LAREv- CýOUNT-Y INDEPENINT r @-- -WAUKEOAN WEFEKLY SUN ~VL XI.-Q.43, PÀRTT. rXY4. ILL.. FtRmAY. JITLY 2,11.F~RPGS J AV~1~ SAISONPRODIK< ALNZO WIIITEMA NMXKNACIIVY A169N aRESTEDAÀS f«1 60VERN14ENT DRAF IS REFUSED Wauko4pM n Investigtes Former Deacon in Zion City WurfTat ex can Led. Faces New Serious Charge M -shk to SmugIet. of ForgIng a Name. 18 ORING N OLORADO. ' THE PRINCE 0F CON MEN' lmt.Gets Report That If a, Sc steNm ie a 'ViNa a ,nd u naAre At- uhI h Nm ie"a tenuting t ami tArmne.7 WhoWas Once State Sen. T«riaidad, Cea-uy2-o ator and Mililonaire. Ir O. Siman,as dpoalmont or jutice Aie&J. Whitman, Once am millas- iprssitativile hosand mye he la lnvistltng dthe..Uvlt.. âre, lawyer, preacher. Minnesota stta secrotet 9ts of Vnu$Uno arlra* s -ator and 5cion of an nId and sa, racsco Ville and Vietor- vealthy eastorn familly.but whose es- lOne Murata In s0uthorn Colorado. capades n the lait lventy years -bave Illitaio@ bainroported 1h51 men caused hlm to ho termed the "prince bav.ein nircrulted fée service In fCniec.e."I ne rets Mexico and that attimpts a.v fcniec et"I ne reta ibien mode te pwrchasi amesand the dtectivo bureau. ammunitia". Ho lasDow chargod vlth attemptlag Mr. SMaso las a Waukegas Young ta pa a wortbless draft for $50 et nias. formerly havlng bien & court Ithi. Kalienhof hote]. Monday. Me vas reporter tu Waukffan. H. la the takos 1loto cuitody by Detoctive Ber- son Of W.* O. Smon. Ho 1.11 horS geante Josoph CahilI, John Ilernige 10 0C0055 a position wtb (JOngrosu.-and Mdward Suai. He uied tbe nome ms on 00 e Washington. He itudled of -E. A. Blugielon.'5 lav., Vos admltted te the bar. and At ose tAm. Whitman, who lAire- later reeiv.,'d a position au Inveat- puled to have obtaned more ths.u a gator for th dopartuent of justice., million dollars bY îwlndllsg opera- He bas boen mat te m&i parts of th lions througbout the country. voold emoW te O1WlI,' nveUgtona Of va- bave soorued a $50 swindie. the police houa sorti ,fon lie bovernment. He uy. He.las"dowu and out" 50W. hher bus prov.d te athe mont val- declare f8 noble a t asalimenithe se<timld U Wbtmanuaed the uame of th HialutAMWmen Ioconideedowner of the. New Wudsltock Hotl of à 51001 Important ose. Wlthhe New York City As attemptni1tecsh United 01*1., ieeking to iiamp out thedraft. The don telegraphed New the. notIolos An Mexico il la iport. York ad wîtem' arreat 10110. ant tat1h embargo os nusmeand cd. 4mamultton should b.o nforeod stylet-f lY. If the secret aglents of tbe *eI-' Wbtman vas a member of ose of can leader@ are permitAte mulb, e he* »demi lconventions that noini- arma acrmia the Unit@& t <,s ->aflaiGraver Ceveland for t1h. ui _Aër lice mloto ido the.vaur n hâ dency. la later îears ho vau kuown UOéà,V Ouidb. outluodgi i U%9tb. LIIard Croker" ot Duutb. - oul ho cshssuvoiu ailisr hk j meUnid au te snome im.. biug a isacos Asnlthe t» arae hlch mght bave Devie church yeari ago. Even afttor 111800 saillittaMeico c«I "o ubd om etsao n ighaing Ibis country. It lassienhogtlabd me otsa. a zeâUillytht th. missionof the wau. Wlmteuau .1ter returusi te Zionaid bo«smin fi laImportant and th 1*1âer vas rroted .1t Hot Spring, mach dependi upon i succas lunAnk., by detectlvea. At that lime h. unsaarthint poile plots t soecur* vis tieien os chargei of svindling a Arme ftrou hiii eountry. Mlon Cty vom.8 out of I1,500. Jack. ______________ son de Toroit, hic companton,' vas MALT ~ arresîsi vith him, cbarged viti nai- NÀB RANTROOT ing a 86 check to MO.0. NAI IAAI1UUV II teman vau tues arrested e TO B iUILTY 0f wrat wr u yMuSri MO~N URDERaiked i hm to deposit $2,500 for ber, and tat h mad thedeposit la bis own name, later checking out muet of Chicago Police Lock Up Man At. The Pinkerton men say ho loi,& Thought ta Be One of the gradal of uoney As îanubling. FoUr Men Indioted. cae volulaiy.0ît eUsbC Apparently he lot out of lbe.dilom- Waukegan. July S. nalu some vay and eves did sot havi sheif DZivin J. <MSs va.-c-lied to go back to Nev Yirk tea asaerto te Chicgo th t ttom oosà4tete. th. Cham rge0forging a chek on lbe igram received f ront. Captais O'Brlen PIthNations, Bank of Ihat clty, a84 utI the Chicago police dePartisesi, de. the dotoctAves sali he vouid have to earing thaI the polie thore bave lan do ator the seWtement of the Zios custoY A, mas hosi they la.01 nia sonably aure i. Mues. Graham, ose Whltoman obtalned esspoymeutl a of lie mou v4o vas lndlcted hy the Mlon City as a teacher As the ppublic LLe cous»' giaud Jury foiioisg the school. He lved theiée vOit hb& mtb- eflAesce vhich vas prasented. These or. Aftor Do Forost had beau Wrsqd imbua are: by th. authoritios to, bave DanvIli., jEUGENE GRAHAld. S. Y., hi. bome, and alào tba$ _of JMSCOUSINs. Whiteuau. he vent taeilion Clty. JOHN COLEKAN. Proua thora th. Ivo mes veut veoi. > ERT COLMMAN. Aforrison wus attacked by several GADAM EEA 4 es vhom ho had drives out of the GADAM EEA Roudout dep oîoîovng an argument. DIED AT AGE 0F 76. deu n>d, w. ufn 'I. baide tbe railroad trace w ith a bul- Edwin R. Saumon, a Poneear nsienîs lot bob Aln i& bead and au Indication of Whaubegmu, de t bis homeono that a terribe struggle bâi tabou Boividere mreel et lie mgeo0f 76 yearu, Thplaoce.scusm heforlaIe Mouda>' aflernoou. Mr.flouser The uthrites ausd te furva. a Grand Army veleras, and ORO ien vhoso nimoa appear ln lie-finit 0 b ol nw'îien <Wue part oftliAs article, tu be Indicte. o h etkod ,ie fWue the ovldouco leding 10 show, it le <an. Ho bas hosto of friande la Lake laid, liai liey are ýhe mes wbiou county vbo vil ho gneved.ta lest- Mlornlaos biedlb.eargumaut vilh. f-bishieomlt. He vas a Flfleopt# A prasaent searcb ban been mode illinola mas, and sonv.d union Gau- ta locale them but up to nov tuey oral Rogers. The fuseral servicOe t bave encapei capture. Sheriff Glril- thb.-home vere hou aIt 8:30. Wodsei., la nvIlI brng the. prisonon bore tram d>' uoruing. Intormest lu aioai&g Chicago andsi viiindiavon 10 ian.Cemetor>'. Ho bravesa i v il it our Poiltively vbotber ornsot h. là Gra- sons te, mours bus doe. 1o. ham. Itlas said Ibis yll ot prove Mr. Sonser vas borns lu Cbtcmp, dAUbaIlt. 4a" and bas lvemi n Ilnois ait bAi lAf. ~ions for sew triols iu tue eaaes Wallon E. Musseluas, a privat lan tW aEtu thnee Fox Laire saloon eeeperg Troop M. Sith Cavalry, vbo deserti Whbo veto louni gullty, wyul b. argued On Jul>' 101h .1 Pt. Sheridmn, Al a g4- nouI Tuesiy momblg before inuego d b>' the Uijuted mates attIoe... *&in ' esau tbo motboa arr imued, MMs1dMMUffNataiaPtL aveswgrth. «h.mort vii oenter judggmest lm. la 1513 aid bu a motie oriMg at isedll>. 5549 Lafayette avenue, Chicago. JJJTAFTER STEAMER EAgrLAND'TURNED TIJRThE; VICTTMS SEEN STZUGGLING IN WATERJ Iý w -resarbabi. potogph wo a lan by an amateur vithin a few minutes after lthe Eaatiand turned turtle As the aiChg river lait Saîurday f!oraj.Rewabutehmetebem tsatdtHaVitmsa»e tugigith aea 4gebasncoe RETRNCIIENT . A.BURGE WAS ONE OW . yirS and sUPPOsed ho va. taking no RETRENCHMENTCOUNTY'S STATESMEN 'O DSMEN O-'N b hnh dnd EN. T~Uabusas and bis vif. bad be IN RURAL SERVICE L1Adfo ct idgsinLoî YUSKAUSKAS NOW 'strmnsd eihe u IS BINt MAE NW ad A. Burge, at bis residence, ARNSo.INifiM on window. got Ato an argument 113Water stmret, Waulkegan, ___8:23_1_ have bttes off ber soie. Ho thos RurPRuts in Cut en ,'july 25' 1916, aged 66 years, 5 elre ht eH' updescatçd andivas sot arronsd ustAl Rurl-outs n Cuny Bun moth, Il days. oceased was born DelrdTaheHsim e returned home several weelsa laton. Discontinued and Others ýat Avon Center, Lake coultiity ,S' $1 ,00 Bond and Fear It He vas placci 'on trial and vas lound Are 'Doubled Up.' Pebruary 12 1849, sud vas united In Will Be Forfeited. gulty, holng given an itcrmjIhatqý Marag issg Viola B. Doolittle, ý3IOtOee An states prison., ISN'T VERY SATISFACTORY. . 7Ui. 1870. APPEAL TO THE POLICE. Attorney Peter Jorgenobmn. voohad Ot this union was born Adeibert _____*been APPointed by the couirt ta iei One of the. Routes Leading out Luane ofuskaypearedIlA.;ter _______-___________________th of -Libertyville Is Among hm 'L sdMme1.,wo iH Lane ig ort Had I Those Eliminatthe outoor state vîsîuIng Decided Against Him4.--- relatives -are Albert CAl and wife of The Pollcy of relrenchmontiluthie Batavia, N. Y., Warren Chrittendon of William Yuskauskas, convicted moi Posl office department of the goveru- Clatosia, Nebr., and J. A. Burge, only sentenced to Prison for f rom on.t -survvins, brother. and bie wife or!t mient hnsbit a number or Lacie caunty pol ofltces b>' the s'boishing of son. erai rural routes. Posîmaster R. If. Taylor of U.bert>'- ville received word froni the pont- oMfce dopartment ou Monday morniug that rural route two would ho discon- tinned August fint. The Mall on this route las being deliiered hy Bd Lynch, and the territory covered by bum lies norîh and east of Libertyville. This territory le tebho ivided loto tva parts, tue northero hall te ho turnei over to tbe carrier froni the Guruepot, office mni the southeru halt wiii be covered by a carrier tram Wlaukogan afler that date. That means tue Wauke gan carrier viii' go wotbn a mile of Libertyville 1e de- lvor mail sni farmers n that terri. tery ospeciaiiy are nlot taklng te Ibis nev orden vory klndly. The ýruxl route patrons were notified of the proposeid change on Tuesda>' b> Post- master Taylor of LUbertyville. The territor>' taken out of thb. bris. diction of the Ubertyvillo office and addei te Ounnee bogins at the Henry Cater farua, ruie on and aiong lbe Piank rond, thence south on the Bulk- iey rond as far as tbe B. Fcke corner. Thal part golng te the Wsukegan of- fice commences at the C. A. Schreck tarm on the Bulkiey rond and south te St. Marys corner, thence east lu tue Bradley road. theuce south btich Town Lne rond, theuce emît tb the Telegrapb road and uorth ho where the Wau*4egau carrier nov delivers mail. 'Mail Carrier Md Lynch of Lib.' erlyvilie expects te lose is position as a result of tbe change te ho maie. Anolber of the poet offces it las1h. nul PrairIe Vie,,K wbere on. of tb. threo ,routes wiii bc dscotnued and one, 0f, the carriers frora the Area of- pëe. yl ltaIe over the route vhlcb vil take bu ta as far as Haif Day ou bis dmAiy trip. A change aise Aas been madieln the Wkdswortb routes, for, according 10 notices received by Iis papor f rom larmer resiions of Waisworth vi- cointy, a fter August let their papers should be malled te laIte Villa n- * aead 0f Wadswortb. CORRTAYLOR TLS 0F JOURNIY IN AUTOS TO FÀI Lake County Officiai Gives a Most Interesting Aocoomt of Trip Across Continent. MUCH 0F INTEREST VIEWED With Dr. Foley and Nick Wet- zel of Waukegan, He Hat Finished Long launt. Coroner J. L. Taylor of LÀhorlyvtllo, i*"pniedby Dr. J. C. F010, and IW ete of Waukegas and thoir iVIoÏiedve familles, ha.sflsished tho auté joursoy 10 fSan Diego, Cal.. vhors thara now doing» tho 6fir. la 10 osetoa rqetfnom Ibis pMoi, Coroner Taylor bas vritten tht. Mose lutorectlng letton, tolilsg about tb. 1005.7. the lpsgoat perbaPe thtsnsy Lae.coutl>'Party hau svjr labos. H-ie* leter follova: the l '47j 4et tl sucw Fre.donial Knss fourteeo yeans on a charge of bavnig Mr. Burge was an ardent beldever bitten off bie vfes nose, bas jumped b ln practlcal religion, contriiiuting bis $1,000 bail, and lbis tbree bouds- 'M largeiy t10 the construction of the mon are making an effert through e-1 Gray.%lake MI. H. elirch, and vas ou Sheriff E. J. GrAtibn o determino bis0 the tomporasco side of politici. wbereabauts. Cards bearing likenesses Mr'. Burges Illness lias continued of the Waukegan mas are being gène for a period of four years. Hoe leaveà tb the authorities of chies within a a ievotei and tîreless wife, who wiîb vide radius n the hope that posibly mas>' mounds sud relatives, join lum tbey may result ln bis apprebieusion. mourning the lois of a kini husband, Floig r h.hrebnse beautitul father asdudîpright citizen. woliwing hae tb e three onthe Ct Prayer services vi re cooi)sted by wb iibv amaegomnli the 1ev. J. W. F'unston, and the Tu- bond n case Yuskau'ailas not pro- th nonal et Grayalake, assistoi >' bmthedîced An court:*e Rey. Blaiîdeli, and juterment at the IîATT WALUN, 1346 S. Park ave- lt Anon Conter conietery. nue. ,'. iral ______CHAS. ~NOVISKA, Victoria sîreci. ;,n wILIM l JSACMAlPS% "d (JouaI>' Physician and lins. AU F. fWM. SWE.ETE, Victoria streelî. Weh as Jutnid $.000 bonds mni t.he Brovn of Waiikegan leave fflday The tast Ivo mon are Vho 1lg b.Asg oought b>'ie bonds - by1 evonng'for tue Soo from vhere the>' 1mw or Yuikmuskiii. having mmrried bise en-Vol go Ata the wooda of Canada for their sistors. Wiun ls a mas via bas - nid vacation to be spent flus-g, etc. known Yuikauskas for a number of appgollale court sud aoughl to gel Ihegarl JudgUMor0the cArcuit court revensod. 000I Durtng- lie lime the eue. vsî osier ovi cosahdenatiou YU,'causbas Vas relis- eOs, RESCUIG VICTIM OM T EE SE NDi e gier bond.s of $1,000. ltIl "' .- Me voul back ho line vitiihibis vilefinil aud &Papaotly their relationg vere be1 plasaut. Vî%en word vas neceived rom tllat the appellale court badil fIrmeti Ben tle 4gO1sAozï af tbecircuit court Yu*s-and bma dlwivs out o! the cty and sinco buit tit hdîie bas flot been returned. alor TFoi.sou. lAmie hAs vile bas been foux lob0 n a local restaurant, heing capl 1»114« toi 10support bonself. No ose *.he Bsua 10 tokfid1w hene Yusiauskas lascon and ios'boudamon 5*> hbey are con- *14 i vInci bob as Jumin» b is bonis. um * C. B. Patîlson and Fred D. Corley. 451 theb two Lakte Bluff mon vho vore u- WO jured', n a beid-on automobile col- MIÉI * lisie niear Racine and vbo have hien "Ml in -the . Racine bospital for the luat 11 1ev idays, are'recoverAng. and ltAsnyew sai they 'viii hobn ought ta thoîr la I * homes tomnorrow. Il As: learued tuaI bM the accident toIt place when ose au, bA lomobile sougbt 10 "eul-arousd"- aet pou paisean. automohulo aana»lhor a- P. cliipe'comIng from 1he oppoite dtr. thé eclion'sought to vais the car eatI1 là . . .. . amotlme. - The drivera ail vere "aSon~ ieied byr the slnong seanclighla tb. machines. CongresmusGeo. M. IFois camoe10 gi làbirtyvlllo 3Mosday after500u 10 visa anSd - - Att4r»,Y B.*-H. Miller and to attend Vh< - S lo laht-14 pregrasi of tue chautmumjgaep ThaItuevitalmu cen thes teasior Eantlnd ln Chiffago river shOrt- Alnhs.gv.seisg, to, har as old permonaiu alle vessel overtursisi. Hundrodi of vitimea yogA e t, mfrl.Juigo Oeo. B. Aides, o! 'Mdassa-- as Dinso, Cal.. Juiy 218. 'là. Aitor 0f the.Lake Couutyi ndepeai- eut and Readeru: It one had the tAme ad ,osefas ie aubulty Io express i~vilgh 5tl5tikggillita *ho u»M lb'" e trip tbmnagh this vestern e00*- IM, 004klié*aail7 vrl a a uvor SthU d 4or euxi daraewr v.a~ lha omeego hmthMl Me Bof , âba abl. te take a .messe iwhat.= 1 sd0 y .7lu t"ii ~ bIS t U fta rom mir. The remi trom Trte- id te Ralon roes ma allItuis 0 mut 9.9m0. fo wvih *1oOa gnal 'ài au m laehuovuas t0i met 5.Abot throm Mu ,es coB it. basins te10 domomi ,obrupt- t i$ X6vula gc £4Mdi But ôt sal 50050. ~l.Ule.h *e a- laie lms.. sts4h.t aMi4 '4i&l foieto III uh mai, 1 ro Jtro~ibdhavo oe so das IL Wb estoPptd for a vhlls ai":ea m 0fw aithoeh oufode rao t'à rod tfmu u »La. Yss t m ?ý, ho Ilamnold ulm 1 huiti wwt' 150. ,1 a Vary mui a,.ia I tue* gm ee omtgCà lt te'3»W luIa inher destl'octim - *0 St »MO 0UM la 1theold 4te"wà ce of e SuiAe. 'ro mre vho 4.~ bd the hlatony or tha eaul rais "a avoët tuis City, vhtch vau 110e * ste= terminus, poson a Poeoàr trest Ftolq the tdm trais vàs t eatabhaed beibves. Ibis 504i id the midle e«oIR. l at om te 0 Umetthe oouatny Wu a a »o the. raîiroaids. my sUrlag.av"u mr hore onactol. W.viWot»lb gàvoror'. alae.buil >latý z1' <lays. Thi. bouting ag l b"o euPied 'by sistoo m nisaS mai Ventr-st 5psi* ad Mon" an 8, snd tint oatlntt eo te W nia hor thât Gos. Le, 'W1l dshod hie book, "Bom HUI.- 1 vawu soveor ofew v ml *m la, vhlcbho vroto Asla ai tbe m Hur room &Bd la OUed vith ré1~m d Correspoii4oeoset ihiaetthm. 'tb iding la abouit.. block long.0- ry hugb. vlth vilaisosplammces ar feeot hbto.', 1 vas ud asthe pitol ef -tbl5. teorl tol l 10. îpioted vblch wevo .vlute.& Tka 1builditge*anov uïs a a Maia-ledA. 154 tlihbusioes et la- mgtlng roem. One couli saeo14 .:i, it.ti profit and pleauo. m ' ~ VWtbld the*oli ebumch et "s »W "à bi n 1541. Tve et tbe allaMi n A ver, doo n 11m' nal I.ho bAillvwu madel, paIM SUen and la maid te o theT>V.EL 1thinb it buth mm utftul tome of-.8y bhall have ua rd. Each Qu.etofur pUI at *0 maure ot rlungA t . l'umDosa our rond toob s. te AUWmqWo largo t y lasNov Muteb 115gb think vfth. Cpglto Ci au 12.8m l~s a mot" 1 OMsiuAve 01hm hoe i é» Ce amlm os. vMtla coisAa MU&as buo Ao- edpas qtus a ttte lo 0*oe it e mh o Ioë. ttua . - == 1