Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Jul 1915, p. 5

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WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ern VOL. XXTT.-NO. 43. PAR TWLBRTYVTTJM T IA. UY 3 1915. POUR% PAGECS. $1.5 PMR YE AR IN ADVANUE. RCASES AAIST 3 STROKE FELLS A CROSS DESERT DADY TRYINGi TO UNABLE TO GET ý SAL00MEN NOLIÈ FORMER RESIDENT ATMINGH;ARFOC SL0NENA AREMN low. My ~ PROSSED BY DADY girs. J. 9. Stafford of North Utica SPRING IS BROKEN OUT Of BUlSINESS Springfield, % ,ul, 21._Frequent LAKE BLUFF MEN HURT. conferencets during the Tast 24 hours lr street, Waukegan, has received word betWeen Attorney Fayette S. Munro ,iean This Action Was an Admission taMr.Pcacoerenadfr-Autoists on Panama Exposition Ion a'c hedned aut col'lson a.bout Follows Up His Information o 'hadPr n sitn te ageTht en D vidtHe uf. mand er y et oftwaee, ha su Trip Suffer Another Mishap of Racie on vers nven re nsur Cases by Seeking Quo War- ney Genseral Arthur ROY failed to re. ciiefcintEvdece ained aliery heve Estoo p. Crgggjng Colorado. and all are being cared for ln the Ra- ranto Actions. aY agreemt ncor-ningaa thnIra hrhm n vntn cine hospital. The victime included - - tacking the aluity ofie rthe apprpr- ork WH.T CASE S NT AL The stroke wit th edception f DR. TAYLOR HAS TROUBLE. three1Lake county men gs follows: THREE WERE FILED TODAY. atiOn bille passed by the general as. H hev br hpeh. Ith the exceptio of#ea Fred Corley, Lake Bluff, one of theseby c Statel Presents Evidence and Hfe bct.all ber ohr ongezshave Were Compelled to Stop Over mnagers ofarshal. aaldand Cnr HeDmad o nw yW at l°*,"r o • Defe n Will rsen a se lfhr at Williams-Send to LOS treasurer of the Sheldon Correspond. Right These People Engage sangamo ount circun cret ieste on Thursday. Mrs. Peck will be remembereýd by Angeles for a Spring. ence Behool of Area, but whose offices inteSlo uie s dand ed ot h cim o ur gi e stefe alder residents of the City for the are ln Chicago.-nteSlo uies daysandmore ihich to ide oner a State's Attorney Dady himself evi- famly lived ln Waukegan for years. To escape #un stro ke and possIble NIr. Bundy, of Highland Park, owner Nowtsadn h atta edae fore a n heaig of thecse Judge on adently reailzes the flimsiness of the dath by prostration, Waukegan's au- of te r in wihth.te tw o t stdivndn ox he resorate e rai n o the he. ouldge . ýrably caee vdece"fo secured byo his toints to the Panama e-position ar,,e ecn y and saloon men to the wall with hits them an opportunity again ln a few Cra cha'!etvs o ahrta e rsigtedseti aionai h eodcrwsdie yapersistent Informations and indict-da. Unhe cssgtotaladtkthChicago man, en route north. Th t c~hance of what probably would be AD TOE J I Ce the dar They -topped ai Wllia-s- occupants of teatrcralowements procured on the strength of Inevitable defeat hie han nolle prose- 1 DEColorado, two weeks ago then wend- 1al hurt a car n th e hos it. "evidene" secured by cheap eet ed thbhrgsaaustheeo h ed their way northward to the Grand The two cars were wrecked, Ives whom hie has sent Into the lake saloonkeepers against whom hie filed 4 CanyonC whr te petto as Patterson ls said to have a concus- region to spiend the money of the tax- AV I F O TT Informations. Canyonm ,hr .he spn w as sion of the brain; Corley has i nternal payera ln a lavish manner, State's At- ÀV I F O TT oThe case against Sims was drop.- Upon their return to Williams,' Colo. injurieis, which, it la said, ar& most torney Dady has adopted still another ý#A1J « r4ýl Natural gae, flowing ut the rate of dIdopedan uesayofterooneTha Bll or TmpoaryandPerTrad, tey eredelyed henDr.J. erius. n fctbot me aresai pln wereynheintndsto riviat 00 ubi fet prthordadipveesin SeamornIng the case of Crissman was manient Injunlction Was Filed L. Tarlor of Libertyville, broke a to be in a critical condition an:1 may least some of the saloonmen ont of boat unit 33 per cent higher thanu ver" ~ cafle for trial. The state's attorney in Circuit Codt sprIng on his big touring car, and was die. the village of Fox IUke. Hudeso epeAe r-manufactured gaz, has been discover. d retepped forward and announced that forced to wire to Los Angeles, Cal., Just how the head-on collision oc- -His latent move developed toda' tetn"gintBigM d on° th. f.rm of J. ogd.. Armour, rd. heu would nette prosse the charges. VIOLATIO lSCAM D o tenwpr " e no "° n"wn. when hie appeared ln circuit court toin Pg B ei ad head of the big packing company, andt weral lie said! he would jtke the same ac. ILTON I LIED o h nwp t Corley and Patterson are well and filed petitions asking leave to file t ay Bi Xpense. white the well diggers who dioaevared las astien tn the Coleman case. The three Final arrangements for the trip known ln Lake lIuff and as a result quo warranto proceedings against it have dugt on paut It, the fact tha asdefendants are Fox Lake saloonkeep. Petitioners Declare That Car &cross the desert were made during the village was much stirred when George Koeth, Emma Schultz and WILL BE MANY THOUSANDS. the voin stili romains there and that ern and the charge of selling liquor on Company Is Ruining St. the delay caused by the broken spring. news of the accident reachied there. Colon Ostrander, three resort keepers seemingly unlimited quantities of a-s zuat Bandayhad bee preferred against all John'g Ave, for Trgffjg, , Two hours after sundown the Wau- at Fox Lake. Ine fcency of Detectives Is tural gne are obtainable, has, causd taaf themu. Dady did not explain that kegan autoists will takse the tr. D ADYO A Si h eiin ie oa est Shown-Censure Dady for Mr. Armeur to consider striking a gats hdropped the cases for lack of evl- Another move to enjoin permanent- across the desert and by hard driving ELCE HARM N forth that the village of Fox La'ie im-' orandstand Piaying. weIl at another point when tho arte linons- dense. He did not need to- ly the Chicago & Milwaukee Electric they hope to have reached a place of •LCE HIM N properly and without warrant, has la- 41an well ho now la sinking la out of adThe case of Edward White who railroad not only from operating its rsan pesuenth mdtofsued licenses tqoperate sabons to Wihte eurigistne o h tewy M :ftces a similar pharge, was then call- freight and gravel trains over St. tla n cd glom. a ra t h Wa ueign Jul 21.i the foregoing people. He contends ines cenclye of the ihsalaed dtrec- Tefcyht towesae d evan- ed for trial. Thie attorneys for the John's avenue, Highland Park, but al- Lt Anls xece that frthey mayt reach 'A ty s annualmeetin of Dtrict that these tdiree people have u3urped tive empoe led ytevstate aate ward White, vice president of Areneur Ia daeuse announced that they haed not so to restrain the rairoad company LsAglsb h is fnx ek A aeyFrtOgnzto of the and continue to usurp their righits ln toscrelee eiec gis nd Company, ln digging a Wall on.-hie expected to try thie case today and from operating any of its cars over They were at Williamns, Colorado, Public Service Company of Northern an unlawful manner. Lake county saloonkeepers, the senti- newly purchased farm wet of Liberty- therefore had not prepared their de- the street until they bring their track making plans for their trip across the Illinois held at Waukegan àw - He demande that they be summoned nient against this class of evidence villa, *truck à substantial glow of oil tense. They were given until tomor. down to grade, was filed ln circuit desert on Thursday of Tast week. To- Edward Yeoman was elected chair- t appear ln court and ord"red to show ts being discredited not only In Wau- je censidered, mont uinusuel ln the mat. row morning. The work of securing court today ln the case of Franet morrow they, will have been absent iman for the ensuing year. The 9f11- by what right they are operating so- kegan but all over the county. It 1s ter of coincident, and the two ciremRs a vry went forward and the pantel Thorn Ys. the Chicago & Milwauke from Waukegan seven wee'ts. cers elected: E. J. Yeoman, chairman; Moons ln the village of Fox Lake. reported that this is the Tast time that stances have uet Lake county femme Tlasseardutnon.Thgsae he Eecrciairod.Thslantandi aregnerins andreatveefs . .ormtontichcarmnanoTeerettinsarfetrnbl Jlp2ete oadofsuerisrswllauho- gg n hebeif ha erti reseted he videce f th th ethecs ar Fanc Thor paind Jas lnthe autoists believe that they will George Brandt, secretary. The retir- annetryo'ocinhemnIng se Dady to conduet his prosecutions changea have been undergone ln the detective who said each purchased Mi. Grant of Highland Parks, Arthur 0. either-- ing officers: R. Douglas, chairman; This action on the part of the prose. bn théismer.he eense etiled easrtht formation ln the couny whieh ;ONa gigot of boer in the White Place On Thompson of Brookline, bige., Thomas FIROT-Sell their machines ln Cal- Olif Okeren, vice chairman, and Jo. cutor ls entirely different than the byenerv icle fo thsedecives hol a has brought about new chemical con- the eventig of Sunday, Jue 6. This H. Spencer of orange, N. J., and the Ifornia and return to Waukegan by seph Kehoe, secretary. aconwhharbegpreutdnrndrdblsfrlyngooad ditions. It la et leaut most oesie- concluded the state's cage. Northwestern Military Academy of rail. At the meeting Tast night %Ir. Gil- county court. If the defendants are cuonr a well as bt then cox- denta[ that, within a week of eauh gte Highland Park. SlDCOND-Ship their machines by kerson, general secretary of the, Saie- found guilty ln county court they are curtiolns «Cisero, uto he curtiel other, the president of Armour and The petition for an injunction la a freight to Waukegan and return by ty First organization, gave au illus- simply subject to fine and possibly cssneahaealorextmeydompany »and the vice prfesit res SILVER ONOUEDvoluminous document, covering scores one of the limited trains. trated talk, and thus showed the de- imprisoniment ln the coun'ty jail--if holgh, am outeng te ' undred spectively have ntruk aan feme anscores of typewritten pages. It crease ln accidents since the Inaugu- they cannot show by what right they dolrs in se of e cases.ion Dad th whle dasgging Mw.l hion the l arw THEF W R A 00N. relatses the entire situation fro- the Mra. nrayhei-·who suff-red a frac- ration of the -afety fir-t-----a1g- are holding licenses they will bù lare. ce'"'" 'r°-'t°°°t® ·- --- -wi•- * have time theH ol Bluf- CiyEetiEo.trdsul odys uoacdn -~doto uies fimasy evidenc presented ls piling up of oit was not very extensive and their ~~~~~~pany airst secured a franchise to ope- 'when Attorney Belasco was killed, lis Mediaines ln the Tropies' Whether Dady has singled out t ien a the thuads o th ars a ilhv iteateto a adt t h tdhetpitlasu o h rsn ti e cok edns a f uh oteraoon. Hosp- Inet, atorde o i, . qic u ieofò, opumera hehssatd hs he a h id f"vdne"h a b e rg the ein whicrted p arl ih norn- One of the principal arguments giv. tal nurses believe that the woman and brandy are the medicines most te cas ad ntes t fie siartekn f"vde lewsal god quatt of ai. It waeo rt- erster Silver of Louis XIV. Pattern Is em lie Sd ln the tropics. .e aeadItna afl lnlrto present ln the A. Tosch case on ed that Mr. White was to test the oit en why the Injuiction should be grant- willv.actions against the othier salooon keel)- Tqaïsday la really pitiful, and many admgtItrcnie Ign o tanks Returged to Owner in Par- ed la that the street Car company have ers in case hie la susseccfuil in the of those who have been friendly toan mih0ltrcnie ign o 0 he- cels Post Package. raised their rails upon the level of the firet three le nnt 1enown, for the state's him are condemning hits actions. One oIl especially, but nothing hau ,beu rowd Street, making It Impossible to drive attorney is not saying- of Dady's detectives went on the stand done to date, oard. WAS STOLEN FROM A CAFE. 'romn One aide of the street to another. lAppended to the quo warranto lie- ând asserted that Tosch had singled At the Armour home, on the newly 9 o.The petitioners also ask that the ln- tiin r fdvt wr ob i u rmaogmn tesadbuilt road leading from Arthur Ment- t TiefClimsHi Coscenc 'uncionprvid tat he dono, hveDady's sleuths in which they declare asked him to have a drink with him. Samplael Inul e her sillfor aun it duida Trgo jg Hjm for the Say they will get nth senet asg they That a new trial in the Ostrander ease will be th lacs faur he tree defendas. trug t adîeat Tes bal e- we ka have notkwd,&idg well digging ,a O" Past Fourteen Days. -secured seemis likely fromi what is heard about the clitntd ta tell them liquor on sunday. outfit at work dap a"n ight. It IES thWé case at the court house. When one sifts the evi- TUU And still Dady sought to get the Jury -,s° " """ fth Hill. One frequently hears of silver ton- DISULL W N dence and finds the facts to be that the dletectives Ti LE Y FOR ta bring ln a verdict of guilt. It ls Mo wen tat s It gas adacn bo hengued orators &anilver tongued pro- practically "conspired" to "get" Ostrander, it doubtful tf there la a jury ln th® t thei priat ower. pIat len dum- or of varicators, and. now waakegan en- O E TON B DYseemis a t 'avesty on justice to think that any mail IYS H O S land that would convict under the tae lcriiyt l the Armoe owr l u r s. East- earths a silver-tongued thief with a would be foundf guilty on such evidence. 'Èhe de- ,le"n n sizing up the situation taie and Inquiry show$ that the whait- k *euconscience tectives admnitted that they went to Ostrander's of O .0 INFU L ppeare-to voice the opinion of the "®een of wi nkga21ltpe wasth Two or three weeks ago Ieslie resort on a Sàturday and asked for booze ; they ad- maiority when hie says that the de- for Mr. Armour ln hopes of strikta kPtain George, manager of the George Cafe, Charles Kauer Died Rather mitted that they were told by Ostrander that they $60,000 Will Be Needed for taties empoyed byDady haver ta fowIng well. They now are down purchased new silver ware for hie Suddenly in Iron Mountain, COULD) NOT purchase hiquor on Sunday because Educational Purposes-Viz. positions. with a string of defeats 215 teet and are boring through solid and dining roomas. The trot day the Mjgþ,, of Appendjgjtjg, it would be a violation of the lawv; therefore, they . Teachers' Salaries, etc. to theIr record it ls pointed out that rock but no flow of water h4E bean Loe".ouis XIv" silver adorned the ta- purchased the liquor on Saturday, paid for it, left they would be repiaced by men who secur a u afwdysaotaa h Ume bien, which bow are decorated with FORMERLY RESIDED HERE. it in Ostrander's place and, retuýrmng ont Sunday, $46,000 FOR HIGH SCHOOL. wauld auqceed in getting some sort digger., when down about 156 teet diffi- pin'r, white, purple and even biue had it served to them--they had liquor hianded ov- of a case for the county prosecutor began to notice strong fumes coming sweetpeas, a spoon was stolen. Of Charles Kaues, 37 years old, a resi- er to themi on Suinday which they had purchased on Eighty thousand dollars ts the sum ta delr o bhis aen th wonde I from the big pipe. They gr ew'àtrong- a old, course the waitress at the popular dent of waukegan up to about six or Saturday. And they thereby trapped Ostrander, to be raised by special tax in wsauke- tey dear to me a case ant er and Btronger as the pipe desen"ed Ir A. eating house immediately advised seven years aga, died ln Tron Moun- they cornered him and they thus procured the gan for educational and building pur- .every mars, they are ment out to In- At Tast a flow of natural gaz. cne up Leli oftetohoeheson sin er tM hfor appendicitis. i body "evidence" against him which the state's attorney sh o boa su ember contend vestigate. From opinions voiced from aan h ok rtedt Mr. Aron thttm Lsi asbe ee ak was 'brought to waukegan on Tuesday had paid them to go out and get. .that approximuately $60,000 wIll be peoeare stiron ait i aid L a est and, on TaBt week Tuesday a formal p»hé. Ing ln and about the patrons, and not night at 8:20 p. m., and was taken to And gggh gyldgeg||l needed for educational purposes, and ta gaisre th red o f y th eacou ys test was made of the gas which had ooley aven a Sun reporter dared "cop" a the home of relatives at 111à Belvi- In other words, paid operatives went out and the balance, $20,000, for building piur- s,0oo-a.year prosecuter who fa trying bean rising fromn the ground at a Cars- 107001 ~ spoon. for a souvenir. However, the dere street. Fuineral Thursday alter- cleverly elusively villianously and unsvrupulous- poses during the ensuing year. A tax to make the people think he really las fully estimated rate of 2007¢ubio -fet IL ,theoonhnoona ratrnone-thirty o oon t clockrt o atoc the hehome, l clevyr forfoce 8a0,0commtis toniclbevyassessed0 l tbye speredhour-andlts slin. thehurgasd lnehedaz eld aivoi stade and t wabn reurnded o a o UI interment in Oakwood1cemetery. a, ycnsie ofoc e t o mta ehia virtue of an order which will be filed off 600 cubic feet Dier hour la cided aides is wife, Mr. Kauer leaves a wrong when he plainly had told them thiat he would with the township treasurer on or considered a very fine well. ýý,fYjepresentative. son. piot (on the followitig Sunday) sell themn liquor in before the first Tuesday ln August. The cement road between Racine GsHsMc et mer* This maorning Mr. George received The deceased ls well known ln wau- is ac;te mna dto thmntehlendForty-six thousand dollars lsth and Kenosha hias become one of the TeGao was teste byant prt &p»rI sal parets post Package, and up- kegan through hits former residence . u ob aie yseia a o ost dangerous of any traveled M.Amu' eiebigt ee on opening saine the spoori tumbled here. His many friends were shooked thelr evidence thus was used against hinli. wauýegan township high school Of stretch in the county. At times there m ine whether the gas which had and- to hedor.A ot wic radsoe-when they learned of is sudden, If this isn't a travesty on justiee, we'd like to edctoa n uligproeare 200 automobiles on the highway- denly made is appearance on bus lting like this was found in the Pack- death. kinow .what constitutes it; we'd like. to know what 1this sum $a2,0oo will be available for wihhrl nuhsaefrtom-farm was of .any suasti tat fonma.

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