Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jun 1915, p. 7

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LAKr-FO N\TV T\flPENDENpT- VRp 1TAV ri'VL' r- ?Ocsct&egan.Netuvr t- CONOLLY FILES IST YOUNG BANKER AUTO IS -TLE PETITION MiAINST BUYS IIYDROLANE ON TRACKS; STRUCK OR VIS IN COURTS FOR BIGI CONTESTS BY ASTREET CAR Commissioner Candidate Who Ship Builder Weckler of Chica- Occupants of the Car, Major- Lost by Four Votes Formai- go Is Building a Boat for ity Children, Have Barely iy Enters the Fight. Charles Steele. Time to Get Out. Anoîher quo -arr-.aoaction e-as Waukegan's 'rlilionaîre bitiller, Waukegan, liue sÇ. 111let Mondeyln ('ltcuit court di-ecttd Charles Sleele, e-ho le-o years ago Seven pe-ople, many oiftem chul- againsl Con nIssionet- Ortis lentee-as a memiter of Bob Butnains rt-rt-enweete placed ln danger laie effort la, displace hlm frin bis posal lng teain, bas gît-en up auto rar-ing Thuraday atternoon. e-ben a big lent-- lionas ilyoffcia. -for boat raclng. lng crt-In e-bict-btey e-ere riding tio asCit oficii.'Ciuc't." asu(Cbac. Sîce leIsboller itecame stalleti ont.e-west lUne et Tistlime te action or affiavit s knoe-n ainong hIs frientis. le having lite Chicago ana Nflweaukee Eectrir - sgneti by Robert ('onolly, e-ho e-as a bytiropiane bulIt aItte Wcckler raIrroat ai lite Belvidere sîreet crost- tieeatti alesiiiyiyOrvs b fot-boat tactory, Chicago, wbicb promises lng. A att-cet car e-as approacbing ai deleted stesibl byOrvi by te be even tester titan Cominodore a tet-rifit- sPeet aIlte tinte. Al lte 1voles. fis attorneys at-e tooke anti pugh's [Salut-ber 111, e-bit-b eas en- occupants efthlie machine escapet- Pope. leret] a year agaoI le ire e-aabi- a tee- moments later te collilsion et- Thte bil le sruhsaniaiiy te samte tronsblp speed content In England. cut-retiantite touring tar e-as aam- as he ne ile] peviusl lnwhili The bytiraplane ls nearing cemiI- aget] aimosi beyonui repaît-. The au- as heenefiet]ptes'ouiy n -hi'slion In t«-e-orli-fameti sblp yards, tomoiliee-waste properry etf.Jobn Thtomas Grady anti Walter Bioe-ney 0e-ced iry tise %ecklers. ant i slli ie McSitane et Lake court, nigittsupier- eete applicante, te oniy miaerial adi- given ils iret speeti trials eilbin a inlendent ofthlie Amen-ean EPteet anti dtilons bejjîg le-e thînga e-bit-bfee- weeki. M'ire r-emîany. lus son. Walter, e-as charge: Thte hytiroplane ls belng equipped ivthing te mat-ine. Thte occupants eirb one efthIe moat poe-erful gas ee-e 1-Thot Orvis opcnly admitlcd engues builtlnb Ametica. Ieill ire WA LT ER Nf(,SHANF. driver, 416 Ïée~st, If a recount of ballots sais mode, kertt aI ite Cbicago Sittp Yards, but Lake court. ,Née le1 postive thatlti wouid show will be broughttYto Waukegan on sec- 'rARY 'rrcSlANE-, iri sister et-aI ditterent occasions dnring the IlIRS. RICHIARD DREW, 210 Oak Coneliy ted more voles tan to. (or- aummer mentira. treet. vie ln snswer te this charge insiss At an earîy heur ftlday morning a CYRI!. i)REW. sgedt]9. tuer s... that hte setl n sccond-ctlldhood, add- Sun reporter rouleti Mn. Steertt FNî ErrLy DREW. aget] n. iet- daugites. lng thal ho wouid be a fit subject for Of lhis bedt]at ast-etaie a tee- fatol KATHRYN SMrITH-. .7 years oIE. Elgin if te souiti admits uch a tîng riot e latestilurtthase of the younnzraigltt:r et Tires. Smith, 312 Sa. wthen poitive Ihat te sais duiy edccl- lIl l t-ne tiraI yorsbat-e purchaseti ('RELLIS ATTERFIERY, 7 years etti, sel; ho decisres that tte applicant a bydrtoaetoplane" queriea tire Suri son etf('at-I Aterbery, 30r6 So. Sher- perjured himseof when to male eue* reporter. Idan roati. 'stattement.) "No, I bavent purciteseti ene."' t- MeSiane badt] aken the psrty eout 2-Sres s aidon he eirislitypliet] the Young millonaire. Ater for a spin ant] eas reiurning borne 2-Sres lalai ontherelabii anaDwerng linte negart-ve te seserai althtie tîme lire accident itappenet]. of ttc final retut-nsas@,made by ttc silar questions 'rt. Sleeie admillet] Tiey were drlvlng east on elidere council canva board; 1he argument tbai te e-as bas'lng a itraroîlane built atreet. Precet]lng them weas a fat-m- for this le th~at theel icea i te 'recklet- sIip yardsin Chiicago. et-s swagon and titere e-as net suM. forthi s hatthce sa dscrparcy "Sure Iterrgbt te devclep lbirty or dient meoin te pasa. 'trShanîe badtal lin tte final canvass resulte as compar- forir moiles an heur." sait]M'rt. Sieele, titretile dÔe-n bis machine anti pre- cd la the tiret figures posteti by tte bt bis yeung mec frienda ciain that r-ed i-cty soe-Iy. As the mat-ine flewsftpers on election nuaht; trea the sper-tiboal may birng de-n te bunrîeteionta tite street tar trac,.s the e-orldâ n lanirrtunriahp h'-foe the we-tactioni causeti the engine te due. 'rit-- hi laid on tte tact Ihat tefirest figures tonîlhs set In. ,halte looket] dee-rthlitrat-haandi a ln a certai rec-inctI sare postet on teet -ep os-rsaeBcstourage. de xtet-lty, 1111e oet-a blet-k away sue- a sîreet the bulletin board anti that they aler rooiness arnd a half dozen ciher quai- t-ar aitiroacbîng ai a bigb speeti. were changeti on "aid board; te Itie.s. abitli sitoul tend le make bia Tiere e-sa ne tinete 1 crank the en- sttlmcnl is made tat this gave Or- ereof 'le best tî11l osp îeeti hiats girre te enly recent-se e-as ta seek viriedvnaei America. safty ln flgirl, vishi aivntgeant i nference in lie gaie np atîto racing ai the t-e- lie and tirts. Dree- tossed thtet-bih- culot: gainst 1he reiiability of tte quest of relatives ana frientis, anti be dren upon the grounti and stamnet judges and cicr-bs of *nii pt-ct-ntt as a bas erteret Iinto a sport e-bit-b l thein te fiee A second saarning e-as urait ftis change le figures. (This equaily dangerous. Plots 0f speed net necessary. arels- bad ail the oc- la te frettimetha th figressa iostas war lita presers et-s etallimes, cupants got ouilebn the streel car ie~~~~~~~~~ %h i-tlm httcfgrsa mai puer-e of st-oe at-n capsize a atrit-k tire macitine. pofed on bulletins ln a local newepa- aspeet] iboat., especiliy if it is tunning 'trs. Dree- in speaklcg o!fte at-ti. Iller office sindosa have been refcrrcd ai tuil apeeti. ient, e-as inclined te hiame the streel - . n a legal way ln ae effort ta have i W'etbcr or not Mtr. Rýtpele e-I en- tar moiormarr. She suvs be ceuiti m-neprtdneI .bet t er iis boat in te contests a tbie net bave belieti seeing te nmachine 1the intrprleti t-chble10 1, aaget] ln Englant] detuenda enîrrely e-as stalled on te irackg andti ta Ipoe ito being affitialy correct. The 1I iii tOlil developinents. the occupants e-ere getring ou. n lo rt le lnt rp teta ion n th is point -sp ilee tOf lils tact ite sa ya il a lîpear . wil b wtuedwsh ntrs.)erl tiat be til ti esele amk efteastop the tarunetit Il e-as 100 Thte beariog on Ibis ietitian bas AUTO DUMII> CARK; ie f'tavolte accident. iteen sel fer a weck frei mt--orr Jue3th, befor Judgee Burke Ch A ÀREFUEEF FROM MOTlER 0F 22 heard the ater queoeatracleact-ile peitonan dsmssd heapliatonLAND IS HURT, LOSES FITII PAIR 1 ta bave it admittet] mbo court. But. itefare he titi sa e bdemanrîc taelkn from State'sAttoey-t-y of Lakri1 Car Driven by Mrs. Jack Mack 0F TIWINS ON SAT. Ctira, If be r nlm lar romise Coldes With Washington tha, I le cntmplte futhe a - tret arMonday. Ti jl ,i oi nSnat thon ire would agaîn iay te matter ilna-iuNrt hcg.Bt býefere ite ame court, lie e-iitheid 'rVaikegan. - une ' re1ert îî-ae ei bisri until t)ady saiti he eouirt rate 'rlnday aflerneon teur t- h1 ( i u 5att- it r ir-rit atter bati. preseetnt-irter actions on te saine Peelle estaped setloua injury, If 001[The annoterîrnreîî t f lîcîr deatit malter iefore hmn te('tirago eth, e-en te auromobie in eicb ibrlngs otutilIre tartii tl t ItIrlle court. Receilg is promise.,.iudgetey weeet-dng cltided e-it the, But-k. Iben ule et itlioc as filet] eest aide streel rar. Thte tout- occu- fil fil -trthn islerri inacyln. ont 1by Dady ln bhaif f etTirs. Grady anti ponts o! the auromobilieeete: I i s ef corîsiricrable Initer-f .Waiter Bloe-ney, eut et court. 'NIRS. 'I('NA'tiIA. e-el knoe-n ,tt nth -" cidehaebn Hence. tire e-boe action sîartsover vaudievile actlt-s, e-ho Is aPenrhlng btnt raniltj t-ledr -Eain e Inte Coeoiiy pellion andthie te animer ment it -lbhermmater, or t r.a- - - --Sele-uln -out again eill t-nie as ta witetber ire believes l baaed on suffit-lent grounds te, pet-mitlit beinit filet] or not, On the 301ir. Ot-vis e-lli argue as le e-iy thre pethlicre siouiti be tismissed, anti ln in e lkeiy wil daim hi ltesur- ontec. In tire meantime ire e-ll gel mcplii reatiy ana. Ifthtie court t-nies t Èt Ilai suffli-ent to permit being fil- ed Orvia e-ll then demur or prepare a formaI anawert-letire charges ana lte routt elu Iasa finally ontem. . SST. SUR. EN. 0F TuE 96T 1DIES AT MONROE,IS. Monroe, Wis., June 17.-Dr. F. W. -Ryers, ageti 78, tildeta bis home Mon-l day. He e-as on. of te besl kno-wn Civil e-at-veterans ln te @tais. During te Civil e-at-ie e-as asciat-1 ,,omt surgeon genet-al of te Nhîely- 'aitti Illios lntantry, belng promol- ,ed duirlg tire Alante campalgo la. surgeon general of lb. artillery brlg- ac o!fte Foin-lb arrny -carpe. He e-as surgeon general of te Wis- î,onsin National guarti untier Gen. Se-o-i eldi. Dut-lng thte Spanisb-Amet-ican1 lrire e-as a speclal Inspector et 5coissIn milllary camps ai Jackson- Fore lt-a weenty yeare he e-as a *~anber efthlie pension board., - Tite 961b Regmenl e-aa pprtyiy OmLake connty. Dr. Byera e-as, ~kno-n to ils membera tram1 'rt-. Clifforti. 1ttttttmr-tt *lre ot sorir- us ot- 1S M189is ESTALiA VAJIDON, refugee yeat-s. .lrs. Sieur- ta a wornan et frein Englanti. abour 40. 0f te 22 chirtiren enly te-e 'tiR. J. VARDEN, tram Deal, Englana. are living ai tbe preseni lime. VRS MINNIE VARDON, mther of h vlefniyaeqleee Mils Etalla Vartion. known in Netrt Chicago. Tite mis- Milas Estella, Vardion, e-t eat-estbd fortune tat bas tolioe-ed rbemt In thee ibis count-y bt recenlîy trom Eeg- dealt et 20 eft tieir chiltiren bas caua- landi,e-as te only membet o!fte et] iucir synpatby frein iheir trienils. paty e-ho e-as Irjureti. 8h.e-as t-Id. Ruinersalaloal In trie neigitiorbooti Ing on tite tunniug board Of te car. eftIhe Svette home te the eltect tai anti e-as tht-oe- off whien te auto Sveite bat] bealen bis eite raîber se- struck tihe sîreel car. vereiy set-et-aI ays betore te bitl Ntrs. Jack McNamara,,-ne. Mis& Of lte chiltiren, andti iai taIttis Etitb Cliffari, e-as dt-lving lte nma-fiay bai-e hati somelhlng te do e-it chine. Wben she awung ber car the stuation causeti bet Lux o! the at-auna tire cerner ai West andi Was- Notl Chicago Police tieparîment te Irîgton atet-cela ie thaugitî tiraI sie conduct an investigation today. He eculd jiasa the Street car e-it-t 4 Bayaeire bas consullte ilb Dr. Butite1 sioeing down te IcI Off a sse e- ho attendeti Mrs. Svelte and saya 14s Mcaaaram ltastna tirePitysician infermed i hm that Mra. toppeti iis car In te mididle o! thse Svtels body showet Indications et streel, andt iat aire was not able to a bearing.1 tut-n latire rigmbI o 1tlie le! 1 Tire Chie! Lux Ieiervieee Mrs. Svelte1 auto at-ut-kte car bete-en tele-o but says site steatitaaîîy retused 10 îm- t-ut-ka. Tire automobile e-aserecketi. Plicate ber irusianti. He aIse cOnductl- Passengera on the car rusites out anti e dan Investigation in the neigitir--1 Offeret t a astlstlie Young e-amen ibondianti Baye tria teniedt tabear oui e-ho hati ieen hurt. Mes McNamara ruiner 0f a heating. le tact, ire feles1 e-ll altemPl 10, force te electnît- ao sure tai there la sente trvslh to tec rale-ay le repaît- lie machine, report tiraI he Intends le continue bis Thte InJurea e-eman but recently ar- Investigation. rîvet Inl Wan'egan frein London. Eng- lanti. A bill, the outgroe-th o! theire -tk i - of the commission on hospitas 'antià An ameedment 10ltet-catiatinlehaines apPainleti by lte forty-eigbljr1 llinqis. maltces h the tiuty of the general aasembly passeti botbhousses1 commisaloners 0f iigite-ys t. entorce lust week. reguiating the maor o' - te Provisions o!fte roati lae-pt-e- establiehing andi eontiuctlog 'cas o ventlng linerant campera front camp- b iptl niitoitln he placlng lng or rentqinieg aI aoic place on the, t udren le pt-traIe tomes unionsc blhe-y qxceetink teenty-tour rors. legally adsapted. I i a b W bg hi i di In hi PC ai est s, ~ Page 8even STORY IN SUN LOi GÂTES MAN MISS= INEI FOR 27 VEÂR&: Son oi Abraham Lîttieîohi Who Waited Quarter Cen- tury for Him, in West. When dealth closeti the e- (as.or'tbi- ban rttrejoin tn fNorth ('i 4agît o June 17, the hope anti Iray-e r e s quarter tof a century tuait-e-wouI( bear frem iis laai188ng son, tJthtn,.ha, net been realizeti. Thse eld mnait die, mrrrmruring lte inaimeet bis son. OIn lthe iorning or Jittie i9. te- t]ays alter Mr. Uàttlejonh's death,% Miiddle aget] man t-egrllng lu a e-est Pro state picketi np bis mtorning news initier QueetofIbe fit-st Ir-tlia Met bis gaze e-as notice etflUr Littlt John's deatb. Thte alticle a-nit on t, tril bow thte olti man batle-alîtpfi t et-et- twenty-seven yeat-a for a lettei irem itis son and finally dieti with hiF Prayer unanse-ereti. Tears gathered leInbte cies of th reader. For it e-asnteeother lthatli! l.itfljoitn iimseif, lthe matlni lht homne anda eodîsappeared a,,xcoln Plr-tety as if thte eat-th batile- an, errgutter i hm. Ilee-as sliakiti w ii gt-lrt as the nee-s of bis faiher s dtaît e-as; brokeri le hlm se siddcfilu tndttit sut-b an untnsurai manner ii lh et tîed te seut-c more tietals as titi- tiir sps i1r'-rr e- als brief. Postmasîer ilaniel Grad p, It,, - t-ehv- the fotiowing lelter: PO ST M AST ER, Waukegan, fil. Dear Sr:- We rt-catiIhis mornings paper o! the dealh of Abraham Little- john. who dîcti lune 17, 1iRý5, andi removed a daiiy visiter trom lthe Put office. il enfle for s letter from hi& son, John, who left home ini 1888, but neyer t-Cceived any Cord ftrm hlm. But, aliter il wslac late the son t-esdt]htedeath notice. But, 1 wanl 1e know If My motter la stili alive or if unir of my sis- ters are there. Would yeu please give what information regarding my motter or sistersIhat yos can sgoIsaili knosa wtalta odo? And do you know wheter Abra- ham Liltlejohn was put away hy relatives or net. Hoping ti test- ft-om you ity rtutrn mail. From hi* long lest son. JOHN A. LITTLEJOHN. -P. S-I was bot-n February 25, 1857. Thewe-tler gaverbit full atidreess Lt lte post office liît-tttet la net ai- Itrietite give ont lthe itdress ef aty- ,,re, se for ibis t-t axon tlie aditres s emitted. There seenîs ce q i. - ion but tbît Tîte Sun Is entitlpin'olite credi: fr bai ing lecaiedt] he lo-icngtissing man. The Sun e-as the otîlv pariet- in \Vau- kegan te desc-iur- tee- lb' geti Neorih Cbicago residnt hatgene 'e tbe t-esqt office di dIsfot- yelars anti seat-s in the boites tif tr--elvIng a let- ter freontbiesosn, John. This featnre of rthe story attlteal.i 0,lieCiticago nee-spapers andtihie.-; lii led long ate- roueits ut il. Prom thit-ugo lthe stot-y e-as teiegrapheil te sîtjers air oet lthe country ant it sa -ti this manner taI John LIttlejel-î Icarneel et bis father's long vigil. MWhen survîvora e niArrltant Little- John gave ont di abalout blistieatlr bhey were uniîecidel as te e-helber or not lthe naine if j îhn sitoulti he tivefs as on.eorthlie EUtrviilng children. rTe iaines of font- chiltiren eete glv- en Ite the reporter. "You've forgolten John's nam,', oee saiti. "He muet be dead, enne of lb. ais- fet-s al. "We basen't heard ftram him aince he went away osver lwenly- seven years ago." Just wity John ltejohn istt home la tse fit-st place, lit n01 known ex- .clly. Hie aistera tieclare that tire ras no quar-el. Titey aay liraI he and a tister left a i the saise ielme, tot deciarlng tbat lhey e-ould se t-ha could alay away lthe longer. That e-as lte last beard trami John Il te the preae lime. He couiti nol bave dIsappeareti more rnyaterioualy. The father always mainlained Liti hl@ soiae-oulti relu-n to hlm before ei dieti. UnrIke other memtbers of li@ famhly he e-ould net concede Ibat las son e-as deati. Et-et-y day h. went te tihe post office te tsec If h. hati rSeiveti a leller. Racit day ho was oolmedte disappoielment. but nat- Ig daunteti be wouid return the Ccxl day. These daily trips le lthe post offie r eilt MeIN 1 . 1 . .1 ý -N Pl' 12)1-) that he go longea te hear. Even te the last itehai fu confidence titat bigi UNITED BY MISZ son weirlt relut-n. JO ostmaster Grade ittetid a îoWrite FORTU NE AFTER 15 lohn LittleJOhI" cMore detais about 1s about hlus ftheris deatli. He will E RS E assure hini that bis rotiler ant i a- R TO ters stili at-e living. ti s helieveti that- ___ inupou the rec(-Ipt of titis information Rev. Veneral fNrhCi ILittiejohil will reihîrti fer a visit airbeofNrhC - least. At ihat tinte bc mac explafin cago Goes to Aid of Niece, ls un usuai silence for se niany year-s Charged With Murder. v îtt limIsfortune 511< c nai, in O R T O A aîing seen eacilî tolitfor t- r OP R T N1A years, Iev - %V.-A. D. V'retablc pas- 'd WHO AtorUTef 10,ea Aiian liaptistterhor Wli 11AS UT N Nrth Chicago, andi bis niece 'Ira. EdaLos-lng. saide hY aide In niau JIONOR BY -COURT rIlcipaIt-euttinMiwue oa ouin thtelmurder trial of the weintanI 'Irs. I.Oving is th, dangbtt-et ofRev. t- Charles Smith Passes Through ýVene1rables deati sistet-, aria alîhougli S- OPeration Successfuîly and hehbailrnet :een ber for :lmost a eis lien lhe beard of ber arresi on t,) The ineIsion 0f a aurgeons scaipstl'a murder charge. le bas been ef- )r ai a lime when an hour'a delay rnight fet-tng ber spiritual ativice. rhaveProveti fatal, appears WIti ai \'Ira. Lovlng is chargea witb ba- Io -a vei the lite of Chatles Smith, the lng rourderet i rsr. Margaret Dirnn on Younrg mari e-ho on Thursaay pleadeti 'May 17. dut-ing a quarrel -bit-h teok ie gullty ta hurglary ana larceny. In-Iplace inthtie bosse of correction àt quiry at the Lake Colinly General 'rýlilwatikee. where oh ee-te serving bospilal reveals the fact that Smith1 sentences. Ite-as titouglît that many i iassedti trough the operatieri s ircas citred poeple wouId he on hand at rftlly anti be appears te he on the r he trial teday te offer trorai en- t-oaa le recevery. If Simitht fuily t- ceragenetit lu ev. Venerabie anti dcovers bis healîb be owes bis lIte tohiqs lote 'irs. Loi ing la defendeti Il Circuit lutige C. C. Etiwards anti i, Attor-ney F'ratnk Fawet-ec. Il Corrnly Physician A. E. Brown. Titi exact cause of the quart-el t Mbel] Smitht eas arraignea In court >iiîci resolteti iiIthe atb et 'tirs. ion Tburstiay on a charge of burglary, linii s ttoî known aithiis lime. It he was examineti by the county pitysI- is saidti halt - Inn e-emen hadta chiai ta determnine rhe cause of a large bitter arghumenit, ire resuit of whlcb sweiling on lte aide of bis ear and iras Ibat \Irt-. Lovittg strnck 'tlts. just bat-t ot bis left ear. Il was-founulorhueii the fat-e wilb ber fiat. te he a mastoiti abscess In an eti- 'rrs. Dons stagitered hache-ara vanceti stage. Dr. Brown declared frein: tire lorce efthtIe blow anti top- that Smithb probabty woulti net lit-e llei ecer tite railing of a balcony, forly-eighî bouse unless lie e-as op- ialiing a nrimber et feet teate loor eratea upon Immedlalrly. He saliti betoe-. lier akuli e-as fractureti anti ltee as danger that fire abqcegs she dleti as a resut. N'rts. L.oving wouid break anti reaci theiberain in stas arrestet] anti chargea e-nb mur- wbicb case noihing coutl sate bis lif-. 'det-. Tt was a bard lirebient for the ct-mtiteas net until a couplie of days te sotie. Smith had itat ileadet] ugo tîrat Ret- Verrerable learnea of goilîy le a set-loirs charge, ote poit- the ptigbt in îsiich bis niece bas been lshabie liv a sentence eftfraim on(, ta ptaceti. lie hurt-led te Milwautkee on tîvenly years In states prison; anti Satritday an ntiîentis le remairi e-it yei, he stas serely in neeti rf metilcal iù- t ttoughouî the triai. attention. Dr. Brow-n aeclared that Wthtn a short tinte Ret-. Venerahie he e-euid be laid op for train tour tu e-ii bhaie rtart in te court routm In six weeks. There are negouards at \'toukegan tlitting a different trial. te and il would lie This tinte he e-lu be one oif the prIi-j easy for the prisoner le est-spe ire- lilrais tor lie e-ill apîrear againat Rd- %iilng be were se inclinet]., 1 ward'u'nic ghact, a coloreti mac. le spite ofthiis facttthe courrt de- -b "Irechat-tgecI eitb atteitting ta Q.itedt i gte Smith a chance fer bIl.niorder hIînt. A, couple et nîontbs age ]Ite anti be detientls upen te maris ('untriitliatt fit-ca lice abot inta Res'. gratitude re bring bina Int-ecutt 1.Vereralesîbody, bis riefense iteicg rer-eue serrtence e-hen he bas reccreer- lte îtnwrtittcrîiae. le saya lite mlur- eti bis Iteaitit. Smith xsas placeti rp- 'ister itroke op bis borne anti alienated on rits lionor atndi tromîsedta t do as rrhe atfectionîs of bis eite. reFquesteil lie wiii be piaceti le the Cunninrrgham was indicteti by the re- it tentiin isard 'St the bospital as seon t-r-t grand jutry andi muai stand trial as he recoes - suffitientiy but iislalaiL the October terre et court. Rer. mereiy ns a nitter ot precautlen as Verreraitie la weii knoîen In thiisvIcie- ix hlietei be will coi break falth Iîy as be bas been a principal In ses'- witb te court. Iet-ai court fights thal graoti of ais- lnînediately atter bis arraigirneni sension lit bis conigregation. He bas tit Tbîîrsdav Smitbhe-as placeti in an hbeerr lu W'au'egan antiNotti Chica- anîbutèriice andti aken te the eeirnty go fet lite ast few years. hospital wlîere i)r. Bt-estn eperaiedi __________ i t-crinaiiiiiirîîtediaîeiy.letounnatte feliows' condin was fully as bati as A(INES KANNEWURF Ott% ,unday Smith bati receveret]E 1lfITVd siiffIciecîiv te take a ltle footd. Pro- WEDS MILLIM IREjK s Idrng ne cempliîcation sels lit it la beIpýd b wllgetWel.DYE MANUFACT'ER Hle pleadeti guity teaiîaving errten-et the home et an eldcriy wntae ai Grayslake whlere he stole about $31 Wedding Took Place Some lir cash. He toldth ie court Il e-as the Time Ago-Friends Receiv- fitst lime be ever biad been le trouble. ed Word Only Recently. T Miss Agries Kanner-wurt. a fermer i PLAN Uli~iaiI SALE -ehl known Wauk.gan yeung e-aman, IN rscently waa the principal In witat 18 F OR IIREEDAYS regaraeri as a rather romantic mat-- FOR T REE D YS ,age 1le l iy et New York. She ý WAUKEGAN STORES ! ~te itet fa elhlnaddY F limated i aIcensiierably over a mil-A Wiaukegan. June 22. lion dollars. Site relut-oe a 1 Wauke- Ai a meeting of about tftteen repro- gan a short lime ago and confied the c, aeniaîive met-chanta ai lte Commet-- tact tb ber many friends. 5! cli association rooms ibis mornlng It "ll'a true ail rigitt. t gueas,' A. . e-as decideri te bolti a United Sale tbe ilannet-eurt, agent for lte Adams Ex- a] firai titree daya in .Iuiy, Tbursay, press compaeny, aaid. . Mr. lannee-urf B friday anti Saîuraay. la a brother. "I dont knoe- Juat-bcw al The unitea sale la an outreme o! mech my litera s hanti la e-atl, 0o the greai anocesa itad ity al ef the but 1 untieratanti be la vert eealtby.' tit met-chanta on Dollar Day. Miss Kannewurf tormerly e-as em- ln Dollar Day provedtihie irtagestlouni plàyed as a e-aitressaai tire Gearge w best event Wsukegan bas had I l many restaurant on Washington sîreet. w a day boti tfram tbe alandpoint of Her plesing manners e-on ber mRnY da lb. metr-baril as well as tbe buying frientis, She gave up tite position la public. accell a position 1 ille allie of a The Un ilet Sale la expectedta 1 large loop hetel ln Chicago. týrom brlng et-en better resulîs because lte there site e-ent la New York aed ac- met-citants are beunn a unit. on cepteti a simîlar position. Her tricots tirese apecial days anti evet-y effort aay Ihat It e-as e-bile eah. e-saemploy- e-hi be matie 10 give beller values ed lter. ibat site met the man e-ho titan coula be donc If lte metchants site evenlually mat-rieti. eete gîvîng titese sales Intifvitiually. Mise Kannee-urt la a very attract- Ttla iexitecledthaltImet-chants Inlt-e Young e-eman andTitilla saiti thal es-et-y line of business will enter lotoilte-as this -hich fit-at atracled the te spiril tftitis fit-st big Unitedi Sale attention of te man e-be matrs-ed ber. MANY BifiFOURTII 0f JULY CELERAc iTIONS ARE PLANNED Nearly Every City and Village in the County Is to Have Some Celebrat.ion. t Airhough Waukegan sa planning to b ave a big F'ourth of '.toly celebratlon -this year it ix flot the only city In ilhe county ishich has matde plans along this line. Accorling te ail re- ports th e 'orth wili lie observed Iquite generaily throughout the coun- ty. In sonie places where the celebra- h foua arc to be heiti the event $ b- ting heraided biroaticast. This la the. -case ai North Chicago. The business imen andl the l'rogress club of the cily have arrangeti to hoid their cele- bration at F'oss par'z, nverlookin& L.ake Mtichigan. 1-lugames, dancing' tandi sports of ail kintis will be pro- iteti. Lake Forest anninces that It will have a good o01(1 a'ýhionei celebration tis year but co details of the, affair have iteeu given ont as yet. It is lie- lieved' boweî er, thai the affair wi!l be in thte nature of s big pienic. Zion Citry bas made no announce- nment as yei but lnasmuch as there bas been a celebration titere eiery year, it ! utethal the saine wlill Ire true titis year. Celebra- tions ln that r-uv aiways are devoiti of "insane" features. They partake more of a goût] old fasione i pcole, bandi concert, etc., with gaines anti sports of ail l,Ânds. From sorte of lthe amaller towna of the county corne reporta that celebra- tions are te hie helti. This le belng done fort teo ffe- sufficlent Induceme nt 0o keep the reaitintsata home on the day. In spite of that fart thte party 0f young men who are arrangingthecele- itration In 'taukegan teel that they wili be able to, offer suitlcleni Indclue- nients 10 hring a Irge number of the ceuntry folike te Waukegan on that day. In addition te the featurea ai- ready there are several wbich will bie secureti whicls bas net been comn- pletely arrangeti as yer. The affaîr ,promiaes to be one of the moat suc- cessful celebraliona ever helti lu the ciîy. The a! lernoon anti evenlng lire- worka, especially the former, abould prose atrong drawing carde. The bandi concerta ai the park alooaboulti resut it i attracting many peolile. SEVEN MEN 0f -10 ODD YEARS AT- A DINNER PARTY Grand Army of Republic Vets Agreeably Surprise Comrade Perry L. Austin. Waukegan. June 19. Upon entering the berne of bis son, C'harles. ai noon Tituraday, Perry L. Austin waa agreeably arrrpriseti when ie founti that seven oaf is id coin- rades bati asaembled t0 pay hlm born- age on bis 7lst birtbtiay. 1q As per bis promise Mtr. Austin left hîs home shortly before the noon hour and repaîredtu t bis sons' home wbere lie bat] plannei to dîne witb bie tain- .ly. Imagine bis surprise wben hae fonnd there asseibiedtihIe followIng coinrades: ?rtARLES SPAULDIS1G, aged 80 yeara. Mi. MERRIIL, ageti 75 yeara. 'RED WORTH, ageti 75 years. AI LOOlK. ageti 73 years. ALVIN WAITE, ageti 71 yeara. It la interestlng to note that the combincti age of these eight veta le 592 yeara, or an average of 74 years. Thrrratay. 'tIr. Auatin'a birtbday, lo Isie the anniversary of the,Battle of Bunker Hill. The afternoon was pent In telling war atonles and soin. f the lateat lokea. At six o'clock th aged gentlemen filed Inmb the dîn- ig room where a beautituil repast, 'as set-yod. Afler exlentiing best 'ishes to their "ýyoutbful" tb. guests departei for their homes ai 8 o'clock. bl"flonut ada-rosi ly U.OOê If. BAIRSTOW M1arble and Graânite Monuments

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