IjWR COIJNTY' ID PNflNT,' M1)AY, TMLY Ln, 1915. h" i un,1 I BANK.ERS SEE AUDED BILLION IN AMERICAN FARÎM PROFITSà ~1I~Y1NESXM4YA,#ANAUTO BuS s Prof. JohrnW.,,Bagg OU"J~ 1,341 Miles in 62 Heurs at ai --e Cost of $27.67-W'ent But'162 mi via Stearn Cars-HeUnbetTuiOtteOrr ee Ste Pound It Neoesfsry téKire Auto Busses btTwice. nbet " 4tlÇrr _____________Here, Ttwtt1th«5t*s Are x pread. Que thaaaud. thee hunded amI14 mlles by auto bus at a coal of $4.30, ie th-hne R~VlW 1U~ ltIIAIflhlforty-one muiles ln slxty-two hours ail o6 -9 cents per mile. J5.V I SI~TfUANIVI. or 0oadoesv Prof. Bazxett left Waukegan ai sev- .4 colt 01 $27.67, orto n uesv KENOSHA MAKES FUN 0F Il. I oen D'clock ln the morning of July 7th. Ce Uns S tae oad a.Ta enteenth cents lier mile lu the min lie took one of the tiret southbound accompllhment of Prof. John 0. flag- electrlc cars out of Waukegan on th, ertr awn n Hold tl emii Sash yt as - pCase9 of ~ PWM ;tt, superîIntendent of the Lake F'or- Chicago & Millwaukee Electric rail- d Motè. est elty schoois, who for the secondraaidecbdlotpMasu'Pn Healh Nwsa stte îmebas adea tp frn Wukeanthe evening of .luly seventeentlt. lie Tg.lioeHatNesa at ieasmdatrpIosWueastoppad over ln Bostonl, Masso. attait- Waukpgan ho@ reeelved an arder Io I tg publâMIn ilevêtedi ta oM that per-1111., to Boston, Mass., lIy tr'oley. long the ,rilval of Rlev 11 W, Chîdea, fuirnlh one mIllion hoeaesho for @.ne « oa8Wgi ha0h 14m mlme er, D. D., pastor of the Fîrst Presby- oftebgamies In gurffl.1 15 City Sd cîIU t4t lte shows te followlng Interestlng facer tarlans church. who lefi Waukegafl for & ilpreparadte turn ont lrdbooe ps f th Omi ib« UWî o UI4t0 as, He made 1,341 miles ln 62 houra ai Boston Mi 5:55 Monday mornlng. Prof. L Buch a large %café, howeém. s000 q fi $2767. or 2 -7cnt c aggett and Roy. Chidester are plan- br allo h ltseea ne aire 1911thaes $76,or211 mantb pef Atgut clagIl orfe te 1la'veM ibe â 1. mDaquBiie dilemumes the Ziop mile, of whlcl' 1,12à lmflles were madIe nIng to spent r614o the nonth ofAg'tcoto rfre o ae the indtw rinoi. Cty aituaWn sapilws: on electrlc cars at i cost of $19.07, r at Lake George, New York. fle ntenrhsoeI eu tu ild uthecu e$.or83 comnaVnteated wltb the CommergaI I ~ ~ sppe,~. eloin epidesutu nfci e 50 o 3 cents pur mlle; the Sun mails as Ifolons: soito&e aie aa n ,mlqW1 clearl>' shovan *y te ex- .Ml~ke lel;t eutaeç iSei.pé il at -.o Cî,LeCut' tract oiver *to Bouié hldus?>' lu one of front *Irich lte State Board oif Health mlraiSs.ln tl COfiSho. e ettles provldlng they are able, wluh«ew les speffial muirytsion <on -mlsruî" $ M odta bindfe Il. BO.Deço@"r 81, suter bavlug charge Waukan... gstusion ..... $ 2010 5 E'l(Iri PIp,-fg le aL eeply of the letier ho slýpryoeme.a vanston - jg%«Q loop .... 7 1:00 .10 seat endar date of Juli 14* minb.url Nvemer Chcao lup... My sland Ave- 5 :45 .0 UF14 96 there are large aumbeirs of pensons Pullman ........ maoW llud..I........92:30 L0Weav bse l0urfoosmIln whe. are uo«p"oislngly opflloîsd surfutb ford ond 76il3lion Santh lad-loiin 1.........2r, 1:3o 50~s~.U qp ah elee la vaucnation. rfflrbg fi Mea inliMn h~ M.~. m lient witht thoin reîligions bellots Peru ..... »... . 70, n ý 2:30) 2,4 0have la beAt any Mtis, smiallprix Drevt. îW---------t Wan.*à52) 45't ae h oiý lu Wstike'sa evale In lIeLmotnn, .' Waynte...s6a9 . ....... ....65 2: &0 teéf"pflO t aaleteý ho My" '! i. .......TI. ... .7 24 f ordef. taovsiea *e *idl nék ýte Toledoa.-........Taollo. O...............2:00 21)) n te la --Elidemie rin about one Sad~ . jun . .... 62 2:00 2.00 coter! along Me, aonli.*Nor. M6 hre p tblie 101h s4Ne llevelQd - ....AoblÏkbula, . .. F,9 2:46 1)00I nbauu,: llb h . ber1 the dlaw.e appeured la fot-Aohîablsa ... .noeu ... 14 As5 ntut $bqwui lu 4.mab ýw#h ihe mQe" e ni»s bfinlîles aud vrais sprescilng rap, Contient-.....nte, l'a......... ....33 1:30 55th Brie ,.....rfio N. Y..86 6:00 1.60 cr 1a Ifllala ttedby 14. >sm.O a ae l îwa t Buffalo---------.Roeh&4teér, N. Y... . 64 4:311 1.25 -ihtr 5= ri Onta ae ave ftesrry.Rochester-....Syroeuge. N. Y 6. 1i :45 15 t t~tWsO.Ldaet ne«~ O( the situation whleh tbe local Syaue.....Uila, N. Y ......6 13 .6Ig the, faïng of su parly repl', we atb Ige"ou"I U"n t0 cSibo. tîa. :t. are, ate "Cie Bor f eyhame tracu.....se Atl Falls .........24 1:16 .35 cag tte mit Lutte Falls ...Fonde ..............31 1:00 .62 Rail 1WI.,.. tecF~ onda .......... ohnstowa . 7 :130 .20 Eleclrb yWueain cejdro-be OhM Modal Mfadta.A Reollalie.W fithe plscmd po lî Jobnstown-....Albany, N. Y ........ 45 2:00 .95 m*y qulaname lan sPlaeat spr ig AIbeny ......... Pîttsfleld. Mass. 4t) 2:2n 1 '25 Auto Bus . bflsdlaueodel . i St âaurda, sltowed lutait scien- mfwy sudlb mnîcpaît' pacd PlIN0l - NoihAdma 22 1:15 .15 Eiectrîc et 1&0~lbO muWOVed aIatta-P be id dome andi could do. Keà # bftw5Pq O disposât of th luoW air the Norhi Adamms . felors S'al, V#. 84 2.30) 21 al 'frd» rf to st pic -tn . &com.- :,1 %4 fo nb eibWs Falls .... sacton. River ... 5 :0 ZO 15 Rlti tuith*m ç9ui*in «a -th w 'i 't Swtibn ft o foor $,M:a unber of perOe o ato'sRxr..1rafton&return.. 14 1:00 3.00 Auto Amic = Asscia -" de fetisr te~, th Tnl tgUpal im wr rmlae Saituas RtIver..- bellowii Falls.... S 5 3 .16 Eleetrie £sMe bg ,htsoB a" lalbe~ - dol -hgveprmiet a smcîl' ma- wor I parnlg toed aîlowB rails ....- Keene. N. Il ... 23 1:00 .66 Hallla eos piaos hos w ~ Wui~aBite Mf anBéIU Ipatak ner.u Keene ..........wlnchendan, MaRâ. 24 1:00 .56 4LV"alrmmaU. fa Hams place. loi. TMotafat nfi.wrd"Rl1n .wnXsO Th "àtçIlelti fl lWnhno ... ardner....... ...13 :46 .25 Elecîrle IIP urt .«e Te«S lâé ntewrd Wtm ête mat n oelHoqitbânn charge. on vilaton 0 Gardnern.........litcihurg .... 13 :00 2r wll alway rem titvu gravu by te Schwartz Brothers a Wagkeffl,&Mcnuifl- o,.MtjKbm»1l. @orqufttt.b siations waa san rtarantr ..... 1,pominster .....5 :0 .5aff V E nu=MWWb4W4wootdI in -. eh anYhed ti. Iin aImiterO ..our Fftlurg -ion ........... 3osla uiese Li uiiuaii-bkro faim owner how ne~e and lergr pooshbllltla ef Hudson .........Concord ..........4833 .7laIffr pa p.iei amcuttsgrulreq>it Ou, bers veçe - on Va l.<ft a , Conrd ... .. Boudton Maoe..verlrmid ha~~~~~~as ot b~ooo >_"îpi wr ~~ by lte ad=ntf thela placsd »sder armOrutttll = vi.. Toth o o i.u B d p.I uoi'1 msî mr htl.uiba e a» mlllorécun e-oth latiom~~~~ ofga bas, rom MAd~ ean auter sud loskmtekeiti fo 8eýl ereabu gsvra y- th" the nUTI ashdn alaroisca baveno libers *Extra.l 10 laïr 'ruiait' tas h lurqe or thq n dsa Th et gdld m odal vinf 'kýp t sel ta0~'~dun !eaWw ubo tOSdi bSenië 05- 'Iv.oha -The piotta ;A eolot -c& ,-bot-w lIsetl 19111teaset aulhsmewr dominstins and the. latob1IC. ~ Wsntt- t<jft~ placl lu qimmanise ta . iunO id ~ ~ o~ the Ime ie Lste asaI ' r~.m î I)OWT1 man. Borne men are botter t as eIIn hlm uiak orden la ou rfis gui tiad Ife att Briane 0ate 'othere. file0 an bt ame di Hiealth assumo4eotî ài.ct, MAI N< Dont t mail ifa ]file huate a 1111 Iodiiosm pearel, TI.q b * lentIlles pu plast>M 4~TVM ITIU ILR ~ics on pu ur tr he ient thn As*bt ..aâ tyi r e g u l j t n . l i a d a I o a u l > n l a r a t u y ou t rnsu e s a n d e r y l i m c a L Ws t a a of tb#.eslaption of praperf quarautine ~ ILWA i Rentember you are to bu judged b' n A de I5trlsd.vAlsltI Itbtom kwi bCpdrS.os~MhWh aCemufWt n- make a spectacle o! yourself i stores il___mOn.O new %W exeW tbu Isin %0* the e«e epidetule 146 P-e the Amwd Ddt of the Op- usual Oratoncéal Ability De- Lit et1n')MyB ~a~ ~ trouble.Ste asBen el.dad aphIsultii ubA sons etfertag fron meio s el 181o IiUi Att s fDntsMyBePae 1oStyss en else livnd anme Adiess * â O uvyacuated persns expoa lan tîte mm.7 Wauraauàarvss s~ae1 uaruamustuea o~on- SAD Snignboard at New-Mu- -0-PaarBigopee 41. tknicipal ______q Beach. IfJIfor Modern Struotue. nn t ~ usp~l * wihth ilse,8 wr ppl RUIING STANDS. 'TI ____I HE tL A WONDER r tamlI ~ -Ils ~, t- aratlalolerE. . Ovlsvanan (DZon City> Cormepondeni.) FAVORED BY THE WOUA1IJIfÙl MY CS Te d urnjt iether vîior>' Ihis moinng when. iUM4I$ IIbd."WtU 5WS N1ded0 CoP M sbc l~~atg .Zon City bas diacovered a "Billy dy Whyý- * m 4ý uthat ~ 1 a fWug urke of Chicago, O taf ro- SimlrSgns Are Erected atEf L W R Pans for a $100,000 hotel have beau atIos.V us vt4*eo tM-"t 11m11 50 ' ognîze the amended petillon flied SudyhHucreca-ih teote la*icbed b>' prominent Waukegara abl* te vM 0e' .Us'mie. 1, s, the ut>'a,1=I ý" lhm b>' Waukegau attorneys, wha nilht durtng a meeting at hlOtb ahn ece busIness men. and It la posIbbe tbal manlfe s u av pefl of aUmIne ait wbu the nÊe prosecuting the quo warrato pro- ernacle where tlie feast of tabernacles go and Milwaukee. -__ -within a ver>' tuw weeka actualt or Ir dl asloel 1805assoeeue Iceordius againât 0rvîs. The cotant 'la u prgs uViv vtd NvnwThfe tevel of Lake Michigan Is on the erectian of a modern. Olve-star>' di - du~~s~utln, ln shouldss be dismîsse butte 1515 baha tau 's ne ha nthîr Below the bwrg o h rickbolht wll stant. UMOS! t ni W14.t a*lloItU ta have sali t-lai ho thourght Aeag fe h oup 14et.tus shoul1 bc a peilîbonui hoBe wbo wisbed tu teatlf>' a YaungPaslee;té h. bi etiir fmnon ciated irat ho . woul nuit tair th -t t ina" ot-upped out upon the plattorm .we ba agree up1apic.a ludi~ ~ itI he au,, o . *e 5~-- *wek, it aIossî tb:t -the Ivoeni Last Ten Years Thne bieas bee pn aeleal;it, su>..1 it-ne anal dullverud an addreus tha ofl Wueaili ask teâtoite it lis possible. the desl wîli he nego- fore. t. -h f ' iâ petition flied betore lul-ge held hie hearurs spelbouatd. Men a d ____ ~Whs4 be outcomm at Mon City. Burke set forth several reaaoas why 1 rowten ver. carnîed sway as tise ti opl t ae.Tost The hotel, accordlnq tai plans. wul -- wouhf .bava basan bad atot the SIatp tbe quoi warranto sbould bu giranle.l. have beun drawii iii), onu for the i h d ut bu modern lu ever>' sunse of tbe word. -n dtaisg h is6In h court 1and anoîber fo -1 womta FiueIt wiîî stand an one o! the most Prim- TO~euebi ,Ld tog i~' aiId ltig vile sucerai thînga vem i ezbnted bis huarera t-e get down at Th o' r tn.in Wauegan, BigQuite fitriu,-ud~lut oieThe Dente,à& 'trn arnd Ma>' tent sites lu Wanl<egan, a sitMe ~~ neady- infectea. an#I,. ~ h e or-: -t'o becagshat ever>'thing~cup of auffering wtîîch lie supped ai Doii't "dock" siratiigo waln. I -buildings. diar Pi = " ",ýwsbaad, nuuaubstnated runtars. Don't throw niai iand saun Thougiiaho lcgfa ae n Mno caital are hckng , thetg V alapso4 1b*r ltaq U.4j th~$t wa~e Garden of Gethgeumanle. Wt Musti( movemunt for t-ht îew hotel. and aIl bM--4. esItçw*tbe the' d1es extended. ta ~i s6011 on amntadea pet-lllpn wahu Tr>' ai last iii bci a gentleman. lune wss troui 1.2 la 3.: 1 below th.e Waukegan wlsb the promoters succeal- butYoII* -new tamIl>' bled wltb Judge, Burke sud wu$ gel down lunreu( b ol' Don't bu roîiîc ur bolateraus, îaeirage levt fur tîtat moutth or thte tith (underlaking. 801H CMMe~ WMAERSM or alea elblUIo 1d.el'gugbi op lu Chicago tIIs munnina. lavaugelizing pawer, lau sait. 'lt la , e iat yo:ir !uîthing suitlapo-l WnkanOstenngcelsa_____ 4 peunare ra. ýeoCt n us eyel dutd as e ertawt he x.contvention' cityr for man>' years, due - wh0e cf locaft'caitffl y man." petlnaaa »qszu5oI'b'bmli OtGa as a> n> aîsad ion of Otitssrb% wa s OlgOr tItan bu to the tact that It la xi. Impossible WIII1 bas bleu, roceleu berre of the vaccIn . toi Play t i vas tsai Onvîs hail adaubtisd 'openi> man3 as courteouîs ainu couventlouai as:' couîgt ~-mull'rpr ta aucuns hotul acétonmîÎdftfns, !mr'sel imlola isAts mieVlv itndwt rpe i layab, ac rthm Molthl report± orit eba. ill H la a <Isisin d -ofv M aima" mont glîgîble part- hiu tise 11gisI tisat Conoîl>' bati deteated him. Théra Volt itndvîOwapda->ou woold be ont th, strels or lu your laidb b.t'ic ttalk sr ter WAuega uw th forittl ba* ec . Y-agal difsease. were ne tacts, biowev.eg ta sul>stu. tenîlon. At ftnst it Iras tbought that aval home. 1y of4ice, u tro UntdSa akEne sud- Waaburîga, tho fdour. ité.Th S. iI$iSrt a 701 Î1114 bat eIl A.ori H-aIS- tîste bisor l alterchagetma e i evafselîstyl>'e woald flot bu Don't aplasti waIt:r miat the faces or Onîtariou are exîiectud ta go ta four sud tise Arlînion. P.requentiy lit, lsaU; gre.lotanatoh. - "I do nat scanit>.' so- o change approvel of, sud would bu odmawmnyu li' nwo h wo* hes ii Jul>'. Impossible for traveling mues ta 500- ýWsUiu lived lu Waubasan praç- SWW RIt. - My Amat epinion." JaIgs Btsrb la quai- as uuortlaodox. but bo seensudie care abject if >'ou wu-re actîuaîssted. Th tgy< -,i ~tetie ucure accommoodations lu theue Di50tIc1~albrlt pt oal cd W as -vIns- salI. "WhiIe tise, charges littUe lkm wbat anybodi> tbougbt. He Don't tickbe w.îîîn-r whether or flot tune, iii t-ut above the menu ses luvel due ta tOu fact that 50 maàn>'XM e,* iseu "or bome "a ~t Spali- AIU couchedlu dîtterent lajiguage (b spl>' eut loosu sud bet couventian- >'ou ainowr thein. It lan't polite aîy- were: Souerior. 601.95; 'Milchigan- badens. les hudao orcýlg«,euéwe Gad rne pilegu actsare th same TisealIt.v go io the wlnda. More tbau once va>', sud atruîîgtîi.ltoîi la bisie lu ru- Fttuîni 7.8 re 7.6 ual.onzda n !tiebghIl <l ttac i.lOie t etargeg are basaI on ramons. 1 tink lie Btnvak the table witb bis Oirst tItI sult t. 1he ityl>. aué towuslilpý htlg sBadl. Po"- p.hte to stculd h mgubthoalmosi httr It ahoclincebeti ' bu a sadbatheBr" -wbî eh Nlcig uonae1 ie The uines o! the promoters cf the Whlle attendib14 hîgh ncbda: theo pib>" ýýý e.. itttan 0 lsslse uthghatre9sbuDn .-iiid ' iiher titan lasi monlh; 82 feut lowur ni-w hospice an, kuowu- th ie Sun. Valeuglils.Oygtn. f tre. wvliI nat enter m>' fi4ýl mqling nov'1 lils argument. At othur tintes bu wauid means don't ruuiait on the beach snd Iliai a year ago: 1.20 fel heiow the btut wlll nul bu urinled uut4ý,Ve ulie lo h bse elbasad1 va o. 5sd ot QuamStt od~l5losa onv thegmup baoke up luan tanc heaeoks, wu fi u Rtptn iê I wPoa" te ýio. ~thl poe for the ediflioltn of tbe fair sex. iii irage stage o! Jotie ut the asatt bi10 u avtsd al a slelaIaîîgpr uaheiu of ~ ~ ~ ~ 16e tMrwbt h juiZe utstel ta iteal thai a volce that wrling the huèarts aI bis andI lotit flirt. tsiv .2f-u ea -o01baa-eloyed to lirelautb fnlf ~ She was aleo a an4ebr-o! the Swod- Onsiug -ànck bet over, tihoe$ vy itb )fesfc bttuecln es ~ Oc ecub iIl i oins tti .îîîîî, 186 su .1 foot buîow the It la reportul that(upaoerae s luthds bfi-t1l nst hthe r4r vhhntha she esI*seru wga horeB Onc ho caugbt at Ilsc1>ea eu prsa tt lot%, stage af Jtîne, 1896. Averageuh rmt;r bi Ul.u vasâ sio rrood Mdr tar anti- hlos Mugî rmII.Apann a pu tat'110 uIetist hurk à dîfferan a0i* I -- 1 rat*atof-4f oeedn auing d Q1 la i powa veunt frmugim A alun. beach as yoo w,îîld on tbu dlamoaîd, stages of the fast t0 yuas ludiest- p tîi nt torspe ery$U,0,l v atI-tr ffrn uliett pstaIflu althufg p«lWl,11 lt povrwn uru h adi- the golf links or (lie tennis court. fii fli July h-vel wili b .1 foot Wuakegan lias beuen îotr(bchac - g ~ igitur. -tl, i te at ro! be dat r> 5 the ch y e*s sie las u O! e r sefr'as t 0 wbIgt justfyq a rucoani. , icesud accotd to Inspire the people Not Ail Men Are 1d. leus tOi tauhulk NlOgnya e Mat les Or s of titIss fori-Ausar w blêl, &iai tatot &tabsah <'lasI n Ih yNf.lse eldfl gd tý * go, sutiessfiiy The cttomnoi'afor lIta atter isidao lu- isibatet the>' raind a t sulr foot, and The "douta for womn are Juat as: slu-yl oîglwrsd lowur has beae oî to-dte ites t ilekof to ceapoIIn1 isUaltf gses~ eariu cg u-*j< teriret-.at the Judsp laid to lut- uraised Goal. It was trai>' wander- trtastouoriemn di-Ihei-ui iiilicpil lier- for anme tinte. buti hotu busnes mie paat àIIIcýr'n t ~ . .- eesha M1 oiehv iit httaatht te > Iatsgt.hl astfii aveo e-cring a tocý fork alictMenit.s ant. icauai o! tu I Oc aqieîo seat utf'bgIvsîîuî coltbl iaigt osy