Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Jul 1915, p. 3

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LUM1BER, FEED andiCOAL SALT MIME BRICK TILE SEWIIR PIPE W. F. FRANZEN, 'JR. Telephone No. 50 Libertyville, Mfinou' I iuus::suus s pmbsusgms::uu:hbsmzS.: t TUE -IYRIC REý1AURANT Undor New Management-LIONEL BULL., Prop. Speclal Sundaq lChicken Dinners HOME COOKD(G EARLY BREAKFASTB HOME MADE FIES LAT£ SUPPERS a specialty Parties and Danoes Catered. to AUl of the leading lUnes of Cigarn Greening's Big Nurseries Monroe, Mich. 1500 Acres 10,000,000 Trees Shrube and Plantse ALL NORTHERN GROWN Tret's you eau trumt tru.. tu rnarn Are hrd! Trei," are whoie rouit ai griw tir@ L lae.' fruit. ;TiePl- iig tree.s are eit,'noîvt-ly' 2ri)wtthrougiioit i ai'- i.uritY. lerfeetly hardy, fll i(Af iP. PFTI-> BOCK, A(11ýyu ------- -Phono 192-J -----Libertyville, 111.- i>'r fhne tv. mm-tt awl %% h tmi"trie 1rea-1 l i. rami1 'Worthi ii:.~ for., u it %ou d i t la%.c-0v. ait. tOumr laking ut done itin ar lliantitiem auia t reLumlar Iitrrs. hei ,..W 4îufr Llitrt' vi1lv tire'. i iiext 1111 oumiii"nb-ifruttiNsur griir..r, mmm geii t mei dalit aItie b o e u tt i et Iread niaie t i LIBEIRTYVILLIE BIKIEIR.Y FRED JOCHHEIN, Prop. 1H. C. Burridge & Son - Nur-sery. Stockil TRANSPLANTED- (Jabbage, Cauliflower =___ and Tomato Plants. BOSTON FERN8 in several sizes Fairholm Garden& Dymond Roai HARDY PERENNIELS for autumnn Phone 1 02-R Libertyjille, lit. WHY NOT BUY YOUR NURSERY STOCK :FROM THE KALAMAZOo NURSERIES (4oîd ..hare otf our bîîsiîîes mmîîît'-'froi old ct. -r ltm-;soînittof thteîîilia% mehotghit mof îus for years. 'l liat speaks weil oifounr products, dozrft it. Bpttemr have our agent cati anid talk it over. anîd reîîîemher Kalamnazoti growu îtwaus QLALITY. F. W. SCHLCKER, Agent Phone 236-R Libertyvillo, IIL FRIDAY, JUIY 16, Liberty Theatre THE SPOILERS ra e rmtu book lv Rt- Buaeh, at)rv of X.akan Lif'e îi tee- ad po' cdl y bthe ;g Poloa ope Lo."Ftaturing Titommas Sanchi, Wililiatm j"arnuni. M\iss Katltlyn W'iljiatu.simnd Bt-saiet- omn, Matinee at 3 o'clook. Evening, first show 7 P. M. sharp. Second show 9:30 p. nm. Admission: Adulte 25c, Children 15C. Tuesdayj, Julu 20--UIEARTS ini EXILE A @tory of LI.fe in Rsia a'i j "iiera in 55 m-t-ml. Featuring ti!ý noted screen mtress" Clara hîmbuill N c ig . Alieti10 cets.t wASIIAES Vi TIN 0F SUICIDE; VERDICTIS OPEN ~trniudProm Page Ont-) viii he askt-d 10 gise tht- name of the dealer 10 vbom the gun was gotd. It la boped ln Ibis manner t0 lt-arn .Who purcbaaed tht- gun. If Graves purchased il imself il is hought Ibis yull clear tht- mysters'. for several best ied thal ha neyer had possesst-d a gun. 2M. Conrad admllled aisea Iat be anmd tht- state's attorney wish te work %long anather Unlt-,he debails of vhich he dot-sflot cane t0 give out ai tht- presen t lime, Ht- says bowver. thal If this inq uiry burns out the way be bhtnks fitwIl. a possible motive for tht- suicide wlil have bt-en esbabllgb- t-d. A pe-rmit vas leeued to tht-Lakte Fort-st undertaker Iodas' ta bury tlie body of Graves. An open verdict vas relum-ned Thursday nigit hy tht- coroneres jury vbich mvestIgated the daatb of Frank t Graves, preideol of the Nom-tb araleaLand campany. vimo vas found in tht- garage ln tht-rt-ar of bis Lake Portet home t-arly ln tht- morning with a bullet In bis brain. Ot-puty Coroner Conrad, vimo con- ducted tht- InquetsI sait! bc would ask Statesa Attorne-y Dady te malte a fur- tht-r Investigation. This vae afber two of tht- Jurorn had said tht-y were satliled Mtr. Gravs died by hI, ovri haîmd.Tht- Jurons explilnet-hey iad acîtuiesced In tht- opemn verrdlct aI tht- rt-ouest of Iheir fuour cotteagimes. Ibret- ot whom were nelgimbors of tht- Graves famlly and tht- fourth an intimat- triend of NMm- Graves, Business Worries Reported. Athougiî Srs. Graves Inheritt-d a goud share of tht- fortune of ber father, thme lte Andrew ('raraford, toumder ut tht- Grahmamo and Muorton take tînt-, il waa said biat )Ir. Gras t- of late bad bt-en iifrtunate in a number of business vent'.rt-s. Tht-se rt-mses tratsoublt-d rath a uit-mtaI stress rt-suItine frum ut -rraork. are citm'd hv soute as a posible suicide motiv e Oltt-veture in whiciî Mm. Graves i.3 sald to haut- loti heavlly was tht- Edgt-'.at-r i'ompany, rabicti he orcan- ict'd and flhanet il and of s huch hc was president. Club in Sand Dunes. Oni a tract of 151) acres of barren sand vaste at tht- nom-bm limita of S1t- Joaepi'. purchased for a tee' hundrt-i dollars, Mtr. Graves bad aPent more than $50,000mtmla mprovemieols. Some of the tashionahie familles or tht- middle s-est wr-t-attracted toelime m-tsort, but froni thet-ntrl l was a disatpointmnrt flnancially 10 ils cme- ator. Lives Until Neariy Noun. Mr. Graves Na, unconscious wben his gardent-r, entering tht- garage at 7:55 octock, stumbied over bis body. Ht- tved until laIe ln tht- forenoon, buit did not rt-gain consclousness. At Sîfr. Graves' ede vas found an automatic pistol. tram which a single hoimlet had bt-en flred. Or. B .N. Paromenter, health offilcer ut Lake Fort-st, attended-d 'tr. Grave, and directt-d bis m-tmoral to tht- Alice Home hoapital, wht-re ha died ab 11:35 o'ctock- Dr. Parmenter admibbed he pub tht- piatol lu bis pocket and did not .1 a'iot hiasîng tound il uniî luter iu tht- day. Sest-ml witneass t thelinquesb tetsified 'tr. Graves iad bt-en in good spirits and excellent beatth. But Richard C. ('ras tord, a hrother-in-law. w.hase homet-Is ln Highland Park, sald he bm'teved SMr. Graves bad made himat-If 111 by boa close application te bis '.arioua businesses. Neighborg on Jury. Tht- Inqut-at was opened ai 7 o'- clock ln tht- evenlng. Tht- neighbors on tht- Jury vert- H. B. Clov. tht- fore- mari, Andrew MeNally, and E. N. Samuel. Another juror Nas8 B. 1). Butter of Highland Park. a close friend of NIr. Graves. Tht-st-vert- tht- jurors vimo, accomding 10 the- other two---avmd A. Hutton of Wfaultegan, and Henry Herman, a Lake Fort-st vorklng, man-wt-re responsible for tht- open verdict. Btfore tht- wibnt-ste vert- cait-d, Richard C. Crawford had advanced hi, Own theory, 't cant ate any chance that Mm. Graves va, murdt-red," be said. "Il inight bhave bt-tn an accident or sui- eide. H-e had bt-tn overvarking him- stl." Gardemer the Fini Wlitneg. Chart-s A. Long. tht- gardent-r. vas thme Sm-t witness at tht- inqutet. lit- told of fSnding Mm. Graves. "I bad 1est my key 10 tht- basement of tht- bouse sud I svant ta lbe garage te borav another troua Tony Jobgb. tht- chauffeur. Belveen tht- gas car aîîd tht- etectric tsaav a body.'1 lbaught it vas Tony and 1 ran to tht- bouse and sald1Tns' bad sahot hinsëlf. Then, with others, I retumin- ed and found t Na, flot Tony. but Mm. Graves. 'Ht- vas lying face down vitb bis armas slmetcbed ouI. Ht- vas in bis paJamas and wore bis dressIng gown and hath stîppers. 1 ran acroas tht- sbreet and gol Dr. Parmnenter." Didn't Hear Shot. "I havent at-t-oMm. Graves since yeslerday morning eibhem-." said Jobst. tht- next vift-,s. "I«tt-t-ep on tht- sec- ond fluor of tht- garagt-, but t didn't ht-ar any aboIs. Il wan't nobil Long calle'd me thal 1 knew what bad hap- pened. t gol the Alice Home bospi- tsi on thet- I-Itphoot- sudasaked fer an ambulance. Or. Parmenier told me be do that. I neyer saw tht- pistol be- fore and never 'cnt-v Mr. Graves te hase ont." Never Knew Hlm te Own Gun. Richard Crawford. who Is a pub- hIshers' agent and whose home tg at 414 Surf street, tottowed Jobst on tht- shu,,' ho rePled. 'Thege are bard *~1S ~eeut** Dr. Parmenter teetiled the bullet had entered the right aide of Mr. jj~1 Graves' head about an inch atov the WAS ARRAIUPqEI IN WEEK IN COUNTY oahdpse truhtebnt 0etad f the bead. COURT HEIRE TODAY TOTALLE» 5,2 "There vas aigo a lump on the aide of the bead," be sal.t"fil mighî _____ have bteu made iln the- fait t1 had C 5fr Gave tkentotht h-ipta, Chtarles Smith Who Was PIac- Indications Are That Business d 1 ot notify the police" ed Upon His Honor Not to Is Picking Up and Loans "Why didn't You le-t the- poliýce RnA a etTut r nraig knaw?" aaked the dernuty coroner., u wyKp rst r nraig "Wae il because tht- case loo'ed te____ yeu m ore like suicide than murder?" Waukegan, July 10. Buiness of tht- recorders office -'Yes, air. That 19 why.2- hre ýlh hre na I frtewe nigJ 0 95 The jury vas out onty four min- CUisSi h iire n l-.. rt N we nin uy10 95 Utes. In tbat brile timp It reached dictment with hurglary and self'co. umber of transfers, 76. tet olowing verdict' victed of lime charge. ilhowe today Nuiber of banns. 24. d .Frank P. Graves came t0 bis that he la a man of his word. A few Total number of Instruments filed death tram a gunahot wound lu the weeaowe ewsarindl rigbt aide of the bead. said abat ht- weeaowe eNarindi 10 ing fm-ad by a hand îînknown, the court on a charge of having commit- Total amount oft bans, $55,125. body being fonnd ln tht- garage at ted a burglary at Grsysiake, he plead- Business bas imbegun lu pick up and bis home." ed guilîy to the charge. He was loans are ImprovIng. Hutton and Hermami Nere the only found te be suftering of a dangerous Highland Park again figure- in some verdrict wre.lin dsus h maatold abscess. t'ounty Physician interesting deals. Henry W. Boyd "Mr-. Butler vag ln a hurrv te catch Bro who vas aummaned declared bought framt Virgulia [R. Ifet-a100 feet a train," said Hutton. that an immediate operation was nec. frontage on Prospect avenue, nm'sr "Are you satiefied v.ith the ver- es dict?" be wvsag sked esr> If the lite of the teiiow was Dale avenue for a nominal couaider- Suicide, Huttores Opinion. te be saved. Ht- said the telio-w ation and Marion Carr bought front "I personally vas of the- opinion." might die baside of 48 beurs unlegi Mrs. Ives a 50-foot lot on Prospect repiied tbe jurer, "that %Ir. Graves the operation was performed. avenue Walter H. Baldwin hough commilted suicide. Tht- others were JâeEwrd1akdwthtt e- rmMhotCr o nmnlcn friand,, and neigbbors and were ln u deEwrstle thteflfr M ioCa oranmalc- the majority. Herman took the same iow. He told hlmn he w,, going ta sidleration a lot en Prospect avenue. viev 1 did, but wbal coîîid we do? place hlm upon bis honor not te run Signa Llndbahl bougblt ram Mar- The regt insinted an ai oupen verdict. away and wae goiog 1e senti bim te th" Zimmerman a lot on Sheridan Tht-y said lit vould mîake things the Lake county ganeral hospîtal go road and St. John's a'.etnue for a nom- easier for the family." nlc8ieao. MNrs. Graves was one' of the fiv that tht- operation could be perform- mlcniealn children of tbe latt- Aidrm'w Craw- ed. During the time Stmitb bas been, Herbert R. and Leura D. Smith ford. Ht-r sbare of flic fortune ha@ at tht- hospital he made no1tbe bougbb front Mary H. Kit-sa a lot on ht-tn estimated et mort- iat $1.000.- siightest effort 10 escape.îe Linden avenue ct-ar L.incoln aventue 000. fore w250 not under t-sen time siightest restreint. fo $,20 Today Dr. Brown said tht- feîîow was1 I Highwood William Herbe'rt John- CONRlAD W LRE Weil enough te be sentenced. le tFou bougbt part of lot 4. Bentlt-y's vas taken to tht- ooîîrt room and at-n. 1f"dvso nNrhadHgwo tt-nied te an indeterminate at-ntence aeusfotLwsA es o OPEN INQ EST IN 0f from ne i t- 0 tn yers in prison. nomîial consideration. FTh~ A e ~court ga veInstructions for tt t -1InSidu-townshipîlar. E.ame irisonti u drc'ss tht- prisoners mwouud. Gîr-ctn lia., mari acres mn section 8, Ldward tunnînghanî of X%*au 'iegan fronitiChicago Tîtte, & Trimat Company Announcement Made Today wowa nit, nacag f1franmnlcnieain Following Additional Evi- siiooting Ret-. Vi-nerable Olve tîmes In .Aiîtioch Elizabeth A. Smith denceBeingUnearhed. with a revolver, pieaded "neot gultîy" bougiîî i lot omn the- Chiannelt Lake rosit denceBein Unerthe. totht- charge. iHis Ibond, were letflnvillage 0f Amtiocli front Ida tD. Rog- DéptyCorne E(%l- t-1Coradde at $,,lieHt- s represented by At- tr, for a nominal consideration. clan-il this morning tht- le intends 10 ney Porter, a colored tawyer troni vision f49lt ou tooanLew nusec- re-opn th inqust i the ase hicago. It ie understood that Cun-1vsoof4lisn o Lklnec1 reoe h iqta iitt aeof tion 21. Frank P. Gras-es. th(, l% althy Lakc' ninghanî wiil put-ad tht- unwrltten liv In Newiport tow'nship, Peter Sween- Fort-st mao who was foii'.c dying lu la bis detense. 1t-v bougimi tht- Adamo Fischer farm iu bisi garage Wednesda'. morniing ani John Zan, who ls charged wt a-'$, s'.ho dit-d a fev hours latt-r as tht- . n rknlt rih car, was Io suit of a bultet bote in bis temple. iarralgnt-d lu court this morning and l rmn onhpBr .9 't cant tell tht- exact late when 1, pleaded "nol guity' bo tht- charge. 1 rmn onai eIE .ýâI r-oen he nqest" b sld e- Attorney Beaubien made a moio Oi3-en t'.('rt-go bought froni Robert say,"utl r- pen the iqut-st, e sdp u b- mo nicuen ga t Cli C etniand Lt-roy E. Hughmes for a day,"butil roba's he nsi e ste inuttemotîion wsb Carlnommnai consideration 182 acres ln ef a wee'i. I bave Th'.nd additional et-fel ush-moinwso ecton30 tacts polnllng to siiîtuich 1tet-l ruled. Incimon twshpAfrdS Bno ahould ut- hrougbt oulin i'.'.,wv ortht- I ougimt 3 ciiin t-ast haIt north- opuen serdict relum-ned !..tht-jury." M OTesv.t-se.tctionri ýfrontoMary D. Paynt- Mr.Conad nd tat*,, Atorey IIIDS OT-ERfor$610 l)ady Nere calied bu take Fort-st lte u fC N ~ fiLiberlývilIt- Freda M.rdlitjrt Fridas' afternoon bý a plece of t-ai- lHE LOSTINi I ) bougbmtmIme Lippîncott properit' on lis' iarhp h he tLake F'oresbt E lirqt atreet for police. Tht- officiais had bt-tn con- In Waukegan Mrs. itargaret S. dcigan inv.estigation in tht- garage EARL' 't4dIILDIU'J ono. ogt rmoTedoeH where NIr. Gra'.es' body was found l)*for a nouminal considieration tht- and tht-y msioiýrc-d a bullt lboe ln (CooUonuedProm Page_00e) ric-k store building on Marion 1treet a 10x12 plt-cm of glass ln the rt-ar of cous. Alta rnie 5s-ar,!and Browning avenue. the~~~~~~ gaae îo trepycrrd ago n a amati sillage ln nort hern Minuit- May hougbî a 30-foot lot on was found or the- fluor of tht- garage. Wisconsin. C Walniit street mitar Parier street fromo Mr. Conr ad ru-svtd tht- iant-of 0r. Grahamo sent directfyr1$1,200. glass ver: carefi-flly, marimrng tht- aide cego, here she procured wark adAno-G---e fr8120 hi tabe tPtarn sufficient mote- to Enil C, Tews bougbt front tht- Wîî- thathadfac-d ht- nsie. ht- provid e ltrat-lt rith food and ctoth- liant. Shorn'.an t-utatt- a lot an Bel- lt bad eut a '.lm an hotd lbrough the lng. s idere streei setatof Powell avemnue Pane but fragments aof the glass had Oceasionatty aime receised a re'tteri been broken alvi on the outsîde. Tht-i tellng of tht- boys beatth and physl- for $800. -- ical conditioni. A fev years passed. Tht- certificatet of Incorporation of deputy coront-r saav ibisIs la R posi Tht- cousin to wbont Mrs. Grahami bad the Rubins' department store wa, filed proof that tht- shot rahlch penetrated 1ntusehtr boy lt-flttle village. Ssturday, showing ils capital etack ta l was ired front tht- baside rathler Thtolter wting ceased-and tht- than tht- outside boy was made te betieve that bis be $50,000. On te niht o th Inqest ir.momber had foilowed ltus tather to tht- On tt- ightcf ht- nctmeatWr.grave. F R D C Cna se httht- empty car- Last rat-tk tht- son, Eart W. Graham, E T V lridge which iiad ht-tn extracled front who i l ow art-ident of Round Lake, F RES RE ERV the rvolvr be rodued. Tis es-olvt-d.10 make a wortd-wide searchi tht- reolvtefluormoduhe.gThase. for hîsamther or some trace of ber. jTO BE FSTAR toud mn tt- mmsr o th- grag.'t Grahamo was of tht- opinion that aihe A LSI empiy cartridge wae fouod on tht- Isoived to make a search. and i vasi 01mtlrda tatttohrsaliigbtlvnoreaee- IN LAKE C .S O floor. - is inttention te place a tombetone ov- vasa nw gn ad tam on- tr tht- mothers grave In case be i '«nIht at aves iIre ad o1t-smtco"flnd that site bad crossed loto tht- As a resîmît of Professer J. W. Tou- vicdta rvsfrdoeso egmt-at beyond. meY's taltk10 the Garden, Club of I11h- make sure tht- con vas ln worklng So Graham,. hy tht- light ot a kero- nais lant nigbt at Lake Farast a move- order. Tht-n he placed lthe gun sent- lamp. ont- night last week pt- ment bas beeu started by the clah te ned a requtet ta several newspapers, set aIde soame part of the uortb ghore against tht- ide of is bead and Pull- asking that tht-y aid himlm bhis search wbbviih asanA teLk ed the triggtr-' he said. "Il Juet bap- for bis mother. The boys appt-aI vas Icunty Ebeio wn asg herLak pans thal tht- con was polntt-d tovard trinted in the Chicago American and PratYFes r uey ereclrob tht- wjndow tht- first lime." tht- Waukegan Daily Sun. nli'asrY School of Tale University pTed n heeun r tea. HaleSnes- and sîoke as a practical fart-star. He As yt M. Cnra ba ne ]Prnel pintd l Th Su Mr. Hlli Snes-praleed tbe club vomen for Ibeir In- tram tht- Colt StlanufacturIng cenm- hy, wbo resides at 1046 Grand avenue.,eeîb readcmhmne pany and dot-s not knov aStlciatly vimo îelephoned Tht- Sun that she was a frn ntes n opmne il was that îurchased the gun tha', peroonal frlt-nd of trMm- Mollie Gra- tbem on tht- tact Ihat La 1e Forest haut; that shte rasa living anid in t-: bas a cils' fort-star, I et-wkn vas used atthougb a Chicago paperl cellent heaith and that if Hart Gra- up ta beimpotanpeoflonerv ation" ibis morning dectared a n t-stiga. hami would cone teWaukegan hhe Pite Imp "1otnceyfosaration."c lion had shosît that Graves purchas- woutd he alle 1 obtain bis Mothér', point of"vitw, bu front an eonomic Pd tht- revolvetr fromt A. G. Alford and address. eitandoÏntas e i,'fotaneooi Company of Bialtimore on June 2 At 'S o'clock titis morning a Sun re- HtnPta s el- 21porter sîîcceeded in locatlng Graham jviîhhowed piclures of great forets Conrd epecs t oorobrat ths i i, fain earRoud Lke.!ththe btes praclically untouched, Cord xuttu o orooat hs n an na Rud1ae and tht-n he sbowed tht- saute wood- statement before tht- inqut-aet is re- "Art- 5ou tht- young tman wbo la. lands agafo. atter thet- tber had opened. st-arclîmng for 'bis oîotht-r?" queried bt-tn cul-acres and acres of rolting _______________ TueSu may i siumPs, mite, of land laid vaste, 't erminy si.Hav so as' oo "Tht- mot- who did Ibis." he said. LAND 26-POUND MUSKY t-w s for me*' faimly shomted the "boit no care ln their butcbery. Tht-y yong man lnto thet elephone. l-ln edtes h- tne oh NEAR SEIFERT RESORT. t"Cornet- 'uea n h ulf ose rete lne oh tiîoog lie curtsy f Oit-0f l le ake tht- place 0f Ibat vbieb throgh he curtsy f on ofItstht-y renoved. Tht- people vbo had Circuit Judet- Claire Edwards and ubscribers, wlll give you your moth- bte iig na h-t euiu State's Attornmey Dady returned home' er'iu address. Site is alve sud ln good gr tee mlvngd aav hen e atiber Tbursday niglt'fromo a five days' fS ah- htaltb,' anîarered lIme reporter. grolsr h aadn-bvn t.hedte Ing- brip li AISefrt's rt-sort ln "Tlmank GodI III bes in Waukndgan nomth-rn't'isoîsin Tt-yhrugh tt-ore 3 o'clock said he. A 3 'clocki condition or tht- place bt-came mor-e about se'. -it>i five pounde of fit-t'., tiis afberoom a conference was ht-Id desotate stîlI. amang tht-m bt-tc a bventY-six Pound bttween tht- boy and tht- woman m'ho "Tht- Unite-d States has dont- muci' muskallonge. Tht-y aiso bad tbret- is a personal friand of bis mother. toward conservation n rt-cent >ears. other muakies. Bobh men are telting 'Your mother [s married and laRv Fîtteen or twenly Million bmeeg have tomte prett'. coud fisbahotes. The- ing ln Ravenswood," said Mrs. Snebt-t-s Rptanted ln thlt-ty state foresta. iuranu et uuranw REAL ESTATE I NS UR AN CE COLLECTIONS Trlggs Biag., Libertyvîli. Phone 2, Lbotyvilh 470.MLak. UdI POIWER SPRAYINEI MNDWUfTM ASIN Clean Qukck Gaurasteed Work. Cow Barus, Chickuu husosut F. JELLEY Phone 319-R Lboet"nUili.8 MANUFACTURCR 0F Marble and Granite Monuments Cemetery Work of Evcry Description Correspondence 5oliclted 1 16 Genesee St' WaqTkmizau DYMOND & AUSTN Loana. Insurance. ReÉAal Han sd Houat R-6-9n. Office in Kaiser Block. LIBERTYVILLE. - ILLINOIS. ELHANAN W. COLDY Altorney-at-Law Office at Home, Cook Ave. Phono 103-J LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. LYELLH, MORRIS ATTORtEY'AT-LAIO Libertyville . Illinois Luc-e Building. Res.'Phone 152-H. O11109 Phone la MARTI C. DECICE 4TTOD'<EY-AT-L.AW Utfice Opp. 18th St. Electric 8t&aUoa iffice Phone 848 Rteg. Phone 18601t N02lTH CEIICAGO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUPRN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. litbertyvlle Illinois I ____ -soirs85sa DR, 0, F. DUTTERFIELD, 3'JETERISART SURGEON AD8IÉTANT ITATU VETIUAMAÇ. Î'Lfbeftry9bll. Ilso -DR.E. V. BUE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Holrs 8to 10aM. 2to 4 Md 7 io 8. m Ofrice over Ray 5'urniture lMure LIBERTYVILLB. ILLINOIS DR. N. W. SHELLENBERGEÎ OBTEOPATRIC PHYSICIAN Oid Trigge Bidg. Lîbertyville, 111. Offie Bourm 10 until 5 Tueudaye and Fridas onty DR. 1, L .TAYLOR Office in Firgi Nationd ai Sufime1 *ouu:-1 ta 3:30 aid 1cm . BeafdmeinbuBroadway, oppouit Pes lLi'q-tyvit. las. olu. DR. GOLDING .DENTIBT flourGs 8to 12 amn.-l to à p.a. Over Firet National Bank office Phone 19-J. Be. Phone 157J. Libertyvilli.. Illta DR. E. FL SMITH. DENTIST. 3yUE LAU (OUNY NATION" AL 8 HOUE-g te 12,eum. md l1n S p. DAILT. Uber" DhoUb CHAS. N. STEPUENS. M. 0. HOMEOPAli'ic PHYSICIAN &"dSURGEON Phone 100 Office over Gu. Ce. Libert'yville, 111. DR. VICTOR C. HOEFNER OSTROPATHIC PHYSICIAN ' 215 Madison St., Witukosaa, ai. Office HouMe 9-12 A. M.; 1-4 P M.; 7-8 P. I Sundayg by Appointm.nt Oniy Teleptione 224. J. L. REDDINO, DN. M. VETERINARY SUROKON Grituai. Chicago Vat. Cole,. office at Regidelac*. 779Gu Ave. Phone 1186-W.« PUBLIC AUCIONEEiIIC- Cioeest attention pald tao arabw auetion 'alea and bt-et resulte hii bMl' tuti game. Ail klaus of barge, vagona and hares-s for gale or oebaff e aitl tisef. HENlRY .SfNE Phone& 148 or 48 ZIOIN CITY, al» PHONE 1140-M ,W. Il.LEWAT Vioinist, Pianist and Teadbo 3U8 CORY AVE. WAUISGAM,' lU...

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