Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jun 1915, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY I NDE PENDE)NT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN 'a V01. XXI.-NO. 40. TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVIllLE, LAKE COUNTY, MlL., FRmÂAY, JJNIE 25, 1915. ONE TO EIGHT $1.50 PER YBAR IN ADVÂNCL, .1 UIi'h C'I'5fL"PMISS EOITM S. MOODIE AT LIN- 7 SCR1iuuI COSTi1 COLN CH-AUTAUQUA. LIBER- TYVILLE, JULY 21-20 INC dOà Dr O B <iis Eh tickland Moodle, spe- INQ o ffl TOBIE altla child itlUensd velfare as a BUILT IN LME CO lactor ini modes-n edueation. viii apeak North Chicago to Get a Fine Seven Room Sohool Which WitI Cosi $30,000. HIGH SCH00L AT ANTIOCH. This Wil Cost About $25,000 -Supt. of Sohool ls Having the Plans Drawn. Auk ,hilon tlie canstructioli Of seven .~. .lr"-iin l.ake roObty. ho rosI an àgg to $69,5uoi, lu ho litarted u air, a i urs shor tlime sud 1h la - Ireuiir luisypar, Wîielicr or no(t ail ,o .-11,îl hi-rendy fo0h occopalicv 1>'uuFalI i, doulOfui. t'ut 'iery ffot" alîllie iadi- , yCOOntIY Super- 'I. u. o! Sclîooiv T. Arthur Simp- sou sý ,, irluîing ilu, conlu ho have ilatheoaftornoon sud chould have a lu, ~ ~ i th rîlrlt'inii ortift Poe- uiverfi hearng among pa rents. mem- - îîn.'bers O? scbLOul boardts, mînsters aud Irtîr'-'. rur u, a lu-t or the ichocils Public spiileii People The sixte day ti an- ho lie,eIan I l t m i ofthe Chautauqua. A s'a or seven-rcocm se hou nerie BRAUN TO SERVE corner of Sheridan road and Twelfth street. North Chicago. Etlmated IN TE M N T A new Ilve or sla-room btownship high ra school et Anioch, the cot o? which E X I PR9 se eslîmnated at about $25.000, Pusot-____ s.biy n ltIle cheaper. The new Bush une-rooun chool norlh- Sentence Was IrMosed Today wetof Libertysville. Cuel. 3,000. When Men Pîeaded Guilty to A new une-roornsichool at Nor'th Charge of Burglary. Prairie, jusl norlh of 'Zion. Cool._____ 13,500.Waukegam. Jonc 19. Two-roum addition lu the Wlnbhrup hrederlc' lBraun vas arraigmest in Harbor achool. Cut, $3.000-ris-cot court today. charged vîlli New une-ruum school In the town uofius-glary. He la lie nman Who on Inee Warren, nurh of Druce Lakte. This 4 roieteutu lie Athur Aldîs banc e in a now schol district. Coul, at Lakte Porest amdi socapest viti 13.000 or àeIltt14.test. moey ami Jewels vaiood ai $3,000. On. ruom chool near Rosecrans. Coul iraun vas lucatedIn l Philadtelphiea $2,00. ami vas brougit harktol Waobegan Superninendent Sinîpsofi slaten Fiiay night by Piieii Elvin Grt-, up lvui (. '.W ebster, Waukegan fin. He talked frlY vien arralgnci architect, for wione Leonani lAtz lat oday. Be at once pieaded guily ta locai rppreseutative. the mater af pre- bhe charge. Juige Edvands varned parnne plans for sonie of lic sciaul hlm that uon lie pie o? guiity t budings Ilutie o? tic districts vouli ho noconaaryfor hlm la sen- wier thie new arboolsarase ta hoe put tence hlm lo a les-m iu state'e prison. up the people are ail ready ta vote Bs-sun pes-sleled inlits pez and vas the nesaary bond issues. Ail alber giveu an ludtermimate ceatence o? prclimiuary lteps have becu laken and fronte otle4lY YOaMstu the Joliet the peuple appear la lie pracicaliy peltellatR. He vili b laietoles-e unanimous for tic schoois. Io bogie Ueo ser'ving o? hic sentence Modes-n ideas ,o! architecure viiithe first part uf next vee. ho icaspos-ted lato thes building plans Braun sai hohat beauen lu ii ami Supeintenienl Simpson soya the coutry but tva years. having coma schooio viiiehothe mail up-ta-date to ber. fs-un Germauy. He sai be bu- te founi any plcigotnded lu reurn 1o hie nauve country _______________ afler hie bas sesveil hi@ ebm iIn prison. ucowalaIn b pite Of the fart tiat lie hasbeaun SOLI II AN~ID 'l in hi. country but a short Ime uc poe Englsi quite Oouenly. He sai SAIL RS'REU ION he hiast eerved In bth tic German SA AR t EU IO rmy B a" e learued ta tait ft uglis. lie said vhille ou board siip. Tu B IN G AY$L KEHe is 25 yeai lad and appears ta ho Wautegan. June 22. The Laite Couaty Sailors' c&"iBol- dles-s' reunion vîlI io hel luGrain- laite on Wednesday and ThusdaY. Au- gut 61h aid 29h. Iis year. Tihe execteayscummlleor otle Grand Army o? UheoRepublr net la regulars scaon lu the G .X R. b".l Wssebegaieai twIo o'clocb for lie pus-- pose a! selouth le meeting place. Wancouda reaidoets ver. anxlous la have the reunlon houlu lnteir cil?, but1 vhem lie votes bai heen couniede it vas found Ibt Grayalake vas an eigit la one favorie among lie old velc. Te execulîve committsewvilch mol in Waukegan today la composd of lhe ollovlug veil knasn Laite, couuty resisieuls: Thomas Strang of Wadsvorth,wvi a lePreident oUheo G. A. R. exctîve commiltee; John Baliard of Lbertyville; DevitI Joues. oi Waufegan; H. W, Hall, Wa&egaa; Heninauce Wheeler, Lhbotiville; G. E. Proway. Wauconda; A. T. White, Grayci&îie; C. E. Webb, Waukegan; . E. Chuschili, Uhortyvlloe; T. A. Rey- moids, Lihoryvllle. and F. Gnselea?, Waubeau. The general conenittee,wvilci vil bave charge of aransiglg enlortain- ment for lie aId soidir. as-e A. T. White, Grayslake, chais-mou:lHenry 0. Ijombraski, Graylake. and Thoo- dore Roynols ai bryvillle. raysoke bas asete lad vols liaI they vilI ho stertalned lu & manuer Ual vîllIolîpse enterlabu- monts held in yeare pat ln bonus- o! the boy o? '61. The caup-Os-e vili b. held on fldaY niglel. On lie nigit of lb. robhory bie saye hoe annlved lnu L-'e Foreet a complote atranger. He lhimte fate muet bave iirocled ise@teps lu tbe Aldie home, viere. afler enterng lie hoose hie dis [cuves-esthle lage amounit of Jewela on the dresser lu Ms-s. Allia' roune He vent lu Chicago lmmedîateiy and vieted a pavu ahopi.Hes bal nu idea ot theevalue of lbe jewela hie bai tabou but becaluse thene vero sa maie? ho Ilousht tUeomuet lho "'phoney." Iu lhs orsI pawn aboplis exhlbilei a valuable brooci vosti about $700 sud vanteod W knov wheon or nutlib. couli gel a Ilan on Il for a fev da"i.Wiele the pavo bs-aber vas oakingu il aven Braun 100k ouI a Roman golidag collars et wltb several diamonde Il vas vas-lb about $1,000. "Wha'il ;yuu give ne for Iis piece ut Joink?" lhe aabd. Hoeas hie idn'I 1mb lite diamoude vere rosiansd lies Roman gli ade tUeoplece o? Je*ei- ry loo( somethlng Ubke brase. 'What'll you tllie for t?" pars-led the pavubroken. «'Oh, Itlaln'l vus-lb muci-glve me anylbbng 700 vanl 'for Il," vas lie nepîy. This made lie pavubroter sus- piciounud ho aebed Bs-sun la watt a fev momentswvitlle ho slppei inlu gis back roon. Braun rigltly sus- pecled lbo hadl gone t natify.'the po- lico and maie ile escape. He prof- Ied by lie oxperionce, bovever. and vien lie oulerei tbe nexl pavu sbop lie helliforth aditanond nîgu andI (Conlixued on paue Ibro.) COCAINE CHIEF I6~i(RACE POTTER IS CH POOQLETY-INCOLND OVER TWO SE RE ED IN LA EVILLE, JULV 2126 SCUTYJIL NOWE T R A FOIJND WANDERING woh"be.frmre hi dcd E ON CIIARfiE 0f _____ AL OWTHIEF ABANDONSý NEAR LAKE BLUFF F iand southero Australi lle(ls- AUTEMI1TTO KL Chieftan of Chicago Ring of Has Been Mysteriously Ab- Bail, the North Chicago Men Drug Peddlers Nipped.N I JLA P. sent From Home Found d m k Are Now inCounty Jail. BROUGHT HERE QUIETLY. N11110 P. HAD A MENTAL RELAPSE MAY BE A CIVIL s UIT. The Ftord autoîmobile. elî.nging t_____ Is Held linder $5,000 Bonds, County Supt. of Shools T. Arthur Had Been Wandering About the Atty. Weiss Who Prosecutd Twice Usual Amount by L. Simpson whieb was stolen from in North Shore for Over Week Case Intimates That Suit F. Mason i4 f-l; -9iv. front o the Court Hou- Wednedayj -Found by Mrs. Durand MayBe _____ Son "Omaha" John Davis, chiettain of mrigwsrcvidl«dody A tlu voung womnan, thin and hag- hre ihhvn aeadd C'hicago cocaîne pddës who em g aal 1î ,r.chr gard, dragged hierself along a hot mac- IY amuit on Peter Skermont. a North pioypd 40 assistants and wbose profits was loand taudinimt f .... d of fi"" adam rond north of Lake Blluff abcout Chicago Young man, two residenta of totaled $200 daîIy, has decidpe eII MraîefotelT. 1, ,i, a 2 o'c-iock Monday afternoon. ta iYhv enbudoe o h th oenetwa i nwaot abandoned fi er.' t'iý,. :hi om the -Nirs. Scott Durand, owner of thiegrand Jury ln bonds of $2.000 eacb on Ihe ~ ~ ~ ~ o goermet hr iekus' botf th. ja-erifr farro. was on the lawn. Slie glanced a charge of assault with Intent -0 le Illicit drug Iraffic. tocard the road. l.Thheinlokpaen ç Alreads ie lias told enough vo thaI sont.y__i-in- i* Why, Grace Potter, how are you?"1 lice court ln North Chicago laIe Bat- Benij.amin Epsiein. assistant district she c,-.ed. raateno bfr JsieN. attorney and D)ari (hapin, (bief uf tire - ;1IT CTV~ ,o- do you do, Mri. Durand,' especially lntersoting nt Ibis momen- haus. Iternai ri %.tue agenits in Ciciago AUST DETIF4ILIVES . I aswer-ed the young *woman. "May 1tous time. Mr. Pooles brother was thbe naines of the men who were predict ÇC5 have a drink of waler? I'm awfuliy recentiY eiocted t lu anent l'Y au hoid are: Recoss-ry of part ofthie $10,0 li PLAYPO E TO hîr tied ad dusty." HeRANE MARheTZENKUS. o th wort liot narcotici, tolen tiI. jEnd o Egh Es wach f u Ipeak the ao i teBroos'fao he GEORGE PETROSKY. weeks agi) in a darîng burglary iU R IIE C ? The ssoswiî .aked slowly mb toWeb dayfloln ros ao Chargea of being lrupicated in the. t le plant of Parke, Da> le & Con i- Q ORLIVN Eé h Dr honestead and ilie'eouli _________aileged aasault bas been made ant pan>.mautactururrlg ehemiats. try wide rearrlr of eighit days for Grâce D LI5r xn" two other mnen, but there vas not' 1 62 North, Franklin i.reet, ihica- Can Tfhey Get More Evidence stewyrt Potter, pianist protoge ut Mra L1END U1E IS sufficlent evidence t0 warrant thetr 9o0.nt aon bt on George NI. Pultniat>. cas ended. The N liig held as acesole .Tey vere Arreat of offiiai' of twn larg gistSlo b on searchi Ilg partie-. along tlie îorîh dsisd alolsae ru frîîs 0e ! het Fishing and Boating? hore-hd ~.edleîî.N16HtT IN TUE TOWN dhesmissod.o place Just outatde anOaalncrfrfu'sig "laylng poker-11.75." (u avait. It cas believed thai the SVUS morphine. coaine and opium te Pshing tacMee-$2.50" taiented yoîîîg womnan lad commit- JoLue 13. Prhicgo o thfto on or ce >lt llicit peddleri. 'Mlnnown for bail Iseveral Itemal lied suicide untili ocreraI persons as-J t hd oa tX Omh"John 'sas taken Friday -25c and 50e .ach." seried tliey had seen lier wandering Members of Three Lake Counity tendîng the pienic in the paa.'c a" night te the Laike county jailiat Wall- Boa hire."-(Several Items.) about soute of bthe north shore towns. AuoPrisTl f ist htamsd im if itetovg kegan. The fniends wliobhad always 'Piaylng pool.->Sevenal Items.) lier relatives who niet her Monday AuoPrisTlofFSt hl med isl whtrwb couie toltl., rescue when lie was air- The foregoIng and a number of niglit beiieve she lias been suffcning Lap of iourney. baill@ at a doli rack. inadveste&tly rested under state charges faiied te imilar Items ln the delectIve bille front a lapse of mentons due to over, aoan ue 9 ou of ane un appear te aigr isiebonds, submitted hy bthe pald aleuths empboy- work. They refiîsed 1 qetionlir 1e pet u e nght u a t9ov ungl-ttae late rmoou cu For the past Ove years thie negro cd by tbe States Attorney in secu,. concerning lier wlîeneahouts Rice a bail," wrltes a member of the auto pie of ionda startod to ]save the drug dispenser~ bas led a cbatrmed ing evîdence lu L.ake couuty liquor weck ageo Sunday, and she gave Iluehu party wîlci ieft Xaurogan the mld- park. Four men stapped ni> te h" ctlteitce A iear ago hie was aiTesI- cases, caused considerabo discusobon no ciew. Afler conulblug a nerve is 0 f this week ou a trip lu the Pd- and began to punnel SkermoSt, Ueoii ed ln connection witb the monder of on tie part ot supervisons Thursday sîtecialîse tluey asaerted that tbey cille coast. Thte ietter vas8 recoived reanon beolug that the. young vogue a man the detectives say vas one of aflernoon. deemed hT bet not te agitats bier by bers F'rlday nlght. whom ho bad atruck viti a ta» W, 1 hie employez. Nobody vas ln lhe "I ran't ie why PlaYing Poer binging tack teommnd the unfortuuabe llrbaigbr husa oo ja afriand ot oas cg t81* q liack ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ofieslo.wee Iemre oi elp a detectIve lugel experiences eslc hati been tiog. ing the menebers of the threauto- One oflthe witnemomoetaIl"ohuau was commitbed. "Omaan" plea was deuce," one supervieor »Id. Mrs. Pullman NotIfled. mobiles loat no time In leaviug Lake on Saturday teetlled that ho *1SMa sef-defense. Six wituesses testified *'Wonder If tf vas the gains Dady After Mrs. Durand hast assisted county fer behind. At oins o'clock a knifa ln the bands oo ue.etésam ln bis behaîf and be vas trend. vai mlzed up lu?" said another. Miss Potter lu putting ber attire lni ln the eveniug tbey badl resched the. safiants. but there vas no f 1- "Pull" lu se Investigated. Another thougt hhat Il must bave shape, she notifiid Mc. George M. little tovu of Palmyra, about seven substantiation of Ibis fant 4ma1%0 Investigations of the polictlal pull taken considerabie tu quenc Uheo Pullman and Mrs. Lorenzo M. John- miles frone Sterling, Ill. They, decid- kÈif, as flot proinositu evilme.. which bas aivays made if possible tbirst of tic detecttves for Ibsir bille 80on of Winuetka. a second cousin o? ed to pitcb Iboir firet night'e camp Dr. Casese however. the. sb7îuoia for Davis 1e gain bis freedom, Ibolugh for drinks vere aneong the iargOit the piaulIs. Then selleenterlained lbthe iere and rentuaesthe trnP oarly in b.latinatmending BSteimoat, amui' srresled dozene of imes, once one a Items. Anoîher thougt It queer ta on oIlfrevrl er Yte on.e hat the njorturocatosiby Wu charge of murder. thee deteclives could aveni moneY for syoung lierab ort sevteranibour f byth ! orning. l heatr let oii» s»bs qt For live monthe tbe feilerai agents, diniks and htinhils at Higiiwood Roiu erd abnout th e r. Il eade e n laltUeoPatyr- cly ill ous orhaenoom bero ib aided by Detectives Wilde and Hommes vien tiere are no saloons or botois TeonyRreadSnay &liea e u noto. Wieuten te montae r arta onjg' fiosa a tat. o.ohro of First Depoty Schuettier's office. liere. The f requent itemus ore- veTc on hlutrefenusabs maie wu got ouI W Pt pln.torrnts. Te taiy sarp Inun.altirteà u have been traillng Davis. Depoty Unit- pnefrisng otg lan Spoke of the death o? bier Second cou- îown clerk oftUeo litted. image came planestu~Most vas l«»@ t*et iySae MrhlTo hea caugbl bpml, oetepanse aca fo cmnt Wsin, Stewart Patterson, ln Oregon. Bbe lu their assistance, bowver. HO Janse tister hoopitai whM kite Pu Eicaghtfilmen n Lnn one olien ove ri,thaoo ig t hadtievidently read Sunday's paper. eaid that wville thore wai nu hotel attended bY Dr. Claohoe. Ho e fl M jogenttmsedn0ave been e m alo -d sor drinks aoe. $100 trs bibi$forShe dld n0t know of Ens. Dtrand's vhich could accomrneodat theo Party ttasi e eve.ral sevore cuti on l. peiy dde ave enemarrsîsi duri a foe drcivke lme wasThe8. nimucbilefo cheme te erect a botel for vomen and liat ho wouid give thon permisionosap, sons of thon lsytag haro Be roondup. Tee arrevd deurndter sle urdhRauhrle ay~~ id elebâtihast lrend about Il. lu @Pend the ight lu the tuvu hall aboli. One.OfthIlonsocuti, ovOS't»» mîunor c hare nohe co un ifieail'atse oar âideueaantloriz dalyos A reporter arrlved at the Durani if tbey iosired.. inches long. wae 0,cr one of bis wM Dupie argeithCocouty. Evs f erye members elt the cliquordalers home shortiy afterward. The notes of No more velcome invitation could One of hieears was cut laàhE. day a few are laken te the federal fuse te allow the bi, and liey fial- a serenade floated tbrougb Ilie apen bave been recelved. The canvas tenta was noceesry 10 laiotsvtenty-mlm builingin hicgo e tetif bc ly id e. therbils wre ake pw indows. Nliss PotIer was once more vere aken aloug andi laid upontUeo etitchos. afore wd.absorbed wilb the instrument around floor. Tien by closing hhelr 0705 il Dr. Claoboo.furuiehed Uheo Watke- tîîe fedlerai grand jury. aRdsllonscxneslg yma i ciriceutered lher lîfes vont. She did iftt aite mon stretching o« tie gan police wvîte o ames of the MM "Omahia" lv a negro. He la short wr asdfrtercn et fdid n0t notice the appnoach of bbc Imagination 1e feel tin thlby ver. la vhom lho Sali bad been ni ug vae arud es r H asnd li sreiti îueMs Apeyo hrSvle aniS- reporter. Mrs. Durand iounged lu au thelr tenta vith nothlng but the cati the attacit. Thons mon voe plca acralueweibAnbasialays edtevisci hpervison Brooks. It la Possible lhes armrhair nearby. oîy of the heavens aboyae hem. The undon arroat but laleravie turaul1 scbime Ii e baec lwhi s fneedam. hubard may conclude ils vork toiay At once Miss Pollen began a liî'elY faons o? tbe clty hall did uat mate ,vr tuthse Northe Chflo eo l5 119 schee t efectbisfredom an adour alhoub tis e b nodiscussion of pianos, lher interest hav- as comfortable beds as Mother Borth Bath detfoednta doiWaio itm The chieftain of tic "*snow pe4 ad djor aîbnge bi i Yaroused iy Ithe antique piano migit have donc bot they ver. fie) Parties li te .attaci buttUeo bvde dIers' 'squînted one eye aI Uited mln suc n thc Durand home, Neyer a men- from dampues and that was soims WUao uaderedsft u Uiy tjofflte States Commissianer Maon o? W au- tienmof the evrenta of Ile wcek escapd iatlstnooi. " "P1 warrant thebel. boenoua onte keang. oa ne o!iafomernpoestIflIL. ber. Alilmousine drove up wihMre. The Waukogn and Lake couDtYth eogrand jury. Theo mm e.Who Youn, oe o bi fomeremplyes BO RD E-HRESJohinson, lier daugliber, mrs. George people fouud lie peuple ot PalMYra vore arraels but vho voie dimislef was estiyiig agins himat he Pis-Masser, and thie ttera bhusband. Miss vory hospitabie but they pnufsrod W are: Stanley Sneius ad Tuuk limn&r herin. PPL Y À SU f. Potier ran out t0 greet them. uuok them oliumeais aud gsot seeéPotrooky. The. mon vha aevoitiolai "Everybudy wliat lias ever testufied r p n ri i A few moments later the machine lu 'ruughtng il' as tiey expoct con- ovor vers nal able W ocurs bail Md againel me lias bad bâdti uck," lhe Of IsU>JYI1 IRM Ireturncd te Wiuuetka bearlng Miss siderable of il before tUeoget bock vill have tW avait li e oconaty jait aarîsil. "Tii. lastone diod.' Pother te bic Jailinson home. Thon fs-une heir severai thousand mile trip. thes actionofo tho grand Juiry ia"_e But Mason toldbIn e believod the iraI Indication of a mentli lapase The menebene o? lhe part? are: Dr.Uheo? are mie s ccesolful lu socurlag a lucit al Iurned. Then heo fied hi,î Action Taken at the Meeting o came wien sice asked Mrs. Johnson te and Mrs. J. C. Foley ouidsnlly. of bondanan. bonds aet $5,00 0 1 î wîcc lheime al the County Board Held Here Stop aithe residence of Mrs. Thomas Wukogau; iMiss Belle Donnoiiy; Dr Attorney Witliam F. Weiss orWau- amnount. "Omaha" was aken te a oel. This Morning. Wallace in Laite Bluff. 'te rail for a and Ens. Taylor and fanlly of Lib- kogan pruocaeled the. case. ne. ta te "thînkItfilover." Wtsa oe1. sulîcase I lefItichre.' etyvilie; Mn. aud lira. NîcitWelsel ounanse ior Skermoul and latimiitbl Tu onh sani eua m Jleeting'1Ticparty dii net find the Wallace and sou. of Wautligan. htiehomigit tari civil aclislas Autu RESIDENT IJIr bis norning ai vhihon le at home. bu t proceeded t0 Wlnnctka. Ens Ec uol <upe ielaaarci ?teljne oevl1 AfiE lilucbçIDEN Of bers irouglit op vastheo rÇ-hi ent Iof l'ilace der.lared ae hasbt nt accu aandail olier facilitiez fdr eoaalItg hie client. For Ibis ressOn b. vl4fl Thomeas Applcy as suporntenient o Mise Potlen since bier disappearalîre lhe occupants te lise lu lie open air la ho lu thc case frou e o tarI The tb. county farmn at Libertyville. Mn. and hatia suibrase belonging teolher. tinougiaul lie trip. stes attorney grantei bis nouiset NOMTiICIICAEt IS Appley bias hldis posl~ietione for mnY After dinner aI the Johnson home, n loe i eletePo u« yea-- anndlallowesdghumncomphotlb3ELVIDEE STREE DEAD AT ÂGE 0F satisfarlion. Thereforo bis re-appoînt. Mrs. Masaey Raidi:BLIEESRE ment was' almiost a fanegome cocu. 'TherP e sent no question buot thatREIET1 D DEADAT AE OF88 RESDENTIS EAD. LAKE FOREST MEN ARE 0 ____* Sion. Gâebssfee alpeo ooyWatogan u e2.SRC YM C IF AI 6:-466 pne., Wodnooday ovonîag Another natter ieoght up sud dis- racoea suie alipaps o mhurY Jt345Sna mmn cure at b~hoe o ltr. olo OKefscusscd %vas te mates- o! bavlng bcfotthreenint brpao rr t 2.45 Sufndilyim oing ccubist S TmuelBbCKBof A CHINE.t nte hla.ome c rai ho en ( ' coroner isohîuit reiborts totaelboard, tire.' h et ?Wlim lv tis SaulBboe iiaeIuoi a Not hcgocre h etiofthb. aime as otier county officiais. It home, 210 Belvîdere treet. Basides brother, George, vers bail? «McUlai Mre. Kalienine Realy, aIUheo aivaniu. appeara that bilabastanot been donc Tvo bundred cidreu are 11, ville a ue Mn. love leavres toor brothers irolseil viien knocked dova 1w0m est age ai 88. Pies bail boon conftaes theticpaah. Supervisor King sai scarlel fever. 14,000 more ae-eunior ndoitâitera ta mouru liâ, demise. automobile drivon by Thomas flOU- that as lie interpreted the statutes the lu lie bei only a fev iaye oui ýPe- pravision 1i, tîaî tles coroner la not ,quaranîbne andt ail scioals.lthe public The four bmalien are. Benjamin o!isoll-, 4622 CiiIou1a111-j-, aI Chi$"> est avay very peacefuiliy and quXotly. exempted froin mailing reporte. He library, parka and playas-ounds have Waukegau; John Dave of Kenosis, avenue aud Clark srouta, CbCoiB The doceased hast boon a reildoal aald there vas no speclal roason why heen closei lu lb. ffeimc Of acar- Henry Dove of Fx La'e. and George Suuday attercoon. The lnJurlUM or Nontie Chicago for the pasî fitteen tic coroner siauld make reporta cx- lo fever vhlcb bas gripIId JoUlet. Dove of Waîlkegaue tie îwo siotene. vere rubdeoi te lie Cooki uouatl 1* yen. h asa on ?Mr&. cept that lb appearefi ta ho lu accord-Dr. C.B. Crawford, obief Inspecter Mns. Mickelson and Nira. Spoorof Chil. pital viore It vas sai Ihat theoillor, year. Sh wasan ant o . ( ialce witlî thc law. Upon ils motionDr itoswentr"ddm filt O'lleefe andIlived vîti lb. fantly onîî as decdd1tetatre lbe mater up ion Ihe sae oIhardor, bealth. vîlte caga. Tii. funeral vas ield frum St.dtonve.o rtlOi ciea Commnwnealt avonge. 8h. vw" a vill Cie stabes attorney. Ifif Ilaloffices at Sigdeld, bas movei bis Joaep's churcli ati8::l30Tucîday moru- Bath mon vili be 1 emo1vidt@ -t« - >greal-alul o? John t and Mrffret found the coroner la; suppooesttaenake1 headquarters la Joiet te figbtthelieîng. MnI. lowe vas a moulier by homes lu a fev days.- bodRIIs' <' O'Keofe, bhuof viioWm-ae' veîî kuova reportslhe yl hoasakeil te sobmit 1disease. He has aesumed absolute traie and bas lived i the state of bbc machine vas nfalot M e nM bis r.porl for the o trn attie huard Icharge of lhe situation, aver ail mu. etb h hcg OM and populan Young p"Wls. meeting lu September. ,nicîpai offIcers.Ilîlinois aitbl ieI.. -jtbyti hiag at

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