Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Jul 1915, p. 3

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THE LYRIC RESTAURANT Under New Management-LIONEL. BULL, FrOP. Special Sundayj Chickeni Dinners HOME bCOOKNG EÂRLY BREÂKPÂSTS HOME MA-DE PIES LA-TE SUppERS a opecialty Parties and Damces Catered to AU of the leading lines of Cigars ------- sl -----------------IIII--------- Greeniong's Big Nurseries Monroe, Mtoch. 1500 Âcres 10 000,000 Trees, Shrubs and Plants Trac you eu trust trueto0uan). Ar-Pedigrerdlra-d Trees are wbole rmat and orow frst lw.g.fruit. tireaon- Ing trffl are extenuivefy irova ihiigiiiut fake outy. Perfeeriy hardy. fuit of f. PETER BOCK, AoENT Phone 192-J _Ub.,tyviUeý111. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -I ad ROBERT WARWICK IN graîîh I-al Sur Rdriftav TH-E MAN 0F THE MOUR,'ike By Geo. Broadliurst, feature play in 5 reel glacial George Broadhurst write one of the grecti-et sivcq-' thîe Amatri- Lakte can stage hag eser ikno.,wn wselien he îonilf te T)w- Man out he- If otr " tintdl seý1 ftlit IN 00W tirlie isev a t the Li.îlrt% , 'f'usdav , .uly t lttî. ai, a WüV.jrlîI nto Fi ni (orj,îîration feaart film, with l1oiert \ arwii-k ini tile title roie of ý, h the îincrrupîtiblte îîyor. sacndt th The la Liberty Theatre, Tuesdayj, juIl 13 swam p fate dr A-il Seat. 10 cents. practicu cupied The .1, frdaq, juIn I C6--- 6TIIE SPOILERS" ratln In 9 reels, featuring Kims Kathlyn William. anouai my AlPTER2NOON and EVEIIING. ADMMION 15c and 25C. neari y __________________________________________post, Thea p p p po p o ::o * * ccunty Antioci mond I I 81r 677 Hi IPriatinthai Pleases r,3 873; IA LoûnL Letter lleads --- that lkad Business Cards-...that bring "biz" Bihll eads --- that tickle "Bill" Envelopes.--that can't bc beat fil We use good quality stock b; of Our prices are on the square r But should you want a cheaper paper for a cheaper job we'iI do that toc-as I cheap as anyone-but our apecialty is f The Better Kind of Printing WIIICII DO YOU WANT? W! CAN DO 80111 KINDS merly Bouse JOB DPRT ET . Lake Countyr Independent M (3) bench thati jopoooo ZOO OOS OO~ USUO OUO OSU OOS OSO SOO meltir lays L.u m J -5JrW.KLr JlL xxJza J~~~a. OIlVE OUT MEAILS TOTAL AMROUI Of LAKE CO. SOIL IN 0f LOANS FU DETAILED REPORT iPAST WEI V- JTTTTvn 06141A , lui . 1-- NT NEÏiRO MILITIÂMANIi )R THE I(ILLED SUNDAY AT 0 43,530 CP. LOGIAN RANEi 1 M1ORE BOYS THAN Iet GIRLS BORN DUR=:i"f INfi LAST QUARTER Records on File fin the Office of For particularsil the County Clerk Show the Comparison. J. A. Thai more boc t,îIhan girls were born in batke eauiii ,dlLrlng t lie lest three moritth. i.. ho-en by recordsa Duran comptled in tha office of lic contN l clerk. The 'n figurem how 'liat 61- children se re haro i n ili vun t> in A.pril. 113 In \te. and 1i n June. REAL rwo colored cildren ware hatn In 1 NIS L A.prif. Tha number of gilrs~ anti titis- boni COLI during the thremontlh aWa-. -rol love: Triggs Bic montl l'enaie.Mate. Phono 2, tUb«,ty tprîI . . .........27 35 May .................. 6 5 tun( ................ 29W42 Il fa passible that thi ilb h O E last turne that lthe birtlt records seiii be compiied by tha county cferk'.s af- AD lie, as a iaw passed at the recenât Clean Qu eëgislatura which places this malter in t he handh of a local registrar. Il -,aid tliere will hc a cil>i regi sirar CAR rzn W à Ui~r (Contlnîîed Prom Page Otne.) of Illinois Tells What Loans Are Increasing and Rec- 10_---e__fluor. cf Soul Is Found in ords Prove Business Is Pick- "Now ec hat yoîî have tione' 'ections of State. n pi eCut. Wafis eaid lie criedtei ron rerslty of lfingts bas just Business of the recorder's office for l it wias Baonacdent. a h rpyî mpbft vhOh f devtadthe veek ending July 3, 1915:. ta L.ake caunty soifs. Xi Nunaber of tr&nsfers, 6J9.A.Hnl>,33 ero i ch of value and vas pro- Number of logus 15.flue.,(Chicago, salid he had been In- 1 G. Hopkins, J. G. Masîer. Total number of Instruîments flled. tormed (bat Blrown accneed Carter of ti and F. W. Garrett. o wing hlm 15 cent. John Scott, 29157 c rt aise cnvera the detait edSotPakveuCig. idb c attendant upon vartaos Total amount of! bans, $43,530.00. hBoutbutark avnutste. icaosaidheA i solison varions fields ln Business selems ta ha plcking earbudino eheabtfed y, among them being thea utile and loans are încreaaîng. as hae was tafklng at the turne. aie Antloch. the D. M. The followlflg are the principal Amo8 S. Herot. 146 West Tbf ny- Brimenti l id near Anti- eet teChcgsitetw ie deWuis are shovu vbat deafs of the weak: tIigiîland Park entste.Chco.adtetw ecomplisbed by the exper- turfiabed the largest transsaction. men had pfayed cards the night hae- ri carried on under the Benjamin I.owenmeyer sold to John fore, but flot wîth eacb other. Hae o! the state experte. O'Connor of Chicago. for $40.000, 800 toi d of Brown foading bis gun in the ,t In comprehensive In de- Introduction ls extuemeîy feet frontage on Sheridan road, being barractts and said sonie hl warnedA showfng as fi does. the Just north of the country club et hlm net te do fi.N rvarions Lake county vil- Braeide. Joseph E. Lee o! 3211 Wabash ave-J «act of the glacerial perod Elmer W. Brown sold to Thomas nue, Chicago. was lthe an- lolI fa lot Lake county, etc. mct fram the report wll and %lary IXguan, a lot on Chicago of Carter rapfying that hae coîîld have fi adrs of Ibis papier: avenue near Efm aseoua, Highfand hit Brown If ha bed titouglît lie was b ty la located In the north- Park, for $600. goffla te do anythlng witb is rifle. fl of Illinois In the laie Wis- In village of Dearfivîli, llenry C. Me sald lie was the one wlio edvfsied Il iltion, and là covared with f materlal made by the Osterman sold a lot on centraI ave- Btrown flo t lad hic rifle Ith lte ber gas glacier durlng lis tva nue ta Linooln Pettis for a nomnal racks. Afllr the shootlng hi sald ha Iý itopoicgraphy of (ha colin-consldaration. P aw tBrown go rover ila tarirranti -asi e rofling in many pats, In Lake Forest tNr i rheB. Ail ha didn't mean ta shoot Mlnt mi entlrely ta the very Ir-1 psition of materlal hy thîs Irig baught a lot on Ittias^n e:Chles Clanesy. :1729 LaSallt- sircl,T wo distinct morainal ameas near Poplar, tram Matli a nre.C,,ilcago. said hae heerd Iiruo askl Pune known as lte laite trustee, for $4,000. Carter for the maoie%- arliet iin tii, rnir svetem occrîtlas the ln LaeaBfuff. Mec ill'tti-itn solti te nîarnlrg. At Ihaitlime lthe mren w are It oi the conu atd ex- iwer tni the form of! woElizabeth A. Horen a :1tîon 'Norlbtionthe porch.('banc> -aidhI al, otit one near the taie and an- avenue, east of Gîto iiou for e; liein thîiy stiaulin't be argui,îg ont east of the Des Plaina.i notuinal conalderation. Su i ilai oorning land Ihat sitar thel lier, ttre Veltarlea inarsîn n b Berrington, \lIarthia E. DiII Ita et Itside. After tha shoottng. ,cî-iiîies tha western part bougbt a lio an.rIIoo(n lt as toeeîîca Ieeflt y. The latter reachue anloonMi n,, riCa-lesy.Bonxtcelth'npl1 abouît, 7111>feet abova Lake rie A. .iiuudbenkt for a noiînal con- cartrlilc iront flt, rifle and thlseit These moraInle arees are sideratton. casa large niimîers o! iettlpc ln Lîbertyvilla towîiiîîp.tPaul NMac- Attli i liocuse. agrecit that IBrown: )asI like deprassi-ons. tha, Guflin baught an undît îl,-d '..ý ws i ot motre than four or five feet si roiling parte sometimi1-i Ith of 75 flad Numarous te the Thos. Kafley i,îrin I section awaes tram tCarter wlieîi lie fireit. Ail foînd te Vtpaaio- 4. ora nominal 4(i-s ilePralion. agreet li thles, list noe tur nl get-ý atein. ttînry R. O'Ntl bouglit a lot on îlîg îout cof t ha onîtiaciter ttîe shoot- ýdepasltad by the Latte t\îurth atreat, Iàbert> till,,, rom Lyle ing took place. iclar ovar the county bas c mt or$,5.Th edc o h o-nrsjrý lpth of probably 150 feet,Sîtlo$.40Th vedc thacrnr jr lekaer daposita are ..etwle;,i ln Aan townsbip, l.îstelliî .1. Tenteasvesas a, oilowB: 0feat. LaPverett. lneNlont,- bougbt a lot on Havie> street, Grays- "We, the jury, fini t Ilt Samuel Car. ftUted atesdeoitof latiafrom Fred D. Battershall fot $1,- ter cama te hie deatti tram a gunsiiot aes more thar. f00 feet In S wound fram a rifle haliIn the bande ver the county. Barînga In Viflage Of W .iiiotîtia. Alfred of oe Louis Brown, alias George le prasence of! all older North salit a fat an Iitit and North Browen, fired and dischargaîl is thecý ýbaneailu that of the l5.te avenea.te George R1. tlcîkburn for said Louis Broswn, at, toward and uioýn inty ldIs dddIla two dia- for $500. the persan of the sait Sanmuel Carter.ý iaga systams--oneasloping Iu Beulon township. JtamcesH. Fer- and we racommend Iia ttesi Mtichigan and comprlzfeg t> liougbî at guardIan'_ sale tlia Han-fLent., Brown ha hfied te the grand! ,o more (han ona-fiftaantb rv C Ferry property for $3,031 .78. jury.- araof the counly. sud a lnad by the Des Plainas lIn Waiikagau, Ida . Nlalmngren 1J. Cp HERCHANT, ex rivera, loto the Illinois. bougbt a lot on Northi Victory street Foreman. J Snumber of lattai and from the Geo. R. L.yon astate for a DAN W. KACFFMAN.1 i tis county indicate vary nominal consîderation. tHAS. BADDACKER, Jr.l age, systarna, so fate that ail o! the lawland la oc- John 'liary Smith bought a lot on GEORGE HEIIMAN. Jr. et by fakea or Avapms-. SIay street front R Dady for $1,500. DEWEY HAMfILTON. ma have not hait tfme ta Wau'iegan Amusement Co. filed lts ALBERT F. CONRAD." ey sufficlantly deep for certificatp of Incorpîoration wîth a cap- Cre evsevfbb u oh iese fow ameas. Thera are fCasokrf$.50 t er217 earboin tre yand C hicago laites In tha county large la tc f$,0.e t21 eronsreCiao e sbown on the oeif mail, In North Chicago, Davis N111k Ma- Hi.4 remaine wera takan thare ou the rbfcb are surroundait, or chinery Co. bought a-lfot adjaîning Narthwesteru railroad t(oday. Brao by swamps containfng de- their taclory froin C.A. Newcomb, Jr.,fvsa 94 at ttesraCi Peat. Ivsa 98SuhSaesreCf ides of sonne places lu the for 11.000. ____ cage. 'e sea levea are;as ollos --- LV i 1 feet; Apia-'ilsic. 6;' .IiiI RAT aR.OLLO M'BRIDE. e760: Fox Laite. 74; ZGfl-À S À I Gray's Latta, 799; Gurxaea :~ Roi fa McBride, about wbqm Chicago and Park, 691:; laka Bluff Jj'J it i 1 1K iz sd Pittsburgh papers bave publisbod Viflla. 796; Lakte Zurich, DE EUDE TSR B v ai ourne. ou accouat of bis vonaierfUf ion. 723; Libertyvili e, 670 CA lJ. (relaions vitb prisouers aud ailer un- a.782; Prairie Vile. 94 IM WS A ATPrt Àoftie Iy" oSos10 ';Russell. 677; Vaoe, 90; h ,atn fteWy"hÙ o 1.673; Watranton. 710: tise e mensad makes f ieisbusiliss (C. & N. W.), 596. A Zion City, ,tilv 3. Yestarday vas a tk an the es entranca Of bi day at Zion Cfity. Hundraits cf ouse ai Wauitagan ls 668.4 ocean altituîde of the atalr people flocked ta Shifoit park te vît- fchîgan la à81 feat aboya nasa the varions avants atranged for the antertaininent of the public, ln- ae Michigan glacier lef t a dapendauta andi Zion people mixai te- houilder dlay (a mfxture of ,raval, sand, sIlt. and clay). galber and forgot thai ibera vas any been transformait into soi difteranoe of opinion, ai feast for a aces;. but the larger part day. Saveral of the sirikars too, vere unty subsaquanti y racaiveit in evtdence at the pkunic. Iflfa atat- daposit of 12 ta 40 Inches matetial formeit trom the ad that lhey seere cordfalf y InvItait fur produeed by the gTlnd- sud they andti heur vivelsivera prels- o! the glacier. This bas eut. The secretary of the union. MrT. rked by the vind sud valet Joseph Binulerd, wfeand cbifdren, cavera (ha lavaf and lest eealdy n ayo h is teanauaverage depthihfw vraehrealdysu nyfth lnches. Benea-tb this la union men wore their badges on the d a siratuin a few bichas In lapaI of thaîr coats te show thair loy- i hich centains a grest ai ty during the limsent tabor crisis ai., Indicsting the vaablng t ibte Marsall Field lace factory. ifine matarial befora thse depositad. Prom Wauite- At 9 & im. the Zion guards, Ztou istate lina a depoit bas baud, junior gitarits. Junior baud sud ed by Lake tChicago vhfcA drum and bugle corps met ai the Ad- )a seriaz o! sand ridges ministratîon buuilding sud began a pa- Srods spart that have veiy luraf use. Betveen thene rada around the principal streats of si deposits ara trequauily the city. te se that ibey have food,. dean eloth- Ailler the parade the procession Iug, clsa sleeping quarters and a job la of Laite counly are dtvid- msrched ta Stîlof park where Vofiva vftts a chance ta "comae bacit." M. le followfng classes: MeBriite bas tocused the attention or sud prairie soifs, nsuafly, reviewei thIe organisations. leaiig men throjibout the nation ffaic maiter. These vers Ajnong (ha teaturas of the day were upon ibis very grave husmain probi su. rigiuafby vits Prairie grau- base all gaines. There vas a bafloon uHaeviii speeaithe atternoon o! thi. artlally dacayad mots o!fseso ui ysdu u ufeSi a !ts huaqs ve been (ha source of lthe acnin ui Ya rmadbgeOt dyo h huaq itaer, owtng ta the more lux- corps. bandi concert hIy the Junior owth of grasses ihere and band. races for boys sud girl. Tuera "chance for (haItrasaenrva- aa ladies' btîndfold race, an ob- t axeasve iaitur lu(hastadle race. Japanese singng log suad tumber soit,icfudfng tug-of-war. boom sud pita coet uplsnd aras that vara for- (ha' fatter caîîsîng inich marrimat aret witb torasts. The.e and a maii hecutiflaf spectacl etthe .si mucb lass orgauic mat- th selis a! the prairies li. wand pageant. The lastIitem on lthe tae large cents o! daad treles prograin vas a leetonstration of Au- surface saccumculaions Of tralian boonmerang tbrowfng by Mr. viga. and talian trees vera forest rires, Or sutterad ai- and Master Titilin and E. W. Croft. tatae dacay. instaad o! heiug ed vusth tesoeit. during thair ordinaty stages. These rrace soifs, which tuclude usuaf fy uîiderleln by gravai or senti fas, or second boltoin lan-Is, (4) Swanîî anti baiiom-fand sals, format a the limae of the which Includa the ovarflow lands or ,the glacier, vben the val- flooit plaint along the streama., the efloodad and theastrama avamps. arounit sema of the lakas. wi. sa -edmn.D-fl r riedfovland_, -1t---- -_,JfI $30,000 Structure Now WeII Under Way as Resuit of the '4 Money Sing Raised. Work la progressIng nlcaly on (ha isew $30000 builfding bai ug eracted at Lakte Btuif or, ange for (ha purpose cf taiting Cu i (he chibairen vis have itecome sa numerous thera that: tha aId qustters have beau ovartax- The bdilding vili ha tva story sud basomeut sud yUl cost &bout 130,000, having 12 rooms. The basemant la fln andi (ha concret. floor o! (ha first siory Th acontraci fe lu charge o! Nir. StaIS cf Chicago. Car« orna75. The aditional building vili ,cars for 75 olifldren-tlsia ifoas not ua uaw chibairen: but mens better eff for ihase nov (here. for. vilS 150 rhlldreu ai (ha place acv. the pro&- ent facililties àre overlaxeai. Uvo nov the chilairen cannt hocared fS, as (bey shauid bhansd Mna. UL. Swit bas Ieased a nearbT cotage wlîlcb viii be utilizad pouding nom- 11,1etion o!flte nov huUiMiz. , The nev building iu rias&s juat wh#n coOtpiated It vilI maite a fiua eaddition 1u the already substantiaf buildings. This building la the oua an visici the orpbanago people bava bean igorking for four yaars. The lasI money vbich made Il possible vas gis-eu by N. W. Ilatris sud daugh- ter. und o"ets NV SIZE PROM 3* im. te lZxI5 fed write or mgi on GRAVES d&Durand L ESTATE JRANCE ,LECTIONS dg., Llbertyviiic '111< 470-P&Lske USd1 SPRAYIN4i wonE WAsUINt iick Gauranteeqi Work. :hickeu ftosses, eCt. F.JELLEY Phone 319-R LUbertyvilfe.ioisoj DYMOND EL AUSTIN Loans. Insurance Real Estate sud House Renting. Office in Kaiser Block. LIBERTYVIL LE, - ILLINOIS. ELHANAN W. COLBY Attorney-si-Law (ettce ai Haine. (ouiAve. Phone 163-J LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. LYELL FL MORRIS ATTOREY-AT-LAW Libertyvilfe - Illmnois Luce BulIn. Ies. IPhone 162-R. OEceePhone là MARTIN C. DECKER -TTOBNEY-AT-LAW office Opp. 18th St. Electuic Staton .1 ilie Phone 848 Ben. Phoneo 18008 NORTH CBICAGO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATT1ORNEY AT LAW. lilbertyvUe. IiftlnM DR. O. F. BUTrERFBL. VETERINÂBI SURGIEON IbryUo Uinol. DEL E. V. OSM PHYSIOIAN AND SUROEON Hou" & olO0am m. oEee overlBai.y ruiliresm 81 LURTYVILLE. ILUNO< DR. N. "W. SUELLENSERMt OBTEOPATHIC PHYMI3AN 0t Od Triggs 8idu. LibortvUf., IL Omffioours 10 oaui5 Tueedeje andrd le ysonff anit tilso ouanai)i tîtarge aoft lie lown- -hlif Tlitt c probatiti 's Il(- allier-ý Tirîîîîghrîî tlie O.,cotînt s Ili s unr sî. iii (Il îatilg ibis OI(IfIiîtta l"Ofice o! il- r rîîaîîi clark wseire ail ilie igureaq i, r i ii lti-i atil atil> r,,-tr-rIî- t o.t Il i- ilaitit-l b, ii tttti t he tti Ui jýa li ll lI, hmr t inplîcar-il. ýWOMAN ATTACKS MAN WITII A FLAT MRON AND A KNIFE Man Made Victim of Attack Is Driven From the City by the Police Department. CuaSatis, a residc.1 of Plcadif y curt . cfaims that site 19 not as slroug a., a inubut Inîsise t(at If sha le glv- ef br choica of weaons thai she an beat (he a tronges( mnafuWaukegan. Miss Saf lis was givan bar choice of veapons 'today when she attsacied and put 10 fligbt a Otan who site cfalms le ber debtor Tue man, William Bar- laIt, la a Ji% Iîtg exempfe cf Cotais strenglir and tanacît>. He la carrying as beautiful a blacit oye am srty avar exlsibf lad la Wanta-- ga.n. Besidas that. bo bas a deep gssh un bis righl band whlch was lntictad by a vapon lu (ha bauds of Cors. Cnrs clamat that site bas acted as bonsoeeper for Barfaît up sud tuntil thé lime ha litipped off and gaI mat- riait. Tfay vare thenrideu4 of Chicago. Cors 1pak tea brho 4ag- logs and came to Wsuliegan. Bartett. site claims. foffowed sud brougbl bis wifa ta ber home. Barfett daims ovu- ersbip to som@ocf the furniturs sud in an argument over prOprtoioeshtp ai, Doon taday -btcws wete setruct by cae and ail. Cor#, srraed wiIb a fIit-iroan d a baitcher halte, carrtsd « fthse Iseesrs. Sha struc tWfiiam n-ver the riglit oye and svow.hlateoi. proprieter of a black end disasi 0b. Thmn ale o sah- ait hafa wtb the. butchar Kuito and Ili vas feuu4 i)ocessary 10i suamon a doctor to close up the vounai. The police autlariles declded thal lise young vemuu as In the rigbi. so Baltt asd bis vité vere ordei froin Waukegae as sudos.lsblas. IWORK PM~RESSES ONNEW OItP1INAGiE BLMiB, LAKE BLUFF PHONE 1140-M Violinist, Pianist and Teacher, 308 CORY AVE. WAUKEOAN. IL.. London, E VgInd, July 3--The Bel- glan slem@hl i oduoqnat was torpe- Independout ada-1rosi y 3&»& dosd snd sunk todsy by a German sub- __________ r marine. The crew acas landed at Fal- mouth. The Iudopendeist bisdes &M ~ ladependent Classied Ads Pan. Ask anu user 01 thom'n 1 i-, i Uiýjx V, 1 DY. 1. L. TAYLOR Office in Firet Nmdeuld a" UoIIdI Iumau-1$0 :10 sud tea8 a. IssaiUedi '-MBroadwayr. opposio m DE GOLDMN DRNTIST gour 8 P. Over Firat National Sosit Office Phone 1"-. "e. Phono 1574. Lfhert-yvillo. Iliaise DR. HE IL SMITHW DEXT. 3vIa LAM& ni>UNTT tNATION" B SAU Hauss-8 tk12 a. m. aSud 1 tu . DAILY. nUborIyvilt iUol CHAS. N. STEPIIENS. M. D. HfOMROPATHIC PHEYSICIAN &SudURGEON Phant f00 Otitesa veOau Ce. Liboalyvilha. ]IL DR. VICTOR C., NOER OSTROPATIic PWYOROIA 215 Madison et,. Wauko.ub, W. 015e Boumi - 9-12A. JL, 1-4 PL; 74 P L Sund&"sys Appolatmont OnIy TdQ*Pom US. J. L REDOMN, D.V. M. VaTIRINAeRY umuUON otadvoto Ohicage Vse Oo. 023s a t osdmao. 17=S AV*. PhOs113&-W, i-4 PUBLIC AUCT1ONR9IG tilcst attention pid so " aucticu safs. sud best recuit sa et Ail hiniàof bore«s, vago»mo ua harnais for sala or axcisango saIl ti HENRY 8$ME Phonos b48 or 48 ZDON< CITY, EL. ý %ouw DârBSý %

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