Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jun 1915, p. 11

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LAX~ COUNTY TNPEPIVQtENT, PT~TDÀY,_J~\T 1P, 1~l5. Page Three. fÔisTs FAVORk I ~MAT0N F A i*UT0CLUB IIRE -.Fe:i Thatl:Wo:Id Add Greatly,1 ing Automobiles. Pr'm t imet0untie there have been * UsggstiOuis made that Wankegas idould bave an automobile club but et, tu thé present time nothlng ever 0118 Coule. of Il. At Uie present tine *oiire are several automobile ownrs Wh. lare agtatlng the meve and they *iY théY hoPe te have semething t§ mt tis way, on of theni MI mii.there are more automobiles i Waiqmsn than ever before and the ilomber la Increaslng constantly. It Id safe te gay thal there tu nt an- Oither citY of thîs airs in the tate, gsrhapa in the conntry, wich does blot have a strong and enthucaatlc Qtlornoble club. "There are many thinga whicb such ,Jloranzation can do. One of thé! lugen.ll that tboy can work iaward a po. end. That la, they eau werk - or better roads and for better con- ditions. eneraliy. This lo oly one «f the gbooaffetsl. Thé pleasure aide ethe sltaion mont nt b. bast algt cf. By worklbg togther thé ulante- biats ea secure much more enjoy-1 ment out o thir cars. 1 weuld Ulke1 te have thé autoelauget together et a meetai id fuel cenvlnc'd h4tt they wold se. readiiy why ne more Umne uhovX belut. Vour q3g tir. But. Another cert. Inty la that every yeungster wilo revolis lni the compai- lonshlp ot a falbtul mongrel pup that la ail bis own 'Iili refuse te accept the dictum ot the iudges ai the West- mînter I<errrel club show Chat a par- ticular wlre-lraired fox terrier le 'the beat dog ln the UnIted States."-Tope- ka Journal. - IN 1TUN1KI AT ÔO9 T SW11RJDAN Captains,Lieutenants and 'Non Côn' of Ililinois, Wisconsin and MichiganStudents. Thc unseen army, witb la Invisible cavalry iu lie van, came charging acrosthc Fort Sheridan drill grounds Sizty offileers et Uic cavalry of the. Illinois, Wiscensin and Michigan ne- tiena] guard swept eut in close for- matIon tu meet theni. The mounted offlicers "shadew-box- cd' wlth the ahadow tee for four heurs In clese and extended order, charging. rctreating, mneunted and atot, offens- Ive and defenulve. Ali ibias anie of make-belleve la part et a daily drill given commission- e.! and non-cemruiaaiened omfcers at the camp of Instruction establlshed this wcek at Port Sheridan. The first day's Instruction was haro- pered by rain and cold. but Miai- M. M. McNamee, lnspector-instrnctor in comn- mand ef the camp, pointed ~tthai reai warfare seldo wnsfr better wcather. %o, troin 7:30 until 11:30 a. ni., the boraes and men alaahed around In the rand. Tuesday thre study In tactes was repcated, under more aualicious clrcimstances. Map-Making CotirsO Giveis. Tire lieutenants and nencommusten- cd offlerSn studicd the principies of ruad aketchlng and map-maktng. Ap- plicatton of simple tuathematics to meet conditions sncb as mlght risc Ini tUmeof war was taught by Capt. J. E. Hlenphill. During thé sanie period Uic captains were given a course ln the rudinri nrs lecture by Maj. %ItcNamee. of troop administrtionl and miliaryl The lessonq of lbhe week's course ln bookkeeping. The problems coniu-c:t-iwar wlll bc applicri alien the mltia cd with the lanrug of loh*..and and the regulars îcriiiiýui a two-day other army property were dis' u svd. bufftle July 4 and 5. Cait. E. M. MsrOoe, statloned at For-t Sheridan, waa thie Instructor.- Wbcn the clansMOM work 'easl- I1hUk<M 'Ear ished the nonoomlsioned iricera LFRED SMNITI marched out for practice lnthite ruap j pinof~ia the fort'& topographIy and DE DA ltSH fI Survpying Equlpoient Simple. The arinad carried ne survu>,itîg In- strumenta or heavy eqUllîmelîr p:aci 1waukugan, lirîlu 16. manl was provlded witlr a pock, r rom- Alfred Smithr , 50yêars old, îîassed pasa, a pencil, a blocIl of elo4cly ruled away at hie home orn Oak Street at paper and a drawing board. tour clock Tu"eday aflernoon, .-l- itoad angles and Clirves were plot- iewing an Iiness of abouit teri mon'lm' ted carefuliy and the recordii laid He lied been confined to his bcd a away pending the lime they shorîld large part of the tume. be ut use ln the July sham bartic Pcb- Mr. Smith was bor i n Nua Yor, tween the First cavalrY regimiert, 1. state but bad lived in Lake count ci N. G., and the regulars statiorird at a number of years. lie Iived in IlIgh-1 the fort. Wood some tlme where he coîiduct- Rule* Make for Efficieflcy. ed a buffet. Several years ago hc moved to Waukegan and cperiedlicb These rudes, Capt. MeGeo esj.lalned, Blne Ribbon buffet un Waslitoni are designed. to gave tliclhorsc as Street. 1-eter be conducted a bufftte mucîr as possible,.,liisuring r ýg reat- ai the sontheast corner oft (inuse ci- efficliey In time of nel and Water atreets. IbIs last place o!ý The instruction ln ridlng wahi ad- business was ln the building îîow oc-! varice rapily each day until Satrrrday, cîriied by the Heidelberg holel. whcrr dashes over high htirdljî i and If dbenalgaouay-rbt uneven country .111 occuli tii.atien- labohut emnt alng aoteca uar bu îtioni oftheicofficera2aottnmoteaote orlir Today care of nieunts wiîl b, taiig1w t obis lieallb became sncb that be lîy a veterînarlan and each offierP will ha1ogc pbs uIes ic bc obliged te _peck -a saddiu. Tent that lime bis condition gradirally hrad pltcbing, the establishment ot a shel- growo worse. ter tent camp fer a troop, will bc on liesides a wifc bc leaves two chl- the programn for the atternoon Thurs- dren. a son and a daugbter. The [at- day. ter la Mrs. Don M.%alrom of Chi-ago. On F'riday the squadron will go on Funeral flday mornlng at ten e'- a practice mnarch, seiid eut an advance ciock troin the home. The Eagles of guard. hait, pitch camp and establiah Highwood will have charge of the outposa. Satnfiiay problema o! at- services. Mr-. Smith had been a mem- tack and troop management ln the ber of thîs order for a number oft 1field and camp Will be the subjectaet years. Burial ln Oakwood cemetery. =. ~* r! s I I the t ru. mm' o ilae but Mis A FEW MORE BAT8 LUttkLIA! hePrintizess Stock LS H IS Lw lu LUSE 105- 107 North (ienesee Street, Waukegan, 111. LS H Cbat there are thousands of dollars worth of the mosi desirable mercliandise ln this sale whic'h MUST be sold. tovcaetes rmCe t ne adr)hrtanhv teladod og orgod u o h sre w n Weo eI*,1 o vcaeVtese OLLRemSOaTHe, Nd ME RCIthan have thelnior mvk oragods ter n th sret we or i éy t an Io put it into service at this gigantic sale. -,-YoOiul reap the benefit of from 100»t 200 per cent dividend.- O0F NEW HIGH CLASS SPRING AND, SUMMER MEKICANDISL SANIFICEO VIUTHOU;iT SISARD 0SF Don't b. one of the tew Who have misssd thus once-in-8-ifetime chance Extra spocl Beautiful 10.00 Lingerie Dresses i.oÔ Extra Speal Women's 3.50 Shoes, high and low styles, up-to- date lasta 1.69 Extra Speclai Women's 35c ,Houe, Fast Black, now 19C. 5.00 ne w 2.00 wash waists 69c Children's Coats, regular price* to 5.00 1ý.79 Ont Lot Mualin Undû~wear, worth to 50c a gprment 1cj Extra Speolal Women's Stylish Suits, $15 value 2-98 Extra Speclal Womens' Coats New 10.00 styles, now- Extra tpeoial Boys' ani Gi"ls' Summüev Union Syits wth 35c Women's Medium *elt Mnon St£Metor make, ankie lengtli 75c quality 9c -' 1. Extra Specil Childî'eî'si 50c Gingham DIressem 17c Extra Special Women's Shots and Oxfords, one big lot, snall sizes ' 49c Extra Specl Veats, Pants anid IUnion Suits, klht feece lined 65e value 37c utI ew spri $ New 4.00 Ail Wool Skirts 1.95 2.00 Leather Hand Bags, sale price L89C Extra Speclal Womnen's 2.00 Wash IDresses 59C Extra Speclal Women's Black Rlose, high grade 9c Extra Specîaî Women's Summer Weight Veats, sale pnice Ikautîtul Styles ni 8.00(K $kirt' 2.98 Boys' and Girls' High Grade Shoes Worth to 2.50 1.48 300 Lingerie W'aists, 1.00 value 25c Extra Speciai 1.00 Auto Caps, s11k anîd poplin 39c Extra Special Boys' Suits, worth rezularly 10 5.00 2.29 Extra Special Big Table Full of 5.00 Silk Walsts Great lot of new Si' e98 dresses, worth to I1110 And ha wmore de~ys it will be. GONE. Too late then to wish you bad haie heen heère. In justice to yourself and your money you should flot let ANYTHING keep you fro'm thI4 great dolsing-out sale of 008?s N I 1 1 i , 1 I 1 CELEBRATE ItII LAKE COUNTY'S BI4IGEST BEST CELEBRATIO14 UNDER AUSPICES 0f NORTHI CHICAGO BUSINESS MEN AND PROGRESS CLUB Étnest Park ln Lake County One-Half Mils Lake Front Artesian Water Comfortable Seats Plenty of Shade TaPAR You Corne StétCar F* s PAI andYou tojtfloy cFriends Thon Walk M 11IIOIIOAIO, ILL. wiIi Do MIoNDAT, JULY 5 i Park Especl'ally Equipped for Children Five Play Grounds Swings Slides Glant Striges Shutos Hamrnocks Trapezes Etc. Bail Gamnes at1O:30 Dancing 3:00 p. m. a. m. and 3:00 1'tii 12 i n pavillon Races and Alil Manners of Contests Good Prizes Grandstand for Spectators Brass Bands and Prichard's Orchestra Magn1ficent fireworks Display EVEIIYS9IE iNVIITES Te Fous Park, Mer% Oblsage, &W 6 -1 1

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