Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jun 1915, p. 9

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LARE COUNTy INDEUPEN I)ENT, S~WAUKEOAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XII-NO. 39. PART Two. LiBERTyYLJ. L77.. FRiDAY.JUNE 18 i, 1915. EIGHT PAGES. 81.50 PER YECAR IN ADVANl1ElW BAIISOW MAUES A DEMAN»STATE'S A1TY. ALSOLIVES UPTOTIIE STTUE Waukegan Superiisor Says Count ~aiAdvisor Should O" arAttend Bo fdtetings. N EED NO HOSPITAL AUDIT. Board Votes Against Suggest- ion--Management of the HospitaiUnchanged. Waukagan, June 16. Ouperviior George Bairtov creaieti a tir ou the boardt toda>' vien bis sa i er s legal question bat been Ë'Taised ou a ruinor inather: -Tie statut. aya plaill>'that bbc saeattorney' or bis assisatu shouiti b. preneut ah ever>' meeting Of the board ef supervisors. 1 vouhd Ilkm te suggeat that the>' b. notitieti that situer oue inut attendi ail future UletInge cf the board ln ortier ta be prfnant ta answer legal questions. Tihe stg(a eattorney' Joat nov ln de- Maading that te tatutebe b lveti op te la dotait, no iet's un heip seo te it that t is-let'. se that be lives up te Il lu this regard. If the. tva staes attorneys haven'btîme te attend our meeting. letffbine another." Clarke. Deerfeiui-<>aalgy)-yoo beliove lu takiug the pa>' ava> froin the. ebection ocileils anti puttlug it In- te lb. logua service, are ycu? (Laughas and amibes on board.) DADY BAVa ME WORKS. Dat>' appeareti before the' boariXand vhs. ot vbat Balrstov euggested, mlt It voltiho a great Inconventeuce for hl~ or Runyord ta attend ail mleeti*sof te hoard. Balrtov ne- Plied Mth b. t If one of te ator- asys titi attend meetings it veuilt 1mise the board flan>' legal misaaes Iuch as thte Dr. 'Brown tovo-year con- tract. Dadi' ihen proceedadte t give an accounting te the board of bis steward- ship of the $6,000 a year Job. He sait that ho bas so man>' teephone calîs sofettimes that lie gets real nenvaus; thaît ho frequenti>' goes te bis affle ilight sandti untisys and locks the doors lu arder ta b. uninoleset-hiâ% Intoreace bolnz Ihat ho vas delvlng fteto legal pointa. He u"dd that whlle otut on count>' business latel>' an tvc occasions ho usoti bis ovu auto, palti for hie avu gazlis anti even dint charge thse Count>' vith a sprtng vbich he broke on bie auto on one cf these trps. He Impressel an the board that he la extrentol> bus>' anti semeti auxiaus/ta have the upervi- mrs feel that ho vas earning hli$s , 000 a year. No Audit ef HoptaL Tii. supervisera hy suanimous vate decide t hat there vas no reason taitave a spaclal audit madse nvcof. the count>' iospîtai but voteti that such audit bu let go until tue next gen- oral audit of count>' records, a yeau- ~fmneit -i.E. A. Sima bad suh- ý.1-c unitheifbd'at 20 a day anti travel- g expenses vlilch accardingi>' is net te b. matie use of. Tise hoard voted te attend lu a kod>' the tuerai ot the late Supervis&' E. W. Brooks of Wauconda Friayiat 2 o'clock. The boardti yl nieet at bbe court boune ln the uflruing andi go eut ln autos. Each mumbor contrihutoti te> a gunerous fend vibh hvictec purcliase foyers. Eloctian Jutigeo' Pa>'. Bairstov movoti that the state's at- tonney' draft a resolutlan shoving that thebo ard goas ou record as tavauing a change lu the iav vhItch ai- Iova but $3 a 24-haur day far lec. tion Jutigos anti cierks, anti askIng tise représaentatives anti senaton tramIbihs disrict te urge egWaîtion vih yl tuaieth ie pa>' $3 for 8 itour' vork, The matter vas dîscusaeti at lengtit but lb vas teareti the la tona near adJourumeut taeinake nev leglshatlon- posstble titis yeer. LEAVE HOSPITAL. UNCHASIG91) One of thse cioslng tulugu done b>' I~the' supservsera Tueutia>' atmroa Lwas te adapt thse motion matie b>' Bu- 5pervisar Wmute of Avon, andi approv- atet c b>'Cosijt>' Dotar Brovn, vhlch orgovitie thtathe , hce$tal committe. - nt Dr. Brova continue OoaiuctU.5 th lb h itbl 1WIrthe mm pm 'a ' - 3ubp-il -k v i.e o DIES' WImU eain aiea>'front honte. 1rottrbiat ne nlent le tuis nothinig bas Iteen SEFIG S N, MSSE arti et hlm. Il the cart i;ti en- l'f t liane at the saine tlutt-.Ihcey JNIF R 27, YEARS Pla> ful>' delanot that the>' wer e go- Ing ta sec 'sbo coubti sta> a wat>yte longeaI. The sister. Airs. tfuma t.talif, Abraham Littlelohn, 77 Years cf .boîin i., hanm Dcccirii-i or OId, of North Chicago Died ler father's death but hi-r iitaith is on Tuesday Night. i tuuuite bu sudi, that sIre wili ttc un- aile to attpnd the funerat. HAD STROKE 0F PARALYSIS.>,,.ûr r Ibail been the hr% er of Son Left 27 Years Ago, Saying He.Was Going to.See How Long He Could Be Gene, th.e father that lisi son rgtIirn te ttlat he might see hlm belore lic t fact It la believeti that hit 'l'lrnîina- tlan to lve until that happy Intiment sholidarrive iawhal enalîlet i h'n te battît' death so perslsloiîîilv. 'rhe MES AN AMPAL »AWIG $11 A DAY- 3 AUTOS START TO FARMERS TO _BUT ISN'T SATISFIED TIIURSDAY ON A COMEINTO OWN 6,000_MI1LE TRIP> R. B. Swift, Libertyville, Be- 1 Dr. Taylor of Libertyville, Dr. fre Supervisors Says Farm- Foley and Nick Wetzel of ers AreNt Up and Doing ~ ~ Waukegan in Party. THE 06JARANTINE MENACES Delares There Is No Reason for Tuberoular Quarantine te Be on Lake County. John LittLejohn tapped en thea 1«Rd manâbecamofsinne tîtiîîîi a te v thtl'sbd of the paternal home andi days betore lbe dieti andti ltrec- R .Slto ietveTedy iwvod hies-handi. agnîze. lts relatives andl b 1>,before the board of supervisors. sait! I"'lb.cilck when 1 can stay away ther Volces. iseme tbings whicli vitally concern no longer." ho. .sughed. There was Evcry linte some one wtîîiill "liter .ske county farmnera. In tact, it tear ln hie eye but ho rled to ok ro o lookent"'fo"" i'I Le would have doue 'evety farmer gooti brave. lit] net Ijeard lu neariy a -t' rniau Thatwas 7 yars qo.hail. cf yrars. But alwi t> t ti , àte have heard what thus up-to-atei Every a y s rlîte ada n wit tiiaîîoinitment. Fome nit 'vý,s -ttfarmner liatito ay 'ou various things Igta>'beard vÀ(ted th.e sofi . the-fanîily long ago am -Wd'lth tln'pertaining tb the. ind ustryluLao "la there a letter here for me tram John I have diletifor tit 'a ihecony - ' ~~MY sOn, John?" ho would ask. wauidmnot 'wrfaidftsrit- iesald ang other things: "The tThere wa noe.'ing for omaily >ears iijflsi borne- A chamnn fosic gi' f AiwaY& it was the 5same question. lhing tud liajpenati La linti, iii ltie l'farmin of L.ake county la now ln a Ilack tarets hrsrd WttIli de" Daye a so»d-week& lengthened icto! i cclast th(, aged Northili its un res- 'eritîcal state. The things we producé efrnd bV yMiabof paxismohth--months bocame yearm. Every ildent was -firmi>' convinct ni ihtt is in Lake county have decreaseut in da&y wthout fait, always nt about the son wao alite and would titi. t hlmamutdrgtepstewyr. grocerie, etc.. wherover ho eau ta m îe.toltieadon ;ieee ie~ak flt II niLake Count>' doesn't seil aver 16 per hsbnd et the wliduw of the postoffice. "nIt eut. eto e rdcaacrigt best ativautage andi at the best prics. The question aiways was thoe ame--~ Abrahain LUtilejohn wae tut n en t fle rdesacrigt Thus, the plan ho take away tro In lkewlse te nswcr. Each day tho e l ul;t lhenyattg esaitc o h attoyas Dr. Blrown às count>' hospital super- 1do.k wash obligeti to shake hie head rras d to North Chicago anti Iail liv- W'ble the pries of praduce han gofle Intendeut, the task of purch«ag or., udy and the littie aid mac would ed tirere centlnnously ever site.lie aoaring in the past few years Lake dinar>' foodi supplies, drugm, etc., andi wend hie way home, buoyed up by the lihau looketi after a little gartieunt lthe'count>' bas perithet the total Incientaly revet bts fom iri hope thnt Perhapm the expected ltter rear et his hoine up to at r ti!ary~ amount praducedti t drap dewn mater- lncdebaly reenthl tam irn~Wou Id corne the next day. when lie tuffereti a streki'ti f îaraly. 'lly there lias heen a thlrty per cent andi fir-ing employas at the hospital, Toi ite dlaoa Arhmi s-. Ife rt-overed fron tliiat stume- tiecrease. vas blocked anti the plan as operat- Littiejohn of North Chicago, fatherof wbat andi although lue wts nt ablte "We shoulti brlng these tacts ta aur Ive during the pat year prevalia- the mlming Young man. Ficanni he ta do any mce or'-c be steine t t people aud cause thein ta stop anti the doctor andtihei commttee, comn- as nu longer able to mako thse tali>' ted itachr better. 1,ast Satuî lie consider the situation as itItintiudI- Poseti of Strattan af Grant, Martin of !tripe to thse postoS ice but he watched tcffred a second strake v.hile walk- duce tbem ta do the best tinga they anti otWaukeg u ut as ansioasi> for tihe pontman. ng about the yard, atter having re- can for agriculture lu Lake courut> Newport, and eyer o luea, Th. ltter neyer came.j turneti fromr a short drive'.le had "I personailly have triedti t help the vîl cotine wrkig tgetor n he Tueda>' nlght tho Angel of Death ta be earrieul ltte the hoitte anti Put fermera' institute. 1 have given mon- matter of purehalsinDg suPPI. , c. ciceeti the eyez of the littie aid mac. ta bed. That rirked the' beglnniug e>' for prizes anti sa have athers. lu Wlntiing npi) hs bosPltl nattar Mis dying wieh wam that him son mlght of the cuti. le grew wosete gradually 1Sr. Barrett, the presîdent ofthtei farm- Tuesday, King etfiLake Forest sali: corne befare it was too late. Relatives outil death oceurreti Tustay ntglit.lers' Instituts, you have a bard Work- "Wby Is It uhal mont of the Wau'iegan think that John muet have dieti. . Per. esicles lits 'sfe, Mary LittieJohu, Ing in, one 'sha works as bard for supervisara are the onea WqhOare apa John and hie fathol wiIi bcoré.h' leaves the follewing chltiren: Mrs.t the cause as tioes an>' caunty ofiltir wrangllug about this haspitali matter Unitedi ln auptiser worid. Phoehe Milches anti Mrs. Marguerite who la on a regular saaary. mast of 'the imoeviten ln the total., Victor ot North Chicago; Mns. Mary Ir ve can brlng the tacts about the Wauega gts rai 7 ta95 ie cet When Abraham Litiiejohu, 7q years l'fre of Waukegan anti Mrs. Emma agricultural skituation home ta the of thse ativautage of the hospital? Wia, ci, residing an Twenty-secoud utreet. S~bb of Joîtlin, Me. lie leaves a fariners et the couiity, it wyul mean la it? i cant understand il. Walke- 1North C'hieago, tilet Tuestia> niguit et brother, David, 79 %seans ati. et Lew- thousauds of dollars ta themn. Tite> a ateti the count>' ta purcbage, six o'chock. bis earnest prayer fer tihe Iitan, 111. The- brUýtit-r 'si with hlm nov are treatiug esafor smut in va- the hosptal anti vie titino; anti l. lasat quarter cf a century that lue iej untîl -the iast. Titere are eleven rious parts af Uie country. Who ever metilatel>' atterwards nosaieOf the Permittedtot s.e nis sou whom lie had grantichilsiren anti l(itet great grantd- beard et such a thlng a few years Waukegan supervisars tart tusaing net seen or beard tromlntwenty-seven Ichltiren. aga? Yet, ane of my nelghbors la whlch bas piaceti us lu a turniail years, vas unauswered. F'uueral Thtursday afternoon St the doing It tant that au ativauce? ever sînce. Wben the san, John Littiejobu, ft home et tvaon. the t'resbyterian Wa tre hssr flpoe White, Avon-If the dactors of twenty-seven years ago, he saiti lie minister ofilclatlcg. Inttcrment lun a- ment-anti Innovation? The farinera' Lake count>' vouiti stop fightlng the was goiug ta se how long be coufld iwooti cemeter>'. institutes. caunt>' physician. ne ulattor vho bha- - 'Wlen 1 gave $150 ta, the chilîdren la. e u vulint have o muchit vang- k-FORMER OHAIRM AN 0F 1BOAR 0F? SUPER- etlo the county for prizus. the supervla- ling; If they got part of that big soin1 VIS()" 0 1? T MV l N 1 V WIPb1P MPTII U ors the saine year gave $7.1ta tthe lu- ve uaeulte pay thein for their serv- ices they'ti le satistieti. Goss, Shied-iie feit that patients ta lie atimittedti t the hospibal miouiti bc sent on a slinut ortier filtht@ su- perviser. lie accordilugly muovet anti thse motion carrieti that tlie uprvia- ors or assistants. sîgn ordera for poor patienta vho are, ta bc sent ta the itospital uxcept li emergençy cases vbeu the cotuty pisysiclan Bees san emeu-gency. B3oarti approveti plan of coont>' standing part of expense et caucrete bridge near Fentiersons, Antiocit; ap- proveti. giving caurit>'aid fuor hait cost of bridge nuar blcCiure Place near Barrington. Cierk Brock'say's report as veil as ihat of Count>' iarun Supt. Apple>', reati anti atopteti. Petîtian for malt licenso in Antlocit township train W. S. Rinear anti othera refernedt tacomiitte.. FORMER LAKE CO.ý MAN DIES INjUÇL. LIP INCRIAG ONPRIAYAFTERNOON. Mns. B. A, Munson of thte Wauke-' gen Buoitasf college atten*e4 tue tunoral Tuosta>' ef M. E. A., -Bullst Forent Haome. the service botusg cou. ductetib>' Phîl Sheian theq G. A R., of vitich ble bai 1d« hemu'5 an honareti meins r u. Huv# ad ava>' at bisi.bol n4e a Lep ',ev tarin near Hollant. Mîcit.. t, s ntarnng, Ho vas te 01M P'!SY. ortl remro f visatla kmowq.ýW tii Ilarle tari near Ivanhoe.- , ty, ant i vi» huremembitid aa Laite count>' People. Ho ~ eui -W.»knvnr gretl>' beloveti alut lso"nor4f il" a ffre ieeet fflonds. Êé' , la Cisia iontis agd Y'~~wldo a~t~ a ~ - u~pI; e stitule 'sork. "But, yben t saw a littIe girl get $5 of in> prîzo mon.>' for the. best loaf of lîreati anti 'hen 1 hearti that she came tram a haine vhlch vas- noteti for ils lack ot cheanines. etc...i 1 feit resiardedte t thluk that f hati heipeti ber tltat much. Anti. the>' tell me toda>' that hanritome aise ba gone tbraugli a inari<ot change since tien. Tii. Instituite itelpeti hing It about. Why This Quarantino? "Have you stappeti te thlnk tiat Laku count>' lis been sîngleti out ot tite vhole country anti las been untier faderaI quarautîna for tberculosis la cattre for a long tl4ne? Whla 1lit) Why have the>' set tiosn on Lake count>' alone? Here somne of us baveý Armando Marmens. Armando Marsans, the fooet Cuban outfielder, geta a salary of 1Sa a day for doing just about notliing, but la disaatisfied. When ho attompteti ta lump from the Cincinnati Nation- mis to the St. Louis Feds a court lin. jctlon wae secured. andtisas mince kept hlm f rom playing. "But 1 bate loafing," says Armando. "It makes me sick because 1 can't play.» ARE JUD4ES AND CLERKS 07 f ELECTION LIKI3LY TOURBE SUE> Emphatic Statemnent of Statels Attorney That They Were Overpaid Raises Point. EVEN .BOARD_'SHUODERS.' If Over-Pay Is Conspiracy, the Question I§, Is the Board a Bunch of Conspirators? Seelng that. for a long lime the. couuty han paid clerka andi judges of elections for two days' pay for dolng their work. io State'. Attorney Dady to brlng suit agaînst the men whom ho Plainly stateti at Tuesday'g board session had been overpald, to recover the avercharge ý If the overcharge waa palti connrary te the Iaw, Ia be fialae tu, seelc lndictmnents agant the aui- pervîsors on the grounds that they "conspireti" to detraud the county out of that extra day's psy hy paylng eier- tlon officiais more than the statute permits? If the 8tates attorney can concoct a "consplracy" charge against thé~ owners of the Sun on thie theory that they accepted over-pay for certain Work rendereti the county. and Jack- dentaily secureti an Indictment againet %Ir. Westerfilld as weil, why then lant It an absolutely parallel case where the county hoard han over- paidI the Judges-clerlcs of election, contrary te the statute as Datiy states emphatlcally? Io It possible he willl try ta lndict the members of the boardi anti the lie willl rlng suit agaînzt al the Jutiges sud clerks of electlon ta recover the overcharges whicb thev have made antd accepted? If It goes ln the one case, ta lie consistent, the states attorney must St least do a littie maneuvering and slde-stepping, blootieti ull vhlie vlwsh ta mBell,' vhlcb, to hlm. Io ver>' tiuiluit. yet 'se cannot sirip tbeuu ram the Bupervisore Not Pisamoti. count>' because ýof thbs querantinej Wibeur the states attorney' Tuestis> tbis one-sîdeti quarantine. Anti, vbat talti the supervisors that, under the are vu tilg? Nothiln. We ait b>' law the>' have no rîglit te psy clenka- -anti lut the quarantîne continue aven Jutinea of eleetlon mare thon $3 a us te, the tietriment ot aur progressivo day. he explalueti that hlm interpre- farmers 'sho viali to imprave tbeir talion of the vark of Jutiges anti borde anti atvancu 'sith the tumns It clerka dausu't place their werk lu that la lIme 'se net up anti ti sometbisg 0t "labor," therefore the 8-bour lay ho cîrcuinvent thlis situation vhichisl cannat tue appliedti t theur. s yoke an Lakte count>' fariner.." SupervIser Crap., et Waukugan, Mr. Barrott on Ferming. spoïe up 'slth: "*When a dlent nits Nfr. Barrette sasît that Lakte caunt>'train 7 uutil 6 at niguit vriting dava jfarmers are producing lest about the Perhapa 1,500 naines and ad"es4a, saine anount of corn, etc., as the>' tdit eens te mue that that vanit can be iitty years ago acconding to statistici classeti as labor anti nabot>' voult et the gaverument. .Question It; sunel>' Lt la labor anti 'Why ls t?" heo asieti. IWe bave bard labor at that."' better tarins, vu have botter eetis, The board murmureti anti ahovet it t e have botter equipinent for vont, feit blie saine as Mr. Crapo, l ng. Yet, vii> have ve nat produteet Suiservisar FIcite sait: "If vu fol- mare ln proportion? Think of thse 10v that rule of PayIng but $3 for adverse conditions filty yeapa ago electlon jutigas, vi voet have se compareti to now-yat tii.> protuagd inu>'aile msen vida are wMIIng ta, as muclu per acre thon as nov.e . glv4ý op thefr 'ture tu thse Job.- -. The facto sts&etib>' the tva repu-e Aflotuer supervîsor naid :"We but- r seutatives of tue tarmers' istitute ter ceut out tue pa>' entirel>' then, bu- iýet tramn î,Ss»< ta>made. a deep Imprssio onauthe. board S e1.I vulti prefar vorking for taffhe su~sl and ti i idn't; take but a minute ta pas iOtiing titan to, thinkth tieaat. anti halffind = tàse motion tisat the Instituts thua yeur daunt>' tilt ot regarti me vortis more ISIft a note , lts US iegranted, 130 fou- ltz vont. This than $3 for about 18 htonevont .'e btMu-. BoneètS aset fu.-san ys." ACCOMPANIED BY PARENTS. Take lents, Collapsible Stoves, etc.-to Camp Out-Goat Skin Bagsfor Water. Lîbertyvîtie, June 17--Coroner Tay- lor of liertyvîlle, Dr. J. C. Foley anti Nlck Wetzel of Waukegan, starteti at 9:30 on their auto trip ta California. Lubertyvilie gave tliem a fine enti-off 'shen itteen autos loadeti 'itb frientis gatiiereti on Milwaukee avenue anti. wllh the Pacific coast as the obJective point. atarteti vest tovard Area. With bugles bloîun, vlth bora soundirn anti vîitcheera ail &long the lune, the crowd of cars proceedeti ta Ares. twa mlles distant, whore the lune cf march haltati for s tgv Min- ues. The drivers of the cars, Iseatiet by Dr. Taylor, got ont andti mlo bands ail arounti lu a tarevell, alter wblch the men again startedti esir cars. got aboard anti starteti Out auq the long Jouruey vost. over Moun- tains anti plains. over deerta anti ail sorts of roadti. They vent tfra Area to Elgin anti as soon as p*8ible Wini bit the Lincaln bighwaY. waokogan, June 16. Armed 'sltlishot-guas anti reOl- vers. equippetiviti tetnte. tcoakist utensils. flsihlntacklio. etilcal saP. plies anti auto repair parts. twoa W9- kegan familles. acccsnpauiled b> me Lubertyville faml>'. leard Wauk"g Thurada>' an a 6.000-mile automobili trip. Thse familles wbich prapose ta makg the 6,000-mile trip tu thse Panatta e- position lun Sa Francisco. CaL. au4 family a« Waukegan. . 1OR. AND MUS. JOHN L TAYLOR anti farily of LlIestyville. MR. AND MR&. NiK WETZEL artâ famiiy f. Waukoemn. MISS BELLE OONNELLY, siter of Mr@. J. C. Foie. ' vay." saiti Dr. VoIe>' Wetiueaay mort. Inn. At the break of day the. tbree big machines vîll assemble la Wau- kegan ant i viiiheati southwarti for Chicago 'shere they wiii take thetr course westvard. The excursioniste do nat propose te spenti oua cent far lotiging. The>' bave purchameti tenta vhlqh are eqiilp peti - wlth grass ruga for Woning andi bave ail tihe latest camping faclties Dr. Faiey, Waukegana's ealth oUI' cer. Il ia rumaroti, viii aficiatesas chef. The men andi vomna iii eook their breakfast. dinuer andi napper, et the roat idsIe. 1t vill ho consliered an set of treason for an>' member et the part>' ta place fis or ber feet en- dur a dlnlng table ln a public oatisig bouse durlng the trip. Tii. punisb- ment fer sucli an act bas net hoe matie public. Tiîirty or mare years ago Dr. Vole>', alhaugli not a '49'er, madie a almilar trip tram Waukegqn ta votwarti points. At that tInte Dr. itoley drove an ox teain anti dependteti entirel>' up- on bits rifle for foot. "Sre-'ve vili take gens vitb us." ho sait! lu ansver ta a question. '"A littie gaine vili go gooti enroule. Tt la a question If there Is a mnan or wameu ln the Unitedi States or Can- ada who la better acquainteti viti thte wankings of the human body', but re- eenti>' Dr. Foie>' decideti that he knev but littie or nothIng about the w"fr Ings of a "'gas buggy." A numbor oÇ bis tu-ends bave vondereti vhy "'Tee siPent somuch time lu the Beach &%r- age tiuring the past tew veeke. but mnechanics et the city cdams bisat fta. day "Doc" can place fis baud on thse heart of theiccarburtr of tanauto si can lake eut anti replace a tuabumrml> cylintier. He Us u niot vd Itl Ma armes covereti vitb gruegs.for an>' days an4l a fev of lhielîninedite frientis eaim that "110e" abouts out lu ie . aeeP about the location of the differeut ail holes on hisa me ChaInt- ers touring car. There la Dlot a, question uf deubê but uhat 'l" viii fy>' s la Ut" anda of tuehe Nun sVwgat t dese UUu mlu, be@ ST Co. inteoti. id vite ;blockt La Cas- age of block '<egan. 'r antd crus ln 4ection .646SO0 i, part Ian on lot 14 ,Hov. M.10 unie J. lot 38, ýh cm-. iot, ta> 1 vIt. uet %~ erfielti . Lule- cit 43, o.- Q. Pavr- shburn 911682. iliinkal ysla*ce Susani subti- BaU.>. n. W. 24 .21 k... .23 -.... .24 ... .19 ...34 -....- 34 -..22 .... 23 -..26 ...21 - 19 .... 21 f26 .24 - 21 Bil .27.

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