaine vas played liy State's Attorney Dady, vondede, visea tley ceai of the 'con- spiracy' charge vhlch Dady liai maie agelnst %lesire. Smithi and Wcster' field Thursiay before Ihe grand jury. If Dady himsecf miglit not Indtcectly le eneverable tueIlie charge of 'con- spirecy" te separate thcm from their moacy. A geme of poker vas being played et tise clublionse Sunday vlien Dsiy wal'ied inta the room. Watebing tise players fora mineute l -jesaid te have remaarked: "t knov hoy te meke a better game out of that-it's Stifter." And, accocdiag tW feilova vlio played in tise game, lie proceeded te show tliem the ncv geme of poker, He Sliovcd 11cm hos' "te straidie the ente,' and. as ons man; sali: 'There vas $16 in the pot betore ve rellzcd thet there val any money up at &Il.' "Dady sliovsd us how the nov gaine vont and Il sure vas a atifer oaseail right." said one man vlio vhile lie dida't mourn the lots of his money, ise la ie lieyes opened isswen orosi Thuradays paper on vhat vas non- stltuted "consplracy"' and vonieeed Just 1ev fer Flie terin mit apply 10 tht nov game visicis Daiy touglit tliem on Suaday at the. Daciselora' club. Thiri lake. stete of Illinois. and la vlieishlis as a bose. Thse ques- tion la his mini le: Was It a square geme of Poker? flair explained that an Antiodli se- loonkesPer lied'teagt hlm tise gaime and Ils "stiffnesa' (mneanlng thc amount of money quickly von or lost) vas vliat maie It thse more Internet- lng to play. He vas very familier vlth the deteils of boy Il wored ont andi the pupils ho tauglit vere apt ail riglit and listencd itilieagenenss they recallci how. for ysars provious eci yeer this seme stete's attorney et tlie Bcelsors' club opeaing. bai been a member of their poker gamnes and frequen4ly lied cerried off the vininge. A game of "draps" procecid e thtie piace durlng the eternoon. and vhlle Ptate's Attorney Deiy vas not sen tskmeg srt lain t t slaid tliat et ons tlirow of the dice et oas tîme $70 citangetihanis. An'.i vliat lie thougist about tise Poker geme vhtch State's Attorney Dedy lied teught îlem, one o! the men viso took part sai: "Ih may b. aIl rlglit for fellove like tise Aatlocli saloonkeeper and flair (vlio drava $5,000 a Yser of the county's moner ta provint poker gambltng, etc., la- steo.d of TEIAîCMING the gemel vlio have lots o! uoaey, tu, play IL. But, tfcreaf eliow visa likes ta play e dollar Iimit, il sure le too sif. vsweplay. si lit only a littIe vhllc and quit. The stiffaea of tise ente mey appeal to Dady but It vas tue strenuous vush us vlio arent gettlng $5.000 e rear of county moaey," MRS. COOPER IS DEAD IN HIONOLULU This dealli notice IaPPeara lnaa Honolulu paper wvihuelliebeen me- cetvcd by Mrs. John Swaaliroogh of Waukegan: Cooper-In Fort Lhfer, Honolulu, May 26th i,dîln Minkia Adler Cooper, vite o! Fred CL W, Cooper of Uic United States naval training station. Pesi Herbor. aged 52 reers, Funeral private, Mfr. and Mns. Cooper vere veli Irnova in Weukegan. liavlng llvei hoere for some years. He vas trans- ferred s couple o! yeers ego and since tbhansekept cloaely ln tond vwiti bis frlends here hy vriting. The many frienia ot the family vill ceciofthîe deatis ut hie vite vith mueli regret. I NDE PENDENT Seven Men Meet With Injury Sunday Evening--Taken ta a ChicagoHospital. One man lied his ,oiig(d out, atsîtî.r iad a ra i tri .ii1a Ihîrd lied lts riglit car eut offt, and four ottiere cecelvcd bruîse-, about the1 liead and body Sundaue wheîî a hîgli1 powered tourlng car, osoeil and driv' en liy Herry Peterson. e Cirago ceai- dent turnei turtie ,îî <ater's bridge neer Libertyville. The tnîîîred men were rnslied 10 Libervi lIe ln auto- mobiles vliene tiseir Injuries vece dressed ly Dr. Stcien.,. and et sevra forty-five thes- vere îeli'-îi o Chicago *on a St. Paul train. The mea vers1 eturnîng l) ho Cbso ftrmMilwaukee, Wic., vhen the acci- dent occurmed. Il scems liat Peter- son vas nont equainted wtth the coeis la tlie stcinlty o! Liliertyville, sud lie opencd lits throttle to male up bei tlime. Betore lie could siacken sPced bis machine svervcd tb anc aide of the road, turned a compiets Rmmersautt and then tore tiseonglia fence et the roed aide, AI! but Peter- son vere Ilirown from thc mechine. The steering gear blidhlm la hie seat, Womcn lntnhFicnelgliborbood ruasi vii tavteis and bandages 10 tic up the vounis of tise Injured men go that tliey could lie teken tW the duc- tor's oflicc, A Sun correspondent vas uneble to learn the names o! tise otiser six odeupants ot the car. Tise vreck- cd machine ia letng iseli et the Uàl- ertyville garage. Several other par. sons have met wlth iaury eithtie samne cuivemt, and ait accidenta vere due tu, negligence. Bli CAR DITCIIES SALLER ONE; DRI. ' VER BREAKS 1WRIST Clientes Holmberg. a chauffeur, vas lajured severeiy Pmlday aiglit et 6 o'- dlock vlien twu autos. one of wviie la Raid to have beca going thirty-five miles an hoar, craslied tokethem near the Highland Park higli scisool. Hoim- berg vaa ditviag a car ovned by Jo- sepli Medill Petiereon. et Liliertyvilie, lite employer. The otiser beloage ta Mayor Samuel Hastings of Higlaind Park and vas driven by Ernnest Nel' son. No une but tise chauffeur@ vere in Uic cens. Hoîmberecar vas as maîl anc. vhile the Nelson car vas e big anc. Haimbemgsys lie vas Jogging aloag1 vissa Nelson came aioag9 about 46 miles an houm, shoved hilm inta, the sude of the rudai nd, ln the Impact, his smallcr car vas tIrova averad o1er et least tliree times. Thet Holm- berg escaped without biag kllledE saeted avoader tW hlmaad others[ vbo ?xnew the circumatences. Holm-1 bcrg's vnist watt disloeeted and lie1 othervise vas hadly brui.ed, Nelson stopped bie car, pickedi Hoimberg up and crricdi hm to Lili-( ertyvîlle wlicre Dr. Taylor inessed bIsi injuries.1 C. W. Buck. chaiiftter for J. Ogden1 Armour et Lake Forest, vas arestei ton spcedlng ln Winnetka. Hie casei vas caatinued. The score vas evened up vhen Mrs.ï James Houghteling of Wnnetka pald e fine of $5 liecause ber mortor vas speeding in Lake Forest. LF LF bLIÈ ~LF LF LE LE ~LF NEW INDICTMENT RETURNI3D AEiAST CARL WESTERFIILIJ SENSATIONAL TURN CAME WHEN JURY SET ASIDE USUAL PRECEDENT AND ASKED FOR THE DE- FENDANT IN ORDER THAT MORE THAN ONE ýSIDE OF CASE MIGHT BE HEARD- DADY SEEKS SECOND IN- DICIMENT AGAINSI FOR- MER OFFICIAL-EFFORT MADE TO INDICT A LAKE CO. SUPER VISOR BUT RE- PORT IS EFFORT FAILED. Steteas Attorney Dady Thuraday and F1ýid&y brouglit listre the grand jury former employez of ex- County Treasurer Westerfield'a of- fice and the report aprezd thut he wua aaklng for a second Indiet- ment against Mr. Weaterflold, the latent requent lielng for an lndiot- ment charging hlm with. "stuffing the payroll' of th. treaaourer's of- fice whill ho wu@ treaurer. Mr. We.terfleld w«a in town ail day au a reluit of having fumlished the $5,000 bond Thuraday on the "«conapiracy" lndictmnent, the bond lieing slgned by W. C. Upton and. Or. F. C. Knlght. Carl P. Westerfield. former county treesurer,' Friday a. m. eppeafedl hs- fore the grand jury and lntormed thet body that lie was ready to anever eny and ail questions concsrniag tihe county treasnrer'e office during is terza.'Mr. Westerfteld said lie liet nothtng to conceal and did not tou.r any cross-examlnetion and was readY to place et the disposai ofthIle gend jury eny and ail information lis lid This frank action on thse Part of 1Mr. Weeterfleld won for lii. the cont- dence of the grand jury. Tt Is very unusnel &o an eocused individuel tW go before the grad Jury. whoae liocringe are sa-perte, the &L cusersaelong lioing perniltted te ire- sent their side. in tact, the accused lias a riglit under the constitution of the United Status, and of ths att Of Illinois, to refuse tc, appeer. la the. eerly history of the lav, it vastise customn of the 1evw pcrb the. accouo from among lits friende andirelattvoas and get bhlam ta tuar-OisMbot aMd submait hlm to ae pilling oeooUi- Ination and thon moite.nue t 1h18 la formation et hietrial. Tisis UMO- ac metliod of criminel Procodwto ba liss a aolisl"iedtasvery otrilleand country. Beno la thse trial oi a va- suit. the accueed cennot b. Maie tu take the stand and the stteOs itar- ney cenm>t rai attention' to bis m. fuat to teetl!y. Hovvr, ater Mfr. Weeterfil tli d the. grand jury lis lid aotising teo ea- cool, lie laid hlie viaiso eanever aMW Questions tisoy miglit ask -i.. la tact Mr. Westerfleld signel Issus and delivri tisute 1Mr. Diady. wtv. las his constitutioul rigit to eieàs In testify and glving thse state the riglit to use anytising lo ie lat my betoro the grand jury sas evidqao against hlm, on bis trial Inter. Hov- ever. vlien the state's attomraoybum aeking Mr. Westerfleld questions, ou. of tlie body feeling that l w»eaduir to Mr. Westerflsld, advined Mfr. Weo- terfild flot te place hlmueit nlabth liande of the steteas attorney la tbst feeliion. Mr. Wenterfieid vas thon oxcused and the grand jury voted unamailus ly not ta boer fram h il. But SMr. Westeelra vilwlingmffl to anaver eny and ail questions vas very cOnvlnclig evidenc thsaI ho bas no case to trames up or anytising to Snceesl concerning the coaduct of bis obce. Ilte a Wall keovn tact th"± Mre. WestesEield'a immediato iweooces- sor la ornes took e large sum o! Mon- ey front tic county. vlisreas. Bir. Weaterdold turned over every dollar of the oouniy"s money 10 bis suoccese or, erceptIt nterest on county tauda vwhicis ail former county trelleuus have kept and vhlch la a dlspated metter. andI nlieritance tex ooiBd ilone concening vlichlitise Suproas court ln the rase o! tise Puepe va. Jouies, laid:" The county ba no tu- terest la thonstunds." la nviewofthe l eu aicumbency of -Nir. Westerflolancontrast i vIIots of hie predecMalor, many cgthe gMzel jurors tes t tla very untafr te tu,- tiser prosecute Mr. Westot'ild. Il te understood that the gpend Jury Ibis morning. vlien Mr. Wotooli vas ralied la, vas lnvestlgattla"g lb.bis turaod la by Mr. Wenturfold for cloe lire aad the questions liai mo lisa- ing on tlie ladfltment o! reserday. Try Anoho. Ilietiflnt. It vas repocted about the court house this noon tisat St&asAMtume Dady lied esked th. grand jury tu, r.- lurn an Indictaient ageinet a certai supervisor. charglng iliat b.oviolaffl the lev In that lie vas InatrumeaWa ia seliing to the county certain ater- lai vliereas ths e a a mmber may moieenosli or make no oeu- tract vith the board f ho b. intpest- rectly. Atter thie metter had lissa oslor-kie ed for some'tlme it lo reporte&, oUwe- tigation sliowed thet tihe auowluo la question vas$flot à meuleret tse <Conttl on dffl 1im ~s).