Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Aug 1915, p. 12

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.WRZÀCAN CJII~F'S I I~AUt~HT*~R 1W U. 8. PLACE IN TE LIN Linotype Operator Prepares to Return to Europe ta Take *j His Chum's Place. HE FEELS IT IS HIS DUTY. JohnnWoodfora F Must Retaliate.f His Dear1 WEBSTER SCOTT STARTSAene to o SUIT FOR $1 0,000 DAM- I* A«ES AGAINST HENRY wien John Noo WEYER, A WASHINGTOPi'Word , ...Cae t i.earesnfJ, STR~T GRCER-T ~Sj' cuin.connected witli REOTED THAT HE*WILL L i"eo trafimi contingents. CHARGE WEYER ALIEN- ln biauîe at the Dar ATED t4IS WWE'S AFFECT- b is duty very elearly. IONS-WEYER MAKES A turu teoAustralla, en] COMPLETE DENIAL AND n Iforfeet SAYS IT IS MERELY A manda that he step CASE 0FBLACKMAIL. Na wAgei, i te &ulk left open by CaPtain ge1,1111a" udhr father Wlm until a esidies this. the Waukegan. Aug. 4. !shrt ilbéaie GeOral VIa's ChWo Lusitania and a deeir Heni Weyer, Weil U<iowf West "Of ardll-oy. For thie Pest fow mouluts 1spot when se many of Waahington eh set aocer, -os :the A11190111111f*litY have bMu in the 'are putting up) such made defondardt1U1ta8sit for $10,- ,Unlted States, *bere the. general han, against the Turks. w o0 u Md uapkmhUisla Circuit bout -v.kin foi' the VÜia caiti. decid4nghi. cou.... Rrter ~ o et tiy'b mm-deaWoodlord ia a 1h01t biliard hliuon' WiÏgton streot. the Sun. As a resuli P .gro .nds. resoleiv ebs le fMeroly théb.f p.e o f the.suit ti AfietI :IIwsgn' e evry fourhltb is e as gvenA vWe i. &bt in.irY ring@ ouI b'ock t- lbis hidrenrture. Atfe th mtme t«80 ailM liethe hi. ade auJyutb for eek he viii board a tiowi. tt et iit ea e tt Undî...,îu id ii pnygojnSan Francisco. On probbliiy vii chrgethatW~- i>!1i .of s lik nid steel.tint] or silenalsd thi leti1«@ of hisgent men twalked ugi and down ber wl!! board an transi wlfq. The Mauit flld ,b>y At. ,ret. xî mlit cmîiits. and ber beaýtb Probabiy the Ventura, torneoyJamu 0 . loIi. bloOri] ii t theorations or Ucines- for Sydney, ÂAytra!lý tL'cncs andl le eusanys otf lato and the voyage wii laet about I amn not rugeras 10main iy marbiem of hilis. Juata.n as I statement &a> te viat v. shah set. the race ani thie body began te de- Wloiford vas ber tempt to prove" Mr. Woeh aaid thia teriorate Atmemîs 'vent te Pleces. Tihis T or, Queensland,. oft«rnoem I cnnt sy t hi ' s bec". tte tory, *!acs,.of Ephesua hu been ln the ljnited ~. .îvi~~* ~ nmiCori iith and Venice. - Neweii gears. lerred againet lMr. 'Weye. 1 do net Dwigbt Il _____j uinIbseaiiby "o e the i.declaration imetthng Wova one of bis closest forth a tatemet of the. ease wW b..o Md Joined Ut. beeaume inseparabie c 11110&»"Ame Yeu 1:0191Ztejeloite bock te anc vent the ther w Am effort tb sec Mr. Scot, or "Scot-te tarinmovement ,"1 1te be teund. Tbey4 typ as h. le Umore ami!iau!y kievi, "I joined that yeas go.1" theulit more of eacb mu mwsoesifU .A, reporter oeil- "But get ired oft il" been brothers. *4dMýtbe cotthomebut he D&W JfNMarI I sîil bave my bock te the' - telate mm0111114110 bpiatet i.iZ* P*5W clus,. As they grev ta mai aUmomme W"v a iven by Mùa vife tiiat bout! affection grew »,Wu a ; pothipsrid te ma.. anci. 141er tody.i l s erbe m he h hl =ider th *-mire o a 11 cian. It le iqSdlie ina r«hmad' itb aàu»r. vm ua bgdvwa. ifflScott - ilIumS tdianieithesuit and rP.orI«P CI L mi question 1MX to erhuaheudsat-S E I oeierf i o me Xs Ml vi-. Ail-W Skg ts f ft [ d~ adtf ne<1.tlabe- new m dels, at 0 ~ sd t eralgbteui out the ac- léà vitiient bavng lt taken into -The charges asaint me in Co n- Aîetoî vith lmma.Scott ane positive- h l ridtculonansd vithont fe1ndatioî Su tact," Mr. -Weyer declarod today. 'van vWr, et a bua1nea" nature-no -_________ thing more. la nxy opinion ft la mors- a Ca» O'O blocau£May.j 'l vl! sMy tlitmaI ln. ott both, Uspd *me eoaaierbly by tollovig me b«Sdri " a l ing ns G. B. Watrous & Soqg thbe ephae iOv or six turnes a dey!r.. .,. .t- viien thor. a àn ns, afer lit. I Co seuntywe mra. c «lVer enîcraged ber, bovever, and Children's Wearnuv Ap OnlY treai ber ceurtelusly, the.b "n i Mdq m ohr cantoatsmotsupno s"n M old ariy oSther l.they know that our stoc Me Up q" tke telePhone avd ashkedi. 10e t go te bis home. Net knoig u théti ete. sda ýit an luppéer room 01the lieuse aiI Wkshingtbu street and loqked th' vl .40or. The a h started te caîl me Surmfr Suits, val.. b" snaine and naid 1 ha'! Iteen i- Utiiaat vitk wite. 110 snid that UrCS. toi 12.00' agées1 -mugive Ilm 1,000 thsaI h. vould expose me andstart a suit- - ____- -* - 1 ws n44« f nywroxis nd Lot 2, Suit Values impmmltvly voufDot iive hlm tf 111,117hung as uh& tpmey. I nid 1 to 22- ba" ao0hhin tcoadeal and darod hlm ____________________ 80 aheai vlth hM bluff. I ovon 'ofered te accompasi hlm te the po. Petti:- ats, fine lice statlout sd ve Uta se. "I cat timeue vhat prompted mus ,5c & values3 90elt to irt such a suit acai#t e3 2 but Witt gy that 1 hava several vit-I BernesWho vMIIshow boy Ma.Scotta.sIblBS b"Il arounMO m te iistore, bowy O e lY -dbgs 111110 ile«A Yand olp1ne 2.00 e nd 2.50 .rae ber Uic loet encouragement.". Values ...... ...... 9 8 Mfr- WeDYer dded Liai On MondayLa es .W4 st àterMos ho mcived a notice frein La it S iIrt W i9 c acPB tose WOintemg hlm that vle 2 If l b.sii e t de . tft seefore regular 75c ale 8 dVelockTundyar aternea tuat a 2 9 MMi W-o11 0S tarted agairet jm. * leired t0bytisaIthe cale bad W'M«rey bs itaac Abrn1.:lî Feels That lie for Death of Friend. L OI, po ail Voler frein hencefotSm a4patir lo: $teel sa" WireCc O , by ef"mascemrs thal 1Ilght knov yen. vhcm tbey are emploied.-Inpalham ~ ~'.il a"y mai lg stupld omough tte vant tormerli vas omp"in uthe, Wau- ~fi~ J~J AJ~ t il he idustrIes et Ainerica hbe àaitplant eof.te Ainrieu St81.0 FOI a~PItES. IN 1%6 bhaseniy te vote the Democratietltik-and WIre Company7. He bas inau HtlmMUT FouNoD DAD, et to do it. Our porty ta not big friende bore. ienough teoed a Proatldent yet, but 'lb. davice #g one that la & S'est William Houeffyer. age 80 ycartt I verseer of ZMon le Dlsgusted It1 i g la Bueiubhto lufluence tbem, Improventenî over thc anneallug fur'- vbebaallv4 te iteet raîuie With the 'Pro$perity' Which and may Ced hl sU oS. ng o u s o b teuls on Uic Henry Herman tarin es, o the Nation Now Has. 1'"nie Demecratie party la ton stx. aid til'a "oo»kded vcry' probable I -Pid te hc capableofet ky national that thig type et turnace viii ho Si-, Dtamnond Laits, was fouid dea'Iain1odan uh ob trlanpe-sll atelcl " ilaad bed by Henry ',Hrmon, ovier ef theu DO WIE 'AGAIN DEMOCRACY gooadegtt outryadpr tUdl h oa llt tl i petually aîibitat.d. 1 do net mes, that by the une et te turnaeo thO tern ladsa" ohn uebe, illge'the annihlatli oofthe people. 1 meai auality of vire ha Improved and et tarnal l fids, aid Jo nabli, vilag Voliva Quates Dowie on Demo- the annihilionofethtie parby." lb th e m iSme a grit deal ef labor o'clock this <Tbursday) mernlng. cracy and Says He Wili Stick -le. gave&. IEvideicea et violent sckiess feun'! to the Rpulcas -"'À IRi N hthr'nrai adLyc sl tl- te. bedroosu Iaci. triends te tear N p WAUKIpaint ou i d Lytu he seel dm that ho <ied et peisonIig. Wbethmer Vliva ani.d bis people intcten d o 1N>I1py or vhotber tbey receivo a ToY- i aken witb suicidai Intent or admin- al hi their power toeloect a Reý,Pub, MAN INV_______________ iatored hy a "bond of niurder" 1la allie" President ncit year. The Mionbi-CI Iquestion vhicb may neyer bc solv4o. 1N IR UR À E -i people arc praetically ail Thecs-.ratig, but neit te The, cracy and until siîeh aid Pytitla trlendshliî. Walsh be-ijtime as Theccracy boldo svay they, Accordiig te word recelycd fromt -ame Intcrestedi n the army and are going te back up the Itopublicen Washington a patent bas just boim Sohnod, tho 'mlîtia. Hoesson becaune party vlth every possible vote andi £ratedl te Fred Ingrabain sd Daniel captafi. Whcn tbc European var intenest Lych, both ot Jollet, "t a ci seauOMM. broke eut Walshi volunteercd for ser- vice, and vaasan flgbting IS. the Vliva assailed te Preseit much-...... Dmrdsitelleo. la the meantime waod- diacaîsed prospçrlty as a more stan. lord hadt corne t the Unitedi States. We bave a beautifqj proaperlty, have- il,, vt e?" aaid Voliva ln dinguit. "We Wooitord isse luat receivcdl a 1e- have tactorles uanufacturing vcap- tcr writtei by William Walsh telllig ens ot deat to te datroy huinaxifty. of the doath of bis brother. The1 Thot Sa vhat you oeil proaperity.Ai Informiaion received hy Walsh ha% «'I vînt ta tell yeu that there viii A been receivedl by cable and the de- ho ne rosi prosperity and the tinies talle vene very uneager. It simply j iii not ho botter until ttceflepub- naid Captain Walsh had been killeti lican party Ue returned te Waahlr- J eM r h n r c la action. William Walsh resîdes h iton. There Us alwiys poverty aid 20 Ibs. Eaatern Cane Sugar----------------......$100 Cioicunry, Queensland, Austraie. I bord tlunes undci' a Desnocratic ad- lTe neye carneas a sboc*( te WeoU- miisàtratlou. Wb lu zM ionvi e ( fh.ey 15 rceyo5« fo' tord. Wttsout e'Ssidering the bord-t u t that lte Repuitllcaaparty gotas ships aid dangers ot such a course every alistaice possible et the noxi We Have a Car on Track of Faucy Alberta Peh, b. dec id unimediately that duty gonoral election. There cai ho ne deumane t ho go homeanid ji prosperity until the Itepublicans are bu ........................ 1........$1,.w tbe fordqgbla country. I-He vent ln Power.' tobCicago,. M erebesaw lte Brit- lob consul aud, sought te tender bis Davie vas strongly epposed te Dem- WANTED-AU the Otrictly Fmeh OSg ilo ake Couuty. services. But that officai retused acratlecaloe. on December 20, 1903, 1 W lPy2t t discute the matter. expWlig.,that ho dellvered an addresat ShiIoh Wilpy2c auth vas regaided as a violation ef Tabernacle lnZUon City, Sinviticli iceutraia. Noe viaited other torelgi ho stated that tb. Democratie Party Aise Good Potatoes. Wil pay, per bu. 40c. oISlais but vfth the sanie resuit. hrought lnliseUr "asfe polît,, ai Me then declded te go ta Australta trado and shut up the factorise, Sbrew Higheut Cash Price Paid for Old Ray, Bas-loy, 0O utis Md ad joi the torces of bis native caun- the workig mon aut et employnti itonsaîtis aid ten ot thouaaids. Wheat. banisbed capital trom the country,1 Theretoe,. ho! git -'-Sydney. and neduced the nation te beggary. go- Austiajia. He expecta te be' aebtte ig about tryiig te sell Ste bouda b PHONE8 196 A» 197. Egypt tInIe trained vith ether ne- live aid carry an t. business with ýcruîts. He neyer ha@ baU milltany ls Ihai Uic glaraiteed geld depea- g" R ' E Y u L V service, and gays he doubta f be t Sin bthe aaeury agalumblits notes. C , .CH A N I ~ I1 T & B EflI<LJ could ahoot a li nov, lMe does'ibàt "If you are stupid eiough.'l'oaid kiov vhcre bAmv IIl ho sent aller, ho Dovie on that acaiieî, "t vote the --. . ha. recctved the nocesmary traiing. Democuatic ticket may lime Lord have, t.' r Store SPECIALI he.-ii -r ttItz err S oreBystwaists, regu-, lfl ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ 50e values at W have taken over the 1clm af this store, and wiII take possession within thrc weeks. clearout the, balance of this stock, consisting of Ladies' Suits, Coats, Waists, Sweaters, ýparel, etc. Ms et out s0 Watrous may corne in, hence the biggest, the best, the us bargains ever offered the public. eople from miles around wiIl attend this sale because ck i.s clean, and everything la just as advertised. In a majority of cases your dollar will amouait. Corne, hurry, let nothing keep you away, nothling reserved, firt here gets flrst cholce Children's Long Petticoats, 35C value ....... ....... . 19ic Corduroy Cips, 1.00 values, go at AOC French Oatrich f1 Children's Drawers, 1 Boas, great value a8il sizes, 1 5e values, Corsets, well mad e, j Me and 7,5.- valuesq- Coverali Aprons, extra heavy; 65c value............. 35c, Handker4ids, 4 to îLadies'Waslh e , t h iktr ____ c50C195c11.% a customfr, each » lenRth, pça JI~U lale....... o7'Knee Pants0. . 2 9c alsieregular75~O values at ............. BoudoirCaps, Our regular 50c values S"crt,- wool serge, special value, at 19< Wash SkIats, val- espto 2,09, W Sprlng Coat~,pi MRaralough - Ruffa, au'r t__A -4.00 values go at £ - I p i b p b p r -. (N. -~ - --- --- ------- 1-1- lif-88--j r,ý ,Mntaqp IPI l9c 14-9 à 71- -ý --

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