Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jun 1915, p. 8

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LÂECOGNTY LNDEPENeDENT, IàlDÂY. JUNE 24mJ9UL, Mage zguu___________ -________-_______-___________________ SAYS SUtE DJDN'T 4iET WA E, SO SItE SEIZES THE STORE Exciting Time in Zion When Men Try to Take Pos- session of Store. Zion City.-Tbe-e s'as a goati deal FO BO ATE band store on the corner of Twenty- . 1. ........... ,, , +sveuht,,set and Elîsha avenue Fr1- day. it appears that Boward made a FOR SALE-McCormick Mawiug bd-'- cantract wlth a woman namcd Msr)M chIn, rdley Hamac Rate, lu god ot~'~ N. Dose of Chicago talookit ater is dtion. J. F. Doyle, Evertt. Il. &~ business sud iteP the book$. For FOA-ALE-19155 p.s. itsdebtrim ni ason ar other the contract outouibil lagoa coditon.A bar- vas not camplieti vitls, Il la saiti. sud sutu& MIphilcansideconritor ethe voman triedt tatake possession Of Pho,. Laie Farcit 456. 40p h is business. Bbc brought tva men _________________________ ram Chicago sud tbey enteredtheUi FOR SALE-Tva passeger, ealid tire, stars viUi the voman sud tItnan buM.ytype, twa cylinder. gaolli un- ocufle follaveti. The Woman accusas about <bars). Tii. machine lu lu gondi Hoyard of nt paying ber $10 as yod runl«aordr sud yl hoe solti choap agreti upon sud she clalmeti store a R. R Doolttile. Ares, Ill. ,40p3. propcrty as payment. Sheansd thse ------m----ve o rdereti ont, but it la saiti FORSLE-HrnoiOis Bugy. Ponothat tbey retusedt t go. Hovard tItan 143-R, Libertyvilllo. 40p2 proceeded int resart ta force. Hie trieti FORSAL-ýO@ Rng lntirt eonta eject the men aud blows vere FOR Rage i frt castrucit. Howard dlaims he vas strucit shape. lunuebut tibre.3"ra. Ovuer moving. H. J. Swan, Ai-ca1. II. about the body ant ihati a bruise on the back of is hanti. Be called up FOR SALE-Horse 4 yrsoid, buggy aud the police but s'as referredti t the baiere«uarly new.'. *pply ta Walter state's attorney. Dady gave bimn au- Pople. Area, 1I1. Pi*ine 270-Wl1. 40c1 thority ta eject the people from iebi Ipremises antid littie later wben the FOR ALE-Golt Con Soil dit stvajPolice arriveti. he succeedeti lu dama and ii.burner gas plate. W. J. endcict cor. Stewart sud . Park Ave. 40p1 It stated Flday nigbt that How- FOR ALELigt 3spriginlk ago'ard s*ore outwaurrants for the ai-Iest chsap. Libertyville Batery. 40)PI h atescnen FOR SALE-1914 Rea Automobile. ln perfet mebsuical condition. paint. tirese sud upbpistering ln good côndition. For price address owuer. G. A. Mitchell, Ceeier. Lakte Villa Trust sud Savinge Bank, LAite Villa. li. 40el FOR SAL-Teau of email mules' clieap, or vHIi rade for borna. J. C. Merchant & Bru., Waukogau. 111. wqkly. it FOR SALE-BS Duroc Pigs about B vusts al. T. C. ZerSen. Tel. M40..2; iibertyvtii .39ct1 FOR 8ALE-Driving mare. 7 p. oni. Cbo.P Il talion at once. luquirs E. Blolsman, R 2, Waukeffn. BOpli FOR SALE--B gond dremseir, 3 com- modée, 1 good large 6 humer gos tove. W. a. Appler. Phone 912-J 89ci FUR SALE-Yonug pertectiy matebed drvtag leam, wt 1100 lb oecb, alo choico of 2 tamlly horse.. Opuoti by ae«. elue, A. 0. Scbworinan, Gilmr, IIL 8Vtt FOR SALE-Tveety.flve bésd olgeueral perpouo ho ro rm 900to 1800 Ibo.. lwommarem elu ol. Sevral s"tsof men"od bond h&mean sd wagons.- Twutu, as or os timn. N. R. Iadd, pic.. 4, Libertyville.B7cl W@ bae a samber of fine bous.for saoroat. Dymd& Auotn. Liberty- pARUs FOR SAL-l Traverse Coçmty Mad Luther" uetsiemt. Verr fiue la.d, lieriebt soU lunthe world a«d Mrs. Etinati Sheltirake. a newspaper -Oman, employeti on the ed ,iorial staff of the ZIon Theocrat. passeti away aft- ci- a long lîneas Tburstiay eveniug. Mrs. Sheldi-ake bati hati 1à >ears' ex- perience en the staff of one or mare of, the Chicago papers. She vas aI anc time on tIse etittorlal staff of the Chicago Tribune. The city hall building bas been greatly impraveti lu appearance tbraugb the filma lu of bles beveen th*~ sidevalit andtihIe front of the building. The grounti bas been sotiteti sud flowers placet! lu boxes ta adorn tIse vindov ille. A gasoline lawnmower bas mest been purchased ftoi-the Temple Park gar- eus. The Iawnmaver bas a capacity of elght acres per day. t velaba 760 pounds. bas a 28-incIt cut anti covers 4% miles an boni-. DRIVER KILLED; WAUXIEiANMNUN- GONSCIOUS 30 DOYS Sidney Fletcher Found in Cook County Hospital After Long Search by Relatives. TIse driver vas lusotly illedi: Àîduay Pleicier, a ntaI son of Wsu- gan, vos crltlcalby Inureti. vben Uic otmrobueIna a hich h a vasilding *ti-uct a sIreet car. Tiseaccident occurret lu Chiscago. The deati masbody v. s mavet int vbs« ci-pa an-sure. The bealiet tee mai-pue; Fletcher vas rollati in a cimas etab. foun nti mjbeme. Lov'ilautet 'sud removedtc tohUecCook pr~loilane.For particulai-saddi-e oounty hosilal. The occident bnp- Geo. J. VandervalDumant, 111li. 321>11 pened thrty-three doys &oa. Last - aurday Fletchser, for the. firt lima. * roi lENT + ragalucti cousclouanoas. Hias cntin- neti absence from bise home reolted lu . . . . . . .I..+.+. . . . n urci belintmode hy relatives, anti FOR RENT-Gooti bouse, bai-r ntid ha vosfount lu ana of thse large yard. garde. W. H. ApplY,. Phono 2124, or Uic hoeptal, vhich is funanceti by làbetyvIlIe. 86elO tise connty of Cookt. Bis rlght leg bai beau badîs' cruahoti. To ave is + WA1UIM +lita It vas fount noeasary toamar- . . . .. .. . . .. .putate tisa leg ju blov the rgt WANTED-A competeul Iam bond, hlP. marrlimmm preorred. flouse, gardsn Wlen Fletcher avatanet f rom bis &Wd mut furnisheti. (ooti wafss. Aus@. alumber on Bturday ha lenmuot thst 0 "A%". Indeudent. 40.1 ha bai lept ovoy ona uonth of hi& ~ esse lite, aud intthatlima 1usd stfferOdtheIb WAITED-Good girl foi- genral boum.lomueto one 1mb. vork. Tlpbow Liberty ville 22. eBt Sidney Fletcher vau bor ansd als- - n Wonkagan. Be belongodte l tha * IsOT and »OU» + crack bosebeal team vwhlch vas tuovu *+++. .. . .os "Tise Blackt toctl.' Be vwu LOST-Biack anti Whte pointer doit, o student lubMr. MoodyrB cla-thon béavky tilcitet, spotteti. Boyard foi- Miss Hllovoil, et tise aId Central rsWo aW.1. Wmght, Ho Day. BtI achool. He ttendeti achool bems lu the pears o! 1876-&-84. Amnnahis Ofeyug RogulatlemL clniesmates vere tise folia'etna vali- Utile Bolie vent la tise park vus iknovu citiacu, ay or William W. grantpa. shevws pauionataly fond Pearce, James NichaIs, Fred Murray, o! loyers, andi grantpa lîfttotiber up Mr. sud Mrs. lIard, of Noth Sheri- te 'te the prtty flovera lu tise lra. dan roati. Mr&. A. Barry, James A policeman came &onan sud*ii Wright sud Suma Pameter. "Tou mustn*t pici t he floyers. Ilt!. gIrl," to yhîch sha grovoly repflaS Word reascbesatWukegau ou Bundsy 'Tunt pick 'cm; 1 auîy mili 'cm." of the accident. It vas raporteti thot ______________ the driver of the cor ot continaIof Indeffendent meder? BE ONE.. Uice tearing vhael, sud 1ha1tIha car strucit s treet car or a stesî stauch- curtin.Ion of the elevaîtd tmcts."^ Fletchser Ocamst i E. (esterton. th»EDSIIià bau viiteti Wsukegan on troquent oc- oietlit. asan eztraordlnorill atut cailôni. ama.An Maghauisnouspaper, d.scrib- img a meeting etivisicis. Mr. Cister Dellyrisoughtt t«. Vosth*s PrIncIp alits r. BaÏA: T»se »Y toeana goctiregtatles «M i.CbsaOàtotiien mMountedthàls 19 to ndeavor 90 b. visat ou dui» etitru. sund he. chirs» wua»m aes 8.sae.-sooeatoe »e more for bal! au hour."- NE VER TARDY OR ABSENT IN SEVYE YEARS AT SCIIOOL ADVERISI NG RATE S Sc per lino eacn insertion L... th.n 6 lin.., 25c firt insertion bte-to-be of tihelilcense dlent. 'Ye,. that's aIl, except seelug a jus- ice or mlnlstei- anti getting maried,' ras the replY. "What! Ai-cn't ve mai-rieti.' Inquir- ti the brIde-to-be in sanie surprise anti confusion. "Why. I thougbi ve jmît liat beau marrieti.' The clark axplsîuad ta ber that ase îlrnpty Itat secri-d a license ta ha narrieti anti that a mInuster or justice woulti bave ta complete, the ceramany. '-Oooduess. I augbt ta bave tuovu tbot." salibErs. Sams. --i vas marrieti onca before, but that vas so loug ago thàt I guasa I hava tergottan aluxoat il about fP, The coupla leftthlIe court bouse anti visîteti the office of Justice Balz wbere tise ceremouy vas completeti. They thén lefI the city. presumably taei-e- turu te Racine. BotIt vere very rlcbly dresseti. Mrs. Sass s'aie a bantisome whtite satin tiress. Botb were buttan-bale bouquets of tisisies. No yeuthful couple coulti have beau mare attentive ta each otis- ar. NEW RULES TO OO VEN MIDWIVES IN STATE 0F ILL. MitivvosiluIllinois at lent are ta ha plncet i uder supervision of the propor anîbarities. mB.l governing te practîce al midyiamy are nocm: to ha dratteti by the stata board of lteslth anti yul h ln ottecl vltbin! a month. Dr. C. Bt. Claire Braite, th. secrotazy. announoc ad yestarday. They are ta ha drOttsd aong thissie ef regnaWka ila ferce fi* a tev veets ta Chiucag itsa my«»a@> 0.Poli ielcaInl finence uttblai Urne prevantedthetso tramx belsg givea a fair tial. A copy f 0f seMIl"s vI ho funieh ed aach mîlvife vltl s liceusa U practice. Oving 90 chauges of nmu sud stidresses the..8e band bali record of tise recidoces 0f oalr smail par cent of the thouaad cd Mldvives liceamatila tise i.Unil moine voy la toundti taobtalis a ro registration 0f the»o vomen tisa hoari baos no vay of oUctisily notiyla thon t0f the raformt. Dr. Brakie soannnnee t -at th, board lait Mouih reorgaulsothi i niethoti of exMMing amiivve. alla luallug ancuh of the avil ofthtisaoh rmystent. Tha examtinaUonsamarehelti L many languaga, anti tcruarW ,th, translators employaid hy the vomai vers genuerlly the. sse Persans vis coscieti thera for the emîamtio in future exsinntionq midive yl also ha morted S.or Persona cleanliiioi. Tisa Kdeimemiet Iu Bib. Waukegan, Jue 19. Despita the tact that sha bas ta walk twtvamiles toa choo!. Miss Es- ther Lystluud, «Istsa year olti daugh- ter of Mfr. sud Mr&. Christian Lyst- land, of 1320 Pennsylvanlo evanue, bas not s bina mark agnnt ber usme. in other varda the yauug lady bas never beau absent or tsrdy since at- teudiug the Garfield achool. Mis Lyatlund entera ber eigbtb year as s studeut In lte Garfield iu eptember aud at the ce of thse scbool semes- ter tant veci she bsd attA'ided the 1'aId North school' saven ysars vith- ont beiug absent or tardy. Of course, Miss Lystlinud- la compalled. la carry ber dinnar. lit vould bha Impossble for ber ta vlt four miles. et ber dinuer, sud than ratura ta echool on Umne. Misa Lystluud la Up vith thc chîcit- eus svemy mornin.g. Bbc always enta bei breakfast by 6:30. sud atter breakfasat seaspeuda over su bour assatiug ber mother lu the bausg. wor"<. Bbc generally leaves ber borne ai elght or a quarter after, sud ai- vays bas a tev minutes ta spare be- fore the trady bell rings. SIte ls planning ta graduste fram the eighth grade next yaar, andi If ber plans carry she wili attend hlgh school. "Ob, l'taucirer going ta be tardy. andi barring sicituesa I vîlI never miss a day,' said the yaung lady. lier high marks received on ber report carti attest ber abiltty as a student. WINTER MET AU= TUMN IN WEDDING Wauitcgau. Jue 19. Witer met .Autumn today wheu Jo- seph Kîten. aged S), aud Kate Sass. ugeti 63. bth of Racine, were uniteti in mariage by Justice Bals. Mr. Klien was quite deat and Mrs. Sass lied ta answer nearly ail the quesi- Ions. When it came to signing his name on the license register Mr. Klien sbaweti hinisel! a man of cousiderable vigor for be dasbed off hîsý signature with as much vimu as a mani much youngei-. An interestîng ltte incident de-. velopeti after the couple tiat speured their mariage license. "Thats ail. isn«t it 7 asked the -i- REAL ESTATE TRANSFEUS ^b e Furnished by L^ ~ OUNTY TITLE &TRUST 00 .sact of Tille. Titles Guarantoed. Matonlc Temple SIda. Wsauiegsn. lune ?9, 1915.-Chicago Titie & Trust Co., ta W. S. Bell, lot 9, Ferry F'ield and Ferry WVoodis, Laite Bluff. JoatI . 8000. Autun Ptaslnski and te te Joseph Zakretevuki, lot 32, blockt 8, Wash- burn Park, North Chicago. W. D.. $1.00. Joseph Zakrews'il and wife te Mikel Wosus and vIte, lot 31. blockt S, Wash- humn Park, North Chicago. Q. C., $1. Juno 10, 1915.-Ti W. Smith sud wlfo te W. R. Horion, et aI.. lots 18 anid 187, Bhaw's subdivilon, Round (4ke. W. D. 8200. W. A. Roging aud wife, et al., to Milltoea Ltwller, lots 2 aud 3, blocet 1, R-11n9 Bros.' subdivision, Round L*ite. W. D. $600. W.' A. Raingand vite, et al., ta Magu. B. Wobber. lot 1. ibIockt 1. Ans- [ig Bros.' subivision, Round Lak. W. D., 800. J. C. Halo aud vIte ta B. M. BSa- gan Md vife, lot 33, blockt C4, Northt Ciongo. W. D., $1.500. A. Y. EOonblen sud vite ta C. J. ad Selma Soderqulsi, lots 28, 29 sud 30, blockt S, Orvls' subdivision, Wau- AL F. Beaublen and vite te Ane B. Kra.s., lot 17, blockt 10, Waukegan Hlighlands, North Chicago. W. D., $1. June il, 1915.-Reinold Muencb sud witc te A. C. Lipite, lots 12 sud 13, Hloward Highlands, Fox Lake. W. D.. $1.00. A. C. Llpka and wlfe ta Emma Muench. lots 12 and 13, H-oward Higb. lands, Fox L~e W. D., $1. Chicago Titie andi Trust Ca. ta W. R. Rlsel, senthit 1eàlot 2, School Trus- tees' subdivision of section 16. Shields twp. Decd, $1. C. J. Casterton and vite ta T. J. Stahl, lot 9. blocit 5, Cumminga & Co.'aS outh Side subdivision, Wauke- gau. W. D., $600. June 12, 1915.-L T. Butman ta W. J. Rathje. lot 5, Owner's subdivision, Lake Bluff. Q. C. $1. Ethel M. Hastings and husband, et aI.. to C. U Hoxie. lots 15 andi 16, block 108 andi lots 4 snd 5, block 109. North Chicago. Q. C. $1. G. W, Cann. Jr.. and vite te G. L. Murphy. tract of land Inl sections 34 sud 35, Grant township and lu section 3. Wauconda township. W. D. $10. J1. Ell Trigge and i vie te Mtina Mac- Arthur, lot IS. Trlgg's subdivision. Llhertyville. W. D. $1,000. W. A. Raslng and i vie, et aI.. tai Ray Morrill. lots 41 sud 42, block 2, Rosiug brothers' subdivision, Round L.ake. W. D. $250. Charles Ub sud vIfete laC. F. Brumm. lot 12, blockt 1, Wright's addi- tion, Llbertyvllle. W. D. $500. June 14. 1915.-Emma A. Hamberg andi husband ta John A. Bickftord, the no-tuh ait south haIt uorthvest quar- ter section 17, 44, 12. eaot of Green Bay rond. Q. C. $1. Frauk J. Waliter aud vite ta Frankt Rose, lot 6, Dymnopd's firat addition ta Libertyville. W. D. $350. Mary V. Boyd and husbaud te Je- banna Tobin, lot 4, blockt 2, Grady& Hallowell's subdivisian. Q. C. $10. Teresa Redmond aud hushsnd ta J. Ogden Armour. ooutbvesl quarter quarteT section 36, 44, 11, east of C.. M. & St. P. rsllrosd. W. D. $1. June 15. 1915.-F. MacDonald Lau-e and vite to Arthur E. Blugbam, part southwest quarter section 21, Deer- fieldi township. W. D. $10. George Lutkeuhagen ta F. Edeon White, six acres lu uouthwest quarter section 12. UibertyvIlle township. W. D. $900. U, S. Envelope Compay te Antan Root. lot 22. block 2, Waukegan buIs- landis, W. D. $1. William Knigge sud vîfe ta Thesu dore Zersen. lots 13. 14, 15 and 16, Owuers subdivision, Village of Avecs W. D. $10. Florence Bexton and busbaud te Augusta Sexton. 60 acres lu sections 15 anti 16, Antloch township. W. D. $5.600. John Griffith andti vie ta Anita Me- Cormick Blalue. lots 282, 283. 285 sud 284, (except weeterly 276 feet>, Laiti Forest. W. D. $1. a June 16, 1915.-Thomas Drury Milu, aud vite to Charles J. Arbogast and vite, lad adloinfug lots 8 and 4, Ni> persinit Club subdivision. Q. C. Il. Joue 18, 1915.--Chics.go T. &T. Co. te Auguet C. Kummer. lot 81, Wl soW% 2nd subdivision at Long Lakte, In Deeti, $325. Fred'k Green sud vite ta Harry Le vin, uarth 50 test lot 98, Orson Bn) addition ta Laite Forest W. D., $10 John W. DunEstate to Laite Foi est leCa., part of lot 844, Laite For est. Deeda. $3,200. Arthur C. Thomnson and vite tc Carl Hoermna, lot 3. blockt 87, High )f land Park. W. D., $1.7W0. 'Y June 17, 1916.-Eleratno Foutons ti 'eCharles V. Sheldon. 14 acre ln suitl 0 cenat corner section 10, Avon township d W. D.. 8711. B 'Pauline, MoMabon ansudband t4 Harold T. MoM5,hau. lots 9, 10, 11 blockt 2, Bursettos addition ta Lakg City. W. D., $1.00. l- Jaunie P. Bayler sud husbacé ti teChas De Boo, lot 31, block 9, Wasl bum Pari. W. D., $176. a John A. Pliktord and vite ta Abra Id barm R. Baldwvin, about 20 as o.i section 17, Shields twP. W. D., 84 650.00. M Thomas Brurr MIlme sud vite t Chai-les H. Lever and vite, Port 0 llots 3 sud 4. 2Jlpprsiuk Club subi nutrition sud hcolth ai man. The report givo. the i-coults of Ibres set, af extensive esperimente on Isuman subWtecoaeu- ducetIlndepeutiently hy nimber. ai the boardi sud vos lu reoponse ta qustions put ta il by the deportmont ai agricul' lure. The board'@ report vos unani- mous anti vos sigueti by Ira Remm, preeldant iof John Hoptins uuiveroitY, l'hairmau: Russell H. Cri-ttendon, vro. tesnai- ai physiological chemiutry lu Yale nlversity andi dirertor ai the Sheffieldi Scientifie scoul; Johnu H -Long, profeesor of chemintry iu Nortbwestern nniveruity; Alanro E. Taylor, profeoor of physic- logeal chemièt-y lu the LUiversity ai Penusylvanlsansd TheaaitiSmith, professai- ai comparative pasboîoigy Harvard, This important docision matest apparent that it ia unnecueaiy ta pa, su exorbitant trust price ta pot pure and vholeooieboiuag powder. Thbeet hsting povder iu tise vorld-whicb bas bapu provs est bouhvwot andi vhlch te ipure lu iho c"n anti pure in the bakiag --cau ho purchasetifor the moderato pi of ai25Scents ner pounti. 40-1 CHICAGOS SAFE AND SANE FOU ATM Chicagos aBaie sud B8ni@iiourth ovIii b. oiiclalîr celebrated t thlb.White Ciy lu the greateet ireworka i tlpîn@er con- ducted inl thees parts aimes the World'a Fair. Opening on Saturdar uight, Jue 26th, anti estendina aver the Foui-tI i ih nightly displnvs, iheroi.- ho a firsu-artsospectacl eat Chieago'o Brlgbtest $pot, the reeetîauenesa af whleb vîlI markt a nev ers lu trevorto exhihita In Chicago. Tb@e great apectacalar esiilition lu affered uder the coption ofi'*Panama la Pence ant InluWar.' This exhibition which shova the canal lu pence sud vor hoa 500 gorgeouuls govuet perlai-mers, Iucluding 800 ballet girls, nant cii-tuand hippodrome acte, osevalai many o ihs?' effective specialties. Tb@ enuery hua beon remarkahîy polnted ta reprsee tise Panama Conal anti a stveet wse le, the cille. ai Panama anti Colo,.'Tise apectacular part ai the antertaiumnu open# vith a march ai t-he soldilere of a&l nation. anti follovo ti itti .Battieofa Panama. Wlth tihe naval and. land, baslles ln action, the air la filleti vitls roctots &ant bombe, giving tise andimnc an Inlingof vhattbecondltioneoetuarl are lods, on lorelgu silI. A big serp. plano sud dirigiblo ballon eaiolsbrotugi tise air, explading bomba lu avery direc- tion, sud adding ta tise spiendor of tise iIe spoctapîs. The volcano eruption. ofilit. Rapeansa 1% pemiape tise gresout incident oi the cutîre spectacle as thoeps" wiil oweorve. 40-1 V97 11AR2RIAGE LICRISSm. Louis Midal, Mllwauteea........... 21 Wlllmett Nolsu. aame ............. 18 Arthur Sveatser, Boston. Mu..... 26 Rutb Gregory, Mhigland Park ...27 Albert F. Schulz. Randani, Laite, Win s....................... 24 Rosa C. Arentt Cedar Grave, Wis.24 Har-y 1U. Bringoît, Mlwaukee..22 AIma M. Walllch, sanie......... 22 Albert H. Kablert. Miwaukeec...25 Eleda H. Welling. saine ......... 18 Raymondi Taylor. Milwaukee ...21 Frances Noe. sanie ............... 20 Joseph N'auPutten, Antiocb ....21 tiazel Hartwcill Silver Laite, Wisj..19 Ray D. Reetis. Deerfielti.......... 24 Ireue S. Hlutchinson. sanie ....20, Wallace D. 61cCiyman, Brooks. Wis.33 Sosie A. Pierson. Oxord, Win. .....29 Julins Tornov, Mlwvaukee......24 Ida Rupite, camie................. 26 John Hartz, Milvauktee........... 29 Kathryn Rockett, sanie........... 37 Landau C'. Nellis. age Lucy Mf. Crittenden. sanie ... legal age Fi-Illirfpearson. Chicago .........4 Signe Esîberg, saine............. 22 Loren Peterson. Keiîosba ......... 21 Ethel Prlntz. sanie........ ....... 18 Claude .. ,DuHamel, Muscoda, Win, 24. Mae L,. Smitb. Chicago, 111,, Il. Fi-suitE. GilI NlilwatFiee,. 21. Elizabeth Bautel. samie, 21, John Scidmore, Elvood, luit., 2.6. Lochîs F. Creagmile, mane.223. Franit G. Hassler, Mfilwauktee, 21. FORMER WAUKEGAN M. E. PASTOR HEADS WISCON- SIN ORDER 0F G. A. R. Wsuenu, Wls.. Jane 1.-Dr. W. J. 6IcKay of Madison vss the unaulmona cbolce of th. G. A. R. enesmpmeut aa .101. commander of the G. A. R. Tuesday aflernoon. Rlpon vas chouan un the next meeting place without opposition. Six bondi-ad vateana marcbad tu thc G. A. R. parade Tuesay. (Mr. McKay vas Pastar ai the Waukagan M. E. church tan or twcîvo yoara &go sud 1! valremembamoti hy Watregain peo Pte.He slvays vas E. Mary Blsney. smre, 23. snyitree iiLO .""1 22George H. Ryan, Ne vLondon, Wln.,ýteofIlniCuyofUp s Lorrains MllerIz, same. 21. in the County Court of "aid ake RalpIt W. (3111, Wasbburn. III., lega]l Couniy cf the Juiy Teoin, A. 0. ac. lois. EdnaDahrnger Wauegan legl l the mstter of tbe Estate of John aEtiaDb-ngr akga.lgl Sella. Sm.. Deceaasd. Davi L Thonipson. Chicago, 36. iNotice to I4eiri of Presentation of Martha M. Dimmick. Mlvaukee, 22. Final Accotant and Final Report. John S. Whitfcld. Chicago,.2.5. TO John Belg. Jr..,îtary ffciey. Jacob Gertrudie Andersan, anme, 26. Sella. Fi-d Selig. Emma Reeti. Denîson E. Travia. Wanitcaan. le- Chares A. Sellg. Fi-suit ella. Eila gal ag.Fallett. Lîllie Sella. Pearl Selle. Auna NI. Powell. North Chicago, le- Mai eiCaec ei n I gal a. Other Persane lutareateti. Geogre Baumann, Mlvauitee, 18. PLEASE TAXE NONCE Tisat on Elmyra Ganritea, mme, 18. the 19th day of juiry, A. D. 1915. at Hngit J. Moi-an. Mlwaukte, 28. the boni- of tes o'clock A. M., la the Maya Kenan.sanme, at tisat tima occupieti os s Court William 3. Kmasa, Milvslkeea, ig.Rom by the County Court of Mid Anthony M. Lsabrecbt, lame, 30. La&'ie Couuty. lu the Court Hou, lu Ralpis . James, Mlvseee. 24. thse City of Winniegaau Laite CoustY, Hilda Ltutaov, smre,. 27. Illinois, I1saal prenent mY Final Ac- Rtobert G. Cordai-. Kenosha, 24. count sud Final Report os executor Berthao R. Hall, Zion City, 18. of the Lait WiII sud Testament ot Front Polto. Mlwauke, 22. John Selig, Sr. deeeased, sud saIl sait Helon Kimtein, semB, 24. that the same ha approveti and that John P. 6iabiberg. Milvauktee, 21. Balit estata be declareti aattled sud Charlotte Rîardan, aame. 19. cloaad anti my bond reles.sed. at Lester Myers. Plalufielti. Ill.. zt. vhicis ttme and place yan eau appear 1 Ethel Hnnptfuehrer.sanme. 26. sud abject if yau ses fItI so ta do. -1James E. Crawford. Charleston. , Datati ai Wsukegan. Illinois, tItis Va., 27. OtIt day of Jue. A. D. 1915. Ktbryn Ekhartt Viroqua, Wia. OHARL2S A. 9SEIO.I Jon1 ils i..HalniPr. Execulor of the [eal WI sud Tost- > 9Jh .B-g, rHgln ak ament of John Sella, Sr-.. deces- Mfariai-le Loudon. sanie. 22. Fred Tai-n. Foi Laite. 32. Elizabeth Wolff. anme. 27. Alice M. FleIina, Mivaukee, 27. Clarence E. Dovidman, anme, 26. Victor A. Blomgrau, Kavita, la, 40. Della Farnham. West Allia, Wls., 28. Henry D. Kennedy, Milwaukeae, 38. Blag B. MoMîndas, arne. 24. Auguat Dovits, Milwatkee, 41. Auna ibisuer, sae, 27. Etivord Kulesal, rMilvanitea, 44. Barbara RoBin, mone. 37. Gaorte F. Boylc, Wao'cegan, 27. Mary A. Lange, »ame, 23. Clarence W. Rts, Grayalaite, 22. Bessie A. Watha.e, Laite Villa, 22. John E. MaIllaIs. Cottage Grave. Win.. 28. Jessie R." Wood, Glencoa, Ili.. 2&. Nick Caris, Mlwaukee, 23. Lulu Bouger, anme, 22. FranitWlunet. Laite Mille. Win., 31. irene Beau, Mlwvaukee, 25. Water E. WIlson. Milvaukee, 27. Anna Wlitlran, anme, 21. Joe Baridna. Milwaukee, 26. Sophie E. Patsvaid, smrne 19. John O'Keefe ratnueêd ta BiOi- land Part TiursaY nlgit <ro- Springfield, vhers at tise tate *M1- vadou of ibhePatoOllal Otiel' of Englca, he a electti dalegato froI Itîluols ta the national couvesiti Of the. grand lodgc ai Opotane. Wissis. lu Augnat. %ths lu the ibast bone Utis the state meeting OQUl cS«We ou aman, luescatise sIlpeftitmieilt of tIe mroraduflW bomne Kt Biis Issd lPart naturo17Ieohfel d over the recognition given hlm. ed. MARTIN C. DECKER, Attor-ney fa, Execor. Wkly. lt Jonc 17. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Publie notice le harsisy givan tisat the Bubscrlber, Admiulstrstrix o! the Exiate o! Joaeph Itoffal, deeoaed, vOll attn the Cannty Court of Lae County, at a tai-m themeof ta ha bolticu at the Court House in Wsute- gan, in laid Couuly, ounIthe fi-at Mon- day of August nazi, 1915, vbeu anti vhere ail persoas bving daims asluut aiti esiote are notifiai sud requested ta preseut t-ha saua to atti Court for adjudication. MARY STORPEL, Admnstratrlx vith WIII Annazet. E. V. ORVIS, Atty. for Adinistm-trix. Wauitegsu, Ilinuois, Jue 7th, 1915. Wtly Juna 18-25-JUIY 2. .aJNIAIO.r-5fsJ nNTIE. Youni Sho e ANSI Some Pur fi Thoodoro H. Durst. Prosidont. W. 9. aSmith, Vice Prouldont. F. W. Churchill, secrotary and Mon 0f or Hon. DoWltt L.,,Jone. . Gn. Counse. TELEPHONE 8 1 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSrACTS0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital $1 25,000.00 Public Notice lu boreby givas that Mr&. Ethel Barman ot Ijiertyville tise fubicriber, AdmWnairator ofthie ,ged 2S, .M Odudged lame lacoun-. Egtai. 0f Cathserine Goesvilar, doceai- ty court tbis altuoxisoo MmTiaevideuoe ed. il vuattend the Couuty Court of Shovedthe ais soubJoot to hiueins- Laite county. nt a terni tiereof ta b. tiols5 and worriles coustontly. iseaise bolicu aitisae Court Boume lu Wsutc- bas beau quit. dastmSuvéotcf frni.. tire andlibi es. Oflaie she, ba r. gan, lun id Connty, ou htietraiMon- fusoti 90 est. She wvIi haremo*eti ta, day of Auguat next, 1915. visen andth ie alylurnat Elgin. visereaail persona havIna dlaIms oginit sanitiestatea sig notîflidtdJustice Bols Wedneeday nighi t t equstedt t. proeut the a mnata alti 'clock t aitheocourt bouse uIt& Court fer adJudication. marrlage o e 0. R. VasIpal Of K FREIDEIRICK E. GBW £ ,.. 110h aMid Hnsoli azIasIlof eStl Wautagan, Illinois, Juna, 14, 1915. Wtby. Juna 18-25- July 2 Tise Indepeudout bondgaail. WAUKEGAN ZMon Moan treat i niughil eCtarer, sunaad tarer Who schole. st tg 0 ladysg and i suive that gard 1 saireg ofthtI pule asited lns 0 Bard svere tome. chue frout ertii bie. uo bi grand As donts addre lady gava as ri vonti Mr. 01 hI vhen mss sud theni thi-ou quaIs &et a vbar aelil Aftti draw tisai ber vber cese. vih leari he ha 1111 ta t cava ahîci pictt Paul s C) vbei mail map Inga tha are tirai mIni i"a Iu boy, - - ILLINOIS (j[ 1' Na Bsklng Powder More Whol..omu Thsn Alum Powdors Waebingçtoa. 1D. C.-Alnm batingr po wdore are no more bai-mliIto a per. son than any other bating powders r3ncb ln the conclusion af the i-dores hoard of iconsulting ulentific experte of' the department of agriculture os the resnîl oi experimet. ta dteermine the 1 Il 1 tg là 9 e d br ti( w; ed CIC hi et m w tt 01 ti VI ti ti

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