T, FJtJ>AYJLY 2. 1915.. 10 m NE - ve -6mie1 'a ita 1 tua trou à* ie , a4h o th qllefie.. voni* rt- lw em-rIfC tsoty ta lau te g anavmrd»senadI igmyto, thea vas 1,5sfas MalInslutreg"* w «t ita 09 144 ipeu -qr lteu urv-Osm 1 mt mM fts b fii: te statd t, af mw ls isa cowda*ti as aea6 t4.b@ccsaiaea eqWsa 'Mm s"Oçitrait sud lasu tW' 4(qtbat Lt a4ffl Wsd uv. but a«t ;»d qntriouvy a =Y uêgW e eupi MStb-laIs ta ott pui neam, ed hhu te do -e, iat aa ien u paifsu# eororh t~.ple afs e iv towlau Itaotlri. but tiare lsjiav te cosapl .Au.'etr"d àus ope of uint _'w $ity orore erA ruerlaisr ~vjagmitea troua dru&- pt«ew, Md, a to e qi hus a«6. I~ no gw te p*laa.ubd la* ie a9U~*p0.1109u 7 l5, wQrî te do a&t ~ fet .He ban fourù b&atg .m= thfe names and daacji t*fa o~ ~ tihe majority corsa" OUF or%, baye tt ome miait bok. At D Mdr. viilOt b. much lateý Ïoiibg bis bocks than the Othioi. Tio lsbénits are la already and 01Iu0annh' nas ho te up Lbe fourthilio DoV0ft i 011 nMarkêt fDo. Ho Baya hilevork vii beMl DuumoeoeetseMiss"à" , 1,Iodi f Mis Ga8aWOR918 NG THE BOOKS. $0 Pins ou prtetolra.Gorgeat e ti., p uoh Work to Do-Ex- rorniUmm , 1. . . vâl. dae. h d*tr flk. 1 »vi.l P* at ,»tsql nI êf W k k da&. * _ ^di ho" é 1 z4site eue" »V.at-i #book,-s f1ma imif41t e" st.?- TIlre mir be qt.. ,achange l h tic"batle n4îy ausessed Mtinutlc0fWaukoganprop- tg bInyfhîng etaa * ,Prom the beet acloth >thay cun orty fils Year.'lhils admiscion va *%iI0,WJW ses or Mys~s gt of bav movS I&tjtoy bellie. foMdé y by laior Dunu. de 5mue1 d mones i 1" Ilsy us ead . a ta Sf1 w*IM non hies ~ * ~ rji .oit at m ncs o. and and la nefot atee vtont a detéed it, la a daied ool,411614 *vrs-* tatost but lvas incflncd ta thlenis éPfgw Céa.ft aI> *oa bout Usea in* 'abute ie- fis vOlton satdt hososwbit I101U9 l*teltin I., ilr«t la a * o ISo.dabst l*rlémei sh asdecsa trlhua*08- '04na vie suri tie«aluatnhi s mibas tauc a fie siand su*s4edbar If fier. vféMe aéys the.binenat docroge ""àvasm Z 0 i.fu bau. a s rlitManffet ~property vir. -etpu mmoi j 4vas, w.1y rred oy 1fbé ".OMOsbeaa u be fl isetsin ii Same ~a4l tbj, iuIiab hei and -mtheva îs 1frOu iMw n lU.a fere. la a nalo- Bd nth e nvers aoùriy M Meé' n hvoaie lisbp bir of othiat'MMkehobhan raleti4Plsoaio hiv4l pca'fua« rb OgTrib tarn.and 7valUatId ian effort ta equallas Il, Owsa utelsibkgmna». but vii ul houuti . a mi mu gotA k 118 ,.« e-n i él. e e nUp ait hilebalances viether or flot Déer tU ain eoh ig r vaol! sae r.', tfl ouglà h. 1 rua"i tiis wil Offset the decraage.& tg, 18Wto théCiil nmvoe. i*ela restinsi bat M. Pull- Tie county troasurrscilce l Io taid as<Ofsso0m l. ou very huey place uheaa days..ln tact e *V? fiat th*polut 1n le turnimg la ____________ thora ta a sualitarmY Of cierks at gr« eatl dgbe.io aicohoilc drba~; vorn thora gohig through the booksaamlpY Obasas fat beer ta dlqp1élmg of the assessons trou aIl th. tovn- »IiskY. r= *RtSfoSer stronw, siplp he it county, ehecblug over thé' ______ a" o Mp uid inmea n thti 1fnt , pYs1tId ad TOWmi Ol t0 evOtèop 0la May seet hoaf bu.[Lau In thei.nt dstatuea ri lrtx. ~sad s tiatIsq ce ~tompt tafacfsture a <Iii hi tothebard i rsiv ~ l 186 b, itchmiteroJa1 la e te bar ofraUniteç- d 10 t &A ntb tacts the aasuessm51icetava. 1U 0w t~hrÀrat.oml AlThle boWis are la fJus8 f a- ai ien TI~IU j8flet - - Tiis l *4 etîca ihas-* i Em*~yers KI 0 : 1ar. buitara and gul~.yàdc tursip 09 Chicago uWi~ me~ Wft'si g top eh l~ d ThbiaJgmba asdeterni*I o Vl aa4L agt affra y. icaft aln tww10013a had "al aônludt mai mous .404 to titis. vt<S 'im 1*o'g ai oto a abltrats liewr -t-u.ryrds viii b"gt ýoclee fody. lire ,Smt vîll ha fiat et lmee X -Lqier ilonmpan. E,' Iaàper is vs* foi f ,1h l Cisola eorItcisW fq olloi u HerwsvVois S.Deté. lia votab"data t 4.j oit 110 f teilliova: Foar gioet" Nle ............O 41 No. 111. .............3 1 'o.laI............. 2 1o.Ii. ............. Total........... 30 20m Prout. votes . ... à 3,4Ù: totali .o......... 24 418 Uea o la tatsfta viclk mata praglianýt Cr.ns'lost*lfOpnl m tuWroeqtty recogiil0d a1«4«i Owiq Vn4ooOnuba Krby. %ibZ i4 oà6es as aU arbitraL- fr umed douno Wltha vote, ba-ý ýfNo.. , l u yiici ol werl vecut lafa for of arbitra-i aretvota fcr fia Propltion 4u~d~v _p.t*atoe ~radical, - --s-S- ..~ MOVEIIOy SE Invitation of Spanish Bishops le Before Pope-Interviews May Be Denied. Rome, June 23-lt 1lassaerted tiat eb. question oftheb pope accepting tia InvitatiIon of Spanlsb ishopa to trans- * the hioîy Seo 10 Spain la casuing a*imated discussion St the Vatican. It la recalied tbat aller the troubtes lanoRms in Juiy. 1881, durnngthe tranafor of Pope Plus IX. trons St. Peter Is a is t resting place, vies ita cotaln vas sîmoust tîrowu loto th a Tiber river. Pope Leo appointed a ajlmtoion cf cardinais te study the. siutonor the. pspacy. Choics Loft te Pope. SoinasetfLthe cardinats favored Lie isn*adlate tranafer of the papacy els" *a" Lbel: the. naJorif y agreed tiat tléirauster abould take place only If te» aafetr of the pope ver. threaten- ed or h. vas hindered hi Lhe exorcise 01 bis spiritual mlnlsfry. Tii, com- missionarrsug.d doaite tor tie pope. Im4 fflsiny theO flcrid College. tu lâe,.Hanale cretly, to be foiiovod Fb y theà papal1 court. and' made 'lansi l<oer the adixtistration or Lie churci M5J*4NNMIJYE Ç$sh froin thf10Urneof the. departure of thie 0 *8 Tl pope until b. aiould reume bie of-- fices ln ils nov resldence. Springfild, MI., Joune 22, 1911-At a ouiccaiil. ýPruet ieàlaMeti 0 The commisopgbn agdiea.,owvro speclal meeting of Lie Board heti tu- aouLiIy sUilo1tatis théc mo da frte purposeof electlng s uc- of ils 4=l ooaise tha te ff aoud c or feetecesser to Lbeir 1sf. Presidont Hon. fqpi ula iwé décide Vien il vas flooooogrtu tais, K.Hopkina < iPnlsct.eW~lb. 1¶<Pt 4*1l 0 - et .Nt sûa iastop. At fils tf i Wpn e PlO fr Le. nali 'ofetntate wuvas l ptia g àw ï, dýrancis Josepi Gîtfered fea pom lïatr U S malte ettsaleierg. nna.imusyoioected prosident eft th o. Wlýam On WaulÎegan day. ugs Il, One of fie principal dulies of fie HoI4eé.# 1Waukoegsu West BSde base bai et tteBoard of Agriculture la fieattre l' mii Ine«tfe Amerlcan Gatas.C ?hIding o!f teIlinois stata fair. , ad*g$kob u i 4#es hbe0t seun-pmfosionai ta 101ftMr. Bsmallla 53 years et âge. b ie' k c ,~ <s uve a i«Jn MMaticieergy snd perseverance; io la a Ctop Juprp *pýs j.,. --t. - FSIDAY Seeing tatJ y 4th, our natal day'i the 4y~ of ail d#ys for young hfle aiýd boys,-andte .o4e kt of the';yeatu * they want td look L1h.kt-bât, we inaugurate ti greât SaleéfUài o Yôùng Men and ,so they can lenjoy the 4uh in Goc4 IUe atprices that will astonish them. YOIJNG MEN'S SUITS Agee 15 tÔ 20 Years ip'endid e " ,l n~ N orfok ' y esin, al the ad _latest s Here are ourp cR~rt~Egea 1' 100 aon o' Fin s ool Suits, $7 e pIces $1anI $2 ýzeor Ibis ga-3 days stetty ;0 ît '0lYun MtûIet e, Al-Wool Suis, former prices 'IOOYonMn'u*hAdWool SWU4 etorprces $75~ [O1YO0 I igefs t élu~tg , adNe mergr àies $#I.0aodI~*#~htmreat4~* ty!go at BOYS KNICKER, ,SUÇU n Ages to 18 îêear 100 BOYS, Splendid Ail WooI $6AQ KIý ép Sula for tbis geat 3 days sale îb4y tu at sxactiy hall former price........ 100 IBoys' Special Ail Wool $5.OQK*k e ' for this gat 3days WceIhey goa4 exactly hait price... ...... 100 Boys' Speclal AU Wool $400Ou for this great 3 d-yî' alethy 89 Ladies' and Girl' an ifo-0i stocka on them, and t1I0»Wt.hv eut prices for tbis grat 3-1 $'frnA<o$3.h0ve \ Ladies' and Girs'WlmteOIEd ndPm bb and canvas, t4O a!' $MOO:velues, for th&*"ât daysa"te Ai r'DIFoRM e il moï e . ' . f, L. À,