LKKE OUVNTY 1ATEPE1»DrNT, FRDÂY, JULY 23, 1915. LaUke- Counity Independent Waukegan Weckly Sun Offic. Tolophone Numbes i, LlbertyilIls E xchange. latacaS 4t tb. Poatoffice at LibertWvi1le. I., as SecondCliais MailMattar I Official Paper for County. IssuaS Evary Frlday. Advrtieing Rates MaSe Known on Application. BUORIPTION PRIOE, 01.50 IPER YKAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE W. J. aS m .......... ......... . . .................................... Editor P. a. SmiTw -...............................Mensga ..JWSR ......... ........... Rasident Managsr, Phn,,, ,rr A 'tber~rutal attack bas taloen place at Rondout. It la blghUMe that ralroad officiais provid.d sufficient po- lice protection at that point. Lake co'unty fortunately thie season has flot had the urnil number of drowmings i the lake region. BUT, it is sal4 to b. due to the fact that the. numbers of persons- sojournmng at the lakes is niaterially less tha= in previous yeur; accordingly oie camiot conclude that people are usig moorem~e and cadton-it's just a case viiere the chances aru't so'many because the. possible victinis are much leus tuaiformerly. If Lmake county basi a big amount comung from estates that bave not been closedl duuing the. past 20 years, it nilght b. vell for Lake county's $5,O0a-yesr prosecuting attorney to show bis desie to earn bis money by m.aun a move to get that money inbo the. treasury. Beemàs as if that estate money is a tangible asset whicb the. county is entitled to aid can get if uufficient interest is shown by those vbose duty it is to watdh such tbings. Voliva announces tbat a cabinet of hus officers in fu- ture will umnage the. affairs cf bis bi& business. To use a i"g expression wbicb. expresses it ulost forcefully, "We have a picture" cof Voiva perniitting anybody linbis muer circle to do anythîn. ithbsafi vli e does not approve cf. go, vbat Il be the. status cf bis "cabinet of managers "? No, Voiva is toc decided hime.Itot per- mit auy body of men to grab off any of bis power. We vonder boy tbat voman wbo recently struck thé~ litti girl over the. back and dilocated her kIclney so that MaVl bave a '¶loating kriduey" all the rest cf lber life, is toeliu about the. matter just about nov. Tiie terrible "punishment" infticted upon ber, cf $3 and coats, for the. ai-I must bave mde lier feel ail "broken up. " Tbree Î"_andcodta for a mashed kldney doesn't indicat. MU thmani kdueys are vcrtb asmcii as cow's. mapm cf Lake county, just publisiied by Tii. Bu% an creatlng profound mterest. Several rnpn have MMm vbat th"y blieved ver, ý!:ig)t er:zrz:, in 12EV- lTCASE viier. thiy vere tra6ed dcvi, it vas found *tbeti compiler of the. map vas correct, as prcved by the~ »Mer of the. countY, from vbich the. data vas prccured. ZwSer as as flue a niap cf Lake county been produced; »M erh»CIe been moreé accurate and comprebensive in deul. Thoe hW& near Libertyville are proving disastrous t. aut.iBUt-especialY those viio seem vifling te take thua vitiout cutting dcvi speed. Many accidents bave occurred dmug lth past betveen Libertyville and the. Belvidere rosd. But., the. ravel pi bili viiere the *agOdY cccurred Nonday, isn't the vonst hb by any m anad vile aqieîsnay happe» under the best cf clrcunotanussmies it does't seem as if thei. bU in question is badl uougb te cause a tragedy unleas a car is driven dcvi it r ftm sly. 1Considriag tue number cfCoeok county autoista and autoluts from elsewbere vho use the good roada cf Lakq county, Lake's appropriation cf $11,953 for state aid roads lu Rot very generous as compared te other couuties. Oti- ens nlay pay more state auto tae, but the noada cf no coujntylin tue state are used mom by autolats tban tuoe. tunLake county. Fact in that in touring, even Cook cou»- ty autis use Lake county noads more thai tuey do those cf their cvi ceuuty. But, Lake couuty'usbihre cf the auto ftnd is based on what it pays in rather thbm tue use to which is roads are put It lu natuer unfair lu a vay. With the. evidence againat tue Fox Lake liquon deal- 'ens as sbaky as It is; wii tue convictions se uncertain and le« as compared te the total expected aid a"kd for by Dady, taxpayens canuot Mdp but ask theuiselves tue quest- Ion: "Iou t vonub ail tus trouble and expena. te iry te vring a 1ev dollars eut of the pockeis cf Lake county men lu the. lake region vben tue evidence la so sbaky aid tbe ,nd attaied É0 inconsequental?"' WhatiIf a couple cf Làke couuty mien ARE made te pay a fine cf a smali aum oi evidence submited by PAID OPERÂTIVES sent oui especially te GET tueni? What avail the iaxpay- e o e aê nrh Axfl4Tivand7O nsvi.... .Kd/tîna/5ews G lr. and Isr. J. T. Robertson of Cbica. geo, are visiting frlends hore saveral daye. r P. G. lDayton ot Rarringion, Kansai, ril visilUng bis, F. R. Trlpp and wile for a few dsya. bUr. and Mr@. Henry W. Licbtfeld and blîdren motored to Austin on Saturday »wbere tbey visited wlth cousins until Monday. Miss Isabelle Clark le ber@ for a two weeke visit with ber brother, Jas. L. Clark and wite. Miss Clark bas just retunned iroin a visit with ber brother ES and iamliy ai Urhanablli. Arthur W. Miller la aujoyig a week's vacation froni hie dulies at the, post Ioffice anS bas goDe to Wynne, Arkansas, whare he bas jolnad bis sister, Mise Addie, who bat! gona thare about ton daya previous a onuit ber cousin, Thos. Lina. and iamily. JIRÇELIZABETh 1NEWTON DJIES IN KANSAS Mis. Elizabeth Newton, who was over fifty years a ceaident of Lake county, diea thOe borne of bar son George in Chame, Kansas, July 11, at % bicb place se was hunied on Wedneaday. She waa 85 years, 5 montheand 8 days old. Elibabetb Bell wa hum at Foibeck, England, Frb. 3. 1830, and waë marr.e to Marshall Newton Sept. 25, 1849. Threresono and tbree Saughtrs wre humn to them. two Sanghtens dyiag ln eidhood. the othera etili living. She witb ber buaband and family emlgrated tu this county lu 1859, settling lu Lake county, where she realded until Januany 1915 Wheu @h, went to Cbaae, Kaioa. to @pend ber remaining Says. She waa lef t a widow lu 1863. She was raised lu the Episcopalian cburch. but upon settliBg lu Illinois @ba unîteS with the Congregational churci of wbicb ebe bad since bren a member. RAIN PREVENTS âAME WITU KENOSUA TEAI On aceounulof tb- bevy tain Sunday ný.ý %reraio o.1 akiug a chaire Sat traveling twenty-five mile. anS ha'.e no game. Rowever the n'eatber waa filne hae anSd damond good. Witb the beartv co-operation of Nor- man LadS, who bai consenteS to lend the services of a team. more work wili br put un the diamond this wéek anS br lu firet claie shape by Sunday, when the the fait teamà Federal Lii.. corne berr tom Chicago for a statue. We are iooklng torward to a large crowd and a good game. as tua» teani l@ consîdered oe oi the lImteet lu or around Chicago. The batterie@ for Sunday's game will br ai tollowa. For the. Ramarras, Dortier and Jobuen.n for the Federal mLites, Pelfflke and Farrell. NOTICE Durtu the I.lbrrtyville Chautauqua ail automobile, will go East ounfBroadway sud unload their paseuenesas entmance opposite Wrght Court then Souh on Park Place to Division streel then WeRt to MlilwankeAve. Macina. rnay br parted udt to the Park but ail musc br beaded ln the direction above given s0 thai wheu tii. entertsinment le aven theY y il IImove In the sane direction tou avaidsaccdents. Under nu circuni- stancss vili vebicle. b. allowed to enter thb. park. BY ordo of Part and Street Committe,. Weather forcat tor the week begin. ning Wednesday JuIy 21, îssued bY the U. S. Weaiher Bureau. Waahington, 0. C, For the region Oft the tGreat Laktes: (3enerally tair weather and moderate temp-ratures Probable Until near th, cnd rOt tbe wre-r-k men warm W'ratber i. probable. For the upper mîitepi iValley and plains ýtatr-e tioderate temperacures andS1gcnerally fair weaber tkr- tiret hall of the wr-rt. Ttc latter hal it ni b warmcr and gerierallv fair, exc-epc that widely cattered ihunderebowertqaran probable. CARO 0F THANKS Wr wisb to t iauthe cmauv trieuS sud neighborg wbo su klnSly asaîsted us durlng ourreteni tbereavement. Aloomo the many floral offertuge@. Mr@. Isaiella James anS Famlly. 1 NOTICECTO TAX PAYERS » Ail com plain t: tsaansc sesomente lu r ake County mnuett e illeS wltb the Board ut Review ou cm bafore Augnat lst. 44-cl Henry B. Eger, Chairman. stitutions cf ibis sert, togetiier viitiithe ake Bluff Or- pbsnage have nunaged to care for sucb cases, Under the lav cbildren legally declared delluquent musi be sent te dtate Énsttutions, so about the. Ônly vay for the couuty te make use cf the couuty buildings for children vould be te open it up as an orpbanage-aid counties cf the state baven't started deung tbat yet even tbougb miost counties 11k. Lake, maintain tbeir cvi GENERAL HOSPITALS. But, ibis is said tebe apart cf thebig sciieme sowe pre- suime it vill bave to ru» Is course Just i e the otiier move- mente aneni the bospital vbicii te date bave arrived ne jplu. . ____ -- -- cUi gjvnyueuuaovau g p <>utl O To complete the Sheridan drivevay, or lake short road, is cvin esidents vie» strangers paid vut but oie obJeCi aid make it tue principal blgivay for the iicreased auto- lu vlev <of GE-TTnqG tueni) are tue only en b vbicii mobile travel beiveen [llva.ukee-and Chicago lis th hope they are ccnvucte? To date ne LAXEI COUNTY UEBl- cf good roada advocates, vito are orgaihe a iew M- DENTS have been vitiense againsutue Lake couniy men vaukeeChicago noad prejeci. À plan has b..» adopted -AYS OUTSIDERS paid te do tue job-ind cheap te organise a party t-c tour teobicago on July 26 for tue detectives are kuovi te be available te DO or BAY any- purpos. cf insp.ctig the. Sheridan nead. Ou the nighi cf tbing for pay. Y.., what does Lake ceunty get Oui Of It, tbat day a large "1good ro#Ad" meeting vill be ield in Chi- exc.tingexpnse?__________cage under the. direction cf W. G. Mdens, president cf tue as8oclated good roada organisations of Chicago and ook Judging from a newspaper article sent eut threugh a county. If ibis meve can only bnlng a change te tue noad medium vbichbhas persistently cpposed County ]Pbysician conditions beiveen Waukegan aid Kenosha, it viii iiike Brown and tue general werk cf ithe nev ccunty bospital, the heart cf every auto oviler ithe. state thnob vith joy. tue cppOnmtaOf tue hespital and the physician are get- Tii, siretcb nortu from, Zion te Kei4osha la the. bug-bear cf tigready te aprmg tueir secret plan of tryingte couvert autolatu aid tiere seems no good reason viiy ivo auci the couaty hospitai mie a childreî'a home. This plan has iiustllug comnoinulties siould net be coniected vih a bei- bem onaleru qu-etl fr some Umen as a lasi means cf ter iîoroughtare. I fact, it's a diagrace te tuis part cf 'getting" Dr. Broown. A honme for dependent cbildren cf ithe country thaitueh "Sheridlan ros"' streichinl question Ch iir c hIews g ROM - LOCAL.- CHURCI4ES Nit Suaday, Jal 215, the. seesion 0f SUnDA&Yachool mii b. held as usual at 10 o'ciock aharp ithe torenoon. Sunday inorning at il o'clock preach. lng servic willi b. iied. The pautor. 11ev. T. E. Ramâwilli preaeb the sermon on tha topie, "Caating loto the. Deep or lorof'IIen." No aveonng ervie.. J Siiday morning at the. 11 o',lock sel- vice MAiss Dorothy Doane of Syca&lor,, III.. wiii alng. Miss Doane le attending Prof. Cippinger'a achool of vocal iuici ln Chicago. St. Lawrence Epîscopai. Bloiy Communion 7:30 a. m. Snnday achool 9:80 a. m. Morng ItPrayer il a. m. Mia. E. VcOînnis wbo maes ber boni. witb a daugbter st Worchoetar, Mass, le bere for an extended visit witb ber iters, Mr@. Reuz Osbiorne and Mrs. T. A. Reynolds of Oray.lake. THE MN RRESTEI> ON SERJOUS CJfIRE FOUNU4OT 6UILTY farm Hand in Employ of Sam- uel Insuil Spent One Week in lait at Wàukegan. Alter spendlng a week lu the coun- tY Jaal on a serions tatutory charge prefarrA gia u h isowu brothrN. O llaus ai in In the emplôr of Samuiel insuil. alec- erical wicard, who owus a sumnier borne at Lubrtyvllle. was discharg,5- fromt cutody of Justice Davis Frldrsy. tigreraI Yeara ago the, brother. Louis Wiliaua. Who la a resident of Wia- at that time, but N. O. Williams' step- daugbter. Tbay vent tii Wisconsin at that trne, but ... O. Williams' stop- daughter soon deserted Louis Wil- liant,, charging cruelty. Tiie atep-Sugbter returned to Liii- ertyilîl, anS maSo ber borne wlih tr mother anS stop-atber.wbo ila slo ber brother-in-iaW. N. 0. Williams was arreated six days ago on a serions statutory charg, a charga tbst 1* proven would bave meant lmpriaonmant Iu the stata pan- itentlarY, and vorst o! aIl, accordlng to Wlllams hinigel!, separation front Oie voman of -bts love. The case Involved charges agaiat N. O. W»I liams and Mrs. Louis Williams, The case vas caliaS for trial yes- terday and viien Louis Williamns vas called uPon te tabe the stand and tell bis story, b. 515 Dot have on, Iota of eyidence. He atated tbat ho feared such and sncb tbings wer. takig place, but b, admitteil chat he had neyer seen bie ite In the arm, o! bis brother. or lu each other'. coni- pany when a third party was ont pres- eut. As sco ns. the case was dîsmiased, ifui. Williams,.fit l8saiS. disalipear- ed. N. O. WuUliams returned to bis wor'x at the Inal tari. L AT THE THEAT[EPS A Prince ut Peace. Herman A. Black- man la the autior anS Edgar Jones ch. producer o* this two-rel d rama. As the @(*e@ arc laid arnong the Kentucky mountaineers, the usual tenîd turnisha. thc mtift. a Seeperate runng igbt betwcru the rival tarnîltre vili als for much fing ut ridles auj eiotgune, leead- Ing to the final bandebaking of the warrlug taction. However, IMr Black- man leade up ta hi@e cii sxnlua novel anS effective manne. ,and tie excellent piayîng Ot the encire cai.t bringe out ail t4t WooS iýlrl n cbe play. Liberty ft.eaet, ,Sisiuy, July 24. WEÂTHER REPORT NI3,EW EXPRESS La NO W IS EFFECTIVE; Express agents here bave juat re- CelVed notification froni their coni- paintes that lu the future tbe value et eacb parcel muet b, given sa near> ly exactiy as Possible by the, consign- er betor, the, article con b. secepted for.. sbpment The. new regulation la ln contormance, with Oie 1Oninns amnedment t he UIanterstate com- Menue set The. express rates allow a valana. tion oiftatty cents a Pound. on ahlp- ment. accapted, wthout an ÏlnCceaae ln thiae. If a sbipuint la valueS at more tban ilfty cents a pound and its total valua la over 8£0, the, cont of sbipmnt la 10 cent.slier $100 bigiier. >eu the actual value la given la wrlting. as ls nôw required, abippes cannot sue the ewreeaoupanl'Uori unreasonabl, amounta if the. packages ama destroyed. On thce otiier banS, the Comnpany, havlnsgoaccpteS the. extra rate ln conaideration of a large valuation, lu case o! losof a consign- ment, muet pay for il t thle vaiue ac- JULY CLEARANCE SALE Every Saturday During July Every Saturdai, of this month we will hold an 'ail dayj Clearance s'le, giviog -20 Per Cent Discount for cash only This ia the season of the year when you are wanting something in the fine of furniture, and we ask you to see aur stock before you buy. Corne carly and look ove- thc articles listcd below, which are ail f irst-cLas, dependable goods. No xmatter what you want we will make you a price tLat wilI appeal to you on sigbt, for goods and puîce will tell Utcestory. 20% DISCOUNT ...TERMS CASII==.ON TI-ESE 3 Chilfoners 6 Pedestals 3 Telephone Stands 1 Oak B.d 4 aonBB.d dos, Bocep#on Chairs dos. Bedrdom Chairs and Rockers 1 doz. Rockers 2 FcldingWashýBenches I TREPTOW & IIASON Furniture and Undertaking THE BIG STORE LIBERTYVILLE BENT ILI3DS IN ALL 0f lDONCITY NOW Nine o'clock I Silence fallu on Mion City. A bell rings ln the. tower of the. Mon Home. and ail true Zionites bow their heada In prayer. In bonor 0f the. hour. mombera of the. Mon church and iiuada'e. of vis- Itors Whio aro attendlns thie Wsait 01 aIbernaci.a fStmed Into a giganti clock it th the. bands pointing hi tie bous of 9. Twolve yeams qo viien the.late John Alexander Dowle founded ZMon Clty b.e etabllshed 9 o'cloc in the. morning and 9 o'clock In thie «venins as the. bourg of prayer. The proye i for on@ minuta. Tii. observ"ce WUa balS sacraSby Da'vloPs ucc a- or, Wilbur Glenn Voliva. AUl maciilnary ln the. cty stops at 9 O'clock, tbe aniployes pray; the. ZMon City police pray; the. workmen on thie streets and pedestriads Ta, move their hats and Pray. And the. big ball In the towar rings. The, human ClOO'k was composed of the. apoutis, eiders, cildren cethe. restoratlon bout, thie Mon Senior band, the ZMon gouards, the, Junior hand, the. Senior ana Junior Tetor.- Iton bouts, the. Druni and Bugle corps and membars of the. Zion White RobeS choir. Overseer Voliva was i the con- i dos. Samitary Couches i do. Mattres, Cotton Feit 6 Clothes Bars 12j Child Chairs and Rockers 4 Square Extension Tables 2 Breakfast Tables 3 Porch Swings Odd La ceCurtains Pictures at eue- hall Price. Plain, Simple, Straightforward Insurance, without any Fads or Fancies, Frilis or' Feathers, is what the Old Michigan Mutual Lufe olfers. 'Shakesîpeare long ago pointed ont.. the- folly of atternpting to paint the rose or gild refined gold. In ý,aI their sinîplicity the contracts of the Company art "good enoiigh for us" to offer and "1good enough for you" (or for any otie) to buy, lu a word the à insured pays as littie as possible and thp Co(npany givc* the utrnost it can afford for the iaymnent macle. JOHN HODGE District Manager Branch-Office, Michigan Mutual Lif e AREA IILLINOIS R.W. C Stameved 1 home SUD &pont sel relativa. 4 Misa Ehl lasopaudin, W bite. clement week for Tbey lnst briome thl, J. T., bis son le Peter Lt businjessh MiîesCar le pencdifi Annat.,l 'V F'. 1).lIa Juin sl*, forr bis In, sp.ndiràw Il Mr andSIM Tut.sday. prof. il Tued ày fi The Mid. che- auspîr' Mdission W, cially and Truc t', th wo a lomu abr,i iou ta atcil fiazaa, Liî.Olittlr a a nour il psrt ofthic 15li-k liii LII ilit-hr t, lart u Su-e mi.., larr dais nt tii anSdi-r. Mailjr,, J.,bil Sta f-uiîuem at MINe An [il antiBai. S.h'r ofi. i Mr. awl 3 Mr. andl tr Siridav ,a SCSeIiol0 day Sciriol berraf týra, 2Ziou Ctty ri Mpar. Jr, Rirrr Frg Vred Van/i Mms.Will tus week. MmirsBellE reporteS m The Lsd il day at Ni re Mies, Mon ber rougin, Read pianos an. better plaý about the Kimbal pi l'ho Vil V ivt roli., market. wiii tell w Corne in 3 Dressera 6 Puuli Carte 6 Go Carte 6 High Chairs 10 Hiamrmocks 3 9xl2 Rugs 6 Vacuum Cleaners 3 sets 6 Dmners each 2 sets 5 Diners each 1 set 4 Diners 6 Foot Stools 6 Taborettes