Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Aug 1915, p. 4

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Waukegae Weekly Sun_ OfficeTolophone Number 1, Libertyville Exchange. M th a l. Postoffice at Libertyville, Ill, me Second Ci&@s Mail Mater Officiai Paper for 1-1,k Counly. Iegs= very Friday. Advertieing Rate@ Made Kuowu on Application. SU8OIPTON RIC.0S.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANC1 W. J. SMITH ...----------.......- .................................................... Edt r . iWEBER-------------------------...............Resident Manager, Phone 169-J BHOULD) CAPITAL PUNISHMNT BE DONE AWAY WITH? With the terrible murder in Joliet penitentiary still fr-esh ini the minds of the public, the two news items given below cannot help but cause readers to stop and ponder over the question: SHOULD capital punisbment be done away with? CONVICT KILLS ANOTHER WO. BURN NEGRO; MOB CHEERS. MAN. Temple, Texas, JuIy 31.-Will Murphysboro, Ill., July 30.-Mrs. Stanley, a negro arrested for mur- James H. Martin, wife of a pros- derfng titres eblldren Weduesday 1 perois attorney bers, vas MUr- nlgbt, was talcen from jail at mid- dered witb an ai at 2 clock this night and burned ou the publie eflernoon, payiug witb ber tifs for square In the presence of bon- ebarlty and taith In the "bonor" dreds of men, women, boys aud of s convict. girls, n-ho cheered as the vicîim Trembling and whining In a was enveloped in dlames. cioset in the room wbere ber mu- The crime for which Stanley tllated body lay was tound Je1est bis ]lite vas tbe slayiug of Deberry. a negro thief, paroled three children, a criminal sntack from the Pontiac reformatory on their mothet snd the wound- througb the kindly Influence of ing ut their fatber. Mrs. Martin, an "bonor man". in Wednesday uigbt tbe negro en- lte prison and an "bonor man" tered the bouse of W. R. Grimes in the domestic employ ofthte snd witb a combination spikernaul Martins since bis release. Deberry sud rail cutter beat the childrau vas haIt clotbed and bait crazed. te deatb, attscked tbeir ftîer Mrs. Mar-tin procored the re- and moîber. Neitber Grimes nor 1a. of Deberry from Pontiac siob- bis vite bave recovered sufficient- sequent te tbe crime wbicb coBt ly te give an account of the at- the lite of lMrs. Allen at Joliet. tair. Grimi stilil lu a semi- Deberrys original miedeed, the conslcon. state. aud bis wife la theftlof a dlamond ring, bad been in a crifical condition. committed lu tbe Marlin borne The scene on the vell lighted and Mr. Marin had pereonaily public square vas speclaculer. prosecuted tbe negro. The streets were filled wltb ped- Mrs. Martin's beart softeued estrians and automobiles loaded and she gained lbe consent snd vith fascinated olookers. Trees ass"tance ot ber influential bus- were filled vitb boys, white scat- band te procure Deberrys parole. tered througb tbe Ibrongs vere On bis release site exected from maiiy young girls. bim promises of good conduct snd Wben Stanley vas cast Ib te religions observances sud estab- dasmes be struggled te escape, Ilihedlmr as a bouse servant, but vas repeatedly shoved back. Ber neigbbors protesled Ini vain. Several men sald Stanley con- ln Deberrys roote a deputy fesoed he did lte killing, dlaim- éherif found a bloody shirt snd lug he bad been hired te do lte overalls. Over tvo stories sud deed. He begged te live long dowu a filght of stairs. to vbere enough te tlliiail about It, but is lte body lay, a trial of blood sud iillleed confession wu. al suffi- lupeet furiture gave evideuce o! dient for those around. the fightI Mrs. Martin bad made for ber hotter sud for ber ite.1 Ber skul bad beeu hacked tbrougb. Rer forearma ver. broken sud lacerated trom eibov f0 wrist. Rer right band vas spllt tbrougb tbe palte sud a fiu- gsi vws dt off the left baud. SHOULD capital punishment be done away witb? If it vas generaily abandoned tbroughout thbe land, viat vould put fear into the hearta of thse atrocious mur- d«m? sl it flot a fact that their own fear of deatb bolds back M~ore* murderers' crimes than if they merely faced imprlsonment? Read about thie two crimes above mentioned, and then uisver the question yourself. ADERETIBE IN NEWSPAPERS. Nevapaper advertislng is one of the. biggest factors for succesa in the clotblng business, according ta Henry C. Lytton, presldent of the Hub store, Chicago. C,"To the clothing merchantI especially comniend ne-wz- paper advertlsing," sad Mr. Lytton. I"Ând advertlse the truth. It pays. Pive per càt of the amount of total gros sales la Rot too much to spend in advertising. 1 Âdvertising la to busines hat steam in to commerce. "I believe ln honest advertising. A merchant cannot afford te, gain a buyer who does flot become a customer. "Advertising snd persistence la the. only 'luck' that ever brings succeas to a business man. "lKe.p your mam before the. public in every possible Way. Elghty per cent of your advertislng appropriation abould b. spent in newapaper advertlslng. It has brought suoceus te every enteérprise that bas been brought before têtepublie. 9 a Unele Sam la retrencblng to such an extent in tihe rural deliery ervin Lake county that not only are many lsa.nto bs.teir jobs, but the. general efficiency of the -af umtService la sure to be hampered. 'The publie general- ly tpe country viil ot forget that tuis radical retrench- Ment inluâi service vas flot made viien the Republicans w. in pover. If it vasnt! necessary then, if extensions Instead were being made then, wiiy is it a necessity nov? The movement launcbed in Wa.ukegan viiere the es- tati.of dead rich men are to be investlgated and efforts made te recover for the county its share of taxes on prop- oety wblch they did flot lst vhen they vere living, vill vnmmost important and llkely wil bring hundreds of luU ito the. county exchequer. For instance, lu the * Wclard Sars jtate, although he was a reaident of War- tu township for years, it la discovered he pald taxes on bat $2000 vorth of property-at lis death bis estate ià*w about' tventy millions. That the county bas a daiàm t taxes on soma of that estate prior ta bis death wbsu hie death revealed that it existed, seeme reasonable, làdilt geus fair to the poor man Who pays his taxes and utlm"es pays them vwhen lb la a burden. This la one move- meât vblch viii nieit with public approval. >rddttiona/ ~'ew: of .&»ertyoiWe I -- Mise@liecel Butterfleld hae reslgntd ber position with the SheldonUn ivlersity at Area. NisesAllice uesevent ta Chicago one Mouday vbere ebe viii vIsit a%1lh relat tivai for a yack.c Ed Kuke sud family. vbo for lb. pas% f vo monîho bava made titeir homo. lu Wausfauka, Wie., bave returued bers. George A. Wrght lefI Tuesdsy evening for Montana, tbm îrTji b.iug made for a land syndicat. lu vhicbhe le interested. George A. Eaton relurned on Wednee- day eveulng frmu a veeka ltrip ta Kalamnazon, Bstle Creal sud othîr cilles lu Miciigan. The Couutj Ea9Idmu Star piaula yull ha beid atlFose park today (Frlday) if beiug postpoued fron theb former datm on account of bad veatber. Mir. sud LMr@. E. A. Bl@bop Sud daugb- ter Mie&s Frances lai t Tueeday mnrning for au auto trip t Frankfort,. md. They expect ta b. gone a veak or tan dsys. Fred (rlabsum ni Jemeyville, III., le makiug a bueiness visîf bers. Bele slaying at Ihm Bila@ Wrght home. fil l reported ltaI hai@lehoplug ta again ta1 locale bar,. Master Rollu Miller eutertaiued hie Suuday sehoni cimes of wbich Lire. J. B. blaeGulhnId u e lecer. St hie honte Tues- day eveulug. The afisir vas the regnier business meeting ni the laie foloved ity a party. Fiday of Imel veel village autborlies notified F. A. Suydam $bat they wonid have ta proibil the shovlng ni lb. "Emeland igiaster" pîctureaI itah Librty Titeatre ou Moudey nigbf, as adivertioed. W. G. Wells la bavinir a tvo veeke v«aaion from his vork at Marshal Field & Ce. vitoleeaie. The Wellesud Wm. Laycock familles are epeuding a yulk at the Laycai-k coittage si Third Lske. Dr. S. E. Gordine ni Chicago, vas lu tîvu Tueeday sud completed arrange- meute ta $bars Dr. scbelleub.rger'e office lu tbm Triggs Building. Dr. Grodins le su oplometrisi sud optîcla anSd viii b. bers every Wedesdsy ta test eyes sud fit 2lasece. lTe Tins Cittpter viii utret vw ice rm H. Md. Aliburt at tIbm ~ause nazI vea Toeeday evauiug. The youug ladies are ntaklug pianisfor titelrannua mieiouaryr Chrietmas box and lte membere are requméeta bring seviug, vhiai t tiy viii later conîritute, for the aveiug1 vork.1 Thei Preebytarian Suuday school picula vbicb vas ta bave beau iteid at Fos@ park, North Chicago, vas poslponed unilinext wyul Wednesday. vbmn if viii1 b. iteld ai that place. The arrsuge-i mentiknifiis wyul viii renain the came,1 Ibm OPeciaI Car leavlug bar, aI 10:301 sharp. i echiduli of amusements bas hein miade up hy the enterlalument committai, racesifor Ibm boys Snd girls1 oi aIl agis as vill as the ladies sud men aud s bail Rante belveen Ivo lady tiane bave hein arrauged for. OAK SPRINOS AND lIAYEN . MINES ARE ACCEI>TED Mouday aitemnoon tb. Board of HigIt. vay Cnmmleiouers, f t Soperviéor, rnad and bridge committee and Supirin- tendant ni Hlgbvays Cit. E. Ruesl luepected lte uev Oak Springs sud Haven bridges over ltaecPlaines river and found Ihem to 0hi aiafmctory lu evamy partiaular. Titere lailu raaity only onue main bridge, but on account of te bigit vater aI limes a large cuivert aiso itad tu b. spannesi a sitort diesuce from theb main bridge. Bot bridge@ vere accepted by ltse bavemai commitleas, but lbey ane 11111 loied f0 ttiepublies the grades on bath aides have nol beau fiuliab.d. Tite vork ai compleling lihe grades bas beau lai t ,wit ttiebighvay commissionare aud tita contract for finlsbing te vest sud lueida lte village of Lîbertyvilie vas gtiven to Fred sud John finydaut. TIti vork ni gradiug viii b. complmted soon sud te bridgea viii b. openàed for trafice eI Ibm aariiest polailamoment. The oad sud bridges viii aost te luvueip &bout $10,000 vitmn cornpleled sud thm coet to the village viii b. bom- paratlvely @mtail me@lte village pays ouly ltae cont for te grade on titivet end. OIDEES IMROVEIENT ON IRILWAUKEE AVE. Titi village board beld a short meeting onu Mouday nigitt as very little businese of Importance cama up. Titi sever aud vater commitiai reporlad ltaItbs job of building titi »ver extension ou Liechauleticovi Road ta lte J. Wl. Bul- fac proprtvv as avarded 10 contractor, bis bld helug Ibm inyset. Sodarb.rg vas 10 procecd vit thlie vork of putllug lunltaever st once. Tita uouai numbemnof bille vire ailoved and ordered pali. TIetiîreet comumttai vas autitortzid 10 go aitead sud order ATTHE THCATF-ps Satumday, Aug. 7, aI Ibm Lib.rty, 's'Girls -, There ie oua incident lu Ibia tvo-riel film Citat vooid make il vorth vItile, aveu If Ibere vire uotblug mise 10 it; vbare Tom Mix le lassoed Sud draggad ltrougit a river sud aiong a rossi by a laat-runulug ihorse. This phoîndrama le excitemeul from start 10 finish, tie tiolry je a rallling gond ne, and every ouein lthe cast contrihutes 10 le succes. "rte Spitfire" aî Ihm Lyria, FrIday, Aug. 6tit. Thte foor-real film version al Edvard Peple's ciabraf md conedy. dram., "TitiSpiltre,' prisants Carlyle Blackweli lualthe raie ni Bruce linreon. lthe youug Arnericau Imaviier, vito suddenly hecomas involved lu the plot of tIti @tory, and vbo hefore ifs termnila- tion wmli carne lte tille of Itero. Titi play enlirtainasiltouoaude for many yaars. ils itumorous siftnations, 1t- gether viit its absnrbing dramatia elemenî, malas Ibme subjecl certain 10 pics.. botb loi-are of lîgitdranta sud ftaose vito prefar lthe big itearl-titroit nI linsi, nverpovariuginaidenîaud ipisode. Iu tse film productions, ltae laugite Sud lthrilis are carefuiiy halauced, an thai at Cimes il le ditfl c10datermine vitather lthe subjeal le camîdy or serions drame; ntifaIttiti ver1 lest flash the culmina-1 tion of titi iasaiuatiug plot bringe tb. conviction ltaI IStle oniy real i leataer ail- WEÂTHER REPORT Weather forcast for the week begîn- ning Wadnesday Auguet 4. issuOd 1 by the U. S. Weather Bureau, 1 Washington, 0. C. lFor tIti region of Itme(Great Lakes; eShovars Wadeday vii b. folloved by 1generaily fair vealther tbm memalder of lbth vsek, excepî lunttienriberaupnper Lake regilon vitere sitovera are ffgain eprobable about Fridsy or Saturday. Tamperaturts viii hi moderaieiy loy tfolioved by a rie by Frlday lunltse 5uppar Lake ceglon. TO TUE PIIOTOPLAT PUBLIC r I visit to thank Vmn for your man$ klnd luquirlia about my bealtit. I am viiiing 10 elaka rny vord of itonor Clit 1 amt alias. My muetache sîlill bas lit funuy 11111e quirk and My Veet tylukie vitan 1 vail. Som@e people have bain nind anougb 10 eay litait 1amtcrazy. Ail are eufiledbt tbeir ovu opinion@, butll viii eay lu delense ClItaIlhy do nI kuov nie. i certaiuly amn etili ou lthe job. If yau don't beliave Il vaat me 'yack' as lthe Liberty Theatre Frlday, Aug. iG. 1 iii îvery. lbiug you oughî 10 knov about infmnior decomaliug. If 1 don't make yo laugit 1 viii admit t bai isut a dead oui, but nI util ttanu. yure iu fun, 46c1 CharcesCitaplin. indepencent reader? BE ONE. Î. . 1 $500 TO -,0 THtDAIY DT DISATRIT0NORTH CEMTR L S NSIN. Wehave 80 acres lu TAYLOR Couuîy. oucorner o! Ivo roade, adjoinn sebool, acroas lte rmd froin a blackemlî b @hop aud grocery sture; near creamery; 20 acres under cuifivatlon; frants bouse sud barn; soma good tintber; creal rue t brougb lita place. Prie08,200, $500 dovn, five yas lime ou balance. We bave 40 acres, 3'4 mniles f rom Birnsmwnod; 18 acres clearad; goud bouse sud btarn; Prîce $1,500; $500 down. Other hargalus lu lm pro vol Sud unim proved land. TAYLOR. Lincolu. Laugiade Con. LIberal terms. Abstract shoiti~g ond tIf le turuitibed lu every case. More particulars on requset. Write or Phono. TELEPHONE H D.BO D UERTY VILLE W.e » Ow ,, ami Agmats LOEB.IIAMMEL RfALTV COMPANY la iront of il. t. uunberry property on Muflwaukse avenue. Thé vllage 100k up the propo4ition lessI lu of raing tb. waik lins on tb.emeat aide oi tbat street frout a point tu front niflte biack- sutf h@bop now npsrated by S. Kotial, snd nortb f0 Newherry avenue. Since1 Ibis Improvement w iladethe board declded to carry theh'9Mher gra& noth ase far as the St. Paul roades property, aud iiila expected tbat lte raiiroêd yl conte ln for ils Chars of ruuuing the Dow ernent walk bIbe ratiroad tracks. Thei nid aepbalt walk aloug the tirs. Dusen-1 berry property la lower than thbm treet sud every, lime ltere ls a heavy rain lb. walk la lu a very bad condition. The anoai tai levy irdinauce wus rend sud pased. The ordinance wiii b. found lu another columnu. Tbe board adjourned to tlonday, Auguet iStIt, aI vbkb meeting uthe contract for the lîgbting of the streatsn douhî viii heawsarded. MethodîitLpîsconal. Prîacbinu services naît Sonday viii b. beid aettie nouai lime, lu the morning atI ilo'ciock lu connection vlth lb. service te Sacrantent of te Lord'& Supper wyul b. observed. lnulte evenlug at 7:30 1ev. T. E. Ream viii preacb on the subjac: "The Atrophy of Unuued GJifle.' Tbere vii b. speciai nmusic St tha avening service. Tite public laecordi. aiiy lnvifad. "Ndy Favor>la Bible Cbaracter" viii b. te subject o! tbe Epwort Lague service naît Suuday eveuing ai 6:45. Tbis vilI hea st Iexcellent leseon sud Ibere viii hi specl imusicaet Ibis service. F. E. Overson wiii les!tee meeting. Al are cordlally lnviled. The Sunday scbool board viii b. beld nezt vsek Wednesday eveuing ai the close oifte regular prayer meeting. Al are nrged b b.e preoent. St. Lawrence Epiacopal. Bly Communion 7:80 a. mi. Sunday school 9.30 a. ni. llorulnlt Prayer il s. m. Alter playlng asiing nggofair ligbt batil aI cHenrY Sunday, Ramarea Rut te worsb.mling Ibîy have received Ibis year. Titere vas nobody lu parti. cular t0 blame, the vitole teani juil simPly veuf 10 places sudwvithe b @mokte blsv svay lte score vas 19 tu00. Il renlndd onue niflte Cube sud (liante bak ln 1907 vheu tbe Cube trimuted (liante by lt@ @ame score, co lter, le soute consolation lu Ibat. A fan couid flot mel for a helter Rame for six inninge. Titrea lime. Iber e e tbr$a laon bses vilt noue Roue sud th- atime. Bordier go% outoftrai al;bol. vllb noue ecoring. Thte balloon vaut up lintbsIthebn vithonue gone and tree men ounbhome Comlakey buuted thei bail for a equseze Play. Iaking a long chance10 gelotuae mn Sund put If aver. Thon everybddy started ,Xo boot the bail sud vlitb bite by Opimiget sud MaGoout, vbich vere double., aud arrors by Magrady, Fisher sud J. Dorder, egbt score@ s cmelu. Stafford thoen y4nked R. Dorfier, Fisher lallua bis p lace. Tha Melienry lads gaI six more Off lb. big boys delivery, Ma- grady t'bon tâkiug UP tbhe asuad added six more 1tulite gsugitter luan lnlug suad ona-tbird. ason inished te game, situtîing nut lte enemy lb. rest of te vay. The usareel ve got 10 the borne piate vaas vitn Meyer. got a tyn base bit lu lh int l, alola tIrd and vas 1;ul ont aI lIte Plate. The score. Ramamea A BH iE A E J. Dortier, 3b,..............4 0 0 3 a Davs, 2b...............4 0 2 2 () Magradvy, @............. 40 0 2 3 Stafford, If................ 4 0 O(i 0 O Fiche0r, lb------------.......4 0O11 i2 R. Dorier.............. a 4)O0 4 0 Watoue.......... ..... 2 (O i)f() Barbour ri................ 3 0o0o (o JObkâ-en................. 4 O 0 2 2 ................. 2 o1 o00 Neenu), p.. ............. l O1 3~5 0 41410 McHeury AB R H A E KobIf-------------........4 2 2 () t, Comlekey, 3h ............ 2 1 4 0 Bralisiord, ri.............. 5 2 2 0 O tJpfergett, e ..f...........S 3 2 O 0 McGloom. lb............. 4 2 1io0O Bcovrs ... ............. .5 2 2 2 0 Beudlug, 2h .............. 4 81i-, 0 Waruer, c................. ;)2 i 1 O Salsburg, p.... ......... . I o 2 i 42 191-213 0 SAME OILD PRICE O PPORTUNITIES, like mals, are elippery aud hard 1,0 bold, unl'ea firmly seized. They ilide tbrougb the lingermand are gone ere nue is avare. To make the most of opportunitiem that may be gramped by advarîîsiug, use The Indepengleîîî'm clas silied pages. It is a migliîy îltàaive.oppnortiniîv Ihat w'apeR Ihose who advertise iu TIte ludependent. Fron t tIithousande of readoesTite ludependeul la pretty sure lu afiord the adverîiker imet tha upporlunitias fbal b. le seeklng. - _______ r h , il Indep counI, Rea * pianos bitter j about t Kimubai * . Thue vitto mark et will tel Corn P.layer~ Coin lioth ro Biîrli laes *Saturdi .TIH * *Phone Insure with the Old Michigan Mutual Founded in 1867 Forty-seven years of continued 8ucc8ss. No fluctuating ansets. This Company was organized 2 years after the Civil War. Andrew Johnson was then President of the United States. Since that time we have had James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, Grover Cleveland, -Benjamin Harrisou, Grover Cleveland, William McKinley, Theodore RGoseveit and Woodrow Wilson. This Company stands to-day second to noue, having approxiînately $110 of unshrinkable assets for every $100 we owe. Soine Coim. pany believe me. Yours truly JOHN HODGE District Manager AREA ILLINOIS I Summmry Stolen hases. Bauding, Bover. Ida- grady; tvo hase bite. Brailiord, Opier- asttI. AcGioom, Neyere; double plays, J. Dorfier t10 Fisaer 2;btaes ou halle off Dorffer 4 lu 6 anulua, off Fisher 8 lu 1 iuulug, off saisiturg 2; slruck-ont by Salhur ShyDorfier 5, ity Fisiter 1, hyMgay1 y Mason 2; pasid hall Johnson; viid pitch, J. Vachler. Tinta of gante 2:50O. Umpire Howard. Notse NazI Sunday te U. S. Naval Station anme ber, for agame. itamarea viii ry aud vin bakl met laureis. If tales more titan ai1ttio 0deial 1 discourae lte home lad@. TItay viii be out ltera nazI Suuday vith ît sanie nid Sigbtiug spirit. Jobs: 'Sînit', Maîloy vas going 1fa bal for J. Bordier lu the igittit.bultlhe LicHenry cop sid notbing doiug Reson: Nououfornt. "Fairenougit ' McRenry fanesaid ltaI for six inaingm' ltaI vas lte fasteelgarni seau ou titir diamnt Iis year.- Ramsraa sure ba@ some foiiowing as seven auto loade vînt liî LcHeury Suuday, sud titay vire inaded, ton. Anybow %McHmnry has a fiue bal cub>. TItîy ari a niai hunait ni felove. Daniel Frohman preents the. popula.r pliotoplay star CÂABLIYLE BIÂCKWE1aL In the f amous nautical coenedy-drma "TrHE SPITFIRE" A nielodraînatie farce of laughs and thrille. In four reeha of motion pictures.. Produced by the Farnous Players Film Co. Almo the regular Universal Prograîn. LYRIC TIEATRF3 FRIDAY, AUGUST 6th ý 1 -. IL- Part 0IyP i., go vii T.a 9vi. i ud Ai vile l i ona foite Wl Malt the seveday luorsys theWi viiago ciari 1 le* tisa Snday. lu Grami The Li nîll gv sp,i i e iir. 1 tamibls a sday.l Tit i. byra i Thebet Lesa a Pari ar A arg ingaI is Hir. %« frontE, tir au 01ithe H soute fin Ptia p art neicefatru ie. L hornt@ î Il",ic i dr p d 1 t Ilt IL

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