LAKE COIJN';TY -DEPENDOENT. F'RII>AY..JL ,11. ~OauI(egan .Ne~u4 LmId....mM.UMI.elb.B LE; (ECK )ied in ig at ween 40 >cie Po- ýara oid. artiet cranied i driven wel ave- -ce Ihat iyaI lte .truck a He ns- itouider, ltae ait- [river of -lte ago- rdlng te il police aotioned , 0 fanI. tîrneti In 0 lie objected at riurh wat ril- 1 ai titi The au- t-ast In -to r tut r drli 'ttg 1i týiles Inquest htallin se the ne untîl -iteri t ront enii rce ltai one aide caispuil- îtuttt andt I. tir -11) vas limp tn the Pd mitît- anes. c polil' bi. Bis ai. Kan. n lu tue e Naval iccepi a olice de- huile cea- uit as- lie wa- er temi- tfar as sîteeder. iow pcu itieiincd ,tir-ulîig he .at aiclil '-i iif tîeti veriit i Sprag- eitiecc 4.4erviiig te work. 'Ir, 'McArthiiii tits a tîcro. as adil as a state-nuali andt a -7nuan Dan- tug tii- carpe-r as riuel of thteclocal ire depariiit lue fri-quentlyskci-titisi ]Ie 1 ait tien, timen aud chîltiri t rap't dtirtiburnng buildings anti rbastlueitii -tahlt the ltire loi-s dur- rng t!- teuni of affice stas grcauly re- duc-tiiastagaint-thttc otis prier 10 lte tinte le xtau nameil as citief. Mtr. Sic-Arihur tati 16.069 friands lit Waikgat antI ont- must remembers taI ttc federal cen-tua gives tte pop- ulatiton of Xvauiegan as 16,069.lie w-as- touets uttri dt-tlig mit tis fellos' men anti s-tivantaot 0 aller critîci-ni oufther-t or contiern nation. Arru Mc-ArOtîr matie gtiod mottes during titi retitence lu Waukegan. anti crîcteil a mtttibiautifitl csitience on Ncrtt ont isreet, s'itrc ta reareti bus fanîlîs of ta-o boys. He- is surviveti y its luis fe andtw-O sons, Harolti C. anti Arc-h. Jr., bis motter, Nîrs. 1B. F. Jotuston, anti tne alirSrs. IWillianm H. NcCulougit, of River Farest, III Mr. NbcAtur -s-ut a nepluca of Grant I SîArttur of lte- lt'rstNtiontal biîlk and l asia menîher of (ibe Sîti-oui, tIht- Voonimen andl te Royal Arc-aunt. Gotf as a cars for uusaniîy st la h d ntiuiaI ite Elgin Stala itoapllal Superinteudetic H. J. Gaitagati as ?îbs laîcat Innovation lul taeapplica- tion of te tbaory taI kintncas andi the granttug tf lierle farimtbe mastt effective cure for ments]Itae A aine boua course la baing laid out an igit, levyl ]anid 00w useti for a pasture. LOCAL COUPLE IIAD GEOR@iE IERMAN, EIRIP 0f DEATII YOUN4I MAN DIES TERRIBLE EXPERIz WAUKEGAN 6ROCER, IIOLDS; IIUSBAND 0f IIEART FAILURE ENCE ON EASTLAND TELLS 0f DISASTER AND WIFE RESCUED! IN INNERlHARBOR Mrs. Alice Tiemann, Oaughter Waukegan Man Harnpened to Boti Were on Starboard Side Eriiin Saathnff k Is amed as of Mrs. F. Garland of Here, Pass Spot iust as Victims of lI-Fated Steamer-Wo- FOUR CIIURCIIES 'FACT TRÂT IE l .and Husband Are Saved. Shouted for HeIp. man Goes to Decath. Few th surivos ofthe -ceersl liaukegati i r-titis iter IN COMBINE FOR AÀ lIAS FAMILY DON'T 1s cf eo ate:arMdvors a orete;atadgiclr01isie Iiwf,.sa!: l.'i 1 trllng experience titan Mr. and todaiand tiui tlncsct i lutof i the dtia-neck ln îîath ani. lotîtlîtitirtiet Mrs Hrr TlmannowofChý laits of te terituteili-i-t,-.or cisc foîîght s luenîtýitit- tt attt-twa lb UNION CEMETERY MITIEIATE lIER LOVE Hrylrai.ooC~ ttiey happeneil b arrît.- jîi c ftu-r tlte angels rof dpatlt lli t- iiryw cago,bu h omryrid l Waukegan. Mns. Tiemann, whcsee ppneters tif ttc Chicago niier Satîrday. Are Buying an Elghty-Acre Mary Steeko of Chicago Re- nm a Alice Garland before Thte ir-ut maticn i W a it--cati ou anti as a resîtît Frank .1 Kuecrk, wn Tract of Land Within City mains Loyal to Her Lover lier marriag 0M.Tean aa tcseewaTt îli-aî r0 ieCnrifar fWîkgau, Limis, Sys Rport Desite ail oor.daugitter of Mm'5 F. Garianti of 312r aaýs makina bis way toWttr triet as thie taîttleat mati lit Waitkeaagn. __________ ~~~~~~~~~Madison street, Waukegan. Mca bGeretHanbstssSli i i-itf îtlt aîiu iewri.wtî An egbt acr Iret o lati, yin BOUO T GRAD JRY. Tiemann ived iln Waukegan many GoreHema.Jr. arrixet tn tht- -,i\ontiay morulng lte receivedth ie 10 te westwarti tf Wtiukegan, anti Martin Giman and Mary Slefko, tyears, atte.ded the local hocta tceeaioî ielm tlî-iîmit fottlnlee-an ihhfiowed a1 yet ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~M wliiiltboîoaelmt f wh r hre ihiatg adlas itundreaqf frientis aud Sî-ta-ry alan a-as anîoîîg tlle wiittc-i-repuort sent oîttt ylte Chicago new-- WWi eauulabeegpuchsebyfor îbdeogthrgs anandwîe, acuanlncs hohae fenoutirtc veil ltaifîîtîst-l -sPatea u lehavet iatbi îo is <-urcites tif Waukegan andi NorthtChi- were given a hearlng ln poice oryn h fI ad of litetured antr. tern'adctastropen r.*h nlt st cago for cemalery purPosas. court Thuraday p. m. and on te titat of her hueband. 1l.Hra eunt oWatkgî nictsrpe Tte four churcites instrumental ln hNecfoi tr. Tiematin la foremait of one ui ttaer ln te day anti viviîiy Iitturcdi Tht legram: th prcale f helai:the mrengt of the e - li bt te teparîmenlatof lte Western Eter-- the terrible stcneq talitahcotseru cii Dear Brother andi Sisler-in-Law: ST. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wr J<SPISGRiN(AtOi nbond cf *,o te a ndajury- trie enmpauy ai Hawlhorîî. tc ..ig TtIfwaa somethîtta awftii "saiti li. Thought il beat t e t you know CHIiRCH, corner '%IcKlnley aventue Omsauychre h il corporation ahIrit was con(uiuriig te atiît: "I sas approai-tlngiLa Sailît- lta Emma and Rose were rescued. atîti Oaktstreel. dd ou.shedtor carge.d The girl- excursioîn trip toaMichigan 1,11. Ilstreet. cu route t10Water stret. À4!Emmas name appears ln lte papers ST. t'tITiILOMW'S liU(~l feclonlelyto hima. diiing citancectithat ha and bis a lu took mati rame rttnnuîg doan tht- turct as among lte dead, but te sved T--rur tifLintou ant Eigttî pasage n lit Eastanishittiig: Eteryitotiy iett;il tto-i herseif by cltmbing cter lte raiiing. cone f inon ndEse I o cmucitastlook at her motier passagenanthefi stand.oardl te Fstlanti are oser In tilesite jumped Intlte murky waters. orMraliter. .left persista litarie streTHEIor0FathI). 'heUmi peraiste tt tiftebcctci wîeii cî river: gelpestvryuyheIn!' andi was rescued. Rose and lier hui- Tenit îrcl. Vaucgti.sit wil sick10Ghian e mlte -look for a couple tif ebair-. lit tie WIt Ihat we ailmatie a mn for tt(, band were on te alarboard aide cf TnhsreWue .wital itappent. Botwere remcv- -maaswagots that lue Water streel aud. the eitp-lte $!de ltat lanom, under I<OLY R09ARIYCATHOIC Cilîttît ed 10 lite counly jolilwhere thtey atn cftbis sîle alistaIl hat egTi piting the sarlous ralpes. anti etenti er, but Johtn<lier ituaband,> swam Foirîpenit striet Norlt<luiago. were lccked Up in celle. bt ist.I. iss with diffieulîr tuaI Strs. tarnesses froin thte fruit sagon,;ltai afler lier, anti itl er up for lwenty From a reliabie source ttc Sun Th eetcil spwscn ietesresFrue ath minutes before they were plcked up Ttc merehafarttlitaIhasiteeasttcounTierntu as ast 0hotl tir tbal. mdtcsres ertbt 0lt caca iht otios bt-ebee tauenfronieti aiit ite ca-tI ltaItii-man anc-e. A few moments later the- boat han, tof the river and began lhro-Iug aetlte Flftitavenue bridge, ltree on tte big tract tif landi, wiict ber"- site tat ilbenliving wltb for tteatiIkPeleti cornpîeîety over ail J îstildetem mb toe river. blocks fromnlte cene of lte accident, tforp msas deslgunaletifor subtivsision aeral weeks s'as mairic in'd ltai andtihie waîer began 10 ruthluin, %t Iraulioneti people lui a-om I cas-cIlywere ail in when rescued. Rose proeadllmpsil ht t e tati s wifP andti lree chitîren itehetio bsSr.Tlmtt attmy rue 0la IIIl ovrrln lte river ldgene down for thete hird lime, deai wilt te losedt Iis a-cek. bis natrvelanti, titino licsen te loi c uP.Sihfte eeiteMre.Tiltiniauil Tt s rporedtha eah hurh wli(l.Shereembrednohin unilantidiito ataon onue inul. Ttecrowd Iwiten John caugit hcld of lier. Re- ila etoret lta cri eturi MI and allegiatice tif Mary Stefkî ta SMar- st eîiest uen on rui urgedi îîîabout te spot s ai 1garda front ail. Brother, Ed.' Iear nue-uarter ofthfIe exîtenute o inGîmn rscricl gili nt ielwt er antibeing bofe t ut- nIi-prenitddtglic t tg ni ic ierqlti0 iellga themeîicyaite adviica n t itar T, I -.the a îî lianws saing c lo tay. tlbulau-utyo i lt my roieebite Sunt carns IlIJohn Blaonet i s carit rit rurei tatomanage ils owtt Ire Luixo arNrethit-cago ef nI Po y Sit e artietiafter-ward Ilhaastran l I tîr ulabiyh'as ut; î ttettst eadt slt lrieotfuada 1ce.ctfiornt Cof-goland.osti2 r tatigrabitetiber as te water iltet i iave a few]ilves ftir inianagedta '0aster, as te pracllcally expioredth ie Tt ilsad tatth oficai oflhspPvnln o Serianrod, t avnzttc boat and ti te ristu ot litsa-,n 1 gel hoitiof aaotiatrona mIte. mlrky waters of lte river for mail ecitîr-es teem ivit eressary I talilu s olime tatutu sud vd w tc. elite tsaarn illbber ta annofte -tîde ýette al]atina the river btnk 1min-tes ln searcit tiflitlewife, w-lian remterlandis idue iotatc erowied otie tie s mitandcywreno . -a'lyoteuinas ln te bot. Tere lue hetti ere lbrowing ltitgs b intte river ite tati seen go dowu for te bird conItin l ccrctelet l ati il ii jThîei satutt lie rhln' ef îy --tI tînted btte iter. Ttceturceul tof at. icitmigitt ittlt up a persan;: -bItlime. Tite yoting matiantilitis wlfe condition of rempteielite riderlma'It base carrieullitemtacthécotipf.betc. enere carretc.,fctirnarWia- werinona lite on arhoard aided tifelitethetihi lte eitly Ttcyare lso atxiouq tuttherlriarentusatohrame ttu from tit liste ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gt-' apareniutsdeofhitelactorezoailcartfaiteniChi-is tier a-wo-titer streel anti dumpeti mb ttc iter:; when Ih listi anti pinnetiundretia iiie aiii c 5 t urtioftedail raon ntiasueibi 0gi lhIet aetîof t ftee itatchie tt tote-tabarrais were lbrown ln anti met, nf people under ils deeka andiln lte ta litet br tei dat ome wluece te rouple ace ltn e trP" ie xc r-ttiss-wornuanti ctitireu acre gralibîti ttittit ttltm of te river. How lte il a-as retuortp etiteerai monthsagat taig Titerebv ot!ItcIl a. Stie ittuliau t anti bisioferme -culeecpe eigetrp I;1 hI,ý rpthvtod h gr t Ilth usad ndbs ip a boiti tf iraI one tIilg andti ien atti ugcopeecpeibl-emlapt tla hrg sr a P -rnem Phome w-ý luenanti Infrrmetid ,iý,l,.*..titr s a mystery thal a-ilt never te soIt- ARCII McARTIIUR LOSES FIliT WITH DEATII ON MONDAY Well Known Statesman, Hero and Scholar Expires Follow- ing Prolongedlllness. Waukeaan. July 26. Ar t-Ilu NcAr- scito laleman, anti marine ex- honte. 011 Noth ('outl y 't reet - al 1 l oculitii- mtiîuig, . foio -iug tîtret- stik,' ARC MMCARTMURfilght i wtidealu. Olti picture, laken Hle aa-t kutia witen hle wase ttc- lt -rtrt tian. chief. stontan anti jl liIN'mu Wsîlteeandutîiitis doiituil levera mati ilveti In ibis eiiy who 111 l aslittit -oken uot aswa a-Art h )hcArtur I ScAli t ua, tu'rial ural bort i atier if Itiit. i-uritua ti' many vears hte --rt cu(l iif tIf te Wa-aikegatt ire telierr iiit thtni-ver seali mtian itta1tari util ,Ii î ure ha anuiti nut g:) imscif. ant i l ut-a known fart tai Nîcrchur tuti-n treati -wiere ëet- liii',utI-tugîut fi-ar to follow. t'p utt t *f-v it tirsati ti' mas' a man onf gri-a t -Iai1111.,luit aliuuit lItai lime the sufsrPila i-luk ipeti suid i-mec ltaI tinte i., ta',net,-c bt-ciia a-cii mîa-. Thre-s or fotur ai- ati t t-too a vacation frotu ii-t aitrs ut lite American Ste-m]ianti %Iire loltpany plant. tîtîrîna lis svacationtsi-.k th- spent a greatîr part of li-t tinteaii lte ipnist'.s ad alougt te a-as not js wecii mutuhl,-islied uiptiuirenia ing btis aork. ýrit. day te retoricti for woirk te wasetaken violP iti> 111 aud il w-as fountitit-sasto ruait tint to bis tome in ite conipattîs ambulance. Bînce tiaitlime ieJlut-i ti ten failuna rapidi>. ( Arriûl, wntirastb n tGene- sel, N. %',-0t.t17, tl.SG:,ad tcarne Io L aultegttiin i sýxHeii-as eutai' ttcesu hotus of Wauikegat (lu Sep- lenther 20 87, te mass marriedti 1 Mdiss Aary Noîrthtitopt tf Fa irfild.tu t Froinu 187S iftt) ltui-t %as liinte tiiig btislttee sujtlhititi failler anti for ise year. thm ast uggi-til ut-hier) bu«ines-. InItu ltiS e nit-redtheue- te ohftiti Watthcgaut tire deparititentt anti %a.ts appoliutti a-asutiettut f Ni.rcht 19 1 l.t Mn. Nie %tiuir re- organizi the ciipartintîlttantimadtutt i, t t- t cii-ut bodNil utl ic-s t-PBeast tutti-il Sitie.u ottîettroftfiic- tortcif SVa us liegan utti ttc -letntil XVi-iiua- Prpsiuictt. v. lîn te alîiotinii uulofft- ws -i guet tua flemocral. In ptuttuihs NMc tcArihur 'a-sa prctlient i Rpublîran. Healawa 5, aaloifor wata a..rigiti ant Inlults tificlil capaity a-si c-tut-f et ie i deparnintnd ias.ticputy V. S.coi- lectîr tf cuuiott-t Ilut- stostetin fa- vorttismana îtiilua-i iut- ueitht a ts mati uiler Iiiii(Ioil is fîttl stare tif liec tai Gilman bail a ia-îeanti c-1% tiret abroaul Site sail site titi tot raretal site lies aim tint aIas ntîch as cicr. Tte parents insistdt iat aIl teY wlttted sas taI site leauie tirn ant cl-nthomne. "If ynu dont lea3u' birn htilt 1i- arersieti snd sent to prison" sai]i'îe fater titi-aima I I nfrare efthîttv sent i hm dos n for aux rears i1"gît a it tirn 1 ove Iinu site sali!. l"aittink of hi-t fatilty atrosul." saiite fatbcc. Tit dout imatter-te lovas me mrnetan tem satltegitrl. Efforts nI ttc parants 1 teacersade- ttc- girl tet go tome provet vain antd tîte oflkIer tac-kcdte pair up. Tticy wcre ltelia gti-tu a teartue- later lul taeday. Gilînan tad l een -a- dinlua th ie uin irx sire i onizut tîtNoirtht ChI c-ago. WAUKEGAN TO HAVE ANOTIIER DOLLARDAY SOON Anoher-dlla dy- m beung plan- nati by tae Commercial Association foc Aoguut -1522foc shictlocal march- autta are atireatir nakuna preparations lu sperial purchases anti extra values actieraliNtet make ttcetiar as great a itargaitu as ttc lasi one. A meeting of alniercitanîs, s iethler mambers tif te tCmercial Association or nt, ta eleti for Storday morningaai 9:30 oclock au ite Cotmmnercial Associaltin roons lui gi-t n tburt atihthttcplans foc tht- totltar day anti1te ata sucit action as may te ticcideti upon ta make i lue lay as greuti a i-ticcass as possible. Eve-n lite of business ttoulti ha repreteuled ti altimneeting as spe- cial platnst trebli-tg parfeciedte10mate aat. Tite itu-banti sîrucitouut to as- alit tii wic ibttt ttcsautuntier ttc mîîrky Mwate'rs t-clorelite reas-iteilhec. XXitut tougitl of self JonîtBalion' ck du oppeil lit- lu(it t ili st-iand dot e.IBis lare stnru chirs, paits anti tictris nf ailestw-riutitoîs bptore te fi-l seinte onue ratp Mt ltn a deatit strîtagle. Ttc somp e. it- ai tl ticos cd 1te ebis ail, .ciwineti bo'.,b armsaboucut titi nec-h. attuttespiletIbi strugies itettion. Batonctu la an experbt witmem ai Possesaca remarXalîtýcoruirage. Wbat be carne 10lite surface aîuî disccureet ltati ilsasbis sire-t anus tai w-rc enla-inctiabouti ts tut h. ltastruca nuit. ss'immtng w-ltî tîs f--f. For tuii iy twenly minuties te Sa --thie igîl of tt bishIle w-It eath it ltwifa timon cd a test w-clatI. andi muty tmes Ba. honat feaceti bet atuoli te tirow-ncti No oua ottareti assittan - t- îltîbey 1usd been carcletifltI%.ttre lblickis tv te errent tif ttc riven. Titanw-tat Batouck s'as edytie t .te up lte fiatI, a teipita iati i aut st-tek ln bis fane ant ietaanti hl, site wara pulieti up anti upr t he- pilig of ltme Wells sireeltcidige Tliti-c- esite ai 5139 X'est 24t aretule Tte alalar w-ho saveti tersell, ca Elmina Kit teck. JOY RIDER WHIO WRECKED AUTO IS MISSINGI FROM CITY Wauluegau, July 26. Herbert Bcunbtii,, atuion fldrtay nigitt confilcateil hîs trntiter-in-lawag automobile te take suie frients out tit a "Joy.îlde- tas nuîitii-en sean or itearti from sinca IcritaN. nîgit whan hai tirova ttc machine !n ite dltcb aI ttc Keltigga tacnuoitNortb Sitar-j ltan roat idlav niatut, anti caused Il ait surrexu-Itl as possiblte for axer> 'MNr. AI Davetipont. son af Ligh-, lhnc of nierclîsuuixa keaper Davetipol, Ma.s ona of te '.Joy-mIders' anti te 1., altIesad te have tlid Harbermastcr Nick Larsen ltat BURGILARS IN TWO unozpstvl terun STORES SUNDAY Iwredn temahie Brumtioîz lves witu lits mtiît a-n Citesîntut sireel. Nirk Larsen tati Wauteat u Jl> 26. i avan hlm permis-ton Io tise te car B>' cutting out a hauement tiIdtiM'w-ban bis mutluerwantc-d tecornte aI lte tee NMc-Donoagit ptumbingshop tow- ttw-n, but te titI inti gve hlm on NortGeneseastirelt, burgiana permission bti se t ton "Joy-riding." gaîncti acces 0ela-n store basamanta Relatives do nI li-ttt'icthat lte but steel tan-t preventatdl thmfrnm yoîîng mauntati met s 'llu mstap, tut iootlug thc stores. Ttc 1w-o buildings ttc>' are of te opîtuloît iai ha la tootM anlereti te Lco Sictonougit hardware tumîllîsîctitb cîtîtue, hkta Waîtke- i ahai atilit A I.Xiibltir &Suizan anti face te nwnrr of ttc ma- grocer>'. Ttceiturglars ditnt gel cien. anyling of vahua, andthetapolice bave ýTite>'do moi lic-ie itatIltabasr a clue w-hmt willn doaibt ratult asIIeta.p thair amical.P Leke Cotnty'a big Weekly-DI& Lakls big weed-INDEPLPN-DEN'r. PEDEi I sasvmet standing tutnte-cr-ecd. Titis murit18sknown. Wtentheit wltce of lite steamerct-ientlty hap- atip starteil 1, lust. SIc, antirsc. Ba- pv la thint ltatltcy bail hiet abl tout-tctintbeti oser lte railit anadt tu fInti a sale pereit Il esen for a mn hý ec until thc rescers retle'.eti im of ment. On te uplurneilsile of lite bIsl urden. Sitea-as prostrateti as a bsoat Mcccrnauay men anti somet. resîlt of ber exiterlence. a-aititug eageciv for boals t10 mte ic. Tienanbail an aciualiy bar- atter tent. rowinîg experleuire. Wben lte boat îBot, imagine te,, iiiiîiretis ibal capsizeil lteMatt-r rugaietln anti sep- acre onu the opposite aIde of ttce boat - araieti iim ty au impassible barrie-. abetu sIeteurned;ti:tey M-re eaughtîlie fotunti imseif slruggiing lultae lie cals lu a trap anti jiti outint atuer.le s'as forlunale enongi tot at-t oui, 1 sas' nany tit andutwnm- kccp aunoaI until te rescuers tagan c-t tînicîl p ounte sîetl n aimostî tira i Iti ib rougit the pocîbales. a diyluacondiltion, Onc- wouan sîneti lices'as one of lte icsttou tadrawu on t sieof the boat stoiuig lfcrttcruutaaport htaie, Bts arm autid ic betti anti I rotîttisecpte titOtttrie' ihtg sas hatity lîrtîseti ly ia contact wilb iloan lit-r lt-a:slip secoetei hi ase-lte sBie of ttcport inte. lie con- litcii tailty hurt. stiereti iimacit fortutiateitnwevcr, ln I tsawnit-mati uponutetirpett cucapiug ai ail, speita ttlite s'a alun, as te uIrcîr ttls itanils Ibrîlîtaî caîgit i uside tte ship wtcn lte ra- lits ltir. ,luottei uîyfait- tasîrnuube necurreti. iv -i ter,':m * vfanuiiy- __'__________ .Ilitas a futtity thitn"n't thite pen-$0OO A E itte tut tc- walcr aud]ta-te aho-tIood 1,OO D M (E ot, the- uîlt-of thlui-teltamier serý t-it aqueascoutl te irnaginucî 1 îw-lt ASKED 0f SEVERAL tupisi hat: tht-ce w-saut more shuigfor tîclut: People seeti1u L CA Ç IL)NIT iteeltirmcuîmposîure anti justlry ^b LO AL A~L*I.tJNiISiII gi-t beli," GOLDSMITH RESCUES MAN. jAttorney Smith Files Big Dam- Sic. Goldsith litati not returneti to 'iautegan laie îrsîay bult accordiug age Action on Behaîf of 10 atînîher Xauluagat man.,NMr. GtittiM rs. Mary Preder. sitth uit tueipecet eiast one. lic staîcdti isut e sas' Gtildsmith eiWaukegau. July 26. P-tii a mati front te iter. A suit for $10.000 dantages w-as Bacry lBanseut, empinyctias a cün -1slarbedti oday by Attorney .A. V. Smilth ducior on te C. & Mi. E. duirîg big on baaf tif ise. Mary Pradar aud realdenca ln Watikeaan, lutI itce hi sevaral minor chîttiran w-to arc suing entpioymcnt otithietC. & N. W, a resu- a numiter cf saloon keepars on lte detil nr Highltandl Park, Icarneil atil 1 harge ltaI lhcy acuitiliquor la George o'clock tuaitbig atunt andtiw-o eousimi Preter, cauBina bim 10 bacome an1 tati bt-en drownet w-heu lte estantihabituai tiruotiard sotht iat be caunott capalacil. Hi u atns bodiy s'as one folios'ltis tratie as Ibher andti here- of taeiraI utiken front itae river. f-ier ftire cannt support bis family. name us lolttie Andlerson. The boulas Thte tille tif te caae follow-t: tif ber two boyîs, iIto wtm lee Itowarti, Maié, Helen, Evelyut antic atuu-r >t t-irstir aie, tra tii lie-ts~ -' --- . itu i-itiui reronacati. Mary Preuer, anti Mary Pretiar. ts. t. tttCatuipai0gte. tht- local situe George Cessar, Jna Pntauselu, Peter u-t uîsa\iiv Eatuanu accilenlttis IVember, Shittiant Fetîey, John Lyns ntoviniuiti utingabolutt ive minutestuand il ltant fakes. atieti- t, hit tiluîecl or-r. Inu (,lill- tt is cc-titi- tiitaiPreiler formants- tottowed iIs iraila of laltaer andimadeitilea<ilay>. Ilis altegaciltat NO ONE ADMITS HIS altiouglî utua satloon keeiuecra lun quea- TAXES ARE TOO HIGH. lint knt-svtt-,stoutl lit-corne Intoita- eutI if hty tolî lihuitr le tint litI hey \oil Ut ithe rc-untytt- ticutît I w-uer t rlat-t li tutir actions, tharcby lia-t ap;, i lubeftire lte toardl of ne- It ruluuîug huiiittlîyulatly and l inaîîcialty. vlewsud sîuutheu tu lie atax ase8 h1t s -lutracý 1thiLlieii sastcd andl uitiraitit-i. tcttuutilItrii - litsi lnîcuy anti propý Tlti" cmslii la iaî;ueareui tuti tad rtyatdtIltitis lhtlteis anti unabte mittediit tutu it-m atse-suut'utts w-cnt-0 lowîtuxvti-tiîtl-. satt Ibis faut- fai un srail!i lut ttîy uc-ret-on, iigh.t t>' t-t lt-vthstlulîi' uiptrt. Tit iv îiiti-iartu prnperîv utwnfr-ii ttriu, vStitî s .apreslted ucisu - w-lIt tciii uuîutîarug hifore titi- boardtill t01 iii ut.5 tu tnalaanti a'sas ut atîtut a ai-i - Noties uili te tu-t hc,-îî euîc-cesful. lu hacite l ta t t-ec uta plui-ni -suan aiear a-l'h Pit)ititcoilthie cil>- In proscrat tut- 1 his oui gi-tu îuug a tutu i-e. Ir a ntice I letast iIfsuite. Titiss ilîh, frît tuit recelie anatu l tîccntilues tnt ap- uot thit.kînd l let Inlua long lte. pt-ar liii- asteist'enî flainercaseil 5it pan ceut. Watt, For Sale.,'etc adi, ln lte N. DEPENDENT resu Î5-,000pensons The Indepeentn leats ail. weekly. Pa-ae Selvéns tlautigithl itiîiiflSiof aiargtra t tif lantdion te Pugiale roati near NVaukegaa for a prîvale uemcler-. btt tii report itas absoiutciy nothitia 10 do a-it ttc uew cemcltery wbicitls nos gitaranleeti for 'tiukcuîriau i Nort Chicago. WAUKEEIAN ORSES BRINi HOME THE BA-- CON FROM RACES~ Wau i hclandi i kocoulit I limtlt ttititi-nih i -tn ai the- ra é i ,-- li hu1(it lrit c- irai h.tran Rus-seltl,5Sun- uasT tchua ilukegi il luursu-tia-ellit týi th i ntli-titndin uhnc-lrire. A u' %ni--tttl,r i-r,- l tu ronitXVuii- s tlt ît ii tii lal -tia-t lut-use t i i-lt tuînuiu.luîu t>aaKeno-tia - i tld i i-s-tu util 1 - t,!-" l ni"l t1îai sut-tu lii fle id -antiu îtleti off i tait u-eeks teatallntanca w-lu lie c-Si iltaraýit TIc- r-oit-tSuttti.i ticrt-: GRIEENBAiE l'or-e $15. litijinit Ilic ut -D. Mt. liiirson. W atitegan .----...............--1 1 Rotus (an Siti Mrtin, Watikegat . ,'22 haith Bunlu lo -Fred Bolier, Waukegtit---------------------..3 3 TedldiRB.Williamit Snuurkie. Ke- no-t . . .. . . . .. ..a 5 4 PhislI- os-neul h>- utKentistu mati--------------------------6tic Hîgluhati. owncti itsa Kantiaa mat--------------------------4 5 Timn-2:48; 2:45. 2:4.5 CLASS-P-trie $20. Robet-)iL i. fiemeyer, XXails- woîrtlu----------------------..i12 t illi- H., J. Cotirtiu -Kenoabtiltir 11111v Mark, Frank Nelson, Ke no-ta----------------------.5 5 .1. K. Wati-.aortt, . .1 elrick, Waukgiig.........-----------3 4 3 Hlarii G., J. Gtackin. Kenosta.4 3 4 lIeusil -1 i1.Reilding. Russail.-2 1 2 Time-2:i15; 2:35; 2:36 FIlEE FOR ALL PAIE-Purse $40. .lewelry Girl.,(George Ruff, Ke vîol-ia ...-..-.......------------2 3 BilltP..ti -lliamn fabits, Kena- sta--------------------------4 4 MaudStiti inM. Ni.onalian, Ke- nostua-------------------------1 1 Eddie S., C. Blackbuurn, Union Grove-------------------------ga Geotrge Il., J. Giuckun, Rus'sel ..5 5 Tinie -2:20;-n:--'-vu. 2. lASS-Pur-te $3o. Puitciter Box - N. Scitoizen. Wau- Kitti* ,A - W'in. ScKiot. Rtno- kit-tii-------------------------1 1 t-ta---------------------------5 2 Largo it., t.Cr.ttfttctiRustsell ... 2 3 Itrruît-tHB -ani-en. Kenosua-.l..66 Pantin Sic-aart. E. Sc-tuuiz, Rus- seil---------------------------.. Loekiteari XW., Wnt. Dahhs, Ka- tisita------------------------ 4-44 11'me-2:28; 2:27%. id ly In- S. bal gas cientIas y ot of] W-est tif ago W-t lnly soul îey con-., 'est. ativac- it ln the ratl dol- g prce@' ara for do net sciai an Meeker, il, are sac anti . Tliey lZationa b.hrden farman ike the ilg ta re- already 1 la sue- mli w-lt 0 f oit d Parx, sati sev- , t ilvas tosati of w-as ne- savaral ta havo ina the., rasa c -r home-l officiaIs i sked ltapeo l First Victim by Lake Mich- gan ___ _ 1 ah,NI ictîigaît ýlatilne-1I s tir t W aill kegan fitttin) lfor1913 ;il litc ock Il olic uu :out on Jls-2.lrd. The foý- U. -'ais. duc-iofititic -jing- tt atîl ai tht- cnti of tie -,ttit piter. iit,,- îý uttcti trom thte waters at: tli.-. ,ilid a a ra pillilg hook teti lin. ur- .tt.r--dead. tl a tt-- uet a wlicther the yonng ti ii ntict l-ttihl% tiritang or whether hi-icat wat- aii-ed b% heart failure sutîî,-i l i 1)-t t ii i p i te fits. Saaî ito a, diexceet-tnit switmer ati]i i 1-luitut Ift tiirýe i., a mani lit W'aittegati a to ta-t pent more tltime in theu- aw tit- ait t ake titis isea- s-onithlait Sisith NoC t ic,, t itn200 people a Crp atantlitgouTithtle iteacit 0anti hier-t whe tihe voîîig mati racet to tliend tiftfitl(.-utring tboardl, poised t secndlitithen titie e iaiotiginto the a ater. lie ratie iticîesutrface in a monmlent. andti tefl atre ecre au-totuiîided t o seeliiiii tdoulte uaitasi f lit s rranîp antisinkuu teiow thttcsur- fface, nes.-r to apîiear again. For a rfi-w secondts halliers ittootion tthe- lt 1 %utrtiing the itnbbtcs art-to lthe sur- face. He* swsalmitne tînder aater'" salid nne s-oung tian. -No; he's droati- iug. thoutedi another. In atItinstant titiless titan 156itiftg mten. tso tif whom were Franik L. Niaiitz andîti eitie Me.iahon. were In tht- aatcr. Repeatetily tiiey dove to tfeic ottoni searehing for the boy. The watAr i-inier là feel deep ai thils Spoit andi thiey tereunahip ici bring . ni) the btody. Then Nick Larseti and >Natta. realizitiz the fruitietaneass of Itîrtiier di'.itg. rigged up grappIirg polet. Titey itroughi the body to lthe surface In a very few minutes. Saat- hoif, itowever, hall been under the water teunmntuîtes a-ien his body watt 3reectvered. DIr. P 1. Goîtriey watt on lthe scene tif lte accident in a very few minutes. A iungnîoior waa procured, Dr. Gour- le - Etiward Cotirati and ti ihers direct- ing re-.uscitalioi tperalions. Fifteen vttulîg mnteiwtrketi Saalhoff's arme ant inita. whtie Dr. ttnttrlfy andi Mr. t('onrati operate lthe mouthpiece Of Lfite iungtiotor. For flfteen minutes oxygen anti aim was pumped mb tte young titan's lung4, baiuttioavail. t Stop pimiping a minutes," said Dr. Gouriey aitile entiofti hat lime. lHe applieti a stethtoscople. itti tntiose bots-lthe air is ii umabhs lunas. He tiie in lufvister. There is abso- iutely ito waler In the lungs. and lte tieire ftact that lesi titan a teaspotin- fui wa-t taken from tisi lunga latter he tys taken from the watcr indicate.q that ticath was nt caused by drown- ing- Pir.Utîtîrtes li sîeakintig10a Sun re- pot er taiti lthailite young lutn had been Iroulilet i aih ieurt disease for 50-île tinie andti iat in ail probablitty deatit was caîi-,eti fro ttils source, raiher titan ity drowning, The tieath boy liveti wiih Ilesmath- t-r. Nirs. H. G. Saatitoif of 1104 Wash- Ington, street. Hiti falther Is a travel- ing sale-tuan, He bas two olier brotters. -ils sialer tiied In lue In- satne aisyluin a fea yeara aga. Wti'ukegtin hums employei as lite- aster Wlilliti Sunderlin, who ws ýtaeti In a botat nol far fromt where te boy niet deati te time Saut- tuf tdilalipeared ndter the water. Great credit la due H-arbormanter Larsen ftir the gooti jutigient ha dis- lai cd andti o bis assistants wbo aid- cd hlm In bringlng the body 10 lthe surface. A Party of strikers attacked the honte tif a sarlkebrea'uer locateti on lthe aliey near Elizabeth avenue and 251h sireet, Mion City, at mitinigit Saturday. A beer botîle was sent rrashing lhrough lthe window andth ie Occupants werel 50 frighlened that they ma tulte police station and ask- ed for help. A searcit was made for lthe men who made lthe alttack but not trace ofthem couiti te fotînt. It was thougbt that the mati had been to WauýiÇgan antitati corne honte drunit and so took revenga whil u Intat condition on lthe airiketreaker. If. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER OF - Marble and Granite Monuments Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence Soiicited 116 Genesee St Wpqkeiran 1 ý