Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jul 1915, p. 8

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ra. U r £iflgn*i ADVERTISI NG FIFTEEN liOIOES TAEN IN NET BY SPECIAL OFFICERS RATES Were Roundeid Up Thursday 5c per line eacn inserion ftight at Rondout-BrougIht Lesa than 5 lunes, to Waukegan by Sheriff 25c first insertion 1Sl\teen men, the majonlty oft thcm Ei~i hoboes, were ta',en fnio a dragnet by four rallroad detectives at Roudout Thurîday nulht. They were brought DO YOLJ WAN'T to W'aukegan lu two automobiles by À ûdôb SBeýIlrlll riffu sud speut the nIght lu bhe countv Jail. They were arraigueti TO GET July 2"',rd, wben Ervin Saathoff, lowing disposition was madie of their LÂKE (JOc(NTY IDPENFItWA-É JULY 30, 191,% ACTION 0f STATE'S ATTORNEY NO SUR- PRISE TO MAJORITY Those Who Have Followed the Lioiuor Cases Saw But One Ultimate Endirig. The action of State's Attorney Dady lu tbrowiug up bIs bande lu deepair and dismlslug the remainine Fox Lake liquor cases does flot corne a. a surprise t. those who a bv been watcblng the pragrese ot the cases. lu tac tbey could see tiIs as the only tîtilmate resuit. - -- '- -- - ut tee urprisiug part outhett c.. Do von vaut 10 work for mon e cases:nainl basro tDeciv f aÉner? 'MARTIN STRONIBERG-60 days lu atnleleaeronoDtcie Do you waut to get nomue work! county jaîl. Avery that be advised the state'e 51- to do aroutîd the gardetis and hontes SEZBER VAN wIn.III-îo tisys lu torney ta drap the prosecutiaus. Avery oth o residente? couuîy Jaîl. recelves $6 a day aud expeuses white lu short, do you want work- CHARLES DAVIS-Case dlsmlssed. deretetis. Tha doeteold e wl and are you out of a job? iJÂOK WARNER-Ten tisys lu caunty f ng ta sacrlfici sucb a "uap" eemel WVhy don't you try ruDnuig a 1Jali. almutt Incridîble. hea ouly eas I EMIL SENI-AUSEN - 10 tiays in atlan bt edbe.gThaed outeirlna "WORK WÂNTED AD" 1 ati en lcdn'thra- counlyJali.tiane la that lbey realizeti that they lu aur classified columuejnstead 'of BRuny aN DINGR-7tiy uhati ntbug ta otter lu return anti atm- waitng utilyouhearof job' cuulyjai. lucauty ly were ashameti ta bieti the caunty waiingunil ou ea ofa jbNONA.L ROGERS-7 tisysincutP jsfl.auy langer. Go After the Job-Do Not IFRAN.K KAI.AM YER -10 tisys lu Tt 1a doubttul If Dady ever willl Wait for It to Corne to You. county jaîl. start suother batch ut cases lite those i CLDE SHLEER-1 day Inthat bave Just beeu dfsposed of. If Your ad iu the classiiel section ofCLdnYDE SCLEY1.asl he does it is a moral certalnty that the AKE MIEPENINTITHEO. MALMQIIST - 7 days lu be vifl ot employ the same thre wiii reach thonsanis of resîdeuts of1 county ianl. sieu ths. Tt le sali hovever. that the Lake couuty aud %iviuîty. Likely JAES FANGN 1 asl board of suiervisors never yull au. corne of these readers wyul need a das ib orîze the state's attorney ta engage man for some work to do. GEcORGE CHALEN-1 d another expensive wim af thîskind. The coci of a fi ge hue ad for one i ERESHLE -0d nThse cast o? trylug tbe caes, together ineertiou je ouly I2à..lThis ie th' i counîy jail. wlth getting the allegeti 'evldence" new way ta gel a job. It i ýJAMfR KELLEY-10OÉdaysalu.c.unty oIteaxyrsoLaecuta GEORE HIr-, ay Jnali.tyiarge eum ut money. Those vIsa are GERE aL-iaylu .nt in a Position ta îunow declare that $5.- T . AîLETCRLO. 1 as n100 le a very coneervalIve estlimate T R Y J T. IÂLBFIty aRl. O -1ntty u the cost sud tbey are Inclneti ta couut.. ... .B y JaI thini that the cost iii run far over B.GLANBER-7 tisys lu county ht + y«B RATE + fait. ht + ++ + ++ ++ +++ The tietectîves wbo matie the Next Tueetiay Dady wîll brlug up . . . . .. .. . . auutiup vers Detectîe Charles bhis quaw arranto actions In circuit FOR SALE-BStutiehaker rai cart, 'Moyers anti H. Cote, bth of Wne- court. These are directeti againat néarly nev.. Wm. Peter. Librtyviiis. gan. béîng employed bythie Elgin, tbree Fax Laie hotel keepers. Datiy Phono 17ï1 -R. 45p2 Jaolet anti Eastern ralîroati, anti W. J. demanda ta knov by what authority F'alkensteen anti W. A. Sbaw, detect- they are contiuctlug their places oi FOR SALE-Beautifu liots in GOhm aqesives ute ml utte ei albualsi;e t lepractlcaliy admitteti subtilvlaon on Privais lais atjoinien ralroa that'thete three cases vere IneUtuteti Fox Lae hy newly comtseted chanusi. Stromberg le chargeti witb bavlug I h aueo et fh asr Lnce.Landi vithin 5 min. walt of upiaupleti a trelght train atitRondont. ice-seful It, le sali he plans ta tart Oaz ot Liertunaie 111 .W Ms. IH@ dd ibis by dtrawîng the rauplîug! I silar actions agaluet olther Fox Laie Owor 45pl br h I ae a rinat liluor dealers. If deteated ti 18f saiti bis.iThetairae t bron teaIrdIsenot auly vii l otaie up tbe other FOR SALE OR TRAOE-8-room House, bri mes at causeti ontsetion ro cases but may dîsmles ail the selling 15 iot, S01180- fiowine ve!l. sewerj trai nd 0camsedbath sectugit. or thout a liceuse cases that vers chicien yrd, traitremail au large; tarted againet the saloon men sud Oha" treffe tiitabie for erardsning ant i Srmegey evsltoicateti a nti1tiasa faot remlmberndsn-iIn court. POltrY. Five minutes valk f rom oid or aupîeî t eem etnsa the un- wc aeslOpnlg ucut Dow depot. Terme to suit. Investigate.culdtetOscin te traits. ri. _________ WrIte "S" Box 384,e Libertyvilîs, 111. The tietectives testlfied tbat wbeu Na agents. Wili oeil lu part or ai. ibsi eu et tb arrest ira be put up a 44e4; bard fight anti strUci Detectîve Cote FIVE VEAR OLD. ________________________Iluthe moutb. He. vas fiually over. fJr l I >IftC DllIR v FOR SALE OR REfT-7 room Boues.. pereti. Cash or easy paymenîs. inquire 01 The other men were loatîne near James R. Idack, Broadwcay, Libertyviiis. the depot vbeu tbey vere placetinun- 44ctf der arreet. TIsey vers Ierdet inlside t the depat vbiie word vas telephaneti FOR SALE-By ovuer, 160 acres, 2%4 ta Sheriti Griffun. Tva autos vere veils. b raliroati station; laye wv51i sent. Ton men vere loadet Inlteonse gooti soi fine vater and ti ling; a uoat nattraI stock iarm; pioneer lmprove a ttoa id 5 juta toanaiber. monte matie. $20.00 per acre. T. &. lu court thîs marnlng the men near- Harkiln, R. F. D. Na. 5 Whts Çloud,j ly ail baSd itterent starles ta tell. Mch. Wily l1* Wbillsa isv ut them bhadt taor three FOR SALE-Stewart kitcen range dollars lu thef r pociets the majarity pracricaiy ev. Mlr». Fred Ifordhoret. hadt rom fiteen ta tventY-flve cents Phone 153-R, Liberiyvilie. 44ct antibters evesseveral vbo ailmitteti thsey diti ual bave even a nickle. HORSES SOLO,hbought andexchauxed Hil, Gyllenberg sud MalmQulst tie- Seconti band iarnus anti wagons Iciaredt tatlhsy are emnPlayeti lu Chi- Cash or terme. N. R. Ladd, phono 4,1 caga but von bhas hesu lack oailtsl. LihertIrlle. 42%1 'For thîs reason Ibey saiS lhey deciti- adt t "bum" tbelr vaY about on the FOR 8ALE-Cbeap. comblnation titiing 'bumpers" tor a lime tu, ses boy Il anti tring mare; runabontanti bareMe. voult seem.* They Raid they vers Dr. . V. Smith, Phono Llbetyvillie 82. enjaylng Ihemaelves lmmteusely up ta c4lit tb.time tbey vers arresteil. FUR SALE-Yautng perfectiy mateti Soine ai lhe mon saidt tey ver. tiving tam, vt 1100 ibm eaeb, aimo tarmer-aotber verse electriciana, choie ut 2 tamiliy hrese. Ovuoti Oca'îs aiters. motorcycle repair men, Boy. Hlee, A. (Î. Shwerman. Glisser, telegraPb operatars, etc. Ilii . 4lctt Sînce the Seath of Detective Mur- rison at Rontiaut aud the brutal at- We have a number ot fine homes for taci ou Charles MeYer the detectives sale or rent. Dymond & Austin Liberty- Ilere have besu traveling lu pairs se, tV"l. e1ftisaI ley vonîti b. able botter ta pra- tact Ibemeelves. They intendt t con- . . .. . .. . .+. . .tinne Iis plan until Rontiont l frasil + LOST and POUND + ai a11 objectlonablo characters Thal . ..+.. .+. .+ ..+..+.Station bas heen the renilezvous for LOST-Toy fai terrier,wvitle vlth boame ai lb. mosItidangeros thIugs brovu heati fritiay an Belyiede lu the country anti car Ibeils have roadi, 8 mlesset of Wauiegan. Llh- been trequent. The tietecîlves say oral revarti. Telephons . B. Scîi- Itloînt se mucb wbat lhe mon taie mors. Wauiegan 1782. 173-31+ aie vhat tbey spaoii Ln breaking Int --e ar-.Tbsy tieclare tht they . .+.+. . . . . . .. .. ltendt taarrest every mnfu tam + WANTE + loiteriug about the yards Ibers as . . . . . . . .. . vrll as ail those tountiriing on the __________________________ %igt trains. Tbsyy wl dean up the WANTED-Nlueieen pesns 10 buy Itantiut yards if tbsy have ta moa resitisuce property lu Liberty vile. B.1. a rountiup ai tbe boboes andthtugs Boyd, Libertynille. 41tl every ulaht, .s + MMIBLLAIÇEOTS + EXCLUSIVE AGENCY for North tSbore property of largo trarlis aud good loca- tion. Valu"e t40010 00 ,and up per acre. 48 Lake and tf'Heur.v c.tunty larme a% exoeptionaIly émal prie.M 11unesota and MIfichigan tarm land for $2000 to $4000 per acre. hur vorrespondere wnilcîted. W. C. Mom, Libertyville, 111. 45pl Liv Longerp on Peninsulas. l lastateti that lb. reltient8 ai llanda andi imalpeunuulasu nte longer than persans aba tivell on the malinlanti. puttinu on Airs. O'Ra-flnoeCaean bas inher. lIed monsy, ba's pittin, on au bildis af 'tyle." O'Reîlly-"Yls, 01,. hearti that bas change£ the Dame of. hi, a" ta Nausîte.*% ILILU 31 ULK DI1 AUTOFRIDAY EVE Presene ut md. rare Jutigment. sud thorougb itrowletge ut the vork- lueo ansuautomobile. saved s five- year aid chilti tram beiug graunti to deatb under the wbsels af au auto- mobile driven by Etivard J. Heydeci- er, master-ln-cbaucery, ebortiy &fier elx-thirly Fritiay enening. The veli inovu attorney ant iei tamiiy vers drivnne t on Grand avenus vben at the Jackson streel Intersection, Vincent. the flve-year oId son af Mr. anti lre. Walter Van AI- statue, rau tram bebinti a rig directly lu the patb of the machins. eut tva minutes befors Mr. Hey- douker bati savetihie machine toas six-mle-n-bour clip. vben be eaw a number of small chiitiren playlng an the boulevard tu front ot the grocery stars an the nortb aide of the street. He turned iei machine su as ta give the chiltiren a vide berth, and vas watchlng kesnly the svery act of the yonngstars at play. The Van AI- sttechiltiavas on the sauth aideo f the street ant iei presence vas dam- plètely hititen hy the buggy. Wbeu teIr. Heytiscier aav the chuS run in iront of the machine, he threw out tihe clutch, anti threw au hie emergeucy brais. The ratiator ai the car, It la believeti. struci the chîlti, for upon ot- amînaîlon Dr. F. C. Kaleht discovereti that hc vas suiierinq rtrama slht scalp vaunti. One log bail beau bati- iy e'dnneti, but no bgns wer braien. Atty. Heydecker btutileil the lunjureel chilti into bhis machine, anti then hc- gan a mati race for tb. Jane McAkilter bospital. Thon ha racoti dovu tovu wbere b. founti Dr. 3tnight. Witueses attest the tact thal Mr. Heydecier vastiriving siovly anti that ha titi svsrything lu bis povor ta anser the accident. The chilt'a condition le not regardeS as critical. It vas tounti uecessary ta taie tva etitcbs ta close up the vounti in the torebeati. Dr. Knight says that be dos not belleve tbat the chilti suiferet Iinter- ual inJuries, asti be leaio the opinion that the cbild's condition le not Criti- cal. Att.y. Heydecter lo beartbruten as tIse recuit of the accident. Hes le re- garded b>' ouse&ft ail as a caretul anti conecientlous driver. RÀEÀflA DEETS FAST FEDERAL LIFE TEAR Alter a Test of thrpe weeke waiting for the weather. the home guards vient oui unday andti imed the fast demi pro sam Federal Lite inuwv.,n lnniug 8 tu 1. Ramarswent thruïgh iheir hait easy, Stanchy irrouuded out to J. ijorlidir. Breeh lined a lot Iiter ta oui bigz tiret basetuan. Oeuwt.nput ont, lu front o1 the plat@ and Wb@ throwti out by Jobhnson. L'iiýhome lads weît tu bat aud alter ÙW out ecorod t1iree. J. Dortier tlied out toeenter, Pavis@truck out, Magrady ingled taeutor Stafford' was bit by ptier. Fisher dloulied tu enter sco ring f agrady'and Staflord sud ecored sehen Breeh tuwbled Rudly's fast one. Barbour heu etruet oui. Excsptby a singie by Johnson in the neat round iautarea got no more bit@eoif Campbell. Federal Lits got their runin the fourtb wben with wo dowutieraneon tripled tu rlght and @corail by Larsea @lostul 10 eft Hune. heu went ont, Davis ta Fisher. Dorfier ligbtened up in the fit ehand fanned tbrft in a row. The biner up came lu the oeveuth when Larmon duuhled to let andi was caught off eecoud on a quiek bmrw by R. Dorler aud was cailed out iY Boys. Mr. Lareon who by the way eu manage'r îheu called fies men off laimlnir the uni s as giving thym the woret of It. The @cure. lamaréa A1B1K H A E, J. Dorfier, 3bh............3 4)<0 2 1) Davis, 2t)........... _.....t 3 t> 0I -iagradv, es............. . 1 9) Stafford, If ................ :1 1 o0 (1 1 Fisher, lb................ 3 1Iot i R. Dorfier. p.............. 2 O 2 9) harbour rf ............... 2 I 0t> (1 Meyer@e.................. 2 t0 0 0 01 Johnson. r................. 2 ( 1 1 (0 2~i3 3 3O1) iFsderal Lit.-. AHB1R H A E Stanîhaym .............. 2 t> 1 4 1 H. ireeh, 2b............. 3n0o0o0 i Ienoriac, a 3h ............. 3l t)0I0 I twanson. If ............... 3 1 I1 Il Lareon, cf ............. 3 0 2 0 0 Bure, lb... ............ 2 I0 0 O Il liatt, rf................... 2 0 0 0) 0 Sm t,ef. ................... 2 0 9) (1 () Campbell, P .... ........ 2 O 0 2 O 13 1 3 O3 Summary Two base bite. Fisher. Lareon; thie. bse bit&, rdwaneon; utoisu bases, Ms-« frady; double play. Breeb Io Stauchv 10 orne; base on baill o LIbrder 1; bit il, litcher, Stafford; erruci out by Dorifer 1by Campbell 5. Umpire, Boy@e. Notés Next Suaday kRamarpa zemsta lMc. Henry. Auto« leane uorth end garage St 12:30 srp. Joe Dorfier piave<f third sud put up a flue gain@. ls didant set a sale egat but bit the hall erery tinie up. The crowd bal lu it on the irrues as the. tsencee acee n useai ihe@Chaulsu- Qua. The nextasme ai home wrti ne a -kc frum Suuday when tbe Naval Station lad@s corne bers for a gamne. Seçerbl (A the boy@ worked on th, diamond Sunday morninle ta bave it iu phape for the gaine. Fimher. our ig tiret baenan Prre I@ a favorite ih the faus. It amuies them te te hlmn pull down the hlgh onew. A foui til bit Johnson in tbe throat in the, laurth. aIt'-' atchîng hip brt.ath Frçer Sent after them airain. Thiq 1loy id àoinjg some hlttiug Dow a. syou notice. REÂL ESTÂTE TRANSFERS Furnished b>' LAKECOUNTY TITLE & TRUST Co. Abstracts of Titis. TitIes Guai'viiê*d. Masonic Tsmple Bidx. Waukegan. Juiy 17, 1915.-W. E. Dunu aud vIte ta Louis Radie, lot lu east 'Az narti- weet 'e section 23, Libei'tyvlle towen- ship. W. D., $10. iIian E. Smilth sud buebafld ta C. A. Blair. nortb 100 fLt sooutb 290 ft. lot 31, Hlgbvood. W. D., $5. P, J. Noonen andivIf e ta John Lau- caater, one acre est of C., M. & St. P. R. R. anti veet of Telegrapb roai %» northvest 14 uortbeaet % ~sectioa i, Deenileldtowtnship. Q. C., $1. R. G. Evans andl vite ta Owen Gar- rlty, lot 4. Elvan's subdivieiou, Hlgh- wOod. W. D., $300. July 20, 1915.-R. C. Kent aud vite tu Mrs. Gijeta Boottcher, lot 12, lCent'a Wancouda subdilvision. W. D., $90. Mdary E. Lau.e anti lîabandti t M. P. aud UÀ1ipa1 Reiger, laot 15, 16 anti 17, Lanes' Stantan Point subdivision. W. D>., $500. A. D. Bush ta E. C. Rowling. lot 18, block 3, Battembal5isaubdivision. Grayalake. W. D., $100. W. G. volva to P. M. anti M. T. Thomey, 60.78 acres lu section 5, Bsn ton townehip. W. D., $1l. Muy 19, jS15.-Jeale EP. Blacimer »Il busbaud et ai, to Davidi Kamallan. lot 3, BairetGv'a rusubdlvisimon f Ors- dls subtiviston, Waukegan. W. D., $500. J. R. Powell ant ifitu1 H. J. anti Mabel M. Noutlas lot 7, Lanolug'e North Bide subdivisIOn,. Waukegan. W. D., $3,500. r July 21, 1,1S.--CoCumers Company ta 0. A. Ne4son. tract of 1-ant I oo Lake. W. D.. $1., Sarab H. Builock, et al1, ta James Callahan, part lot 5. block 17, Original ý rd- qu4arti, Wh~aUoeu art a um~au3. a eow.oes or lIm' @rtp.c1. or or ialuima-ffl fI;ý ag$ b uou s.1 bow anb wtowu mmorftuoute. 9"1 ,~~ Woney ii icank is your Sfq~uàr LiSERTYVOLLFrILINI J%,# Poo*s bloc'i 17. Original Wauisgau. W. D., Mary Devis anti husbanil ta A. H. P anti Mldred A. Bhaw, lut 11. block 1: ltayt's resulsdivilon, Higbwaad. W. D., $1,600. Jacob Lebryi sud vite 10 Antirsej Lebryi, lot 3E, block 10, Dreyeer's sub- division. North Chicago. W. D., $400.1 B. J. Grimes sud vite ta A. J. Feuli- ner ant i vie, lot 9, Grimes' subtiss Ion. ILibertyville. W. D. $600. B. H. Johnson to Emma B. Me- Pherson, lot 9, tlci 36, Higblandi Pari. W. D., 110. Elaie F. Duha anti huebandt t Hultia E. toeber, lot 2, Bylvan Pari on Bluff Laie. W. D., $1,000. MÂRRIÂGE LIOMISES. George LIttech, Mlwvaukee, 26. Eily Webster, samne, 27. WUiliam Lenclonl, Kenasha, 21. à Marie Pauloif, saine, 20. Charles W. Mayfield, Fart Sheridan, Ill., 35. Theres Ballering. Madison, Wis., 26. John T. Thacher, Libertyville, 21. Salins Lahtagdeleiue, saine, 19. Water Pardb'cer, Clyman, Wie., 22. Leana Behueît, samne, 20. Stanley Evels, Waucautia. 27'. Annie Wlcas amne, 24. Clevelanti Scott, Springfield, Ill., 30. Henrietta Helser, Waukegan. 34.( Robert Rasmussen, Itafine, 22. Dorotby iter, lame,-'2. Bernharti Kimmei, Racine, 21. 1 ,ista Etrgaard, samne, 20. Paul Hoimelater, Wauiegan, 23. Helen Scbroeder. Evanstan. 22. Wlrl E. Bacon., Wucontia, 34. Bernice Mi. Davis, Round Lake, 23. William G. Ritter, Kenosha, 21. Oies M. Frederic <, samne, 18. Casper H. Pf.eiffer, Zon Cît>', 55. Louise Bisb, sans, 5b Plier Plttman. Pl. Sherian, 28. Kathertne Lebens, sains, 27. The Balanced Food The crowningz achievement of Dr. Puice-a cereul foo-d which combines the nutritive elements of wheat, rice, corn, rye and ats, ini the prpr proportion- a scicntifially bulanced uman ration- .eF siaing in its delicacy and its de- .Every member of the family will est Cream-of-AII with pleasure. Every package contains thirty liberal servings, thirty mea at one-haif cent per mcml. The lmn word ini cereakis i Try it for breakfast tomorrow. The exclusive Dr. Price Pum Food Store in your town is TRIGGS'%Jc & TAYLOR Telephone 25 LIBERTYVILLLE ILLINOIS Thomas P. Dunue, Chicago, 30. Rose B. SpeuceMfartin. lame. 33. Heury Fiher. Chicago, 32. Anna Resch, samne, 32. Boy Ballard, Içenosha, 24. Christine Christeusen, lame, 24. Walter Koesel, Miwautee ....21 Elua ReIsm, came ................ 18 Waientz Tomezai. Cetiarburg, Wls .23 Chars Febtie, samne............. 21 Wilism Lutigate, Wheatou, 11..21 ildreti C. Goodrîige, came ...21 Elmin GoMaia, Grayiate ......39 Maris Formin, same............. 29 CHANCIERv NOTICE. State oaI hllnois, Cotent>'of ak ae. sn. CircUt Court ai Laie Cotent>', Octab- er Term, A. 1. 1915. Archîbalti Leslie MePherson, Eliza- beth T. MePbeson. Emma E. McPher- son, Augusta C. Plereon, William Me- Clory, Margaret MeClar>' anti Martin Ringdahsl vs. TIse Chicago & Miwaukee Eectric Railroati Com- pan>', a corparation, organizeti tnder tIs a Iss o? thse State oIlilinois, the Chicago & Mlwvaukee Electri c Rail- way Compahe>', a corparation, orgail- ized utnder the lave oi the BiaIs o? Illnois, the Cty of Highlandi Pari. a municipal corparation, William O. Johnson, as; receiver, Merchauts Loan & Trust Company', as trustas, tIse Royal Trust Company', as trusee. Thse Clevelandi Truat Company, as trusee, andti tiunlnowu ovuers ot 1,000 boude o? 81,000.00 eacb. ot tIse Chics- go & Milwaukee Eiectric Rallvsy Company', tated JuIy 1. 1899, anti pay'- able Juiy 1, 1919, cecuretib>' a trust deeti, given b>'eaid -Chicago & Mii- waukee Electric Railva>' Company ta the Clevelandi Trust Company' anti the Royal Trust Company', as trustees, saiti trust deeti being recorded lu the recorderes office tar Laie County, Illi- nais, on Jul>' 12, 1899, as document number 74977, lu book 122 o? mort- Muge on page 107. In Chancery. No. 7404. The requlsite affidiavit havng been filet Inl the office of the Clark ai sali Court, notice ls thorefore hereby gitan tu the sit abat. namnei defendauts, the Clevelandi Trust Com- Pany, as trustes, anti the un- inovu avuers o? 1.000 boude a1ý $1,000.00 sach. a? the Chicago & Mlvaukee EIlric RaiiWay Com- pany, dateS Jniy 1, 1899, anti pay- able Jul>' 1. 1919, secureil by a trust deeti, given by laid! Chicago & Mil- vaukee Eiectuic Railvay Campany to the Clevelandi Trust Company anti the Rayai Trust Company, as trustees., saiti trust desti baing recarde& lu the recorder'e office for Laie County, Illi- noie, on Juiy 12, 1899, as document number 74977, lu book 122 af mort- gage( ou page 107, that tIse abova nameti Complainante beretatore fileti their Bill o? Campiaint lu salti Court. ou thse Cbancery aide thersot, andt ta a summana Ibereupon issueti aut ai saiti Court against tIse above nameti deteudants, returuabie on tbe tiret day of the term ai tIse Circuit Court o? Late Couuty, ta be beld i aIthe Court House lu Waulîegan lu saiti Laie Couuty, un the firet Manday a? Ocla- ber. A. D. 1915, as la b>' lav requireti, aud vbich suit le tilI psudiug. LEWIS O. BROCKWAY, Cierk. Walategan, Ilinois, June 21s1, A. I).ý 1915.f Doyen W. Scbumscber, Camplain- Bt' Solicitar. * W'ly niy9-16-2330 ti b i.- Z-- c f i PA&A v.ý&ht.

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