Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jul 1915, p. 8

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~ IAy FINEFO ~$$IfI«IMERCJIAT LYINEI ADVERTISING ABOUTSIIMS 6ODS RATES As a reault ot a lme passed durlng Sc pr lno ecn nserion the recent session of the legIlature. ,cprissc n ririei It wiii be Impossible for a morchant Lois.thon5BIlines, to make any taine Calme lu bis adi- 25c firsI insertion vertlalng wltilout laying himselt E arnenable to the law. The law cas pommed as a safeguard ta the buylng publie lu order that they migit ual Sbe mleid by lnflated dlaIms made by U% Tg Sft % jfag certain ânerchanta. Unies. a marchant Il ~NU! oa 31v hal tolls the aboulaie truth about articles h ~ho offers for sale, he s subjeet toa No matter hec miuch you or you rh.evY fine. hualenad iake your financial md. The lac cas ltroduced by Senator F. L Lndes cf Molina, lu spoa'<ng pend.enoe coet more on the Waý h oet he matter Mr. Landes saifi: and taeas with chich you ntilîze 1 "Horeattor ln Illinoisa a insu cill thse tûoney and thse goods il pur- have ta tell the truth la hie advortise- chasse tissu on your salary. monte. T1his doos not apply cuir ta Oine of the innat oemmon forma whatheemaare lu nevapaper advertlee- monte but on placards lu bia store of. extravagance iii in hensewivec windows. Heosean Dot advertlso that giving ai!ay or storiug away, uever ho badl seld a certain clouaa ot articles ta lie uved again, articles uci s aafor, say $20, but ha4set the price te bedateade, tables, lampe, clothing, $16. ue hoiadt aotually sold the saine fer S$20. Notheole a omver. curtains, ioe chcste, phoenographe, tige an article al woel chen l la etc. mixed with cotten. lu hie advertise Majise the very thing that yen do monts hoe muet tell the truth or maire ual waut is just wisat maine eue else himlinseit hable ta a heavy âine. is Iokingfor.The prfrnary object of the law la ta is lokingfor.reach dîshonesi retaliers and manu- ~ Ne So Thse Atices? facturera and Jobbers. It willi bit hard Shy NtSliTeeÀ kc? dîshouest ciothlug dealers who use Yen cao mun a littie adverlîoe- Placards te decelve the public. This has grown ta be a menace il over mont in the vaut ad columas of the thelsate. ItleI posibie maur presecu- Lake County Independent. If Yen tiens willî tallow, but a tew lbasons ao prefor yen can omit your namç,wlil have a good effect. The law was and addressansd we wiii use initiais bard fought by a certain clique of ro- or nimbro nd ave ouranserstallers. At a former session 1 gol the or nmbes ad hve onransersbill through the sonate, but It was cone care of our paper. They ciii kllled lu the bouse. But 1 kept after thon be sent te yen uuepened. It aud finally won," The cost ii se smali. Yotu eau run a 30 word advertjseenent en!ue SC ID N E trne for 25C la itrt fo ou te store up tiinga 6 A ' ED IE plonty of people ueeding theu. Telephone your want ad to us OUIR PHIONE IS NUMBER 1 4. OR SALE + FO: SALE-Tee fine Collie deg pupe. W. a. Apple, Phlone 212-J, Libertyvilie. c4ltf FOR liALE-Cbesp. combustion riding 8 a»d drlving mare; runabeut sud baruoo.c Dr. I. Y. Smith, Phorne Lîbetyville 82. FOR SALE-2% borées uprigili steaux bù4bls, uss 18 mnthe. Addrese "W.1 ofI ndeodout. -hp1I FOR SALE-Badi RRichmond Cherries. WRIIdetrer lau Ubertyville. E. Wileax, DimmidLabks. Phone 27"-2. 4(icl FOR SALE-Cbsrrise. Doivered toeàAred »d i L4hstyvlle. Phone 289-Rl. '&lpl ' FOR SALE-Llght 8 aprlug miik Wagonu. ebsap. fUbertynillo Baksry. (ipli FOR SALE-Peodie dog. AppI> Liber-1 tyl. G(laffe. (Ici FOR SALE-Bay drlviug mern. welgbt 1050. Bave tbree borses andnuse for but two. Wrte or cali. Heury Ktab.c tak, Amea, U. (ici FOR OAL--41%, acres gond, cen1a Umafeota con land; strlctls mouerm lmproveeienta. Oui> $80 an a&r. Gond teriâa. Owuer--Oern Nlien. lAtts Vfas, Mina., R. R. No. 4. 1534V1 cky it FORS SALE-McCormlck Mowlig Ma-F chie., Badley Bores Balt., lu geai cou- I ditios. J. P. Doyle, Evereit, Mi. (0c2 FOR liALE-1915, 3 pas.. ttudebaker autombile lu good condition. A bar.ç gain. Miglt ceusidor Onrt mertgagle. Phono Leke Forest 456. 4Op2 FOR SAI.E-Two pasoeuger, oli tire, buiytypeo. cyllutder, gasolice run- about (Beare>. Til machine I. ln sgeai rnnlg arder &&d wli beosold oieaP OSe R. R. Dellttis. Ares, Ili. 40PB. FOR SALE-larnesud Buggy. phono 14r% Lc tyilie. 4p2 FOR 8AL-85 Duroc Pige about 8, @M ot. T. C. Zersen, Toi. 290-j.2. LiWa ie - - ------- a 01t FoeLE-rlvlgMare, 7 yre eld. Cbse f take. st onS. LquiroE B siolsmm1a 2. Wank.gsn. 894PB FOR SALE-S goed dresére .3 cern noise, 1 good lars 6 huins ga teve. W. E. Appe>. Phase 212-J Sgdl -w.--0-- FUR SALE-Young peelstly netebsi drlvhg tenus, et 1100 Ib. osci ltois eh"oifai2 Ismllybornes.. Owu.d by B«v. RleA .fcebemnan. Glinor,l IIi. (lotI b. ave oa aumber of ine hanse for nai or vet. Dynond & Austtin Liberty. VN.. -41-ti lnispite et what bas, neen said about the matter. Sherlif Griffin declares that there la a law which makes t a mi8demeanor for any person under 19 rears et age to drive an automobile. Mr. Grifîin bas been proprietar et an automobile garage for severai years aud bas. bad occasion te keep close watch on ail automoble regulatlon lacs whlcb bave been passed. "I am acare that the 1911 automo- bile lac contalus ne provisions et this kilnd. but it cas durlng the 1913ý ses- sion, 1 Uhelieve, that a lac cas passed as an ameudment te the previous lac, makiug It Illegai for chlldren te drive cars," ho said. "Betore that law cas passed thero cas nothlng: te prevent a five year old chlld from, drlvlng a car provlding bis parents wishe4 ,te ailoc hlm. Six- teen years la the aie Ilmit of the nec lac. If anyone says anythlng te the contrary Iin la ecause tbey bave net tamliarized tbemselves wlth the nec statute." Under this lac It ceuld be possible fer the Waukegan police te, caue maur armasabocause thore are many children drlvlng car. Borne et them, do net appear to h oe than 10 yoars oli. Counniasioner Powell annouueid the tiret part ot the woek liat ho did net purpose ta stand for lie practice, providlug thora caa any vay te stop it. se the chances are that ho wlll look up Use statuts reterred ta by the aber- tif and ciii get busy t e sethat vlo- lattons of til nature are stoppod. Anotiser law pointai out b> the aber- 18f and whlch la net gouerally knocu, aPParontiy, la that overy motor truck muet ho provlded eith a bood for the driver to ait lu. Til muet ho lilted wlti a winishiold. etc. There ara barel> a ilandtul of motor trucks lu the cIl> wich are oqulpped lu thîs manner. If the authorities clah to Set busY on tisePoint lt would appear that sevoral as-reste ceuld ho maie. 'The fine for a violation et this klnd la sald te ho $25. 'FOR SALE-Tw»niy vecbead oi nsrai PurpoOe herses. Iroin 900 to 180)0 lbo., lice mare@ are ilu bal. Several sets ofl- tecoud baud larnee suad wagons.4 Terme, cash or un lime 1N. R Laed, phouo 4, Lihrtyviile. (It T OIR lNT FOR RENT-Furnlsibed morne for light housekesppin ald aisleeing omrno Fair etreet. Phono 161-L.2. .1 A. Bai".. (ipl FRRENT-Good bouse. -haro sud gardon. W. H. Appley, Phase 212-J. Lîborlyville. 8e + WAMTED + ... . . . . . . . . . . .. WANTEO-Nieenpersona ta bu-7 reiienne proerty lua Llbertyvllle. E.. bord, Lbertyville. . (t a] NANTO--.Csbah psu r Cole and «ther pupples, six ta elgt ceele li. Toiepione Ares 85. Bunisys oui>. JUDe 2-t WANTED-Ilad ta do geeral haus. jwork. Geai cages. Phono, 96-R. bh ertyvllle. 41l WAN TED-lien sudwele cent placeou Iarm, with tenant houe or wle ciii work for owner. AddremeB.. ludopeu. dent office. (ipl PARUS FOR SALE-le TraverseeConaty WANTED-llaai girl fur generalbons.1, Mammotud Robert. . D., lu Catilollc watt. Teephone LIhrtîvll1@ 22. e-ti10 »d Luthrs e atiemoul. Ver> fin bai, lb. ri Chét $salinluth. curli and + LOST and PO-UND + cU@e rps are sure. TIsetit.. .. . 1.'+. . . . . . c clmas.Sao tafuni enysere. Lac LOST-Bhack ani White PoInter dag, wi pomwlsuIai.. Ferpsrticolu-esddrseabeavil> licai, spottei. Reward tor aa î».1. Vaaeida. Dumnt. M Inn32pl1l oum le W.W.Wrtgh,BiD&V. -tt ilt RANAREA eTS FAST cRucM oTEI The Chcago Kohîs came te Lihorlyvlhle Sunda> sud tuait the o ou walloping lb>' received tie >ear, the score beiugr 15 ta 2. Thse Kelis bit the hall elglt lImes sud ouI>' gaI three bits off Dentier, tee 1et tonbiug of the scratch> drer, chile llsmarea gaasauine bits sud four errera. Nebndy scorci lu tlb irot. We got tbree ia thse second. Fisher wsîlci, Boot struet eut. Flsher @ti@lefeoni, Kimbalgel ta diiiou Mlootes errer, Scroeier dropped Jehno', l>, corlng Ficher o 1h. terne. Darder structout, blsgrsdy ingled, scoring Kimbalaud Johnson. DavIesetruck cnt. We scoeds orene athethird. Burecslked, Stafford rollei outto firt, Burge takiug second. Fiser bit ta second saddcas ibrocu out atI lis-et. Barge reundai thiri sud scared ou a los. decisien. Borne bonse runulug. The visitais gel onelin thsefiflis. Burge throw out Pidug et firet. Beechlng doublai te rigili for the lirsI bit. &ebroeoinglie te 1.1, Becing lsklng tird sMd seri ou Dorfieî's cli pilcil. Miaote flyed ont ta cente-r. The locale sorel Ico more lu their haIt sud tee lu the etuth. This cas enougisier Lager, Manate changed cith hlm sud bl heu h boy@sdaenin theseventh, But Ibsycame hacil sud scored seven iu tise nintis. The nec men tryed cultuade gatd. The score. Ramares .A B H [iA E M agrady, rf .............. 4 1 2 0 Q DSVig, 2b ................. t i I 2 O Berge, ...h.............. 4 2 2 a 0 Staffard, If ................. ,2 1 t> 2 ë i9her, 1hb................ 4 3 t> 0 2 Book. cf.................... . o) o0 o() o Kimbail s .-............ ;-,i 1 3 t) Johnsoc................ 4 2 1 0 0t Dorfr p ...............3 2 1 4 0 Bartaur .................. o 1 o o 394 15 1912 4 KeilIeAB R H A E Ochtuaji3n...h.......... 4 4f) 04 I Cuningilat.... s. 4 0 40 7a Simpsen. lb.............. 4 o o o 2 Reading, c ................ l O o o oo Be..ehing, cf ............. 1 1 () 0 @chreeder. r n............ a o1io 1 Maloobe, 2h ............. 3 0o0i1 i Herman, If ...........3....i1 i o i Lager................... 0O 0431 0 30 2 31 7 8 Summary Stolen hases, Blre, Fisher, Davis, Kimbail, Rsrntau;twa base iteStaiford, Daubler. Kimbail, l5.ehing:doubie pisyg, Berge ta Davis te 7iser, Dorlier te Kimbiali te Fiser: hases ou haillsoff Lager 3; struet cul b>' Drir 8, b>' Luger-14 Tinte ai gante 2 itaure; han- pires Ilello>' and Boys.. Notes A Ysuug rfelfoc chis oy'.ho' is front South Bend eu, a -ev withlt ier foa îry eut l in tOu&, ield. lie sure laated gond un thes balle. tBrick ne douht weau give hlm s chance. Book creucisi bis game tue. slidiug te secondilutiseeigiti RsBrbLu!tiiho the garno. Borne triei te eteai borne in tbe sIx lb iu rosi-lenule Zian" style butwese nippeda e bplate. Trap shooting inu adai attraction as the gaes.1h. gun club bas installie a sec etonstic trap sud bave smre Koud shootera lu 1h. club. pop corn. peanute, @e., were pasani amng the fane. 1% reninici one et the big baee lsbootere. Tii.auge.wcas eidup uunîli3:15 te givte .visIais rtino ta irea as tior train cas lâte arrivlug. .The infleld-ri lite our nec firet hase» nau, hoelano bi«1h., @&y le maie s gond laiget te tilnoc at. You caul mise hlm. 1 The visitor@ put up au actul bnci chou Unp Mlle>' caiied a hait nu Ibeir pitcber btiaug Borge go te secýond. Aiter s toc Minute. oh argument tStaffard sent the runner bat-k t'> utret, The fane mised tlepresene of9 aur diminutive Manager u the coach linos. Tiseroeaeethat lb. lIte autborlîles ou chIli lahor gel alter Brick sud ho put Muson on tbaebeuci. Lailer bai 4 strîte-outs *Hook sud Davis cors th. 4 cacis sriLiug ogittlee. Next Bonday Dave & Arts Clte cane bers tiom Waukegan. Mania, botil teas= go teRoannd( LakeeiKo taire part lu the celebrtn %ibrs. Faloclug le ths batllng sverags. 01 th. plaiere cho bas- tale hart lu four or more gatue: Darder 879; Davis 83; Stafford 828Iurgo 812; %eoes250; Kimbali 285; Johnson 181;* Barbanur 181; Morris 157; Soys 158. Thoue figure@ luelude ondayo. game. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS We. lie Dirpetors et echool District No. 15. Neeport, cl reeoive bld, for ÎEt orsteu ofa ewsec siool bouse lu sai district. Ahl bide te he muhnti i ut later lien 12 o'eiock aonAu i>'12, 1915. Plans moy ho mm.ea clinu on Jobs Shea. J r. The anogestlbilder ciliiho requlred ta unse anymaterlain laelb.o bous. that ns> ho cousîdersid ltfor ose. W* reserve tbm rigilt te rejedt an> or &H blde.ilhwcecoueier t tn excessive. Cotratar clîl net ho rsqulred ta tate do en lie cli building. John Silos, Jr., Joseph C. Cermak, Johu strabsu. Direciors DisI.Ne. 15. eJune 25,4aiy 2.9, Thomas H. McCarten cf Diarnd Lake appeared iu count> court Ioda> ani peadedseult> to a charge ef oeil- usg Uquor withaut a liconse. He plesi naîlt> au two et the ten counts. The otier elgit core nolle prosaed. Ho ras olued,$75 afid .epsîs on, ou. cont and the ether cas conllnuod. Hie tune and cbstsi>ucunted 10 196.70. vi.e te hFiscal Vear sndlng April Btois aied lîy the Preelden% sud Board et Trustes. of the vIllage ot Itiertvîle. Illunosl: a Z'io 1. Tilat for the uecemary ox. r Qu. aud liabiliem of the village ot LIbertyville, Idinoin, for and durlng lb. dansaym edeniu April 80j 1916, tbere le herebi appropriatsi the sevoral sumo Of monouey llu auouetioued end spoci- ficli st trtlas dîoc. t-ci.For th. purpo.o p aidiug in payiug the u.cs.erY contingent expeuis. of the atoresail villae. the su- et $2.000 00 0f whlch iappropriation of $2000 00, $#10001. l ta he derivod tram lious.., theeéstluatei anîuut of recelots frem sncb source helng as folowo: Fren billard table@, pool ahis., bowling alioe.and etier lacme.,the Oumnoa...t.......... $200 00 Sal ois o f 0200.00 i.eiereby supra- Pdat4i orth. paribose ofssid contingent Ju aMi $tg@balane fet ai fund M"'0 OOla Salue raised b> taxation. Ont ài nid contingeut fund du apllogoreaoi ha hopald the isas.srp xpouess cf elec- tiensn e aorAivillage, salarie, et tb. Peldees mani mem beoeof thé Roui ai tTruste«.. srise of theMm"eof etb.Boasri of Local toapvovemnDte. .51er> ai thé VllageTruasurpr, salary of lb. VIllageClsrk, teu. for the atisene>'employei ou" village busneos s ary for thîe Vlua- . rw PieCompany. and ether provisions se te llreprotft-tion, repalrlug ani aidiuxgin tiji-cou etructlan of idewallas in sali Village, repairiug andi mprov- lng village preperîv, i neluditbe tho oumping station. expengeo o1 the Beard of Bealtil sud for the purrpofa paying for polie protection ogai villlig,- iu- uluding tbesalsrv of the Village biarslal..........................IMOl? (4 llating a total '.,ntinigvtt fond of ............................ 200.00 F.or the pnrpose of pay ing for the renaîrm, amaintenance ilu, pravemnt sud con4truetlln of elreete, allevs. igtiwayo and avenues oi sud ln caivillage Mi Lib"rtyvilie. iuclnidirtg thei conliuethrtinid rmp1airliit of atreet eroesiug.. ihe censti f $1800 00 oai i-¶twh r~a dIon or $1800 00> the @suai ..1((>0.01 ei. lbe rsl.sed b>' taxation sud the balence o .e.................. 1200.0)0. in lii ho raised frointhe wvillagesm share et the Town flood sud Bridge lax. Meklug a total for the aboe mentioecipurpases of ._"e1 S'00, Fer tbopurpose of payiug vh expeuse otlighini tbe streets sud publie places of tbe village cf Lîbertyvîlle, lbhe nomuoet.....2400.00> ail of chîch la /tu be raiged b>' taxation. For lie pumpt)se cf psy ing til. expeusso ef prififr thelb îrdi. novices, minutes oif nîeetings. etc.. the Oum oet.................. 2()4X)00 ail af chic in leula horaioe-db>' taxatIoný For the pnrpogo ofpaying the tenth annuel iustaiimtnoutf sewer warrant No. 2 sni inter- est, sud lie d&b annnqkiluotail. meut of sewer warrant 1%. 3' sud intereet. the Oum ut.....2-15.00 ail o bet iIo itulboraiceiby taxation. For tlb upopps.oe!payiug Aceo village hall bond@ nf ssii villageforthlesu af *50 000 eseil. Nos 5 snd 6, tagethor wîih luterset on $800«i00 et village baIl bondfsliiville the nmo ...... ................. 14,00.100 ail cf chie-itl la ebe raised by taxation. Fer tle parpoof psyinog fer lhe maintenance e»d eperation of sud repaire ta tie village ester sen. lncilag mthe construction of uoery werk on the village lot chorein pumpins talle i.lcasldthe MID of.... ..... ........... 25M0.00 ail oif lclisl o, ederived tramn estersesrvice ftel.d r caler consumera. ' For the puisas.of aiunlain. log sud keepingth.e MMliar> @osier system 1lu the villa. et Liberty ville. ln repaîr »Mil su> #iecossarv eztensioUe tateo tul lis made by lb. village Ibo sutu cf .._ ...................... ....... 150.00 aIl of whieh imn10 hne d-riv,-d irnm secer service. licenos. eretoiere grsntod or an hoe gronedc urlng îbeeuuocing ducal yeam. laistng the eggregate, amouint of ten sbheîand savon bindred tuent)-fi e dol- lare ($10.725) oft eiilsix theusaud air buuired seveuly-flvo dollars '(06675.00) in 10 lio rslsed by taxatian, et chîib feurteen buudred dollars ($1400.00) le for boud@ sud luters.l horeltore provld. ed for. Escilo ai lim*nsoetmoue> and the aggregste thereof are dpee cepueeseary b> the Board ul trustoefsa aid village te defray the useesar> .Ipeseem sud llebllitof el l. sorteai illage dnrlng the tiscal rear euig Aprll.ll0, 1916. for h. res.pective porpusees aov,@est forth. 8xeraes Il Tati the varions sumo est forth tii b. rtioeeib> taxation lbe aggrtgste anoet of welin six thon. seni six hnuired eqenti-five dollars (86675.00) are a-ipropriatod au prepor. busonte fractine. et eauid otli un six thousarnd six bondirmi esvety.flvedallara <$6675.00) and lu ae ai fatllure 10 iccelve or ceOmeet sali agregate sun of six thousen i sx bouired aeventy-flve dollare ($667500) the dfcoe aol ho deducted pro rae troie sala varions sumo. Szmcl it. Ail ather appropriations sn u ah balance for the fiscal venir endiug Aprit 30, 1915 are cntinuai for the purposo for cilici 1h07 cor. appre. 9f l5tod. Sacrios IV. Tblle ordinanc t-#@asl ho knen se Ordînrnft u, o.256 sud &hall ho lu fere and ffet trom andi suer île paeoage sud publication asordiug te J. B. tdree. Prsideî. Pased Joue 25. 1916. Approved June 25. 1915. Pnblilshd July 2.1915, .TRAPS NEW ÀUTG OWNER AT À LAKE FOREST CLUBHOUSE Fred C. Aldrich. president of the Onwentsla Club. l@ the ewner of a new automobile. Saturday be took a trial spin eut te the Oncentsia Club .,th a party et triends. ..My, she bas speed!" gald oeeoe the occupants lu the car. "Yes, too'much speed." panted Mo-ý torcycle Policenian rtradlinzng ofthel Lake Forest force. ebo bcd follocci JIRBIG IIS the automsobile cicar bIbt te cu~Frank Sack, HGgilani jPark.Il 3 grounds. 'Wbat Is yner name, sr?' Margaret Farrell, camne............ 27 coîttInuei Ihe policeman. Carl Wanerus, Evauston......... 24 -None of >our buginess,!" stermei Aima Cheigren. same ............. 18 MIr. Aldrichs. Ait R. Pedorsen, Keuesha......... 22 ..Rut 1 amî an otticer," sai Spradl-' Marie E. Oaltlund. same......... 20 log. William J. Rchter, Mlwaukee..23 Clara iSmer, same ............... 21 MIr. Aldrich clh.' arreéîte oday AtlrW pre.flhake 2 on a clate carrant, accordiug in, tlWAdath . Comaîct, sal--------- 24 LakeForst plic0o Samuel W. Stophens, M(ileaukee..-.34 Jennie E. Clark. same-----------..31 REÂL ESTATE TRANSFEES ,Itaymond Edllng. Chicagoe-....17 Furnishod byCiatarino E. Aunen, sarn ......21 LAKE COUNTY TITLE & TRUST C 1MyrBc.,Mlwue ....2 Abstracto of Tille. Tit., Guaranteed. T1111e Levine. Bne ............. 21 Matonic Temple Bldg. Waukegan. Michael McDannald. Wankegan. ..28 - E B 10k siKatie Hast>. Chicago........ ..... 23 June 21, 1915.-.B' tlêaadJames P. Esynes. Great Lakes. .....34 cite ta Luella P. HMe, lot lu soulis- Carol B. Tbempaon, samo .... . 19 eastquater ecton 1. Wst At 'h larles 'Waters, Kenosha .........33 ess qarer ecIo 12 WstAutocs.Agnes Scbmormac. sames......... 28 W. D. $1.500. 1 George W. Walzer. 3Milwaukee..21 F. M. Steeie and cite te Benjamin Sadie M. WeIsban. came .......... 20 Lo.wenîueyer. 20 acres cest o eti- Merris C. Mill@, Racine............ 21 dan rosdinl section 31, East Deerfieli Gertrusde M.' Mapes. samne.......... 22 Ralisi J.BrocwnZMon lity>....21 tocnship. W. D. $10.i Vida Meluert. anu............... J. R. Futon sud cite le Jonc Lar- John Jhovsek. Wauegan. .. ý..... 23 son, lot 1. block 15, Waukegau High- Mary Peîkovsok, caine........... 18 anis. North Chicago. W. D. $10. Heury- W. Kappers. Racine,...22 G. I. Straug sud elfe te G. W. Gussle Grass. same ............... 19 Strang. 40 acres lu section 27 sud 40 Williasm M. Singleton, Waukesha..-30 acres lan section 34, East Antioci Wilda M. Perry, Pittsburgh, Ps .... .24 township. Q. C. $1. William Johns, Chicago ........... 31 Master lu chaucery ta C. D. Burgess, Frances Horn, Mlwaukee.-....29 norticeal corner ef Raiicay avenue Arthlur H. Jacobe. Mlwaukee... 20 and Mlghcaed avenue, lu Higilecai. Claire Barth, samo ............. 29 Desi. $2.765.63. Antan Tuciel, Milwaukees--------.28 June 22, 191.-W. H. Murphy tu Clara Williamss anc ........... 26 Stanley WoJteu, lot 6, block 85, North John Traurlg. Milwaukee, 26. Chicago. Q. C., $60. Avn .Targ aiooWz S. H.fBradbunry and i fe tu , lail. AlIa .Trug Mu__a, l and C. E#ajurgusan and Maud A. Elcil. part at cWàt% ef lot 3. McKays 2nd addition, Waukegsn. Q. C., el. Gladys A. 1ergumo, et al. 10 8. M. Bradbury, nortil 90 foot wesl % lot 1. block 13, MeKay's 2nd addition. Waul- kegan. Q. C.,i. L. B. Bloîes sud cIte ta L. N. Greeu sud cite. loi 10, (excepi ceaI 50 tool>, block 7. Ermeor addition te Highand Park. W. D., 17,M0. Jue 23. 1915.-W. M. Binkinan and cIwfe 10 C. E. sud Amanis Hallbcrg. sauli 15 feet loM S. and norti 25 feet lot 9. Brophey's subdivision, Fox Lake. W. D., $600. Jue 24, 1915-Christ Truszinskl sud wlfe ta August Kuebker. !et 17, Oaks subdivision, Waticonda. W. D. $10. T. W. iSmihsud elfe la C. W. sud 14111e . Sheela. lots 191 and 192. lu Shac's liong Lake subdivision. Dceds, $200. A. D. Buehi ta E. C. Raclug. lot 18, block 3, Ballersiall's subdivision. Graysiake. W. D., $100. CeunI> cîcrIl 10 W. B. Smilth, 8 lots lad Ifferaut parts et county. Tas Deeds. Couulyclemk te H. C. Edeands, 15 jota lu dîffereut parts cf ceunI>. Tas Decis. Jue 26, 191.-C. W. Folis sud cite le J. C. Moxn, souti tiree acres of lot 12, Lake Forest. W. D. $10. J. C. Dlxon ta Floreuce S. Paids. souti tire. acre. of lot 12, Lae For- est. W. D. $10. C. M. Goriain and cite la Laura L Gorhatn. loti 6 snd 7, Gorham'a sub- division and lot 1.2, block 6, Lonox sub- ivisin. Waabega. Dagi, $2.* A. IL Lanyon qicite ta T. H. Durat and G. S. Fariner, lanyon buill- lug. souticoal corner Oonuee and Cayton atreeta, Waukegan. W. D. $1. A. Ji. Lanyon sud cite ta Vernie M. ký Smith, nos-lb 80 fatt. cot 100 foot lot 7. aciool truste«' subdivision and lots 24 ta 28, block 23, Narth Çhicago., Q. C. $1. P. P. Johnson and cite te T. M. Durat, lot 1. block 3, Huthilnson aud Co.'s ubivision, Wakegan. W. D.; 1,800. 8. L. Crawford and cite ta Trustes of Scheols, lot la norticeat U of sec- tion 8, Benton tep. W. D., $120. 1. . UHelies aud cite ta Frai W. Buck, 20 adres la sauthesat part sec- tion 12, Avon\terp. W. D..1.0 The tudependent lesail. David C. Sauboru. Racine, 71. Phoebo J. Cook, Waukegau, 69. Anlon NovaI. Wsukogan. 29. Jenle Sustarkdci, saine, S5. Charles P. Brown, Chîcago, 44. Auna Latterbach, Milcaukee, 28. Clarence Geabeci, Racine, 21. .%abel Peru>'. sarne, 18. Eicani Mehirnanu, Mlweaukee, 22. Mts Molitorsme, 19. Joiln H. Borkquisi. Waukegau. 22. Maemi R. Jonem, Zion City, 19. %lalt Harle. Waulegan,. 22. Lixehe Maki, samo, 22. Joseph l Keiu, Racine. 80. Kalo Sans. samo, 63. Ernest U. Masuratte, Mlcwaukes, 24. Mtalînsa Ueke, same. 19. ai Ambrooe Sharp., Morris, Ill., 22. Ruthl Wood, Auxeablo, IIL, 19. John J. A. MeNulty, Chlicago, 27. Louise Bauer, Milwaukee, 22. Albert Larie, Mlwaukee, S1. Clama Kramba, saine, 31. Autan Beti, ilcaukee, 28. Anna Potermiehel, saine, 27. Daulel 0. Huliman. Worcester. Mas.., 24. Ruth M. Sodenmau, Wkukegan. 22. ]Edcin J. Cunningham, Wadeorti, 29. Agues M. Daizici. Cerne., 27. Archle McNelll, Zbou City. 41. Annsa E. Repp, sarne, 37. Jas. DeKaster, Chicago, 24. Florence Montgomuery, MlfordI.,i 18. Rollin C. Malloci, Clevelani, Ohio, 26. Ressle M. Ciougb, Wauconia, 23. 'William M. Lowney Mlwcaukee, 32. Marriel Scînlon, Calumet, Mici., 21. Arthur H. Thayer, Milcautkee, 32. Nathalie ?rcedoebl, saine, 32. John Pyter, North, Chicago, 24. Mary Raciena, sans., 18. Tuamas W. Kalunularras. Wsuko- gan, 28. Anus B. Anderson, saine, 22. Stanley Woltlani, Mllcaukee, 35, Vains Rartosek, saine, 28. Mari>' b..-Clausen, IFondi du Lac. WIS., 24. Sophie Fraser, Zion City. 24. James M. Butclltfe, Mghland Park, 26. Catherine Culkin, saie, 25. GUARDIAN8 SALE State cftIllisi, Caunta îof Lake, se. lu the Coutiîî Cort ofi Lake Ceuni>', Jue Terni, A. 1). 19)15. Au the niatt.-r otahi' application - William A. icnfi IuardiaunifAngpoa Thiehe auiBernard Thile, mInore,, foîr loave 10 oeli resI otato. Publientice la berehy giron thât b>' virtue of the îrieî uni dec-m ucftih- Couat> Court oi Lake Caunllliumsb. enteradin luelb.aove ontithod cause au the 2?ltb day oif Juue A. D. 19415, 1, Willam A. Romlng. geardian af Angelsa Thielo anid Homard Tiele. minora, w 1 on Thureis> lb. 29th day et July-A. D. 19)15, it the boni of 10:00 o'eloct lu tise foreucon of sai day. aIlisthfront door af the Saut ai Round Lake, lu tise viîlag" of RoundiLake, Lake VCnuts. ilînois. affor for sali'andloei ut public vendue. tom eali lnl baud, ail tise right litho sud lntereiit sf au Anrglls Thas-le and Bernard Thile, miniora, lu andiuntab, toloieagds.eribei resi palate ta-s-il Lot 4, in William Ü-. Smith'@ o.-ond addition et Round Lake. "kae Canl>' Illinois. sali addition boitg«aàpart cf Section29, Township '45 North. Rauge 10 Eastofut he Tîtîrd Prancipal Iderediag lu Lake County. Illinois Daiod Juns 2tltb, Ilil William A. llowiing.fiunt dieu -,f Anigelia Til"i.and Beirnard Thiele, M inerae A.yolI a. Morris.Attorney. Juiy 2. 9, 161. 23 ADJUDICATION N0OIC<. Public notice la ilhil> yglven Ibat the Subacriher, Alnieltratrix of lhe Bsaae cf Jespt Stoffel. i.ceeaesd. will attend th. Caunty Court or [*ke CeunI>, ai a ternitilereof te ho boldon ai thi:Court House La Wanke- gan, lns sai CeunI>, on theotiret Mon- day of Asgusl nriai, 1915, cilen and ebere &Il persona havIng clamat agant ussi estato are notifiai sud requested le preant thc saine te, sai Court for adjudication. MARY STOFFEL, Administratrix dihWIll Annexai. E. V. ORVIS, Atty. for Adminlatratrix. Waukegau. Illnois, Jue 7h. 1915. Wkly June 18-5-July 2. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Public Notice lanilereil> Liven tuat the 6ubscrlbor, Admlnistrator ofthle Estato tif Catherine Goeswlhler, decea.-, ai. cull attend the Couty Court of Lake County. ai a teri thereof ta b.' holien ut lie Court Mous. la Wauke, gan, lu sai County, oule ie t Mals- day et Augusi noxl. 1915, chou snd citere aIl persoa. avlng daims sAgInet saieinate araelsatIid sud requoslod tu prenntlie saine ta sai Cout for adjudication. PmUnuICrcE. S@WU.L83, '% Aillnistrator. Waukegan, Illinois, mme 14, l1115. Wkiy. June18-&Jul> 2 E8TAT4, F GEORGE QUENTIN, DE- cocail. AhI peisona bavlug dah. aillinot tb. reate 0f George Quentinu decesesiare ffbsrb>notifiai and reqns.. ei Sa attend sud pret cucil clama tu the Probate Court of Cook Coont>, Illinois, tor lhe purpa.e ai bevlng th. sane sdjnèeta starin etfsaiCourt, Sa b obld su, tb. Probato Court Boom lne Ci 11 ty fCiicago. lu ssld Cook CeunI>, on the iflet Mandai et Anguat, A. D. 1915, b.lng lise 2uid da tbereot. Dated, Chcago. Juse 39tb, 1915. BENJ i MIN H. MILLER. il Adiuistrator. want. For sale, MO t5de la the Il DEPEN DENT raumb 15,=00psou The Indépendant tauds ail. r Thoodor. H. Durst. Pmdsfiet. W. a. oSmilaVice Presidaont. F. W. OhugehIll. Sacre"arendoiManager Hon. OeWift L, iones. mien. Counsel «M LEPHONE 8S1 SECURITY TITI£ & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital $ 125,000.00 IWAUKEGA'N - - ILLINOIS TO I Liberi oS ti bave yesr Ther lreg Wl S: ri ,cou The L- 8- prc Thé, Aaoe w" Sm. ASK the À efnte laffm at u kos i - ------------ P!. .1 --@a a-00__o -- - ---------- ---- il *IV qq

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