Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jun 1915, p. 12

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i .RAILWAY COSULTAYOR Stand Ready and iHling to DlscussFranoblu Matter. Wfth City Officiais. TO REPAIR THE PAVEMENTS. Mateilal Has Been Ordered and Work WIII Commmnoe Within a Few Days. Watr m. Johnson, son cf Reolver W. 0. Johnson of the Chcago & MU-. w*uke e trlc rallroad, bcld a short fi«CO vltii Mayer William W. p.«Set noon Wedncsday t tihe ý-Ilunimof vhlcii Mayer P«So an- rnorliSd the. recelver of tihe electrlc vaa agala willlng and anxious to dis- " a sfranchise.. «The officiais of the, road assured u~tiit th. materlil liad been order- .4twtd tint vithin a tew daY& work ioWld commence on reparing street n.4clents whlch bave been dainagcd, Scômpany's trachu," said Mayor baies. He aisa lnformod a Sun re- _porter that the railway officieis hadl ,oM him that they 'wouid be vllling to e 5ue the franchise matter wth tblmcouncil et an" tîme the mayor X la kaowu that Matyor Pearco diG ýwfttîhii receiver of the road ak ies~Imedlate stops h. taren In r& psu' fe brick pavement on Franliln g cii.... streets. Tiie officiais in boiaga today informoid Mayor ##4t" Uht the. material iiad boeel or #4p ffuandthnt vork of robUildini the fppsien-ta vouid atart as aoon as it p4pe cevrsaàprotection. UtalmudkW, paper over. are t &W lg prmsorlug the. (rock &p at bocks, but iloitiier tii. a~ am e i.felluâ 0f a =oed lwe a m. UWI, rtho.. vho ~iio1eeto<te limcovers aR» Otn<. Wcblua labotter thm. tub" a per. «Oept lins8~ momas, asMi ozUnple, thé. Uooi*, sela very gocE hbuas. Îkuo sbouli b.hovered vltb ite mrtiera parts of Norway and mm"exton Sup Into the, Aretis llUe tii.southewn parta oem OMM o elatitude of Oaiov; o 60'thavidtu:between the. tempratrest thm ceuh* ou" ii sm appllo. te Canada. g as atbtUg impeoved byIse «very weIl bell. eIL," eid hokblujuimealng vtb toéneCauseW f afrmouy. & bo4lor manfes juit be& tIUioIOCk te make a »tua * 7An AfA m Teo-ret &tb.aia tetoc fat. vigorous mas- «~l ep te redue.; bût abould b al Mmrthe. soulder; sud. of I il vere a vet sheet bob.te asbtab, twist thie ~WIvlt a rlnhngmotion. Go .wthe mutre ams la this var 5»V - Une. Gothe and the. Cherry Tie Wbien1Ivasla boy, 1 Planted a 'Ly tre. and vatched lis growtb dâà bt Prlag frosfta kMled the ~~crn a~ ih"adto, ait anotiier libre the chierries Worm rip- g the. bl*ea. theni; anothor year rst'pMiwlar; tbon a grcedy nolgh. 'o:thex the bUiglt. Nevrthoiess. Z .l bave a gardoa agatn, 1Ishah # a eMe-ri trsl--Go«etie ; D;4 OleaHaaiedDvii MUbbthe b. oirPatriarche dldnt rail su paur dfféent ind afl e focs.becauë îiiy bwwt muboetors tebaud thions 4*avÉulty. Oonscuonty their Mna cutanty b.. » a ve-ours today. For Umteola no redsrco.iluvery fliteratres te a eldIn luti ~'The roce a"sudRomanes soc ~, bosaUteiont peoples te suier - &ry 4?ta~ 7<ome} .Cei.ron.r Prupared EspeciaIIy Fer This Neuspaper by Pïécorrui Rwîoew EELTSD JACKETSMr'Il 12r ZD'8G8C1 * ~The. b.ltadffect, vilchigiveo the tuilnows tic cffect of being talcen lni w lth aide leats. la thepronounced feature Mhhe coat vih iformaes& part or tuia shphiciha chech costume. A white tctb Xoclar aUtlcd ieith blach 6263 mWad OuMbie .V-siiaped neclc. sud the Aleevo.have tvo smais. nh. skiSNon. ct Cie ncv blith-watted = edeLa, trlmmsd down the. tIeMnt vitb s. roisof buttons, Heavy wilk a4pvratiihebuttons, vhich appetir Veer attractfrly ase upon the. front ac.ggse f the. coat. The entire ctgm reqires 4% yards 54-inch awtm*t ivtii éyard 001k for the, lànp9ttlaq a tailorcd coul the, aight- ss: acoracv meane dlsaster. By ro- icrnite Uic cuttlnc guide l vilii ho ngiid t(t the. front of thc coat. :PUWeOO a lenehiîsthroad cf the. nite*Silnos carefully placed that Ib~hlin. recta directîr againet thc cev '~ftii. check, ville thelower % tcefrot la removed about eh.As silsht asu cedifference u* li, t affecta the lino of the. coqst ' front, therefore the. pattera #ôtbe lid4 witii mathematîcal pre- etslcenntic nlaterlai. To the. rigit of tic flInt la plaeâthtei underfaclng. 1 hoiong the, lengthile fojd of * ~ ýe ecleI laid the bock. sud iteih lét the baUc 4ic e elaiu 4d boit. If tii. heme dr*makar proes.the. o*e'i oe»cut Ott edffl or square 441ar. "sun derfaclng on single 8@0611."'Perforations. nac%, ab kund colar witiiout revers la gil by cutting out neck cdg. of *M nt~sd cu&tUtoff upper cdg, cf uopdiaalg n doubla "ce" perfora- tliia The. lceghiofthe jack«. mcenbe r*%amfflaa«Ordint te the. fancy or the we&VW. snge "ol perforations bing iriof4d orsuch rcg"ula. n~If Isu exceclent on. for ioQ~o.Mtldor Uiir pre.enoemay usttchingaet brald. haotslt re'Oimong Uic AsmcitatIor udIAe lashcp- 1e ~menbers ef Miiery Land. but orE hecaving a bited coat sud Tý*cqovns ctbiack velvet upos straw Mtgb.Waaul dcrculâr chut.', feuad.fla s elovely snd fashonabie. OiMM MM 62Ma9a Pictortai Revew Cet No. 6243. 8Mmes le;1Sle5 Md 30osuer Uhit Neý 978. Mis«s14, Id. 18 sud 3Sirspçs. "Prie cets Pries. il &d3l44rd ÇtiCl Y(omne Dre..Iaf p X0,on. Prupared Especially For -This Ne"spàpcr b7 Pictorial Revieu S.MT KIW 6273 Fasiilonable circulakr sirt with tiiree-pWec yoke. It la mad" t chiffon J~.yE wLm OSiecl~l eniphasie ou J- àtg«tii. clIlnng shirt. Ailof the. n4 404«el 10 a dectded fiare. sa- ,oel vUwtie hipo.the circulai psodi-oow)mhenla made of chiffon ludePSiches vide be- =21u4 26r avergige aise. Tbi* guet'proper la cut on a folA cf anatagt.l. but beonus o Mthe. extra vidtIlit k aessayte lay the, pet- tubn iqr t ~ma cngon an c0.Peu vidtb cf tbe goods., The front of the yoho resta, m the fold. to the lich 0f the shirt Whgo tle ti.bock lasrranted on tih. qpern atoiial viti Uic plchng. 4fte Ohng the yokem are Jolnod as«ot «ter vhieh the. lover edg. latrt qnar on ali perforations sw thMat tI. eoauca be lapped on te thc *Miuit.osctoipto emal 1oWperforations. Týqo 'pai stress cannot be pMSod on f4 ,eopty of bavlugt the notches. Mg st.-*Srnts and bock edges cven. Théul ettols scnd donc about III £ii th fru tiifodcdcdge. DFor tiic lait tou4hssclose thbtad ssm tmm pJfl "' rfoaton lu shirt eécm. laer dgeandfliih edme qx fer pWçete ..nebgltUg uaed sould ho abcut 2 in4he videsudli etItcbed te poi. ticit uoderns.h the. upper edge of the Yeuw the igivoatl support. Of =.yej to i nt tion tc add thaolii 1, could ho used =ore et. tte" trrtienbraid MAY ASK A 'LARGER SUMi Speolal, ïMiftl gWas CalIed by- Fowtomilssioners and htayou'W. W. Pearce. 1h. e nmanosd commîssioners Of Waukegaa vùI imest in speclal selision ai 3 'cloe'c 'Phursay P. m., at vichh tîme tby viii discuse thie adviffabil- lty cf asklng tth axnav-ra cf Wau- hegan to veoson a $30.000 bond Issue. Rea oiasate, mon and lavyers of Wauhega hlust that a bond Issu. should ho votud no tiiet outatanding dobtu may ho pald and se that Wan- kegan'u credit eu again he estab- Ilshed. % One or two big Eastern fims have lsued ulgiit drafts on the clty viti- n the pet fev days. This tact vas made publie today. The tree sprink- ling machine, purchased a year ago. has not heen pald for, and the citys dcbt te the. Public Service ComPanY of NortiiernIlilinoisaianount'tt, iuliY $20,000. lt le not known whother the com-1 missioners viU decide 10esaffLa$30,- 00 bond tsIMM or whether liey *vii asih a fund auftilcient ta par aIl ont- standing debtË. Amorcan Metorl'fl5. The .nt emnent living histora«s ef American iiialory Incluple James Pbrj Rhode%, Henry Adams, Frederlch j. Tuàrner, nHorb't I, osgocd. William A. Dunnlug. Albert lBusincli Hart. John Bachi MeMaster. J. W. Burgasa, James schouicr, and Charles A. B3eard j~ - t' -t A..". OTRER I~IWA*~TPWk1~tj '~<J~PEfl 1N itTh~ B r) = *~'1 >.~X!I~ ~%fV Sx Notew orthy Suit Valu1,es for SatuXrday Buyers Aspec'al arrangement f six tremendous suit values ourrbs men's store has prepared for Saturday. It surely will be a day of big selling, and we have pre- Pareil for it by providi~i several expert clotbing al%- men for the rush. have done the suit business of Waukegan so far this season, and it has -been.,the big values we have continually offered -our pat 9n that haiwon this deserving business. Visit us tomoerrow. Suits ,-,,at $10 A wonderful value which we know is incomparable. The variety we show #t this price is almost unlimited-in colore, patterns and fabrie. Suits at $1 This is the price many men have been paying us for years, because at this price no other store offers better suit wqrth. AIl the latest models. Suits ol$20 This is the line we usually like our patrons to compare with other store's suits -sold at $5 "They look e» well ando. last as wýeU" one patron has told US. Endless choosing. Suits at -$12 .50 For meni or young men the best groups of low prioed de- pçûdable suits any store can show you. The popular plaids are included. Ail sizes. Suits from the famous makers of men'&.clothes-Chas. Kauf- man.& 'Co.---are priced un- usùally low at this store. You will find,many new Ideas. Suitsu 2 Suite from the House of Kup- penheimerare the better grade suite c#rrIed. exclusively by this stâre. We show a big, new lie-all, size, colore, pattrfiý and fabrics. pae5a ittred of 'lebeec p* nu «coebratai agibor vas 00tWl Woisad tobacco tien - t 1te rne tiat Lamarti rth. svelmaets tneii asMach doai oie, but Lematine fodmte viii Balsas. Cum- j» ê.ke me a saIran vlf mw boutit buoua 9 ~f , 'ofbias SKIPT *"i. immm"itm 10 ahi This 1ù $trtw faRt Heàdqua t'ter s * 1.11irmm di n'nè.w g tçl~ *brand lncv seedion every M syle and a.'reu s' Af - qqý-dc:%W- 1

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