k tow- 3Fasat hem- O AERSR ON EDINMN SAE N LB RY IL h. BigM Sale,8eOf " VÏ 8 LKECUTYHV C A T UQ A1 tA E PI O R AECUNYJI O ENCOE FakHstns aMHnAsRsl tI adTaCo-D ANG WL 9c aoe, idSna 2cYOEWTES 1 UOS ALNgtRte udny sdrbeMnyI o u t)90TI Lk ony TsTIISÀiIS O ULY À' EHDCT N1I-ED SU AYCTTOS LEE AEO TRIE IS 39ca easoWa-i cOCSLOMN AiE NVRITIoetTdyWl eemn lRsr ONEFII6DYBTA1» tl1a ie Cut ug sCuigM n e19C hte ThsW sPrl ubn etCiaoofteOdrEttsH e 35ceetvsAmte htTe atdCnito n3 Cus-fHsDah oB lsd.I N E T6 T DA C À A 9cc eue oSl hm Cut- te w e rn asigfribn n a EAL FT ETAEY Ô Lrn K E E P E DEdOtfrbt1Cortbrr a on et!o h o uhmnyi deL-cti-LbryileFre adH h iýtyii- huaqaoee fit iuts ajry;Firain Hastings Farient Han As R st it ws aide Thatiua Con-r D R A W IN Gnoo W E L io tNLY GeNEg WIT ES Fr2n JURORSo*p ALLing "" a lce l tdde ye sieabL eosdeal CountyNow Dueca3 96Dadi ui lw fe ToshSCil, SAH0eA AGREE 0Nw VER IC 1n1,s 7oa lDtrieM ico BLETN a ot ounty Jugelais inCausciny M atny lOn TiER FEITING DAY BUTd ATTEN liqorcaeet11 4 P m FidV hetai b herf h i Was fi P art Hubn Left Chicago if the Olderg Estates Here Tw Dttvs Amitte d ThtTnW nedCnito Onn 3a' Case Hisp DeathM. Di BeF THE TRAGEDYto e osed . ANCE, WAS IARGEx Tosch Reuedt Sl Te oun-Other Tw nablt raynkg Hastn s far hand d P, la s, • Howý muc moersdeLa on ieprtyville Farer tand tHe@atl#on oudov hec a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ r Drin one Sudy edOt o u ont brr a ondda nteflo r.Da im . adl ine Icty 15n 00s 0 est es, ro it iaih ." e H aE Ione e et Wh o ks 2. heo Lthe chautanqua o end Word~o thens paddedýc avric n tê pr e ell Dai th ae conty edngfe i k in Wi oth orst twnyyaso which the .lua Dotwdnsa ndrvr ufor be r hours , ac g fi te m iu t jilur Mhc gPler, a oce "tu ty."e le Ch n e sd t h in t. Thoq esio was r ae a fo . Consiert abl e r ex item n ga occ e i utbfr h fen o eso ToSc SayS¯H Neveri Saw HiSi heGere n Fan asetheHsins a lcedinte el t ULEINlwigreelton n oo out tatnne i ibryvll n rda we vla aditagi pueddonafe Alother Blow For Dady icase in which a disagreement hasi been Saturday morning. The policeman theore soms -,e àncgeo-, letrustee. fo hmawrrn aee eeorda rst. and wh-n th- programn for the reached. The case was given to the found him at the c'orner of Fifteenth husband. Her two children were issued. It is declared there haao a onefie okn o iaternoonD was begun there was a very Bt)LLETIN. jury ait noon on Friday. After sev. and State streets. His condition was iwith hier. Mrs. Belasco arrived In been a Public administrator ln that asafrlad adtemnslrecodi tedne n the even- [,y2, eral hours had passed without a ver- Isuch that Police Chief Lux decided( ft Milwaukee this morning, having icounity in 20 years who has made anm ng thel Drwdgrw o ucepoprton Waukegani, Jul 2 J.dit being returned the be2lief Pr- was unwise to place him behlind steel been called-by telegram. A friend faaacutnofalteett s he n a w a d a l aumc the-' m thte urs wre consant brprinis f ~~At 3.45 p. m. this afternoon the jury alled thaý the jury would fait toe as h a eoe oteLk had hurried from Chicago to meet fnlarutgofl]hesa Fawcett salid that Daumchecck hadt at natona .- ets r oantill qite ag in the Tosch case returned a verdict vabrso lewmr ovdtthLae her at Milwaukee where ahe was handled at t.h, time hie turned'ithe little bodin his rom whichnedhad b dth h tha of "not guilty." in a way it was a agree. lcounty h)astile where hie wasr locked to break the news of the tragedy Ifnce over to his successor- dfeonae folits benefwit. Hie saiti number @soo) trougct te entire per- Thek ftaoe through dttotectivefor wit, ntepde el Wmn. Miller, serv to her. $ho then was to go to Chi- De >uty Counity Clerk John Bullock ormance. rebke for covt ma Atoned form nesses,. sought to prove that on three Ing time In the jalil on an assault and Icago to, the Belasco.home where of Lake cuty tir ofica he sa Daumcheck place a one dollar Thre Craven orchestra, comnposed of seekigin to convicte aadlu maner onhhefrm-gh body had been shipped. o e ou , eofcalwobill ln the box, turn a little crank father and four daughters gave aver lest kind of evidence. It is another dtfrn udy the Po adelu attr hre and one other prIson-J The death of Atty, Daniel lielisc handles the greater part of the Pro- and two crisp one dollar bills came talented museica entertain nent" of. full defeat chaiked up against Lake coun. Brothers hadl kept hi o aes er, were appointed as guiards, and 1417 %nuth Central Park avenue. ('h1- bate work. states that thereý are a out. This was what caused him toocetaslections, uartete, an x. ts $5,000-a- te prsecutor (th defianice to the law. Hie sought to Man his medicine at the appointed 1auto turned turtle at thei bottom of arenb11 asatsi enytikteflo ih eacutr elsrniin of old-time pieces on wrte amstwrt i 'pescuor)show that the place was conducted so hours. Miller and the other man hav th grvfpl iina h yo o.< sn e feiter- thé Xylophone by the youngest of th& and represents another heavy expens iv by farm just north of Ulábertyville, and entered. Thre count y is entitled to fee He was advised by Miller to see four young ladies, also vocal @oios and for~~ ~ thrapaesi met nt ex dopel thpa ce ofpeoplenteredt sevdaDrsasi h asiefrtesrosijr t n fhscm o h ia orders, hie said. So far Postmaster R. M. Taylor. Mr. Taylor quartet, which were all of a very high penses of the case which i nce no an;eftepaefeunl-htmany days and have been allowedý panions. Mrs. Fred Drayhepim, 3420 as know there has never been an In- reported the matter to a fedieral ln. clam Tho lecttu a Jae B. Me only the court costs but also, the ami- the bar was lined with people nearly the freedom of the corridtors of the Colorado avenue, Chicairo. emphasizes t iIloz of athin but crli- spco nCiaoFia a ss . urWodlvre wa amweeu .c- arts of Dady's inefficient detectives. all the time. jalthe Importance of aiitoisrs cutting iao n g u cr s-setri hcg rdyeeicCoy h eiee oefltl A nepw record for eýxpediency wasi i ,Jaie oa th th i- joidown speed on the hills between IAb- ness or negligence cited as the reason This morning Dennis. Limberry, the both atternoon and evening. Everyone establisheid in counlty court today in IIwslandtdyta - Shortly after seven ocrlock Sunday ertvyville and the "old plank road." ln Lake county. village marshall, received a call from of those, taking part in both programs itrying the cse of A. Tosch, a Fox aigreemenit took Place in rathier an un- night Dr. A. E. Brown. superintendent Belasco was almost instantly killed, "The law used to bie that the es-th inpcoavsghmtovstrevdagetdalfapanendt Lake saloonk-etr who wada harged unls;t manner. for al] of thre jurorý ;of the Iake County General hospital, despite the ac uthat twoi or et e atesl e nfrtwo yeas, Daumce ad conuc an tnesga visircertaint grati teipogramse for te :3 cwith selling 11< or onjr wa, tr-wr nfvr fcnito.Tno was summoned to the jail by Sherifif-s ë fou th e br s ig Dray he waes . uloc opaid, o "b to yearq is ton. rainerof theaso ae f ood as ed t 9oclck At2:4 oclok tisthejurrs er fo reuringa vr rillin, and hie gave Hastings such injured worst of thoýse who survived.; the time limit now. After that It 19' Limberry did so and got the fellow the dret days the big tont will Dot be afternoon the testimony was ail ln, the dict of guilt on thr-e ecountis, but thre medicine as his condition desired. Dr. the concussion of the brain being such 1 supposed to be closed. Administrat- to give a demonstration. He di4 not large enough tu hold all those desiring att ory hiadt made lteiarumetsothe to f urors held on ut foraou er- Biro lef t Hathecn t jail ut da hourtan nepyiiasswhrcn ors simply fail to close them, that 'show him thre dollar trick but showed ladmision. th. rl" adgivenf rins r i din of agu pnhro on cout th bfor atnsws on edo (Continued on page three.) isal1fe helwesd o in- him other tricks with dice and hat, 1Tueadayevening. the playgrounde in- njatrwuagerpoadcoyu hefor sist on closing an estate. Uusually ýýetc. From this LÂmberry liecaine con-, etruetrees, Mi@@ Billi, gave the boys Mnd Ti i , ain unusiial one Inas theý juror , on both ýides were- firmi Hastings Is a man who Is known the estates are small and everyone, vinced that Daumcheck simply was a girl@ the time of Cheir livei by having nie 1clas thn, juri miust decide whichi and no comrpromise was affectedl to every farmer living withIn a radius 1 FO DTonIL -sIdered.is satisfied. Ilgto admnpltr am rrne o etetuisl uo of two meifn were telling an untruth ,Thus, while the %erdIct was a d- of ten miles of Waukegan or North "o aycssteeaein the c esihc oasd h i whor aduhm- moeara R dorma ntube r to, ii rIý noo ne winess sa nd, foreiar for thre defense, it was likeyrise Chicago. For the past few monthsi probrate court here I do not known. Itabout the matter.Lmerrpldinacoft.aumbieoeoth Fox Lake, man. Tosci, himuelf enters u lfa for the state. The uncertain- he has worked for a farmer living ait 1T C OR P A T would take a great deal of work to thàt hie was investigating for a Ch- boy@ was the offtelal crier, vsing ai 7c~ r 0pplete dental Ty on Tlw part of the jury is said to FIye Points. •list them. I believe that they all cago detective. megaphone to annonce go the populage A. G. Avery and Fredl Armistrong, av arisen as a result of thP con. At the time hie was found, Hastings!sol ecoe p oln ste - -ta h raCatuu Al tr two of thie deteciive> for thii state fl-tfig -id,,re given by, 1h, iaitha a long eut on the back of his IN rER O N IH sol emain e open the b ong of they d-at themorrow. Afâterthe parde am% ba hile thp ýn lavoPd' to pur -ec vs head. Whether hie was attacked or --ministrator are liable. Oftentimes an LA EBUTYTHill proidedentertain'ament on mthe play (hase liquor at thre Tosch Place (on whether he fell down and injured . Report Had It That He Intend- estate Is administered simply to ac - roundo for thechbildren. Mi.., Bill hm. Sunday theyweereusd Tosc ll CASES GO TO THE .JURY. hin'sis 1,not know"· DT Jo"ley or ed Building a $25,000,- quire a clear titie to certain property RECENVE $11993 FOR char..o01 the Junior chautauqua both ing thim ihat hie (Ild not sell Intoxi- Waukqgan, July lé'. North Chicago was called to sew up Q |pjggdt and this being accomplishred, no one 1in the morning andina the afternoon of canarr Armstrong who says hie Is Detective evidence ln iquer case th u.Teiqe tis eetehd t bothers to have the matter formally, each day. There the children aretrainerd aBaptist miinister. testined thiat h"' prosecutions was scored bitterly to- rvawe-erontthsctad Henry Ford's $25,000,00,0 motor closed." frhat-uligreetoadt ha eundfrom a nishing trip on !day by Attorney Afe Tompkins a nthn g t dowhtevcimstractor plant wml not 'j erecýI ln Administrators oftenl grow carelegss- the»eare added @tory telling. V 19C 1 the Sunday in quest ion and was met presenting his arguments to the jury death. Rondout. 11L as was reported, blut about closing estates and disregard Springfield, IL., July 15.-The state Týere Io some talk of the buaimaa by Tosch who invIted him ln to have 1in the case of George and Frank Pas- Hastings was born ln the vicinity WIll bie conriuct l ini the village of highway commission han distributedb ea drink with him. Later hie saysshe ýdeloup, Foi Lake saloon keepers, who lie ntiDearborn, in Wayne counry, Michi7gan. the warnings Issued. For this reason among the 102 counties of the state houe eloging earlier au Saturday even- eýntered the place and purchased 'are charged in informations with hav- of Five Points and had lvdn hs A deal has been close-1 whereb)y is has been necessary on a number of $990,000 to ibe used for the years ing to give all clerks a chance tO hear drinks while others were in the place. jing sold liquor on Sunday on three vicinity all his life. Hie was a hard agents of th- Ford Automobile comn- occasions for Judge Persons to cite 1915-16 ln good roads work. Brook@ Mdilitary band. The banks have Tosch denied the statement and different occasions, namely May 21 worker. ofpan .eur osion o f 1 ande s s everal1 of these offBeers Into court ta TheCo a lloten mad ee tda showsl aireadY announced thtat they will open ,aid hie never had seen Armstrong. an ir 30, and June 6.ecae thth FEW NEW FACTS ADDUCED). -"aa uteaft"o'ufac answer why they should not bie held In at of$ e,94ou tyg ill t r te ae t 6:30 and close a% 7:30 Saturday lerEC CON Ceierto .an stories told by the threer detectives str h d iThe possibility that Frank Hast- turer will re an as93embling plant contempt of court. In the majority of $11,266: Kane, $23,582; Lake, $11,953, night. horsa ur i cuny out onay "t ls quite obvious," he said, "that at the county jail, may have been the 'Mr. Ford h'as announced that hie been compelled to settle the cases im- The allotment le made in compli- anceof apleasure resort for besides the e ~~~~~night at nine o'clock returned a seal- soeoewas lying.", Will you Bay that victim of a vicious attack as Indicat- would pay the, expense contracted by ance with provisions of the good bis etteeaetre@pri erh ed verdict In the case of Colon On- Avery told the truth and that the two ed by a deep cut on the back of his the widening and deepening of the mediately. In a few Instances they law. The amounts awarded to each tnthraetresprterre- who was chargedi by the state's attor- yo a htoeo h ssrnsinquest held Monday afternoon attevillage of Dearborn, 'Michigan, so it closed the estates. In one case re- Allotment Allotment stringsl of electric lights and the whol ney with selling Tiquor on Sunday. The toldsa th tt ando the oterbotrg Conrad & Wetzel undertakting ronos, may accommodate steamers bringing cnyitwsfudhateamns- Counties. 1915-16 Counties. 1915-16 park gretly resembles an amnaam«at verdict was opened and read ln court ad Avr lied, o ill ynsay that Deputy Coroner Edward Conrad pre- fron ore to his new $25,000,000 motor Adams ..$ 9,9611Livingston.- 15,880 akThsob" avnIlt #It thismorn ng. otd sona of thm wer telling untruths?" riig.A autos ws Peromd tractor plant there. trtrhdmd ipsto fteAlexander . 10,390r gan .... 10,936 thPark ethe ot havngsandf at guilty. Only ononthdben "ou will recall thait Avery said onthe head of the victim and this Only one mechanical defect han estate without settling several bills Bondi ...... 4,334 Macon .... 16,683 teakaeh pot egefh made against him. tawhnheneetesaonhreshowed conclusively that the Injury exIstedi, prior to Tast weetk, in Ford's and for that reason did not close the Bonne ..... E,808 Macoupin .11,027 . E. ch bh theCrsinEeao Tn h boeordic cam e sasuise to were several other men at the bar was merely to the*Yictimn's scalp ad new tractor. Mr. Ford mades thils estate. She was cast Into, jail with Brown .... 2,,199 Madison . 5469 oociety of the Prebyvterian chureh and mat h euc an that alof themn were drinking the skul hd nt ees fature thaateden t.lutarday &igo. " ntrcton thtseb ettee aeu.. 9;Mro 62tehi o h psoa hrh c hesl ad' ih rcddeetvshad in treait of hima. Doesn't that Hatgo had told him, that he receiv- "was ln the rear axle. " Motoring until she secured the money for set- Carrol .., 7,407PUson .... 5,336 creamand other refreshomt am oervd a small bottle of whisrkey on Saturday, strike you as unneual, to say th, ed the wound in a friendly scuffling to DetroIt-from Hanbbor Beach, Mich., tierbent. Cass ...... 6,893l sac ... 1,552 at allstande. r May 29. He @aid he put thLe naorf rn least? Imn't Tt strange that the tastes match. He said that 3atings and un- last week with his son at tée wheel, -Court officiais declare that ln many ChaLmpaign .20,676tMcDonough 7.987 The programq for the rmaining days ahe sprte but olen set t oed of all the muan should have been the other man were Purshing each other Mr. Ford ordered his son to stop, and cae h tony ntecssaeChristian ..12,912rNIcHenry. 12,:956 of the Chautauquais as follows- Themdtciesi toe call i foahenh ihd' same, when there were so many kinds back and forth on the sidewalk and told him not to think that he was ae h tonysi h ae r Clark ..... 5,446|McLean.. 24,196 >gThe eetivuesrai the y. ale n of drinks they might have selected Hastings Tost his balance, falling crazy If hie did something. He out to blame. Judge Persona is seeking Clay ...... 3,487IMenard ..3,657 Friday, July 23 35 .got te prqoro tet netdhey dao from? Did any of these detectives' against a tree where hie sustained the ln thought forty-five minutes. Then to close all the oD cases possible. Clinton .. .. 4,851[Mercer ... 9085 Afternoon-Prelude, Colonial Concert sogttopoet hyha entestify that they asked for whiskey cut. he said: When this ls done much money will Coles ...... 8,905tMonroe ... 2,896 Company. Lecture, Glenn N. Merry. Ostrander oell whliey to) other Poo- an go ito eerfsd o n ew additional facto were brought "I've got ii drive ahead. The new b ot ok ...0,9 ontgom'y. 10,818 Ngh-ucaEerinntClna ple on Sundayr but their own state. stead they keep on repeating that out at the Inquest. Witnesses told of axle is a helical geared worm drive etre vr econy.Crawford .. 4,904fMorgan ... 9,304 ConcertCocrCoD te ments was the only evidence to this they asked for 'cold bottles' and got finding Hastings in North Chicago and affair, which enables the tratcor, ln Cumberland 3,220#,Moultrie ..5,626 Cocr opany. Dramatc effect. Many haed considered the case 'lagerbe'BDR-CL of takIng him to the city jail. He the language of one of his friends, STEAL MU'CH COPPER Detalb .... 15,482Ogile . ..12949 aecital, Mande willis. against Ostne so e ta t they BOTr '-o b the whr prop was then remo#PWo the county Jail "to do every goldarned thing but - De Witt ... 7,920IPeoria .... 21,744 Saturdlay, duly 24 thugt e oud e cqited sition strike yoas improbable? , hr i et curdo udycibate".Douglas ... 7,851iPerry ..... 2.618 Afternoon--GrandCeoncertEllio Brook@ The case of A. Tosch was started " We demanded to know why the night. His dead body was found by Four weeksr ago a Sun reporter was The Waukegan police have received Dupage .. .. 11,266|Platt ..... 7,223anhiMltryBd.LcueWlr this morning and the work of gett ng detectives did not purchase boteso one of the trustles. advised that Jack Bradley, a Rondouk a report that fiye double sections of iEdgar ..... 13,5291PIke ...... 8,664subi ltayBn.LcreWafr a ur s rorssngqit rpdl. liquor and present them ln evidence. At the time Hastings was placed ln farmer, had given agents of the Ford copper wire were removed from poles iEdwards .1552|PoPe ...... 1,243 · " Mr. Dady promptly replied that If jail hie was In a delirlous condition people an option on his place. Mr. belonging to the American Telephone 1EffIngham .3,904[Pulaski ... 1,987 Night-PopularConce-rt, Brooks'Band. T ESTIMONY CONFLICTING. ti abendeitoudhvbenand It was because of this fact that Bradley promised iadvis the Suni and Telegraph company about two and Fayette ..7,2531P'utman ..2,585sndyduy2 necessairy to bring a whole dray load hie was not removed at once to a hon- not to say a word s'out the proposeqi|three-quarters miles west of Wauke- iFord ...... 8,501)Randolph .3,615 Afternoon-Prelude.BeatriceWellerCo. 9c The Detectives Say Ostrander of bottins into court. Do yeu thin'ý it Pltai. purchase of the site for an auto lac- gan on Thursday night. A third sec- Franklin . . 6,185ýRichland ..3,337 Lecture, lollo \McBride. would take a dray to hold the bottles tory, and the Sun, true to lits promise, tion of wire was loosened but was Fulton . .... 11,811 Rock Island 6,285 Spoke Foreign Language- even If a bottle was secured in each .JAMES CALLA HAN BUYS refrained from Printing the facto. It not removed. Detective. hurried te 1 allatin ... 2,2671Saline . .. .. 8,462 Night-Concert and Cartoon Lecture, He Says He Can't. place? wouldn't it have looked more Is§ generally understood however, that the scene and are seeking to arrest Gos n .... 7,0494Sangamon . 17,010 Beatrice -Meller Co. Indien Entertain- Wauega. JI.V19. sincere if thense detectives hadlbrought BULLOCK HOMESTEAD. the option expired on wednesday of the guilty parties. This Is not the Grundy ...8,841ýShuyler ... 4,587.mient. The Gaies. Waukega. J lv you moe tangile evidnce tha theirthis week, and that Henry Ford la first time that wire thieves have op- Hamilton .. 3.89ct ...$,70MnaOuy2 C'an a man purchasP liquor ln a Own testinfony. In my mind, gentle- Wankegan. July 16. now owner of the 112 acre tract of erated ln the vicinfty of Waukegan. 1Hancock ..9,719t8heIby .... 11,904 saloon on Saturday night and then re. men, there appears to bie several big A deal Ires been closed, it ls re.. Tand. It was reportedl today that Ford but it Is the first time ln severail Hardin .... 661lStark ..... E,097i Afiternoonri-Coneert, Chicago Artiste turn to the saloon on Sunday and dourbts that arfise as to the guilt of ported, whereby James Callahan, a agents have procured options on sev- months. Henderson . 5,107)St. Clair .. 10.085ý (uartet. Leiture, Edith Strickland have Tt served to him, and Is this a these defendants." . wealthy farmer living ti Warrenton eral other tracts of land ln the samei Henry :.13027$8tephenson 10,14R Moodie. ft wetownship, becomes owner of the old vicinity. Iroquois ..19,2941Tazewell ... 9,241) N ight--Lecture, Judge George D. Alden. violtoe OE IH AC I ulc oeta nNrhSeia Report has it that Henr y Ford pr-Jackson ..7,880 Union ....2.526G-NhsigNme, h pr Tempoaril blide whil wathin Block homestead sone Nofthe bhes i ll beo shpe to Ronou an ther Ji Daviess .utr 6,85Wshngo 4.56