Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Jul 1915, p. 1

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LAKE CouNT Y INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN i <r N'01. XXII.-NO. 42. TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, I1L, FRIDAY, JIJLY 9,1915. ONE TO EIGHT $1 .0 PER YEAR IN ADVANCL. NEGRO MILITIAMN KILLI3D SUNDAY AT CP. LOOAN RANME Conirade 0 Victim Fired Shot Shoo,4ng Followed Argu- ment Over 15 Cents Debt IIELD IN JAILWITHOUT BAIL Coroner's Jury Asks That Louis Brown Be Held to Grand Jury-HearingThursday 1,011P W. Brown, 23 yearm oldl s ria- in the Eightb Infantr e.'.,rt he iational gilardomPu. ahot and killed Soiuei Carter, anober militiatuan.i 1$utiday niorning in the barracks alt Camp ,gan Just nortil of Zion iY. w herf i he Eigtllil hie negro regit iiienjt 1ad g.îne for target îrsellce. A ,oroner' inluesi was beldi by oi c o Ironer Edward Conrad ai the 1; lonral & Welzel undertaking rooma iii V.î.-îîSuilda> afferno011linta ellild, 1i.- jur> r.-.ommended Ihat lîrossr i r,» d tri liiigrand juîry*He .Iliibec i' * ia lii aring ThuradaY sft- ,-rrrnooo -Ç,n, Fol ic, -M agist rateXWal- ter Taviilr AIt tlîePresent time ha i> i-mg led wittiîolt bail ln thle coin- f i lai]. According 10 eitnemes Brown hall beenl oaîing i' rifle lu the arracks malt before the- ahooting took place. sootu<f thie oliier miltianen had re- inunsraT'-d aill ithlm.pointing Out ihiat it waa againsl the rmies 10 lnad a rifle tin the barracks and derlaring thal an accident oilgl. oct-r Brown replied. h wss tt.ified thal Ithere wamn'i going t10 lecany accident, He lia.!experienced amoue difrîcultY ln plscing the carridges lu tie mag- azine as some or tiietu ad become jamn-d. Four cartridges feu l tbe loor. leasing but one lu the gun. Six winesem, ail colored men and filerl.ers oe ame regiment. were placud on the wtnese stand to tell of whar liappened atterward. Nearly ail of t hein agreed that Brown hll madle a demand for noney lie claimed c arte-r owed hlm .Tbey declared tbe shor vas nired almost iuiultaneou8lY Fo that Carter bad!n chance to mnake a replYi *'%%bein ntue Il--I1are i ou going 10 pis tht-niolnes son owe Ille?" Brow n is aaid by une of the- ciluesses o bave demanded ot Carter. That Carter mai bave fet sorne is4giving wheu lie aw Brown load bi rifle, wa.v lnllmated by atiother vIR*i nesa. When the- cartrldge, becanie jamnied litithe niagazine noft-lmwns rifle. -ifI1Ilînught 'on acFre ging Io do an>ythlng to me 1I muId crack voit ou ilie jas .'Carter lm alleged to liasc >aidý Vhs- shoottug 100k plat-t- short]Y ait- tr oclock Sudayiînorniug im- metlatcty afieruard Brown gava hinm ,elf up to bis superlor ufficar anti usa placet Inlumassive chaîna 10 suait the arrivaI of Sheriff Griffin. Hauasa braught to Wsukegan anti plat-ad in tie tounty jail. Ha titi not testity ai tht- ivqucat anti vas 001 préenst eveu ho hear the testimony. Cnpt.t ortimeir. uhu rapresentet i m aI thea lîesing asiBrown clalmeti tir etl 'cas the recut of an accident and liaI Brouit wuuld gise Iis tetimony iten. Tire bodiy oftheb vltlm usa remuvati to tht- Conradi & Wetzei undertaking rarna whene the autopsy wusa ielti at 2 o'clock. It usa pertormeti b> Dm. F. C. Kiglt anti F. L. Gnumîey. Ai tîîougb but oua shot uasa fred thera wsme luo hulaet hles lu tbe vîct-imas sIda. 1hIs aîtevati the steel noseti hulaI muet have beau tiatectiva anti aplit lu tuu partie mat attr iaavlng1 the gain.Parts otfJîramuet,,-fiatten- eti out, ucre localeti b> lhe surgeons. Oua large plat- s afound thlIum- bar portion of the spîne. anti another1 large place lu uns oftheb kiduays. Sev- aral artaniB as batiban seeri-d anti this cansd a liemmornbage. The vie- lina liveti but aiglit minutes afler lie abt at sa fred. John Walls, 4111 Federal irait, Chicago, tictifiti ihovau iy Car-bans ida uhan the latter wusashol. He sasit ters hati been no argument or louti uomts anti ha thouglt thal Brown uns klddting" lu sonas ut the Iinga ha lad sali, Ha saiti Brown startati to taudhilsrifle-liheu spoka about j ' moue> laha esali Carter oued ina. At the came time ha says Broun puli- edth le ltrgger Carter crieti ouI anti (iCoullunet un paré tbne&) VILLAGE HAS SANE FOURTH No Accidents Reported From Grayslake, Libertyville or Antioch. G rayélake celebrated Ita second sians Fonrlh ut Juiy Monday witb speeches. atbletlc events and aong.1 Attorney Churchill preslded at the ralty. which was attSedd by tully 1,- 000 peopla. Summary of speech dliverad by Attorney James 0. Welch: -Very tew n*tIons bave a distinct national blrthdiy as ban the United States. England çoiebrates the sigo- Ing- ot the Magna Charta in 1215 Gersnany tha organization of the ern pire by Bismarck; ltaly the creation of the klngdom liq Gariboidi. Butt iaj Unit ed States bast the exact dlaie for reterence and cominemorat ion, -The work of the repuhlic in a ssur- iug the Inalienable rights of lire. 11hý i-rt3 and the pursuit orfliappineasi sflIl incomplete. The fallure or the -lîld labor law IluIllinois sud lahor conditions in Chicago illustrate th-, 1Irinjclpal that 'elernal NiigiIcuce fis tIe prIee orfîlbertv 'The Imîport antw ork for Anerica aft& ili.- l.uro,,-arr wr *11 iI lethe exportatotl ýoii ie * rrld of Aniercan id. ai f r ralitv an(d 1i*p1r conduit In liai g" TAX SALE CLOSED WEDNESDAY; WAS IJNUSUALLY LARGiE Many More Descriptions Were SoId Than Durinq the Last Two or Three Years. The delinquent tax sale closed on Wedneaday aflarnoon at four ouclues( and wble there are a taw descrip- Mions wich were nul sold, they wil j ha dieposatiof ut uîin a day or luu. Vie counuly Ieasurar anti counly clark will atjouru the sale rom day, ha daynoutil ail tire tax cetift- cales are lu. This uIlirn aie It posa subie tu saili aîy destriptions for1 whicli certifîcates migbt nul ha re- turned. The sale ibis yaar took somawhat longer iban usuai for seitiona dos Il test mure lian tbree dayc. This la due partly o the fat-t that the nuna- bier of places Rolti thîs year waa much larger than It usa for thealest ?ew yeaas. 1 One halg that manketi the tax sala thîs year cas the clariteti lidding, tom wbile many descriptions ware sulti ah tuent> five par cent, the maJorlty were bld l, t a louer figure, one ging as buw as five or six par cent. The- tunt of bbc bhiding occurrati turing the irat day or tv-n nf the sale as dmrlîg tha last day tht- taxbnyers J -ýemeti contentedt Iisit back anti bld i trnugîving indsidual buyersaa chance 10 select pîcces ahlch tlieY ticaireti over others. This may ra- suitIn imanv places belug solti at the trull rata onuthe laie day. A cnmparisnn with the figures ut test year shows thn',.tglutreasasIn sales ibis year At tht- 1914 ta,. sala the itaIÉum- hem ut piecas soîti usa 2,956. The total number thîsycanuasa 3.760. The number of plat-as solti for general taxas ho 1914 was 1258-the number ibis yaar was 1.523. The total oum- lier ut pieces solti for specisi asseas- ment taxes lu 1914 uas 1328 thîs year It uns 2,237. A large numbar outhIe tilinquent places thîs yaar came tram Not ChI- csgn. Last year 473 places v-re solti for special assasameut taxes- thia yaar 1245 uana suiti ton the Ramea mes son. Sevaral Improvemants have beau puli in horthlChicago anti this ralcati the special assamenîs s80bhla that Ihey canase lu simalmore than the lots were uortb. MORGAN, WOUNDED, ANSWERS TELEPI-ONE. GLEN COVE, N. Y., .Iuy 3.-J. P. Morgan appsmentiy dld mol conider hirneelf seriauei> wouusdid ater or wss $ht tloday. When l was report- od tat ho w55 1h01 ltheMorgan houai wasc1he lsrget for c volley of telle- phonoelaqulies f rom New York. VTe tiret of thoso caie was answonod b> Mr. Morgan itimsef, who c&ImiY tbld ai tse ciootussg and addod tat ho did fmot lhink il sarnuntod 10 very much. Soon afttr Mr. Morgan was @hitIhi Inistald on havlng a tîlopitono exten- *Ion brought to1 hie aide and over te wlre hi taked wit hie mtitir, sieur- iusg hem h wsc fnel dangeroaaeiy wound- id and teiline he cito neid no worm> about hie oondition. Ho wishod itor lu hear tite news tram hic own uipe fiI. IS IT A BOOZEECONEEA ODS COMTS SUICIDE I lcsHe Found It Neces- S1MELL OR IS IT sary to Dig His Car Out of BY DIVING DOWN A TIIA 0FONINS? the Mud Wifth a Spade. FL1GIHT 0f STEPS THÂT f ONONS? Direct trom the tamed wbeal flelds ut nortbwest Canada, Dr. Seymour Ros Lake Forest Residents Enter a Viauegan ble rda, ople Head of Victim Was Smnashed f Complaint That Blind Pigs i 1400 mile trip fromt Regina, Sas- in by Contact With Concrete f Operate in Their City. Dr.laeymeuutRobe Fnoore0ffCelear. mont prominent doctors In western MAYOR LEWIS DENIES IT. Csaada. He spent Friday nigbt ta WAS THE SECOND ATTEMPT Wakgnas the guest of tba local Y. M. C. A. oeci515. Earl hsMrigH a Declares SmeII of Boôze Has During is ay ln the SlatyThs ornnDHeHa With the for Rus llhtlend.t. taka u the.sWdy Set Fire to Bedcîothing n Been Confused uth he o pathology at une ofthte leadlng Effort to Take Life. Odor of Mere Onions. medIcal colges or Chicago. Dr.____ Rosst____ g iuln western Can- WueaJl Ater readîna (lie article below trom ada as a doctur whose knowladge otfaka.Juy3. Fridav'm Chicago Evenis.c ?..,t People the causes sud ramadies of diseases LAE-tlt nui ii fi likeis will muse:-'Weil,. vhat's the tgasnything but Ilmitati. flOOfl t thte Petrosiua undertaking si au' «. atorney doing? Be raidsi;che uf= g the 1,400 mile auto trip Dr. place, te jury returned a verdict NorthiCbicago sud Fox Lake people R.55as5 stopped Iby ili police au- Ihat Jevoc came to hi@ death tlhrough p ahii cery tîme il appears neceafsasry thorltlas but Onc0e. %. ben but ive 11o4show lies arning bis $5.000 a year, miles of bis destination a copper et self-finfllcted wounds. - Fromn the evi-1 but ilînse cho lîke booza continue ta, Zion stoppad the ductor and cansured dance adducod It appeared titat Jevec liase iltln Lake Fort-st mait as houri- hlm bacause hc ail haewmufflar uf bis had lnfllctod the wounde 10 hie skull titully as thev sel fil, machina open. Dr. Rloss îroved that wîih a hammer. Il sppears ho bat-! Laiker Forets. the hiautiful borna of the mutler bcd, beau opened by acci- many of Chcago. most renowned dent, anti ho was allos.'d to proceadti tred ln hie skuli on lte second floor comtiuiters, o. ail a-siff. on bis Journey. He carrled s spade and feil down a fight of stops ta the Ctîzens ot both sexes as well as on tira ruuuaifg hoard of hie machine main floor. He then hit himelf with 1îlu lits of tht- suburlis vallant police anti on more than one occasion h liete iammer &gain and fou m Intote foirc hiavte <bîriv>se to tbe grnunid was forcad lu digonst bis machine. l'or tht-ce are nolsorne goinga on ln Tbe anýlre trip fron tRegina, Sas: basement. Thte hammer was tound t n- nortir shore village. lkatcbawan, was mafd. n ten days, tn- lying by hie aide. Se prvnmunced hecamte the happen1 cluslve uft tree days whan lia was- lngs in th bF-bautiful village thata forced to ramain et hotels becanse ot Failing i n atmt10hm hm clronicie of some nf the alleged mIs wt etbr self to dealli by satting oire to the deedi- reacheti Tle Post totia> A sigatet article conîributeti iva yR ledclothlng, Frank Jevac, 25 years oni, rsdnoftevillage promisetihofK 0 .KA' resîiîing witb Frank Zurc at 1013 ilese snstion lu the- aristocratie Southi Sherian road, atiopted an circles of thei-).rrthî shore. Darl< antid ssssusurs d iresoine were the- chargea matie ln eIlU IUKallly unique methuti of cornmitting th e message.IT O S N suicide by tiing beati iraI down a Calis Sotties Only Jokes. f~&iN ~ u n rliigbt ut teps noto the concrets fluor liBotles lu RiveroFareat are jokes ~t~I W iJIof a basamant. His liead was crush- compared 10 the 1)oltles, juge, blintim ua fi cdbe neghl îigs sud thel" iread wagons lu beau - IA m ;T OH R dl sI i albe negbi tlfil Lake ForerI," reati the massage sud the vlctim diati a shnrt lime Ilam ..-nt to The Po-st 'Wlihy. amost wîtli Two Men Were Thrown IJnder lu tha Jane MoIAlster bospital. The in a tone'st irrow of the estate ut Wagon anld Were PainfuJîy, vltimsi unconaclous body wasstound frMars Aldisaic nnly a ew dorsy In'ured as a Result. at 7:30 o'ciuck this morniug aud Il : 11ol01 a bouse anti baru convartati la believed the fatai plunge muet Into a rentensous for al the whisky Tmn men wene qtiibs seriouiay lu- have takan place oniy a short limeý and beer wagons wthln a radins ut 36 juceti. a hiorse v-as kille-t and a wagon before. 1M iles. - mas smrslieti lnto kimrling wood lu Jervec bai ilvatinl Northi Chiaosmo Andi ai iv ait 12.,toreign men ut an accident wbicb laîlîned at Twen- andi Waukegan comae dlie. He ad ail sorts snd conditions reigu thera un- ae molesieti. crazed wltlî sicobol every iv irat streel. Northî Chicago, a tew beau ampluyed et the wlre nitîl. &bout l-senlug anti every Suaay out teir dais ago. The accident occurmati wben two weeks «0 e h began lu drink il ves. regardiest, ot appeals tu, the clty a sîreet car sruck the iorse sud beaiviiy sud a tew days ago hic polit-e. mayor ,tr;]luspectur to restore w place sard decsicv whene the chîltimen agon, friands noticed that ha appeared lu totdile tn anti from schnol, anti wbere The ueit-njiîred were: beiral a daze. Ha acteti unusoually helpftît anid wetl meauiisg citizans bave GEORGE TlAlUC'H, 208 Water queer altouday.1 loves ted thelr haard-earuad savings street. 1 Wben lia retlred Monday niglit ha lu enoan'tortable hume santi psy ratas MATNý,OI s and taxes igli ena.îgb to demaud ti t MRI \OIme address. told the others lit the bouse that they hatdecency. Btb uitn arc employati as drivers wouudu't ses hlm alive lu the moru- lunItie horsge la ony onue batbroom. jfor ElIIs Feinstpcu wbOo nducts a sa. lng but aI the lime tbey tboughtlit. t nui onue of the sanitary inspettors, la non nt 119 Soruth Sheridan roand.tie uf t i. About tua ocWuci Ibismumu-& i n aver tIo a cimplaiut. Raid lu a weak vouce. 'tbcpumbing la ail right.' Oua Accordiiig To rhe accuont given by ing One ot the boarders tetetid thea ot the policemen lu answar 10 n cum- FeInslen tir.- men haed ustereti the odor of smuca. It was traced lu the lint of the crazed men figing aud horse sud acre starting toward Wau- roorn occupieti by Jervec. tiro%%iriî bottles arounti salit., la thîtkgn îc ertdl rv cus An Investigation sbnwed that ha harit aIl rheyre dolng? Notbliag saiti caoiatilt rvear exaggerapte iealockiug conditIons tIr crrrck ey saw au automno- cwulire lu thealbad cltbing onubis prolert% ownters are tolerating ah pres- bile sud parirl The car approacebeled but the damas bodtnt yet ranch- cuî,* trorn the oplin-ire direction. Feluctan eti bim slthougb they hadl set ira ho That lesnh al An accoinpauying sass, and strcîidtIre borneasnd wagon. tbe lace curtains sud wnodwork. Jer- cari rt-a d .. I liope" tua-akeri the cil> w a Tht- horse w as vo bsdly Injurad that vac fought fiercaly uhen bly fnleuds t-w tai-ta abicli are important ror It s veterinariaii luitlit. Bolli men wena triedt lurarove hlm tram tha bcd and1 nil rZe. 1- coulti write mnch MOre. iîrow n undric1 lie wagon a-heu the It was Impossible lu dialutige hlm. t i (lep orable coudlliouy Ail day asat crash oucurci-il. Tt-y declined to go One of the boartians wenl lu gaty iiriayanid i-cri Sundiay whisky V>l iewsgn %rati- arc lipe and ouîy onue îîan las to a Io-pital mori were taken to their a pail of water. Wleh -sgn lit- n arr-sted li tIre police. one fnr-.Ionie on W «îr.-r <reet. Feinsten de- tervat- cooily 100k s ciganat fronbis cigii uman walked rightIt m m house clares thpir fivjrir- ara quite serions. pocket snd lhghted it from the humn-1 ast Sunadav. Be waa so crazeti le Tr nueioeacriu uFi ing betilothea. Ha puffeti away atI ttI iidurt know what hie waa doînx -- I Scents Odor of Onions. att-n. are itîclired Io bisma the car unconceruadly. The ira inally wssi A scandaI igted. a reporter for cnmpaiî foi the accident, as they extingulalactiasd the other boardera tire Post went te tuquire of the mayor cot-n-ttthe liiadunglit on the caF was relurneti to bidwltb a uarnlng to1 of Lake Forest. W. M. Lewis, of the otbrigatog i a ut evct eaehmefadg o irenious conditions and qvasiuns u otf urigatog lwaqieJre-t aaehmetat o1 a W tirat dornînateti bis city. Tîjen dan ciSlela. came tbeelloas__________ Jerve- was in an ngly moo<l uhenj Odor of oulons, odor ut onlona.' hae arose Ibis mrln.Ha Ibreateneti said the mayor, wthout aven kuow-LA N I A> LL the lite of bis isndlady sud ot bis iug wbn matie Ihe compîint hareinLUm C P IE - chiltirean sd tbey kept ont of bis wsy, set forth. 'You net- rinut telli mu uho matie - Igrn htteselwudw f tht- cnmîlaint I1 think 1 know. The O E DROWNEU4 figrlugta le pi nldu f w-iter, If I arn correct, lires naxt ,q -j.~,,r Aotseven-thîriy ut-lotk oua off tinro to a boarding-bouse. Savaral Ij ' U M I'te hnei ttohbsmn oreigu lahorers. tnt ovar 12 or 15, R S UE.F XLA E embutane ogootebaéet sta> at tht- boarding-bouse. Tbay- The crrmplcd-np frm ot Jervec usa lisse onilons frequenîl> as part of thair Ona man was drouneti four alliera' round lyiug lu a pool ot bis own blondi. îaftîmir eai. Tisnielibr ojecs ad mîracainris ecapes troula a utary 1Dr. Jolie> was 6ummoneti andtiIn.- ind several times bas complainedt luitevswtat h elo' u rue police, but ut- cant make laus graeaIl Fox Iake Monday When thir mdaeyswta h elu n -colibiting the cooking of outons un- smaîl launcb sas capsizeti by s baavy lunies were serions. The vlcllm was lt-sa the courts dedlans themn a nul- aquall. removcd to the Jane 1.tcAlster bus- salîte. sutjecitn the laws of abats- Josephi Schrelling ut Chicago., usa pitai ln Uic Conradi anti Weteleiam- umenîtant iinjuction. "As for tht - binti pige, if there areoua ut the se. aral persous drowned bulance sud Drs. Jolley sud Bellows any lu Lake Forest lbay are operated whlle un holiday outîngs, accortiîng tuo oerateti upon the inJureti maun1ln an tieciticdhy ounIthe quiet. Police records tatealt itapatchas. effort t aebs ie Iwas founti show that ,everaI arrestsansd convict- Slaîn nitu oaalnalIbthtb entire upper portion ut bis ions have beau matie in the let feu celn n orcmain, skl a ahdl.Jre lde mouthe. anti only lent Sunday tbe or ubom narmowly escaped dtiati. kl a aseil.Jrvcdeia driver ut a 'bresti wagon' was errent- usme fisblug in Platiaaee bay, near nine oclock witbout baving regaineti cd anti baavily fineti toc petitling whig- Fox Lake, wlien lhefr «Mal auncb consciausas. kay. was suampad.Ti lera wore lits pre- irueEwse tLbryil "If anyone bas any evidanca ut un- sreso h ot u lrneE wse fLbryil isutul happenings. lie shouuid ntonn ereao tersI u cballiug flied a bill for divorce agaluat bier bus- the suthorities anti aid ni Ibaetprose. we t diun befora ha couid gel .Zusel ici cution ut offenders. I bava posirely ilfl1 believati bY wituesces thatltsbIsncurtJosephy.She calrea Lm wrcitb raceireti no camllaint on Ihece clolhing becomeansigedlu ou t tirnenea.anticres i asks fo changes. Its just the odon uf unions.11m nage nfshn rnens n ret lak o The cmmuniation, of ompla ta tkle or ln opes ou thie launclifr[lecsoyo h-----è,adas was signeti Edth Shearer' ils body tisser came lueltae5iirf5ce. for slirny. She5says hanr husbanti 7%e tour mati uitli binawere almost aksfen$2to20amnhad Senator Oison ut Woodclock ta exiausteti whan reccuers reacbed niak e 19oma$125to s$200 b a mlnt chairman ut the legisîative cummtte tbam lunthe motor bhat Lady Buschi. Tahe ul abie ta pprt is tamily ToInvestigate home findlug and Tie rescueti men uere Frank antiTd cuu ee aneia nw charitable organisations (the Currn Jobhnlichellunfi. nph«et othle drownedPind.My1.192 cummltee), the names ot wblch bave man; Peter Sehwnn, sud William Bis- Apprantice Sleaman Fichu tiidett Just beau glîven out.,E. D. Siurtleft ebof. Sohellng tgsaurviveti by bis the U.. S. naval trauning station saryi> la a memben ut the committee *"oln-l widuw. Tuasday naoruisg. Ths reas lull vestigale Chcago hume ruIe,' o ulie furuariedt l bis home 1n Wisner, whlcb Medli MoCormioi c a buînnu. The Independeut ieade sI&M .Nabr., ton hurilI. HALT 34 SPEEDERS IN ZION. Voliva Says Bryan Did Right- Says Americans Did Not Have Any Right on Boat. The Mion City police crusadeil against motor speeders and open rouf- fiers ESunday. A policeman ridlng in the side car of a motorcycle spotted offendere, traiied them to the police station and -then gave a signal ai whicb uther policemen blocked the vay. Thirty-ton arrests were made. Theý motorists were released. on cash bonds of $6 each. . . 'L.. , When the police were gathering in motortats and money. General Ove r- seer Voliva addressed bis fioclc In the CGermany's snccess ie due *i ber principle or one man rule,' be uï. That's wbat we ouglit te have In th:- ýcountry. Fnlks at Washington try to please everybody and, please no one as a resuit. -lf I bad been In President Wilson's place 1 should bave settied tbe Lusi- tanta incident bl itteen minutes. I'd bave told Americans they had no busi- ness going nier there wbere there's a war.t "In rgard tn Br> an's resignation. 1 want to say Le did the ny tbing a Christian gentleman. could do-bhe washed bis banda ut it aill MILS UNDER THE WIIEELS 0f TRIN STEALING A RIDE William Orkola, Formerly of Waukegan, Had Èlbow and Purt of Foot Crushe. William Orkola. 33 yaarb oid, a tôr- mer resident of Tenth stfet Wauke- San, was sertiosiv njured Saturday night shortly atter 7o'clock wben lie fell benealb tbe wbeels uf a passenger train whicb v-as just pulling loto Wau- kegan frorn the nortb. Orkoia adnmit., be bad been qtealing a ride te Wauke- gan. He was riding un the tender uf the angine. It le tbe baliet that ha saw the fIrernan climb back on the tender and tried tu jump off 8o that be would neot ba discovered. The victim's cries wera beard as be fell and lie was pniled froro beneath a car and faken inside the east aide waiting roomn. The Conrad & Wetzei ambulance was asurnroned and the In- jured man was rernded tu the boa- pilai. He ws attended by Dr. Ir C. Kniglita. He round that tbe victimas left elbow was an badly crusbed tbat the boues bt the joint bad tu be re- nioved. There were othe-r serions cut.4 on the armn. The injury was au se- vace that ht La pos-sible thearami viii tors founti a scar oser the cbild's loft hava ta le amputateti T5sPo tuessonu eye. A amal lirulse wss tountioit, te lett faut ucre eut off anti thare tht- mglt eîbow. 'cena sevemal bati tuta below tire kuet-. Coroner Edwanti Conradi use aum- Onkola datlares tîtat his vite lises monati. anti the follouing verdict ase lu Finlanti. returnemi by the coroners ýun: -We. the jury, findti laIMile 1 Norman, aga aigit yaars, calme t ils ZION CITY lIAS dealli trom a tali; strikingeouis toreheati. Wblch pruducati heoosubg of the bralu. 59180 RESIDENTS, The deati chilti ta lie oltiest of StIires chîltiren. Wbeu Eduard Coo- SS LATE CENSU ati anti Superrisor D. A. Rttlou resciedtihle Norman farra tiey tount Interesting Figures Giveil Re- tha tuoameasler chîltiren sltting on garding Census Taken i h rn orso.Bt eecy 0 Ing s If hein bearta usma bleatimg Neighboring City. lu currow. Eren D. A. Huttun. sma Thie achool ceosus, uhichi lia.,s Wlho bas looketi upon scenes ut sur- beau campieti undar the supervIsIon rh rsfmtnintis;wa man ere ut J. D. Chanouaili. treasurer ai thle hîltimen tromebnirang bualtii.sto huard of educaîlon. shows an Increasa hlrnfo unn ullg,él aven lant years cansus ut 150. Tie lp -d conns ram 1912 10 1915. inclusive, "Il usa theamo-rt pitiful sigil I. aven beisiti,' ssii!Hutton toa s tau is a fulouareporter, "The boy wusabut lalit lu 1912 the population uas 4.81. years old,. le wunld hava boom ni», lu 1913 lha population uasa4,880.' years nid on the heuli day of Ibis lu 1914 lhe population wuse6,10. munîli anti le mueaI barsbas*0~ In 915th poulaio wu5,10. gulding liglit of ils two YOUAM- Vhs total numbar ut chidren under brathera, I board lh ie orlde ir the age ot 21 lu lie yan 1912 usa believe lirat the$ utIle foiIow li 1,442. cilmiietiup the aide usl of li tael In 1914. 1.418. to procura a dle sîrap b use as lIis lu 1914, 1554. on bis bidus uben i. fell. stnlklu In 1915,1.502. bis toreisati. I am positive Ibid be The cangesreport wulli hatumueti net tieath bs- lie faîl. e Wasmma uvar lu I. J. ThOrelon. towushp treas- test a> t rous lie borses la il. lier. and he wllforuardlil lu Mr. barn, and ti hI asd hare boon m iF F. G. Blair, ssIe supenlmlaenat- faIbllafor one.outhlen lu havo kicked st-bois. aI Springfield. hlm." The Noth Chicago cousus figuras as Just flulslied Inlua eclooi canaris Tacomuasi ., .Iuiy -,O o ahoueti 5>23 persoasosuit la seau Milwaukee à et. PeulP5S ~ feu fait ro~ iel Zion anti Northi Chicagn ana but g1 o h f=li.otlasmslg *~'- spart from being s lie. mepoted kiled. ~ ( -i.- FALLS TO DEÀTII IN STALL 0F Rb1 SHETLAND PO N Y Eight Year OId, Boy Found in Unconscious Condition by Father at Millburn. GASPS WORD'PAPA-DIES. Had Planned to Put Bridie-on Pony to Accompany Parent- 1 to BuyGroceres. Men ot mron constitutions; women wlh mother Instinct umbetided ddep- lu Ibein losurnsa; g!pt tsars of sos-o as they stooti aven tha carpses of an Infant chilti wbo liatidieti because of liris tor hae fathers compauy 5et31111. bu:-i. III., Thursdsy, July 1. Thot infant chilti met dlealh In aou- 1deaaoriîi.7 la stnlp s lia dtrap tram a siatar uhi,-a isietathen bati bung ou s hanuesa ra-,k ihoul four or ire tait aboya bis beand. Shurti> atter fuit ncélqck Thuraday attemnoon Pater Norman, a farmer liv- ing on the nortb haIt ut thea ftrleiy totu, wcat of Milibumu, ativised i bc wite that ha lutentiedt i t uI-iupie teana anti go lu Anlioch tl u pucias grocerias. "Datiti, ctu1Igo uit ou?" asiot hils aglit year olti sou. Wiiiie. Sum, son. lirow tleb indle 01 yonr pony, anti ha ready lu go I l b minutes,' repiiet the tallion. Ruchlug trom the tam lianses 1 tie barn, the infant boy foundti lat, ia wouId havaeltaie a .iectrap b.o off a baller lou us as flinea on dis pou> bidie. The baller iung Mai ou the usallat forme une ut taie .14 ulils lu the enclosura lu uhici ibu Shetland pouuy'wac kepl. Theliéeib walls-ware made of Irun bar-s hm*s bonîzoutall. Tbe youngsler insrted the lue or hie' bout belweenlthe tu-o louer bars, then clart-to c u dinhuD. uarti. Wbal happoud eti fbt hé MO- ment no one knows. Two minutes inter hbis tlion salon cd the barni. He tourni hic child 17, lug lu a comatuse condition lu tie straw ou lia fluor. "Wille' gaspodth le talion as hat pîcceti np lise lad. --Papa,'"uliedth le dylng boy. int use lesladword lie chiliti Pokt. His tathar camiadrti intao aàamaIl building nean lie fartm barn, ld ilh on lie graus. thon nacoti lu lie hou»e tam uster. "Wllile hau falstd." b» shouledto lufstambaud. Wter wusapoumeti un the rouzi- stars brou, but ha tid nul zrogan consclouses. lu loue thon twoaty minutes Docluns Jamison andi WsMrso ut Antluch neacheti the Nonman hIM but they lnslanlly stivisoti tic peau eut that hii chilti wss desd. Ipon examnung the body lie dos.

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