IL&Kx MMf4!IN>PEDN. RDY. JIJLY 30,1915. - LDIAMOND LMCE JHALJ DAY it p e fes ai Daneiu st I nior i LLe la o 'ie tomon:vlienio' every "aturda)i. îjzt 4t' ,hurvh auda.unda.y echuo ErneL4t S ýlreder auýj ai:.. det 'to trou:t Aitz .rbto Thuireday- X rC ?a ~ ~~day aitti Mr-,.-l.ieue es ter ou <I%'<ount o! the abente o Elgin. uo ud i elduin Hertecl Miss- Ne;liîe SetI: rvtUrned hir.îe lii O' ,'v.îan Vuins Asud' By T. F.SWAN day after spendîuàr a tuantuL tu ï,li-auo. , 4 tan a i"ate nr Correspondent and Agent TîeI t ene.eysoit>niinue-. u too h e a entta wiîth Ars. F. LubLeuisu Thur-adet, fter- eeia nooun. &g. ,:th. A 'aluale horge wu@ m Clo Dancing et Viamoud Lake Pavillon Mises Teesie Bn,. k-î,r:îandîi Luett,4e Broc. on W ednees. every Satuvday ulig .4tf GryBeiat ofWauketau. are @epenldîr: a t ast eek. W. A. Shawan sd !smily speut tuuday couple utfaiceks witli Mmv. A tt!îs J. DofoEvaucton. lis wIlO r"tives lu jyauconda. Barry Kuhi sud family i tbi's..are iug a Weýek witb flus scuier, Chras. Thoines aud tamnilv bave takei violtlug at Geo. Stîtiofede. plwie. tbe Payne Ides on Lake cîreet. Mfr. aud Mr@. A. Uiseil entertained a Mlr,4.lda Fireld@ or Maure'ý number of frîcude front ChLIagii aundile is visitiug bere aittt:ber kde lire. Cra Hull entertaiued Miles Nelîîe vieinity Sunday. Emrnott 6leawo.u Lcugburet t fChicago, a tew daye tble 1Mr.iA lit ut1 Ciebio. hae e.rci-.d a lMr. and lMre Rolland Oint week. portable cottage at 0MaYtood @in@. lu. AMr, sudlMre-. tlenduîrl lir. Baken oftChicago, te viitlng with Mir.sud Mr..Barri iý u, of R evalu.ofBé%i, vielted lire .Bri hie dauabter, lMre.J. B. Botte.. Park. aicre guesft l tiir .oi'i.H.- P IlAireHattie Boiletaset wtee lir@, S. D. Kramer sud son Elruer o! Bartlett là»t week Mro' Chas. Thomegon audji Bighland Park, @pent a feai day. thle AMr. aud lire. T. Martin of Mayaiuîud Mary Barris uf Grand Re wek with relative@ bere. am enig the aieek at Mayou came lait te era on aa relatives, teGpsl a Otto Tegtmeyer muade a bustuec trip cmp to Chicago Saturday. Mfr. aud Mrs. Eiuemti: entertained Lew Bau.ena ndtamilv of Librîville, triend. front Barvîngtin Sunaday spent Sund"y at tbe C. A. Blinski bomne. Mmr. Dousîdeot: etertairied offhcersof Mavwood Eastern Star et vamp Friday. Win. Roder of Palatine. vietted with relative@. bere Sunday Sundai eveulux the 24h Bev.r, ai lit sd lre Tuubîl r. epudng bepreachbhis tarewell sermon. The con. Mr.andMr@ Trnbll re pfidiig hegregation tlied rh.' auditorium and tbe weel. wtht eir daugbhter. Mmr. W. A. a'urde ubenini-ter sp~olie vvreexceeding. Sbew. îy atîpropriate i'uriug tit.' tîme Mr. Lee, Rtuth ami Blanche Sbaddle let$ Carnine wag here be did great zgoîd for for L.ovelaud. Colo.. fur a vilit tbe ciior h in manu'v wa s.Mr- farine witti Fred Shaddle aud tamily. will long te remembpved in thie com- The wrk of layiug the water mains muni[y. As a tittiugr meinura ticr wap tarted laet week. Mir. illaivletu. the' eveuiug rw:,- gien ta ba@ a large trencbing macine at work'biiii Ve uPe is u .-.îr i 'uîce.d aud witb good weatber the job will be 11@ weill completed within the speciil rUie. Program ofSunday School Convention Herman lteicknjau aud à party of, to be held et Damondi Lake M. E. friede romChiago@peu th weL-ed 1church. Aug. sf. 1:30 P. M. friede ror Chcag epet te wek-nd au tiiorder. liere. AI ire i1. E. Payne returned tact week, Prayer-By Pastor. froru Dulutb. Monu. i Mnutes of the sem oting rîu ead. Mfr. aud Mr@..S L. Tripp. wbo rmade a.j Vocal S3olo-t)aiey VanPiew. trip tbrougb Iowa 1ai cummer, attend.: Report o! lvanboe Sudav Qhuî.1. ý ed nervice at the "little browu cburcb in Sang-Diamund Lak iu' the vale' at Bradford, Io a, wbich the Report o!f >imu L ake :uuday crayon atist sMd solojat sang about at Sebool, Ses. tire Cautaurjua in Libertyville laet Sun-' Vocal -qolo-Helen Gerber. day atterooon. They eay thre crayon1 Addre. by Pastor. reproduction eas very natural. Selection by eaubio. Sudai S, boul. Report@ of commîttees- LatkWs Mg WMUIJ-4NDEPUNDMNT. Addrece hi 1Mr. Wood. gong by Ivaubue Choir. LZ~Z]quetion for Dîcu4seon--I -operation PRArJEVRWof Parents." lead l bYlire. [t.dKe. Daneing ma Dianrond Laze Pavillon lScjhon y[îmodLue iua everç Satnrday nigbt. 4 t!. Solo, Viollu Dora Mi!!. lire. IV. Luehek and daughter Irene, Quetion for iicu cc:- Attend ânce. were Chicago visitore a lew daye lent lead by lire Wood. prçok.Addres-Area Pator. lire. Iill Ray and chldren o! Area, Solo, Vocal-Emma Cbamberiaiu. ipent a feu' days tluls week wtb ber Quetion for [iceiu"epu.l1 fathter, M. W. Kuedier. lity o! Chritians to tbe Cbldreu of the F. A. Tueker sud lsmlly of Highland; Vlclnty," lsad by [jr. Crane. Park, vere guesteo!f Mr. and Mfr@. A. C. Doet, Voie-vn'eDu,,. Richards, sunda!. Eletion of Ofiteere. lirf. B. Albrigbt entertained Company Song-"God 4i with ls Till Vie Meet from Ch'icago lait week. Again Al Henry ebré and lamlly i.! Chinago, _________ ipeut Sunday w:tb Mfrsud M r,. P Lubekman. S. E. Knedler and famuille vlslted rela- tises a% Northêield. Sonday. lire. WIli Coon snd ebiîdren o! Wau- kegan, are ofpending the week wîtb 1Mr. aud lMre. B. Coon. lire. Hattis Bolet eutertaiuied coru- pauy fromn Chicago lant wedk. Pbjlip Lebruan and son sud Arthur Pugb of Chicago, @pent lat Thuredar st M. W. Knedier,. Luiste en bad tOve eown killed by lrgbteu:ng laut week. Luebbe brothere, near Bal l>a)y, bad a valuable borge.stolonItat week. Mir. sud lMre. A. 0. Mlisber will leare %bie week tri vîit ber broter lun New Mîi u d a .1.1er in Loi Angelot, Cal- iforula. Tbey expect v) lie sont a Ama Kruger eutertalued a fri.'ud frî.m Elgn ou Suuday sud!lionday Ybu cen reach 15AW00poisons w..k. ly thrnugh the Indeperident. UT US NOT A QUESTION Of: How rîtucli do you EARN. But how nuch do yoti SA VEI If you save a part of yotur iuîcîmt' eaî-Iî mouth yoli are. coutinîîally plainîg yourse.If ou a lwtte.r finatîcial bar&iî. and ili a imore. indepîqîd e'ut Positif)", but if k!)I d()li ot save' y-ou will ertaitîly bi, il, tiîe. saill p.' ui- tiont en ye'aru4 froin rîuw >uî are. to'(Iay. Mie y(~ -tT~iii te) OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT TODAY- e-THE CITIZENS' BANK Safe DePosit Boxes for rent' Area, Illinois "KÂKE THIS BANK yBUSNS OV Tborueou bai rosturned but Nire. Barrie yull make au extended vset. Berman Albnecht hanmoved hi@ family to bis e e honce lu Prairie Viepa. lins. L. L. Hertel aud daughtero if Chbicago, are epeudingacîiuîle or uiîuntli ln tbe John.. Hertel bousee Tbe ele,-trio t' tu ofîl u ast wek killed vre cowe ut lunis stme'u. atichu néte standing uder a tree. S itr sud Aire. J C. Sehr i,îter ioi Mil- waukee, vîe:ted relative@ bere recetll v Ued're st7eclifl r.. reeuverîng brunia broîken. eboulden neceived %% Lenuiaauto struck a mollir cycle lie use ridiug aud dli bcd un. Thei mxail bas@ 1-eure-rutid nitNi, l ha-- liecue.-iniueN,.. ttaklug ries route sudsa carrier trom .Areawutll upplî men«t oftiis tîuwu.delivering a illti a balmlle ot the Irairte 'r eai puoftce Mre. Jake Bierxer of Lake Bluff. S-un. dayed with ber parnuts, Air. and Aire E. Gleaiun. hueso Luelha tGeasuu, aibo bai' been ependiug two aieswitli rla- tivee lu Waukegau aud Lake Bliiii. 1returued bore aitb ber Thurolay eveniu.g. July 21.ith. Rot*rt Dybaîl S.'arlett wili give s travel talk aud motion pictures of tIie Philipîpine. aud Japsu lu the churmh. i.duissron ie free but n collection ahI t,. taken. Olur pastor, B J. Trickey was- malle, ihume la@t acel hy tbe illuese sud deatb of hie !atber il owa Falîn . s. .-'B. M. Allioret ofLîbertyville. cciuduetedl service lait Suday and a Pruite#sor from Naierville sui it ý,upy the" ulpit nent SodieveuiLg. Hait Day Church 10d .m. Suday evit uîl 7:45 p. m. Prenebjuit. eProf- Hîmmel o! Nî,rthaiesiern tîllege. Nsp"rville, will preaeb Aur. le. The mmisten of the chunî-b n ii tue*lau-k aud preacb Aug. 'stb t ieniýJ T3ý-i.-: 'Ii-1r. WEATHIKBR REPORT Weather forcat tor the. week begn- ning Wednesday July 28. issued by the U. S. Welher Bureau. Waeho,-Ston,. O.C. For the- regiuuof o!the treat Lake-: i)veres6t sbowerj acather tIse ret bal! tl tic !oloaied t'y getersiv tair wmatber fitr weatber the latter hait ot the seek. The temleraturce aiiaveraàe nn ro 4ligbtty below the norrial. For.tbs upper lAi-ielespi l rliev cnd plains etate.-c rIl cieri h s sud thundenstorma the irot hait sud geueratly fair weatbsr the latter hait of thewael Tbetemperatures ail Iarerage near or belav the normal. VISIT UNRIVALEO MOUNT RAINIER NATIONAL PARK ON VOUR TRIP WEST la thie mountaîn ailderiiuce. atira cofrutrable bomelike Inn for bead. quarrer., thte tonriet cau ejoy a eesk or tortalgbt o! unique piseurs,, see-ing ln -- 1 . i C Fa.nseon aud Mabel Mt. shalfe Vpent e'veral dâ'. ut laet week visltir ut tb@ bome of J,,hn Nîrris luthici Mir@. A. B. idutile viwited ut the hou of ber brother. Frank- Snyter otf<lgdel Iu)Wa. Iast ie..k Walter ("Orge o.,f h ia-o.ithe guef Of hi$ecounclu, Alviin Meyer this week. Mise Gloria t..eiînnî rtertaiued t! Mu Sigma C'hi Viedey evenin.. Y-ArEPOREST ILIàEZURCH lire Eda-ards l Atore le .larîuinirc tu The dane gîven st the itsk Park Jgo Es-t Budt mý,tb t:> pace à tcw Weeks P&vUion enaturday eveuliz as. weîl Wlîb lire Vîîiii ii .Moore at vh@s a'Ittende. t,?r's borniluPiîid,'s Cro-eing, lMaeeosdLr.ltîsdBtte r rer Mr, sud àMr.R..ieri luiber tord lcCor' Uîucaàgui,,»-ors 'burdy. g U Wh asrived in Chcabri lamt Meet from Europe wcre the gleeto or b:,uor as' J. Wactsr entertsiucd tfrieude Satur- vea dinner party givreutY. an sd lire. day snd Suudsy. n, Blugu J.. llBiruey. The rua ond îecer !Cl towu_ Miro-Erilbi.erteulierg suit dnîîgbteetip report theîe uw brnidge ou the Laske ot Mies Alive Gtrratoiilirg have taàken the. urich ruaàd as coulpleted laet Satur. Lewi4 blîîîe aud ahIlPâtie r n... t'le n,,dY sud was.oîs'ued for tram clest ae Miss Lsurel Stty ken a-vtIlie guesu îof ber *nnt, lire. Hemiau Fabryif Evas. ton, a feai(riaes ast vsck Mi-li aupll4ilfHiutland Park. Mac tIe ituet î:tIli"'.RuttuLdewui Friday. Aie ieGraesSelulie Mathue guest ot Miss Naomi Attactea tiif! Wilnutte, laet vee-k. Ilire, John Willmatu sud Suses Luchla ML ilimau sud Nun)a Eniite are vietiing relative. lu Waterloo,. hua. Roiiand Lenden t of lai lé.tevlitlng bis grsudparentv, Item suit Arg tender.. Fred Pamu).cno f tuicagio..b- 1 l.ttiig bus cour-lu. DuiinllEii"t. i Mr. and %ire Arni Franîz anitdiîuigti' ter Ruth viseil iimi Adinud uitl-i aiaukce Sstuvitru,ý .Ir-.. A 4i Sîcniem 'Ifhil 'ut-. i,i il- fitg ber iniither, Mm- .J I1,'r eterý Air-- Friiui Hsîuu-"llu i Raresaoii, 'rNI e 1 Alikeand lMiss Laura Muuke iotHiglilitîtiiParkaire the guenle ut t'. I-, ue i.! EK.I. Ai:vt FrilaYv MnrstaI n r aiiý ,ligr mlr:ivil titii e Fnl.tay fr'.îîn . , i , 1 .i.i u, %im. Bac-. .-, 1,- lii 'iii-ititi i reSfmi HuilInrilfuir tiu nti.. s c, c iic tu )e tminuîîe ',- i ii- Air. sud Aira. 'ii-m tns'agae . afm id Ma h JulînIizglîe, 'r randt Ars. Jdin Otr t i r nl IlIt. 1' mciiHuigg-e sttendia V ii' aîuîil ireunii- ,îu ut liuiîarsI.iti,.Thliri.v AIr, snd Ait-i lcîr> Seicrtt f Liturty- ville, veme tii'tec, iguieste utfAir. sud lire Heur> Seuert. Sr. Ars. Barrv B uc- i v.-îtiugmîlutuîs iu Ro'[ i Mn .Ed BjeatLiýihtaci1 um lir guents itm. and Aine i i- -if li ii Frtank Psue'-,nuîti- ql-rateid un ion appleudicitis ai il, .- St likee iiiî.pital ut C:hicgu, Fr-utav Air-. Sarnu-u1i r'alatil son Swuîii ii u i cd reiat!vkee un liii ag. ee-vc rave îdlabt week. lir* B- Hemuiaun, !Mmv i I. Gi1uii,rc auj l'--i ,im,îe epe:it the lhast ae at tth ume ut M. sud Are ..J. CHiielal. Mhue Sanab Hamieti lieu îîr-es îiniti relative- in AA i-uuti-i RUSSELL IS FOR PERMANENT ROADS ALL TJIROUf1if CO. Would Like to See Lake Coun- ty Followed Example of Ver- million in This Regard. C'hante-s Russelli a'(e couuty super- Intendeut oft gond roads, aould ttk.' fo se-e Laite couuty tuoai wtire xaur- pie of Vermilltou county aire ar- rangements are ieiug made to lay 17., mlles o! brick roads. The- aorit wM1 exteud ove-r a perlod of Ibres yeare Sud boude are b ire- teeued 10 psy for the Improve-meut. Each year tire aoue-y recelve-d tram tire state for good road pumposes wilhe- use-d 10 refund corne o!fIransebonde. _ hi ias be-eu sirwn liraI ahen weatthy Chîcagous purcirased laud lu Lakte couuty thal lireyseeect asite-e wici are- ou good roads.'" Mr. Russeell sald. "They psy more Iran tire nor- mal value o! the property sîmply ire- cause o! the- gond ronds. Occasîonaliy bour, Re fOnde here s grandeur sud a Pione-er wlillpurdirne a Selle- ou s cublinir. 0! cceucry uile ansytbing Pooarr rosd but ire lmmedlate-Iy usees ele. un the routinent. Ni, voeablary, abat Influeuce- ie-eanu tagel tire mron no tamers. nurien aenu do more titan lmproved. He le able- fa purcirase-tire ouggeet abat ean be seen rin tileode-r'lanud ou a poorer- road cireaper tbau land. ire could If tiere oad ans gond. Thue Tire Park la O! ty mile, eoutb tramstire oauers o!flire pmaperty lone ire-' Tacotis, siaîy f rom Seattle, snd le cause-tire- roade are uatltmiirove-d. reae-bed hy the cool n:,rthern, route o1 "If Laite- eottty leaf0 ire made tire the ('hi-agit. Milwyankee & et, Peul Rall. paygrouud aifae-slthy Chicago pa-a Tb@e 'Milw aukee- 'le the premier ecentelire roadeaud trIe Io sure ta lucre-ase route ku tue Pacifie North i'oast-afford. lire- value-ofthlie land. Thre tuveatultet ing a ffreater tslent ou twuitli-la ote io! tirehast thiIcanire ruade. ecenuer.y Iban n'v other nante-an view 1 vnutd Ilite ta se epermanent gond fron t l'h- t lraevnjnntltrain.@ruadinail ove-r tire-couuly. I tilu -"Tntdypla'an'Tlw'olmbiu."tire couuly would maite- no mistake liy Yiiovet<,us Park eau lb' viaied &as&acide dolng thi.1 trip tromn r f direi a forty mlle .tusf wabalaction atît ire-taken liy bon, ttrti down il:. "Sbadowyl St. Joe tire-hoard o! eupe-rvisot'eonou IIs score River. Idabu,, iabe- tale-n iitout extra la not 'unoan but plane are-heing viust made uow ta go aire-ad ailli roMd lms- lioturrt !rien uIl..' lulifiirnl& Faire ove-r irovemeule attir lie moue-y sire-rJy tlse'uvntral roîute'if thiol in:ulauy-dlrccet niallahte-. Tire extenusion to the- ilrtriuei-thl oAn leimt. i'itiiGratnd avenue-rond ofthtie- Laite- Vi'a lin b. nier-imlu, rii-etrek-fte tar-'Ierond ln tire-nexti lupravemaul liraI Pa, ilSe .luite.atiihe- put lu. Vin Iiri:rmti stîuîuabot h:iAvfane*,s. in'- of 1 rinie. !.r eterur frare1lltrurli'e Thns independent safthe county's on-~ apupiy t:, ii:al agent o!f tbe Chticgo, MlI. t>, t2'p&ge w.kciy-that's winy *vcry. j wobule' lt.,dà Paulhall wey. 45el Ibody takeo If. -ume thr Tburedfay mrig Mr. nd rs ran U. ett gae a Coroner Bof! man o! Chicago,. as lar.edire Ir-a lurot. Legveiat visitlng et tbe hote:o! J. Redmond htn large 2ildin u artop'n'ir dhylvlrua ou accoun t uitheii. inklug o! the Eatland eut Ra% iiit. nPtrk. sioîc i ai or e Mac catted bik to is office Saturday morning. MIr.sud Are. t'lydeCelarr have gone Io Wuod"tuick, Verrmout. for a ettirt vîsit, lirq. John Hein bas lie-n at Brookteld bavinit plauued to retuiru home esrly tu the. past weok. Anguêt. Carl Ernst bas been eurertsîing rela- lire. Arthur T. Aldîs ha@ returned tie, @tbe psaselo. home fîîîîu s rit aiîtb frieude iêt Fort Ed Voler bais wuiwrkiug lu Erut'. Totter N. whlle Mie@ Rose Ernst wam on a lire. Edward Atteridice suit Miss Irene vac'ation. Atteridge are vietîug at theboublte ofl Tai:> ouug laies etoppiug at the lire, Atterîdae parents as Woodetock, Lakeelde bute-I aere uictllted Snturday Ili. i eveuiug thiattheir brother had ou the Tl'bc îasveutsin <lluti poloîîteam ait Estlsnd sud luth left et uni-e !fur tîeir pli, et %% hestui. .uly 2ýli aud ugs:rt home. un Jul> hllst. AIlesFrances Sctiulz lbas ltýissvsi.ittug Sire Mar ' Carrui. anulAd resideut cf ber grailiar-lito, Mm. aul Ars. Frauk thi"k -it fl~i'd at tii. liîuiie uit ber dnugh- ectMIE. t,-m. Nii .. >lntitiiBut ilu nEdieaater oun lr@.E XYoung if Barringwiiu ltt Sun-le., Juli lvtii the pact acekL iere aithlier- parente. Mn rs. i.-Fret i- ýk, i lui'icu l ii ut t. iSuome frotu ereut ienîted t illu-uc teat pasli. iitii Aîgii i lv fl leur (Irove lunday. Nuicli. N. Il. n tbbi-r lli l1 Tle Lake Zurich hall tenu: played A lai.? .'m v aelîiicn t t.' home ovwuod Park, the a-ove tîelug 14 tii G o! Mr. anut r ed o ,îlaîiti Aliday lunlLake Zurich. Juivltii Mise Flurence j lîcu t. takinur- ntai-e' tiîî#rum ber -uuties a.là!t i- t &,lie t:. îc T-i - lh-.ti.îiuit lu lin I.. .1 iàore. Ai@e Culîci leis tLakle Zurich tuet t-1~ Ali-- lluî Io.iiatal iv L i- lint s ilti: lier iiîcle and eutitit frount iii. tl i l'iltlire-la- iiii'tii uih 1 > Clv s.i I.srlLtr.trrîî 22l'.1 Blai taI ts e itIi ..'-i t iiîrdav - riieib %iIig r. Reliiiii,ii %i:a. eW M"'lte Alrtie t'qt icîrindit atthe filià:- of klu i. j m 1un 1n, ietr.-li t ..î o tj'.î M. aundlIr,à T Aà.I)oiîiîitiiu c i i - AI ls5*0 Udnt lne luii ani Mmeà. H. ilitC.'Ta> hum enter-Meses Julia o -liio lristra taiuedas uiil-ro f Irie)de ut utîrînerunlCitai. Wedaeësday eveuiug un Lori t fMr. and M it, unitlire. IlB. 'iiànv sîlI nuove Mre Han.. Kieneteile Hitîls ofN ew al-kto rexlu nn-ut taiuneeks. Tork. Tue diniier purty tins bell ut iiel lio&e Rose i-relitii ie n rkiig ut Iourt's CI)atteltitTayloîr lutine. i'niinan n Iiitel. Mr. aud Ml huma, aStel ad as lire l-ned lfgii srsiu itt lîî iýrrrie-a Itie r gues0tiif t he W.ek end - lii îr LAl- h... iit r uîlii -i da toin utfiLake AVida snd Alien,. waInud! Ti' iît'iintîilîe nlîiîili t.i@ M argsr.'te Ica i ali jM aryAIlin.uh a-l. uil ines l.eil i i-pà u ot Chwiagii Mr ndMr. rturlLp ý h ik, Rlative, fruit: Aî iibestd aithte Air uitAIrs.Arbum teeer vl.,une home uif Mm. anAr.. %% n..1- îctuîuiaitî cicr ciovitui sit nimîuemîîu(trcin h,-The, Sunda> .Av-adv. svt;le lnt ilRlîle Hea nn -iLnwBIt uî.ls tI 1'a.l"t betae-îi trips ar,- eulertâ;uiiig rua pkity staiing auilierr.mitiriie t-.liehr lhonte nuade ni)futr.AIrivt i r-' Jati W înd Thori, nd Mrî,î lm au idrs .îîiu- A rîîuur-tnvii scip te uis awoinig flut Lie Air IlI lii ieu T> tir ..pla îiîî 'fathen. tcu jàg.'a i ,,setl,, f. iva e sit aîtb Aines. 'letytiie.en andl tvioiluhildriuleft lier .tauglit-m, M rmu 14,:i . B. H, t. lridsy lf:r thein homeîuin [li-agi alter Mau ependlug è, teai sieLke alîtu l-iernîîttîcr. lire, Il. Suuidie lien. ruInes Mise-lMarion Jeucu. a-ih e lie-n "111E i wouking iii Norauiid Park rettuirtucî SOME VRTH eyîIIe Sunda> ~AIr. aud AIne. J. i). Fîrul. Mn. and Aire. BIJILIfi O f UIAV- Jsud Ai r, ud ireleîs %Ku. ig~atiepeu Jn M.andIr, t@ispAeu.tticcb EL ROADS IN C05Iula iilnï Believe That More Roads Could; Be Improved Than by Put- FARMERS IN LAKE ting in Concrete. enht fi ugdte batter :o build sev-'i COUNTY WORRY 0Vsk oiino a u;ny ;tk cunylet- ER LACK 0f POTASII dents wbo are of the opinion tbat un- iegs sortme sncb action of tbis ktnd te Fear That the Inability te Se- taluen 1ha1 the- work o! makinit bard cure Fertilizer May Ruin the roadg lu Ibis couuty -wll proceed Crops This Year. more lowly than it siroutd. Piapt. charge of tire hulld- L&1ue couuty farmere are worrylng lug ot good ruade lu Lakte couuty. le considerably aven tire word tiraI ha. lu tavar of puttiug lu outy permanent been receved irQm Washington ta the roade lu case the county board la de- affect that tirere may be great dîffi- gironseto speudiug the requlred culty this year lu eecurlng potasir for amount ot mouey. He points ouftireat tieretliizlug of ]and. Crope n lu ile other couit tee are epeudtng large county as wetI as elgewhere- may sut- amounte ot muuey lu pttlug down fer malertalty sud fAit e oonîy farm- permanent ronec. Tirai Ibis wonid ha the best plan If il acre posshie la valne anougir moue-y le concede-d quite- ge-eraily. Il la fate-ltbae-ver, tiraIlire- couuîy board ahi coushder lire-situatiou ve-ry cane- iully vire-n tiey laite up tire rond building situation aItirae ne-t meOt- Ing. Iftire-y decide tint tire-yeau sppraprtate couside-rbie moue-y il le prabable tiraItirhe planuof cotnuutug w-ftir tie- plan nîready etarted eOf building concrete ronde ilîl pre-vail; oterasea itlatefeit tire-r-e ahi re a decielon f0 bulld nome- grave-i roade. ttyear tire sl:te law provIded ti:t to ire e-zpeuded lu building concrele- ronds. This year tire- In a isebeau ame-ude-d sud It ta le-it btirte couuty 10, de-cide- abat ihd o!roade shah ire- huilî. Wiratever gravai roade bave be-e-n bulttil Laite coutY tire-y hava give-n satsfaction audwaite-tire-y do they eau ha kept lu r-apai hr lt1e- expeusa If tira rare is glvenu aie-n If first te ne-ede-d. Tire are many peo- plie aira tin' lie grave-I ruade are jîlel as gond as lire cancre-te ronde. Inde-pendent reader? BE 02<1. CLUBIS li DIJLL FOR OIL IN COUNTY Do Not Purpose to Stan d ly by and Let Rich Man In- crease His Earnings.- That oIt me-eue tas. sud liraI gag me-sacoai. l thebelle f o! cleuls who are rraclug tire dscovery ot 011 and gasou thtCArmour farur weet of LaknieForeet. Trereare scientists lu Chîcago vho are o!tre opinion tiret coal hillire tarea tram veina lu La'e county sol i alti a very few ye-ars. Tirey con.,- tend traItirhe dlsoovery ut gas ai tre Armous tsrm le probairiylire grestest Ouid froin a land value point ai vIew e cons t.eul-e-ial -s. ere re ookng bouttoncam oter Laite couuly farm land iras advsnc- method nfilmprovlng treir farmeu. e-d lu pr-tee- nliy tbIrty Der cent lunlire Followlut le the diepaîcir fr-arn PaSt Ove years. Tbree hundred dot- Washington wbleh te-lis of the iiotae1a lars au acre le the hrevalilg pr-tee. shortge:sud aI that but tew fare are ton shorage:sale. There te praeticaiiy no prospect A nuIfýer ai tarmem, aho do ne-t tiraI auy more potasir sallesai be protese ta belong te the social or Imported lto tireUnited States tram litanclal cIass wallîrAmour. Meeker, 'Germany untît a modus vivendi or- Patter-sou, Thompacun and lusuil, are som oter rragemnt a eterctuow planning tÔ baud together sud com oter rragemut . euteedmake drilla for Oi1 sud gas. Tbey tuto between tht governmeuls oai lune are- planning 10 form organzastione two nation.sud Great Britain me- and each be-ar his share of the bur-den spect-Ing the couduet of naval waniare -o! exPeuce-, M course- aach iarmer j as the asciadîtion te make thre aud the- reîervaîlou o! the- rigtteotf dmil1 on bis tarm, sud acearding ta re- neutrais ou the sea. porte One Organizallon bas aiready WIlte the- stale deparîment bas nit be-en formed sud tire- man aho a te ci ce-estut tn atuning the trO rll 1 ti ceased ls negoîlaîlous atth the Ger- do se by the lotte-ny route. man govemumeut for- obtatnIng the aeriy-r aossml io potsbesln ale a-esuabsolute- as reponted wesî o! Highland Parx, e-cenflailu succestul agriculture,. sud a Chicago couceru purchased se-v sud altirout wich millions of del- erai iruudrad acres o? land, go0fIl as. tare' wonIh o!ftruite sud otirer crope reîiorted. The- drite Prove-d taeire a tailure sud the laud aas dlssed of ai h bel.t Secretary Lansing ha. ln 120) acre tracts. Ho-evet since lîffle- hope oi te-tfit Germauy fe me- the- ttud tfnll and naturel gas -asre- lent sud Permit the-ir exportation, un- ponted ai the- Armour iarmcaverai te-gt trIs gave-mme-u tla able- 1te-, Chicago eche-tîste and chimiste have cur cocesion frm GeatBriaincome f0 Laite eounty la examine the cre- motnce-esho ron e-a Biat oili sud tb atch the- pr-ogress cf-J re-spectjngIts blcitad-. tie drtll taIthe Armour-sme hm- Tire- surplus stocks of polarir natta ste-ad.A wich were lu tire United States aireu It ise aiso re-ported that affichais theEurpea wa brk ut aveof tIhe- Chicagor Gas Co. had asited Ihe-Eurpe-n ar miteouftrae-Mr. Armour for permission te Iipeot practtcalty be-eu exhauste-d. itire naturel tas flow ou bis farm, LOSE DEA Well Knc and Sch ing 1 11 V-age MOTORCYCLE COF HITS AUTOMOBILE; BREAKSlUIS NECK Lake Forest Policeman Died In 20 Minutes-Was Going at a Terrific Speed. TravelIng nt a speed of bel aiiSfl40 arnd 50) mites an lunur. Motorcycle Po- lice'man Ct. M. Siragling, . yenrs old. of tlie Lakte Forest police de'partmet Sunday mornlrrg et 10 oclocit crantîed Into an automobile owned aud driven by J . M . Arnold, 1912 North Lowel ave- nue. C'hicago, witli snch force that fie wsa. rrown complerely over the toi) of the automobile sud sImd ka tree eithtIe vIde of the rond. He sus tailred a broken neck ansu houider, dying wltlîln 20) minute. after the ait- cîdent Iîappeued. Spragllrig, rather titan the driver of the autonmobile, le blamed for the ac- cident. Tinte aud agaln. accordlng le the beade ofthtie Lakte Forest police departurent. he had been canttoned agaînet drlvlng lfis motorcycle gofaset. Natny complaInte bave been turned lu fo the department from lime to time by residentm of the ctty alto objected to fils iearlng nround the clly et eur-h a recitîce. raie of îipeed. Tthe motoonu-yce policeman was rld- loti soiitt on GrFen Bay rond ai the: lime théc accident linrieed. The au- lumolulle vs.' i'ng druvne,:Iaht lu liî'rpatit%(s,'nuc.Arnold, aci-ordilti inse FP'mal vs liîesiue, a ne drlviî,g uluîug ni a ýpe4'd vor nuli uer 15 trilî1cu au:, lîr-ur lietetiiied arth11e lnqnest Sudesa *%ýflcr1uuun ai Itic clii hall in Lake' Fur,"ii i iailie ilul îulisece- iie- olicrtcl~lr lit-ar thle :-iigl ne until il mi, toi,,late l iiiold un iaccide'ti Tlîe moiior,,ci,- i.îrul-k iti.- frointi clii oif i h.- ii auomobile a 11h suc h forci' that ilhe ient-. ýcrmasne Iruain 0onue aide ut lliii rond. The rider waa calapuit- cil cliar iii e i u'iuuiu iof lie n utoiandi iliriîsii inoa Ire:', iuirlinîu- I.,uîr -,q fcî'i usa> Sprîglinlge lîoîy s-as limii a be-h tîlcked oh und it ruetîdio thie Alice Ifiroë ho'uPlial -tHe lie-d aith. oni tiavinit rcganud coricclouiunexs i-iîiaglig liadi 1,.-n on I l)e poli.' ton-e iilN tfu.r or tti' nuuùiiithi' H is iou ii.'irtlnal. a is i n lierat. Kan. lbut tor -(,nîit-il hue lie- haid be-en lunitle, n iii . ic lîfiaîpo-si t ion'iil ihe,-Naval Statio <i i Noil C h icago i o <-epl a îîu-îîliii un ilue inke Foret lpolice de- pr i-ril 'rVlien tljinîton)oluilte ea- iiuiii'dillitsSua nller lice w:uvas- ain cful uiavi c mriter anîd ne er iesi- iaýic l> (11-fut' hli.. ii uile- asi'far ais tîe<'ee.i:rî luios ertake sortie 'sueeder. Hi I faitli. accord Ing lui ltsfcllow pvi- lice offil-er-., masi, lîlie é ane ncllned fo huîi'cîls. ten lu- masint io lir u il Miiitiinoiulesi, Vh:'î ler or nul he sma. lui-iiing ailwe'lu-ir a iii li- accîul,-it lîuî.tieni'd. liaj., luolb1','n f-î-mie Ai t e lie liî,-sil lej1i r v v rlu't Armnuold îand hlamf-d Sprst- lllug fth le alii-mlti'ul The evîdeuce inîitîuîid i liit.Arnoîld %v an uî4erviig ci->possvle Precautlon. FARMERS FORM AACH Me Ofd pictut whefl le chie ural hast: many year.' Wa-.ite-gaii sent a man ire woutd v known faci -abere ci ci tollow. 17p untîl uman o! gr.-, Imý e eFuir that tlIme muan. Ttrfe-e'or a vacation American pleut. Durî speni a gr tire IpntiFt' *L wcît maii bis aurk. wiork ire s: -wattfound bts home na Rince lirai se-,N. Y, L î'uuigiuil tember ,v Fruin.18SS year' h.- e buclur--. 1 and %%s ap 19, 19041. thie dcp.urt clint liuîut Stalesv coll: itegan unaitl Pmesideiii. wa- igîe-n t atood fur a officiaul cap depari nieini le-cuir ut c vor-tul.n) uat mtan under tue work. %Irr lIrAi as a 8iaie-'.r lut hie came depariniit lite to nid dîîg-hl, wi tir- tîme- lie- Mfr. licAu M'auikega n tiraitue- tec niai ion vof ay hrne-st te-Itou me-n otter erililci nalton. Arrh Ni. during bts and cru-e-jd ou Norih re-nre-d lite i He- iv sur sons, Harol moîher, NMm ,mîser. Mmi'. ot htlve-r F waîs a ne-pli fth- FIn'i ine-nher oft Golf as a kedqolini E atest I tJan or the- tire granttîni effective cu bote course 3leveI ]and: pmffl-six