Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jul 1915, p. 4

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LAE OO1INY igDE PMIMIN. FRIDAY. JULY 30. 1915. I -~ I - ______ Lake County Independent Waukegan Weekly Sun Offihce Telephone Number 1. Libertyvilis Exrhanige. auI»Ye< at the Postoffilce at Lbertyvlloe. Ili., s. Second C&@@ Mail Matter Officia Paper for Lake Countj. bImmd Evemy rlday. Advertlslng B ates made Kuowen o Application. SUSRIpTION PRICE. $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCEý W. J. SMITH .................................................................... Editor 0. . SMITH .... ................................................................ Mnagr .Jý WEBER.......................... Resident Manager, Ph.n. 16-J A certain Lake county officlal's "grand-stand" col- lapsed isat week; in fact, it caved in in the center in such a manner that it neyer can be repaired s0 it will be of niuch use. ____ The editor of this paper wishes State's Attorney Dady ail the success possible in prosecutiflg violators of the liq- 'n ur laws of the state-but it dossn't feel that persecution of property owners who cannot be classsd as saloonkesp- ors but are HOTEL KEEPERS just as much as the owners of theLaSMe, the Bhermian Hous, the Blackstone, Chi- cage> is net justified by the evidence, ail cf whicb indicates a désire te "GRAND-STAN~D" rather than enforce the Iaw in its truest ses. Weil, who can blame Dady if be tbrows up bis banda in diaappointmeflt in the Fox Lake cases after baving made sucb a ftzle cf an attempt te make a general cru- sals based on trivialities? It bas been a costly move for the county; it bas been a most expensive tbing for Dady politicaily because it has shown him up li a ligbt wbich inany cf bis friends before were unwilling to ses hlm in. Yes, iu the total, Dady during tbe past several weeks has made bimself mre unpopular tban bie wu. popular be- foeswben be barely made tbe goal wben running for office. He has put a crimp in bis political career wbicb can neyer be effaced. jxddizona/ l s IET IL Iof.&rtv/ MOST BEAUTIFUL TOWN IN STATE Mir. and Mmre.Suas Wright bave re- tutnod f romn a thmee monthe dii witt relatives lu Norfolk, Va. MisesBrta Jocbbeim and brother Fred are svendlng a three 'veeke vaca- tCon in Fort Wayne, led. Dr. and Mm E. A. Cranoe tarted lest Friday un an lento trip ta Detrait, imom wbere tbeywill mate a trip ta tue Tboueaud Islande. Mr. and Urd. Dean Beunett are entet- talnlng Mr. lleunett'esster, Mine Loa Bennett, of Zian City, and an uet, irsj. S. B. Keefanver, ai Burkliiu, Kanoa", for severai daje. Ed Lynh, the rural mail carrier wbu will lose is position here Augnet firt an account ai route twa telug discon- tinuod by tie Oovrnment, bai heon offered a route irISumn)iut, Ili. M. Lynch bai eut declded ai jet wtetter te WEIl acept thie traneler or nat. The fire. water and light committee at %meeting beld Wedneday evenlng de- ded ta install a sanltary drinking ountaîr, on tlw ea@t @ide af Milwaukee avenue lu fýont of H. B. Eger's bard- ware Mtore. The launtain whieh they rdered tbatevenlDg le the same pattern a@ the new fountain in@talied in Central Park lait week. An accident whieb migbt have proven mare oeriausaeocurred on Lake etreet landay afternoon in front of tbe Gat- zrt reoldence wlicn the buggy iu whlch à. B. Haborkorn, manager oftheRodney Farm, and àH. anà Mr@. Robert Mont- omery of Wyanet, Il., were rldlng ta Lhbertyvllle, was upeet, thrawlug ail the Deupants down an embaakment. The bore whlch Mr. Haberkoru was drlvlug shled and eprauz 10 une aide. the eudden trn throwlnàr the buggy over the bank. Mr. Montgomery had twa rite braken, 'bile hi@ wle camp. ont wltbant a eratch. Mr. Haberkorn reeeived a few mrises le hie teck. lMr-and Mme Mont- gomery badl heen epenalug a week wlth te Habiemkoru'î and were returulug ta tîeir home when the accident happened. Ire. Haherkorn la a niece of 1Mr. and Mr@. Montgomery. Dr. Galloway at- tnded the lujured. The accident will poetpore the tomeward trip fur a num- b r .- SON 0F JUSTN <I0ULD RESCED FR01 EÀS[LANI William Gauid, a son af Mr. and Mr@. nuetin Gauld. wbo meulde on Lake etreet, came very near loslng hi@ lite In tbe :astîand disaster laet Saturday marn- ig. Uonid and a lady friend were ou ho upper dock when the eteamer tipped over lu the Chicago river, and just ai the boat wae going over a heavy betich trnck the yonng couple, throwlng them uta tho wator about the eame time. Nelther of theyouugpeapie conld ewlm and Gonid @&y@ lho wa@ eiuklug for the bhird time when hie managed ta grab a ropo wblch wa, thmown ont ta hlm. He fdentlfied the, body ai hie lady frlend ln a margue later. Ho telepboned ta hie parent e bre ou Saturdai that hoe wae alnlght and an Sunday he came ta speud the day at bi@ home. Ganld la about 21 yeare aid and up to about twa peare ago ho was a cierk lu Walrand'e etore at wbîch timo hoe weut West. He had heen an emploie of the Wentern Electnlc Co., for about a mouih. I'uosday's Chicago papers lleted hlm as among th is ldng, but tbls le an error. Bo far ai le known lhowae the only poeon from i Lherty vIlle or auj relative of local people to b. an the, Eaatiand. 1 il preacb on tise' topit, '"The Sait af the 8oui" Iu lh, ovenlng at 7:30 alter thie sang service, Ith sutject ofthtei ahort sermon wiliite: "lEqulpped for Lîfe or Deatb." A welcome to aIl. "Ths Promise of Protecion" wlli t, the pubject of the Epwarth Leagu, &?rvice nudt Sunday ovnng et 6:45. I.eadesM ises Dorothy Dada mand Jean chanct. Enîhuelastesînglng. AIl are weliame. The choit widl meet for ,rehearsal on Saturday creniug ut 85o'cloct.e Al mem- ber la urged ta te present. !Fa It's apparent that officiais bave started i to dlean Upg lWndeut, the railreati juuction where so mflny crimes-have Li occurred of late, the spot vibre it ia said moe criminals meet andi maire plans fer crime than in auy other spot lun the commtv. It's a known fact that many crimes are hatch- e edter by mon wbe meet at the junction ile coming dovu froen the north or coming frem the south- A little policing cf that junction fer a time, iu an earusst and de- termineti marier, vil cause word te spread that its bauntS bt are no longer safs from til clama cf undesirables. To tg date it hau been an unsafs place te live in or even pass tbrougb at certain Urnes- The heavy expense wbich tisse Pox Lake resort cases t bas imposei on taxpayers cf Lake county, - according toP( iffiaI-bps been heard ail ever !.1e cor.ntv, dces not se-.b jusilfed by the nature cf the situation. The continuons osagt bemng matie by Dady against those men whese Y buuiness because cf the bard Urnes, autos, etc., bas issu bsdliy "abot," ilhm matie h a bard eneugh roati at the best -anti Dati lu rubbmng it i," accerding te jutigment cf J ail factions cf people iu the ceuuty. The continuai expeuse. of cheap tietectives vie playeti poker, vent fisixg, etc., Eà ail as a ruas te "get" morne Lake county taxpayer, seemsin, 1k. an extravagant piece cf grand-standing, th _________________oT A sample cf the nature of the "1detectives'"I evideuce b in the Fex Lalii persecutien is siown lu -the Etivard ~ White cae vierein tbree different detectivess vo cdaim- edt tehave purchaieti liquor on the SAME Sunday svsnings 1«le seateti ait te SAXE table, tolti different atonies: t Even in the matter cf WHAT INDIVIDUAL SERVED '- ETHE RI NKB3, the msn's statemeuts contradict- ed.. In tuila important essential their ovitisuce vas NOT the Same. Tius, men Who cannot agre. on suci a point cannOt b. donitiered as reliable as tue resort keeper hlm- self. Tihe point in question la a sample cf thee stire lot cf stuf cooketi up against those Fox Lake mon. Real de- i tectives would at least "get together" anti maire their ' statements Jibe to a slight extent on essential poinS 11k. til. -le-1- _T._-__VT 'e Til paper doean't coudons violations cf the law bal as mucb as even some officiais whose tiuty it la te prose- cute-personally WB neyer bave playeti a game cf poker, o neither bave we ever taught anybotiy boy te play stuti- poker; vs nover bave playeti a game of carda FOR MON- £Y. But, in the case of smorn f Quei Fox Lakre reoet ovners it DOESBSEEM tiat even tueugil they do seil liq- uer at eir places, tiey are entitledt teW square deai-even a dog gets protection frcm- tub wrathful man vie voulti kick it because it's color didn't suit him. Bo witi tue. roet keeper-tbey aboulti b. punisheti if thsy bave vio- i hae o te v but tiey do net deserve te be persecuteti;p they do not doservs punishment viles any officiaI bas sent paid men te their places toe eaaat r ayet cieverly acheme te get tuem te commit a deed ou icil a ProsectOr nilgkt base au action iu court. -Nows given out by State's Attorney Dady Baturday: "&State 's Attor'ney iRalph JT. Jady todav made plans for1 having presenîtedj to l)th the eiîntv anil cireuit eourts of this ity the q-uestion as to -whether ojr not a town or vil- lage hait a îight to gî'ant a dracrnshop li('efse for a ks ainount thauî iOOantpo the rulings gis-en on this question it is expected w4ll depend the future action of the couintN, official."' If the Public prosecutor bad ouly taken tue Aforesali action IN TEM FIRST PLACE, iustead cf 7!1T Causing arresta by the violosale after great ex- puse ad issu put on the ceunty by iring detectives, OUc, h wouiti bave abovu a deSire on hie part cf being SINCER more than by resonting te thus step, AFTER ho bas talion dowu in moat of the tnumpoti-up cases ich bis bired operatives furasiet i hm evidence on. Hovever,1 1t'a u in Uvu other simnilr steps tairen by the public1 prosecutor, nainely: He starts backwards ou many thinga,t vo«rks froàt'iiuds anti, visu ho ges inl the mididle, is "Up la theoair.", POTATOES-Onlono, Carate, Beeti, Turnîpu, Lainbage, Bemue. CncumhOrs, eud atterVIegctableg. Aiea applea and aI-ber fruits. At rglt prleedelivered la Lihortyvllle. F. W. gchlictien, Phono 286-R. 45tf I -~ .1- av oi Pa M' o J. Another Large Section of Tele- phone Wire Was Stolen on Mlwaukee Road. Opurred an by the offer af $260 as a reward for the arrest and convic- tion of wlrethievs 1 Who cnt fartY pounds of wtre from the polesaofIhe American Telephane and TlegraPh Co. luit weet of Wauliegafl, citY DO- lice and deputy ohertfs are epread- lng ter nets lu the, hapes of "jalllng"' the, tblevee. Three-jeans ugo an Indian wue an- rested and convicteil an a sîilar charge and te 'vas seutenced ta serve six montha ILn lhe ceuty Jail. Cwhzrch ?/ews FROM - LOCAL - CHURCHES St. Lawrence Epîscopal. Eoiy Communion 7:30 a. ni. Sunday echaul 9:30 a. m. Maorning Prayer il a. nm. Mathodist-Epmsconal. Proachiner services next Suday wll t eheld st he usual turne, la the moriiju ait Il o'clock Bey. T. 9. Ream iw IAT THE TOrA-TrPS j Frlday, Juiy 80, Liberty Theatre, The Lady of the, Snows-8 rosi Esmay Drama. Mr@. Carter Barrleon of Chlca- ao, who là tihe author aofliii, 8 reel photoplay, bas luniehed an fintorosting love @tory and bai aleu glven the producsr wldo scop. lu the way of ecSe, and settinge af whlch Most a1 them, wer, taken la Lake Forest and Highland Park. "Tii@ Maser Mind' at the, Lyrle, Tuesday, Augçuo%3.-Pledgleg torevenge the execuhion of bis brother, whom t b. District Attorney caueed to te convictod, Richard Allen, a qnalut Indivlduai who take. delight lu conceuliug bi@ Identity by plmyles the rois 01 a valet t'O au extravagant jaune man lu New York, plots for tiie downfail of tiie prasocutor, and educates hie cevereet tomais crook. "Tares Arm Fanuy,' wlth a vlew to having ber fascluate and marry the District Attoruey. Richard Allen, known as the. Maitor Mind, cancelves many diaboicai pluts olau tf<rward to the ruinatian of hiteonemy, the District Attomey, and iluali> suc tede lu arus- lng bis aniger and lealaus>, asîd le about tu crueli ho uusuepsctlng Attorney when 'Tbree Aria Faany," Who bas reail falien in love witubel'r hunband. pisada wltt the Miaiter Mlnd ta wlbbdraw, and the. Mater Mind, Who bai r ooveac Fanny hîmeoif, dons withdraw throngb love for ber sud disappears, tauh emn 10 mort. E KN OCKINEi 111 Occasoualiy thero caine peaple ta Libertyvîllo who are @a taken up witb aur village thaltbey cannot cantain their enthulaso, ttey simpiy bble over wlth ther praisco. Sains mlgtt cliii snb expressions wtt 'bot air,' but Dot ovory ou@ will believe tha', the viitors ulorel> eay sncb nice tblegq for the @sake a1 bavlng eametbiug ta, sa>. The most ardinary peuple are alwaye ready tu llnd fanît wlt very coam- munlt> tii,> bappen to rome ln contact wtt, for usualli> cltars wto do not make an ehhmuded tay wltb relatives or finonde lbain very littie about the tawn hefaro leaving lt. Wtat would yau thînk aI a 1,oreon caring ta aur tawn and kuocked everytblg hoe aw? -4FOrtunaislY vsry few people cames ta Libertyilile wtb sncb a grouch that tbeY cau Dot Sud someting gond bers, motot teiaetop long cnaugb ta exprems their admiration of w tut they bave accu. tiers le the stary of a Chicagoan wbo @Peut the morning ai asot Friday wltb aur tawnepeaple. Bis naine i8 W. S. Edwardo aud lho le a mnintr ai the Centrai Bond & Mcrtgage Co. Ho came bere eariy lu tho morniugi and did soins business witb aur banker@,.alter witt hoe waiked arannd aur eîrrre and took notice-af aur parti, aur elurcteo, aur sctipol, the redenee, the lactarie. and business houés. Alter this trip ho etepped juta the Indopendent office and told af what ho thongLt ofai Lîrtyville. The star> le interestiug and ive ailI Ir) toa telIt jut theyV way lt Was related ta nel. "ln walking about yaur tawu 1 bave funud that my homo le jusi about 815 mile, rotram ostaethantîful littie tawn lu aIl ai thîs great state. My business talle me Into ail parti ai thin tate and 1 have heen ta cities tint openly boast oi thoîr partes and other tbeantie, ai natur . ut 1 arn firmly canvlnced that yaurltawu ie the Paradloe ai the state. Yaur etreots are fine, your homes are teautitul. janv trees are grand and frorn the Impression I have gaiïned tueo moru- iug 1 kuow yaur homo hie muet ho ideal. At preeent my hame le lu the most beautîful reeldonce part ai Chcaga. W@ have pienty of ebado, fine etreets lu thi@ n.ighboriiaad, Lut with ail It le Dot nature, it fle made. The persan nat tiking sncb a vlow about yanr tawn bai ual @en othor canimpulitie, trylug ta work np ta seh beau*@oeainILlbertyvillie pousecces' 'True, II natlred sainie weede aiaug several ai the treet,, but show me a tawn thât ha@ nat ite weed«. There are ln ver> town peuiple wbo rare little about :helilug ta keep the generai appearaue ai a tawn opotlooo, jet I can bonesti> eay that jour tawn la far ahead ai aIl I bave seen. lt le my Intention ta, locale bore lu the future and 1 know that had my wlfe came ant wlhb me ste iwould lneieted tint 1 go back and f§hip ont aur furniture at once." ak. County's big weekly-INDE- 'DENT. adepenaent reader? BE ONE. lssss:::::uzps s go --.g~g.p-.ZZZZuS5Z55 $00' REWARD Cbe EiberWviIIe Iakery Wii pàq $ 100 to ang Ulousewife who can give one single logical rea- son WIIY the Bread made with ilthy~ lake water should be better thon the Bread made with good dcean well woter. :ss:s:bsu:ss-----b-------p:g s:-----p:g 1 -. 1 ----- ----l £0gETI1ESWýPUT ITTRHIS Wl! Only one man out of ten can get Lif. Insurance. The medical examination is in the. way. The purpose of this medical test is to keep the impaired in health f rom rushing in and overtaxing the solidity of the conipanies. However, any man able to ' wrkevey' day, even though h. cannot get if e ansurance protection is practicafly as good a riak as the. mai' any company would accept. Be- cause you are a good risk or think you are, do flot think you are flot just as apt to die as any other man who is able to work. Why, Vou've got to die. No two ways about that. There is an old saw: "Tiiere i8 nothing sure but death and taxes". You can é- a 1f e< Poliéy for les than taxes on real esdate and ihe satisfaction of this will lengthen your days. The. ma1l. 'iho enjoys Lif e In- surance protection encys the. grandest thrill of ail the. ages. Husie up, Mr. Man, Set inout of the. wet, buy a man'* Policy and get busy 'histing'premiuuin. ____ JOHN HODGE District Manager Michigan Mutuel Life Insurance Co. AREA !ounded 1867. ILLINOIS I TI --if- ~~Isu~I m--- ~- mm Knaocking le au admirable trait. It bai lo'ng been caueidered proal f a i-i hreeding and Jack ai jndgement. The Bible condemn JIt, sensible peuple dis- approve ut It, tactful people avold It and kîndi> peuple abrlnk froni It at &a itmes. Tempararlly lu praduces HI ifeeling au4 mitruet. and as an ultimate mfeane for oecurlng refarm It le nat avalliug. l le une ai the tuais ai the mut ater, the sophiet sudte demogagne. Sncb peuple find It a bandy weapun ta use with the rabhle and wltb thase wha are Dot capable ai formiiin theîr own1 opinions. Thase who lump at conclu- sions rejoice when the tuocter turne li@ vole&gainst ailébat bas teen aceom- pliibed lu a community. Thuse wlio have a peeverted tutu af ind recel lu the nnkind tatement and lu the cynicai remark. Iu a tawn lite ont usyn, wbere ovemy. one le warking for a botter commnnitv, the, cracking iaib and the etlngîng etate ment are ont ai order. lu a banbarous cammuuity, ti i ngbt for a tme prove effective, but ail ba@ aiways bien a btter lubricatat tiien sand, and will cortt>nu Ttc kindly word, thec nod ut appraval and the emile ut encouragement are inut tetter taule ta use wlt a rivilized peuple. Some ai thc(Aider tamiliepof ai tu neigtturtoîud hase ipeut a lifetin5e iu matinoiti.i tawn wtat it le Mucb lime and work aîîd tliuîgtt have besen ctceprfully givcu ta teip mate a better plate for tome@, lu sncb a cse@ecal!ing ebuuld eut ho toicrateil Boast yanm tuwu, but donit rail ut ut. Pat jour team mate, an te houiders, gîvo tbem a giad @mile, sud great thinge wiii te actompiiebed cbeerfuiiy. The baud of gond felioweblp wilil ring greater recuite tiran a rît aune talle. Knocking la destructive luaie very nature, nult constructive, sud It le buIld- ing up that wo desire. Fanltllnding, unaccampsaied with commendatlan, e@ a qnality bhonging eoicly ta tte weakllng; while serions s-uggestions for htterment muet aiwayo came train the maiter nind. fItlaindeed unfortunate for aurchildrcu ta bear derlelon heapod uk'on thc test institutions ai aur ueighbantood, for it heipe ta oungeudor lu their minde a opirît oonîpplehuea-, e, itfiuding and suptrior- 1cr. Very quickiy ttey take ta laoklng for tîbadeldeof everythiug. Optiuîism and not pesimieri, etuuid beencourisgcd. Vigdicative tatemente wili nat pIn- duce a heitby str.' aind ru auy commnnity. Plain lie wil nDot 1,ad a people Imb a logiralIlle ofnircaeonîug. Public svoldlng anly farces th ii'vctîm Intu a position ut reteliion and deicuse. Juet a littie bit ai salve wouid bring about tte de@ired remîlt, 'ittout leavlng auj ai thc bad mterecitert. Speat ai thtere as yau wauid have tem epeak ta YOD. PEN Jessie L. Lasky presents the masterlul dramutic star EDMOND BRESIE in his most recent success The Master Mmnd ?.12 ucenes, 5 parts LYRIC THEATRE Tuesday, August 3rd SA\ 01,D ) [RICE LIBERTY THIEATRE Monday, AugUSt 2 Che Casiland Disastr ( ;Edite, llatvilii saine"]c FarlIli-. vicitaro S a atisis naw bues are reidy l a ted a -and tw' Jo. Ttir daày reii Mird. %W lii h i. .a ii, NI r. %i Mîeade, oeder w.', dayti, ,wi 1, witli hi. the cul-, pMt.cii t lie ee n ,rtIn'rf Miss (Ih by Icr ru. Wccl,'W:1 of t . 5 O . rlandîo I Julr 41 'M quilt'Wei, Ili.rend in n.'-r Mir. Ir waUtcc U ou TturLc ti r.'Varr, a s,,- thc profit tire. EHl Mie Clari Elbert ceinent si Mird. Ru thc use ai 1)akcry ma chapel. SMr. and day lu Ar James at Milîtbu Frant 1 Ttc Wm rnct onu A more oai B MIr. and MeC ormic Lewis' Read We al pianoai botter 1pl; about th, Kimbal 1 The V Victrolaî mark et. will tell Comm

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