Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Jul 1915, p. 1

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LAKE C-OUNTY INDE PENDENT WAUKEGAN, WEEKLY SUN VOL. X-XII.-NO. 43. TWENTY PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, MLL., FRIDAY,,JULY 16. 191, ONE TO EIGHT Si..50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCh~ ESCAPES ASYLUM; A. Je fiRISWOLD DROWNS SELF A DISPATCH FROM ELGINt TELLS OF THE DISAP- PEARANCE FROM THE ASYLUM 0F ALFRED J.t GRISWOLD 0F RUSSELL, LAKE COUNTY--HIS COAT, LYING ON RIVER BANK IS WHAT CAUSES ELGIII A THORITIES TO THINK HE TOOK HIS OWN LIFE. BU4LLETIN. Elgin, Juiy .-At 3.15 o'ciock thi. afternoon thse dead body of Alfred1 Grlswolit es taken out of thse river iere. Searcing Pa rties had been lookiung for hm all day long. Hia body was found In a portion of thse river near the pumpfing station of thse asylum grounds. It was taken to the asyium and wlli be renioved ta an undertaker's. Specil to Thse Sun.> Elin, Juiy &-Alfred J. Gris- wold. 56 yearl oHd, a farmer re- siaing at Russell,,in Lake courty. escaped frcm the hospitSi for thse Insane ln this cty eariy this niorning and ia belleved by ofi. cais lu have comnitted suicide by i.aplng Inte thse river whlch flows near the institution. A coat which has been identlfled as.hi&u was found ling on thse bank of the river when a search for iim was instituted. Griswohd sas admtied btiste asy- 1i!rt on îscit'-14 f iithis iAt iht Itiue he sas very deprssed but afier rinualning sinlihe institsstiou a short ime lie showed nmarks-d mprnvement. lie roninupd tu gros bu-ler constant, 'ltres seeksaugo le sas admilled inth lie uirote ward. whili gaie hiti literl )trgo t ii tracîseaihu aItparle ut tise a,>Iiîîsasd groundi-tout gurd ur rP--'raittt Hi- seemed lu hi- getlng oîn tut ýandil lieheads outhltiti-- iulion were ufthlie opinion ihat lis, time a-sul t 001lielong hi-fore tte sosild b hi ih.iargi-d as curi-d sud uer- uili tîs to rtanu t i',s ite ai Rus'- i-eh Thisi-morulng liei-%as eîtoreld ît- i ngý Tise i-arin sa s pr-ad snd ail-ni- ani.s scuured lise groundsansd sîcin- Itle Tiey patroîîed ap sud dosa te ier ank. At a poulniar lisp ai- arn a rosi was found iying niar tise water's idge. This waa laien to tise institution wheri- it wa-9 Identifiai by .ne outhlie patients am telonglng la Gniswoid. Afler ibis tiese a-cb Vas ri-newed wth more vigor bal nu trace bas hi-en found outhelise rliug man. Heada ut te institution are of tise opinion tisat Griswoid committad suicida hacause. la lookitng ap iis record. tise>' iund tChai a fi-w years ago hoe manifetei a lendency toward taing hiei own lits, Not until tise boy la fonnd, how- ever, wil It ie possible ta ti-ll pont- tlveiy tisat tise Lake- county man was a vîctilin f'self destruction. It la aid-. mittei by officiais here tisat there ln a possbislitty tisaI Oriswold awai tise river and escapd although iis tiseor>' oit tels river banS ta tisrow off his pur- la nol givan ton mucis credence lia- cause lise river at tiis punit la about 150 fiet wide Tisera Is a pssihllty tliat Grlswold rnay bave iscapi-d lu some oliser direction sud lett is coal cuers but ibis lheory la not creditei 1:" inu. FOURTEEN YEARS IN PENITENTIAItY IS JUD(E'SSENTENCE Fourti-en years in tateas prison, ati Waupun, was tisa sentence Judgi-j Backus imposai un Edua Loving, cal orei, Who la a niece o Rev. Venera- hIe, pastur ut the Noth Chicago M. E. chuncis. touni guilt>' ai murder lathtis second i-gras. Miss Living was chargai with siay- iug Mrs. Margaret Dun fer s quar- rai on Msay 20 la tie waman's ward1 af tisa bouse ut correction, wiae ie>'he wari- Iniatea . Tiesahbai nt intendi-i lu baim NIrs. Dua wwssthe final statament made b>'tisa colorad womnan hifore aentenci- was prouuuncei. S Tise .iinesses ter ties tata testi- fiai falsel>'." ahi- ld the juige. "I di not .1-1ke hi-n attan se feul. I di not begin tisa figis." Northwestern Train Carrying Powder for Warring Nations \HelduipFriday. From Appleton, Wis., cornes the re- port ut a second unsuccestul attemPt tu wreck a Chicago & North West- ern train late Friday nlgit Thse train was loaded with ammunîtion. supposedly loaded ln cars at tise Pleasant Prairie miiti. It la announced tisat a similar at- tempt was frustrated about tiree weeks ago at tise sane place, a steep grade. where the rlgist of way la cut froin a steep bank overisanging tise Fox river. 801h wrecks were attempt- ed at a turne when tise neat train would be a powder special f roitise DisPont Powder coanpany. The only DuPont Powder company mills ln Ibis section ofthtie country are located at Pleasant Prairie. as emery citizpn of Wsaukegan well knows. Tisouqands of dollars' worth of damage sas wruugbt lu %Vauk.-gan several years agu when the mii ai lise plant blew stp killing ses iraj people. tt is rel)orted tùday tisaIta %ici- eacis. week powder trains are sent ouIt rom the l-leasant Prairie milis. LAKE FORESTERS WIN LONG I FHT ON WATER RATES Public Utilities Commission Grants an Even Greater Re- duction ThanExpected. M.te r ten years ut truitiess lîtiga- tloti lu commun las- courts the city ut Lýa e Fo r-at basaWon a figist against thse faite FOr-ut Wat -r company for a reduclon ut rates hifore tiese ats! pîublic utilîti "" comm ission. Tise deciajoîofuthtie commission. grautiug au een ri-tar ri-duclion n watar rat es tisnu tise cil> isad asai- Pd . wss made public today. A saving uf more than $8.00) a year for wter cotstsier'i uttiese uhurb it .l resuIt. accerilng lu George T. Rogers. city attorney of Lake- For-at. who received a co.Py of thei decision trom thse sîil- Iiîcecoummission. Rate Cut ta 18 Cents. lunls litigation tise city sougist ta rompel lise waier compauy ta ri-duce ils rates trum 2.5 centss atiousani gaI- lons lu consumera lu 20 ci-ts. Tise utilities commission. Pxerclsing lisesu- thoril>gi-ici-n tby tise utilîties law lu ix and regulati- rates ut puhble utililies companies. eut tise rate to 10 cents. Trouble hetweeu lise ciîy ut Laite Forest aud tise wate rcompsny started lu 1904, wheu George H Holhi-cme Pr-aident ofthtis Laite ForeattWter eompany. Prior bu that lime tisa wa- ter rat ehad bei-n graduati-d. Tise corm- pany immedately sers i-intice of an lincrease to 25 cents for mnater consum-i era. Ieaving tise rate of $40 for escis E00 fi-et ot main for isydrant purposes for tise Cily uncisanged. Ordinance is Contested. A yi-ar later. in 1905, tise city passi-d ordinances fixng lise water rate et 20 cents for consumera and $40 for 500 fi-et main for tisa city. A suit toi- force this ordînanca was rought Iu tise Cookt County Circuit court. weut to tisa Sulreme court sud was ne- manded for furtiser evIdence. Tise suit waa back in tise Circuit court ut Oook county wvien thse public utilitlas law weat into ffect Jan. 1, 1914. At tisa suggetion of Crcuit Judge Don- neli>'. and on motion of City' Attorney Rogers ot Lake ftrest. tis suit was abated and a petitian Vas fluai in the- utiites commission. Thes petition of tise cli> assai tise utilitles comsmission to reduce tise w,- ter rate in 20 cents. ieaving tisa $40 rate tor tise cty uncisangsd. Tise com- pany 1Used a counter ietition asking tist tise 2-cent rate for consumera h. ma!ntalned and tisaItishe rata for tba oty ha increassi ta $66. FINUS 1MOTJIER HE LOST IN lIlS EARLY CIIILDIIOOD1 COST $19065 TO Athough tise officiai publica- RETURN VERDICTS the tawns of Lbryil n Vernon appeared in The Dally 0f 'N OT G IL Y Sun Sat.rday, Juiy 10,thIn dependent la of the opinion tisat readers of this paper are inter- Itemized Cost of Holding Court ested In the sasesamnent roll for for One Week, With Inci- these towfls, M0 we are publish- dentls, s tise roll 1his week, just as It _________ Sown appeared In Thse Daiy Sun. Thse dempIete assessment ral DETECTIVES WELL PAIU. for Libertyvil 0 and Vernon wl ha found In arlother part of this State's Attorney Himnself Was iasue. Away on a Fishing Trip ___________ During Both Trials. - it may interest tise citizans and t payera uf Laike couuty tu know a S RO OH> what Raipi J. Dady as state5attîorney F RTf G 9Y G bas costt ati- cuunty during tbe past wpek in tise Fox Lake cases. bots o f whirh resuited lu a verdict t ofnut ME3N AND CROOKS guilty. Below is a statemeul which -coi ers tise expenses: Iisrors' tees, $314.22, Raiîroad Detectives Take a Detective A. G.Avery, InvestigatIng Drastic Step to Drive Un- and witueiss tees. $117 .dralsFrmRod" Detecti% e Harry T. Armstrong, eialsFo Rndu alias Rev. Aniseuser Busch. Investi-! gating aud wiîness tees, $17544. I!oTa tay furtiser h bdatRond- lieteçîie Fred Armstrong, Inises t 5551t, hicis tramnmenh (tii 11w St. Paul gatIg an wItess ees.1sud E. J. & E. railroais term "Thug Sheiff on wek' saary $1.00 1tans Hel,' four of (hicaguls moat Saisift. one week's salary. $ 1 courageous and darînz detectîves are Çourt re porter, une weeks saîar y, tu he stationed In tise yards aI nlgist. DetctIvN COWoaa sthtiseS. Paul States attorney, Raipis J_ [Jdy, one rnad, Iu an Interview - th a Sun re- weeks saiary, $10.0. p71Iorer Tisureday morntstg. said: Asst. states attorney,E.M Run- -Nat a nigbt pass s ibut a-hat soma yard, une week's salary, $25.01). lune Is tisugged and rabhed. Women CountNu judge. one meeks salary. of tise village are atrald to sari- their 160.00 hontes atter daric. Cars are burglariz. Total, .1600. ed repeatedlY, sud te aorst gang of Raiis [Jdemas aruetist lsehold-up men and thugs of lise United e\p'-u-esoftise sates attorney, as-, States and Canada have passed eacis sîstant stat1-s attorney,- aherltt, and county judge siouhd nul he i-istei hi- cause ufthlie tact lisat tisey draiu tieir sa laries year lu ud year ouI, but $S46 lie waa apent lîy orrufthtis states attorneiy, and no fisanctal ne- tiru made iy a vernic tfgulttysud wuy of escape fron sci-nes ot robiser>', murder and assait. We will put a stop lu tiseir acta If It takes alaIn- uier. Tise St. Paul railruai sud tise .P are i-ach i-mpla4tqg two detactives whîo ai be stationed lu tise yards at nigitss 3B tr. Reitz, chu-f ietec- tise assesament ut a fine. i*' .ortrp,'J ,' and my5lf have s siu The tateq atorny l beig e i ioriers lu ths-i'men lu arnetsud rized s> usay for absentlng hissçî¶istoldi-cary mnuor youtis founi ou trunithlie cty ou a isahiug trip wiile tise company s rîgiti ut way. We are tisise lau cases were beiug tri-i. are building a -Ici-I cage lu our car leavlug tise work ut prusecotion , shops aItMillwasukee today, and Ibis hîs assistant, E.SM. Runyari d n. cage wiIi hi- shlppei ai once lu Rond- plaints Iavesuehi-n tade lisat atter out, wisere it will ha paced lu tise psttttng lise taxpayers ufthtie county to baggage roont Ever>' man caugist a big P xpense tisroug s scuring ai- tep.snc t iecipnspo> I-gi-i erideuce aguinst Laite couonîy erty, who cansîtîprove tisat he la liquor dealers, lise prosecutor s-eut on workiug su tise iclaity VIII hi- bah s scierai days' fishlng expedition to rsn i th clutISerf Seiterts lodge lu notisenu Wisconsin. GrIffu ni hi. deputies arriva. Tisai Hi- did nul returnu outi two outh tisetiy wlll be lrougist to Waukegan liquor cases hai hi-in irtasi, hotis ne- sud lodged in tise count>' jail. Va- turning luindfi-aIs for tiese 5151s a j grancy charges wtll hi- preterei torueys office. Taxpayars daclare agaînal tsi-m.'sud we will inast tisaI Ibat if tisa $5.000-a-year prosi-cutor tise>' h i- Irn troin thirty bu ninaty wisises îu go ou pli-saure jaunts ise I iays' imprîsoumenî luntisa couty bais- sisoaltisi-i-ct a tune s-heu lise peo i-O- ple*3 mneyla ot bingsqundeed Nine men were taiten from tise St. la truîtîess prosi-cution. Paul traits aI Pacific Juntiton isy Chi- ________________ cago detectives. pîainciothes men and SEEIÈ SULLI VAN, A FORMER LAKE COUNTY PROMOTER Is the Man Who Launched the Defunct RainbwM . Com- pany ofLbrt= le. Francis M. Sullivan, trustee lu fart>' estates for wldaws and orpisans ln tise FroasaI court uf Chicago, bas diaap- Piar-i ed bas tallai 10 account ton muni-y' ha mach tise widowa and orpisans alone eau tellI-estlmati-d aI $50.000. And lu addition te tise widows and urpisana scores utfislders of various stocka prointd hy hlm are anxiaus 10 hiarn bis wiereaboats. Tbey knew Suri Located Woman Who Was hlm as Fraunaist. Sulivan, a pro- Forced to Give Up Boy When muter. iii position as admmiitrator, con- Her Husband Died. servatur and guardian lu Probaba Tain-nI ire years ado Mmi. Mollie court estates devi-iopi- duing bis Graham. by ri-asenof thtie dealis of seientieun years uf seri-re as minute lier isaand. was torcai lo ut Itiselcler'î lu tisaIcourt. serhnies ut mtiseri> lovea ta honni, - WIilam Blger. an undertakar ai hi-rai-ltsud ounI>son. and gooua loto the wrii lu make litem living. Siel 217 Nortis Western avenue, Chicago, Intrust-d ltaeboy sud his ftlolutise -buse usine was foun enone nauai- cari- ut a cousin. 1 lîrau's bonis. was toani to hae une of Wisen NMma.Graisamnstuopai urerý eet( aSll&, and kIssed the chi-eka of tise pale ishe snany inteatu uSIla faceei mho'ue ai-pt long and iitter. stock aelling entanprises. Ha wua oue The mosi-r ieat was hri-akIng ton ufthtisastocitisldera ut tiseBalaise. i-hi- realized tisen bitsaahi- migisl nec- manuacuring comPany ai Libenty'. ir si-e tIti chili again. because se Vas gis ig a promise lu ni-lasse aven VîI e. a motters rigs Ian i unir atm fih@ Stockislders Seek Hlm. gave tIe chili la a cousin lu ear sud 'I am looking tonrbise genttemnn7 educute. Ste prurnisei ni-ver 10 in. mysi-It. sud tisane are a lot et thers t-rfi-eeunrtaka tise chili trom liemruli- me," sii Bolgar. 'Ha guI :a lot (Continuei on page thie..) ut wldows in on tise Rainow, n. in ralîrusi ieetiî'es. tise nlght Chsarui-s .Mayars was hi-sIen nigis unto i-aIs. Tisei-nine men have beau brougist te Waukegan. Toda>' Plice Magistrate Taylor seau- teucai tisim lu tise nount>' alauon a vagrane>' charge. Tisa>' .lii haheud prison-ra util sucis a trne as Charles Mayars bas sufficlanti>' racoverei. sud la ahi- [oci-wthisam. Tisa Cisiago detactives belera tisat tise Msyers assalianta are lunlise number arresi- ai. Tise nine men arresîsi: ,01KE SIRVOSH. age 16 yeara, Ans- trian: slngl-: laborer, EDWARI) PARES. age 19 yesrs, Eug- Ilias: single: bromm-iaker. CHARLfflS \AC1HT, agi- 18yeasa German; singe: ciericai worit. WILLIAN E. BOND, agi- 41 years. Austrian; single; laisorer. JOHN BUTRKE, age 40 years, uIris; single: laisorer. CHARLEO SMIiTH, age 23, Irîis; wiiower. emloye of cauning tac- tory. EDWARD PARICINS, agi- 20 yeara. aingli- autIo mecisalc, bupaiesse releierabip, and 1 wouud Ilie lu la> utu handa on Mmr. Sullivan tis miaule. "1-1w mois sýtock waososldinluthie Ralsbow Colitpasiy?" he Vas askei. "It waa organizai as a $100.000 stock couisati> aud. I bell-eehi-minu agi-i tu dispose cf about $25.01)0 sortis ut tiasaiad Boger. Followiug tise shutduwn ofthtsi- ain- how manutarturing plaat, whlcb waa -a~~,od--vn-i-euout feather dualers snd wual sweaters, Sullivau oganizei a $5,000 couiauy knuwa as tise Sian- non Sport Gooda abap. SCORES MINIS WITNESS; Ai TED DRINKIP Mvan Who Says He Admits He Is Kr 'Anheuser Bu TER ,DMIT= «i BEER Is Minister nowfl as isch.' KOETH CASE GOES TO JURY. Defense Declares That Detect- ives Who Testified Purchas- ed Only 'Near Beer.' Waukegan, July 9. BULLETIN. KO ETH NOT GLIiLTY. Score anoiher defeat for the states attorney!t At 3 oclock this afternoon thse jury n thse case of George Koetis return- ed a verdict of "flot guilty.' Thsis fol- iowed a rather long dellberation an the case was given into tise hands of the jury at 12:20 p. m. On the firit vote thse jury. stood 7 to 5 for acquit- tai1. On subsequtnt ballots the vote shiftedi several tîme until il staod 10 la 2 . Two of tise j urors stuck for a long time until finally bath of thern were won over on th eiast ballot. One of tise th inga that is said ta have in- fluenced tise jury In returning a ver- dict of net gulty was that the wit- nesco testifled lmply that they had asked for a 'cold bottie' at tihel<oetis p lace. This a tise second oi tise liquor cases tisat have been tried tiis terrni, and in both cases the verdict was tise sanie. Rheinald Muencis was acquit. ted of a simlar charge Thursday. Bath cases were signal vctories for Attorneys George Field and Alfred Tompkins. particularly tise former. Rev. Harry Armstrong, wiso la said lu have admitted that hi- sometimes le known as "Rer. Aniseuser Busch," and whô was une of tise witneases put ou by tise âate lu tise case against George Kuetis ut Fox Lae, wiso la cisarged witis baving aohd liquor ou Sunday. was scored itterly by Rev. Alfred coannuI for Koelis. lu bis closing statensenta tu tise jury sortly hifore noon today. It seema tisât Armstrong ln bis tas- timoîty had declared ha was a reg- ularly ordained Baptlat mînister and said tisat wben hi- Was net angaged lu anti-saloon Investigation work ha occupi-d lise Baptiat pulpll at Decat- ur. Ill. Hi- admilted utfisaving gone mbt tise Koeth saloon at Fox Lake- where ha asys hi- purcised and dranit bei-r. Hi- said ha always drauk hi-ir while on titise Investigation trips but dld neot Indîîlge when nlot i-ngagi-dlunitis Une ut work. Attorni-y TompklnB declared to titi jury tisatIif Armstrong waa a mîntter and silîl drank hi-ar, etc.. tisat hi- must havi- aunk pritty lew te degrade bis calling. Ha said If this "as fra. tisat 100 mucis credeuce must net be gir-n bis teatimony. Tise ulier wttesses put on by tise stale weri- A. G. Avery sud Fred Armstrong. They testitied utfisavlng gone Jo is e Kuetit place and as(ed for a 'cold hottli.' Tiey testifled that wisat tsi-y reci-ired waa hi-ar. Kai-ti, bis wife and hartender took tise stand sud admitled tisaitishe men isad bei-n tiser- but di-clarad tisat al tsi-y iad hi-en servi-i was "near bear" as tisey sai tisey would not vloiatis titi law b> silling hear on Sunday. Tisree bottles ot this "ni-ar beer" wera introduci-d lu evidenca and occuplie a cunapicuous place wisare tise> couli les i-en hy tise jury. Attorne-ys laid and Tampktns at- tacked tisa abilit>' I tise psud detect- Ives ta tell bei-r Mply by smeiiing tisa bottlaor taking a ivalia. of Il Tise> also attacked tisai on tise ground tiut tiseïr stirles bai flot agreed In important parts. WAS iRA VES maC TIN Of SUICIDE'9 VERDICTIS OPEN Some of Grave's Friends Insist That Wealthy Man May Haye Met Foui Play. Wsukegan. Juiy 9. TsItise 1nquest aven thse r.- maiîns of Fnank P. Graves, mil- lionsîre re@îdent of Foeset wisa dlsd as toise sult of a builet wound In hl:s temple, may be ne- apened aetishe end of s week, was tise admission made today by Dep- uty Coroner Cannai, wisa pretlded over tise inquest. Mn. Conrad la satlsfled ln isl» awn mini tisat Graves coninitted suicide and ha sn nat satisfled nt tise 1openi' ver- dict sumgeting possible niundar wisich was neturned by tise cor- oner's jury. Mr. Cunrad hai a consultation this morulng wltis States Attorney Dady as a resait o which a ini- ut action was mnappei ouIt. Tisrough tise state's aUorney'a office a ltter .111 ha sent lu lise Colts Stfanutacturlng company ut Hartford, Cana., ma'iers afthtis 25 calibre autamatic revolver from whleh tise tatal hulait waa fired. Tisa nimnber pf tise revolver. 116,139, w111 bo gir-n n tlu le utter and tise officiais (Continuai on page tisi-e.) Trucker at American Steel and Wire Company Plant Died of Shock Says Doctor. Waukegan, J0î'.l;. Marders Garogian sllpped wblle pusising a truck load of wire up a loadlng platform a"t thse American Steel and Wire Company plant late Monday afternoon and was cru shed bet-ween tis. truck Ioad of wlre and a box car on a sidtng. Garoogian dled of shock ait he Jane McAlister hospital two hours after the accident. He "a sligbtly Injured, and accord- Ing to nurses at thse iospital and thse conipany's physician, the injured man died of s@bock. An inqVet wili be held over thse remainsa t thse Conrad and Wetzei undertaking pariors at seven o'ciock Tuesday nigbt. Eldward Conrad, dep- uty coroner, who la the absence )f Coroner Taylor from the county. la officlatlng as chlet coroner, will pre- aide at the Inquest. A number of truekers wiso witnessed the accident have been subpoenaed and wili testi- ty before thse jury. Ouring thse past few days two or three workmen have met wlth Injury at the plant and have been given attention aI the company's 0w n hospital. AIIORNEY fiENERAL ACKNOWLEDfiES REz CEIPT OF TAX FUND In Letter Reoeîved Today Hef Tells of Getting Westerfieîd Check for Fees. Attorney Alec F. Beaubien, repri-- senting former County Tri-saurer Cari P. Westerfdeld, Ioda> racivai a lat-1 ter rm P. J. Lucey, attorney gi- eral ofthe tiebate, lu wich ha acknowl- edged tise recelpt of $7573.90 from Westerlti-Id as commissions ha bai retalned on Inharitance taxas. The latter foîiows: Springfield, Ill., JuIy 7, 1915. Mr. A. P. Beaublen, Waukagan. Illinois. Dear Sir: 1 ac'coowli-dgi- receipt ut your Communication encloaing s chseckt drawn by Cari P. Westi-rfii-Id on lise Sicurlty SavIngs Bank of Wsnkegau. Illin»la, ps.yable ta tise unrdrufthe tieaat- treaearar. lu tise smoin ut7575.90, on accont of com- missions ratainai hy Mr. Wffterfteld durng bis ofibria te-rma as count>' tri-surer ot La7e coanty. I bava tiis day deposlted saad checkt witi tise audîbur of public ancouni, wiso will tans saine uver luetise state treasurer and a receipt wiIî ha Malsi lu Mr. MWesti-rfil ln15due ii»e. V'ery raspecifulîy, P. J. LUCET, Attorney General. A few isys agu Mr. Westerfield an- nounicad tisat ha was going ta tumr lise Iniseritance tax tees over te tise stale and tise leiter tramntise attorney general shoaws ise bas Sept bis word. Mr. Westeriel-d bas contenu-i al along tisat ha wouid turu tisa mon.>' uver to tise state wben ha was sbown tisai t id notthsîaisg te hlm. deepite tise tact that bts predeceasors aIrsyO ki-ptItl as a perequestscof tisa office. Mer. Westerfield still bas Intact ln tise banS tise oney ha retainsi on the Intersst of money deposited. Tis case ls betore lthe appeilabe court for decision. Ha bas announced thsai ha merel>' wishese tahi-sure ut bis graund hi-fore hi- turns tise mous> uver. This la ait tisat bas pravented hlm tram doing suep uP tiste pressai lime, ha saya. AUTO TURTLED AT FOOT Of HILL, NEAR_.IN4iLESIDE Victor Poiakuw, r-ai estate man aI 100 Souths Diarborn street. Chicago. sîîffered seins InternalIinjurie« and was hruisei and cut about tise loe and body when tise autonnoblie ha was irivlng tornna turtîs aitishe foot ut s billni-ar tise Ingeside acisaul- bouse at Ingleside, Ill. A. E. Funms- galy.maître d'isotleaitise Motel Siserman, who was a passenger ln tise car, sustained a fracture ut tise mtgit fout. Attorne-ys beou A. Benznia'c and Samuel Grossinan. wis wre aise lu tise car. eacaped Iniir>'. Tise car wss going down tise bill about twelve miles an heur, accord- ing te Berezulait, wbau il strucit a rut and was ovi-turned. AI: butl*Ir. Poisskow were tisrown cear ofthtis wreckage. STRIKE OIL ON KEELEY FARM AT LIIIERTY VILLE FLUID WAS DISCOVERED7O- A FARM AT LIBERTYVILLE IN RATHER PLENTIFUL QUANTITIES WHEN WELL 15 DUG-SEVERAL MORE WELLS WILL BE DUO ON THE AD VICE 0F A CHICA- GO CHEMIST-LOCATED ON LAND OWNED BY VICE PRESIDENT 0F ST. PAUL RAILROAD. Fortune pitier tavora E. S. Keeier, who bolds thse responsible position of vice president of tise Chicago, Miiwau- kee & St. Paul railroad, or else ha l.a a nuourare Judgment, leen busi- ness principles. and of sufficient capi- tal to pusis a promiaing enterprise. for on Frtday ot last week oit waa struck an bis farm at IÀhertyvilie. Tise vice president of tise St. Paul was flot drillisng for oil wben tise Im- portant discovery was made. 011 wa round loatlng on 5-ater which was being pumped f rom wbat men of tise farm note as a spring. Since tise discovery of oit at the fer., Mr. Keiey bas isad noted Chl- cago cisemiats visit iis farm, and fe lowIng an analysia of tise oit taken fros tise water. tisey bave advised hum toainake a dril for cil. Whether or flot ise will foiiow tiseir adyle la not known. but f rom a secret soufce tise Sun learus tisat tise discovery ot oil on the farin wil cause an advsace in price in tarni lands ln tA*e cou-ý iy tram tirty t.a fkfty per cent Dur- lug the past feiw montha no less thsa 1,000 acres of fatamland wltin a fe'W miles of Waukegan bave been sold für exisarbitant prices. As farming lani. Uwfflld be imnosible for naini fa' reap a harvest cf corn% whéat, 7 lsay, atraw or sny other %aM Psodt« aufficient ta pay Intereet on may invested. Thse question la now 00ft- frouting tise fermer wiso la dePeUdlug on the u toilbfhi banda, and thse fEr- tile soils of his poesesain o 0reap or hlm a living and a 8218,11profit f«, use in old aga-Tise qua.tlc@r-1f8Y renowned chemist» made a dbmovEry tisat wiilI ncrease tise value ce Leke county lands two or tisreefoid? if tiis question la answered lia the negativet Lake countY faMers atm destred by thse waaithy cf ChOsse mereiy for summer bomee, vith A possible source of increed divi- dends. Howevar no incsas. lia LAkecou«- ty ferme bas heen made since thse u-. portant announcemeut af cii bat« round. Cheistet clati» tisat If. Ott bua been found, it will be but a %W montisa before coul veina wIn be round, and tisat Ciicago are long mur use coal taken trontishe lands OC Lake county. Severai yearsago 0it was i5POitO< tbat ail badiseen diseoveftd OU a farm near Highland Park. Tis. Au- nouncemeut of tise dlsovY iswa made, and cilicetisât time no cuber statement basboeen made bY thse cvi- Juat ho. much cedeum la" county faraters can tame lint tse stet.- ment tisat faim landesra» ocht be- cause of tiseir ci wealtts ia Ont kdQ.w% but Important developmeisteanar 5- pected vitisin a very te. isys. INSANE WOMAN SENT TO THE LAKE COUNTYIHOSPITAL Waukegan, July 1i. Three moulhs afler isaving been judged insane hy a jury in the couity court. Mirs. %osslowsky, a Waukegi iresident. wa' ordered sent hack 60 - îWaukegsu isy auttiritiee of th ise a satli insane asYluin. Tise woman's condition during he« residance at tise asyiU u w0""it improved sud tise doctors tiser. vre ur te opinion stiat se cash promue -recari-at tise Lake confltY emere liospital during confinement tissa88 1 te eInstitution. Ni rs. NMosslowsky, wbose buabanfir. -ides at 51.2 Souths Utica atret. VUS brougist ta Waukegan SaturdaY aMi Is 150w a patient aîtishe couuty bon&i tei. 1 Tise Independent teeda* i _ l~i 1 1

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