Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Jul 1915, p. 12

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DIES IN WAUKE( Community Suffert a0 Loss in the DMh of Mi M. R. Sedgwiek of Here SHE HAD BEEN ILitA Wl Was Prominent in Tempera Work Throughotat Côuflty Was n. Sut fraglit. Moan Yfnleuds Ilu.Wankefon Lake county of Ers. M. -R. edî, one of the meet active wvsit<siI W. C. T. U., and Wauluapan Bue club, and oeeof the ment prou n luthe coutIr. ve. su tilla (Tburday) mmnfng te léas ber deatil et 2:3Ea. M.' tollowin Ilunesaof aboUt - aek; sbébâ daibhter resfded àt ftO iltia f hotue ou North Coudty etrseti glin. Durlug the. lest tbrel edys condition bildbeau very citical. thIirty-slx heurs prier tn ber site bad been tunconoclous aný tunes her respiration sanil no tint It was diftliuif te dîscever9 toili Of lite. Bile wasaet Years Mrs. Sedgwick wvsatreagurero Waukegan W. C. T. U., antd a] the couuty organisation. At one mils vas pretldeM ot fhe coient C. T. V,. At the urine of hoeri ohé' va» prealdeut 6f the Eql rage Club cri Wankegan. Thet menihers of the Wauk and county W. C. T. U. orçanîza aud tb. Waukefau Sntrffs elul p4aaÙlug te attend lu a body th serai wblcii will lie held Bâal mnrlg at 10:30 O'clooh atet il. ?iegau Ceugragational church. ,epubers o et ttis. offanisa are reuesti tefaMeef 14' tubePa ofthte churcil etu tes oc~k 091TUARY. lIra. MaryIL. edg*lck vas af Autwerp. Jeffersen 1unir, . Jaq. 13, 1849. »Ilovas the dangiiýsr et W. on Piltl». sud LFmy Taylor Fl lies tatiier nioredt fIlltaotsis l snd located at Wayne Center, IIl vs' iuarried to Csp>t.JohnuA.1 w*on Jupe 4, 1#14.,. butube Re, FP. 1Pa Stai omndale, lni. seffllthe gtatuer bortu of ber Il ors111ea,îrChicago. Sie lived la lt, I.for a enrober of years, at fedavlck aud Hilimera, go. ;M -ocf ]Rta years wifh lber datw -1ilas Lucy E. Bedgwlek. et W fi. ettber bud lu thle lus5. Sbe vas thbs moll oesof ciuidren, Ove of wvbom are living. Luey sud Mr. Walter H. ledgu WWkegan. Mm.Miulte.Ulien Mliaeapols; Mr. F. P. ledgvM * llland Park. aud Mr. Chi SeMivck lu Denver. Mie. Siq tait living grandobldrenL. 5h. tuvo bt'thers, Roy. 'W . Phulli Wkaaton. lf.. sud 1Mr. George lips ofNilaaen, Ill., aud one. Mrs. Julia A. spriug et Waan lie wvai anacth4e Membero tirot Congs-sgatiousl .Êurch o kcepn., President of tue Wad 150*l Btim asseataoen, trei 4ft be labO couaty W. C. r. 1 service at tloiarsaugmaa0 lsturday t 10: 30. Hai a tE lngdale. Ill, tu the. family lot,. bar b6~band and children areb -q 0"TOvIcI f DON S!OW COMliN IIRENJUY16TU Keen ~Advance Reports Are to the Irs.Effect That Ifl s'%.Product- irs ion cif Muc!i Menit. EEK. IN THE THREE-RINO CLASSi ancej This Appears to Be the Ontly Chance for Waidkeqar to See i Circus This-Year.f Fer over a week the adivauce billers gwickand advertIsIug agents ahead of the In theHowe Great London Show have beenj iffrage'busy advertillg the comlng et this ilkent great aggregatlen, and the. date set ain of for lis comiug to ibis town la Pffldy. [Dg auJuly 16. It la fortunate for the loy- eru of amusements tuat ibis shb" has pMged thie nams of this towu on V-aitir, 7 Unroute, and lItetobe hoped that 'a ber thbe patronage It wlll receive Wnlieb Ver sucb as wtl warrant It visitîng bers deatb eaclh year. There are many shows low at touim; the country, but wbeu a show ol.y .4.R.8 j Howe Great Lundon Show te t be, old. ber. there la' every reason wiiy the of the Dario Resta,.thepeeid 9 ngwhî ipeople should feelt fhaukful. This la a w LIso of wvon .a recorwibreakiug tq1k show t bat Êtaudei; n a cas entlrely tu au-tOiViWçfhnt5tht - rIfand e» h e plttion of: non te a on- îng the very lesader 0ftftem & U. Ths deah létée a"a reputaflon wbleh bspreeded b em. i e- m Sarie&' ab'y f h 1 V- as sch'a nature tilat redomemnda au edfit honra. i w"It m')ore tban aIl'tube advertlslug thata lkegan edAe ooa It could do. Its own apecial double- b( amuons_______ lengtb cars wlll constutute the trains T b are .*tbat wili bring It bere and It wltlD ho fu- SUICIDE. cons ln ail magnitude withuet th ii. trday leastu attempt to curtail Itus colossal h - --- proportions. . The f<iýnlînmeeqî rnm D'age nus.> The Howe Great London Show la lu Btant _ -etr-ing clansanad tiiey are rings whlob will be acon ouly thbe very - dreda of resideut3 of Waukegan. For best of performers. The sterling rap- years bce md been living wlth hie utation t.bat tiis show eujoyp makes Miother on the tarn near Gage's laie., il possible for Il to soeures'lie very jbora lHe was torin thbe tow n of Warren. cream of the. profession. and DaeBmI- N. Y., and leaves ibree sisters to mettra is' ary can b. toe exhonbituant when art- demtise. The three slters are ' sts are considered by the manage- . Nel. Charles Thayer of Waukegan; Mattie meut. The very leaders et eques- IHipa. James and Mrp. Lietweiler. Hia aged trians, equestrlennes, leapers. tumsb- 18Z5 motuber also survives hlm. lera, gymnasts, aerlalists. actiotatus, I. Sb. The lunterai will be beld ou Sat- wlre walkers and general performer 1 Sedg- urday atthe Gage's laite Nethoas are on uns payroll, wblle the tralusd i SV. W. chureh at one oclocit. IurlIut Liii-j animal departument la beyond compar-e fflieleyville. Ison. Tii. menagenie la the mont I lire ln a Oak slater '.Dak. IMter. ffauke- >f -nutie m4d Ilu le lui as. E. li ha, Sleava Lips ef ePbll- ulster, akegan. of the rWau- akegan smurer U. chèreb. Bloom- viiere buried. Usse et Torge. Onandfauiler, Stting ta bis oid Lrm- chor by tuhe freside..picks up from fthe bea.rtb wltu are tlongs a gowing em- b« wberewitb te II&gtfbis ips gipsdsen. werkug on tubs New York elevateti extension, pleks up vti s Pairoetblackmtb's to">,tron tube POrtable forge nsed for beaflug rivets. s6 9ive ceai wberewlth to litghtu bis clgrette. PropOr Cure et Books. * fa volums la leat long rieur ar.Ii- uislbhast, erinkage sud consequant Saqsssatll viiensile luat a, certalnly M -vith a piece of turiuture. uys s miter la tubs YOsjI&ia Compaulen. I*vtug a. book coplaltj*y lutb. sunt. OMusewill have fis qame sifectu, sud ln îAdition viii fade t4 cavers. Damp -»Iss&bou o u baieulsavesded. Japaoess bevntlss Ifbasbeen geaera1Iy qapoed iat a»S revolving sagse vu Ia O0rM»ala. voution. As a mt«tus Iifasturc. tilIO sYatem bus bo a sd lu ja'pa. 50tbestueru for rearu. àv A e t JudgS 4ofrenm Vbl eoncouedent writ. tuiai or Jsi Jets'eys, notuad fer bis beartMsu S3ty.ila recondad viebe ovas 300"aio. bu iad s vifnm eas forç 2 01whos enaieavers arousad 831* Udgu'slme. Th ii. vms. re su uoodiagY long sud bnaby beard. OOM Jetreys: "If yosn conscience la=W»Siyom bàrd; youl sves. - , hg Em e th e . us awltn refotai I~uosloudablimeasurea ~lfSssUP. ~ Fou.r iord"lIp +Off Ages 5 to 17 years, double breasteil and Norfolk styles, inî ail the latest fabries, some witb extra pair treup.ers. A big lot -of ondmrf1Vl values to choose trom. Régularly prieed at from $2.50--to _$10, I10w seLing at 1.25 to 5.00,- t * '~.ui.P.?.ttU., *:' 1~eV~fna~amontbatoiav a migeo doum " M min u or cfué terem% etinuth ie tbe eria V e " i eoU*hheis Qsjj gl tiwwaffs son 400.M00aqman w= ad - m dobyo& a mi«uté-wapum CosaolOte IMII penfectly organlzed in Mayor William W. Pearce and neftubhe taken out et bis power, andth ue coni- thie Icomuatb foday. commission as a viole. yull appoint mîssiesers weuld lie uamed b tuhe *,Orm«uneea vill lie given: tbe nov members f0tote board. The. ",ae *i~.tMeraon performance ut 21 fellovlng 4ctlping taies frtem The comii~on of tue iecly an a viele. n'ltae- andtiheia vening performance. Trtbune of July seventi. cenfirmatheToday tube tornioetoSce of Edwiardu et8 o'clock.' Doors will be opened oee above made statement: 13. Yager vbo bas served as preel- teur lu advance ofet ecl pertormanca. dent eoftth. board. explred. Who "Regret Vint tue civil service iliMayor Pearce wiii namea te mnceeu Teand paradlek on tub ay fexlac-a recently before tube legislature dîdunolMn. Yager la net known. altbough i, ner1'*" o h a fei bpass vas exî,ressed hy tube conventionvsrp&, d- ewdy getia iona, osIbl. Te re ouusde x- Of civil service comissions at Lospri.o neut notl aide resident voulti hbitienwdliltaie place on tube show Angeles, Cal.. accordlugle evIafnaudbtuemyo.h asae ofud riedaeyuo the retadr. G. Holding, president efthtue Ceolureporfed tubat tube uayor vould ne- e! tue paade.couuty civil service commîsalen, woeereî%Ir. Yager. lu cais Mr. Yager retuurned yeetes'day froipfthe Paciilci5 flot re»electel, P. C. Regna. the Old. CIVIL ERVICEcoast. The comilsioner, attendlng est member o! tube board,. yul tien I M.,uaimVIEthbe conventio,"' sald lMn. Holdinîg 4re-absume u ,eudny ousCak BILL N T PASS D gardd tuebe ill as a progressive ineas-is tube tisird member efthtue commis- U 'NO PÀSS D g.a.r.dThe coanmissldoners;' neikt meet-sio ~ ~ lng vilI bbei eat Ottava, Canada." BY -LE6IL LAIIJKLEd'Several daysagowOrd va-3 necelv- bulln ba ben paesethebcitubesuervie -Net, à Compliment te Atinti. If ~alvIi, . Hldin prside ill hsaue. tbe pssbtaedatat-d ad Jessie - Pieuse. auntie thie nov if Mlvile . Hldig, resden oflaltur ifthebil asdmf(-dhadlady nudt deor cays ber complimes, thbe Coek eSutY civil service commis- passed, tube mayor et Waukegan vould I md zîli Yeu Play very low. bc.4m bue sion, inowa whereoi lie speass, tube ne longer bave tube pover et apluobît- Lusbani la olturemoly musleab-Bal. civil service bill recently listera tube ing iembers of tube beard. Tiie civil leulu t(Sydney). itate legilaature dfd notueaa n sd I srvice commlsu!,n would bc tbeu 0f Men'saIIdYoung Men's Iigh Grade Suits >8h I Saturday begins Our.Anual JuIy Clearance Sale, which opens an opportunity to get the White background, with finest suits in the cityat prices far beyond your expectations. Right now. wheeiwarm ni:ny variations of pleasing weather is approachiùg and vacation time is at hand, this wonderful price-cutting event dsigu na d attractive wiIl be especially attractive. l3eginning Saturday, and lasting ail npxt week, We wiIt seil weaves. Your .$ levery men's and yoiing men's suit in the store at choice at .... 3for Correct Sye PuetFit and Satlsfiln Gu.rantee This is a sale of our own good clothes, made especially for us by the world's most popular clotheo; makers. Every garmeut is guarant.eed to be strictl.y first-class in style, fit Aand '*worimianship. .$25 Suils This lot consistsofo blue and gray serges, worsteds, cheviots, homespuns, tweeds, in eheeks and plaids and the more con- @ervative patternh.. They varyiii weight., froni the tropical cloths for mid-surnmer, to the ait- year-round businges weight. Young mon will find here the -kind of: snappy styles. weaves and modols they want, ail specially priced -1875' at........ ............... 0I~ $30 SURtS For men who want the best, whatever it costs, w e have t h finest clothes f rom the world's Ieading milîs, 30M0 and 35.00 suit: 23.50 OFF An Annuai Eve n t of I lmportance for Men Who are Particu' lar " not sali.ed unie"a you are." This Us a Spot Cash Sale- For 'such wonderful bargains as we are now offering we are not justified in accepting credit. Please do not ask us to extlend credit on any gar- ment sold at less than regular pnice. Sllk TMes AIl the brightiL"snappy colore so popnlar for sumiier and vacation Wear. Worth a greet deal more, but priced fýr this sale SOc at only .......... U $20 Suits- At a lower price we let you choose from a great stock of nobby suite, the very lat - est productions in Society Brand and Ad - ler -Rochester clothes for men, suits that will give youa good service and will look right.*' There ia not another assortment oft good suits in the whole town that wiU compare with these $20 suite ~M now selling for............. .I. 0 -Buy EarIy - Don't put off your',b'Y',-. f ng until the Iast day oý the sait, buy nowýbUl the asmortment .Is Î4. largest. You--nuy-b--- dis appointed,4( you di- lay. g E ACT ATlA FUNI3RAL Case A ainst Rtinold Muenoh Dlyed After.One Ctoslng Argument la Made. MIJENH DID NOT TESTIFY. Two 'Detectives Testified for Stato--Deense Attacks the *Testimony Given. Wiukegan, Jitly 7. The. Jury ln the Rileuiold Mnucli case, lb. firat liquor ease te b. placed on trial tnis teni, wsSùcured late ,Tiieq4da nternoennaud after tube open- IMs>teuieuf, bad been muade by thbe 'itloum» stio.worh of iakiîig testi- iaeny vas ea tuod. The. slate's attor'- ney bas a ISumber of the"s liquor cages la whlis Fox Lake saleonkeep- ers are ciierged viilb baving violated tube Sanda.? os>ng law. The. evIdeuce algantttu ies. saloonkeeper% sas se- cured by A. G. Avrry and Fred Anm- rturoug, tuvo ralon tnvesitiators, whe vers retaineti by tube states alterneY ait tii.expense ortLaileceuntY. Thiese men tesitîiof that tbey r- ceived for .1hois' seles5SEper day. tothertwitb frauportation, horsl bilai and the mosey ubey Ilas i- cIdentais and vhlch tbey ued luinae curnngevience. Til neludes .-igars lquorsi, etc. Durng tuheuime ubey are I estitying liors tbey dlaim ituhey seure $5 a day, hinterlills and transporta- tIen expenses. Tbey saserted that tii., 0psy their eva Incidentals hors. Armstrong vws tbe lirsi, ituess put 'o n the stand by tube statk .He told ef vialting thés Muencil place on Stuer- day. May 29. At that limehbebaya Muencil inforoed hbu that if bo carne around ti i t day al v anted te set a drink tubaih.e abould enter by tube rear door,,polatlngtuout te hlm and tellin liev owto raai Ithe lrreema frois tiere. Asmotrona soys Ibat vben lie camue baok tbe -next day ho.bildne vueed te fellow>bee instriietiens for 1lie ays ils foud fthe place runng v ide open. 1He tesUfied thatlb. pur- chaassd!twvorwtbree glaxses et boer. He told aise of baving vlsited the same place ou Jane 4. ai G lii le 1,5

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