Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Jul 1915, p. 7

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LAM ECOUVNTY DJYÙEPENDENTa FRIDY, JUIN là. 1915. W«u&eg~n, WPEARS BEFORE A FI3DERÀL 1R4ND JURY IN CJIICio r le0 lonning. ke had an car-. k at 8. e te trbiters. lie con- le neit Rta per s a day [lit ses-~ lte au- Tliomp-. esa of' ainmen rit et ; :lty adi- itructed een met- use for men et ira vho est four de, two penters, J~ norntng~ atil 10 wome o'ctock i ruilte at' of coast, bath- .e beeni for lthe ,day hae- ave ot lut pro- Monday tnd the itîtin s6 ne itun- -,ra have ieting ti t-houa. ure that temorisi Mr trem- mth on- Ing hep- ilng,lte ayed for buled to Yagerle e Wlhit ashort tocon- lent lte point-a 1or an. JIved on_- ,l clause ament-. erms of pIed by lte snd- instaad nI vas or Ilirea 3t. agree- îalert&a, liard tb meana- elion on vitere. âhal lia lactured s clause ient, but. titis de- rh.ty dm, procuiraj ituild is Id thelr' ste theyý )ntended ze liome I of the. biltarty., lhit on le ustual- Sdid nôt lie time ig argu- roeemnt U1, arter. e proper kg rules. limte, au 1 before le com- laad saad ilan con, mut vagO ro other id upan.,i Iely le-, .hu Il" . -.-. $»00000 WORTHI 0f 14QNEY ORDERS I1ANDLEDIN YEAR Number of Orders HandlIed by Waukegan Postoffice Total- ed 30,000 in Year. 1 DeafpIte te facttaItte Interna- tional money order business practcai- ly lias been demoneiizedit y te Eu- ropean ver, a total of over 30,00(1 money orders. aggregating over $500,- 000 vere tssued and paid by te Wau- fegan pootoffice during te fiscal year Miss Lempi HMIl of Waukegqn Tells of Having Receved 'Poison Pen" Letter. Waukegan, Juiy 13. Ï EELS COMPASSION. According tethea local Police, Misa kmpl 1Mill went te Chicago Mndae bW dld net taatify bfor. thse federai aedur.Th ysy ah. taikad with ~daaloffeis ut whon tihe latter i ...ivi &lien a term of from h e savony ysara I it prsn if ha waa Iiehd ialty Mi. iiireented and eb = is eudnot pro ae hlm. ni iehdthaught paaibly ho gfeet a jail sentence or a fine. CUthiaerTyrrali @&y* tiat If Mien rmlefuse$ ta teatify fWrthe fad- 2"rauthaittea ho hue anothar ac- lse h. wiii tert againet Malien. 1Aecording te lite local authorities gas Lempli iî and lier Bster 1 vent *Chicago on Monday vitere lliey are bld te bave appeared liefone thte fed- rai grand Jury te lesîify viit regard &y ang received a ptoison pen let- MissFil]t, l t lssaid, pianned 10 y tatln lier opinion te letter a vrilten by Frederick lialien ot Viaubegan. The latter ls tili in rus- Wy liere and wiii emain so untitlte icago grand Jury reiurna a flnding. t ia la indited itleiseaid b leviiie îpoved aI once te ChIcago where lie fin ha iurned os-er 10elite federai au- ,Tlie local iîoiiî-e dec-are tliey haie iearilied some evidence which lias et yet been nmade publitc vhicli iley y points te Italien as te wrtten of ae retter vhtc eit se>1revolting taI I;ta Impossiblete l even attenîpt te %pacribe te contents. Tlbey eay pli bis testmnony viii fe given ln case 6llen le Indicted. Thse landwritlng on tee len rIs lbe- Bved ity te loc aiautitorlies 1telie Be of thir srongent bits of evidence. Ney Say l i.,aimoat ldenticai vitit indvriting ln otiter ttera writc W Halien. Thliian la t sutîmit thb- «fforent sarnml.-s to a handwrittng apent. Mt-nreumains unsmhaken ln h13 rtaelatone ýf Innocenc e, professýon I know nothing silister about tI., roihiPfolite letter. ATUIE RTARES OATII TO AVENGE DEATH 0f luS SON M.liýthew\Maxwiell, who waý horii lad eared in Ivaukegan. iii lng on kuniper Streat, an Evanslon firenian. 5 -years à1d, sîood iilite Fi Eanston lowial tact nîglit asd vitt ctencited ponds raiaed above hiesliead avorp d*io vitat lie couid 10 drive every gnd pig ou t of Evansion. lu Inte next ruerm, a few feel away. h. body of lits son, George, lay on à operating table. A buitet fired liv ftrenzied negro durtng a quarrel. lun Iti blind pig of Richard F. 'Maritoiz, ld ended bis lirfe. 1.iarhlt.'place is itnaled lb a strtp if prare mat beyond Isabelae avenue Md Sixteentit Street, on te ioundary hâe belween wlmetle and Evanston. Thse Wnette ryire dpmen had ben calied telite neighhoritood of ba Mfarbolz dive, but viten lliey ar- Ived they found nothtng but a mos- M,10 smudge ln te prairie. Titey dire about te turo back wvien titey ... Maxel's- bodylying ln te grass. h.a liedstageredabout lhirty yards the restort and -ropled ~ccsnpnie iy Doply ' Beiten ~jei Changelon. Otief of Police Fred oie f Evanston, and lits assist- nI.Rolirert iblinson, vent telite place Wd found Fi deserled. Tliey leamned ha itulet lied been fired by John AI- mi 1,e, a negro, vto lied mounted lertoîz' bicycle and eecaped. Fred Waxveii. a broter of te vounded mn, wae seen watkIng arroseate prairie and vas arresled. Despile e Wound on hls riglit jav beieved t0 ëe been inflicted vitit a beer bol- le, lie inslsted lie vas merely paing ýh place viten le e awlitabro ther tagger ont. Marhoîz Under Arnet. Next te, depuly uherff vent telite lenhoiz homne ai 1730 Centrai Street, jumelle, vitere titey arrested te oprietor of te resort and William [jaylr, lits bartendei. PFolicemen Josephi Sheiaky and Wil- bm Robiertson were sent telite ne- irois home at 2402 Railroad avenue. il errl ved jusl as lie came rtdtng up ate bicycle. Be admitted lielied lred te sitot. and surrendered. . Mariipiz and lleYEr saith le 'Max- pril brothers liad demanded a drtnk. lnd vten lie refused 10telil titeni ley threatenedte shoot ni) tlie place. .e police are orkitjgon another rsoro te afatr, itowever, 1teite lec hia. l hooting foitoved a hrrel oser e cralp gaine, vasoniya tstniglit I vent up *re to o n r-eadbogt la 4 b y b a '_ la d r e la t i e s i . t e v i c .t i y o f I a n - -fa ,o a couple o f eek . re d CIJD~ n ~ r ihe belleves lte chid vii lIve. The' treet for the past fu er.H CHLD CR SI Dtwo viteels on the riglit band aide of has four other chuidren. JOHNE. M S A the car, Il la said, pased dIrectly WAhen CaeneE.HIck. pickea the were broken ed words o consolation ln lier Par, E L M 1.W hether lte huiwas Internaily ithe chid's eyes fillled i tasan IRUIVI UUU OMjured ta fot ýknown at thia time. itetween moRfla of pain shte gaaped M N A CO. P. Il _____Frank Dow, fi Ve minutes ailler te I dont want to die, A dog waa citas- accdent. made tiis statement: "I was 1ing me and i thought 1 couid safely Waukegan, Juiy !c irit'lng soutit on the weat aide 0f the! r'as ln front of the auto. 1 was Friends of John E. Hayes, a prom- lSwPeei f1aced ~Iartha. Iveive icar rosid when suddeniy t heard Rutht, My: araid of lte dog." lnent Northt Chicago reaident. who ICRYSTAL LAKE BANK o . aulrr of Mr. and Mrs.lîlto dater, scream. A aimaicli d was tLove and sympathy won the figit hiolds an executlve poaition In the iPetz, a (German -ramlIy residing ai iti'- racîig towarde lte car and i îhrew then whicit Clarence Hick<s iad been hardware foundry ln that city, assert- Ç C LIRbOUI ONO ND eS. dreon the itrakea,sand tlont the ciutch. vaging with l is emotions. Hie eyes edtdytathehaereidas BeEi~lBO D.pilvir street, vas struck and no)t The chid did not see lte car, lie- fllled witit tears. Repeatediy as lied oath hehvercldas Charles B. Wrightt of Woodstoc'cî, flY inJured by an autonmobie cause site kept on rununn dlýectIy 10tý- held te chid during te trip from surance that %Ir. Hayes poslliveiy viii cahiter of the (itizens Blank of Crys' driven by Frank Dow at two oc(Iock wards it. 1 stopped the car vithin the scene of the accident to the girl's receive te appoînîment of postmas- tai Lake. which closed its doors last titis atternoon. lts o-n ienglh. One of the witeeisho eat 642 Beividere etreet, Hicks ter at North Chticago and tat bis Mrday, vas arraigned before Police 1rn o a ee xnrtdb fear, passed over her body. 1 got hwaseforced tel turn bis head t one commisinvi i eevdvti Fran Do ba ben eoneatý byout of my machine and raced tcIlshide.a. vpele tears 5fwrosmsis eyers,tonfwdayso ilb eevdwt ,Magstrale Brown of Crystal Lake vllnesees vito aaw the chiid ineet viiere able vas lylng. 1 picked her bicatsev. ewssorfrth fwdy. yasterday on charges of emitezzlement jInjury. and hy the poicie auliîoriti,-s u'and put her In my machine, and child. Hisalieart was bieeding. Hlcks tohn haie ls the present postmas- ed by hie wife, C. T. Bannas, Wood- from his ovoIlips.; child was taken to lier home. dren at home. tro ot hcg.H ucee stock isvyer; George W. Coon, former 1Tite ittte girl met lnjury whie on, xusVdeasaTfaponead j candidate for congrese, and hiei broth- an errand for lier motiter. Site had1 Another witness to the accident About mid-vay lietween tlie acene LusVdera 'atapone n en, 'M. J. Wright. Wrigitl accepted a. been sent 10 the Atterbary drug store e aid: 1 think that te chitd vas or the accident and te Injured chitds Jhi" erm as posîmaster lias just ex- deposit of $3,780 a few minutes be- t0 Procure stamPs. and vas waîiting1 racing acrons tlie sîreet 10 escape ithome lte machine carrying lte Injur- tiret. Tite many frienda of Mr. Hayes fore te bank ciosed. nortit on Genesee treet viten site was being bit hy a treet car, and 1 do ed chiid. Dr. F'remont C. Kniglit and ialn henposiin adtgetl t ad attacked by a dog. she Baye. The nothink site saw tite auto approacîî- assistant police chief, and driven byhv enwrigdlgnl oln The sherlff and deputy vere calied ýchutd ran lnto tite street t. esca;îe ing."l 'liss Ruth liDow, the frantic parents ii ult oiinadtt atta to Russell on %londay niglit la arresi, [romth ie canine and raced direlt lyicn No one blames Frantý Dow. tI ta of tite rcid, vito iad been advised lie alsiays has been a prominent Dem- Robert Murrayvito vas suffering of front of the maenine which vas îtriv- an assured fact titat bis car was run by te1ePhtone of the accident, came ocratisl satd 10 have aided hlm mater- delirium tremens. Murray, according en liy Pran'i Dow, vto vas accî,m- ning very slow at the tlime of lie acingedovo lte treet. iiiy iemle israledPei to iteauttortie, led ried 10 kiW panled ty lits siater, Miss Ruat th Dw.accident, and ltaIlie did attln lits Tite moter aimoat collapsed vten 'dent Wilson, It ta said, and te ap- hlmapif ln front of a train and vas, The exact extent of tite chids in. Power to avoid striking tite chitd. site eavlte biood stains on the beau- Piteto f.Hysl xet6t heing restrained ity main force witen jurles have not been, made knovn, but lir. Pettz a e mployed as a wira dra-lful face of lier daugliter. The fath-ponmn0fr.Hysaepcdt lte siterif arlved. Me vas iock ed Dr. Fremont C. Knight la et thte Petz 'er ty lte Amnerican Steel & Wre er t, migit lie saad, was choked wîîli be one of the vacation appointments up ln lte counîy jeu,. home at i tisitour. and liereports lhiti company, and lias lived on Beividere emotion. of the nationsa chief executive. ONLY SE YEN VACAN= CIES IN TEACIIINEI STAFF TO BE FILLED Teachers wvho ha ve made applica- tions te fil vecancies in tlie grade .choo1. of Waukegan viii have 10 renev these applications if they visit to havetem ,-,nsidered Titis le te tatamnent made by Andrev Cocite, preaident of t he scitool board. ni. Cooke declares taI ovbng 10 te tact taI neither '.%r. Puise, w-li vas citairman of te leacitere' cunu milles', or MnI. Thompeon, vito vas supein tendent of achoote, bas turc- ed over 10 lite board te applications ton piostione.,te board lias no record of ttîcm, and he urges taI it sncb applications lie sent b« Mies Hutcitins vito has been appointed temporary cliairman of the teaciters' commiîtee of te grade schOOle. As soon as suf- ficiet rmembters ana. addad 10 lita btoard 10 maite a quorum a perma- nenît cliairman of the leacitera' coni- miîtee viiili e appointed. itlat nec- essary, hovever, that some one sitoutd sensve In te ueanlime. Mrn. Cooke maitea the stalemeol taI tere are onty seven vacancies 10 b lilted un te citY scitoots. Titis lm considered a s ery smaii number as compared 10 soute ollien yeans. No diffie lty ta anticttîaled In fiiing te A four year oid girl named Gasilicit. living on Victoria street, belveen 121h and 131h, North Ciicago, sutained a liroken Ibigit vien sbe feul sixteen feel fron te back porcit of lier hone lest Saturday nîglit ai six o'ciock. She vas ettended liy Dr. Joltey. page Revm ending June 30. Naturally tliey vere, witit fev exceptions, domestlc orders. Thse money order business liere dur- Ing te lest year vaste langest Ib te historieof te local office. But titis vas oniy one departmept of te local office vitere a big gain vas shown. Te postal receiplag dur- Ing te year, accondtng to Postmnaster Dan Grady, exeeeded $61,000, vhicli l9 12 per cent langer titan lest year. Titis laealiealtliy Increase lb vitdl Mnr. Grady weli may feai proud. Titis Increase ln postal itusine9-. In my opinion," said NMr. Grady viten ssked for a ressont for te increasc. "la juet te naturel growvil n tl it ly and a grovîli blte use of te postal department. ln my opinion itlatea Positive proof taI there bas been a contant upvard tendency in Wauka- ga n. The public generaity te using te matis more titan fonmeriy.' But titere vas s'litt anovner cepar-- ment vitere a big Increase vas rpig- ltered. Tiis vas In te postal sav- lnge deparîment. Thte posimaster de- ciares titat there vas an incrc-aset of futty one hundred per cent ln te de- tiosils teast vear as comparFd 10 a yFar ago. If Ras on te exceli ut ahosilng tmadetaItte tiostoffice <el.ýartmett named Posîmaster Grady as one of te fev postmastera ln te tate witi gel an Increase Ini satany on te i'xt payday. A net increase of $4ý0,, >1ini postmastera' sataries titrougli out the country la 10 ie made. At,1 te prisent time Mrn. Grady is recels- ing 811( a year.n. Js1 boy mit his s,îia'y vifllie lncreased ta not knov.Thie postuiaster of Laite For- ,st la the suiv other psitmasler bn Laite cointy siho viii cct an Increas- ed satary because a su!»tani.a! growitit vap regtaîered in that i-v lu somte tes te salar!-s of postnias- fers vere, île'rcaýei-. because iiere sias a faliing off ot receipta dit'ng te year. ChangeâaI Lake Bluff. Te increased business. donc ai 'le Lakte Bluff tostoffice duntng te last s, ar lias rai-eid i outî of the four'it rtb te tird class. it is nov.-ilu1lie :.recîlentiai ciasa iii other vords te posînaster titere si-litl b appotnted by the president iu'led ofremalning un- der ciNiil sersvice as is douîe in fountu cass offices. 4 060 ovvm mm

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