W!ILl1!ITY Inqiml!E"DENT. FIPMAY, A TCVST 6, 1915. ~ te~ Suu 4 'Wl. U W sd.~ bbc. -s ribe Mr. (Irasi t la oattendi the na- li mC. . Ir. costveutIon smdelegat friâ lîlInols.Thor ' n lvist Non TaI WaahDlglansd other places bâte reuing. - IIs aftaruoaulMr. andsir. N. A. Otlin.accompsad b,' Mr. sud Ilin 111611=tlW Vbt rd Har- ,Mieoll U liegbta uto, Tho,' are toe »gane a cigrot neos. Tise sitatace ck4tee aille., waangàa is wSUÏda,'roent tl ,,Thé Hoqaa s , a UsSt," here the,' hai a chtnkma dm»«e. About tiri,' veut lu autos, riblertIWau- kuqaýn et 2:30. The place ta uer ha- iug ruanhy Jack flouer. v-40 former- 1' s a ncharge of lihe ll"las bolet. F*x Lake. ThoeBla basi s dlight- fui trne, aussi re.servas Wllh a lBa- sitnaer. ('arles Fo a railiad $160 ly s iis- tics or the 005ce at HighlIandi Park lait*-neeb ons a charge of er-reodiug tbe *peed Ilimît.1 CifcuIt Jusige Claire C. Egdwards la bOkUms court lu BelttttOl'. Froid thillieha il go la Rockfard ta haSt cOit. He rîliha e ne until a reek troÏd neîl odueodaY. Dbpbty Sherlf flqsetF Gren0 vnt la Èeiolt. Uts., lat Sturda,' ulgIsi té -,»t th a InO beyg Ieut,' aud Nn estltaacbiÈet, b0ast cbarged rfâii1havtag . breke - li. -asd obss a,0cr i aft Loueq 010v.a fer evan- ins ago; Ri t bqMsbt lbeboys bal ast ther wne.'ta %a itan a heau- àIg. cmrntimîe iodai kl Ir. 3,er wva aChicagavisitor 1lak .Wser ru Wt fevltlm Of s stalicu sîtackî ,:unaees'-*sterday sta1 the Chi&@W '#ard"sre 'TôadryCo., wseho leUSPidêd h 11 olaer He -uraidwa-lhonWr Dr. - . Saisi n-ra tlwdlnu Ut7eOuIbele. Ris oaimtiolibt olse 4uhoee of uur t ilgttid.athstreet isib bappy possaeat a! anar *Ford. Iwua s*h tolêoé t »be uos 1,' 111 rîis typholi tféter. He rwu talc en Ob the1 Jane àlIafstOt Hosffitâl &014 t1 aé go. Hta friands hope fai ll'Pl7req9ey. t:na gvt gthe aime o! Wtiltaî :ýmof/ý&* eBluff wu* fluesi $10 ~340OBy.ewd"ay Wse e Juslic NOO ou Mthe hig.o-tStO Umis Loraie Deacon, wrba ba een vitiar ber grausipareula, lit. sud lins. P. Itali of Wadsrorth. for a fer days, returaod la ber home lan North Chicago today. 1 lins. Forence D. Young formerly Mis Widden). who bas been emplo,'- e&t . ifdgphor lu FI. N. Tomlin- sa&n 0on on State street for the pont so»filyears. loftIyestpsds,'for, Mici4gs5 rerese *411 ta,' for gose lime. Seerai of bar fmanda isrolu W&saiegs* ensi Noti Ciihcsgo gave ber a fsarweillpart,' et the Doublei Blat -Manuficlurlng Company' yester- I day atterneon. Mr. ansi Mrs. Frank Banîle ot Bloominglon. Il. retarnesi ta thelr homa Saturda,' atter a trie! visît nitb M. andi Mn. J. H. Waters et Six- teoutb Street. Nl r. and Mt,. Bartle atteuded te tuneral last reek of tbe formera& brother, J. D. liant cf Chi- cage, rho ras drornosi la Use East- latid disaiter. Misn Helen Arads, or Chicago, rhn h"ai beau vstting %MinssFlorence II&M5 of 8outh Park avenue for the pont reek. returned tebebonhome te- day. Mn.b. Vîclor andi oaguler. Uszie. aud Mns. LiltIleohn. left for Wichita, liasmg. laturda,'tSteasi of Monda,'. as ras4 states Inlaou. af lasI reel'. te- aluosj- Tbe' *411 ' uiy for uêvora r eals. vislUung relatives. DR. iD-4VIS DNT Nrhrost Corner Wâhlilgtan Genoee treets. IOPEN EVENINGS Opon Ssndsy-l0 te 12 A. M. Lyon Sto- nase. and timel,' laterfereuce b,' a court attache prevented <urtber str ife. Tise clasht an Prîda, foiowod Att,'- Orvis' motion asîlar I bat Mary Lual. as admistratrlx of 1the eatlOcf Le- vina aY-mond. deceased, one cf lie alleged nail-riderse" ot Vola, ha' subStituted in place andi stoasi as deteadant tn the es"of !Miula Rich- arsison vs. Emima Stasdi.Auma Stadfield, Levina Raymond, decessesi. Mary sahel, Alima WValtoa andi Iate Wagner, and Ibat judgmeul 1e enter- esi agalast said estate to 1e paisi la due course of administration ou lb. verdict heretofore rendered la saisi cause. Attorikey Orvis adries Jadge ClaIe C. Edrards that ho had servait notice on Attorna,' Pope. rbo ls counisol for tise defendants, to, appear la court tiss rniag. essnoce bear. Mr. Dckey last nigltNA~LSlI 144 * tte -oduttd h Sy<Mjn a aIt-,EÀ L SHI I im * Mrg. J. ;. Stalfforicof North Utica belli bm#sr Gonssip Ara Busy. *15.. Wiukeam, bsrtuTdtrmhe engagement ras announccd la mirtb relativeas l r u ec.I I&OUIL ~I A K Ma,' The redding ras to take place OUvT RI IiiS LAVI IPW~'VIn June, but no date ras set. Then * * OOO Wli Courad sa at bis fther's bomne, cm the ruflorg. The visits of Stev- YERS TO THII EE Mm s.Jobs Ursusbrouaibhas retw*_ th ti treta ee came 6 Lr ÀR les hie Buekley bomne eased. Noth- q&O,&MMsrhm e tudlafew -deys 94o&fiter beag talions ing was said about thte w<dding, but 0d fhi1 ie-oblif otuVon, . "10 1* * ic a hcgo was oni,' latel,' that the gossiîrs> cd.~~~~~~~~~~~ teP msovstti er.qt.5CluCcso'Miss Saidee Buokley Ends En - came buzy.! Attorney Pope Claims to Be a 9015 slUaBut of D.u4er, but no matnj lit. Col.. luother of Mrs. Hram gageaent to, Denton Ste- "I do flot Inar whether tihe en Student of 'Hog Ltn But Wou. .l,,1 P" &à ud i. Weybe, la ver,' aic gugeunent bas been broken off der- Cn Ra Ltn di IH.YM "dIWsosetai, ber yagenhmSria ens-Tongues Wag. Initely' said Mr. Buckl-y lat nghij ntRa Orvis' Marks. tifu K. 4"Yu~ t. r sous, 0f dafnibters orn. SWi'aaMy daugbtor isa1the oaly one who aisÉ h5hay Ai rosi, aoth o WAukuau.dan aarerthat question. UG ASDV OFP CE Cautràetor oscar sands rm bsHRFTE AD UTR Ihourd ail tbey seid abonut 9tev-JUG ASDV 0F ECE se ellvali c t~ -e, but 1 sald nothîng about t to g ns « gebrpfli tmoyvlaeonIrtherDeuiOl R hlm. 1 t ought If he was srying 10 tord~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Iu,3 er g a eot eprl'vlaeo h edRt ntiinates Thmi Is a Chance il,, dowu bis pest, If he was îryingiClash Came When Orvis Seeks _11j bok avela 2 a o @ramy p, opn l ar atichup gebIfit a ltfo ne to Close Libel Suit Started That tl«5 1 BWlenewe. Fater PesesuterS~o. yu by 'Rail-Ride' Victim. of 'Atar ejs m b el!l hefl wl e eeI C. Decker and .Hg.mot-tenergettecenui og e airli 071lhXss Asidéeappeli betO, daforterhmawith a personaaily that attracts. agn ll 0 teraud O.anurtaol Win haready e.Mn adeSckednhe fa gealal, sober, banestffllow--an un- ,a'en Jl30 'ON ilrte tti er11 Thc buildings are ta cost sabout 11000. Cbarles W. Buffley, realthy board usuai man. Duripaib e tua.- 1 ier: When Attorney John I). Pope md BaIL? t 'ln Il u or onwhnteplO o xde epemrand roolsioat of bim he ban never talon a drink. He a statement rday tisat he ras a dwibiflt«th saua d rle nso.Theraor beu be HighadP-k abboe ere-tld us hie wtfe bad dlvorced hlm. gond student of "goh latIn,' but was *- H *W. «d»,le aeyer cast any aspersions on ber uable to ciphier the writlngs of At- aoii uurm a stoei or Main lu Wau'cega ail the tlme. and gagemeatt b Déntaa j.'fetons and charadter. ho nover blied to dodge tornefy Elmer V. Onu.s court attaches IJifguresi tht lu the IWO reeosls fferlng tram a nervons break- an,' biain. He didn't ruoceak of bis and luryers feared that tise commis- J eb0Pes1oâ= U7 bu.ortby nllst lsei>dowa-recuperi'lg In a Detroit mu- pont, but 1e ddlt don,'il. stanor of public property would re- ux*WMm a. w lov coe t tiuil "He ras nnallag good. and 1 ho- sort to physical force to resent thse obl4.I~#~y*~~< i at~es <,16,000, s be matie people are saisi Thtis lbthetalito ail lHigblandIlieve tisere ln a poaihiliiy tisIat etaleged Insuit. d.~l ~ ta b. free speaders and wst thé beit Park. Mr. Bachie,' COrbOrsted bits nom time tu lihe future tise engage- "Wiby. 'm a poor writer. many oa opioate ta the count,' Court o x..ke4îbatd gotng. of the gSslp lait alght. Ho satd tho ment wIl ho roaored." Our montliearned attorneys are pon' COUY.-ouegagemnt haul'eau tsdoeliately *Ming Buckley ls secretar,' of te writers. end 1 do flot consider tisat A tea r7«r. ls boy named Jobn suoliended, but bintesi. thonr migbi Ravinla Club andi bas upent mucis you sbouid talre offense atthUe sinte- The wil of tbe lets, dward L. 1a. (lm" Of Market Street toit aut of yet b. a Chance fqr Stevens. time abroad, travelling and studying mont of couasel," laterposed Circuit ler of L«ke Praist, Wrb4e 4.s the r& A îVilb£fl lIn th local ralîroasi yard&a TAlS of)r. Stevens' slleged lait music. Hon faml,' saIi se was rith J.udge Claire C. Edwards. sut t littru ishowv~ led atdo u boebsli aoeredlÏ0fouId ca ain C i r<rendsInlaDetroit; Il v.aru one of ber When Attorney John Pope made sut f tilfomhi h»,lm1 Tuegiaylttmn n bdivi lg -orceofsihlmoyarsdaàc la CWa- IDnta cou ttod~ ay,. Iî sowsis He rai removosi 10 tire Jane MCAI- Clanustt-citled tbe partiar. itlt a isi. Intîmates rbo declareds e.wan in a the etatement. Orvîs rushosi up ta liserHositlu Inb police ambu- Stevens orus a largo creauery la aaaltarium. hlm. andi for a fer seconsds wltaesses asate ras vaiuad t about lin.000. lse optl_________ fearesi that be rould act agaînst bis The yaOuag people met et the home Nt Naturel. btter judgsaent and reeort ta physi- te mde aminstraoL t ca foce ta show bis resontment 10 s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o mM smnurtlx tth.'fr. sud lMn. Thomnas Prindiville 'Wby woud't you ]t e ab. rîl alfo ,De oie,'suMd 31Johbusets.thée Mr. sMd Mmr. John D. Pope of Wau- ou the uortb chloesabout a yssr ia. peint votîr rite wtb a basket of frlit tise statemont. 1b0qýWh Peaedgultytorobi lk«ll Wo bvegoe o oceserTbsy met agaai ta dinnet tanlise tn ber hni »ý-1Horeven, Judge Claire C. Edrards 001%r~, pladai guît, larab inkeuandotbae goe'l Ro eter w"Wuin'thav beuubtuiand veee, ani he ncien pasedSa thé tas.. 5iiery, Mtiere northera p o nnts aa clbstd leu oil'ia ndi' ae en aurl hofflilated i s "Biliy Jennings' Date of ti fsshanbss'ysd terpits.lbm everywber .but .bey wre. ipaadsht-ciet asel f plaos la.~e at,,votn gued lu 100k tbe tri p rimrl,' laenable lMr. îy 10 lie tisuai ai theNkmr oCluntry ûfia tili lite about 11." taltlinone rithout further commtent. the ôtmy qCart.*u uwgufa PO"I'0te10é«usMitMayobfothera, lie <118. StaveusthouM go u50 f ~ &mrcsn. .Bad, blood bas exlsted beêweeu a Cham ofaibeiug delluqueut. Soush ammsurgeous. Fr or ne ime ha the. lub liati be asl. 5r. 50*1.,',emeno te a ai basaitbeu felig ailans cee bpropose hlm tas' me.rsbip. r clation ever sInco Atorney' Pope lu- rs ord oum'Oittea th» fie b u otys fei 111un isCa s a 04 tbe application ras beld P luist hemeeîit,'terestasi hlmself la the mavemolit l 804091 a519et Charles. let.làtfrom bhai pâaiasilocal doctors. op for saume thon, but ras acceptesi"A mueS ,sverworke<l curd, my oust Commissloner Orvia trom oàii. oeeCbbdP Jeinsas10ltsta &heau. Meliodr tefau, the Armaur estate after Mr.. Buckley brougbt bis Inlii- ,y - OcI oalgd ri uldPp' 19rm. JohnsonI apPearasi and Made a at Lala Forent, la hattar a amart lin PI« e gS Oi' b elles. *b u allie Plan- tsing toucb lu tatel,' ran gale, and »W es1 lauo hlm latbe lboneacf au a Ioda&e.The gales are aruate, cf oncle at Pittsburgh. Upos ber prom- 9reuch design, andi the lodge nu Seb u te do so the oourt sauunc@ esi Of arabotecture ta barmona irthi rauli uDotsud binOMu te St.the bouse. ut by a group of Nor- Charlas. ifl ts. Johnson latina temate nantipoplars aI the otrance hi the goosi ber promisé the orler 0ofcm. bouse grouads proper. nliti~ot ~~ChâanStesblis uSd. Pirve Oeasgirls, Ire of tbem bigi The motorcycle Oxcurion ta soel graduates lent June, bave made Bmith's Desteit aChbane" labeoun- application for position a, Oeaeva der the auspices cf HisgtiIbuot dI ntdber carriers, rhere a letter delîver,' Doulaslu Odur" fftè*001ýprOêt- service nil ho inaugurated on Octo- e< 1 to ea sucesul one lu avery ber 1. Thora la nothlng ln tho raies ceuse Thirty st doris la sampr., twihpoile ilo oa ramA0 d1 r l rod4b&b iabO morcycId rt thtie e«- being a ltter carrier unlus ac elt eePtloa O! Oas. rbo rose a Smtb marriesi. Geneva ls near Aurora. ro, hect .ttaUa,' James G. WI.h Wr ai-- N e S o e I à ad ~ 851t o Higlbld Pau* toda,' b, Io oa*rt ecck. Tics'.«va »srions iline« orbbigmothon, Ms a i labeis ado foliared Iàoe b, BpWc.Arn.Weleh. vile, sastayng etthte DIF W irePart a @~isdsib 'as a1ber sou, Attorney' John W.uns __ _ H I -~ -~---amoni 145%n"r orPs viAlcCe. L4;I NORTliCHICMO .drift baci $10M MIUS »I Fedorai EmpI@yO t MBgu a Il Besiegew . 1pIoist Becomféeei e Ct more tban one iundreim 0é lions for the peaiticu of "moules'of Uhe faml,'" of Jamnes W. PaniblIhi, a licHear,' count,' tarmer. rba Prom- ised te0 nill$10.0W0 ta the "ssiolc. tory gil," raem recaived b,' ithed" oral aemployienit bureau yectoedY. Girls and roman of IIAY &U yailes- rîlisin Use limita of 18 andi 40, LiOs b,' nr.Pautiaret andi fron mBit, ail railks la 11e, appîlesi. Thare were lettelS trom aurses, telephOne openfitors, sleaograpberl. raitreass. Cook@, domesîiclca ette"i f- M chi- cage sud f rom umearby,'towm "-withlna a eek,' sali Mart IL. Crartord, laslletor ln charge. 'I ta- poct ta 11e récelvial rOquca t fo Honolului." The apparenlYmoot Ptaflliigabl- Splicant wra a oman rho MMd sUe b ad th. most bea&utîfllda-ugtoerl ie wrnd-O yoarss diOho pisys set- oral musical instrumena5asd singa. v4m Im a qp ~z.. A -n- the Pa* are comparativelyfw ,g us whose memory cgýn <beyond thé days of-,tM )re, for it was established' more than 71 ye4rs ago. Not only has it served -the public long, -but it has served it faithfully and conscientiously;- it has stood for the highest principtes in store-keeping-forhonesty, r-1 tegrity and fair-dealing. It 1has been a GOOD store in every sense eof the word. ' Ëhovgh e Have Chan 'red the Naulé'- WeHave Not AItered Athe Princîp*Il Theyare steadfast.. We shall adhereto themrigid1y. We shaîl use them as a foundation upon which to build a greater and better store. We shiU endeavor to retain your confidence, your goodwvill-and your patronaO.ý We Shall Endeavorto, Make TkIs a More Helpful: SIte«% We shaîl try to make it a better place tb trade at; to improve the,'êr vice; to enlarge the stocks; to give you better merchandise-bettèr styles, and to offer the very best values possible. - In brief, this will be a BETTER store in the future. Rellable Prôgressive Suosossors te 6. R. Lion & Sois p Advertlsing MI lnforMoli the court 1hst b. ra not present 10 enter bis apjieslSfce ln the gaid cause. bocause b. ras unable to read Use notice sent hlm iY OrVIS. TIse malter ras i Blly &sjustd risen Judgo Edrardi aOtfiid AttOr- neye Orvl sund Ppe lthst à* ousi enter i&s eder ou the moOl for sý nwr trial ou Saturda,' Mval=l I11rant Il undteratoc4 thatL &Mar not appearing'as a teprfti1m teof th1e Ian Biri Of Cea -.aPpe ud ope ln Ibis mittet. ansi 1 do uat bear rhal Omvis bas tci say in 1h15 malter.' saisi Attorney' Pope. Fnlends of 1101h attorney's are wrr ried, and f eau tt UetentuaU,' a clash nwil come, Ihat ima,' have aa isi l su- 1ina. Horever, th elièerai public lb- e levés that botb men are "grand stand- lag" and lise peaco nu ha t estoresi lu th1e ranIs lione 1the close af the LEuropeaa rar. EFOR SALE-8-acre irnproved taim; nu imule a fine dair,' andl in lu hlgb stale of cuîtivatton for cota or polatoeis; rel locatasi.goosi sou sund substantiai homo. $4,500. Asidres )orner. !. N. French, Waapaca, Wisa. R. No. 4- nkly Truth