Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Jul 1915, p. 9

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L A«-%KE COUINTY IN'DEPENI')EN'TI' ____ WAUKEOAN WEEKLY SUN XXII.m-NO. 41. PART Trwo. kL TAYLOR 'WRITfES 1IOLDINiS 0FBUSSE A LEITER TELLN4i IN LAKE COUNTY IN; 0f LONIi AUTO TRIP COURTLIT1E6ATION s the Lake County Party as Had to Fight Rain ani Mud Nearly Ail the Way. RRYi AMERICAN FLAGS. Widow of Man Who Owned Much ln This County Fight. ing te Receive a Share. IS TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION. These Are Saluted 'Ail Along Titie to Somne of the PrOPrty the Course-Have Slept in Will Have te Be Docided by Kotels OnIy TWioe. Cour-OneUp Hee8 liCoouer 3. L. Taylor of Libertyvîlle, Claims amountlng to 1360.000 l or ai lhie thr.e atoltsvho make been fled ln the Probste couMt,1% Fbp the. part from Lake county vhlch Chicago agalnst tbhestalte 1 the. lAtO la taWing an automobile run 10 tbe Fred A. Busse, former major of Chi-. s cI cat. han wrltton 1the Sun cago, and $300.000 have been alloved. sud plans to write weekly. itp oadtecleu !ti s lus H ierat letter tells of te Ont tâte will be taken ater .luly 20. whicb %Mf f o the trip and la interesting a th~ est day on wvbleb daims may1 *th# frIsma o f &H mombes of the Ib. filei. ty, which la ma. up of Dr. Tay- Thei 1e requires that mal clama hoi and tamlly af Lbertyvillle. Dr. U$eand lfmlly, anid ikWetzcl filld vithin 0One year fOllOwilftIse la. faid smly. Thie latter two famoilles sulI4 Of lter« tetam.¶tary tO th* ecfrom Wankogan. The. letter fol- admininltratur of an intatate entate. jew: TiniadCol., uly2, 15. On July 20, 1914. letters vere Is.ed tUbertyvllle ludependent: to Mrs. .oaepblne Busse. vidov of Wâen vo leftthome two veeks t-b oerfiflT iyor. MoN wth such a Oine send off i re- lmmodiately gollowing th.e splra- olved tu seni tu you once a veek1 tion of tie oue-yar perlio, AtiorueY S <Cv linos tiiet our frieuds migbt hlton J. lPrcuan. reprementIng Mme . anv oeting about boy v. ver, Biusse. adimnistratrix. viiletigfrO tu gtting along on this omcvhat un-1 signal adventure. But are have been i diaPS of aheicroSl estate. go busy plov-lug ibronati mui and 1 FOollvg la one or the. paenth$ ater that we bave round ver3' îttî iii be offered aI public auctlon: Urne~~~~~~~~ lawie rmyu ope11 Atwell farm." counti, laid 1111 aiong te route Iis la the vorst 4 evrh5200 giasn one cisi bav eeecte to The ownerablp of anotiten fans.te .maie the.ttip bY auto become OWI Busse sumener home t Foi LAbCO, la 1 ls er. nover Imovu &H thhnougb a eubWoet of ltation lu the. CiruIt twe usally dry country. Notvlth. cout 0f Lake county at Waukau. anding tâtéa be bave flot aven, Uil. Busse broullt suit thure10 il.- IbfflhtofI a sipqI.g i.r cars acktermine the titis..Mr. Basse Put Iis a" Vislrnng iii train as many Of property la te min.of bis ftiser, «r goo Monas preicted. This sort vho died, and Uic iatterra vidow; bs- et a tripls an Ideal outini. «epclaliY U1 09 "dbeeflclary, recelved tit.. *Wbe one.cape out. This lae UMis. Fed A. Busse contends hbat titis 601a1dOnSigltt ibt ye.ave tayci la faru, cositalng of 160 acres andml-ai s" mielsnce ve left, the ottier 11.105 unid et $26,000 vas merel>' bot. lu Wbsatiand.a %mai tovu lla ova, trus"iy ber late buaban'a fs*O, for ,vepulled lno, in a heavy rein th benefit of te former majorys Làna.a ve id bare Iis aflermion hb e i r s . 9 abot 3!30. The tut 51011 out vo CIlAIg inst George Bus". tarecin10àatowntship tovub"Il t Anotiien daim of thc estate la PalMYra a place nos, Sterting. Ilionauant George Busse. brother. fo net- vas a nice yard aoundIl an vo lement of the. mll'i busipess coidut-- saeke of a man vito llved rigt nrIod under the. name of thie "PI»e St wf wo couc camp in the yard. HO Meadow fanM.' Th ii.vlow*lu@@ laformei usntat he bai been the Iis business et $100.000. It vas cou- Sovn eierk for thrty years and ve iuoti on the Fox Lake tarm anthelb IoWced vry mach luke rmnve ac- Busse is defendlng a suit agalnst hM Oepted hie hoeptallty, and as It nin- vlth a dlaim t-at be vasaà partuer ad about tvenltyfour bours vo vene la the business. 'ibere two nlicts. Ail the reat of the Thte viow and ber attorney Iolti Urne ve bave caraped out. We bave otiiervise. George Busse admuit Ibat 'iaWy rua freux 10to 120 miles a hiei brother bas a 8,000 Intestat '10 ya but yUUerIIBy coered 160 mules. te business and stands ready ta set 'fe seldoinu iet tartadInluthe moru- tic that amount. liefore elubi or Dîe ao'ci. LW. Mis. Boue bas roceived 855.00 -a fuornItilmmo aaJob breaWbulitvdo's dover. It ln eziiectefi ta mave ba" no car trouble whalever. Aive thoumnd dollars lites WMusaue yW. Oey la Uic only une titat bas bas licenpald ta the oBate byoMel- 'ssb.da sfat tire. and that vas a naîl surance company and $3t'000 by Ojler ee, 28. 22. s.28. mlngton, 27. ukee, 23. a. 70.- ukee. 21. 28. e. 2 1. ýo, Win., lW. 18. 21. àkee, 32. onk clty. 122. à' 31. . - à. 2 1. A 19. 43. 3. lie, legai igal age. Lke, WS., VIS.. 24. 34. ee, 26. 19. ...25 s ... -22 .27 ...27 . 26 .40 .30 ee... .21 .19 ...26 jlty.. .46 .51 aires. .30 .2z ...18~ ...28 .21 .21 e, vas labo- îg varda me upom' 'cti> ap- e recitel. that am sU beu beres &. Der euS cent OugJ& ho -Ï" compsanes to the former majorsJ mother, Mrs. Caroline Busse, BISI bis1 sitr i.Caroline Meuh. vU$ a1 Aifreti G. Maug. The suin totalof the equities lu th real estatIt. pro- vitict good prie.. are reliveti At t%@a sale., lta oîly about $15,000, gcUIe- Iv artheb.Fax ]LAdr tarin. IWIREMLISRUNO «Ou PER,13RÉNT The. Wankegan plant of the Ugpri- eau Steel and irWl compen> 14 ruin- lng et least 80 par cent noraudi. tt voek and part of thus the.mgo pli t-he course vire mili and the b.Ig4le icpartmet ram" day andi niglt oUqi. Iant vec'c for a fev days thcep*ut rflaiglhtly above normal.. IThe LIBE1Rq'vV L. ILL.. FRDAv. -J U 1915. POUR PAGES. [~ÈE'~J.P. MORGAN, PROFESSOR WHO HOPED TO STOP TUF VAR la 11 KLNGHlM, AND SHERIFF WHO ARRESTED WOULD-BE ASSASSIN *<e ublegagleI L P stgmw gsspbotmm -ce oi ask it I n1eustady; Deputy Scl 'edw ap bellai laa C R ittowlattebai been tiken in cuatodi. we~~e AaoIp fin&é, enawtrgdy at Gie,ý Cove, N. Y i*itSaturdiay. The photeso h i t et d oran, hei Of &e au g houas of J. P. Morgt àCý, hop- lug that ho uilgt tlueby end the E3vpea 1va. Boit v ow vin jalilinla a ative AmSn ofsa.1Germaiexre- #on. Hc lea aformer studat ame nd, = si atConeli Unversity, andi vas ta have beeeme ltheadtifa i.d partment of Imel la fiteBot*veitewit MtodatUnivrsity at Dallas, T-ua, nxt ful. DRIVES WIFE AND u SIX CIIILDREN FROM HOME AT ONE A. M. Volo Butcher HeId in County Jail on an Assault and BatteryCharge. BONDS FIXED AT $1,000. Wife Has Conducted Butcher Shep While He Was on a Drunk in McHenry, ILi Albert N. Miller, for years one of the best kuown realdents of Vola, oc- cupies a celi in lb. Lake caunt>' lIt bis vife, thb. mober of six children.1 ls cutt-ng meat a% a block la t-be butcher sbop ah Volu. Mrn. Miler svure ont t-be warrant thal resuited lu the arrest ut ber hus- band. She charges Ibat an Monda>' nlgbt she and ber six chiudren vere driven f nom thein hume lu t-be deai ut the ulght. The>' ver. not Permit ted -ta don aultabie ciothlng before tbey vete drven luto tii. streets by the. buaban andi fa.her, vbo vas beaati>' intolicated, accordlag to po- lice reports. Wbhen Mller drav, hie vite and six ohUidren itt the street, and theu feul over ln a druen stupor ou the ftoor, bis vite muatered sufficient- nerve to enter the room again, but sbe vas dlcovered b>'t-be alieged beast, vho again elected ber trom the premises. Mme. Miller, ber chliren in band, val»ed tram ber borne ta the home 0< her tather, six bloults distant. at- President IM . GMenoca President Morio G. Menocai viii li a candidate, for re-electian as the chiot exeeutivc oh Cuba, accordlng ta reports. Tii. moat promisiug fgur on thc politicai horizon assn,- C nent ci Menocai is Dr. Ia, thc perenniai presidentiai can- ddt md trey~peîet patched ta make the arrest. Miller la now a prisoner iii the county bas. tUle, and bis wife la cuîhting the meat. He wiii be given a trial before Police Magitrate Water A. Taylor at.nine 'clock Thursday morning. Ris bonds bave been fixed ah lî>l but no one la willnl o b sgn, lîem. rs. Miler can be seen behind the cuttiflg biocý in the village meat market today, and judging from the simile on her face as FARM I.MPYT. ASSN. 0f LUKE CO. READY TO TAKE MEMBERS Everything Is in Readiness and a Canvass of County Is to Be Made at Once. MEANS M UCH FOR COUNTY. Both State and U. S. Money to Be Had When Large Organ- izations Makes Request. The [ake Caunt>' Fru ImProye en t association vil begin Its cou. vass of tbe count>' for members dur- Ing lhe cuming week. MIr. John Bar- rett ut Prairie Vlew. tbe secret-any ot the association, wili be the leader lu lbe work and inake t-he canvass hy tova- shipîs with the belp ut the township organlzations. Tbe start bas been delayed because of the advlce of Prof. Ilandschin of the University' of Illinois. Prof. Handschin bas charge of the vonk connecteil with t-le disbureement of the Smitb i.ever tond, United States' goverument moue>' out of whlch bbe Lake count>' association tiopes to get 1,00 for tlhe year 1916. This suin. wit-h the apprcopriation autborized b>' our last state legisiat-ure wîli go a long way lovard putting the associa- tion ou a salef ilancil footing. A strong or ganizittion la nov t-be es- aill vire îepartment la ruugg is#î anco'ciook ln t-be marning.-,Nlns. Mil- she answers the wats of ler manysellhial t-ing. onesblift. Thon. are about 1,8 jgeglorstbler loo bbem la, and advis- custamers, she le haîpier than ahe vrfam othcunysul employd nov, vwcbla- ithem t-bat- he wouid be oui>' t-,»bas beeu ln many a da> Tihe residents ver> farinhe frm. t-becton>ashndt unden normal, glati ta support t-bem for ail t-be reit- Or Vola ail, belleve tlîat Mrs. Millerbeog o efamasctin ni 'Thingi laok a lîttIe lbotter as w 0of th. days of their lives. shpuld divorce ber mans, sud operat-e take advanlage utlits won\ for tarot general proposition," salti onq 01 t»se IMa Miller ubected. ««I cau run t-be the meat- market tor tlhe support of Impruvement. Tiiere la not a business local officiais. meat market, I have operat-c itl for berself and six chidren. man that will not- he beltued b>' bet- Uic paab three veeke vhiie Albert vas "Tbe prettîcat lot- of little chlidren ten crops and hetter farming and not en a drunk, and I can derive sufflient 1 ever beheld," snid Police Magstrate a own tbat wîli not feel t-be Influence Raton pass tomorrow. 1 t~ik t>18 afunds trona my labars te support my W. A. Taylor un Wednesday. 'Why of an intelligent campalgu for soul la about thte hlgbest.pas on tb optA faitily>'o! six eccbldren.' lIrs. Miller:s I vouldut mind adopting one or lmprovernent-. Tii. co-operatlan of Fe trail. 1 ater consented ba the plan, and a tva f lbem myself.'" The delsuty everyonflth -e cauntais desireti la ý Wfthtli ua"rydaoeected ape'Oui#$ warnant vas taken out for Millenla sherlit vio arrest-ed '.Iller dlaims the. vork. of our trip ne fa viil oIg -gb e rrnt. Hue vas founI iyiug on thet-at hc neyer vas la a more santtay R. F. ROUSE. béimicat regards 10 ail our f 1$«4gor 1. a dumken stupar b>' a Watt-ona moreacos>' home than t-he Miger President Laie Caunt>' Tar Improve- J.. 4TwÀw.,ý boaaideput>' elerfft who owaný&. ieme o l oi - ment Association. ILM 1'~ YEAR IN ÂDVANIIO. IS BEATEN ALMOST SUICIDES RY IS TO DEATII BY 3 CAR CIIAR4iINfi SIIOTOUIN BANDITS TUESDAY ýWIfTE ON WED. chas. meyers, Detective, Vic- tim of a Most Dastardly At- tack on Tuesday Night. HE WAS LEFT FOR DYING. Weaithy Grayslake Farmer Kilis Self Whiie Sîster and à Man Witness Action. WERE DRIVEN TO SAY. gumiture. i still bave nuadulterateâ Lbertyville air in ail my Utr&b The crops tbrougii the grain sc tiens of Uiccountry locked good h miont places thougi thIeru are somme1 aobp e~o f Kansas viiere Uic baili je aken everytbung. W. met auto touriste from every1 part of!thec ountry, heading for Uic t out and a large umber f tbem are camping &long lbe va>'. 014 Glor>'. vblch va andedt 10us by oui fienis, stili flous. trou lthe ~ca of aur cars though somevbat lte vos.for vean anti, Incîcuent ,weatber. We seel>' ever pesa amy mre vit-bot recelvingno me sort o a sainte. brougit forth. 1 imaine, more on1 accout of the stars an" stripe *titheiccars or tUier occupets b.- »cause 1 have sàea very f ev mmclnes that carrlie a flagr. Whei puasng trongh lowa ve overtool tbe tvo youni laides that penhape mai>' af yeu red about in the Chicago papeis, aid vho.e ictures vore la âme of tho papers, vhtoare valkig. tuthe eoast, ove Uic Lincoln hlivw. W. stoppai andt 10k themin l oui car and tite> rode vlit Us for elgitl or ten .mles, viien ve topped off for a w.hile. Later on ve overtook them &Wu.lm an nottced tii-t tbey bai both getn a littlefiam and fasteaci Ibein t Ieir inapseois, havlng gotth vo thoçbt flimin. Both iof ~ccYoung vomen are lmai WChar- ~vorkm siaei ore ot vaFlnag for r e.We cxpect to. go Over jý & M WW %V. AJ.LýUrJ".& JL V 1-.LÀAJIU* Xt &-MJML L « 9 %e . ......... Shot, and, It Is Believed, Mer- Threatened te Shoot ýSister tally Weunded One of His i f She Attempted to Stay His Assaitants-WiII Uive. f Efforts at Suicide. Cbarles Nleyens. detective in lhe eni- jPls.dlng the.hbutlend of a snlhr ploy ut the lgtin. Joliet and Eastern reled 8sholgun an the. grouni. aU4 lbe rallroad. vas beaten ulgh on". deatllipUuzie end nuder bis left aru pli, b>' thugs and car bandits lu thé froel*ht !alu C. James, a vealthy> andiInfiuen- yards of the ralinoi ai Itoudut iai faner living on Belvîdere strfet, Tuesday nigbî. >leyers occupiez a Juit saut af Grayslake, aublclded Wi. cot lu the Jane McAiist-er bospital nesday aflernoon, vhen he pulled lb. nov and thbe exact exteal of bis un- trlgger of the veapon wvhtbheb.big juriez bas no1 beea maie inovu. He t0e of bis loft foot, thbun emptylrng theo isa belleved te bave abaot and mon- change of buciabot lo t th Inien or- tlly wounded une of bis combatants. g-Bus of bis body>. Tvo pensais. vit but, t-a date no armaits have beoui . ai reed tla ils reaoe, von. hqi* muai. b>' reiroad deteutIves or police at ha>' b>' the iîsaue rmor vill, b. afflilisof lhe counny. completed lte at of seif-d@Mtr-i. l11 making ble rounds o! tbe frelabt11 James badl been suffcring * au a yards at Rondout- late Tueeday nIigt soute attack of pneumonie ton lb. Meyers dlscovered a middle aged mau past len deys. A Grayalake dootor ondeavarnu te secret blmself la an on Tuesday of thisi. eei iliat bie rilstt empî>' boxcar. He ordered the. fel- iung vas 91iling viit blod. amithat low out of lhe yards. Wltb bis pris- lit Woiuld b. essentillfor hlm 10 go oner valilg a tev teet attend of hlm, a i- c fh.olopei tu ]ive. James Myens valkei vest-. lntendiig to n-Ir oi.: ivthtie doct-or's roquait les. t-be man aften bch. ai eft thbe On Tuesia>' afternoon W. b. ONlel. frelgbt- yards. Meyers and bis pris- 'a uelghbor, cailei at ite James roi- oner veno vaiklng hetveen tva 'ienee and apent fuily an bour iaPclng strings bf cars. it vas dan. and cx-«vU it te sîck farmer. cept for te occasional vblstle of a He calied atain the next day. Nes locomobive no saunisdilsturbed thev- san 1l l.itbo iSt atntoephere. James bonimernite ftmîl4y invaill Suidenl>' t-va men, bellevei t. bel put lu an appearnce andidemanieda. accomliîces of the man beli captive'cup of vater anti a glass o! mli. b>' Meyers. lumped f rom betvesn tIvoJae vs trc lubsngt cau.. One struc'c Meyore aven the - ot-les. 1 heai vit-b a metai bar. Meye*' Wlill, bis slster vas fillng a g1as Mtmv bat vas crushed la a pulp. 'fie vîit miii, James grahbei a sitohgit eetectîve vas iaxed for an lâstant. vitich bunt on tle.%rail of teita tlke lue stcceedoi lu suinas bis tedt andi aud ruahed fnom ltebhume. The @Wu tirew hilerevolver. One o! bis om- ter.,- mi%. Mgargaret Liete. ar;M, baias gnappled vit-b hlm et- Ibat o -N'litarfflanpureuftL 1- mentand be vas borne agala 10 lte '"a- you set baci," sliout*d lame %round. A second thug grasped the as hi o Mntedth -e single baivoleti gu murale o! bis revolver. Meyer pull- at lie »inter. She stooi for a tue eti the t-ngger. and between gB5ps ai seconds as If Ia a trance. OINlo tih. bospital Ioda>' he maie thîs st.- s aoei 1to t. barn for te assIt"nce tnept: o! a faim bond. Att-en t-be fella bit- me aven t-h .a-ietor. he return.d ho liewlultbe heati, I dev my revolver. A second Éhot wvilc enied th.eart-lly exist- Iman grasped the. mutile of t-be Sun, once of bie fermer f4ntl and I was unable lu take deliherate Testlfyg boforo the coroners Jury, alm. Hovever, I beani one o! tbeini Mni. Letvcller, a uisternof isé cdemi ma>: 'Gel hlm boys, hes goi me.' mn, alass,."John bas be.m ski for a - Moyers thon opened up vlth bis en vesi, or ton daIs. Me oflet-hiebo@& andth ti tre. men iisappeared lu thejabout titree ocloc Wodneay ahi- derkmes, of t-be ulalal. luthe Imesi.orumo, attinci ornl>'la bis nlsbt tIms one of t-be thugs bai beaten cloîbes. lHe rabsi1t0 the it"Iu Moecs aven t-be beai, aboulions and and idemandeda a cp 0 vater aMd à clical vit-h a met-aI bar, belleved 1u g"asso! util. I vas paurng OU theb have been aon. o! tbe aid tasitouetimill i en be grabcd a sheigonutra coupllns pins, on a large car boit. off tbe book on lb.evalU, ami récl 111unctiand bleedlug tron culs on out tutulb.eyards.Mr. O'NMU aMdi1 bis aloulder, Meyers la>' man>' mltl0 started Inlupuisait. Mr. O'Nei o rnt -u ut"p before h. fuli>' regaineti con. Ibat Jubn a»is lgta illiblaci eçu, Thon tLa vas utable e t bIn,for on Tueay te bei coen- le e font. plaln.i of Ibth ie thu> ver. .»M- lie crawîci book tovard Uic repair las un a cherry troc n, itis bainean car, Ivo blocs distant. viere be suc- vindov. MWb o .Mv us. ho point- cooedcila arouslng men in lb. em- ai the rme anti aboniteti, 'G.1 plo' af t-be compan>'. Meyers cravled baei.' We bot sooti for a soem thc entîre Ivo blocks on bis bands as If la a trance. I owint mave andi inees. A speclal train vith ce- a muscle In =y body. I trietiLe, &sbuuty boge, vas bastil>' maie up, ani for aid, but oould »ot utten a se"ut IMoycrs vas brouglit- tuWaukegan. Mn. O'Neillracci tu th. ban 10 cau Word of big Inlur>' bai reached Wlau- a tarotband vio hmo vorrotiffrtons iêcgau b>' t-lat time, and an ambulance mtan>' yeart. Just- au Mr. O'Neilietait- vas In valting et lthe local depot. ai for Uihemr, John fire»otii bat The companys physicien vas cail- lIe> tithe poondthonlcahb atate to ai and bo maie a tborough examina- nun. He ran about tvo hundre t ot. lion Meyers complalued of levere thon stoppeti, &a m wmvhlm pacig lieaie.cbes, and for a timne It vas fear- another shil la the gum.He lies cd Iliat ho vas sufferlng fnom a frac- put lb. huitîof Uic Sun on thei graUn. luroti skull. Tis mornlng, bavever, t-be rustIe ut lie Sun untier bis left ho vas resdusg cah>, and vas ahi. anm pit, t-hoa dledmangth -e vempas lu taik vitit bis Immedlate relatives, b>' punig the trig u libis le* )A non.he.vw" compiaintng of severe tue. Fan many à Suis. filseemeti pains Iu tbe reglon ut hls lungs. and minutes, even ster Uic amoke bai *bout- bis torohead. The compauy's blavu ava>', b. rot-alb theipflht pbiniclan daims Ibat bis condition is posiion, t-«ho b. oil eatilong t th not citîcal, andt tb iie iiilive, un- the grpnnd. Wli.n v. neachei hmmla* leme complicatians set lu. vas da. Moyens la the second emplo>' of the, The gumeot bai penetrt-edtheUic118- couapan>' vo bas been maie the via.non organs, cruahing lIcnbe nti lima of a mont dastaril>' and atroclous terlng the boant, lunge &ant tio attaci. boss than tva mont-ls avo a organe tuto sircis, detective b>' the. naîneo tt f risou The corouens Jury retumne the f <aS vas attacted and klled i vUhbi. o'Wn lovlng verdict: We. Uic Jury.- 0111 revolver. Indîtments ver. returuoti that- John C. James came ID bis dMlli by t-be grand jury but It; la doubttal b>' a selt.4nflieffl votiid, aumoib> if the trum munderen af lbo maiviii guishot penotratlng Uie lDaet ecNIam be brougbt- 10prosecution. cousins instant deali, vhllc Songer. Moyens <carsno man iivia. Ilhba il>' Insane.C off on been sai Ui"t h. vouli meet Eivard Conrad, dopaI>' canule? wlhh Inur>' because o! th. tact tiat preslded atlbe Inunest. J&B C 3Jne ho51 la ot afraidt ighltitIon. or a a i novn t.o vin>' arme R la0811Wa iuutber ut mcm Hle la b>' rail- Laie coutl>, Ne le im : e te >y

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