Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jul 1915, p. 7

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-- LA"~- COUNTV TM»EPBNDENT. FkIDAY. .11 I -IV YI9115. .t'age ~even EDNA LOVINi IS AN EMPTY NIAS ýANNOUNCEMENT 0F YUSKAUSKAS GONE; FOUND 6ILTY 0f TANK CAUSES THIEF 'TUE ENfiAGEMENT 0f BAS HE FORFEITED ____ __ o________________MURDERIN6i WOMAN' TO QUIT THE AUTO SAM RADBURY, JR. BONDS 0F $IOOO? WAUKEfiÀN DAY À UfiUST TUE 18TH 3T 1 24. rush- oupital to suf- leeMed - girl's piaytng ram a woond afier- ring la rat aid et &II dausgl- n tirs t omnd n LYsa tumon- bul h. osWital. .ratlng nd, a.nd te pois- (The article etemeti ta by Mr. Or.- vis vas reprinteti lu tbeae clumans sud cetiîti fta tire Chicago American, vîlibprinted ti t ecently, Wn art, gladt a priu tir. Orîls' statemeuts. -ED.) he MibeEter: i have Just beeu lutorme t fat youi per rcently publîsheti an article coucemiug fhe vrltcr wviîdlappeareti ln one aftie Hearst papers, 1 vas nat surprlsed aithtat papers publication. inspireti by a perjurer. race tracir foliaver anti gratter, but I vas surprisedth iat yaur paper vaulti print surir a diabollcal article vîtir- out firt attempting ta learu tire trutir. Tire tacts are, fIat I actuaily' inu- eti anti paiti out for Hylaudtheir mouey for vicirsuit vas brougirt. ant iei ovu papers 'admit a large part of lit -1 soid tire notes anti suit vas brougirt andthie Jury titi tende thre case againsf my aasalgnee (tirey may have heen Influenceti by nome "pro- fesslonsl" men vhose reputations are lonsavory anti vio are knavu as "Ili- ers", but Immediately atter tire'ver- dict Hyiand's attorney offereti $1.000 cash ta settie anti since tIen bas of- femeti mare. Tire jutge prompti> granteti a nev trial. AIl 1 ask 1a tlat you gis-e tîls letter à e promîielce ftattyau gs-e the -oau vîllttyingYartgIcle tiraI ~!e one en your paper caurant ta be t,.blished because if "Matie a gondi *ozý,' and because 1 have a broati tcqualntanc ln Lake rounty. Respectfully rours, 3. K. OIlVIS. MILL IS TO LOCKOUT 0F M EN Council on Monday Night bya Resolution Declared That Millwork Department Will Like- Day a Legal Holiday. ly Be Shut Down Within Prelminsry steps tavard tire ioldi Forty-Eight Hours. iug af a big Wau'segan day relebra- Wautregan, lune 26. thon bere an August 18 bave beer Tire generailolakout of the building taken, andthîe Indcations are ibat the lndustry le on. Robiert Dow. o! thre aftaîr viii be one o! tbe most succes W, H. Dw Bsbh anti Door tactory, au- fui beid hem lu yesrs. Tire ditte ai ilounced Frlday inorntug that ire vili the celebration was fixeti by tirb clty floathre examîthe smet by tbe build- orelo lnayngtI eou ing nateral internsaso! Chicago sudcunlon ludyngtl arau wiii cesse ta operafe bis milii vrk lon, wblcb vas as follovs: plant untîl tbe laihor stelliez nov au! "Be it eslveti by the counrîl of are submltted ta arbitraf Ion andi vork 1 the city of Waukegan: resumeti. AIl Materflimanufacturera vîil'!"Section .-That Wednesdsy. fle cesse vork and close dovu tbelr lSlb day of Airgust, 1915, lie sud the yards, aIl catractors vili laY off tireir same la hernly designateti as 'Wau- Men. andtihîe ianiai Interesis O!f kngan liay' for thre year 1915; tire ity will back tirm *"eto .Ta h adWue The prinîiple guîti.îug al lterests 'eio .~Ta lcndWoe lu fln mace, as n5iresi5pd by them, gan day lie, andtihtemamne la bereby -la tire npecesity for adjuntlng differ-ideelareti a tegal holiday lu the' ciiy eces between emploayer arîd empioye ta! Iaukegan,' by arbitration. i For aimerai ynara the proceetis )f Bame te Carpenters. ~-hey lay the liurdep a! ol the eu ,Waukegan day vere placeti lu the then ficcarlieters' union, wlich l. 1 Park fut vitli the ultImate purpose b~îsing a vote refusiug to'asrhitrafn, o!fîîurclaiang a clfy park. This.ynar Settiemeut af the narpeulera' alrlke h rcéswl egvnt h w iii nar relleve te stuation. Ir la d fle po-nisyl i ise t l riamed. There are aller tri' . wbil Jane 'tîcAllter bospital association muet lie settieti alio haseo!flheandt tathe Waîrkegau Woma's club sireet tutoi workers, lafhiers, tainters jta lip pot iaoeffle helaîrtabîe aud structural ran varkers. ln hthv enpotlaM Followlng are ftle resolttons.paata aebe rmigte adopteti by the nîneîy-tva rehreseura'Tire public batllug beach la one o! lives Preseut. as glvenn aut ty tbhe h-irancis that vîlIl be henfiteti. Ir press committee, camPaset o!f'tir. l xetdta leWuea a Pryer, Sra. Carey sati NIr. Hines: 1 m erpdai a t itheu yu putIts sou- *Wbereaa. ('auditions l lin th uitti- mrilasctonwlpultssul lng indutry have been eut-ltas.onir fo the olinel sud hnip make the cause the routraci ors fao unité f0 pro- ceilbraf Ion a bilg sincresa. Ifrlias leen teet their ow ilas vell as îhe iterns ta oynrs mince fthe cii lias abser-eti of a! aers. arnhîtes ýta. uaterlal deal 'tNauieean day. ,ers. their varlous emploies and fthe- i icsr na itr fl generai îpuliefromnt hemaur sanies %%Ihntevrna fuel s incIdentai ta the olînration oîf Iuilti 'lnouttth a ieting hi li e caîlet i a lnj; rautrurhlori lu thiâ iîy. ohîcîn cotmttees on arrangements 'Wireas. lu pramoting the effort.aIll lie aîîîoiutnd anti the tietails o! in elimînafe the sympalhnftcstrike teaf wl edsuse n e lurlsdlctillaui spute. the c-uuuractare o farwl e isusdat i Insister) npon agreements bpuug mate in ceti Wlilier or not a afreef lPs- between emîloyers anti emplo>-es nI rade seil b- Iras ideti la not as yef ail branches a! fhe building ludusiry kffosu. provldlug for fhe îraper adiustment o!1 Onep lime thaf la kuavu. however, al disputes flirougl tie nmedium o! arbilmation la ai-aid tle cesstion or la ibat a bal game wilI be playeti anti stoppage af vark. iennpnr cent o! the grass proceets isvll 'Resolveeti Thiot tle building con- lue given the IroBpifal. ti-arlore snd matertal inresta te- Commîssioner Orvhs reportedti fat clame ibeir irm conviction in tle prîi lela nueitede o I at cile of arbitration. h a eue h edfrte]n 'itesoived. Thar luviIew o! île on sehicli ihe public bath bouse pro- thre building coul ractors sut materlal mateti b, the WaukegsrN Woma's tmnests tbatlti la absoluteiy esentieal club will lie placet. He matie ama [te tie g 1e lbuilding Internats fthâ ~Olnctve gremensabrutilinb matie dflth e Imac or le atthorîzedti t Eeen emplayer% anti emplayes lu igu th., deeti sut that an order lin arder ta remas-e tire posslbillty Oq dravu ou the treasury for $1 to pay strîkes sud iockouta. syupthebtic sud for then linig o! the denti. Othervîse, "Resoiveti. Thot lu île waf fhe Orîls aiso brouglit up fie matter present deplorable condition aof ire O! tire leauing smakestack on fhe building iutiustry. vifrtirte continu- ruina o! the aId bras. vorks prap- suce a! strîkea aud tire refusai ai rer erty. lie salti the cblmny appearet tan interesta fo subriîftheir disputes ta abiration. if la tIre senne oft itIn tble a menace ta satety, He moveti meeting a! tire building contractors fIat fhe clly engineer confer witIr1 anti materlal intereasfa at if la impos- rnprnsetaîives o!f(tibson brother-s. ille ta continue lu a prartical man- wlio nn the Property, ta determine mier fln aperaf Ion a!fInhir respectis- Iuteresîs, inasmucir as operatiug and tIre exact condition o!fIe tack anti overireati expenses geatiy exceedthn teciti etieler or not if ahoulti le output sud niles lu mauy branhes of razeti tirs buldlng materlal lnterets" 'omnîisaîouer Poweill sked frfr- ter lime to prepare an ordînance rel- ORVIS REPLIES aive fa granring drug stores the pris-' lig !sligIlîmiteti quantities o! TO LDLAIII I>YLI< alcobni. An adjournment was faken to STR 0 TION 9 Trursday mren tIloccXt STORY O 'L wc ietepyoiwl calw STORE J>LANNINEÎ GREAT THIREE-DAY SELLINIi LVENT CADDIES STRIKE Every Merchant Has Prepared AT LAIE FOREST; Tremnendous Opportunities. ASK 20 CTS. IIOUR Waukegsn's United -ales le tire A riol rail ta tire Lake Forent police local mercirants vili coutiuct Tirurs- vsa turneti lu Saturday mamning bY day. Fiday sud Salumday ofttirs Henî'y Khoadte, assistant manager ot veck, Great enthuslasm las entereti the Ouventila club, tu queil a cadtiy inta the preparatiane vhirir have strike, Members o! thre club viro clept lienu sxtremely encaumaging because ln tire building vere avakeneti iY of tire 'emy tempiing ofieringe rmenu- cries af "Tventy-tvo cents or no cati- facturers sud jalibers have matie. Tire tics." t.oakiug out, tirey sav au backvsrt$ scasan anti conditions lu army ot nealy sairuntiret caddies geucral have causeti vbolcsalers ta sabautiug anti vavlng golf sticks. maie unpecdcnted sacrifices, lu Tbey demantiet: securlng tire lest Obtaluable a! tlils 1. An Increane lu vages train 17% imerchantilse aur local merchants have cents ta 20 cents an hotlr. 1 not lecu backvamd. 2 Prîvîlege a! playing gai! every A gencral saIe such as tire "Uuited day exceptiug Suntiays anti iolldays,. Sales" caunot hielp appeal ta ail Of Insteati oi firme s inltirs ver, 'tire buylng public. Tirere vîlI flot h. vicir tstiere ule ln farce. 1 a seasonable needti iat cannot le se- 3. Recognition of tirA "Order af cumeti at a rock-bottom price. If iras Caddies." 1 bnsu plannedt t holti a serles of surir 4. ýProiiltiou ai ain virich kilîs niaes tirraugirout tire year by Waunke- tire caddy business, or else a ralny ga mercirauts, Tire irat of tires,, day tlp. 1bavever, vili bc thre most Impressîve While Mm, Riroade andtihie offIcer vithaut s doulit. Slievd sirappers veme abtating a big automobile,- vîli prepare for flils event andi use t tiras-e up anti saiti: ta the bei! ats-antage ta keep tiavu Vanu rageas get ta vomk ai once tirat t errible *lux.' fhe luth coal a! or l'il lave evnmy one af yaa fireti. living. anti vs viii raddy ourseivea, Wirsn Watcl for the great atis tire atomes tire tler clubs minetire catity tee iras-e pepareti for taommavro's vantier- Onventasia vili tao. Nov. virat are tui "U3nitedi Saie"special etition, If you galng ta ta, came 1" >iilli e vorfl your viie ta jauny Thng W. C. Wintem. vice-president miles ta benefiifln tire largains of-. ai tire club. endedtheir strike. fpmcd lu thre Uniteti Sales. 1 was onty tryiug ta defend mysnif. Durlu e fe nuire quatrret I titi nul strlke 1er." In ebuttai. Dif. Attvi Zabel ralleti tour inmstes of tIre huse af correc- tion to fhe stand ta tesrlfy as ta the disposition o!f'irs. Lovintu. Tirey as- aerted tirat sire vas qutarrelsome sud offen flieatenedtefakil other prison- ers. Hovever, they admlîted sirebl stmuck no ans except 'tirs. Doon. MARTIN LUX IS RE*ELECTED PRES. 0F ASSOCIATI"ONI Mfembers o!flte 'taukegan Horse Ovuers' Prafective Association irelti thier annual meeting an Saturtiay, viren tire follovlng offirers veme blecteti for tire ensulîte year: Presitient-Martîn Luxî. Vice presitint-Davhi T. Webb. Secretary-George arstov. Treasurer-Cirarles H. Cieever. Th'ie executive cammittee la ram-1 Poseti o! tire oliovine veli kuovu Lake cauuîy citizens: Martln Lui, cirairman; Davidi T. Webb; George H. Balrtav; George Herman; Charles Cireever; Johnu Elchluger. anti John f'loton. Tire oject afthîe association la ta rentier ail possible assistance ta de- ted. arreat anti convictharsthieves. anti retumning of stalen horses tram1 members a! tireasesociation. Tire sec-1 rntamy of tire assaciation reparteti Ihat1 1,E100vas ou haut. andl that turIng1 the past yeam escli lorse- stalen tram: s member lad beenu retiirueti, TireJ msmliers o! the asscuatuoîî have netj )esf a bors by theftfin mauy years. AIl persans reeitilng lu Benton, Ne-w- poart, Warren. Waukegan, Shieldis anti Liliertyville townships are eligiletes t memberslrip, Tire annuai dues amounti ta but ane dollar.i - - - -o n1sM111. lty clerk, i.ater the report canme lu thaf a "If fallier badti finjîiry, sie rer- tcar lad licou stoien tram Vîattkegan. fall would have heard from hm, lin lidu*t then tontlecf tle tsio cir- 'ltaler laeliug lu New Castin. Ari- 1cumsttunî-s ant ilt asuf îîntil 8S0f.-zona," sasîiHeu 1Tlacker tea aSun re- d cock fIat thie abautianeti car vasprtranon atiy 5hauledtetaa Highllanti Park garage. pM'r.Thsrr et fi liinda. brel ~essir Arrves.Castie. Arizona, tva weeks ago for luIntire ffntmie, the word las been the ImPerial Valley, Californie. A Mfiso hei0 eorir lodre tavu, licae few tisys affer bis arrivai several man nertreportthe lsat akd oiesmall citles vere destroyeti hy an titi naf repart thebsttie nigît narthquake. Tva of tire emaller vil- Police. wlo, vben tire abandoueti car lages lu the valiey vere razeti by lire, was huledte te garge, id n t ir.Thar rer vent ta tire Imperlal kuow If belouedntiluWsukegan. Kes'Valley ta Inapnct su ortrh tarm. ler came au fraur Evanston ta Higli îcrir.ln awocrs. ieie land Park, gtting theme about miti- hor nor laviiitecide ta ge. upbe nlght ta catch a train home. He vent uev ven ture, follawlng the esrtb- lofa tire Police station andti iere was quake, la not kuavu, but if la gen- tait aoftire dlacomery af tire abandon- erally expectedti tiraf ireyl eturu at eti car. alice taeIie lame In Arizoa. ' Tirat's Mr. Simîtsgoos,' lie saltieaI '.No nevs le gond nvws," dlaimtsane EansutalC orhear fn railatWaukegan relative vba la much Es-neon TreWaukegaunlgbt ser-aIahned because le lias nat beard geaur vas ralieti. ie. lihe Filghlandi tram Mm, Tiscker since the nartir- Park, lad na record a! tire number qae îr bce o er a a! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a Sopascr heta oea ns o! Waukegan's mast pramine'it ParentIhO hati neglectedtiet leave JI resîtients. He ramas-edtet Arizoa virere lie caulti finti it. Sa. Kessier vn Waukegsn adoptedthefl commis- calieti Simpson's lame. Mms, Slmp- sien form atf gos-rament, sou anaverea, Sire dîdu't knov tbe number. She calleti ber iruabanti, He rhecked up. It vas hii car. VILLARS ESTATE So. the counly auperlutendeut ai edhools fhla snot minus tIre auto vhlcli. for a Uime Wednesday. Il sp- 60ES TO FAM1LY peard sre as te cge.The yull o! Itaal Villars, veteran of A marriage lienuse vas Issuet inl the civil var. mînîster sud anthir, Waukegan taday te Luman T. Thur- fommely claPlaîn of tire Illnois state1 penteutlsry. and former Lake Bluff bem o! New York clty anti Nons preacber. who dieti June 12. 1916, his Quayle o! Lake Forest. tIt Quayle been stittedtiet prabate lu Joliet. le a tiaughter o! He.esTiromas R. WilI county. quaye, errtar ettheLak Conty Tire are firme legatees, Nirs. VII- Quaye, ecriar o! Ie akeCuuty]are anti ber tva sano, U. S. Villars La5w anti Ortier ]cagne. Nfiss Qusyte anti John S. Dlckson, Te 'trs. Vllars la a gradtre o!fIe Ursveralty Ô! la gis-eu.inlu ieu of ber daver rigiri ia Chicago. Sic is weli known luntLake the liometeat. tirrty-two acres ai Fumet. landin Wst asIville tovnsilp, Ver- Forest.___ million county, andtihie buildings ou fif, The liamestead Inl New Lenox goca The boardi o! revino are orcupYiug tef the son, U. S. Villars. a part o!rlte county superinenudeut f Dm. Vllars' llbrary la gis-en. part achools office itecause te fax sale Is !sud part. te cacir a!flie sans o!f'tra. ,Villars, anti ail mauuscrlpfs are tle beiug heldithîe aupersIsors' oama, properfy o! thceauonaoftire deretierri. CLOSE; ORDER Blfi a ti tc !-f. BAIRSTOW « ANUACTUAKR or Marbie and Granite Monuments Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence 5olicited 16Genesee St Wanrkegan h wihl give iliem clieertully If they w iii ciummunicale ollb me or mi wife.' CE ment ment auig lents [IL ______________________Negress Convicted in Secondi Co. Supt. Schools Simpson Re- ispatch Received Today From, Degree Atter 70 Minutes covers His Car by Failing 10 New Jersey Tells of the Pro- C1IILD MOTIIER IS, Delberation by Jury. Have Full Gas Tank. posedWedding. SEEKJ 4i h ME F R er~si~:; neress al}gi.isiav Arthur had a littie Ford, li ,Tî2 al 2 MOS. OLD IN ANT North Chicago, oZras ?1î1lri Buent wee htArhrZ 1Liiof That Forci was sure to go. thir saugety Miss Tworna, baune S ixteen Year Old Waukegan sevettty minutes' delibt'ratioi b a (Apologies ta Mary'& Lamrb. H. radciYung jr o Wankegaurutr Girl Has Appealed to Capt. uuylumncia oupl \iwae 1 Thinves on Wednesdav lstl-a ilradhurrv sa acadet al f Wesî['oint 1 W W k ednesday afternoon. Tfi,, Jirv c_ Ford auto bleongîig t'Coit The date of the weddinz hlas tiol heu-p I j nu rS. Coo tîetiat .30sudretrne at~> upt. of Schoois Slmpsoîî Tliv set- aclc.FIve fiudlngs-frsi and BI starteti toward Hlighlanid ar'î "t ipacircl d i i ît A lttî ciildtuolie brel 16yeas od dgre mrde ani st ool nd but rMu out of gasoline and ahan ltuav willtcone as a pleasant lIir *olti, who unitu a fesi nonths agit tits fourth degrpe mausiaughier il i c-- dndtecrrvl h 1)rii, piet lcmn red rNr ,fa studpnl ini the W&aikpgan schools, , quittai were given the jury Iitn Hotel. liradblury in %Waukpgan. Fie la the askitîg quinme ltndiy disposed fmi i sider In Jutige Bacicci' I , chartie Atu sy. lSane fn The negres showed il, tTatswhf rîhr ai. oiiriceést son of hir. aiilnd r SM i adopéd er wo ionhil ld aby 1 emtio whe th vedic' 1 ý ils frientis pur a different , r- Iilradliury ofIhis clty. lnqtiiry ait the berdpi er sioe mashîrs'aIed tba. liei1inwhnte edctfi hna lon ou the Incident. FBradbiury homne lrought forth the Coiker d tleinaite haes apnd to Caspt senti lier fQ NWaupun for tr ,îîî tour- They saY that when Simpison statement Ihat the proposeti weddlug t'oo ofîleVolnI ersandliela eek enu ta twenty-Mie ye'are, v,îs reati îrîg to ai lierlh> lerk of the Court ('harli-.lite ilw- t ta Highland Park XSedtîes- aMIlnot lake pae MliNr. Bra- Thegir'sstoy I, ., nilua asIlday and dîi nat drve hiti faithful fuirv gradiiates frointWest Poin ,tw Tuesa irl lr ea ntus sI o.uieTin L.izzie, Ihat the latter, v<ar-s frointnaw. l adShi' related te NIietaleienTO As the jury wal fillag intt i,.bitiif ""k"' rv am. trt1i1 î fwilis parents have recevelwo- ('dii oîî Sic urntifora mmen ti ~Zi'ai anti got winded on the waay hat he ai arrive homiier, roial Il eem ltatsiien-~îe î. a huil ie lîsliîilacs nd he i ttîtilv The couly superinleniettof tînight. to reutalu hem untH Augusl of lîuîtfour years a man '12 years bier seltilet back, steeling bers-Ihrle shosi icsigtea t, hswllletefl ogvcl Mentior liecarîe etîanîored of lier. Tîtefate site lad feared ta hear seoots ludiscssfiletIhe mlgt "tiTubswill hli et rslon vca- utiter siam Proud of fie litIn girl. 1 New Trial Refused. Pda>aduitî,ritat irpdtitheh ri a lie schem inc 1have passet ilis owrt car on the hiitîreitemlar abo. Tîtemanvieresieceil itii lket li Atorit> Fwcet, hu i~~ i w~sav hack ta Watkegan. He saiti Nfr. îraîlfury a gradutaisaf the cause lie was a <lose friienil(if te fautthîe verdict was reached. i 1ii sîe rs uahn a iîe rte \.atikegaiitlownshipî 11gb sehool. be- ticonfidence fliat uotblug siri-tlaa tinlae course that lie took in re- lug a nienîier of the clasa of 1912.1 - Wlîeu she gels aid enîtugît you' manisiaugliter wouud lie foîîîîîI at tfr trigt akgn lie ito a posîgradîtate course after ral maris ler," lie motiier raitl. severai minutes wlthout stîeakiîg. it - -i whuî I lie seciired au ap'pointaient ta Thtis fait was ove of the irsi thiugitCI Assistant District Attorilcil ;îIrt-ewasea fort1unate lthing for latin'> 'tWest Point from Cougressman at înîtîreýsed upon thte iIh andihpud -li i son asketi for immediate t' ttrice Sieritirient of SPhools Simpson l.arge Stringer At tlie samne timei gan f0 consîdir Il a sacred trust lo al'act sprang ta bie filt. flat lie didu't tI up lits Ford gasotine hie receised te appointment from lier roother. About i Ive >ears ago the 'Our lionor, Ial tliat fi. uerlu t ttank ednesdav marnlng wheu hc onogressman Fols. [leltoak his ex- mal lier tied. The girl was atteudiuglt set aside,' lie crled. 'Titi-,s onian drove down f0 hie ofl . For, if lie amîinatiot i s Fort Sheritian and pars;, ývliooI t athlic ime. Site trustetiIe the viitimor passion anti lreJîîdlce. hadl, fhe chances are he siiiîdrît have ni witîî higli linora despite tle fact1 tman lier mollier lâi selecteti as ler She lias nof had a fair triailfb-ause recoveredti he auto shiri oas silen that lie diii nt taXe a six manths' Itugliaut. He profense love for lier 1 colitset was flot given tinie iiilire- fromn in front of the cour lbouîse 'tNed- iîreparatarcI erse as dld somne of the dieplte tbe fart Ihal lie watt aid enougn pare." lientday abouît noon. attîiicants. ita lie ber father, At tle prescrnt lime - Tiose cquestions wnre ail itii -il onf Antd, Ils a fortunate tiuîî that tihi, 1I ils record at WVesl Point lias lie.n 1lie Il and suei v16. durirg lte trial,' respoidi-i 1Juge tîrles s diint altstol)turcliase soute I an enviable one. hast year lie won About a year ago i-le urgeti ler ta ' ackus.' 1 wiil pasoilntn e iSatur- *'eas" whlue enu rouie aoulh 10 tHigland 1 te fent-ing record of bis close. He iarry hlm. She fel sIte was t00 Youing da), morning." Park, for, if thy ev il, hev siolilti also lias taken part in athietirs fliere. la decitie suri a question. She plic i Uncle Comforte Her. now have the car nicely hlIdulet Ilth îe presrttfIinlie is l but twenty id îmîîllcil trust luinîîm bncaitseie c Tlen lire. Loviug showed uer trst Chicago. yeare nid, le now lias the rail af Sitait heen lier motiiers noire for lier eniolioti. Tar rolled cdown lier cheeks .And, Its a fartutrate thing that Mir, corpioral. 't'hen- be graduatns lie will liu'-tand butI s ltiinat feel liat sie webinler oncle, the Rnv. Vi illaino\Vnu- Join Kesier. wlio lives lu Zion City, e îhe rauk of lieutenant. tovet inhl He abursedthe confidence eralîle, m lo lias lnoatilier sIt'iliir- ant islanarth shore representalive if reposed nintii ing the trial, ruehedti t ler (<liair ta the Chicago Heratti, lappeni ta ieb ARYc1A fL 1 One dav the girl', condiinu as comfort lier. Hownver, lier toit e titi in the Evanston toite station olien R YTH C E di'covereti l i> eacher v liaspoke ta uot quirier a len shn declareul -lie wasSlie Itearti aclcontcae iiifrour Vatike- liber about il. Shartli afler lIai the the ticti 0f a miscarriage of justice. gan thaf 'NIr. Slmpsan's car lad lecît ALIVE IN QUAKE 1girl lefi sehool anti veut 10 Chicago. The bug i rowdt in tien court rouam stolen. Twa mnonilîs ago te chilti oas harn. was tîatl ta ,i-ie afler 1h- verdict Attlfliese tliirgs -oiiliined laotheI )STIII II Tire tan vaine forwaril sud oferedt l andi ltutig aroundthefl rear of ielnromrncaverxo! the car lafe Wetiuesday DIT ITR P R 1riglil the wrong lic maril thfe girl, or in the corridors vvatiiig for a niglit._____ but lier sîePmoilier. lierfaillier liai- glialseof tecnitdw n. Tetivsdoe the ~ 'car ltar as in Braley, Cal., Buying an lu ut narrînti agai Ion or Ilireen ars The allegeti niortier sias committet i (hago. Reachiug ihe iMoraine liotel Otîh am W enErh a go, cauniseletiagainsl île move I . lu fhn houan of carre' 1110 ouNliay 17. iHighlandi Park, flic machine StaplînîlrmWhn arh lng the mnt as nolrlite proper sort The last wltness for thre defenan They lookati anti found ilflaitron out j uk ild2 I e ukeKle 0People. t0 moite a gooti hushauti. wa s. Lovs lueles- She matie a of gasaline. The fan. was empty. That l-arry Tliacker, farmerly rît> The chri-lsbinne heptInlua Chicago nomplele denlt aiofthechriarge thaf ehe Tliey tared nof Lagfata wn ta get cierk ai Wauheauescape4 dealli liompiiai anti feîv luaw of the maffer. bldsfruck tefln ow whiirlcatise thetI mure gai for îîey fleareti a cailtrom lu an explosion thaf rocireti lrayley, l'lie girl motiier dons ual fent equal toa inoîli af rs. Dunu \.aîîkegan miglif laive reachedti lem Cal., killiug tweuty sud Injurlug Ilire lte tauk of cariai; for It. providiug -SIre was galug t,, repoart me for andti faith fe fheft of the car. Sl'soe s h ,lt fhsBn souic gooti fanily wseaurifurui biin aaca' l stfet. ley alarîdonet ilitrieltitnluthe nîiite Tscr, anth e eaivs sou, pe satl'.faetory refereuce,- anti will show 'hen site mai led for the button of the roati. 'tarshatl'Charles lloyd n ibis cify. îli'îr,.ncnllsb>adoîtie leaîl, sunimon thneniatroîtiti raggnd lier of Hlighilandl Park saw the car stand- Tedybfr l xlso r witt terce Io .gîve it a gond bomne. asiaY fromtaILf1 i dd îot siant fa gelt g ru the mîidle of the roati af tsio Tlacknr imaltet a tetier ta 'Mr. B. L, "The boy 1-. a prntty littl i>fe1lw Inro Itrouble, for 1 h al but a fnw mare o'ctock, il@ thougli. sornietotir lat Tîîrk, of 125 North 1'tica street, fram anti woîildmale na Xaoie liap- tiays ta serine. Thet i Irs.IDuanustrurX utelîtietloio thîehoteltior liaiti rinto Uf rayley. Califorula. That letter la Jpi'" tapI Cook saiti 'If therem e erlaasiay. She fmli ta et gai, anti liaiti ganaliter sanie, le the lasf recelveti fromt île formerê avn ho wihesto i,.nit mor..~e actsthe filaranti ler linad truck heavilylttthe malter riasfront his mnsu ýAttorney Jorgenson Who Rep- resented Hlm Does Not Think So-Left Month Ago. hiispttahles menui et from Stîrîne- f, citd ou Thu r .da- lu île efferi 11sf thée iupreme î'oîrtl ad resersedth te te.csion of ttbîe Circuit court lu tle (tise o! WIlliam Yu.skaîrskas, allegeti tIase liter, anti remanded lthe casç for re_ trial1, appear to have Iteên er- rutucoiiit, for duspaiclins rerniseti tu- dav shjow wshai the- ile!alou of the !s aI court was allirmeti. Yuekauàka% waý sentencedti 10serveeaup iudntergin Yoskiii-ka. anti lis wlfe batilbeen e Strauie. d. Irwas chargeti that et uidn-ight iune nigit lie crawlei luto le wlîîîîîsiof hies irfe's lintiamlier anti atter a heateti dîdscîrsslon clincheti olîli lier antilid ofthe endi of ler nase ahicliclie tiupon the fluor andti hen matie a liasfy exil. .M-e was ludictet I fi>tîe grand jury bt Itlsias severat sineka linfore lie finaily was placi-ti înîlr arme8t He liat goune laanotlinr cîts-te secure enîploymeut anti faîling n that biail returuned ta liiihome. A nelghbior aO him anti caîrsed lis armait. Attorney Peter lorgnson was ap- polutedtiefadefen I utanti matie the lest possible tiefene for the fellow. Ynusksirskas was founti guilfy how- ever, anti wss sntntencel ta prison. lie was falren there short ly after- wsrd aud Nîr. Joreenson decareul thaf lits client was being railmoadeti ta jai]. He lmmedlately perfertediau appeal fa the Supreme court andi wnnt ta Springfild eit argue before the bIgler tribunal. Fie cialmed tirat a felanlous andti illtul latent vas Iackiug anti thaf therefore bis client was net gullty af mayhem but situ Ply of an assault. He pointed out that when Mtrs. Yus'iauskas scratcbed ber huabanti l bt control oa imseif anti bit ber without fully knowlug He put up sudh a strong pIes fliat Jutige Carter o! thre Supreme bencir lasueti a femporary atay af sentence anti admitteilYuskauskas la $1.000 bail wbihldr as slgned by a brother- iu-law. This permittei Yusleauakas f0 meturn home tire day before Chisît- mas, Sbortly alter bis returu Yuskauskas sud iswife vere reunîteti sud vent ta bousekeepîng agaîn. They ihad another quarrel aud separated but a lutIne later thîs was pafcired uit anq they starteti iouaekeeplng agala. About a moutir ago Yuskauskas sud bIs wife leit tire clty. Juat virere fbny are uow tans no wv. Mm, Jor- genean saiti today that lie titinet thiuk bis client has forielteilbis bail but thouglît bis relatives would ble able ta get word ta hlm, Attoruey Jorgeuson matie a guond lgbt for wlîicbiIr entitled ta munir credif. SUPREME COURT UPIIOLDS WASIIo. ST. PAVE_,ASSÇ.ESSMENT High Court Sustains Ruling of iudge Persons in the Lake CountyCourt. The Supreme court on Thursday gave a ruling upbolding the Judgment given lu Lake rounty court by Jutige Persoas hereby ie upbeld lutigment on theWaaington Street pavlug tnm- pravement lu Waukegan, By the supmeme court rullng tire faurten objections vere tirss over- rulei. andtihîe laver court's judgment siistaiued wlich means that tire oh- lertora as weil as everybody eise, e'li bave ta psy tbe asseasments. 1 The rullug vas received vîtrSste- ciel appreciation by Corporation Coun- sel Arthrur Bulkiey, vira worked bard ae have Jutigment affirmed ln thre aountY court sud vbo handled tire 12,e aIl the vay tiraugi tire county court sud thre upper court. Thre vlc- tory la speclally gratlfrlrg te hlm and aisa te Cammissioner D1etmeyer, viro, as liaest tbe Street departmnent na- turally wanted aIl persans henefittei ty tire Impravement ta psy tireir tIare o! tbe improvement insteati ai ueelug a few release tram Utsme e- *Panslbullty. The supreme court rul- ung suds the malter aud aIl the eoh- ectOrs thus yul have ta Step, up andi pay tirsir Bhre o? tirs mprovement suir tire publIc, lnciudlng Washing- to Street residents, vauldu .t have taken away tram fiben nov for ten lmes lire original coat. CaOks sud Pope appeared for the Obiectors aIl tire vay lirrougr. l 1 :

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