Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Aug 1915, p. 2

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W. lave ad Iap.SÉVofeLADDERS e!y krngth HAY TIME SALT ONE DOLLAR One ta a customer SCREEN DOORS Al sizea Ready ta hang Sure catch with each door NOW IS A GOOD TIME. TG SIIINGLIE ALL YOUR- BUILDINGS LIRTI VLLE LUR (O. Down by thea Old D.pot. Beau thare 20 ye&ma Phone 47 X.A Bishop, Mgi *oeeo@@**oooo*** T. o D «tr and 0s kreo f 0 klGHTING FIXTURES We alan have a complete platina plant for relinlshlnoe AUTOMOWI.E PARTS TAULE WARE STOVE PARTS b W"A me IATHROOM TiNmaNGS SILVER PLATING0 lUCRE. LATREG I CA LATNO COPPER PLATING GWIE1A PLTIN DLCK R HMTEENAMELING Show-room and factory Seond and Orchard etroot.c I!LRONE 58 LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS oUMBER FEED and COAL SrALT TILE LIME, BRICK -EWER PIPEmu W.F. FRANZEN, JR. atophon. No. 50 LibertyvMle, Iliinois1 LAT EAT EAT Tii! LYRIC RESTAURANT The beut pkS inl town to eat. You oan- flot entoy Id1e unle you eat at the L Y R1C LIONE Bull, Prop. Special Sunday DJnners -ms----------- Hlaying Machinery Deeriag end McCormick Mowers end Rakes. Osborne end Dain Sie Deliverg Rakes. Kegstone end Dain Loaders. ROPÉ. CARRIERS. !ORKS, ETC. GOOD STOCK Schanck Hardware Company Libertyvl. mi .C~b rtv ;e4YiMs- T o iaure publication ln the indepen- dont. copy must be ln the office no Intere than Tueadav of oaci' week. Adver-h tisers, aapecialiy are aked to talke particular notice to this affect, 1 Addional Local News en Page 4 llwl Mie Mary Raam reiurnad ta ber borne haro lest Friday aveniug a9ter s îwa mautha viil wlth ber graudmother, Lira. Mary A. Collin@ sud sistar, Darothy, ai Elgin. Lira. G. B. Char.i ai Austin. visited irorn Friday lu Suuday et the Ncholas borne. Bar eau, George Who had @peut a wsek there aiea, returned tu bis borne flaturday. S. D. Nelson returned Tueeday eveulug front the West where ha bas beau traval- ng for the past six weais. Be t-lelted bath expoeitians sud iook s trip into Old Mexico. Lre. Leonard Visser ofl Bollend, M ich., spent s part of lest wsek et the hanme 0i bar cousin, Wm. Decier. Lira. Lillian Bouma sund daughter ai North Chcago ware guesete t the Dckar home avar the week-end. MIss Helen Koholsansd ber eidter, Mr@. Harry Rogers ai NCw York Ciy, have returned fron, their tbras weis trip lu superlar, Wis. lira. Rogers willi rernaîn haro for e riait wltb ber sunt, Mra. Matile Du Bais. F. W. Crali le building a uaw fsrrn bouse au bis acre@, salou addition ta, bis preut homastead juet eesî ai Ubertyville on the Tlegrsph rani. Cotrector Thomes E. Corlatt ha, charge of botb jobs. Mir. aud LMr@. C. F. Wrght aud dangh- ter, Lilns elen aud Mrs. Roy F. Wrighti snd daugbîar 11111e Helen Esther, started Mauday on a motar trip to Laie Kegonsa, Wl., where tbey expet to'ha gonea e ek or tan daye. Êd McCrmlek eseteliahed a record for hlrnsell Suuday a e o ai pigeon ehoot held on the local fair grounda. Iu a conteet triai McCorrnick broie 99 ont of the 100 birdseboli frorn the Irep, sud lu praclica 25 fran, the 25 tbrowu. The recard la a line ana for su amateur Cotrector Thomae Coriett la erectIng e bg barn on the Foliy Farm owued by R. B. I)onuelly, the Chicago puhiiser, the farrn heiug liated juet eust oi towu. The barn wili ha 84x80 sud le beiug hut almost eutIrely of tile sud caucrete sud the total costaof thie uew building Ms setimated at irorn sevan ta aigbî thon. ssnd dollars. A caeof ai grls ai tbe Preebyterisu Sunday echool. have pickad out s baby et the Laie Bluff orphausge, whlcb they help ta support sud for whlch they buy clathlng. tue utile toi. Elizabeth. la beug entertaind l the homes i the * the Sunehine Club" aud taie lbe place of s motbetin the tiuy baby'. beartInl the selectioandmkn fbreob sulzât a ald thrnahiao braches i o o o o o o * w o o o o o o o o o i o o O o i o e o i O r,. Howard Flsgg wes an Antiocb visitor Sunday. Carence Boud of Chcago, @petit Sun- day at bis borne bere. Mirs. E. E. Ellswortb sud @ou Mark ware Antloch viators Sunday. Tb@ W. C. T. U. will meet wl th Mrs. Nttie Waich on Tuesday, Aug. 10. Suparvisor Chamse Wbb and wiie ai Autioch, were Lihartyville visîtors Mou- day. Mr@. Maron Bubbard of Harvard, la visiting ber sou E. D. Hnbbard and famliy. Brt Langil0f Evauston, spant Sun- day wlth bi@ uncle, Wm. Deeker aud famlly. My. sud Mrs. Ed Budloug of Chicago, were the guaste of My. sud Mre. G. C. Gridisy on Suudsy. A number of Liberty ville peopleatatend- 'ed s performance aI Ravinia Thursdsy Dighit 01 lest weei. Mise Bestrica Carr vlited witb friande lu Maàdison, Wl,., from Thulraday oi lest weai to Sunday of ibis. Misa Juna MeCiain relururd to ber home lu Elgin Tueaday alter spending two weeiesaitbe home oi W. S. McCiaîn. Lire. Frances Clby sud danghter Miss Mdargaret eitendad thea snnaIfashion show lu Midway Garden, Chcago, an Wednesday. The M. E. liunday echool picute, whlch was set for lest weei Thnrsday wili ha hld this we FrIday Il the weatbar on that day la good. The 1ev. Gardiner MacWhorter oi St. Cryaotom'e chnrch, Chcago, wiii affilata sit alilservicese lu St. Lawrence'e chureh naxt Sunday rnorning. Mir and %frg. W. B Fowl- r laIset ,Thuý%.dy lrsà top tu iiauzglun Bay ou the steamer "North Amrîcan." They expect ta returu the latter part of thie 0" Jlqý The Misses Helen aud Kata Carrol autertained âet s lawu parîy Bt tbair home lest Saturdey eveuluzr. The sf1 ai r startad out to ha e birtbday perty but provad to ha lu bonor ut a bride sud groom. Mr. sud Mr&. Leilie E. Warren. before the oieeng wes over. Dainty reiresbments were served. Ed Lyncb, the former mail carrier un rural route two from the Libertyville poetoffice whicb was aboliolied, by the Govarurnt Poétoffice Dartrnt Auguai lirai weut to tri' out e new position as rural carrier front the flummitî, 111., poaiofilce on Suaday sud made bis trip in the uew îerritory Mon- dsy rnornlug. The Misses Llah McCormick, Ruth Taylor sud Greee Bnitarlield left on Tueeday for Columbus, Mont., where theY plan to spend thyse weeke with the W. M. Heatb sud other former Liberty- ville farnilles. The Misse@ Taylor sud 13uttarfiaid are baving vacation@ f rom thair work ai the Shaidon Schaai, Chics- go, sud Miss@LcCormick from Lyou sud Hieeil's, Chicago. The ire daparîrnent repouded to s cal] fron, the home of Leonard Maumen an Slecond sîreat Satnrday morng had beau flild wilh smaie coing from the furnece. Lira. Maumean was burning up aid papers Iu the furnace when s- chimnay boisestopper lu une of the second seorY roome blew out, wiîh the rauli thet the entira bouse waefillled witb emoka. Fortyv-ona membera ,g1 the local] order of Myotic Workers, attended tha InItia- tion of e clsm of naw members ai the IvaBb Camp ai that place lest Thurs. day avaning. Tha pariy went toi vsnboe lu busses, it bing impossible to get tbrougb wiib automobiles on account of the coundillous of the ruade caueed by the haavy rein. The Libertyville Initiation teaum did the work ou thei candidates. IAMIED wr TUUES>AY Friands of Miss Aniber E. Colby aund I.oslie E. Warren wereastonhshed to read la the Daily Sun of lest Frlday evenlng of their procuring à marriage license la Chicago laie Thunsday alternooD. The Young peupîle ot bere for Chicago on thea threa o'clock train Tbnrsday aiternoon, secured a licensa et the Cook county courb bousie end were married st six1 o'clock lu the Firet MIethodist Epiecopal churchbbY the 1ev. Wm. MeCaflea. That tbeY are married la notthe estonishmeut, for thay bave boeen kaepiniz compauy for gaverai Years, but al 0of their friends hava beau looking forward toae large wedding. The Young couple say that tneir dialike for weddings led tbam ta elope au Lir. Wrrn's parents were planning a large one for ber this feul. Miss Coiby la the deughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Colby of tbis place, and 14 well liked by a&l who know ber, tbefem- Dly living ber@ and on their ferm north of Libertyvilla, ait of ber lif@. She laàarn. ployed as lerk et the W. W. Carroll nortb store, wblcb position sh@ wiil etih bold. Mr. Warren la the son of liy.. George Cooper aud is e graduale of the local high sehool of the claes 1912. He le studying to be a pbar.naeist, heving teken aue Yserart the Northwesern1 Pbarrnacy sehool, and le employed et the Maîrnan drug store in Weukegau, duriug the entmer r nthe. Mr. and Mr@. Warren wili malle their home with the bride'@ parents sud are planning ta go ta housakeepiug next âprlng. L. L SCHWA1TfZENBEII DIES IN CAUFORNIA Edward L. Schwauîzenberg, who up to J'lx Munthea ego.hied maeahis borne With his grandparents, My. and INy,. Fred Rutzen, on their farrn north of town, died nt the home of hi, brother, Tony, lu LosAngelem, Cal., lest week Wadnesday and waa buried lu th&% city on Fnidey. He wes e victIl of tuber- cuotie, beviug gone Io Clifornia ln Jésnuerv lu au effort to curb the diseae. My. lichwartzenberg wae born Feh. 20, 1 >892, bcth bis mothar aud father dying sorna yaarsa go. Ha wes e gradusie of the Blgb Scbool bère, aitar whicb was apiointed clark lu the local poat office, receiviug the appolulmeut from t'oet- mestar Tsylcr'e fathar, C. W. Taylor, wha wae pooatmsster et ihat tirne, sud whlch position ha beldi until hie trausier ta a poat office lu LoeAngeles, which ha W bich ha racived lest January, oing to Clifarnia the uinth day of that month. Ha worked lu the pont office her@ be- tweu s@ixsud seven yeas, aud wae highlj, racommanded and ihaugbe of by goverument officiais, receiviug thea sp poiutrnut of civil service examiner for the district sone îwo year before hie transfar. Shortly altar ha arrjçed lu Caifornîs tha disea@e frurn which he vwa iaared to ha sufferiug, came upon him, sud ha was talien tb e sutsrinm, at whieb Žace ha stsyedutil ehortiy belore hie deaah, returniug to the home ot b!@ brother. Re wes weii known to the Young people here sud thea nawe ut hie desth bringe regret tu ma y. for hie charactar wss more ibsu exeul plsry. Besides the oua brother Tony, iwu brother, sud one @fêter baviug died befora hlm, ha leaves hi, aged grand- parentesud several aunts aud cousin,. fia was a mamber of ibe Germen Lutheren church having joinad with that faithiaI an early âea. l'OTATOES'-Onions. Carrots, Beete, TuruIps, Cebbege. B3eens, Cucumbare, eud ather Vegtabias. Aiso appies sud other truit. At right pcs Inlerdl Libertyville. F. W. Schliiker, Phone 286-R. 45tf indtpeadent sOs-resi by 26.000. VEGETABLES I IfRUITS CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 30 SMEATS I Libertyvilie, 111. MILLINERY at ON1E-IALF PRICE DURING JJLY and AUGUSI Att OUR SUMMER MIATS wili be SOLD BELOW COSI. No exception. Get your new hat now et HALF regular pric.. A large aseortment, tha cary lstoat styles. UNDERWEAR, WhISTS, GLOVES, HOSIERY ANI) NOTIONS AT LOW PRICES.:-:: PARISIÂNA CORSETS $1.00 TO $3.00 :. A. W. LINDROTH USERT'YVUJIE, ILUNOIS -TIhe Proof of the Pudding is in the EBating." The Inde- pendent's Classified Ad@ have been proven by hundreds of matisfied customers. Ask any user of these littie saleosmen. VERY SPECIAL PRICES -ON Ginuehaw, Satine and mus1in Pticomats- .Stripe Petticoats, the usual 50c, at- $.35 Satine Petticoatsdark colors and black $1, at .68 Muslin Petticoats, 50c, 75c, 89c, $1, $1.259 1.75 My. sud Mv,. IRobert Montgomery, who bad beau visitlng witb Mr. sud Mr@.1 J. B. Haerinyn. rsturned ta their home0 lu Wysnet, Ili., lest Saturdsy. My.t Motgamery, Ik will ha ramnemhered heda two ribe broken whsn ha waa ibrownr ont of the buiggy lu whIchbehawltb hie wie sud bdir. Baberioru ware drlvlng tu Lihartyville on Wadunday ai taroon of lest waai. Sinca tbe accident il bas beau learned thst tMr. Bahaor, wbo waé drlviug, jumped iran, the buggy juet the marnant the homse whseled around sud succeeding Ir tbrawiug the horne, whlcb act probsbiy svrd Mr, sud Mrst Montgomery from more notion@ Injurie@ se bath were pinned under the ovar- turued buggy. Thirteen local chafleurs s;piied for at licansa balaya two representativa, of Wrn. B. Dillon, $bâte Chiai Cbsflenr Examiner af Chirago, lu the office of Village Marehall Liîmberry Tbursday aiternoon of lest week. Those takiugt the exarinalion were: Jos. Smith, Esylc Lovelaud, J. N. Bernard, Chao. Bernard,t A. C. Rea; Heury Helfar, N. R. Ladd,L Gea. Hoag, Ernest Brown, Henry Ltch- field sud Henry Zuliug. The coat of the liconse fea wes t-, sud ail applicauts wbo took the examinatian wera request- I ed lu fnrnieb tbree references sud îo tbrse photographe beforeas ilceuse be issuad. The examinerq, W. J. Morganu sud R. J. I)wyer, cammenied ou thea appearsuce of ounr village lu general, aaylng thay ware deighted in saeing eucb eail iept Street». Quite s number from hars aîteuded the Sunsmer Sehool play 'At the Court of Are&" given ou A. F. ISbldon'@ lawu Tbnriday eveuing of lest weei. The pîsylet wes aiipposed ta ha e dream of Lire. Anus Sheldon) wbo wrote it. h couisted of iwo acte sud was particl- peled lu by a large number ai peoplem soins of wbom wara of the Somtmer fichool studeuts but the moet of tbern ware from Ares. A Stage settiug had haen arrauged ou the lewn lu front of tbe reuldeuce sud seversi heautiful scenes were errauged under the mauy calored lighte of e spot light. The prettlest of these was asoelection onuharbsrp hy Mie Helen Shldon, who played the good nigbt sang ta the iired uittle waudarars who had coma tu the -Wooda aif00041 Cheer." The sommer echool which issun annuel evaut Bt Areas.holdo sane sort of festivIîy at-ery sea@on, s diversion for the atudents. NOTIC',ý-All persone are herahy noli. lied that the practice ai driving over laads ai lire buse when ld acroe the atreat muet hae toppad. Auyana violat- lug ibis roie will be arrested. D. E. Limibrry, Village Lisyshail. Libertyvîliereldauta deelriug e pleau, aaiapotforspeuding their vacation or for week-end auto, trips will maie no mis take lu selatinig Allen Farm Raesait ou Gagas Lake se Ihlrdetiueîiou. Pieuty i ofrooni. iots oi waado, e good neach with diving raft; welT, bonchas, table@,, etc., for cami*ra or pienckrs couvent. sue. lipecial dinuere ta order or regar meale served ai Ihouse. "You'Illorn bemek.'" Allen Fari esart. F05 Ofice Grayalaka il. F. i). Pholie 15-H-2. ci1 - - 1.75 '- ;ii-..-- D. u ICO ori &NeRA.ISIAC Phono 15-R "MNUtO! OFTHE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEWP Good Renaon Why You Should Do Your Business At This Bank It is the oldest bank in Libertyville. Organized 18943. It ù'has a Capital, Surplus and Stockholder's Lia- bility of $ 12 5,90 00.0 0 It appreciates the business of the smoill depositor, of - fers ample security and expece to render prompt, efficient and courteous service in roturn for your businees. Lake County National Bank CapitaL. Surplus and Profitse 10,00.00 Total Eesourooi, -750,000.00 I$iOOREWARD New line Kimonas, just in- WiII pay $ 100 to ong Mlousewife who con give one single logical rea- son WIIY the Bread made with filthy lake water should be better thon the Bread made with good clean wefl M» ami 1 Elitabetii le calied ne isonthine Baby. 1water. e - . 1 GROCERIES 1

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