Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Jul 1915, p. 10

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LÂKE OINTY DqDEPENDICNT. FR]DÂY, JULY 23, 1915. Ne lave & st md hmrg stock of LADDEIýSevery eiugth 0 HAY TIME SALI! ONE DOLLAR!- One to a customer SCREEN DO( AI] sizes Ready Sure catch with each A NOW US A GOOD THl 1TO -SIIINGLI ALL YOUR Bt IBETILLI Lui D.. by tho Ol Dept. Dean thon Phone 47 E., 10 ,door 0 0 )RS MEo Eabn UILDING re yo A. itopMg.o __ 0 I IE?~~I~cpvspis 8 i la the place to buy your Mensa and Boy& Cloth- img and every thing the Men and Boy& wear. Oppste the Nqrth Garage. Liberfylie, MD. Haying Machinery Deering and McCormick Mowers and Rakes. Osborne and Dain Side DeIIvery Rakes. Keystone and Dain Loaders. ROPÉ, CARRIERS, FORKS, ETC. GOOD STCC1C IF ITS Schanck FROMt SCIIANCK'S Hardware IT'S Company GOOD Libertyville. Lâ",i D L represented Phone 154-R I k' .1 Ie. r* i o o o b To insurs publication ln thé Indeon- dont. copy muet b. intheoffice nolater than Tuesday of sac>' w..k. Adver- ti8era. especieiy Ma0e mak* I o take particular notice to, this effect. Àdditleual Leca News oz Page 4 03. Carroll G(iley andi family matored ta Lake Geneva Sunday. MieFlore Chiurchîll of Evaneton, @pont Sundas at ber home here. Mie Verile ilcla l entertaining a cousin, MisesJue McClain of Elgin, for a week. Miea Ethel Wbeeler le entertaining the Mises Pearl and flazel Perry of Big Rock, I11. Misé elsen MeFarlane of Oakdale. Penn., la the guese of Dr. C. R. Gallaway andi iamily. Qut. a number ot local people went ta Waukegan FrIday utla&t* taattend Bawe's show. Chas. F. Smale returneti an Tbursday af lat week tram a business trip ta Davenport, iawa. Um Olive Bu rrlIdge ie enjoying a rata- lion t"m ber duties nt the Sheldon Scboo in .Chicago. Attorniey and Mre. Paul MaeGuin returneti on Wedneeday tram a month'e trip ta Seattle. Wab. Howard Flagg and Wmn. Dawden were lu Antlach Sunday where they attendeti the Episcapal services. 0. A. Newoom anti tamily rturned Monday evening tram their automobile tour ta Fart Wayne, Ind. rhbe W. C. T. U. wiil meet ett he home ot Mre. Sarah MoreeaonTueeday, July 27. Corne and fondi yaur help. Mr. anti Mrs. Fred C. Bulkiey are the parents ai a ton paund girl haro tu themn thie week Wedneeday inorning. Mir. and Mrs. Peter Mavers returneti Wetineeday tromn Milwaukee where they epent several daye with relative@.. Miss Helen Pettinglîl of Milwaukee, le the guet ai the Mies Beesie andi Blanche Schenck during Chautauqua week. \lrî...M 1.Co-n ,au net t tWba*o fil., 'Àedneuday far a visit with herl @inter, Mrâ. Clintan French and lamily. Mr. andi Mrs. Lee Book anti baby and lise Eva Gilbert ai Ournet, vere gueets af Jahn Lester and tamlly over Sunday. A number af Lihertyville people went fin Wankegan Tueeday ta attend the louerai ai the late Mire. John Lancaster. The Preebyterian C. E. eociety helti a ten cent social on thechurchlawn Thurs- day nigbt ai laet week, wbich vas a big oucees. The Tiria Chapier oi the Westminster Guilt ill meet witb Mis@SHelen Wrght at ber home soutb of town next Tueeday evenIng. Win. Attritige and bis mother :bave returned tram their auto trip which tbey made ta Delavan anti other cîttiesln Wioecan. The former etate ruling barriiig the shipping ai veal bas been abalisheti andi tarmere again eau shlp ceai wlth or without bides. Thoetram here who attended the M. E. camp meeting et DesPlaines last veek were lire, W. E. Devin, Mr». Allanson and Geo. B. Falett. Mrs. Lucy Slocum, who bas been living in Chicago durlng the vInter montha ham gantuta Fruitvele, Cal., whbere *e wiii etay for somsetMme. Mrs. Henry PlIlIng andi fittis 'ýild ai Lonmis, Wis., epent several déjà a% the Wood home an Fair street. Mrs. PWI»g lae asInter of Mrs. Wood. iss Maorie Hamil ai Austin, le being entertaineti at the Wilsan anti Olendari home on Division etreet. Miss Hamil expects to be here a week. E. E. Elsworth anti tamily enterteinetMasan @tâte that be bas buaketi gamnes the tormere ister, Mrs. E. E. Bette anti tan every Sunt.îy Bnu ta thetiret ai son Ellsworth, a nephev, Francie AsIns, Septembur. ail ai Evanston, an ilunday. tir, anti trs, Walter T. IMarlAtt anti Rev.Edwrd . Wite ad u bogmetéthree chiltren, Marv, Walter anti William Rver. EtiardeSitebaMi@ daudteof bnoeha, speut 'Saturtiay ight anti aen SuindeyMI Tealter, bMissofRdeanti udsY ltb Mis, Mrltt, parents, tir. ber rletiaiguUs Treier, athaiL a venluf. atiti tre.Byrun Colby. tMr, anti trs. voot, asu iseSuliji aiLak Blff. Maattant William returnedtotaKenose tirs.tiattie DBttis entertainet eigbt Sunday evenîng, leaving tht other tva youug ladieet lier home last Saturday chiltiren ta @pendi a couple ai weeks.bert evenlng lui bonur a! ber îiaughter Ruth'@ with thefir grautiparents. tir. Marlatt blrthdey. A dalnty lunch vas servet. le City etIir ut the Kenosha Evtning There vas a large atteutance at tht es Epwarth League social lu tht gym utf Since Tburedav nlgbt ot lest . eek tht M. E. cburch last Finy etning. Mlilwaukee avenue, etveen tht St. Paul G&m8e vert playet anti retrepheueiseput anti the EJetric station, bas been eveti, llluminated l'y six trînge aif electrlc Biehp A J.Nl,,avck O 1,icao, & lgb te acrose tht , trelt. Tht business }tlsop . J Mcatlk u hiago lemen, heateti by A. C'. Murray audPu stalnget ht omeut Ie istr. Mn%.. ,RaY, havtermade arrangements vith M. A. Mtillo anti faully. Thte}ishop! tht Public Service Co. ta have tht ighte @ Pend@ quite a rarr ut macth cummen here torneti on every night util etten tht fast vitb hie titer. dayouttht Chautauqua. Theiighte hum Treptov & Mdason are contucting every nîglît until une o'clock. anti vith epecial @&les an quitea number out hues theoe strngs ,t bulbe atitedti t th iu their turnitîîre store every Satuntay regular lighting tyetem ilwINake 1 0u1 Ibis montb. Tht store bas an an. avenue takes on a hioliday attire tar nOuonement I l CIssue, JChatauqua veek. XXXXXX xxx. xxxxxxx A eau vai born la Mr. and Mrm. Et Brilin ai Lake Zurich last wéek. The mother le a dangbter ai Mr. and irMe. Lew Floa ntiMr. BDilin le a son ai Mr. andi Mrs. John Brizon. Mmr. J. F. Donaidpon, wbu bad been visiting ber *luter, Urm. E. B. Smith, Iett Wetinesday tor Cincinnati ta visit another @lster betore returnlug ga ber home in Warsav, Kentucky. Farty-live Basons om uChicaga anti Lake Viev vere beres aturday nilbl and attentiet the Mdasons lodge. The visling members vers royaliv enter- lainai tiurlng Iheir etey here. A. C. Drysi of Calumet, Mli.i, le here tar a tva veeke viit vith bis brother, John Dryer. Mms. Elien Beockmen and littie son ai Chicago. are ailea peuding @omne time et the Dryer home. Mr. and Mis. R. B. Cale entertaineti the latters parents, Mr. andi Mrs. A. W. MieKentie oi Arena, Wis., aisea Mr. and Mrs. Floydi B. Chetlielti and son ai Ridge- way, Wi., from Baturday teWedneeday. The cernent waik along the east sIdie ai the M. E. churcb property bas been taken up and alter raieing tbe grade the walk vas releiti. The trouble vith the former valk vas that it vas too m especiali, lu relny veather. Dick tictahan bas entered a number afis iohrnetsla racesluln Michigan andi Ohi o. On Thursday of lasi vsek bo expreesetiaeborse ta Detroit, andi an the Ilth hoe hlpped twelve horsts by express ta North Rentiali, Ohio. tir. andi Mrs. Fred Craker are enter- tainlng Mir. and Mis. John Chambers ai Chicago. tirs. Chambers le a lter ai tir. Croker. Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Cham- bers ai Chicego, aisoe pentffaturday and Sunday at the Croker home. About ten automobiles tri" a tour ai a cousiderable portion ai Lake county an Frlday ai last edvertieing the Litberty- ville Chautauqua. Every car carried Itg fuil quota ai passengers- anti the autos vers decketi lu Sage andi big henalds. geturday evenlng as party ut local people attmead the grand opera "Madame Butterity' et Ravinia Park. Thome in the parti vert tMrs. hugueta Loveli and son Kpnneth. Nffa. Clara Colbyv, I. H. Colline and sun Dais, Robert Wright the Misses Angeline tieseer and Dorathy Schauck. Mise tiuidreti Date of Chicago, bas been vitlng the past veek with Mis Marlon E. Preston. Mies Date le the daughter oi Mir. and Mmr. tMorton J. Date andi a niece ai Sidney S. Date anti the late Henry Date. thelatter baviug been well known luntiethodiet circles as the tather ai the Epworth League. Justie ai the Peace W. E. Davis die- miesed the case againet a marn by the name ai Wlllams who bal been arreeteti on adultry charge evorn out by bis brother. The teedimony ai the coin- plainant tendtd ta prove that ineteati of having evidenceo ot his brothere guilt le vas merely pereecutiug hlm. Tht Sunday St boul council ot the Preshyttrian chureh vas entertaineti at tht home 0i Mms.Il. 1F. Waalridge Mon- day evening. Tht Council are makinfg plans for tht annual Sunday oeboul plcnic wbiie ota Le helt InluFuse Park some time tht tiret veeklal August if It le possible ta gel the park et that time. tAlert Sauer ai the filrm aifSauer & Ban@cal Long Grave, vas lu tovu Tues- day. Be tateti that the new stars ta replace the one destroyeti bY lire last winter le conpleted anti the nev stock le nOv hein put lu. The Independent this veek cotelae a dlsplay annauncement that the stars vili have a grand opening snle cammencing Auguat 2ad. Manager Chas. E. Maso. vas lu Chien- go Monday etsnlng where be attendeti s meeting ai the Inter-City Base Bali Ieage itb vhich the Lihetyville Dam. armas are affillateti. Be made finel arrangements lor the game nuit Sunday vlth tht Federal Lite testa. Manager ------------ --- ER A R!SEUV! VSTM'.à.£* A ClIECKING ACCOUNT Checks pour expeuses and furnishes you wlth r*eceipts. Wby nut do your buminless along 2th Cenitury lineig? This bank furnimhts you withi ail supplies free of chaîige. $1.00 Opens a Cheeking Account. SAt an atijourned meeting ai the vUile board beiti Tbureday night ot las$tvesk bide vers reati tor the turnishtia af rabher coatéanti boots ior the irs dopart. ment members. Bide verse ubmitteti by W. C. Triggs, E. W. Perkburet. Toul Ruese and ths Chicago Ruhber Ca. Tb@ ire anti valer conmtto vas Icetnuctsdl ta examine samples ai the goode to be turuiseet by @ach bitider, anti the con. mittet vas given the paver ta purchas. the outilte. T. A. Reynoids vent 10 Orayslake Thursday manning tao attend a meeting oi tht enterteinnent cammuttfes torthe Boîtiers and Sailors Baunion la h. beli et Grayelake Angusu 24 anti 25. Mr. Reynoidu sete that arrangements have airmatiy beau matinlabave %h. National Dru. Corpe, camposti ai drun andtilie players vho serveti turing the Civil var, ta turilh lmunefor th. tva day.. Amang the li9t ai speakers vili b. Con greésman Gso. E. Foes. Thurstiay afternoan oai ast veek Dr. E. B. Sm1th tilecoveredti tet oneone hati matie a visit ta bie dental pariai during hie absence st noon. In iooking ftoe gaiticrawns ho fond tbem miesing irain their reguier place, andi upon making a turtheri/.earch oa ihe eetabliehment Bisa nisoeti sansecrapq gaiti. The deutist values bhie tuge tram $15tla$20, anti tates that the persan or persoasdaing the job overookod ont plate golti. Entrance ta the prIvate office vas geineti by farcing a lock. Thetwtv gas llghte mounted an an Iran posu lu iront ut the North Shore Gas Ca's office le a boon ta the business housse ln that viciaity s it le natceabie thal à greater number ai people poau on that aide ot the street et night simca the light e es Intalitti several veeke ago. thé est @ide ai the street le thersioro aà botter attraction then butors the llght vas tnsaleti andti he pposIte aide le practiceily tieserteti alter dark. It voulti bu a Suétblm.gif the Publie Service Ca. elaa installai an cornemnental llght in frant ai Ite office, as thet vaulti place e big volume ai light et bath sudsai the main business section ut thet ta v. TIJSA IGlE1301NGU ASU By celecting the goode from ovei 0 patterns, reduced iu Prime but tailored to your meaaure and built along the of B&d.V Price & Co., and J. U Taylor & Co., a houuehold word wlth thou- ands of the bout dressed monn luthe country. Ul yu nood a first-olas Suit, made in the lategt st yle, by expor- ienced workmen, ana guaranteed ini every espc" corne in and look over these ce snd lot us take your measure TO- DÂY. 0 J. B. MORSE & CO. EVERYTHINO FPOR MEN Telephpne 14 Libertyvil VEGIETABLIES 1 [I ine 1 !RUITS CORLETT '& FREDERICKS Phone 30 jMEATS 1 Libertyville, '111. IGROCIERIIES MILLINERY at ON&HUALF PRICE DURING JIJLY aendAIJGIST AILL OUR SUJM ER MATS wilI be SOLD BELOW COSI. No exception. Get your nov bat aow et HALF regulari ce A large asortment, the tory lateet stylas. IJNDERWEAR, WAISTS, GLOVES. HOSIERY AND NOTIONS AT LOW PRICES.:-:: r ~PARISIANA CORSETS *1.00 TO 830 :- a A; W. LINDROTH -The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating." The Inde- spendent's Classified Ads haXe been proven by hupdreds of esatitified customers. Ask any user of thesee ittie salesmen. N e w lne light and dark Aprons New line Kimonas, just in - - - .50 - 1.75 W. W.Carroll s* Sous (go* TIYINQ OUT NEW LIOIIT FOR LieUTIime SYSTEI Tht Public Service Ca. lm testing ont a numbur ai the nev treet llghts vith which l proposes 10 light this village Il Iheir contraet in am.eptai by the village baard In the neer future. Th.e compeny is ehoving au Inclination ta meet the huard part vay lu their demanti for e laetter etreet ligbting systemn by ofSer- ing ta inet.ail the nev 1gb te now belng trnet aut ut a redîîcton In price tram tht amounts palti b.vthe village under the five year contreet vhich expires tu Auguot. On@ of tht new 250) c. P. llgbts bas Leen placet et tht intersection ut Milwaukee avenue santi Bgh street. Thie ligbt le a great Impravement uver tht oid arc lîghts, ant i itl@ prpbable that shouit tht new contract be accepted Milwaukee. avenue wlll be equipped i vth ttiie type ai laul tither lighte of émaller cendît puwer are being tritti out on varions etreets, whlch are showing off quite favorable. l'rababiy the Lest Improsement lu the ligbting stem whicb bas been propuceti, altbougb not dtiiniteiy settied upon, le that ail ligbte viii go back ta thelr Ila- ti,.n ut yeara ega, that le they viii bu bug luthe center ut thte treet, sue-. pendeti tram beavy vires insteati ai the short iran pipes tram the pont ut tht site ut the street. It le saidi tor tht igbte lu the center ut the street that they spreati their light aver e greater aea as tht troc@ do not intertere, aq le tht case vlth the present systen. Nat mucb ie bing esit abaut tht -cou- tract for lUbting the etreeta by gais as aubmltted by tht North Shore (las Company, hut Itla bolileve t tat the committet le tillientiy vorklng icr a better street iighting systen as thrshbu beenl much dlseatistactlJon Wlth i presnt one. VEgY SPECIAL PRICS -_ON Ginghaw, Satine and -IusIin Fetticoats Striped Petticoats, the usual 50c, at - $.35 Satine Petticoats, dark colors and black $1, at .68 Muslin Petticoats, 50c, 75c, 89c, $1, $1.25, 1.75 a Lake County National Bank CapitkI. Surplus and Profits -Sl100,00.00 Total Resouroos, 750,000.00

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