r-w-- T A ECOU=T FDEPENDEW?.,FRIDÂT, JLY 3o, 1915. W. lave &-NNU ÈCDst made hamg Stock of LAD-EJl S'~every Ienigth o HAY TIME SALT ~ ONE DOLLAR! One to a customer 0 SCREEN DOORS Ail sizes Ready to hang Sure catch with eacb door NOW US A 6000 TIME TO SIIINGLE AIL VOUR BUILDIN4GS LIiRTYJLULI EER Coi Dm by4d&s OUd Depot U« &«ee 2M ymu& Phone 47 F.. Bithop, Mgr. ~&HERMANUPACTURING C0. LieHTIGFIXTURES Bue m beloue placlng Ion oidei. Vietoîs selcome We aIse have a complete platiug plant for retiliibiug AUTOMOBILE PAMT TABLE WARE STOVE PARTS BR4uamS50 BATHROOM TRINMINCS SiVER PLATING NICKEL LA1MNC RASS PLATING COPPER PLATING (MJNMETAL PLATING BLACKOR WIHITE ENI<AMN Show room and tactory Second sud Orchard treet. ImuLPRfONE 58 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS LUMBER FEED and COAL BALT LIT E BRICK TILE SEER PIPE *W. F. FRANZEN, JR. 'l ephone No. 50 Libertyville. Mlinois .4, IEAT EAT EAT tû1 ELYRIC 'RESTAURANT £The bout placen t geftJoy the Chauta' 1,~~ YJNL U 13I4Prop. tuqus unlesa you est at the ( R 1c SPecla11 Chautauqua Mlei -w Hayi>gMachinery To insure publication in the Inidepen- jMi. and ?,rs. Wm. ,*Lyeck are enter- dent. copy must be Intheoffice nolater:1 tainiiug Mr. aud Mra. Jas. Duncan of than Tuesdlay of eacl- week. Adver- Elkton, Maryland, for aeuple ot weeke. tisers, especially are asked to a te.Mi. Duncan in a eliter ot Mr. Laycock. particular notice ta thisa ffect. ____________________________ Iegre@@man Oco. E. Fees came out from is home in Chicago' on Monday to ditionaL Local News en Page 41 he the guegt or Attorney B. Hl. Mlietr and te beai the lait lecture et the Chautau- qlua whlc.h waa delivered In the eveaing B oward Flagg and Fîed Piotine epent by Judge Geo. B Alden of Boston.,ae Sunday Iu Chicago. whe je an old-tlme frlend. .Fred Endeilin of Beloit. Wiî., wasîa M u i. .1.Clcadino cuitr hee '1ueidy. IRedfleld, 80. fDakota, @peut Friday and George E. Webb of Auttech, wa@ a Saturday with the foimerm biother, vl@ltoi here Tueeday'. lilPh H. Cole and family. The Cole Jame Haes ad fmll "ntSunaytamllY camm to Chcago topurcham stock inAmes cHayeh s.d es ' paet@.unayfoi the iix depaitment stores which Mi. B. D Antoh llhmis.eaye.' ietip. Coee owns lu bis home atate. Ot.w anBydd e r ato bueIi.,neseetn.tO Contractor Wm. Bainett bai heen Ottwa ud treta, II.,thi wek. awarded the job of tearlng up the aId Mr. aud Mr@. Henry Segert epeut Sun. macadam ou Mlwaukee avenue lu front day ln Deerfield wlth Mi. Segetes of the Samuel Imeui home south of towu. parente. and -II put in new macadam. The Gorge Chard of Austin, le epeudjng îoad bas bad very bard @ec and the iweveral day@ a: the home of bts aunt, macadam le breken lu many epots. Mr@. Alice Sicholas. . Attorney B. H. Miller and A. J. Austin The Mmsa Emma aud Ethel Titus on ha.q euld an acre off thei traet of land Tueîday went to, Wilmette te epend a ou Milwaukee avenue noîth of towu ta week wlth their sunte. a brother of Blbop MeGaviçk toir#$950. Mio Jomeubine Deihave et Highland Giuund has aIready beeu -U1roken t oi .a Park, W&as tue gneet of Mise Wlhelmins Eugelbrecbc ever Sunday. Mr. sud Mia. Georig Wright sud baby ot Highland Park, sucre the guesaof W. C. Mosaud family Sunday. The Presbvterlau Ladies' Aid wlll meet at the home of Mia. C. F. Greensuood ou Thureday atternoon, Aug. 5tb. The Intirlor of the poitoffice le being decoiated. The suork suas tarted by cautractor L. E. Ray on Wedneedav. Noil E. Durand vetuined Suaday trom Oklahoma City, OkIa., subire hi apent two weekî sith reative@ sud fîleudi. The Presbyterlac Ladies' Aid slil beld, a bakery saleat Colett & Frederickestoce chia sueek Saturday afteruoon et 2:30. J. T. yers bai the contiact for the movlng af the aid Ie bouge bearding bouis at Lake Villa for privace partie@. Mr@. Ellen Cavsuaugb et Evanaton, la --~,.k. o. with her bhleiM.ýoâ ét ud etbcr rela- -f.T."Uodfrey o! Grayalake, rend the service st St. Lawureuce Episcopal cbnrch lait Sunday lu the absence et Rev, White. .Mis. Lesu Flagg ba@ retuîued home alter speuding oeveral days lu Lake Zurich at the home et ber daugbcci, Mie. Edsuard Brixon. Eitella, Dorothy and Florence Scý.hrcy oi Milwasukie, are clstingtbelr uncle aud aunt, Mr. sud Mca. licury Kera for s couple ai1suteks. Dr. A. B. Churchill of tiasege. Ili., @peut Sunday bee itb bu@ parents, IMr. sud Mis@.O1.E. Chuichill. Mie. Cbuiclîlll'a health ls net improving cary rapîdîs-. Hev. Edward S. White spent Snnday lu Autioch, suhere be conducted the éet- vIces at the Eplecopal missilon, which bas receutly bien feuudîd at that place. The regulai montbly meeting ai the village board sulîl hi beld udxt Monday Dlgbt. 1% la net certain suether the street ligbting matter slîl came up at [thls meeting or not. The cemmittai on tire, suster sud lgbt eon Weduesday ulght purebased the fiemi 'sceattanad oote. The caste suie plurcbaaed itm E. W. Parkhurst and the boote trem W. C. Trlgge. Idra, S. S. Welir vturn.d lait Thura. day eveing tram Chas, Kansas, suhere sbe suas calied by the dîath of ber tuother, Idre. Elzabeth Newton, suba mode ber home wlth ber sou Ge&p at garage sud a fiue realdence will be irected on thio piperty in the niari future. Arthur Miller retnrned Thureday even- litg tram Wynu, Aikanese, suhere he Lepent several day. sitb bis mister, Mise Addie. Be aiu, @peut cene dîne i* KaussaudOklaboma, itaylug nserira day. wltb N. E. Duraud, suhom be met lu the lait uamed âtata. Hie esiter, Ica Addlî returned horne Saturday. CIIAUTAUQUA WEEK CLOSED MONDAY N16HJT The Lincoln Chautauqua wbieb opeued in Libeityville ou Wedueiday oftIsat week witb a veiy large atteudauce et th. opeuing naumber came to a clou late Monday ulght. lu fairneai to tbe pio- moters It will ho pioper to itate the Chautauqua spirit galned ber. list year for the tirit tîme ba@ net dled out, lu tact keepi ou grewiug. The big tant was flot mucb more than juit large enouah te held the cr0 wda, eipeclally ut nlgbt. A good many people Wbo b.d ieasou ticket. atteuded erery lecture snd concert gilven. And toehaow tljat there weîe a great number of aeaaou ticket holdera la pieven by the tact that the local buoIness mon Who enaed aud9 fluauced the Chautauqua have more tog @ho w fer thair labor this yeaî than lamit. Lait year the local organisation Went behlud a few dollare, thia year there willl he a balance lu the treasuiy. New that the Chautauqua ba@ bien witb ne fr a week sud gene it la net ont et Place to attempt toexapreas au opinion ou Ita meite. (Of cour@e there are those Who always expect a newi- paper te write a glowlug acceunt of the affaîr sud loitit go ut chat; otheri prefer to heur It rensured; but at times it s Weil ot MIl coueiuned te look mattîua taight lu the lace sud tell the un- vainhIhed trutlî., The opiqion hare expreaied la not dur owu perousl view, but that galned Item the expreeelona of thoesWho attended. Thie method ot of drawing a conclualon should lead te a jaut sud resonable viesu. A large majority et thoeeWsho attend. Id walked sawsithout ix pressing any @motion elther waày. They ware ne exactly dlsappoluted uer were tbey overly sueil pleed. There sueraa A nw dinkng ounainwasInsalld !reasonable number who ceusured It f romi An Cntw rPak lg tounkTaisa uîanld the start, aud suho itated treely that it luiay CeTh Pa iat sueekThueay sud suai pour. Then there suere sanie aho suere overly ardent, sud tailed at nG someone beDgetonauwitenamiedtime ta expreai their adnmiration sud trou stand, sud le one ef the late;t approval. aanitary patteru@. This tounsantalu An honeet sud uubiasid aiummary et ordered early lu the spriug sud bai besu the aboya opinion@ wsuld lead te the here for seceral seke rcady to ba set lnuocuinta h huaqaa plae etfthe eld fountaiu which rccetved coucle a that thoe.attisa a "kuock' the lait day ofetatefaithfn uhoesa cr eice service. Se tar ai the local management lo concerned, there je uotbiiug ta citer but The Snnday achool piceuteto the pralse. The Cbautauqua suai handled Pred'-vterian vIiur h wIll ble beld at Fose ability. sud the men et Lîibrtyville par- Fark. North Chicago, nent sueek Wed- formed their part tu s bueluei like sud neaday. The pieutcs et the Sunday efficient mauner. Nethlug but corn- secool bave been held at that park torinmendation need hi mentioued here. the paat Isue yeare sud it bai nioven ta Then thîre je the public ws ubo md bi au ideal place for the gamea and eut lu îuch numbere that the tent waî contesta arrauged tor by the amusement full at esch iession. The people ehowed cemmittees. The piculceres wilI go te Ibeir epirit sud their inteceet in a the park in a Ppecial car subich suilI Icave siupposedly goed tbiug. The tact that hece about 10:30, leaving Foie Park lu their support ws ai(i loyally given the atternoan at 5:00 o'clock. provea that a strouger sud twttei Chau- tauqua would meet witb faver ini thim Village Marshall Lmberîy bai taken a dmuity. We get w bat sue pay for in great deal of pride lu keeplng up the the uoid udmcpulcdiuns appearauceoetthe village hall prapecty very mncb this time. Twuelve cenits per. sud the resulta et hie labor 19 uow canue t purchaic a Iit clams article. maniteit lu the even lasun sud beautitul Th!@ (ommuuity le auxloui tor the beet tiosuci bcd ahieh he set ont lu the tbere is sud it je silling to psy a reamon- apring. The grounds are attractiug able priee. Let*@ have the real thing quite a bit of attention trom paeéwirsby uext tîme. sud people reidîug lu that neighbor- Now that the Chautauqua spirit le lu beod. There le a great deal of iredit the air It wiil be sucli te get the beet to due the maroaiaîl is for the suay hi be had te keep that spirit alive. The keepi the etreete lice trom litter, itich as better the talent on the piattorin next The uew bridgo- acrome the ljeiplaineo river sud the- road leading te the bridge bai not ai vet been arcepted by the village sud townebip coammltte. Thoe committeeswlll go over the new rond sud bridge la the nait fesu day sat suhlch time the suork sut hie acceptad or rejected or change. ordered hitore acceptlng the unme. It bas bien faund that aomi persan bai rernoved the barrlera te the bridge and lu this manuer the bridge bas bien nsed ter traffic, altbougb effically the bridge bhm nat jear the better tLe public -wili be catie- fied. Rlght Rond to Knowledge. He that Étudies ouly min sill gît thie body et knesledgi wlitbnut the soul and hi that studios enly bàokd, the sont wltbout thei ,ody. Ha that te what hioaea adda observatIon and te subat hi rends reflectIon la ln the rlght rond tc kuoslidge. prevldid tuat in sertînlzluig the hearta et ethers ho Deglecti fDot hii osn-Colten. hein ordited ope" toitrafllc sud -111Znet Went.' For $ale, O etIUn the IN. hi util It lm accepted by the committ e. DEPEN DENT juaih, 15,000 peusoes 1Tsuelve chîldien taken tram the Sundai I Uftengend McCormick Mowers and Rakes.that plaes choete et the Methodist, Piesbyterlacl The adis' ld ocieY o th M. and Eplecepal chuicheeare boing trained 0"«e ed DinSid Diveyaites. he des' A soie tyhet hoe ofMr@.for a 'PoppyDilîl" suhtcb they sulhl gîve ~.euuie .~au ~îe m~îîeruRaksCarolibesullemutoa: e her et.lie, ita via Park ou Auguat 12:b. There wuk ueeay ftenao. Ages Sr atare te hi qulte a number of childreu Keystone end Den 2:30 of'tock . sA lmmer e Aud st riede t rom other Lake county bosue tak4ng ROI>. CA RIER , rRK2:3TC.are oi.yAitad 10 rattnd iedepart lu drilles hlcb sulli hie pecialty ait- ROPI. C RRIM 1FRKSIET . ae codialy lvitd toattnd.tractive homie talent affaire. The ladies Lait Friday eueetf te min sarklng lu charge ot the Libertyvilti part are for Andresu Eflugeraon the luanît faitamoMedames F. Il. Ju@t, P. W. Colby, C. N. GOOD STOCK bad twoohe ei lgera ljured by belng Durana, B. M. Alîhurt sud E. E. Elle- csugbt inua hay carrier pultîy. He came wortb. La Barre Juet la aIea training ta Dr. (iallesuay's office on Saturday the Muse. J. . Mac6ufin las, subch IF IT S ~sbira the sueunds suera driasid. sill give a mlitary drill euch ase taught èJS eIIC ICfk las. E. Holcombîeld hi. foucyfivi acre' at the Culver Académy. FROM faima north ot Aie&ansd adjaiuiug thei The recînt legllature pasBed a Tosun LIin rond ta the n. F. Rouis et laswbich permîts a person to adolit CIIANCK'S Hiardw are Ares lait weik. It le rePOrttd that the a naine for thelr faima and bave l couideratîen suai $6,000. Attorney îecorded, thus preveuting use ot the ITPS Comr pany B.H. Milier eninered the deal. naine toi any ethir place lu the coun- (1000 Charle H. AverilI, Prealdent ef the ty. Th irsfreanta be officl&llY GO ULibertyville. Libartyvvlle Chautauqua Aoscatiou. deslgnated sud uamed la Lakei catifty bai called a meeting of the association le that et Samnuel Insui at Liberty- for ridy evnin at he illae hll.ville. Edwaîd Doyle, lansuborne ame The meeting wîll i*ecalled tc, aider at, the Ineulhferati sehtand, ISud lthe 8 o*elock. Ail members are urgedte papers witb Circuit Cterk BrockwaY attend. {9aturday sitecnoeu, ehoslng the olffi- ____________________________________________________ Delhla Ha) s,, the lice jiar eld daugb Iclal naine ut the Insuil proiities ta Ster ot Mr. and Mir@. James Hayes. whobo i"Hawthorne Faims." a nie wbicb * flhiIro niiarnnOnIy th f[lrlI lumnu bad ber rigbt log bioken about ai eeka he hàà used evîr ince locating at * IulboLard ai beu fatber'a automobile just as officlaly rlfing the name sud thn irepreented Phonie 154-R be ras runnng It int, bis garage, ia nobody can step in lsud u»e the Be &gai able te sal. narne lu Lakhe county. T~RE ICARE TWO KINDS 0F INTEREST PERSONÂL and 3 PER CENT WE PÂY BOTH Our Officers take a personal interest in the finaîîcial affairs of our customers and art always glad to give themi the beneofit of their broad banking experience. OPrN A 93ANKING ACCOUNT TO-DAY Lake County National Bank Capital, Surplus and Profitas $100,000.00 Total Resourôes, - - 750,000.00 OUSPROU899$2 sýTO $8 ON A SUIT RIGHT -NOW By uelocting the gooda from over 100 pattorns, reduoed in price, but tailored to your msure and built alon the samo linos that have made thee"goues of Ed. V. Price 8t Co., aud J. L Taylor & Co., a household word with thon- sands of the bout dreuuod mon n th Ie country. il you need a firat-class Suit, made in the latest style, by oxper- ienced workmen, and guaranteed in every respet cornein and look over these farc su ad lot us tako your msure TO DAY. J. B. MORSE & CO. EVERYTHING FOR XMEN Telephone 14 Libertyville 'j a 1 FRUITS 1 CORLTT & FREDERICKS Phone 30 Libertyville, 111. MEATS 1 MILIINERY at ONE-IIALF PRICE DURING JULY end AUGUSI ALL OUR SUMMIER MATS wii be SOLD B!LOW COSY. No exception. Get your 15w bat uow et HALF regular price. A large aasortm.ath le wery Waest styles. LJNDERWEAR WAISTS. GLOVES, HOSIFRY AND NOTIONS AT LOW PRICES.:-:.1. PARISIÀNA CORSETS 8100 TO 83.00 A. W. LIND.ROTH UIBERTYVILLE, ILLINIS -The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating. " The Inde- pendent's Classified Ads have been proven by hundreds of satisfied customers. Asic any user of these littie salesxnen. VERY SPECIAL PRICS -ON GinehawSatine and MNIsln Petticoats Satine Petticoats, dark colors and black $1, at .68 Musin Petticoats, 50e,,75c, 89c, $1, $1.25p 1.75 New line light and dark Aprons New Ime Kimonas, just in - - - .50 - 1.75 W. W.Carroll * son Lo. ig v. 1 b VEGETABLESI Striped Petticoats, the usual 50c, at - --------- IN [GROCERIES m oee 1 il 1 V LiberVville 1 $.35