Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Jul 1915, p. 4

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LÂX~ dO'C714TT . FIDAY. JULY 30. 1915. ~~iL -, n DIOINi ITCIIES TO POSITION_0F J16R. Albert Goodnow Who Takes H. T. Crawford'a PIaeSa- ed at Bottom o- Ldder. FATHER IS HIG6H OFFICIAL., Acting on His Fattier's Advice He Started at Bottom and Worked Himnself Up. Alberit ocdflow did not rtcp Into the posititonof manager Of te aU-1 kegan office of the North Shore Gasi Company wtticut any previout train-1 Ing and stm tly becatîse bis father,ý George H. Goodnow, boldm an ib i >- sition with the big corporation. Hic started aithebc bottom r9ng ef the lad- der anid tlîrough is persistence as. wortard himseîf te bis preenct Position wtb strong Indications that ho wifil cllmb yet igber. Ho ta a graduale of lire Waukegan townshitp higb achoot, baving graduai- ed wttb the dlasef 1907. Sbortly af t- er that te expressed te his father lite desire te enter the emptoy of the ga,; cepipany. "Veu b ave te tarI ai the bot- tom, Abert," hie father sstd. «' miglit take you laIe the office, but iitijout the fundarnentala of the busineslm_ preesod lndeiibiy Inte, yeur mnd you 1 neyer would ho able te gel ahead. if. yUlike tbe business It viii net take vory long te vonk yoursett up." Maay young men weuld bave been disappointed. Tbey mtgbt oven bave t0W tbelr parent that they dld net purpese te toep te mental tuber when they b.d a btgh achool education te baek up their de'napt for a position. ýlbert Goodnew vus nôt coeof Ibis clasm ef young ton. He slmply smIî- ed.- «'I gueaa Yeu know ben(, fatîler,"bu The next rnorntng ho reportetj for vos-.Ris trienda .vould acarcely bave bIipva hlm. for ho vas atttred la bine overa lise auy labonor. And ho dld 1%« ahirk. When ditches vere tu bc dot e h.uita aspude viti mUithie vigor neceM.aRy.e belped tulay thie pipe 19 lie tronches, leamtld how"te carry hae ipu Iule tiie bonses and boy tb 104ke connections. Thora vas ne luborer that vorked any harder. S3top hy stop he ha. leared lie dit- feront braces ef th. buiiess untît nov be hu fil ai 111e inger tUpu. Ail Ibis hbu taken s4vOral yeara but il vas vos-lbwhiie for ho nov beldsa I rTapousale positon ith thIe gas cer- pany. Ho nov accUete ~position viiih ba been hotd for lie lattIl; Ysear b> H. T. Cravferd. Mr. Gond- uova se s8e0e empiasizlag thi ttat a aYoung man wvielis çelerm.e laned legel ahead te anY lIneor f usI-C ne.n eau do se. Providing bhoa is yul- tut te start at the iowest ruag and 0 vOris upvard.1 SAYS ONLY TEN p»A OWN LICMNESt Incn Wautsegau, Juty 22. nconectlon vili lee Matiiev Bud- runua mloon Ilenuse meiéer, Commis- %louer George powell, heud cf theo Publie h eati and safety deparîmnent, declares liaI thore are net more tb¶ln teuloon keepers lunte clty vbo are payiag tieli- ova licenses. Hoe nauynthat nearli Ovei-y saloon keeper lu lie city la obllged te uorrow meney viti vbich te Pay the 81,000 yearty liceses tee, and Ibal nearly aIl or <hem hberr-w money from ltehev-w ext.. vilci auPPly tbem wlîh liquor. The checka tram ail orthIe,, saloon keoPers, aecordtng te Nir. Powell. vëeer.acPtOd by the cty, and thi.Il- Cennwe e sgned and lagued hy lie Mayor. Tii. queston that the rom- mbssionert are asking la. this hetng true, viy do. lie mayor single nul Budruiaa, vie aecuned his moaey tn thé saime manner, aud refuse te grant lense. This vas te plaec thiesa- Oorts lu tie bandse!fIndividual su- tone keeper. iastead of in the bands efthte breverios. It bas alvaya been betd bore that lte ciy cannet egulate lie maltes-o! seeing where a salooneper May ber- rov hie meney viti viich le puy is license. ln other wvrete oflIciaIs have bubon the stand that tiey have no rigit te dlctate,la Iis regard. Boli lindrunas and Schwartz de- culitaI the fermer slrnply made a Stan slered by a judgnIent note tro th le latter and liaI Schwartz bas ahgoîtety ne other tterest la lie matter. Tie me mbera ofthle couneil have qpreg.d themftive.Inla fver of giv- ldg BU0Nsshilitaicease. The mayor b lie 'Mtternder ceasideratien but bos sol yet decided viat b. ASMÂTTE IEAD, - NJ QIy SHIOWS Promotèr, Believed P Suicide, Was Removed by Craw- tord Heirs. caaf emnHaum Pellera. -ne owners d thi e Astlnd are tring to make. me thI:ru oa. mle 1 Captain Hmry Pederson oft taunfortunte yeuse). "lm me -«"-l 1 they dont do to me Iwbat va. dont to the. captam 0of the. General SlouI- lmI tell everytiiing I klcw. rm a sailor, not a manager. 1 vau up o 1. bridge, not down counting pussengers or ini lhe engins reom." "]I c' C'1c' lban those paid girls tn elier occu- i ~'~eAUIi ~ lunsoulte occupations equaliy exuctingf FOR eRONE 61RI earsas tbe minimum aelle o prat- F OR PI1ONorIRLThis i-ote la la terce ta San rn cldad osAngeles, lil la statod, The Investigator Alleges Morean hudbaopeeerw r. Hardships oft- Switeh- Healh Net Wage Factor. board Operators. "Tbero la ample evideace liaI vhite I ail bbe aanltary and bygieatc appur- URGES A MINtMUM WAGE. tenancea and cemtort iolpe are soup- 4dopton o a sx Pled t theemployez* In their operat- Uepio cfa i.hol r 'îay and a tIng and rosIt moms" the report stulles., minimm wag fortelep , "neitier their health nruerler ecen-a minium vge or hiepone opel-at- nmic velfameiamd a nltin ors are recommeaded la the report cos 1erti madt Ie acmpnies tan lof an Iavestigation coaducted by >be Ithe etablishment O! lie vag. acbod- United States commission on Indus- niles.c ,trial relations Jin the conditions of! "Alertnes.sPeed, efficioncy are 1he. emptoyment Of telephoete girls in Chi- companles,' valcivords. and vbat1 cage and seven otior largo cîteao! lites. essentttielrqulremnents can ho lie ceunty. The psy, il le urged, secured for On the laboi- mas-ket seemst sbould be on a fleat eeily or moubbly le ho lie only test o! vages.. basîs, aad net bYthie boul-. "Th~e managers pelittote eact1 Additionat revetattons In the eprt tabt .'vo vay a little higiier titan theÊ vore made public yesterday. The -! same clanseef girls got ta depurtrnent( Port layes peclat stress on the pieeat stores, tieretoro, ve are abIe te pro.-I heurs voried hy the girls, the vage. jcu-e a better clasof girls.' paid, aad the effee t ite wvon cut tie eperatoes bealli. i CeltuPses at Work Frequent. 1 Thefiel-volts sîralnataiendiîîg teie- 1 Nervous <-lapgs ettaI lie vtch- Phoneoeperatlag, the report stabes, Itboard are trequent occurrences. Hys-i cOmbhlned witb rigid discipline, te ex.-ilericai uttacis, viiere the operater. eéptlenatiy severo and lx reapoasibtu after teacblng thetirait ot nerve en-i for thie ph'ysicl and nemi eus break-! ditrance. tbrovs up ber hande, acrearn. devn Of a conaiderabto Portion o!fltejland falteals t er verts are sali totc girls. The report la eed 1>-e -ecrqi.!eqetydnn i B. Curry, vho made the lIvestigation Ibuglent perteda and mont frequently foi- lie commission. during 1the nummer days. Reporte of investigator. 1 "There In a systern et direct Ob- Att lie recemmoudatious and cou-. servation hy the suporvimors, chIe? clusions are thieo! the Investigat- operaters, and managers, la and about1 or. and have net yeh beon passed on thie operatlag rooms. viiich le extreme- by Ciairman l'rank P. Walsh or lhe ly oxactng and dlaciplinary. Tiere i. commission as a viole. poasibi>' ne voman ta any industry1 Regarding the complaintseoftlbvhe hse remlssneuss iemore itantly1 *girls omPloyed by the Chicago Tole-1 -ecied by tho Incisive action et an1 phono oompany againat lie quatIty ovelseer than lie telepioneoapuraI-1 and quantity o! lie food servod them or. lu lb, company's lunchreom, lie ire. 'The managers etated liey iad no1 port aays: Iul a.crn b elmtna "Te aervice wbtch tbe public de- for le is-e rigte batad rgh- madecane h trnsi y udolest of young girls sesin te ha been for nouriabod girls, noi- by tIbesoIla a lie vas. ,Tiey aay 1he girl i lehke 1 state ot worry cause by lhe anticipa-e tementfho vor0k and lte ca- lion etfslc'nesa or unemptoyment,-!or toi-y îent appelasta them, They1 vhich hIs laImpossible te maie pro- tlitseacb day te unseeso patrons- vision viîb their pi-sent vag." îîeylbarinleknev thi oînvece-tioy t> Report on Wage Rate. got ta 'teel' their characleristits and liere ta lhe conclusion asn10 lbthe t earn much tbatlaI.secret ftram lie proaenî rate et vagea: outalde wvend. Tbe honwlikvrla ett "Investigatien shows tint lie ma- up ai sucb a rate o! speed tliaIlit bas jorlhy o!thbe girls nat living vîithand ail tiie etements et a gazoettil the Paitially auppcrhed by their familles, naveiîy et il vears ot! ani thle strala are beardlng wilb triends ci- relatives of!the constant bammerlng begins ta ah reducod ratea, lie vago belan- tlu- nier evs aufficloat Indepeudenîly te matutta cli onerirlsrvea. e a decent standard or living. It lean Th veragagr irs orfte es-.d. eonoec reng ta Impose tie bur- "rune vron 6to2 e ae cfhe oul don efthle partial suppor-t of liese usfen1 e2 en.leyug usetul unitso e te leeplînne bulnens er girls are pnOtted fer may ee- upon eother members o! the tamily exrjBsns by lie cempany. Tiey are mtil olier vw4iu.-persons vîit wtom îîoy liiety ho live ah home. 'lâiey are kooti- ma>' happen ltîve." e or th le verts. Mvllen tn spirit ,moe As au offset lut hae conclusioasa aert te discipline_ - The>' enier viti thereprt iiè te eploerscreitmore .argennea anU,zeelottelei tu. rIaeotges i eîter re exeîtement titat lie citiracltr orAhie ho ~ ~ ~ ~ - Ibsutn:Iesafferds. Tiey worty bue, rI.Oy vuTg tewgea i Wd by thse toto- pion. COMPanis are tllgitiy better ane phYislly more-aide te stand lie strate." WIDOWS WILL LOSE MONEY Interestinq -Questions Corne Up in Case Which Has Attract- ed Se Mûuch Attention. Bouton Harbor, Micb. .tuly 20-- Reveatlons cerne thic< and fast te-. Iday ln the Investigation of the tlnan- cil allairs et rank P. Graves, wo Forest garage. Ali the developmenti tend te confem tbat Graves cemmit- ted suicide. Chiot significance lsaltached to the discioure tiat Graves. Instead or xc- signing a ye*r ago as trustee of tbe estate-of Àndrov Crawford, bts fatb-9 er-inlaw. iraa enated by joint action1 ofe oiore. The Irusteeship thond -vont toe ile. and Trust Comnpany1 counting then ef bis administration be- cause of the objection of Hi-s. Craw- 'ford. the. vldow. wbo belli the con- itrolling sharo lu tte estate. But uti- muid the.heire demanded an expicit ôf the entirs time Ibat Graves acted as adminisi.rator. Dock Propevty Involve. When Graves assumed trushoesbip et the Crawford estate, one cf the rnàt -aluable pleces o! prepemty en- rustod te him cal-e was aithte foot et Wabsh avenue. Chicago, on Dock a"d River streets. A provision of the vili vas that the property'neyer sbould b. bold or momgsged during the livea ef any of the hei". But through a legal loch-1 nlcaUlty and by the appolntment of a truste. for the land Il vas mnîtgaged for moes han haîf a million dollars. The. rent tram the proeoty Lnnually la said tu bave been excoedingly. higb. As5 mater. nov stand. It in muid the lnce 0e o11111. more than pay lu- tereu &sid taxs. Credlitora are speculattng whether $2600000lite Ineurance poicles that Graves carrled are payable te tthe es- tat, or hi.evite. If Mrs. Graves la! the. benelictury the, ameunt la exempt. regardioas of *bat Graves' liaiilties may b.e. Il lhe monoy goes te the ostute the crodîtors yull have claims1 asaienetil. Nard Pre.ed for- Capital. Perlier eviden ce that Graves vas on thie verge et financiat distor atmo came e t igbt. An Incident of how bard presaed ho vas les ln a toa ef $6.000 be negettuted two years ago witii the Parîers and 1Mrbanta' baak oft tus cily. A year ago tbe batik informed Graves ho woutd ho granted ne more extension and fore- ed lte put up cettuteral te cover tbe sum. Graves was givon eue year tn wbicb te taie up the note. The day beforo ho torwarded te th autsa checks for tb. fuît arnount. But ho ro'iuested thal t Itenet cashod unhltbe cot- lterai ira reieased. Ho vauted the secarity sent te a Cbicago bank te cever another boan., The plan vas caried out, beooms. Grave. dlod lb. noxt dey. Âmong Graves' creditors bore are W. Worth Beau, Jr., pusing and buitd. Ing contracter, and John Robinson, a local millioraire. But the amounts et their ctuims they decline tn divuigo. R..ort Lons. 8150. TheIoles thut Grave.s u.tuined la bis Edgevater millonaire resort scbeine ls estimated by persons famit- lar vith theoMdeetuts netlebasthan $260,000. His loua la tbe tallure et thie - American '1001 Works bers is pluodet aI$40.00. It developd aIse that' recentty Graves lest $20,000 In the blenphis (Ten.) Cotuma cern- pany, manufacturer. of ornamental pons. IMor.ovor, Graves lasauld te bhave beon heavity indebtod te ttie Commer- cial 'National Bani oet tt. Joeph, e1 vhicb he vas ene efthIe principal tocUbbers, and tu the Bltaul (N. C.) National bank. perfect. t-NsPrie. "Tyqu muy yeu @4w ms blus yonr sls. ter laut nigbt? Don't rou suppose you could t.e mstakenr 080re 1 coutd-for a quarter. That's ,wiat the. otiier fellers alvagi givO mier--Cblcago News, AIWICE is 4ilVEN fiM BY SLEUTIIS' Wcukegan, Juty 22. BUL.LETIN. DAflV MAS QUIT t Conflrmlng the facto which are printed ln the article which fotlowe, State'a Attorney Dady tht. afterno.n caii.d Attorneys George Fid of W.. kegan and Alfred Tompklne of Chica. go to, iei office ho lnIorred thom that ha had quit. Nenid. ho.J would notte promue &Il the Sundmy openlng casse. and lntimat.d that ho wouid toke the sum. couru, ln the seiing without a licele, canse. me wovid inforrn the attornelys within a few days just what ho Intends te do &bout the latter casaes, evidently de. siring to watt andoee what the cou'i wiii decide ln the test case ho la mat>- lng of the'quo warwanpo action agalnst thrie.of the Fox Lake mon. Attorney Tompiins d.c!.r.d tht. aftern..non at ln the cases ln whlch Dedy secur.d conviction& ho witi appeal them tb the hlgher courte ln case the local court dose net grant a new trial. The action taken todoy In dccldtng to dis. mise ail the caser , eans a complote victory for the attorneys for the de. fonce and the complete mout of thet states attorney. He ha@ mode a mis. erabte faiture ef the prosecuttons whtch probâb)y wtli be the tast of the klncL te bc etarted ln à long time,. t la D&OY TO QUIT? After spendtng thouaands ef-t dollars of the taxpayers money t ln unaatlsfactory pronecutton cf Fox Lake saloonk.ers, la Lake centys S,00.8.year etates at- torney te raiese hlehanda tn token of defeat? A. G. Avery, chief of the three de. tectves who were employed by Dady to soecurs evidence gainst viotators ln the Fox Lake region' ad.fiittcd today that ho h»a dvis- cd the states attorney to drop the remalning cases. and sayu ho thinks the prosecutor wti fotiow hi@ advice. "1 nformed hlm tbat tbhe stuationt ln bopeteas," Avery satd. "I totd hlm that with the way thie cases are go» ing that' there la ittie hope or gel- ttng convictions ln the remaining cases. The boys (referring te the two othor detectives) bave bungled the evidence on a number à~f occa- I lfns. and Ibis bas net hetped the t situation.a "«Ao neartY as T couanse opthec situation there appears te be a etrong feeling againslt the stute's attorney., Then, tee. 1 arn convincod that theret wan much Perjured evidence lna mre ofthle cases. W. bave ]oit cases we sheutd have wen. We expect te ru- turn te our homes today and do noX oxpect te corne back te Waukegan." Avery said there was a possibiity that the decliton In the Soren Matit.- sen case vbicb viii go te the jury to- day maY affect the atleged docision te drop ail lb. cases. He said a ver- dict of "guilty" mtght cause a feu, more or the rases to be trIed but he did not express the opitnion vcry1 strosgly. Rev. llarry Armstrong. the flaptint mînister-detective, bore eut lie state- ment of Avery. He mid the thre men wiii return te their homes today and do net expect te ho called bock te testify ln any more of the calles. P>olowng Is the record of cases tI-ed hy the prosecuter atiIbis torm ef court: Muench-Not gullty. Koeth-Not gullty. Flchter-Gutlty. 8.hrer-Nolle pros..d (dlsmled). glayton-Guilty. Pasdieloup-Disagrsement. Otrander-Guitty. Touch--Not guity. Crimaon-Nethe prosaed (diammisu ed). Coleman-Noile prosaed (diamin. d).1 Simem-Nol.e proeaed (dtsmisnd). i White-Not guilty.1 Mathieen-On trial today. 1 Althougi al of thon cases have, been etter tried or dropped by the i state'a attorney for lack of evidence, lier. are orne torty cases etIi on the dock.t and due te go tu trial et thia term of court. If Dady dos* givo uti1 tho fight and disrniseà the Inferme.1 tien. againat al eft hbeeen it vil throw a hoavy bnrden of expenseu ti on the taipayers oftheii county who1 wili have te puy the entire expense1 ofe tsale's attoruey',extensive ln-1 vostigatien.1 Tiot Dady reanaeod lie weaknens of the evidonce bis detectivos bad se-1 ecured vas lndlcatod by lbe tact tiat1 ha dlamssed soveral of the eue*eq vithout al)&vlng phem te go te trial.1 If hé Iniste upetitrylngtic romain-J ing cases ln the face etftth. opposi-1 tion sud advlce given hlm by his de- teotives vho knov the. situation tfor botter than ho dosa. Il wifl now a1 dostre te pile up an even larger ex- pene acceunt.1 (c) R"rb*& Ewtng. 1 Edward'N. Hurhy. %i.0ioerai tradle owmibu b inauW r tacomn.g obeti A,»mernbu&.inhlb.P man t. dob.> DUS.. Vice Chairman Edward . Huiey of the commussion has bom. n. cted totellhhim how todoIt IS RATý iER 1M The 7PrýCapita L 00 Uy Fire ln Waukga -'i1 Lut Year Weaohe 8. 16. MANY RATES ARE HIGHER. Reputt of Fire Mathal, HOW- ever. Shows Lou in Many Cites, Was Mdugh Lower White lte Bar es.n@ uwan<eg *nnieg thec nar 1914 vas net as large aà it v» a su re et1he lai-gar cilles las the.abelt Itw» uci larger than la a majority et otigr ciltesezft tii cmme site or evlm targer than Wauke- s"n. Stase nu emarn"aWater H. Beanett ba u ltimeed, a report cov- @riag lh. pevo.icten ortlire Ioq iu &Ht the. clle. lal he clate avrai a population of 15.00 or over durinn 1914. Tii. loua ln Wbukdan vas $1.14 per resident, pmiuiily baeed on s popultion et 100 seau sown by the. ln whicb lheiesatoonkeeperg er Fox 1 federai censua. aitIaellg satimatea Lake are charged wltb bavlng operat-1 place the population aus cnslderabty ed their saloons witheut a licenge, more than týMt at Ithe preuent lime. tuis charge holng based by the statea eléslsae»«ltat tiiul rather hilib attorney upon lbe proposition thal the vien Rolfooi. vili a population -oef village aubiorilios of Fox tAise dld 6 4,00PeePte.lnad a lire loua et bul net laue saloon lîcenses for the, en- 32 cent. Per reelnt. tire year Ibis Rpring. That. Dady bas Oeverut mentile ago Wkutegv asW son the bandwriting on theiovtl rer visited iy stats lire tnapectors vho sevoral daya la iadlcated f rom the tact vent ai] over lie olIy and Mede a that ho ba&sarted que warrant» ae- thiieugb inspection. Thor recon- tien1 agaînst tirea of lie sateonkeep- mended several chiange. vhici ver" er-s ln Fox Lako. reulizing that lus- made. On tie viols they round lire mucb as lh o utd not 'gel' thems on preventien odudtWoUp htae " r&. the Ilimsy evtdonce. laceunty court Tie pur upllaosre lm* in sverat ho migit "gel" tbem tan anether vair llinois cille, during 1914 la given as in circuit court foltevs: Mathiesen Case. Chicage,t"SI Pova. 495Hst The jury ln lie Baren Malioseen St. Louis.84120-, Joliet SM: Streator, case vas socured thlg moroîng an 8.91; Rockfov&e $ l.32; Quiney, $2.44; lie verts et puttiag en ovidence start- Aurora, $84; Galeuburg, 83.44: BlOOM- ed at once. The stabe put on only tvo lngton,60', Uginl .928; Belleville. detectivez. Fred and Mai-ny Armstrong $64: Danvitie, 8W.42: Rock 4dand, viio Iestifled tbey ento,-ed the igatie. 01,21; Motin,$.94-, Clamspaigu. 81.8; son place on the niglitoe! Bunday. l<ankake& 0.54: Feeport, 8.41, Uvun- June 6, about ton o'clocis. Tiey ,Id sMen, 82.14; Oak Part, $1.14; Chicago they pulchased a bottin o! beeri and Helshts, $109: **spltl" il. The defense presenled Ive repre- "" l C sentative Chicago mon vbe iad'heen 1UAn .LReIIIL WAÀ gueshg ah the liathiesen resort on lie 15.1-N day ta question. Tiese men muy thoy L2» MIATEOuN EAÀSTe were tn tbe romort ail day and testi- lied liat tie barreom vas net open aI any timo. Mathiesen corrborated A DL STS lm Ibis statement. lie muid ie vas euht- on lhe laite ail day and did net me- M se fct !M rute tumn untJIl fter leven u'clock ai Ms a.ofCiyofMaq-te nigit. Ho aeserted ho bad ne bar- Whioh gaka Local Port, tender and Ibat il vould bave been Dis@iiis Boat. Impossible for the barroom te be open. Miarine men la Wankegan vie bave bean lnlervievsd vili regardi te them A beblors Setratagem. opinion of lie causewvih it ledtei "Ts"mid tho business man. «I ulnklng of lhe sleamgip Haaland tn have given op lrytug Wo coUlect tiat lit- thie Chicago river on Qgturday more- lie bill trec BgLita. You sees. h e isa ng are oet hhe botert tat lbe valer pretty big tellov, sud ho uaed te Ihrev b ad been loftIeut ofthle ballast tanks my collecter, eut every limie theh,7and tiaI this caueed lie sbip te bc- ralied." cerne top-beavy vies '-hi. big crovd "Thon vhy didu't you empioy a vo- et oxcuraloniosa er. place-i on board. man collecter? He oidn't do liaI te Te.aehniese akgnDc a veman." Teeaehnrd-o akgupo "Thatà vbat l thoughl. no I gel on@ pie vie have ridden on lb.e asttand and sent ber aronnd, but she nover et different tlime. and Iiey catinet came back.' hetp bc thuetetul thal Ithe accident dà4 "Wiy noIt "net taire place vie tiiey ver.; on "He maried ber. London TiI-Bite. board. TINW S A STONE stamerCyof arette ofthle lIii tuteamboat lIEU, a boat wvi lsh. b sueas~x -smuklng Waukegan for a number et TflKOUfil WINDOW years. vas nood mate of th.eHast- 0F ALOC L IITELland drng the ntire excursion a- sbstements e'tiat fIeo astiad vas knovu te ho a cranky shtp;* CaptaI. The Police Seek Miss Emma 11111i ad: ThornPSon Who Had Been I toundi It te lie a gond bout, and Denied Admission There. 1 nover nolBd that it neat"d more Iban 91nY ot#her vopelof the sme HAE MANY COMPLAINTS. type- We c.fled lat mI r the mre HAEnumber et Paraons sud iad ne ifi culty ln han4lng the sbip." W1ýukegan, July 26. Shewo0à RarWigtim 20 years old. Sbortly atter 10:30 o'ciock SaturdaY Son or StationAgentALexandgrA. night a atone voent craBing,.through liamingten -Or Lobe Ptxwet and an lb. vIndow ef a local hotel. nsrrov- employe ln the genewaiOMMco f lie ]y misatag some et tbe People vbo Westorn Eetel, bail a oui-nov es- vore aitting Inside. The malter vas cape from thie Hutiani cataet4o»pb. reported te lbe police immedlatlY He bad ag'e.a to ment limais Cooley and a sauich vas lnsliluted for lb.esMd Frnk We gsieAelv mly. vandat. on lie Eagtiid's dock at 7:.40ia -lie Efforts vexe made 10 locate Mise morning. Delage.on ttif e w nullemd Emma Tbompaen le ses If shec ould hla friendg ltt. Harlngo deolded tirev any ligbt on the malter. The le vaît ne Iocier-uni vas part ,vey proprielor of!thee eel aaserted liaI a lith titiaa ven lie steamer short lime before the rock vas hurled st.,= :.1 % 1 14terIvo&apear through tbe windev MinesThonipeon ed Jus as e l. ut4urnedover. 'iad applled at the hoel fer a nom but hud bean refusaid. The voman seemed very angry vien turned avay. tie.Eecobna teao Miss Thernpsonla the vema vwho catI vas reçved aI lie station that tasaeeking tlenetabtii aaclaim t e aaie vas rai4tg a nuapus aven a hay largo tract o! land on Grand avenue. balte. She apeat one Bli te inte ciîy clalrnlng that the tille la lield jaitlty juil as a rabiofetthe. fou. ha s by bersait and ber brother stece her heen ruising. The Police agnert ttxat fathor -died Intesatl. She ls se.tsing If aie do., lont bencoSe.ore orderty la ber ovu vay te oust lhe Chicago hhey will baveNbe0 take Umn draatin & Mlvaukese lectric Railroad. ,teps.,- cîaiming they are trespaseing on ber On Saturda;r Mie. Tiicunpsn vont land. 'f-- t le court boeneevie!. ui4 eako Ah. had lorronizéd nome of thi. liecoonty ciei<te lbko t h.etr noighors la tb. vicinlty and troquentl ordo te tee -lwgierormol the pmop. calls have been seat t te .police uaerty Vs.S le ai VOL. CASE SAL This A That .WHÎI State Defei Slute, dentlyr alleged cheap i the Cao chance SInevitabt ed the. Informai The , ged on mo,-lng cafed 1< etopped ho wou fie eaud defonda, eng and Sondagi of lb.. ho drop douce. The, tace. a ed for de.... exporte> therefol tenu. là vry wu@ bac L eoclud. SILV TE] Silver . Retu WAS Thief Mai *One gued et varical> coniscie Tva George, purciai din!ng "Locula bleu, pini, tours" éatteg Lesle (bat tii lng te evens spoon apoon end Il yepr.s. Tusi ib ama on eps te the tiingI age: tires haai' knov gutlty te ils là&» Pour.

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