Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Jul 1915, p. 5

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L1A"E OOUNTim PNDNFMAY, J ULY 9,1915. 1(r. and Mra. Carl Ernst entertsined relatives over the 4th. Mir, and Mcc, Llpoecio! licui-, vislted aI the home of Mr' aud 'ars, Luis Ocar>' tise 4th and 5th. lire. Stevens aud cou Rogers o! Grand Rapide, Michgan, are vlsting at tbe home et ber daugbler. tirs. Louis Gear>'. Tic dances given *aburday eveniug andi Monda>' evsniug aseeadpI attended. The pieute givon Monda> b>' lhe Ladies' Aid was veilIaltended. Mr. and lre, Joha Palm ef Chicago, Bicknase over the 4th. Mir, and Mr@. Paul Patten are nov living tu their summer home b>' the laie @bore. Clement sud Leiveil Wlitmoreîat(,'hie-a Mca. teu Brinker etertaiued rcialivee go, cient buaonda'il Chicago. relu Elgin Monda>'. GeorgeTuckerandtaà-villy vlalted frlende MisslaIrc Preirt and Marne Hoke. aud relatives boesover the 4th. meyer vent Arlingteu Hrlghte vtitîîrc Mr. and Mir@. Peterson bave moved Monda>', lnto tise ingbau bouée on Havie>' St. Mir. andtirMa. Ed Young, vise resîdc at Mr. andi Mca. Horubs nof Elgin, are l»arrington @peut the. pait vee bers' opondismg everal dâjc at tiie home of aitît ber parentso. Wm. Smth. ,Miss Banntis eboîz, Wvisea@bas ss tira. Sadîs Meade and daugbter eeie te»À,iingoechool ah Laks bluff reburued arriveti tcom DeKahb lbat fburaday sud bome Tbnreday and lft Frida>' mort.lng viii move ite thir bomne whlcb I.as1for Minnesota te, viit lier sister. just been vacatqd b>' Mr. NI. Sîoder ud Jack l'relitî. who hias bernofetieuing tiaugbter. Ivo vesis vacation at hie bhome returu- Miss ise Alviîrd of Are&, spent tic 4tb 'cd te Chicago IMonda>' vire he ie wih MiesaAima Black. atteuding uiiness coIIrge. E. M. Adams and faml>' entertainedi Mre. Wilson (it Gîsocce, le %sieîting at a tves the liaitweei lihe bîsu.,oet lra. Albert titislt Jams orrisse>' uftChagi., speut miss Edua Prusua vioitilt u Ilier hiiiii -C da, aud àMonda>' oitb Freut Tucker over Sonda>'andudManda>' aud famit>'. Miss )l&usKrutsg>' of Chicago,. oas Irving Hooî. a liihan been a t tee ib( u,Pt (t Miss tose Prern , lver tic MeAhlieler ioeîiital I etWaskegau ths,'boiida>'e pait vert, tiset. lie gain sudlcîpecta toii Mis.Mary Goodioci, vie te wirkiug be home cocu, lu Chicago visîted home over Suda>' sud Mira. Golden acnoospanied lier mioter Monda>'. fron tiAtiocli te Chicago ahere @ee WViser l'rehiu rtertaiucd tliru'cboyi underwent anuiîperatiuîu tle tIret ilt ie trlende uîvec lhe iiotîdays.j vesi. The L.ake Zurich base bail teans oa Wm. Vantwiiud uilîrue ike, tran- deated Monda>' br>thei%;rasLake sacleti business in., teaus. Misa Margaret lbarI anuitiliu..Miss Phuil1 ilchactcfr bas pir,iLýantl ea Donner Ict Tuî'sday fuir % eiiîei viil achineý lu DaistnsAilLaie Zirih î cipie aene lt e-lr Christchurchi Eî'lvipalv1rl,,ro! Wauke- lins> )ver teuic liida3 nsu 0,11I&iisufutthe Ran, viii slng du riug thec afteerjinu of rusnh. the Carnival gleen liv St. Atiilreau. Mlonn on the u-urch tut inlu taysiate -- Thîs wili., a tret iu iaitit aftîird li -BZ miss. rit -*. - The 4th cil Juiv ceeratiiîeî gien by the. Grayslako Volunteer l'ire l>cpart- tuent prured ofil ftiie bemt that bas oser )*en îbpld in Lake cuunty. Much eredit i. due the varioum comiiîîitt.-.'swbo provlded eport and amuseiient fer evér>' ont tbruughoattheic enOre day aud bynn.The lature iof tihe rni gt astclong parade rmade up (it niany 4goroesy deorated llîats, headed l'y the (ira yalake Commercial Baud o ho received murh aiul)auce for thpr quali .ty.f1 qoantit>' and variety ofin ugcir, while tic evening wasgivet, over te a largedî of giant îreworkm, lollowed b>' a dance ln the. large new paviîi at thei. re. The grove vas cron ded floinitarlt % tinisbà and eser3 (,ne deçarted. iiirre t ai. pleased with the 1.cîîgrain that liad les-n previded 1, vt lie srîlted ffîrtë of the firenîcu and busiiess nmen of t4r villa«ie The, next occasion that will l,ée î-lbrated le the ()Id Seldierm' and Sailer.. Iteuiccu and encry .ffrt wiii be made te curpffls ail prevîuscelbratiote hld jrin tiaud nelghboenng titie. Prof. Katzerie, "The. Windertsl Boy Magiclan of Persia- i lie4atrSt. Andrews' Mission Carnlvaleon Tii odoa>', Jul>' 15 Dnt al a" ehlm. cit oeo. F. Wagner and Mir. Hawkins (if Antiocii, made a b)âuîeo trip te Kenoeha, Wl.., atTiiursday. Mr. Wagner drove *b )mse ln big oe eferv car. James Walsh et Lake Forest, returned itome Wednesday alter s-pending a week at Banev Amannes. WilI Scbick and Mr. Ilartling of Chica- go, vie ted at Rl. D. Cok' recentI>'. 1tirs. Ceweil entertalned conîpan>' front C9lcage Saturda>' snd Sunda>'. Mater Kari Smlith of Chicago, Mpeni MIonda>' wth Heury' Myer. Read This and Profit B(g t We are agente for the Nimbai pianos and players. Cheaper and boter players than any ether. Ask about the free record deal for the Nimbai piano players. The Victor talking machine anîd Viotrolas, the beet machine on the market. Ask us about it and we will tel[ why. Corne in and sc our uew Piano Players and Victrolas. Commutation railroad tickets oa both roade. 0""rl"n ton aîndry agency, basket 4 leave Thur.da. m. and returne ~ 'The beet in rug store inerchan- Tebeat iu drng storeseT uc THE REXALLSTR LDRUCE DRUG CO. LPh~ i ayl amkoi IL Tmie Ceen var 010sou of 'siii Norman,. Icil in the bacrn Tiireda>' aud struck hi@c headand dîcdinstantl>'. Coroner Cýoncad et Waukegatî. vas clird. Fuiseral Fn-. day vith iia t Pontiac. tl.emc former homle. The ccmmîunîî> exteude e-yw pati>'. Mir. ansd Mr» ..L. Hlmee. bavîng soid thelc larus, are goiDg iii.asuexteuded auto trip accmpauied b>' tusir grand- eun. Alden HsmsTii.> et 'riday fer Indiaus. Tue>' viii gis te i iiornd Minruota betore returuiing Mm..Ivuc Ptidit (tIli,, îug irîiei. the biset .-eks ,t1,lieuiî,oIcrand returnsed bore m tday. ltuhy sud Luela Strang ofI urîree, viihd tlîeîr nouense. Ida and Msdge stcaîg. Ray Parkas Wletfulr Neraskata lii lit hic; e.ttec sd ud r u tise bareetfilelils. lic sud 'tin. titcks'lsuîuentertainced couîuaruy from U thucagui oser tbe 4tb. 3ir. andl lrs. T. iacette daugiter sud tauu.l vetflRaine. Wis., speuv'u.îe past wne s hiitbeit The Mins-n Alite Janiccun uit Chiungu and % unnue J amierun et Keu,îsia, Iis, spent eoiIe lime n itlîeic parents. (jeo. M. Wright ut Waukegsn, tran- sacted busîue n tnu v n u, mt>'he past weet. Warren Cleveand oI Chicago,ie homne toc a yens *vacation. Mirsud d lrs. LeslIe Keisper sud baby e! ihciago, îalled ou fricndc Salurda>' on their vs> te tonocester, WlIg., te @pendi tic 4th.1 tics, Sarah Dodge viited trous Satur- day nutîl Tuestia>' vtb J. S. Deoman1 sud 1). M. White.1 Mr. sud tirs. Ro>' HugiheetofLaSalle. Ill., vieited lir. and %Irs. Vim. tianselis over tie 4tb, MIrsud tirs. Raipi Wheten sud1 chilidreti et Wbeaton, spent the 4tii St thîe parseflage.1 ticsm. Vm. Cleveland retorneti home1 Suda>'.bavuug @esut two wves siti ber daugiter, tire. Ledviaiî as Round Laie. tics LbIe Psoidgstt sud daugiîsr Helen et Charleston, Ill., arrIved Satur- day te s-pend a few veseeaith hec usother, tire. Jans Jamieson. lice, Edua Pember cetucued Iront Chicago Satords>' ho riait hec fasher, A. H. Stewart. A. K. Bain sud Scott LV o>' anti familles pucuiced et Basting Lake tise fouti. Mies Vîvisu Bounet sud Margaret Giltiert left Tueda>' for North Dakota te vuit ticir sont, lire. Knox. Division of Dutias. A Marchant In tiankato wuas akods «Are You anti your son carryung cl the business togethert" "qhas M Plled Wasily. I truasst the bnslnesg ad ho dosethse cam'lng o.-a uo COity' star. SEditod by F.J. DRUCE Phono Il Ordero Taken for Job Work. dAdvortieing ratas on application. C. 0. Longabough end wlfetChicago. apent the 4tb witb his parents, Idr. and liru. John Longabaugb. John W. Strong and faml>' eof(Chicago, @pbnt the 4t4. at the boinis of Fred Vansant. Mont Allen wa 0 a Grayqtake visitor Mdonday alternoon. Lester Hainlî ut1aiei butmchn. hdrvr u,. iltopp- tvcuty.tveërut i-s Choi ats S ud picisd buni up anrd hit hula, tt. bis home isaturdayv sfternooiun ihIoue ot is nerentih birtidlas. %fis. Jue Kielmtra steçjcd ou a nail nuire thuasa s%%et agi, and bacsli-en nursing a sec>' porc foocu ince, lut le licteýr. %lItr asudi rS du-r lu eitertaîlng a cin1 freri fChicago. Mue-es Luîîc tanzr and tlad>s ?umes, l'Y u1irurd i rcidj, ntint iuda>' in Chicago. lice. tisegie Li bheid ut Evaust.n, bs e sen vlnîuîng ai Jobn Kerr's. Frauk Sierwo d eps-rt vie irct if lie week lu tieCrit>'. Jay Miluer and fanii>'oetWauiegau speut Monda>' vitn relatuves hers.. lir. Carter ot Chîceago, hsd charge cf tie hanli oe"da>' un tie abse-net Geourge Mitchell- ÂX4TIOCH tirs.Clarece'Abel et Cbuuago us vie- itîng Antiecis Irlende. Mir. and lirs. Robert Eigglnc vers the guelte etftMrsud tirs. Zeigler Suda>' andi Monda>'. Iilsyn lune sud Helen Hock., mot- orsd k) Kenosha, Wauisgen sud Lais Bluff viti a part>' o! trieudolViednesda>'. Jacob Savages Conditiuon aItthe present witiug le &bout lie camne. Mir, Watsou of Lake Villa is sieitinig St the home o! C. T. Richacds. Mr. sud lire. Jais. Beuinger sud tant. l>' o! Wauiegau), called u tiir sont, tir, T. tioue>',Mouds>' Fred Thrruf Chicago, spent a fev days uulise t wvek i tbreattive. lic (ierrg- tiîctt sud tarnil>'tiave ce- turrierî freru thiir tor tireugi Wis- cousin. Tie1- erunns picuin vas a decuded sones.. ,Huudredset1people vliîedounr cit>' sud vert, entectainedt yablly duriug the day vivi au nid fashloned plenic sud lu the evsuing vithi dancing, muii and firecvorbe. tic, sud tirs. tuinn rit Wsuiegau, @peut afew days lhe filct cf the we with relative@ here. tirs.' J. Elarde-rt s entectaining hec daoghter tisode, trens Lafayette, Imd. Mca. Lottle Loomnsis i visitiug the home folk@iets vesi. Unaxploreti Panamna. There are tml large areasa In Pana. Ma that are unexpioreti and trnknomwn Palatine lrorn whcre htiat- ben tu a hompital lu Cblraw,îî1 i lateet report b. was doimS fine 1,i t t ,"il be sevecai wPee4sbefore he n iii b.i,.tu leave lthe bespîtal. During thi.e ummrc î, begiutiion Thursda.v. July 1.,th. a. .toree wilI cIe.. at (;oock iP, . r nIhitrsday c euîîig ofeacb week. Tht- .,HI girîr.the pro. prietore and cieri.s îî.î.. nîgt off wbi(h allowmes ueina litti. re , ol'u goas te lie letter able te var, ficr unr ,ustrniers Vie trust the generaipubliew wil l aver the. plat) and ro-îîperaîe ti tens. LARE FOREST Mi. Hobart C. t iatheýil raylor bas been entertaîDng ber ir, Mm Elr. . k Hudson of New 'terk, ,isîtir. Hudson and their baby. lisneo Juuiy uniun sein paper. bu rAie paragratili svi'rclie elatcd ilal the hbig lîunîlî eulded wtri su s di.i-overpsît hou heBlsHarcîîtî liiibsilo sltcned ithe reimuî'litrace aiainsl la visg devers tluroughtî lirliaice 'iltiras siake, aud wa-ou iw t1listii if tIci mug hue '-e1 cciii ad rid1cnic intitgaicir. f lie t.viil] trobleie l ega,'Iotii evers î, a *ittre fas,d fa-1oi - ciil Tii'e ii>'tliîuizthe. Harcîuu lî,vr iiîtuiind b y cigîiînv e i reiiioit caile Oa. tie ii % liie sco er. tlîrcngii tictr-f- of th'- ,t liaieT.- l niin oîiitt e cirer e--I, ltît oiae hi lic Purln.I il.o u tl a duiatiloa&u.-1 tfic villagei.f t ; rot . labs I>'1the ivter and! 1bL.ý , ii, 'iîiit'îui S-trîcd tesiuh 1,,r ecars lii gel f,i-tvillageoi ifa%îlo clai to. d ppstue of it ils ceraerihcrtn ul, a tuiinti-c. se it o uni IotI he oaci,>Ijmtl umenacre tiiheal ih oid fl t l a i t hi s th icin t (uifctthe rvillage. The ew eCc- sgecvvaseuitied iut. a dtri îiuatfluis. s tbei,,ia our u ruw îîand i t wvuld lîrie Mc. sud lic.. Frank Rutailasud nilîdren----------- "" le"l'-.ulul.. ' . altered .use, ut L- l ,,; , en lltot:lr the motcced w ioWc-ousîn Sslaurda>' abers tact îîhât te village vas iiceiîd te tbeyvioied wthfIýn&verteFouth.present ho s et ate auticcil>' yplans foc o tire J.Boren arcitîu arivti erscuedy vo tic present condition. Tic Frida>' Irons tice atri5be@ hessle 10 be village bae issu cempellcd iy luc dsate the gusalt of Couhtebs Elcanor (blcetahofticiel@ tu dii abat ne are arcuéed uit her @ummer home bilng the smeed coev sud prime instiga- Mr. aud lire. A. W. elcmurentertaln. tors' ofltes lhe edîvor et the Grayiaks ed a part>' et friendm titnda>' night ah Tinies, lu bis htti., lealet. Truth thon dinner at Onveuheus dofl' at a je--bot hrsyciaie 1ihues ou The Laie For-st ueie-hialiîuu Monda>', ae a boomerang." Jul' -)hi, vas a big wccemsetron thie 42e1 Horrius iruus. « parade at 1:00i p. lie it ltislI man>' decorated vshlutss to tie grand dispîs>' Want, Fn., Sale, etc ad$5 In the IN. of firevorks at tiec Wcsîside Park at DEPENDIENT reach 15,000 persona 8Sp. m. The speaker.. il tulie atternoon weekly. vers our Mayor Wilfuatii ilather Levis, ________ ________ Rer, John H. Hobarti C attied Taylor, Elvacd A. Bancroft oasd Arthsur B. Attend the 2nd Annual Rnove, ingrer. Et crstine assished 'ru dreti cadets fron t1tu Naval Training M daS m e Station sud tvo inuiIreIl cvair>' from a Fort Sheridan aisio îuîiarî,hed lu the C playet a fine gamne deleatuug tis- Wauie- Oran K. Ce b>' a sciire f , utot, 2. Neyer Given byý lu the hiclor>' ot Lake Fi irest bas sont eSl A DRa' celebrathon isu eiihel iere sud a great S .A D E ' deal o! creti i ledue tlî,-e oui illing- EPISCOPAL MISSION 1>' and subi>'ascintcd iretihuert,'le YODg. Cner 1mic uriýe teThursdav JuIv 15 mscfoc the do, J' Muese Genttîa> r iu ioall ebeen AFTIERNOON AND EVENING vritiug at Pitîirilusl't ham retiirucî UNDER TENTS home. Mises Margareàt l. irhad an hecý On Church Lot, Corner of gusets over thie frunuti. 1,cr tieia Park Avenue and Centre Charlesansd tHarold hieLiacey et Chicage,' Street, Grayalake George Ander[q(,n leu.] tamil>' noved ! RÉE !NTIERTAINNM!NT! fast verktoteefth ue Giffiths spart- ment@ ou Westmirnster rond.tir, sud Over 5i.ip~eople- aîîeuued or (arn. tirs. Couniselman have taicu possession ival last ys-ar. We inite yoî. to of the Anderson bomne toc the summer, comne back and briug your frieude,. ALBERTINA BUSER COLONIAL!i CONCERT COMPANY. Give the littie cran k a quick turn when you wish to attract the oper- ator's attention. If the operator does flot answer, wait thirty sec- onds and try again. You may flot get the operator's attention by the slo-w, continued turning ôof the cran k, as it sometimes fails to operate the switcliboard mechanism; neither do you gain anything by continued rapid tu rn in g. One quick turn insures a prompt response from the operator and the best resuits from i the service. Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Ansdrews, Manager Telepione 9901 (OFFIC'IAL PUBILICATION) Repor o heCodtonof the e e mn m ttc24of Pi e ut fte ,tt fIInota. Luiaiu-uiuon îaterat neerty ...... 9.7.9060 ii thlîue ua-inaniSdiSscount»,s.......t.i.. !NvnsTMENI-, uthc, boiile anid secartîer.....501 t'u-siiLnist'oto OettCa' cuiturtie aaditures V.S A.9. IlitS FOuI. LlANOs staie .. .... .. . . .. . .. Nationual----------- ... 1i.-H ON B AJIro ...... ..... .I.-...,0. -NrîîuuîCoin ... .... . -. ,A 'iITaL RF.luiît ni.i LIAtuLI riES Si, Oute i cî: Si 2 424 95 t 'Cdvii lits-I 54 tisS.0i7 43 p 1ita t. SIoc.ku i m825M,00 1 Us.,,, ..tPaOn [ . 210.i I ,.cirrent ltltere.t. en-,a n'ta",i xi- ' l 2 f9 9m 700i.86 4 1 )II itr ii- Tinte rniae 5,. savilluon.s nject t,, notice .4357 iii I payale 5.00 tîther latiIliv .... 44.75 4.45 T-- . . .5,017.43 1 ,, &,Amitiiieii. ca- riluL ake Villa 'TruNtt $avina% Ban,. do nowl# -iear lSd tihe aboie mtiaienien lt iue 10ths et-L oi nîrknotsledge and belle!. STATEOF ILINOI. couty tt Lae. im(iO.A. M1TCHELL.Uahier. Suiicribeii arn -l, t orf, lne tl ii,,i rday iM Ja..1915. Seau M8. ILX4, Nnlry Pablie. I~~~ -1k 2Ja't WUC~A I CLI3RK RECEl VES - C-aÀ -le ila r. and Mr ire u.oDarrell c0ellrated i jC IY FT ~ - I hl gleiveitglast Saturdl"Y at O Y fT ENE tbir bhome two nileswest of eou lag r Mirs. Core>' iiiPennivîvanlna. la spdne. Aboutue iundred guebte acre lIiencit Ii1 * fing :0e ti mne aiti lier litglit-r, tics. relatives and friende of tiie fauiii Tlîn JVA RIU L i George urnett. 1 le th-, llrattifittwedding ariti,riirîry- ____ Tise Ladies aid societ>' met vvitîs Mrs beld lu iiurcon.munti for seseci,] Nearm ('ount> 'Cie-rt. e-w A. Ils-ndee to- Wal fo thir ewuar eetng ud heas it lm au es-nt unseen'liv '-ry ftcý day received a rîîPv of th ns-w mar- aflerneen ae eçeut lu ea tng. couples.Tiie gatberlng was îon tl ii- age iaw which presrriber, the man- lawn aud au elat'flrate îlî.eca n e r lu bcb icisrsah b l- Mir. and lirs. IBusel Dawson and Bar. evdatel 'lck Ti'1Ywas sen e op hihles g out etlUe lte- old andt friende frîîm icero, @peut Suii ovde wlenep,.Tedyw se opolelvn u ftesae day and Monda>' wlîh the Shepardeon 601 enjo vabl> @polit in a gerserai pochât way aud the gueeîjg preeented thîeîr îîiit The law maires Ir lr -. just what the. famil>'. and hcîtemeswltb a liet of pret t and dsîîuty -hall do. The law hi a fol- Carli1Millr. wile andl sou sipent a few useful gîtte se rokens o! the. highi ctcm bs: day. lait vesi aith tirs huier'a par- lu ahicli tue>'are iield b>' th,- ritirmceSection 1.-Be il enaritîd iv the ente at whtewater, Vi ti. 1cofînurîtity. ilv vas about touîr 'i iliick people of Ilhe nIaI. of Illinois, repre- Mre. John Mitchell entertained ceceral wlitrti gucets depritted hoiiinîg t.seeuted in the general as.senily: The( girl frieude( from Ccuagiriver the 4tlî have opportunit>' vo help thetiî lii ate If au>' pArsonrisldlng ad lnîs-ndlng lice. Ema Straiîg and Miss Jeooie Aunn heir dîarnond wedding te rer.ide luinti.. nIaIs-anîl wio I, dis- of Millbiisn, vir.ted.lîer morier bers rife A pretty Juuicweddiug 'sats r rîiîî I i or prohbiied froru r-nracting day last week. attheliontee oflire. Lucy ' tl.i'i lamt marrlage onder Ithe laws o iii îîi tate Edgar Kerr epent a iew day. retenti>' Wsdiesday, Joue 3tb, wiieîîiiri hishlal go Itb another -Ual.- or ýolîult-x at tht, Kerr borntie. Edgar le a traveling daughiter. ess. ise. v, as ijt.itoîl n snd there contrscl a niarriagp pro- ealear.îau for a hardware rirai and gels marriage tu Rev. Rtolansd Collier fillaiik hlted aud denlared void iy the las hem.e ver>' cldouuî. of Cleveland, Ohbio. The cereiîiris %%vas of this claIe, sucb marrlage shall le Geoge diteilwet t Fot Akin feld at bihuoRv. E. til f cet of nuit and vold for ail purîio.islnihi.; sou, Wis, for the 4th. lHc was accemu- PoSnetîe, Wl.., tying the. nuptial k îîî.t. stlte wlth the noms- effect as îlsough panil lig Edgar and Rty Kerr. Att>'. Humier Cooke of Watiegaîi, gave such prohblted marclage bad beeu the bride lu marriaeizebeing lhecrn i . ta',,eulered bintointhi claIe. Mir. and Mrs. Jo>' Sîmmmrns. Mr. and""l uvin brother and Mr. andiltrs. Section 2.-No marriagp shall bf lire. A Summere anîd ticir famiille Andrew Cooke wers maa.aiid îîîtriihîf t rccted lu thîs tate b>' s party ce- of lhi-agîî, acre 4th .f Jul>' Inets houer. Mise Wilma Farnsowirtiî la3edcisdiug sud luteuding 10 resîde lu au- of1 Mr. and M r.leu Saimmerm. tic weddîng niarci. Alter thi i iiiiny otier stae or jurisdîctonu if sunI Mar- 'lies tMarguerite Kerr of tiuiiliBluffs, a diniier vas served bO the mail]iiit( i.diage voutd lis- oid If ccîitcaci-d ln iewa, client a fea daYs eîeîtly ai the gueste. At four o'clock the hi.11> iriilai suiclamite or junlediclion aud everv James Kerr humie. rue anie te Cicage couple let for Cleveland, .t), ta i-c tue imarriage cslebrated lu ibis plaie in as a ociegate tir the C. E rîîvnctiîîu groom ha@ prctared a berne in ii iiîîmie violation of tbis provision salal bc lîeld tlîee thii.est the>' îi linfid troc iiappiiic-m rush sud vold lu L'annIug a5 flotllir cfautumobilîts Misses Alce and fRuthb bcliîrt of Section il- Before Ilscuiig a licence Mliinay ntrisun.. Wa>Jamies tiFadden, Highland Pari, aie spentliig t4 weeocci 10 acci a pesiou oho resîdes sud o a liiva idîug in olcarnlagc vitibhi is a tir cousin, Misr e Elon tlc1l intends Ie continue 10 ceside lu au- tvtfe, wam ttliriI ilot lin the carrnage Lester Murra>'y Cbil-agoý, le j-cnd1Dng other ctaie iiie offirer havlug author- vas bit 1,>thie auto, and vas qluit. tîîe acet at the hume 01 bisgsîi h ie lmit. blsiisue1helicence sîsaîl satlefy lîadly cît abiotthfilace. Hie ae-ured Miurray. tunslt i> cequlriug affidavîts or oth the nus br îtthe Machine. but tic Par- M.adMwtofe iýiuý iei rieta uhPro sntpo tics- did urît stop te uiquice tic extent i 'of sdtislirtr>'oUhcir . e frnt I trm pecc th et pro the damiage. the 4tb at the buse ut tii. lter hit- rn îtemr'b u-lw Th Wlarbyfail, -at f ow, eparents, tir. and tirs, C. D, Jeiîl.. of the jurledictîon oh. re lie- or cie M1aatndtr. and tirs. H. E Maîntan epeittîltis esd. quaantnedwit a am ofevaletlevr.4tb at ticHenry witb tMr, and tien H . . Section 4-Ans officiaîi Iscutug sIl- Tieccounty rcuea] outtit s bcîng used Scbatter. cerise wth a kuowtedge tîtrthe par- on tic Fox Laie roail Tue prirper ties are rhum prohbiited friot Inter- auîîîînîîîes Oece ont1 lorkilng ,iier the Mis Allie Poule vent tO Chu agi Tues'. niarr> lug aud au>' peri-on autiirized1 roadp estlaet a nsd the viict wll bs- day te spend a lfrw days altîs ritil b celebraîs- oarriage woo hall dîîîe as uocu as possibîle. Mc. and Mr@. E A.Ilolditigau'h liiîlrin înowlugly celeirate sncb a niarclage Il J. Pettljiiln and Fanîly l> o - of m etChicago, spent Sunda>' aund'firiday -sal be gsiltY ef mls5demeanoc. intoi, ii îd. lient a few ds>s last nek i viiithe lfor'@parents, tMr. aiî(]\is. Section 5. Tht-t set may ho cited wîti, %Ic. Pttiîobuý'q ster, tics James H. Golding. Oclts- uuiform marriage evaslon ait. Kerr .'ycwre coi their va>' te tad- P. F. BuihiueVec.sruovinig Piltri. tulan, Section 6 Ttîts att ebalbcesuoIl- reon, Wis., for a niorillin vacation. met wîth a ceriiius accident Motiîday îerpreted sud construcied acsIo af- E. L.. W'ald sud tsuîuîy aundtire Cliî &ci'irion. Hé- as. gotng tiiPlatine fs-ctlits generat purpose te maireui- ford Nelsiîu tock an auto trip te Laie on a rooruyve and in golig 'i.r the fores the lave erthtose statea which G-ucv, a ut veti Sedueseeay. hietwcen Lake Zurich and lalattne puant it. EarIl fotte-r sud vils caiouct freintbe ond a disabied auomoIiîein the Section serilans or parts et acte iNaukegan in tîcîr itwaxwaiell,- te Middle oethlie niai lHiItiîiidateIl'tiinconicsteul with ibis acttare bereiy spenilie 4tli oathlePortIer hume, ou the brake' tri itolp ils tria-bine but reîîeated. rîgil bebînd lîîrîî aîîîthcr lig auito bore___________ Mcc. tP. S hanîcîs rîsîted tfrîeuds et don nripou hum, nîru- b lîîîîî rt Limon uciAn Answer te the StatemenIts that the Rai tus- the pamt ees-. tMr.I)auieim hum lntîî liedieatled ujiiîa llr--brairg. Editor ohthe Grayslake Times pub- luined lier for Suda>' anddStinday. bis nose sud rigit iug ais', siîîaghing hie ..11; .A.. PaiRe P1v I WEATHER REPORT i___ ______ Weather forcast foc the wesk begiti. ning Wecine sday Jet0 7, issuedl by the U. S. Weather Bfureau, Washington, D. C. i-oc th, igi.i'iî or f tle ireOt l,aiei. The %,ratiicOr m il iir u.tI> rîrinyit>' tti rîi,r, ieil iieratmiiirnîisti l e latter liaI ,) L, ih.- sii-c heu ten iiil'e -hîwere; oid I ,"rrleiiliralure. F orch ui 11r %-ivi lsalier an(l Modtn tute.Nidcately Warinn cal hec oIl îîr- FOIi iuriig tIeiiext tlire'- ir for, ila5'-u Oiili %i ui i r- i s, t I ri-il thîo ser-i ,lIoiit lie aàtter htia l ftle steli uli lic fuir a.ou î,îe The Wheelecville Chanci, Oeerfunld Don'î swcker in a bot hitchen Townsu , I thîs aumrmer. Corne in and sec TonIi lu odslci i-. utdio ur fulli une of 0.0a. mFL REn ~ Chuîcb servlue at Il iFLO.RENCEc h>' the Hec. Pruitesmor Ed ward Machi, uit the Uiversity' if Chicago ilcaduais RIl COORAI (OVfe8 Divinît>' scirol. L. .,t.I« Ili' lie'1rictuan Eîtdpavoir ser lîn ai7 :101- pin ru1 lii' l7tlh. The flucot oil stoves made. FuUly Piese'- duin*t furget theC E ciiusntiiin Igtaraisîecd« Whetmer Yau have lu tueiiîscuîfutChivago, Jiihv 7 tii12. decided 10 buY an oil snove or Ail are escuiestie' iusitetlOle lres-l. fot, îet us show you this lune, il. Harrison )Çell, Pacrtor. Absolutely rliable-sirmPles tol operate. The Independent la the county's un. TOM WALSHI, The Hardware Mans y 12-page weekly-that'a why svsry. ry",Mni body takes lt. GaaanIlai plu a

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