Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Jul 1915, p. 6

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warrant be drawn on the. treasurer lu payment. Motion carrled. Moveti by Russell sud Irving thst -the clerk be suthorized » hwrite tbaAmerleatl Weil Wocks relative t0 the. pump nmattai. Motion carrieti. -Moved by [rvlug aud Knigge that the Mueller tsppinit machiug be purchaeti together vith rws' services. Notion caaris'd. Meeting adîuturns'd on motion o! Mui le sud Knigge. Dano sta Diamond Lake Pavillon Bat urdjnigbIJuly 1. Eapkesoorchastra. IVANHOE Hbfry tbtrop @peut the 4th at hie ----__ hOIUBh5i Mise Emma Grablts entertalueti a Ur?omdLira. Steve Ctdahy of Warr,-'nurse rn tht. Preebyterian hospital ton, visiteti vish Mr@. Brodhbead Miondai. over the 4th. Litsud KMa. William Stabuke @put Mr.,anti Mr@. James Van Plew aud Lionday with the latter'@ paenfe. Mr. Ittrle;?one@pont tht. week enud wltb thte -A - Rtl.r ifome'@parente. ise. John Kige entertalueti ber @on Carl Dock sund famly o! Chicago, over the 4th. foscar Penny o! Chicago, ie @puding is vacation vitb i sister. Lr@. Wn. Cropley. Mrn. Mary Mossiar o! Chicago, viiteti wit bebr icler, Lin. E. 0. Wells last Wednesday. L. H. Litchflelti aud !anily o! WVauke. gan, spet Sunday with ire. Peterý Litchfiold. Mr. and Lin. Silvestîer Sc1ierentr tained Lr. Shweitzer tof the. Sht.ltinn sebool over Sunday. Choir teheateal (hie sek Fridav even- ina 81t tht. F. C Shaddie homeý Mr. and Lin. Harry 'ilnent o! tbina- go. vers uests o!fLits. Auna Lathrop Sunuiay antd ioudav. Hernan ZrWan anti faniiy niotored 60 Itasca Idouday sud @pent tht. day with a1 brothîr thent.. Leot, rury moved i fanily this e w'k to Lîbertyville. . A. lt. nud ranily of Chiragtt.@pont the wveekendiat the J. R. Aynclev home. The Mie. Clara sud Emna Kuigge open% the 4tit vith thir braI ber Lwis aI Lake Zurich, On Friday, July 16, ai the church hament there yl hae given a damon- stration of Donietie Sience by a Lr. Donohue o! the lste grcultural collage. There wil bo a sLecial demontration o! csnlg vegtablas sud fruit. Two smsions. 9:30 a. M. andi 1:80 p. m. Visitore are invltati rons ail of oui siter villages. Comeansd brtng your lunch., Gur new industry the Ares oil & Ming. Co. eau no longer ha put lu ths lofat clas. The sales torce bas beau axceed- lngly active sud producte are belun shflpd 10 ail pVte o! Ibem Iutet Biatas. The compsuy produces varions lubri- cation ol.. compountis sud grias.sud thes maulauturlnuadepartant la vork- ton la fine shaPe. W. E. Benson la th. local manager sud Ihe rompany bas a branch la St. Paul. Nz i Suntiay nioruing, Jnly 11, vIlI le tb. regular communion service o! thîs churcb. Prot. W. D. Bhirmerltoin o! Garrett Biblicai Instltufe' will rean'h aI the morniug servic-, sud lu tht. svening wîli give a tereoptican lecture uis experlauce lu India as a nisionary. Admission free.. Rat. (anie and wis' have beau enter. tainiug friende !rrnmChiraigno tht. PaRt week. Lit. aud MLi. Brt luit of Wauks'gan @pet tite week end ut teé Frank l oph bons', sud attentied the 4th ut JuIY pirnir. Mis Tracy Muchier spett a !ew da.vs aI the hitîne a!fLMr. and Lra C. Portier. Niedanieg Rakîs'. Tanner antd Stone vert. tht. guestinofMn!luSqEîîma RadIe the. i rettin' the we Lit. Baurng-rmitt wam quit.' ladiy injuteti ou the ;-ti),.whs' is tean ha- cae rigbtened at an tautmbilnn nisd rau away. lire. Fannie Crnof Nrth u.tCrystl Lake, i@ visitiog bler dtugter. %Ir@. H. C. Payne. Misses Elizabeth Wirtt. Ada Kueintet sud Avis Payne. ampent te 4th at thir respective homes. Some fron bere speut tht. 4tb at Lakt. Geneva, sorns'at Grayslake anti sans' at the picole lunLi. Doîphe voods. Danca a:t DianontiLake Pavillon fiat- urdayuight.July 10. Haptts @ott.hetra. DIAMOND LAKE Dance aI 1iamoud Lake Pavillon fiat- urday ight, July 10. Hapiesorchestra. 0. Kuhi anti !anily af Chicago. spent the 4th at Cao. Mitchel'g. Li. anti Lr. Mortonu Johnson aud Mies Temple of Ravenevooti. visited ti t ea. Ray's over Sunday. Tht. Ladies' Aid vili oeel vitb Lits. Gerber Thuzrsday atternoon, July 15. Profeseor Sebimerboru roni the North- western Unvrsty viii give a tere- ,optlcan lecture at the Dlaanud Lake COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. chnrch Saturday eveuînx. Jul, 10. No adminesion. Ha will also preach Bunday Svecty.slzlh reglar meetting of the alternoon At 2:30 Communion ber- Bloard 91 Trusttao the village of Are&, vices wlll be obierved. ut the vllagebaIl Moud"y, JuIy 5 1915. _ ______ ?bere bsing no quorum proest th. meting wus adjourned to Jnly 61h a: wbich t1.. the Ililowlng voie prssent: AL, R Watsonpresldet; trustes.Well. Iving,.Ulm Ruh Mclntyre oi Woukewcan I. Ruassl. Knige, Murria and Albrechî. spendlug a levwi.-eks nt F. ithell.. Abent nons.lira. Weterlleld of Chcago, vlited et1 The minutas of the prerlous meeting chas. ercsLrgrsned lewe.1 were mal sud approved on motion of Irving and Murrie. mark Mapon had the misortune of Tb@ treasurer $ben read his regular fslihng onf is motorcycle la"t week. MonthlY report which wss auditsd by tearlug the. ligaments lu hi.§ bot. th finance comnitse snd secepted on Mr. and Mrýlà. A . Ritbards had au motion of Rusel snd Wells. Iheir rueste over tht. 4th. M. and Lits. The followlng hbie ere resd: G. Conrad aud daughtere, Luela and W. J. William@, Street work ......28 80 Stella and Myrtie Richardg, al of Chi- T. J. Mcride, panting............ m 60 cago. B. L. Tripp, sewer pipe............ 19 611 A sn was boru ta LMr. and Lre. Lake Co. tndependent. publîshlng 1 65 Frank Stabi on luly 4th. Id. Doerty, treet voit.........40 Mr. sud is S. S. Stanirer and con Public Service Co , Street lighl ... 45 83 Warren of Raviscla pent tht. wssk send ut 1: was moved by Russell and Knlgga 8. E. Kuedier,. that &Il bille be allowed eud warrante dravu on the treseurer lu payment of!' Gertrudes Molln of Chicago, has teen the sans'. Motion earried. isitlng Florence Matiier. It vas toved by Irvingand Wells fhst Mr.tnsud Mis Wm. Stancliff ws're Anl- the Chicago Bridge and Iriou Works be lugton Relghtm»s vstore lait veek. alloweti the baisnce due on accout of Mr. sud Mre. Fred Herechbergec of elevated tank and tower sud that a lnmsota. arm viting relatives here. 8. L. Tripp. prosideul. R. F. Roues Vice Prosident. Irving E. Payne. casieîr. THE CITIZENS' BANK AR!A, ILL Report of condition ai close of business June 23. 1915. LIABILITIE8 RE11OIRCES Capital 860e k aI11lin... 89.66060 Lou, ant i Oucoxts .....8 .03.0 .t....n ... .... 7A2.444 (581 andtireserve exhange . 1,0.40 4J"sieca ChýIL'ekaLM.34 Ftrnitrs'and i xturs'........ 81.l72 tlntilded Profit. 1.31.24 Real Etate ................... 4.046M Total .... ... .........V9.160. Total .. . .... 16.02 1. joSn H. Bonie, a6gt. ct.ils'rof ts' abntvonaied iols'mly oear h56 the. above tn'teet i. tnt. and correct to tht. bet nofuny kiowlndze snd belief. JOHN 9H1 10>1E. Ait Caîhier. Suhîbed anrt nrwn.,. nt eore ethit 6681 day n ofJin. A 1n 19V., InWAHLn tG PAY.NESinIser Ptublic. fDeerie/dMaRUA@E LAW BE Mr,.J C ueienerane tb oue APP IEDIN CITY? guents wr edms61oo-n Deputies in County Clerk's Of - Seler, Misses Ardelg anehi, Elsa Seller fice Say That New- Illinois and Lott e Wsaton; Mdessr@. Ed andBiIsNtC a. Châtiez Gilotore of Chicago. Bl sNtCer làiss Elizabeth Clark. Josephine Tessr er putjen ln the office of the county sud lire. Patterson of Cicago, were the clerk la Waukegan ara more or legis week end gracIas at the. home of W. A. uudecided how to, interpiret the flOw Whting. Lir, sud Lire.T. L. Kuakiiad an thit Suuday sud Monday gues, Mr. andi Mre. Romayue Steykler sud eon sud M. Rutile Kaa of Chicago. Miss Eleanor Noyer 14 viatiug Miss Irens Macadie of Chicago, Ibis wsek. Mises LNobel sud Eldp Borsitherger were tht. guesta of their cousin, Miss Iis Bebreus. Sunday sud Monday. Ilits Marie Bleimehi of Chicago, epnt sevpral dase vliting relatives bers'. Lir. Lildrd Biederetatit returneti home Baturday lion Wilmestts', vtece she bas ben viltlugliter citet. Lits. Boy Htaeklne fot tht. puât fs'w ws'eks. Miea Eva Pettis a!fIjeluvan, Wist. Lrie Fred Kurelen aud t.lildrt'îîof Cîiago, veres'UetoaaItlt.e boulnt . . I.Petle. over the tmurtb. lrs. M-ls,>Otbrmtuaur! nandiàgbl.r Floreuce o! Cicaga. ..stret4t oilidaY guesîtnt)flrie. Ed. Williiîiai,. Lr itsIi npIzns'rrand i-ni, i t'iînno, are vltitillg at tire boît. nf iMre. 1. P. To d u, MW tS wnîria iol,nweloi t.Itnrtfti1Wtd a nurnlintr offrieudo htoudaYt ittrono Mr.anud Xrs. Ray Repls rettirne r(inirl a twoo linns'<ntrip luhMissoujr. wers' fbey vitîted relatives. Mlr@. A. ParsoMns thandgrantd dtntiter Virgîinia Enititon, kit[ns'tlthe %t ek wt h tht. Fred Parsons o! Chicagon Lit, sud Lre FA Hoyt nnfi bcirgo, vert. Sunday gueste t!ilits L.diuinlgcyt. tebo jisstliIcoullued ta s'r lbed. Lin,. F. H. Meyer returned iiatordoy fron a tw0 week4 riit wth relatieg in Giallon, Ohio. A nunher of our Young peupile hase taken their vacations Ibis ws'tk and a e atteudlug tht. Worlri.i C. E. Conuvnîion la Chsicagon Mr nsd Lre. Chester Woliand Mfr. aud Lits Jrtlun Sslig. nnttorenl Inn Boo1noin, lit., Friday. t.' egnne for ss'rerai daye. j.J. JPtereion to! RmnkfnrIll, 1<1. n et aeveral day. at tie boîie tofhîs son Frank. Thet. Btny itIti9ttl, lieir NîOMler, Irwîn Plagge, wenttol the Des Plaiune@ Woodt 1 camp over endi, but vert. driven bsck Sundav by tht. tin. STRA'WBERRY nCROP 1II EAVIEST IT lIAS BI3EN IN LATE YRS. in Many Cases People Are Giv- en Berrnes by Owners Simp- Iy for the Picking. Not lu recent yeatg has (bars beau i a lime vhen the stravbetry crop ln t LaIke counly bas beau as bountiful as Ibis Ysar. lu moiyplace. Ihere are n mauy berrnas thal the ovuers of patches are glving tbelr frlendsthe qb opportunlty te pIck aIl they wanl te keep hem tram decaying on tht. plants. This condition naturally bas hatiE tht. result of moki the. prica of the. barries much cheaper than usuai. But vhlle the supply lsahi that coulti ha tiesiretithaetiemau Io leta as kean asf usual. This la salA te ha caugeti by the facl <at the quallly of tha barrIes this yearar nset01 09ta standard. The barries are large anti fine iooking but are Inclînedte t hadry anti tasteleas.c The grovaru tiaclare this condition vas a rasait oaitheba avy raine lta! prevaileti for so many wveakgthis sPring. Dunlng the lant veal or <vo howevçr, the quaalty oI the bernies bas Improvati anti people vho hava hesittatid about cannIng the barries ara nov getting bnay. The cherry crop Ibis year aise la vary baavy. sccording te aIl reports. andtliIlelareportoti thers viii hc an1 abundance of tIem. Birds bave beau reaping a barvest of late sud sean t0 appreciala the bg erop. Fruit grov- ara say ilcocmates mach of their tino lu div!ug svay <he bîrds Ibat bover about the trons lu great flod'aa. Sherif! (Irifflu veut ta Daerfiald at 9 'ciock Monda>' ight an dtook Paul Leist tinte custody. Hea vasIndicteti recentl>' by the grand jury ou a charga of burgiar>' but up until Mouday the shériff bail Sean mnable te locale hlm He a vaslotigetiin the. counî>' jali. ' The. horst. racas achedulati for Sun- day, July Fourth. at Ideai truck. Ras- sali, have beau postpouati untîl Sun- day, July the levenlh. The racas vert. posîponati on accout af the ralny veather. Laies Nicaragua. Idk. Nicaragua ls net the latgs.t body of fresh mater on earth That dstinction beloags te Lake Superior. vhlcb, vltb 1h 32,M00square mils. of sufc.lakmorehan tan tInes.the aieo AeNicaragua. marriagre law whlch bacane effective tltroughout Illinois .uly 1. They as-1 dort that they have racelved no spa- clal Instructions aseta o boy ey should proceeti ta Isselicensea ta couplas comlug bers fron other sates as 0securelilcenees. They ara wondsring whether tbey are axpacteti tn bacons posteti on the lava of ail tht. other tales lu the Union In order thaltbey may be aura that the couples who seak a liceuse hera ara not violating the law of some othar sdata or wbether the respouslil- lty la placati upon the couple. If the former ahould ha true thay aay Il voulti ho an ainnet impossible taek ta bacomo thoroughly famllar witb the mattiage las of ait other states without having the. data pro- senledta btbem lu a mannor that will bc secutedti»ihout mîîcb effort. Another question bas presenteti il- self to them. tfîst they seet lt each couple whlch laltet oui a Ilcense musI comply wilh tlire requîremonis of tht. marriage taninlu iheit own elafe? In othor vortsis a rouple came herei [rom Wisconsi<n, onould it he necssary for the appflicationo tano m ade fin. tixys ln advance and woîîdid t he nec- Pssary ta tequrrt a heaitin certiflratr ftom a local Phbislclan? Tht. local dpies declate Ihat tine aw bas îîoî Iren ruadessufficenlly rIpear fur them, They say te resullo would ha more satlsfactory If ihev were lnforned hy tht. state junt haw lhey shoulti proceed. QUARANTINE BAREz LY LJFTED WIIEN'A NE3W CASE COMES Second Case of Diphtheria at Lake Bluff Orphanage Causes New Quarantine. Tht. management of Laike Bluff orirbanage bas harel>' recovereti tram tht. oxcitenent consequent la the maintenance anti tifttt I ofa dlph- tharla quarantlue at the acbool (han tbey discovaeti a nev case anti tht. otubanaga agalu le under quarantine. The tiret case -vas that oaf a girl oI 12. The orpbanage vas quarantin- ed ant ineasJudeon titi avarytbing poseiie 10 prevenî It spraadlug ta ather chiltireu. Tha>' thought tha>' hati heen succasaful. Not a case de- velopeti. But, &bout Ibrea tisys ailte, the ireI quarantina bat beau lîltti, a chilti of eight. aise a girl, vas takenL sick anti conofaquant>'tht. place Ie under quarautina again. *'The. prasant case anti thet. iret ona vers vety ligIt sud va guard tha othors ver>' carefully.i salti'Wiss Juti- son. "Antitozîn ha. beau usati on the lateet patiant but once sud ah. tharefare le gattlng on very salisfac- torly.- There ara 150 chiltiran lu the home nov andtie10prevent; the Ibroal trouble Iran spreadlug amoug the. lot re- quirea mnt careful attention b>' <ha attendants sud the physiciens vho lok aller (ban. SEE GLORIOUS COLORADO EN ROUTE TO CALîPORNIA Ar te i inn tilmE t tis utier <ni fh.'Cali- tarni& lvpmtioni.'If 9nis n yu uoulti naît . tiie'iourney by o-aY oft leiter sud Gnniuradnn llptingo.anti vieil the mialcuiireîttuouatain aig1ts essail.- sue eeoihis' trom th~t's wsnrtle. VOur Coloîrado igab.elug aven, you con con- tinus' throug lI thIe CoasI t, elîhter Slan Francio tAugules anrfSan Dego or y ou cntu sop over aud cme tht. attrac- lIons af SaIt Lake City, aud Ilf tsreti. inake a sis' trip to Yellowstone National Park. This arrangemen-t le matie posi. bis far eau îhrouch the service of the Claga, Mlauskee«& St. Paul "Illay. Tva splenidid train-'Tiae Colorao Sjecîslsund -The Colorado Expres'- are operafmi thtrough ta Denver over thia route, lu conartion vllh tht. Uion Pacifie Ralltaad. You eau rituam direct ron Califorla il you ticire, but fora fevr dollars mors yau eau ses te beauti!ul Pacifie Narthî Coast, (heure journt.y east ovar Ibm picturee@que *'Trait o! the OlymPlan,' tbrough the. heant af thisa uet utou tain chaîna. Thistillghtful joutsY iii anpiy repay tht. fev extra dollars titat it sroëe. Appiy Co local agent of tht. Chicago, Mdilvaultes & St. Paul Railway for wesI- arn Iras n litratute. Inornaton about loy tarea. tînt. o! trains sud atier partnm-lsag. 42c1 Was a Prvloege Béeo. Hazel. agedtfour, vas spouding the day witIe her aunt. White there a b.. stung ber. Wben abs retaruati home tbat avenlng her father anketi ber If sbc klledthélb.bea andt he riplieti: "Wby, no, papa; Il vas Aunt Jane boeY, judge Geor D.Alden ars enJoined f rom dolug speciflesatte tendlng 10 dlarupt the big Indusrtryl ln ZMon City. The Injunctlon Issuati by Clar'c L. 0.r Brockvay on order of the court craat- eti a sensation lu tht. lace clty when Il became kuowu vbat hati beau doual by the lace companY's counsel. The. apptlcation vas asked for hy Attys. Alec Beaubîcno0f NWaukegan, anti John F. )tact.elsh and F1rank P. LeffIngwell of Chicago lu hehaîf of tite 0DORoEouoGE D. ALDEN of Boston. clebtsted as one Oftheb greet ors- laceindstres thili re wne hyi J tors o bis day. vili dallver tht final atidresa of the Chautauqua lust Mashall Ileid of Cicago.I precadlung the. appearance of tht. Grand Opera Company tke sirtb nlgbL. Tht. billcharges roîipvrr3to lu- For intdithought anti alv.1nu.s deley. for vil 18.1 bit., forcladt jure (hhe business of te Zloîîlarceîîî- E.ngiiab for tha rush of sentimntu anti the deiigbt af diction without feul. dîttries ln putsuanne of wldchIte de- Jutige Ad.. perhapa basno peer in bis fiaid. The sixtb day of the Ch&Iis feundants have 1y unlateful rotîduct! 6ua lnllnîidaled te worknie.naI te rant and also Iv tîntatful roîndilct prevnt.î cmi tlîo'e who wouid lake work front ai irtptg work ln (lhe plant. Titere are ie epecific e hotis of offentses azainst the industrîies witich the <nliles.,a. follows:i FIRST-lntimidatlon by gatherlngi ln large groupeansd hootlng aetlthei workmen empinytilu inte factory orl from thu'owing srtoues, etc., et them.! 88ECOND-Intlmidation by inflictlug' bodiy lnjuryonu the workmeu. THREE-lutlmidallon by unlawfui. ly paylng or offeriug'to psy meîy <o te workmeu <o ieavk their jobs lu the lace worke. FOURTH-.intlmidatlon by caling ln large numbera et te houses of te r workmen sud iu some cacesathrowlng1 atones sud other misales et th. doors aud through lte windowsnofthelr homes. FIFTH-Aud generaiiy enjol temi frons doiug sny &et 10 luterfere wlitil or injure the business of lte Zionulace industries. In tht. bill are stiecîfie Instauces vhere tht. attorneys mention offensive acts anti whlch te court ha. nov re- etralned tht. men who &truckt sont. tvo mnthsagaRa. ran comtting. Affidavits are attachedti lte bibi ahovlug vhore such offenases have been connitteti. Tht. lace strlke cane-ou man, veeks ago vheu tht. vonkers quîtý thtl rjiobesItar they hati proteateti againet the. promotion of a young i- man neho hati vorked lu the faclory four yt.ars, ta the postion vhere he vas ta Isatu running a lace machine.ý The vorkmen objacleti anti vaîket out, saying (bey voulti returu vben tho Young man vas raleaaad . sud vhen f bey vers given certain thlngs, regartiing vorking boura, etc. The laco conpany tefusedti taconalier thelr pleas snd refuseti later 60 gis" thorn audiences for argument. Tht. »tri'iers calleti the International soc- ralary Iran Phîladaîphia anti be spent sonet. tit.ln Zion.filnally an- nouticing Ibal the t.srite batibeen' unjustîlleti sud unauctioneti. Ihere- fore viltidravtng the assistance ex- pecteti Iran headquartars. Reporta thon cane out Ibat ail the men vere ta returu 10 vork hut tht. lace con- pauy bas refusedti btake bacit the tisa focei akngoaythset.y Sînca tht. company's ultimatum <ha trouble bas ronlînueti anti bas Ilu 'ludeti theseetliug afira oI a barn bha 'ungIng 10 a lace strikebreaker. the theft oI clothes fron a line. the slug- glng of a man belaevetto a tttke breaker. etc. Baby le gîven lu full (ha lnjunc- lion vrltIssed b>' tht. dent. a most lnterestlng document hecausa Il citas specific Instance@ vheraln the. lace plant ha, sufferati Iron tht. situa- tion: 5w5 ~ LIBERTILLE, -JULI zFZO Rieport of Condition of cbe Vlrst lalloxal fBank At i) ýt ilet. thte'taStet f Illinoist lts'en'lnns iv i nx tiu 2:ý1 l HES(WIItFil ld 1 ninnnnti (Ilote- he'ld litbanl........... .....,Lr6à, l12;.»*.:1I t St Bo,înd,.ts'1-tenIlrtt.nir'to lrt.IattoII (P-1 T Mi on0(00) ., A 1.t t6cttd. dunth.. tuai M1,ltud piled 60 etut-re Postl S- iint.tottx716 tSîîrltim Ut.- lthas U S to d. 1011s Ilndit .ltdti -n. onnt t t of ï.8 Ot n1 1e-t&-ot ti untainl.. ...... .. ...ft6~10 Ail nlher S4n-nka i Delu (l ltIr n,reMtn1.uon 4l ,, talne., o :tn en ln D Ions' r ,nt"altnt.teHsaib-A -utt- il. NinsiY-nruChiedgae nd tSt 1-u4n173.2 l.n2(.4 7.6(64 D., 'ion b ied Ianker.mi-ter tiata, nridei lLa s-or,91 ..... tnt.ktou1sitàI iilntIt,ý. sni l, or tînab retsortinc baik I1e, o)nttide , hec'kl andi otuer19-tilieuls.6. r5otai -it0- otnktt aet...> .î...... . .0 -1n nten ,d tltàfn ir!Natltnlh U t I'eNrr(uim e a 0,nos) lM rnnîta î r-nP,lt a teu ln.. .. . . 11........8 HSuerptus f nîd . ............... ....ore t... , 5 -- f ....i.. nn 0. 1 3 .00 Sttdnta fuoit. ....... .-...... ..... ...1Il0 lHexerved fonr taxes -.. 1 ......... ........... ( He.rvs' forlitttsttt oun tSa%*Ite .tint nttx . . 31, S à; 0571n te. trreut e"Pee- lnnleret and taxe.sit 4t bt 2. tt-N 'J) CI m.tulatifaf wot...... .... 0Issu a Due sin tnansd InanitemxIntier thau tIutttiii5o tr .. .4 teninti detoetti -nltetdtis1 dettoItti tbll10 toheek . 112 r, CeU xaoff dettosit ditenuttent th&. 88 daya.. 40.915 4s% t.ectted nhs'tkt * .e di 07 noat a tltte(6 [tm ettoaita ...5..(Z6 91 îat :70 Tint. detnl s t>e Ptnouoitb ttnntu e7uo ns' ni";nnttne ..... ... 1 .6 ta Toul, , ...... ..1.................................. Illa11.182 M 4TATE 6OF ILLINItS. VOUNTY OF LAKE. ux 1 Subacrbed badi x mo &iobefore ne 1811.3,9 I. b S tidim '.air i ' f ts' aboie-namesl day 0f JityIt f1. sanS, do.ntstti ttear thithe ts'abous n LVItLL H MiORBIS oletPitiN. tttWm'nieo tr' Inn ht.e st n"fniy kiow ledds' C6nt.t.'5' AIeeS BEH HMILLER. ,,,l belîs'! X, WALBI)ND. t. S. tif>i.F5. (auter ALBERT SAIH 1 I9tmct.. Report of Condition of te Cake £Ouu"Mtyflioi DBank At Li),cttyIIslcinl ts' ittts'ofIlliois. aLthe los o hufiléex. lune 'M. 91' HE8Ot RCES. Lnans asud Diascounts (nDntesx iett lnati ). ...... .............S2x;,!P1 t40IMal 921 Pe Ci M BotlidextnnsecUetircu.etiltin u~s'Veaue)t.... ... ....... ..... M.O00 -,()000( linuta 1C. S hotidepletigend ta ecure Pn(li Savixet 3 t an o 8s'ttitltex ter tait C . banxei nIxlUnt.utg kttnntkg oteeni inîieuled...................... 4.412 'A 77,442W9. fitxntlptioo tnutonM nfFe1 Ret s's'cii5k. ...... ut Lentamoant uittaidý...................................2:4, fln, O HaulheBone.........5. kIiltitt .txnt. il d2,000 1 u n .M000 Dtîe'f rom PFeel k He**eenbatik ...... .............. ..... ........... .9 5 Dute f rom approedR texeenie Agents ln Newe York. Chen«. snd St. Lin, x73a,72 :3.79 Dits'froni baoksansd batkeex <thertitahn8int.iids'd lhiM6or9) -,......... 1- il Checksaio,tnankx I. tht.tais' nilty or lotex as nsportixg bak...7ij Frc uta tncny, nikels .and ceints............... .......->e W:27 4 Notes ofrother NationxalBnks................... ......... ....... ...1. . La«fuit Ious', HeenenxBatik. Total con xand .etiittae .............. . ............1.97 teeaiUender note. ' *..:: . " 10 Hs'demptttniînl iih t.S. (hot1 mort. tan l5 tetîl i , t., .... -.............. .... ..................... .2 . 1.2 01 M Total..t..................................................... LIAIuILITIOS. titait onkd ....... ................ .............................. .0 edlndeiPo............... ....... 1.62 Hexeeve tor taxe.s lud nsrx............2.0054 694 .Wý54 ][en, 'uerent extetes. intereat antd taxe. mabI11......... ..247 04e22 OIT txatna notes..................... 5 0 .(0)0 fleniantidepftoiste-Indlduatdtoteabee o'i'k......9.01 Certificatea of detuouît duefilIcate. titan .10day.......... .1426Ki6 CertclileChes .......................................... ZM. SS postal esvinsa depoiha ........................... ... ... ....121.163. .6 3.8 Tume uepfflt-Cprt8icatet 0f ds'posit dits'oitor afts't.30 day..... 1.000. Depoadlto.ubjeect go60 60oc oe day.s noti e................... M.59.77251507.52 Total.......-***'«...................................................... I.767. Stae of Iloisa. Cnunti, OffLaIe. xi j Sbacribeti and @ooco tainore unie Ci»ut 1. Y. P. flymndu. Presteut. of the about.- day of Jul y 1915. nanse tiku. do xoemuluy ost. art&te aboit. FLORA A.. STAPLES. Notary Publie. satlenxle trtucleta the tet of uiy knuletife' (orrect-Attet: aud be'llf. CHARLES il. GALLOWAY. P. P. l)Yft0Nt. Preident. H. O. W. MEYER. A. 0. 5CRWERIIIAN. WHY NOT BLJY YOUR NURSERY STOCK FROM THE KAIAMAZOO NURSERIES AND GET THE BEST Uood share of our business cornes froin old castor. mers; eoiue of them have bought of us for years. Tha speake welI of our products, don't it. Better have our agent -cail and talk it over, and remember Kalamazoo grown means QUÂLITY. r. W SCHLICKER., Agent Phiono 28-R Libertyville, ni. By T. F. SWAN Correspondent and Agoni COURTWRITIS ISSUED MiANST BION LACE WORXERS~ ANOTHtR, CLIMX IN ZION STRIKE WHICH COMÈS ASI A RESULT 0F IMPORTEDI LACE.WORKERS BEINO IN - TIMIDATED 'GOING' TO WORI< ANDO'IN THEIR HOMES. Th. Most sweeplng lnjunctlon ln labor matter that han *ver been l1. oud ln Wauk.gan or Lake county was ordered te Issue Thursay hI'Judge Edwarde ln behaff fthe ZMon lace industries agoînst soeo frty former workmen 0f the plant whereby they a- 1 . s SAID DY] Develops Spot Y Dying Ractor C church, W; gtaiement lshioners g the. feelIng :olocked hy c.ago dwoes Il ii:MayI Mfr. Gauste not vithot Svay sud t had frerluu IMaely tE vary tiutdite fériug. ýýFurtherr ,public gn 'Two neol ope homo Dlghf. Cue bure. The ended tht. June 27th. smtops alonel beblinti. Ar le $et dowî tht. service' geennet f(t eti to sel thI -but, as hi' titi not ove caught lîln lier laîn il ajulckiy loo hlm.' Catbollc ci along, and, the shlfIrai. locese, le Sn s.IL Vrayers for piaceti th.' baud. lit. I that hapîpy acterizmd h the tact il eontenled,l prlest who ehtetred lte qulle salIs realizaton r the Great tE vas beittg ,wîshe Ilt. the two wo deparis'd 1l yard." Mn. Gangt thlngs nehic plisheti as polntlug (0 churcit. tht. beauttfijlgrt ,of whlcb ah azecutivo. thînge. lt. munity lun ,years must acharacter 1mory af !It, anti a tht.ngi At tht. c RPector Gau la ta fly ai 'pols at tht lake. Tht. A. 8 & W. c 'eut Putuani -church. AUTOIST Iu muti Muotoriste 1ù Dr. anti %ln r. .anti lr 1 nd Mr. au ,"n, Clareni ianeas, l&tn uorning vC .ad arrivad the Most an ihlr drive. m~ae stu pugb lwo fond kanti aautplst ita rail 1no 41 bi 1 s 0 ti n ti ti 0 0 e p ti ti

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