Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Aug 1915, p. 6

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..~a pen n9S ~ jDancng t liamoud Lake Pavilion every Saturday nîilt. 45tf Mir@. Frank'Vickery vr-ut ti' IcHago Tu..sday to0vieil:lier ieter. àdf@e Fla Vieller. wbo ijein thîe liolîitai recoverluîg1 lroiii a serious ope rat iloticgi ter ci le By T. F. SWAN i. repîîrted Iasde ding trddcI- ý Correspondent and Agent I.e-ter Seijîle is a gud,.tiof ibe Dl,l1 k b,. o sandi other fiieil. in thîws iinitY. ________ 1'e dîumujîity w~as eaddeued Satur- day eveuung tu leain tlrat Misé Lula Dancing at iiamonti Lake Pavillon SnItblinipssdiLty. If a-as knovin evéy Stndaynigt.tbat mlie was, ver v lîw anîd it was learei Finit clase dressrnakiîîg andî rein del. that mlle ulgî.t lot ruciver 1,ut. if w&@ ing at home or by the deuy. BIeasonadble fot thîiught tint t he end avas Md-> Ilear. Mr@. C. P. Renson . co r. L..ake anid Mal " She ,as an etirneÈt eiriutîaîi girl a bu street, Arva, lit. 4,1hati spent al ber lite il,"bigs pin. e andl Mr. anti Mr@. Beese o! Chicago. vlsrtrd was loved and is mourned bY ail.1 Irel Sunday et the J. H. Aynsley borne. luneral %%ail beld at tIre cliurch lr lndav Ama Black of! Gray@lakm, @petit the aliernion. B ev. Steiuer oft Wbiatin] week-endti wtb Be@@ Alvord. preachinic the 'lermon Thebetravedi j. B. Slason 0l Waukegari. calîed on parenté, bave the Leartelt my midaîtliyof relatives anti frentis here lest week. évéryune. Tarresacé Barrett of Frankarille, Wja., Vant Kuebkedr returneil tii bis l-ii.n ja vlsifing at the home of Mr@. lMary Waukegan Suuday atter SpýeLIliDldZt Uo0 Swan. weeks at the boin, of igiusgrandiarlits. Partly tmp. 80; clay loam soil, $3,200. The Ladies'ieîieteryi éociety wilî luottj Why psy more? Boyd, Libertyville. , their regular meeting Bat %iie .uîch M&ýy Mnesspet Sturay nd un-Thursday, Auwu@t l2tli, I eminti itigB ay tRVoé eil&t auri n Sn10 o'cîock. Everi one welc'ome. Mr@. L. B. Amea andi 'amily of Li bety latsiucNl a or uI 320 _;I- .-. ý,.-ý . dh. p d'Itl 1Wly pas nmore*' Boyd. Lilirtyville. 1 ville, e"ut cunaay st filets. La. Douuîuîe home. lir@. Oco. joues Je enlerlainrng ber @Jeter trom Peteréburg, IliI. tbiis eek. lire. J. H. Aynéley anti lr@. Ueo. IRtues a-ère Waukegatî viétore Saiturday. J. W. Rotigere returneti thîsa-eek trom a visit wlîh relatives ln Kentusba anti Racine. Mr@. Slveter Scileé aent to Chicago Tuesday fo meet ber parenté anti @Jeter, a-ho are hère f rom Michigan fora visil. Mir@. R. R. DelittIe la entèrtalnlng ber sister anti ubsant, M. andi lre. Wood- ward of Nea- York. Mr. anti lre. (George Rosa anti spn Anyaiéy rturuéti Suntay la ther bomeé ia ChlcAgo aleaneatendeti viit a-ith Mrc. anti ies. J. H. Aynsley. Mr@. Zahel wae calieti away éutdéenly Snnday by the serious linesé o! ber mother la Topeka, Kano. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. devénty-aeventb régular meeting o! lb. Board of Truatees of thé village oh Ares, at thé village hall. Monday, Aug. 2,1915. Pissant, Walsnn, prèsîdént; Trustée, Wells, Irvng, Rusell, Knlgge, urrie. Absent, Aibrecht. The minutenoft.e previoué meeting ware reati anti approvet on motion of itueséilanti Knlgge. Thé treasurer th.eui reati bIs regiar monthly report a-ihhaa audîteti by the finance comrnttee anti accepter] on motion of Welsant Irlving. Thé tollowîng bille a-ere rendi: Publie Servicé, wring ...........$24 75 W. B. Bluter, eurveyîng .......... 6 00 lau "tler, tréet a-ork.........10 50 Jas. A. Tuhy, oprtàylupctes......10 00) Public Service Co., -lighte....... 45 83 B. W. Swan, tret a-ork-.......1 75 L. A. Maerrie, broom n................. 5O Publie Service Co., power..-...... 20 Il a-as moveti hy linrie anti Irving ltaI a&lbillea haailowed anti warranté irawn on the treasuror tu payment. Mton arrffi. lioveti hy Ituaeli anti Knigge that thé Amorlca Wei Works hé allowed 75% o! the ainount of théir cotriedt for pompl.g plnt anti %has a warant be dftwa ibn the treasurer iu psyment. Notion cwréti. Ordiowme No. 71 levin lithe taxes for "fliyear endlng Uarcb 31, 1916, a-maream. Noveti hy Irving anti Wells that ovdsace No. 71 bu paméed ns ean. Motion carried ail pissent votlug ave. On motion of Murrie and Irvng Use meetng a-as adjournedti o Moatay, Auff. 9, 1915. T. F. Sw-an, Clerk. Mt e4 tum.AIU. 'm Ian .xts'aordinary tsfa-a', y« kmoa-; bel hIkWhlm a-nMfathw r ol te Ma" a agond 10k.." -'1b aolea authilnat aoryabout; is fttsse aSA me. an ou h B.-L.SauIM SIrei. m Vuîkery enterfaineti trienta tronu Ecaneton last a-ee. SIr. ant iltrs Char- le e,.ksit. o! Unayeolake, callet ion triends here treuuütî.ç Some troiniber-e atteuin-nIthire n-ie aI lîlamonti Lake SatuirdaY and re1ujrt a flue lime. tire. Mary Jacuby spent part. ,it Ia-t a-eek in Lîbetyville as@flue gueut oh tire. Jesele Déviesý DANCE AT IVANHOE Grand dance at Ivanhue N. W. A. hlli given hy Ivanito Lotge M. . .on Thuresay @venin«. Augurit 12.Itétr@ee- menue eerveti. Stahling rre. Tickets 50c. Iduélc by lMaons oieetra. if Vou can reach 15,000persons wek. Iy through thé Indepandent. EZRvmwI Dancing et Dlamond Lake Pavillon every Saturday nlghs. 45t1 Partly Imp 80; Iay loarn soif, $3.240. Why pay more? Boyd, Lbertyville. 1 Mise Marlon LeWis of Chicago bas bean viiting et the borne of ber anfit. Mr*. J. A. Maeon. Mise Anne Lockwood spent Sundav at home. Mr. and Mr8. C. J. %tasorî and lrtunily @peut Sunday at the C. B. Eà.ton homîîe ln Derfteld. The Ladies Aid wil meet with %Ira. H. Kiiopf on Wedneeday atternoon, Augrut lltb. Mr. and Mlr@. Earl (Corbin and i ittle daughter @peutt Ielweek endi Bt J. Me Laugblin's. Mr@. (eu. Bel and Iaughbter Marlorie @peut thé O firo the weeL. wîîh relatives in (iraysaae. Mms. 8. E. Kaiedier andi daugbter Floo. oie were Chicago visitoro Sunday. Mies Florence Maeher ie vitting rela- ttvéé ai Lake Zurih. Several from hors are planning to at- tend the Sunday éSehool vienit at Hall Dey on August l2th. Mr. and lir4. Will Sauer andi son of Wauconds open -unuday at Wm. Stan- alié. Titi Mischell le visiting relatives iu Chi-. cago. Mis Aima Krueger iq visiting friende in Cdai Rapide, Iowa. Hall Dey Congregational Church 10:30 a. m. Sanday chool 7:45 1). m. Preachinig. Subjeet. "A Young liane Ideal." Picnie Ang. i2th t Hertl@ Park. The pastor will be back nez t Suaday. Benj. J. Trlcksy, Mîniser. Want. For Sale, *te ad& In the IN. DEPENDENT reach 15,000 persona weekly. The World Gives You Credit For Saving--We Olve You Thiree Per Cent. It is not what you EARN but wliat yuu SAVE that makes you independent. Why don't you adopt a but4ness policy in~ you saving and deposit a part of your earuing-s in our Savings Departm-n t teach rnonth. It Means Sure Success. $I.OO===Opens an Account---$1.OO THE CITIZENS' BANK Sale Deposit Boxes for rent Area, Illinois MNÂKE TRIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOMKE" LÂXE ]POET Partly înîîr 80; Clay loatîî cutI. 8120 SVhy Piay îtiiiit'Buyd, Libertyville. 1 Anni-ieteit bas been uadte ot the marriâgrý o!f'ulî.é Isabelle Mctirney tii Henry [t.. Stimsion of New Yo irk. a bu-l lu to taIre pla. on ýept. 24. At p r*-. n t Ir. Stiiîî-în i" peuting ceseral neelis ut te lihIiBri omîe liere. SIrs. H. C. Chatfleld-Taylor grave a dinner Slourlay eveiing at ber borne Fairlawn in bîîîîor iof Ilr. Frank Curtis if Se'u York.a Ior" i)iie.seIanor (li iIra i- seîeiilig1 tlîe suianier at tlîe 't brer louaâge atb Newpoirt. TIre Lake Foresi Nelglrbirtiiod Theatre Serles gave their luurtlî prograîi Tu"s. day evening. Aug 3. nt tIre luraiud Srt lad itute. The progrrni consi8ted of tour short plays entitieti"The Playgoer,' ERiders fi tîle Seu," Th., Lion and the Lady" and -Tbe lipeneti ilor." %fi-. Iurnett, Mr. andi Mr E.A. WSilton and tnuiily ut Lake VillIa, client Sunday1 ai thre Ironie ofSMr. and SIr4 Thîomîas r3teele. Mr'. and r@ I E S. Mloore a-bu have b,-en -ipending the summuer lbore leIt Fiday fure PrI,]". Crossing. Miss , tuo Judîje and mSr-. 15 illiani B. SMoore,1 Uir-and Mes SAlde HB Swvift oft'St. J ic-eph. SI, . whcinbave hi-n thie-guie of Mr-. Swîfts prnt.Mrand SIre. W. C. Siblaît ro! ttuus rit . bletSaturdaKy for Mackinac Iiland. Mr. and MsI.EizLra J. Warner are in Ctiar!tcoixc. iit. as gueule ut Mr, andi lire Slonnon :tî*ho ithave a éîînîîîer horme there i'artîy iuîîp b(); u'ay luam soif, $3,200. Wby psy more? Boyd. Lilertysille. 1 Tite Hudson showa- ett tbus a-ek tor Palafine. Miss Nettie Biliman attenter] thé Chautauqua atihstrrrigton Wedneeday évening. A number of young people from here atteudedthe litepnic Bt Deer Grave Sun- day - The young lelloa-s uof Lake Zurich playedth Ie married mien Sunday. the score being 10 tri 6 in tas ire of thé latter. Me. anti lre. Henry Hilînuian enrter- taineti relatives Saturday. lire. Paul Patten vimteti relatives lu Chriago sut sveek. Mi' aud Ire. Louis Ueary ssere vieut- ing relatis-esin Clîrragîr uceruiitsa anti tionday. TIre tiaîue givi-iaesthtie par ilion Sait.r day evening n-as vel attendeéd tIrs. Wm. H Eielîiuan sand ber rutiber, Mrn. F. C. Seip, sient S5etnetiay un Chicago anti also ea- wrér-ke Eassti. Relatives troin Cbîcamo yîsited at the home of Mir. andi lre. P. Schalènkanrer. lie, anti lre Fred Hivor-on s opnt Suoulay aithe bulie fSIr anîdIc-w. Chas. 5-olt. George Jurs lias purcbaned theé saluon of George Forennnuî. Ch&@s. Si-iouz, J r , nu vnstiurg ai thé home ot i. grautipareuts. Sîr. anti Mre. Frank ScIolz. DirA La-rèinzeni anti farnîly an- bere on a vacationl fur ta-rnvîeks. 1G -- -Ri Partiy imp. 80: Clay ioam soli, $3.200. Wity pay more? Btid, Lîbertyvilié. 1 MIisses Minnie anti Frances Meyer are spendlug a a-eek at Wânkeîjan. lire. Warren odéf t returnee home FnIr, day alter épending a a-eek a-it ber paren ts. in, antdidlro. Henry lMeyer are spend- Ing a tea- taa swit the lattee'§ ietal Sterling. 111. Henry Scitaernîsu liati a lawn parfy Sutiay night. Mfr. anti trs N ick fital*t.'r uti tamily &bdt Frank Bebin anti danghter Mahal anti sons epent Snuday a-thtIrs. John (jalebér. Sr. BECKER IES IN ELECTRIC CHAIR Osslnlng, N. Y.. Jl>. 0-Charies Becker paît the penalty toda>. for lu- stîgatlng thé marIer three years ago o! Herman Rosenthal. thé gamitier. Ha tiln l the electric chair at BIng BIng prison one bouc ater 1sunrlse a-tth a cross ln bis hanté. Hîs lest a-orts a-ère "'Jeans, have mércy on us." Becer met tieath a-ttbout fincbing. He éntereti thé tèath chamber a-tb ta-o priesaIsat bis site. Thé>. a-re citantlug a lîtan>.. Becker joiued inl, -repeatlng "havé mérd>. on un, have mercy au us.' lie a-alkèti steadîl>. to lte cbalr.aoti, taklng blé seaî, glancéti equarel>. Into thé eyes o! li té - nasses for a brie! moment. Titen hé contînuét the chant. 'Have met-c>.an us, have mèrcy on ns." WhiIè thé sîrape a-ère belng atijuét- et thé prieste chantet a prayer, a-ilh Becker repéatét phrasé by phrasé. Becker recélvédtifhe elecfrlabock tu thé mîdét o! thé prayer. DANCE AT ROUND LAKE Danr-ing ut funanunshalîl. ioi lLo. er ttaturtias nigbt -uîuuînritig on Auîguet 7tb NSuislcby- MCornieké@ onîluestra. I have renteti thq hall tire tîr "easillianitaiulu u Ittis Vthé jubl"i, l general. Tickets@Stî pe -'onîrl. Jas. (lorînan. Manager. if CLtWO ENT IIItII LCEWOKaSMOKES TACKS AVES LIFE. 'UN R """" 'R IT VILA IN Girl of Eleven Years, First Ta- FUNEAL r A ci ~ i WTftIOLAIN~ ken From Eastland, Res- DOQ, IIIGLAND PK. COURT INJUNCTION, cued by Parent, Visiting in Waukegan, Jnly 29. Chum of Daughter of Mrs. H. Nicol Smith, Striker, Namcd as i'oi.1 the uery iaws of death, even J. Thayer KiIIed by Guests' Defendant in Petition Filed :al,,er'the MUrky waters of tihe Ch]- Auto on Wednesday. in Court Te 'taico rIver hati sbrouqed ber body, andi ________julie hati uttereti whal. sh@ fearéti watt This lé a dog-goue atory. Nicliol Smith, 40 years nid, a réal-, lier Inet appeal ta Goti for salvation, Tt la made up of mîngieti norrow denit of Zion City'aud one of thé for- Mae Petonliet, youhg lu thé blondi of anti "bathos", yet there 19sesméthlng mer employés of the MarshaîlèltI. childlîood, was rescued by ber fa- lu it whlch tugs jîut a IlttIé at the lace factory, la matie défendant lnua lier, na- a guet of Mr. anti Mn.. heartatrîngs. pétition fled lu circuit court lotiay îoètM~wo 2 Ikr tet The principals are a deati dog, aua hIichthe court lsaéked to Roun rtWa uke awhofl125 Hicoy tietbr broken-hearted l1111e girl, an automto- mon Smith in show sufficlent cause ýfo i oyb oln aeo bilé ant i ffty of the most *protuluent why hé shoulti fot be punlaheti forfno isbdyb abolngmsso contempt of court of a charge of ai-. ratl-fearlng r'xcurslonls-ts lu one of a-omen of Highland Pa.rk, léged violation o? thé InjunctIon wrlt! the Inner cabinq of thé II-fatéti steam- Mra. H. J. Thayer a-as hostess yes- recently Issuéti out of the citiCuit ililîu itastlaui. terday to thé members of thé High- court here. Smitth la charged wlth 'Kli- Your daddy good-be. Get land Park Womaii's club at ber home havlng assaultéti andi aaaalled threé, different people, ta-o of thétu Iu Wau- idon-n ou your kue andi Pray->ray ai 237 Sheridan road. kégan. anti Il le ciaiméti that thia la Codl as yuu neyer have hefore!', Dog Greets the Oueets. a violation ot the Injurictlon. The' nnlrleked the fathér lunfthé 11111. gtrl's Some of thé guesta arrlveti jaté. démenatti la matie thet Smith hé pou- Par. Despie thé alieks of a-omen, Miidréd, Mrs. Thayers 16 yéar olti he ptto wîi afldb h the deatb cries of si rong men, the daughlér, rau ont fo meet thelr car. lacé factory heside relates that on clilîti teard thé fathers a-aruîng, andi Josephint, ber dog, barketi joyously July 1, 1915, a bill of complilt. pray- a-hen thé waters of thé river, pourlng basie her. Lug for an InJunctlon agalnst Interfer- lo itheuer cabins thrnugh port- Stralght Iuto thé path of on@ of ence fromn thé strlkérs att-as Oed byl to.the lace factory. Thé order wae e lioles andtinîdowc, closeti over bier thé guest's automnobiles rau thé og 1térétianti Smuit. Il la cla4pieda-as'lieadsti t aas on bentietiknpéwiih A minute later It lay stretcheti on thé lucluiet Inl the wrlt. Thé lujunctlon lier ]fille bands pointeti beavena-ard. pavement, déati. 1 restrains thé strîkera from luterferlng prayîng for saivation, prayîng to be Fortoutee yarsthelitlegir an 1wlth, hlndering, obstructlug or étop- Fh o foaeliera rhs. T111e girladnti thebusinessaof tIre lace fctory, re8urtifrom ilenuh-praying fliat ber thé dg hai Ireri hume The ha r ~frontéaseauling or lutimldatlng hy loseul molli(-, l"-pareti lier liumhand. playeti togethèr. growu up together- îhréats or otherwlse any of thé ém- Tire nior.- ofthli reecué of William and béen almost Inapaliable. ýployés of thé plant. 1 i-lîiutrt and MAt 11-year-old daugittér 1,ifr Iltrtîf d lier chutu tenrtèrîy In The éptitionmaie. thé 'tollowi-lug h vr .t,, fdat sba her armas.In the yard a fea- mo-1 lIRST-That Herbert ltorester, 19 tlilin luPèloribeln. owu wordi. mente hater she stooti sohhlîig over Its yearn olti, au employé of thé plant. fils story as relatèt i drèctîrl toa body. Mltirerîs mother came out to camne f0 Waukegau ou Paturday afler- Stiri reporter follows: consolé hér. .lnoon, July 24. 1915. ant i a 6:15 p. mu. 'yduheae lya n Gvna up.wae met by Smith In front of 1thée ytagtr géii erat Givn a Pupy.'Gobe store. That Smith aaaaulttid. I were among thé Bref 0of the Western "Thé dog waa a puppy -hén a-e threatéetid ant iIntlmidatét i hm tuy lectrlc excursiionîcts f0 board thé gave Tt tf0 Mlltired. éexplaiued Mics.tratp1-g n bis tbéé. trlklng hilm sleamehlp Hatiauti. My wlfe titinot Thayer la her gueule, a-ho hati follow- wnibiefot tylg a rip lmti u anti ksock hlm dlIssan aylng filat hé ,accompant e inas wiy éd her outaitie. "Thé ta-o grew p, would pIck hlm up anti throa- hlm In, canant auswer your questIon. Slîe togethér lromu babyhooti." f0t thé Ilich anti that If that a-as flot backed ont lit thé Tast mînute-per- Théén Tlb aauarrangeti that losé-, fan euougbha a-woulti throa- hlm Intothaps site hati a prémonition. Wbèu phine ahoult ie beuriét i lth honora, thé treet. Smith if la sati. daclareti ae entereti the steamsblp fluer the Thegarene ws smmoedandor-toForester: "I havé béénwatg Thé artena a-s smmo~d ntior-for you: we got youn father onceanti one anti onlv gangwaas e plcked oun déredti t tlg a grave. WVhlle the we are golng to get you, anti a-e ra ay 10 iliee hurrIcane deck.iTta-as guesta stoot Inl thé nain the dog waa golug to get your father agaîn."Thn20 mInute of 7 o'clock a-heu a-e en- burléti untièn a lilac bush in thé yard. followed a string of obscène languaga f ereti thé boat. fléck bauds a-ère bus- i ltlaeflot prlntablé. Tt ln chargéti Among the guésta a-ère Mfrs. John thtSih waa accompanletihytao'lIy t work scruhhlug doa- tiekA, A. Putuam. président of thé club; otwé mé atthétIm. ianti we stoot for a minute or ta-o Mca. T. C. Willilams, vice président, SECOND -That t flve-tbîrty oD'-bIle one o! the men swepf a épace anti thé Mesdames E. NIf. Erakîné c'locit on the mmne day Smith met ln on thé teck anti procuredti ao chair George Jones, John Oiver, Hanry Wukgn George H. Whlbteie. , an- . éuntonth1urIcn rts Wae emp o?ntthe planta-ho a-as fruW a ntehriaedc %fileGeoge ampellandFreer-accompanléti hy Fret Laru, a dep- about flye or six minutes. thêu It hé- lck Watklna lilty shérIf!. a-ha accompault i hmfor eau 10 ralîr. anti ae wéni mnonue af Joséphine waa a cocker spaniel. the saké of protection. Smith la ai- lremati-'aloonîr of thée teamshlp. __________tged to havé aworn at hlm, calling i"ee1fudtocaradw hlm a scait anti aaylng héa-éanot Hr uuudf- hirat Safralti of hlm or bis hodyguard. 1uitatiria-lidnii2001or .100 pe'ople. Ank WIF A D ID IETHIRD-That on thé arternooin of rugi-r] r. enn eleredti he saloon anti IVIE NDKIDIE FJuly 19, 1915. et one-thrty p. m., 1 gave lier mny chair. i foinud atiotlier, MURIDERED; DIES OF ifmft Romert MAges McPhtano, lîîi I's unaleléto citHfani> taugh- ployé o! thé lace plant. At thé tîmé èrs sAide. i thlnk1t aauIlao chirsî T siewas standing in front uf ber home ais s" from.î br a-len suititnli the GRIEF AS A RESU et ah2513 Elizabeth avenue, MIon City. boa t Ilètis b I théebore ululé. We paît Smith 1la salito havé criet out I ,n rtlut h itigfrt is louti volce that site was "scahby n Ilnlnf le ltn o i us Haig Booludian, WeIl Known!-Agnea fro-uRaîston." v iit y :30 seconds flue sblp rlghled lier- - ~,. It la climét Inl thé pttion that thé,ý self. Tten ail o! a sutiden Il f iteti Waukegan Armrigian, Vic- offenses chargeti are lu violation Of to the ri% rPr "ide. and thne womeu lu tim of DeeÎp3rief. thé court initunction anti that Smitb'lire Cabilîîbègaru shrleklng for lrepp shoulti eattachet anti punîshéti for leapi-obprcssakdb- Because hlm wlfe and kittitea contémpt o! court. ale lpi fbe ae.pcnu u Thé case was contînueti untîl tomor- IOs, dèck usas upset andtihle r.ound of had been nmasacred by Turks inl row morulng. but as thé jutige la to îrr'aklug gla-sstient an uncouititfr-el. Europe, Haig Sooludian, à weII leavé thé clty If la probable that a ing up our spînes. known Armenlan, dîeti of grief in continuance fa next a-eek a-ljI héa Eéyroi h o r nhl n a Kenoaha hoapital 1sf. Frits. laa . ____ loutily renrarketi sane idiot ai ibis afterrnoon. Mis remaîns will b hOf g u'g fix rMoment.- brouglit to Waukegan andi the fuRtJ Krirîi"n Thé boat listeti more anti more. neral wlill b. helti tonorrow ailer- aWa.dy a JItLaa Suddenly fIne chair an a-lc h my 11001. DLLM ATT I CE i darughrr aas slttlng suid across théý Boolutian hatllîved inluWaukaganý1.- ROONSIATJTISIJELA Kénosha a-hère hé gecurét a position. HébttitbsfletsI Waen 'l'Ié ebroken my ls"1ibard ber that héoa-as trylng tn save enough cy h ù1 t htscn a mouey f0 hrlng bis lîttîléfamlly to hyi c ians Declare That Peo - crLThé o plet hat sondia-a tis clty. Ha savét mouey wahèrever1 pie C annot Re Too Carefu liou thé waaIle o! thé staleroomc. LInk- hé coulti ho tenied tinleuf m-ny in Eating Fungi. lng a dam a-hulcb I as carnylng for necesaltlés lu ortiér that thé nîc*.les t lIlrort lime aven a hanti-raili, 1I lî anti dîmes shoulti become dollars thc "Beaanaof musbroomsai btihs ses- acrotsthé steell ed anti pulleti my soaner-bla a-hale ambition a-a cen-Lsn o! thé year." Isltea-arulng glv- cb38tfrtbeasubefétoth teréti ln becomtng reunîtet ia-th bis en ouf by Waukegan physîclans fol- itoa-uîug mass of peaple. Uttle ?amlly. l oa-lng thé fatal pruioning case ai 'As soont as t bat succeedetillu ex- A fea- days ago he ré-celveti a lat' Fourtit Lake tbrougit eatîug poison- fractlng ber trou thé panletricken fer lromu Europe lnforming hlm that eus mushroomé. Doctors déclare moti I shoutet ln ber ear: thé Turks hati murdéret ishl faaslly, tbat thisla Isnot thé rigist lIme o! yean " 'Km. yaur tiaddy gooti-hye. Cet conslaflag of bis a-ife àùd t hrèè chîl- for mustirooma, andti hat peaple a-ho toa-n on your knées anti pray Goti for tren. Héea-as atrleken doran by thaeattem noa- are taklng a greal rlsk. salvaf Ion.' Shé a-as on bendet lues sutidenuesa anti complaleness o! the William Jacoa anti Mca. Carnet aitb ber lIn>. hauts poîntet héavèn- boa-. Héea-ouid ual ast. Haea-ept Sa-Ibac(en, ta-o o? Ibosea-ha a-èrea-art a-ben tonc O!fa-ater began pour- untîl tears no longer a-oaht corné f0 renderet iii at Fourth Lake, but a-ho lug tutte cabin wIndows anti port- bis eya. tlt flot dile, are recoverng lg.atbougb bhole Théea-atér ralset a foot a sec- Héea-as hoping against hope tIM ~If le saIt thal JacOba te nOt yet Ont ont, 1 shoulti jutigé. The prayer a-as thé Information mlght bave besn cf danger. not camplétél>., for sntiteni>. ae a-are arog-thaî posalbly affer aIl If Jacobs, a-ho picketi thé muâhraomsl, botb ebroutet b>. aater, anti 1 uast migbt not havé beau bis famlly that assureti thé peoplé at thé hotel that my holti ou n y taughtér'é tirées. lif a-as kîlèt. (Ou Thurada>. hé recelvéti 1 the fungi respondedtu10ail thé ordîn' sr-émeti boura before i came ta thé an official latter confirming the frat s"'ytente for muabroama. Hé saIt surface anti aheu 1 tilt sui saa- pér- statemént anti removlug thé last hope. thé>. bat a BIrenstem anti that thâ bape 200 bobblng béats arise f0 thé Boolutilan collepéet completel>.. Hé culer skIa pééleti off. He a-as not topý My tiauglter's béat a-as net a-as rémovédtiut a Kenosha bospîtal able ta Blnd man>. or elsé man>. oth- amoug those 1 eaa-. Sutidenl>. boa-- a-hère bis déath occurreti frîta>.. The ersaiBt the reaorf mlght havé heelà eér, I ea- ber lîtle form ébat hlgh PlnYslcian lu charge aunouncèt thaz randécati I. abos flue watér anti I sawa ber grasp grief anti a broken bear aloné a-erè Willam Thééhé. buabanti o! thé a pIace o! tubing that cincieti thé ta biame for hls déath. I aoman a-ha tleti. réfusedti t est an>. boat on thé tuner cahîn aide. She Boolutlan a-as popular amang thé Armeulans n thé Waukagau colonyl on thé éouth aidé anti If laéaidt lit the funéral fomnoraa- a-Ilhé attend- et largely.. MNrs. Susan Bathe>.. an oIt sétt-I ler o! lAké count>.. tilétirecèn"yiy l Detroit, a-hère ber thrée sons bayé been living anti ahère ahé bati Ilvéti for ulué vears. Hér hushanti also ofUth msro s. antitvset i bs .-Ife Lnot toucb thétu. Hé saIt ho a-ouit not take a chance on eatlug thètu. Saibacker urget bIs a-lfé not to eat au>., anti aalihé a-ouid not do so for $10. t tiévélopéti et thé Inquef tbat théefa-o men a-eut lu- 10 thé kîtchén anti té sévéral o! the muébrooms affér a meas bat béen put on thé table. If a-as eomé fIie béefore thé vîctîmé fearet that their ditiDet broit ehghf y*%e aiz ara. IlImes as causét b>. eatlng toat- Bradle'v waas t'hé agîro daataosiséa !msro Nolan. an oIt pioncer o! Lake counuty, auîd a-as 7.) yèare oIt Bt thélime The Independont la the. countylaeon- ta! bier death. Mns. Daniel Slavin o! ly 12'page weokly-that's why every.- - Wxdua-orîh la ber ouI>. taugitter. body> takeg It. a-as shrieklug for ber 'dadty' Bf thé top o! ber volcé. Fraîl as shé lé o! boty, ber htgh-ptcbét voîcé couit clearly hé béard aboyé thé criés o! thé others a-ho us-re Blghtiug far thélr livés, un Ibat cabîn 200 peopl- mnany o! Ibem wa-re cf rang men-èere tightlng one a-ith the otirer. There a-ère those a-ho couidn't grasp a scantlng ta support thèmqelvés aboyé n nIer. Thé result a-as that thé lésu fortunate actuali>. péélét thé clothing f rom thoséa-hro bat founà support lu tîrelr efforts f0 keèp thée hcotis aboyé a-ater. i1eaw one womau sfrugglng lu thé wafer, wluosé clothes, a-itln thé exception o! corset anti uni- dersktrt, bati bes trpped tm berw body. "Sutitely 1 béarti Maé cry out ln pain. The tubtng a-blcb. eah al claspei lu a déath grlp waé ta-isting aud curling ant iber l1111e fingers were being crusliet. I was holding outa a pIèce o! scautllng anti even w>. inuitlî uns uîder a-aler. i felt for rny pocket knlfe, for I bati deciet to cut off the clild'u Bugéré to stay. lier tenlh. At fluat moment, lbn 'J ever, tIré tubtng broke anti site eair agalu Inlo thé murky watér. Wbear) suée came to thé surface samenne prof- fu-reti a helpînsglfand anti Mae a saved. Thé onl>. people a-ho a-ère savét lu ibis cabin a-eré (bosé a-ho liat efcceedeti lu grasplng tIre tub- li; anti those a-ho a-ère standing on thé stoke siack wbîch rau up tbrough thé roof of thé cabîn lun wblcb ae lbat been seatei. *Sntidenly a- e bant axémén aboyé Our béats. A luole was chopped in flue deck andti let, a gruif-volceei man siouleti: "'If auybodytesîalive tiown Ibère grab holti of!hie ropé anti aeh j ull you on teck. Remember-women lirat!'* "My cblld was lthe fret takéu f rom thé deatit ciamber. A ropé a-as fnsf- enèt béloa-lber Brin plis anti sIea-as pulledti o safet.. You a-l lîardiy be- leve Il. but ltn-as an bour beforé I uval. irkeu from thé chambér a-hère latér 2100 fitir utoties e werecoverei. 'Wbeu I urus Hprlied nallurough thé tièck uuy lIt île girl aa standing theré stronnlung aitIre tbp of bier lungs: 'My flatidv iii noýn lîre! Save lhlm- urive loy datdvy!' 'i-lin nwf1i-au lirar the sn-ish rof tIre aer as I ieoretiover my beai 1 dan beard even trahIes crylug fe, hlîép Oh! JI nas aeuinit I ll neye-r be able to forgel t 11 1cau't aeep, for lu my tiream" 1 ind tmyself flgting tu Baséenuy cilt" Mr. Peloube's a-atei bauge in Thé Sun office, If stoppet i a 29 minutes past i o'ciock. Wh'bn lbe bandeti thé 7 watclîi o a Sun reporter hie iid ao a-ltb tIIs arulng: "Don'l mind It, please. i lutendti falways carry it. for Il nîlil remiud me o!flthe dptuy 1 oa-e f0 maukînti for ltée salvatîca >chua-éreti upon me anti my daugitte- !In thé gloomy tuner cabine of lthe fl- 5faleti steamship Eastland.' Ifla-as upon ftliéatice o! bis fain- lly tioctor ibal Mr, Peloubel brought bIs chîlti to Waukegan. "Take lier f0 lIre courîtry-lake bier away frotu tinése scènes o! horror.' a-as thea-arn- lng of thé phvslcîan. Bo Mr. Péloubet 1brougbt luis daugbrer 0tIréheborne o? 'tr. anti MruIRoberf Mufaw lu Wan- loua ea ahère uhle regain lier luéaîrb Tve,èvyèuirs ago Mr. anul \Irm. Peloubel rame lun Wnurkègan Io0 spnt 1Ihelr houeymoou. Théy llrst hiecame nru înîti wlîln Mr.anti lirs. 7,îtra- slîè t Ibse promlneU'l aukegari réel1 deuitsa-ère boardltug all rtliuismltEr Colin on Werst stretl Mîr.Pelotihel lias nînrkèti for years n luthéeuýgluéerlng délîrnîr ent f of Ibe Wèr-rèm Eléctrlec (ompan> lu (luIcago '-Airsman--hé héeemployé of lIre Western Etectrlc or ulno-ho says he a-as forcèdti trbus- a ticktuéfor 3thé excursion dollberaîely liés." sait hée lu reponse 1IoBanîueglîou. 'Von ask me whal cauîsedtile dis- aster. WeiI. 1I11 give you my version o! thé Iregedy. Thé caphalu a-as not te blame. Thé sneamsbip ovérturueti wecansé if wanuovér-croa-tet i1 hé- lileeIbère a-ère 3.000 people on hoarti thé Eaetlant a-heu If turner] over in thé Chicago river." sali Mr. Péloubet. Auý guéaIs o! The Sun anti Mn. Mueller o! the EiIe f béater r. rPet- oubet sud frleudui attentiet thé Elîté tbeatér tii afternoon anti thé Chi- cago mati awa-thé siuklng of thé lent agalu. Il le possible that thIrl évéulng hé a-ill point ont to thé pst- rons of thé theaten thé spot a-ber. hé n-as béltiprîsouer lu thé "déBtcitamb- ère" o! thé vessel for fully ta-O heure. VISIT YELLOWSTONE PARK ON VOUR WESTERN TRIP On yonr waa to Calitorula ove thé cool norshérn route o! tIre*'Milw-aukee," ta nottail lu stopoBfat Butte, Miontana, anti make a @ide trip lu thé wcnterlant of Ylioweuone. Cirele Tour ohftths Park frotu Butte coosélésé titan via an.y 0fhen nonthnern route. The adition of YelIoa-étono Park gîveo tite "Milwaaukee" ronti pre-emni. néace for scenery amnîng traneconîl- neatalhue. Noa-bers twillI hé founti sncb a continuons panorama o! e-tupéndous. mountaîn scery as le preeented élicctea- alvel>. 4îythé towsrîng estugesutflte mlghty Rockie.e, thé torestet Bitter Roolé andt he suoa-croa-né Cascadeé- ail close at baud. lu hé enjovet trum tEe tarnous atl-etel trainsý-Thé Olympian"' anti "The Columtuan"-of the CIrtn'aîo Miwauarkee & St. Paul Raillaay. From Seatt le sud 'Tacoma îoarney couti te1 Calfortuja via thé "Rainier. Shasta" route. and ceturu home direct from itber LoeAýngeîles or San Francisco ou the euperb, i4teel-eqtilpped, no extra- tare train-Tre Pacifie Liuitéti'-nrver file central route' of thie company. Low tare round trip ,ex-u.riofle dall3 --sIop- eivero as tieuréti. tient or calhon complète Inftoniatfon ant ilîlustrateti westernl lrayel ltérature. Attire.. th(, local agent oh the Chicao, Milw-aukee& St. Pýiltai aaî 46.-i 0- Increas Year Wauke among a' linolsi l Ing ta rh thé fedes mates ér O! 1910. Jing thé I prtor f0 populatîa Illé 19,571 Wheu Waukega fine If I 21.7 per r are exire iîy w Il il thé li fea- year- Wbèu bis direct blé figruri Waukéga ateati o! tinat thé do thé r- Thé ce en ouI g 6'fhi .t,i19. a pocpulal Ing Chic thé ululs flou thar Fast St. Peorla sprlngtte Rockforut Decatinr Jolit Quhncy Aurors Dans lié Evanubton Rock IcI. Biooming 411 "l lue Onk Par 'Ga1pmbur4 Alon WILL WIN: Judges Prize Cori Thé jnu surpriseti tractusé i gardeus r thé Y, Nt hé Pirplal a-as opre] thé Y. NIf not ihmit C. A.. bu (r creedi Ulghen contest. foiioa-é: lst pri: ,wéli, loi 2nti p Bouton, .9 ?,rd pri 408 NorI I 41b prl 1301i W'ai Sf h pel aid. 72?, 6th pri North av 7fh pe' 779 Marir 11h prh. Frankln 9fh prh Southt Ut 101h Ip 645 Mfay 111h pi' North av l2th pi L-7n9 Was Thé ju ir A. t Bi

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