Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Aug 1915, p. 9

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L:AKE e ceu~u~ EPENDET, _______WAUKEOAN 3WEEKLY «SUN 8rA 15.. a$3-- Fm. flS -INfl s T.~~ A.S~SNcol. PIUS STATISTICS ON RURAL SCIIOOLS Shows Graduates, Those Re- oovnHkA~est Averages, Atnance, etc.- GIVE OUT SCHOLARSHIPS. LMs Prepared by Mr. Simpson Is Complote One, Covernng the Entire County. T. Arthur impmc, counity super- Intendant of ichools,hba Just come- PW nme exceedingly intereatng Information Concerning the. achoole e1t the rural districts la the. couaty. Tha is lt Include the names of the graduates trou th ii lferent Onhoots. the "Mmuo of those who recelved the higiiemi verag, tiiose Who reeitv- Si Lindley schotarshipe and those who. were perfect ln attendance. 4%0. ist folo,.: hhOHTH GRAOE ORADUATES. LaiteZurichti &booj-'Jiiusia oi, EIâsmr Toa Rosé loue& -Liltian stemt Archer Scbcol-Rrnest Hasemnan. Aa 'Weker.ii. ioey Laite Seool-Rthel D. Wade, àMa betDrgiiora Aatlocii &iool-Otladys Panowskl, VhM s bi'twtaMerrili Sabin, Mai- &* ret Deu.William Morley,. (i*g V»a Patteji, Raymond Taylor. Louis 'Uumini. Ruthi Kinrade, Ralph Kin- raie, DEUa» ihrd. ouIDupre. Ivaniooe bchl-Treaaa Carnîne. Asez echool-Frs.aces Meyer. Wýlgit 6Scool--Çhrltina Ander- Madden Schoo-F'Prederich 4Peter- aoHenry Dpker, Etta Rferlng, Ber_ ari Miller. Channl Laite School-.Rthel Run- Jébazon S&hool-ltatberine Mc- GO làMmer Rmtuer. nack i o0-Fnk cos. WHil tb Shol-Florence StickIes. 'WL.Newportft Siool-Mary Tiiomp- boa. Oliver Patch, Rdlth Tiiompson. àbnona Scbool-Beylvia Kask. ,Ida Vaaey Schoot-Martba Peterson. Murray Ochoo-lýeonora Dltz. Vêtuo chool-Rsther iRussell. RoseilIle chool-Sarah Panssfeld, 34» ua Ylser. quoue Laite Shool-HaroId fflt Creel-Loulos fchumacher. Wluconds School-Elle Glbert, Paul Hua., Maron Hughes. Ralph Sireher. James Young. Hfawthorne Farm Sch4ol-David liat Day Schoo-,Albert- rscb. berger, J. Wlliam Kuedier, Tedfortl Kasiler, Edltii Keough, Mavharet twyleLAura MMann. (imer Scbool-,-Edna Thles. Oudley-Marella Keller. Chia. liamaThor"ol. Schultz School--Mtier Gles, L[is t4lckoley. Rima Umbdenatock. AptakUslc 8chool--Affl Wotmaa, Orayslake cioo-iunice Turner, Walar fSchutz, Harold Strang, Ima Caldwel, Raymond Walsh, Clîfford Trasaer. Meredith Hendrlcks. Deerfield School-,Harley Schmidt, rty Reichelt, Bustee Raston, Wm. Bo.ttcber, Lillan Schwab, Rdward erein, Dorothy Supple, William iWh#e. Vickerman-Orace steele. Nverett echool-.Mabel Mau, Mary Sneddon. Goletta Conway, Florence Corcoran. lButterfleld-Jean EROnger. - WGags Late SchooIrene Harles. Avon Ceter School-OGeorge Hnck Tripp School-Robert Rockenbach.1 Quetin'a Corners fichool-Rosaà Otookel. Gomnes Schoo-Owen Metcaltf Mar- guetrite Thorne. Hilda Oison. fipaulding's Corner Schooi--Gue.- don Kraft. Dodge School-Irene Chope. Warrenton Ochool-M&riorle Flood, M&are De Vies.t -Rotdrdgo School-Josephine, DeE woody., ql Wlebmrp.Harbor choo-,Lydia Jaobe n, Margaret Standrige, J. Rth- el dorneon. Ruth teenrod. Rouz d Lhs chool-aes harda, M 4"r al oig J tge ~rick SchooI-Graee Mueller. Lme Buff ohooi-marmaret Lia, 7 dms 1 L YY id XiagI'WV1. u- I ..'AL n' T~TOi pin Mwer and r or uther1 MUNROfILS PKANAÀNIMEDI3AL leunRURAROUTESAË CIflL 60 TO ALM NE WBHJ4 IT L1TS CITY FOR LÀAKE1 of Principals in NOW DIVJDI3D IN AN CAMP AT ROUND LK. WAS 4.20 INCItI3- RIJSSELLPAY BILS FOREST IN FUTURE 'Waukegan"s Big EQUAL PROPORTION Two huadred and seventylilve Chfi- BUT NUOT A m , Sprin0feld, III.-Attorney ed~LaiaLo eT n rnea4iay atternoon at 2 o'clo«' on Moero, acting for J. B. ieru = Ladn Resdents of Suburb Re-adjustiment of Lake Count.- two ,eehs' country outlng under mespite Salk, fRecords cshow injonction suit vhlciibia tfld up the Join te Carry Out Artistuc ty's Rural Mail Service Has the. direction of the Sportmen Club iJly Raina in Many Yomr satir. omniîbusabill pau« od tii.Schenie There. . a Widespread Ettect. 01 Amer"c at Long Lake.,I111. Tbere Exceeded Last Month. tant meably, todoy 0104la the flan- are tvo camps at thls airae, fortv- aoncounty Circuit ourt ià",$me> HARMONY IS tHE KEYNOTE.* FOUR CARRIERS DROPPED. mites from Chiceao. 15TH WAS WARMEST DAY., dd ill11 maklng it pauuable te bold Tlda7 .111 se. the.second gron; a hering on the. Innnetio mest v»k. of 322 yonngsters etarted for the The. amended 1bill met forth 60100181 Entire Business Block te B& 8v The Change Eàch Carrier oibpr camp at Long Lae On That Day Mercury Show0d ly the Imanes of taw and ot «Y Reconatruoted to Accord Must Caver 30 Miles Terri. The. 276 ciien eu fortwo vee 88-Comparative Figrs and. Il hotii parties arem oruemMe, WithIdeas. tory, and Get $1,200. 'W:.BM TMprearan no With Other Years vîli iiat.n the iuariflugaiu. go ETR ur Iradno aangamon oounty courtqsad the. lu. Lake Forent ilstory may b. made Tii. most 'radical rearrangeorn f LakeCouterui viiolegome* to Drame court of the. state. today. e u , tmal, f e tal ratnrai of &20 luches. a esoiila Tiie amended billU attacha about lu the. office of Howard Shaw, ai- been made mince the service vas Ilntb- rns ay. I lai doemn't by any me»en mli* 82,000,000 of the. appropulutious. it cht.ct. bide .111 ho opened ferorne.angurated hecame effective on Ana. B Xfor .lý mm:â .em utly.Aach e oa thte . Sq la nov optional vith Blute Tosaur.Of the. most ambitions clty beantîful . 1 iand as a conaquece, for tthe tîme rmpcas& l e o eo u belo,, fnniethe d e or Russoit vheuiier ho viii pay g44 plans over launched. ,,belng. there May ho oue confusion CGUntmen1sudveh I'.S. el veatrnscod e f emptoyes or vatuntil thé deao;" The. plans psoie for the .rainjor ln the rural service. althougii Il croie RIRempoe larcîn ttmee E. socil ty. C aes recodetrnor l handod dova, an enUre business block. ad is r. ,tuatly .111 kdiust Itéeof and, accord.Fai Isrutosl il tLace C1003, j.. a mm baebensix o l,8 construction along the ldealtmed Ics r log to Postrnaster Grady of WaulgegWq> r ta. siNhoehppe n vi 10r tier bav em ixgaJuin- laid dovu l>y tiiearciteci. It Is bonnd teiielp the. viole systae wor bnIbubeu bglerros BOYS 4off MvW If any of tie i.bde Are acceptait 1&ho ln thecounty. . f ait tban thi. year. [t Il encoat 140RE LM T^» w~~okin ef"ec truction viii start et Wi ac eSain g2 .4 l dlthdm once. TIU th. e i.Propsrty restae miss DY the changes effective Aug 1. I aschteSttin. 1 re,3in,5.Moniii8Ysbermor MO E OO itN îii U.trstm aP:1,qii GMu0g, tiese things are noted: Tiie Orst camp viii ha k ut rm antu y« Vih rutw potte y 8t CmfrRi 1. Four cars-lis ehave ban ens.- V5ip Thompson lu honor of tbm With tiie «Menu- igiaerm"54te Ise's mmltee - lI.v.d fsou srvice and emal, ho NOlor, vbo has agreemi w men et 54 <Ai kf slheaaa W. s ud~ WAS c REPORTgDse ecP tamb . msqIuBa. pae jvQmle vacatlonlmts aithtei.2ports. Tiiuiidy .o2IIda et tu ek. lit The pl»ian dravu hy 1Mr. Shaw. county by the. postal Servie@ if 8Mou'#Club ln the noca hour tomer- là mon that ila pe1801 asa*MoWth- provîde for the recooatructloa of *ho they viais te continaue worklig In g ei efj5. sfo 0 ete. Beloit Police' on Searoh, PlUbloc nlathe. form o a iottov sqtuare the rural worlckomaynghm moeO T heut ol s- ii.hany coaau n i Pe ti Lake CQunty Youths, F[na op.n on on. end. tii. conter to ho theMisin Lot Wd utas PbIc 2.k LThe.routes of the remainisuu l1W»% .coolie, valters, chaperons u #ag.pson bas. resuued veiu theMlsinqLoo. - lai on asa PblI Pa-k.carri-ers eut of Wsukegan end 0v. .ffl liteépaunds. 'The chldren arie Ti. ovbIlIn 11 b cntrct ry-sther station trou whloh rus-- frOmlete o ixteen Yoam oid.'-, --,,* Sil acrdne ii 9la 1ug - Accofsinate Mr. Jamnes a Z HEARING HERE ON FRI0AY. @ig est r d acbuwta plnpau AIdcarriera unrk. hava hoon re... At athe. children vwiliiig assie by te ambtectand apraael an8M 4ctonu menti lu jeichua- by hetutesad uldn oi-aragdta PsV-ov :$waty-Ive tous, 14z25 font. - fe reldri 4ys only tir..u bWoloy All of the Stolen Ggads V4«Op mittea Tboy vllt ho harmonlous a. That they cuver as nearly as Ti.cunviiho "Yd t l.rdin the moutii. -Found in Pookets &Md StO a ni artlstlc. Mu G possiblo a distance of 30 miles o~~p f tventy or tvonty-dve The defflency in teupersan u. a ings of the Two Lads. Lahe Forest's "clty heantlfut" plan Per day. Pfcii, and .ach colouy .111 have iUn ln th* ua#lmum, tii. minimum ig bac!l is beginnlng Oive Tours &go, viien b. That the. carriers lu oach lu- 0w stipeior and attendante. - eout-sa 'arre w yu other year. Accos-ding te vos-i r.celred trou30 raidects of -the millonalre' pub- atance .111 get $1.200 a year. uy qj-amgdeUcoth Beloit Win..Ernestand un" gatber.d ai a public meeting. te l__________________&bveon_____U fllot Ws. rnatm OIr cousider the. beautlOication of tin cîty - C. That the. dIstrict' cavered by Av teseragetnutiare 67.8. Tioa Rauscbend.rt the. tvo boys hm > As a reuit of that meeting. prem #LAO U LJI I S e 5 ach carrier trom nov on vîildl-i. sM33E t.Vlteta 6ae.o i.U Lont Osove who are cbargri viit-h oed ovrr y John V. 3'arwett. the T urAS vide [ah, County ln such a man- w iorianfuli 4.130. B I f L ner that dlvery in near uU CIAS DJuy S4-Wrua.t dey 97 on the iiuvlng robbe a sMure ut-tpique, du laid dovn as ite Idesa cimnl- l ', 1 1 . îî os . p ?t~ 3. Clda ay5 1l~ a~ h s.cused couierable mm t. lent»O ne",. god osder and hoauty and de- ÎL I ES SUFErrINl si vrg tmeiust vus miaaod by the Long Groea , i>chied ta vork at once to reconstruct _______;_____ t derelops lit thiei.rarnel.t Jp pj W5 lA R ,ow Tue bboa 4thece antielà i .Lake Feret ta. .accord vu them sihlth Aolian C in imnrs ln*Ito earage11e epatv ey 18"éÈ.td. ad avay ta their trooser'poiongs 1419u,, .wolc di Tyrreil lé the. ceuniy Je#i, Mr*. m- lOti. CoMmet dOy 43.s the eJI and lu theroki stenga viioemnWok en ;,SWuf. saF, otU mkrualcarirOJws 'fyé$ vere soarciied by thi oi. <~~c e iglce tîaat Urne unesgaty home rn ans>k hwery tmyf/ es te . oe o ut 3 i lesnd ach atarirwiII 'b Frt MnPy 15~eoe~aprtr l toit. Tue beys ver. suap.ctmE vhsbave bean tom dcvii. @tracts vldened. oflicel' lisFranic Oul wqt . recellqe $1,20Q a year. Just ho. Ian Acrefor 153,AcresW st-.5insa ,trulatdan ayba ne âalong. cut ae te orrnel a'Ct t'ukgn uy 1hl3-W& MeAA day 6' o the tiiey sougbt te dispose ci anom~ s o lato ai an ui as e- many cute ae enrarnje f-iy fW tkp . J:11 Coldgsut day 43 ab., * uiM the articles. fidnce. erected. The entîre clty thSUe wua toId ho waa oettng s la ot knovn but [ah. Connty ha.nUh vrg eprtr 13 vos-b.d tegetiier te offaet thoeaffecte Ov*s- the affectaetofthe polson hoon aIl "Oued up" and otiierilviiil iurMee ft omt ii* R A erage .70 In.i» They vere hrought bock te Wauhs-«e .urlyhaphazard grovisicis mise la sccused vith i *v. fotlowountil the. state la entirely re. eoria vi bas prcht ae Frti. he-y' ' Jl 8.7 ares0dy 0ion.i han hut Dats-day niait by 1101111W Fonde vore snbecrubmd to> s->hue iseu hlm .n gingerale, whes-eupon adused 3it o as u veuftho! Henry-dlug'i Bib. Coldeat d y l be.o on 0 Sieriff Rimer Green, and nov an b&le- l iiness section or tue subarb, e@sai: ,duTi. rMlutun vsmi uac* tpoms st voateo! auuuabeo- Ut. CÂveramtompd aoyats the log hlâ' lu tiie [ake COUtV JMe1and for thii.purpose approximt.iy '0 au Siad that hoila imprsov- Ts e eatl Jubsteant vas mde onat tqsemls.nd.wtturchankaaed tue 158 A eral ge tacii.u.e 4A Thy are te hoe giv6n a 118211lit-W. »60,000 vu ralsed. Tie property vas ait ngsd uhat ho la llkely te é.s-lentfcbasadwsmd ttm mls e.rhsi h URtri . ahs fore Coluty Juige Persona On rl4s«puscased sud Utti.repoaeci la tue fi-ol estrWkhlngton. There the. authoritio eetataOl uarttl o- Jl *0Wr.tdyWo i of hi wek Thy rechrge vthloingtrstna. Cru H mcoJnst tooh a map of Lake county and ideIation beiug 819,125, lot. Coldoat day 47 above onUntei 0f il weh.Tuy re iugm vth evngtrutes:Cyru L cCrmlch, H.rever. 1 am giad that ho vîthout paylng any attention ta local. isterokr Mee . tek: Average temperature 75.33. To- belng dlnquent. IDavid Jones, D.. -Mas-h Cummlnas, slrsle* ne oemewhat fs- the Ilueunces, etc., they irew.0lIos for rhrnr M.Me u taitelreatait. 83 Inluhe tbeywin led I thls p h &gl o hnse.sion iiend rhr .- w"-gtisptho dld te mycdsugh- the respective routes ta bring eacii on.a option on tue remainder of the. July 1909-Warmeut daerWUon le the bc!lnthirPosesin be Setie. 'Ho deses-viate suites-, carrier as oser to 30 miles on *rfaruaserons the atsmot nostu, I9ui. Cotdest day 45 on tiie L. arrosted: A building commutte, vu appoint- biut 1 i nenloalyde route au possible. They took loto con- big about 200 additional acre&,. h Averago t.mperature 63.0. Total Si gol --c-i ad ai tollovs: James Hayworth, John Miythi'W te make hlim siasr sîderation the condition of the ronds, lIosaid iho xpects ta acqire \tiat raînfaîl 1.15 luch". Vvo sîlver v atcies. T, Pilie. Donald McCIlland sud Phîl- In a previeus Intervlo* wîîh thes number of bonnes, etc.lTond aise,.4 July 190-Warm..t day 98 la the Vvo goli vatch robe. IV James. the Son, Ms-s. Schw" ybac!îsintaCr-e-a s oIlu »Am-u~eatouit. Cima a 0ai,,o i Four, goi vatcb chaton. For the purposaetofcarrylng on the ad te feef vois te thlnk thaïaiclea. tdneCarrs F Nfl . blatom ,m t. MU ey4 oe'nte Fifty tva-cent @temps. vork [ake Fs-eut ctizens have terni- e th.seaions tha ulOtd By the. rearjustment. "naîuraîîy. t» placebuabeau notîfled ho meantlut. Average tamperatur. 13*6.. al.. fleron dollars ald 4 conta ln sp .d tiemuelvees lttaan organisa- bete is er tîsugiter and uIg somebody hmi ta loue theîr Jobs b. iWi. fri vian b hi. tiMa o p 1, fil 4.39 luche.. rency. ~ ~ ~ ts t in itie Labo Foren matli- i> hth a fo oIdb cause, as the routes averaged about Mffl lt &eUt- Juiy 137-Wkruest dea M tien One amurer match box. Provemeut Assocation. tae. Me.Sfi id: "Fer a km 25 mlles lu the pat for tic 26 carriers Tke dent hu au onegolateii by '1411-. Coldeot day SI ahmovo o île Six pairs goi cuir buttos. Tille Plana for Subu-b tîme Ilb ad! boon repovtod het and as tiey nov are lucreasai Dive tIMî sud Cous- a eaz. Iltb. Average teu.eratve 7.3 e Thre mati sraser blades..'Lako Fs-ent contains some of tue Fra~nk liedbeon china.l riun iomîteaci, it lef t a durpluaso! car.- l tome htMr elvtel ranfàll 3.02 luch«. - moit beautitul somnmer homes ln vhsotis.s-gisl-that Ts why Car.lrers. In ail, therefore, t î a lapneitai §&Meer Jaiy 1900-Was-most dey 94 on the, SP ackages satety raser WaiOs.Ameica,' sali Mr. Adis yesterday. oso.hl ht[ h l re 1d that four carriersa bau as-e e..wpl"& ata reqosuat& B Ithe bulildIngs ind. Coideat dey 47 abeya onu lie Oure arhighanle klva, *W. h ,tirongi ous- present plans, 5fflIn true te her as @ho. W» ieing uaed ln Lake County than 5e gotsosaessinotev u es oo Tvo fountaîn pens. tha ad ho ýtilte touche of pîctur- s-.meailng te him he'd flnd bers vions to Aug. 1.ptssu oealn umpoe toi tt ralàtali 2.96 tache.. Tv.tyboxs f cgaete oqueutnas, varlety uni chas-m neom* ei ndsif5m dy"Ou.carier vas ceut ut tLiber- July 1906-Warzme't day $4 soi tie One biox of cigare. cary tu make Lake Forestiont ofithe «I lve Cort-it nemud au1 tvile neat Prairie Vlev. the onq iff route thns vas sont a liue fh. Coldeat dey 48 abera on.: iei One Pound of chmlng ttocoe. mont beautffut citios ln Amenica" oves-did, but 1 iwlII nt mas-s-s e sel doeru [Ah.lnCouty. fqr rdoSeond Cîserlaes. Ili Aveage 5.10 luche- Praeticaily sàîiof the «ieatg lit. es-ar ttes- whst ho apen e wstr n lS AO ' dy u tu Flftair puagsa!chv. ~sens of Lakeo Foret-asnd tiat là- My Par"ni.have mado ibis s-i. l-ow t W« Dono. nhlabg tuat the change mlgbt' 110»&4Wurmë@ey b h __________ clodos many orthe vealthie't sud que t fme and 1Iintond te io Takiug Waukegan's rural routesu v oinsemdelay until the public galots h. Avoragteyperar 7163Osain- lEChicgo- ,ve bedîent ta thels- wîsiaoa. ioiter, as an exemple, It ia seen iov tho po it. t ic hepostoffice depariment F0R ER REIN K 15 OX giron finacalsuni Moral support tb ad t dothe right thîîng te Ce, change haIncreasei the length ofrlfpWd os-dera tuai secoud-clusmail fait 4.41 inch"e. DEDI IVI.the aas-tiecambitions o! the uubmtn. île, but m@he woutd net gluten ~teit.eroutes sud radical change iun. ea-strwanded Immodînteltute c ew Ur. ld S-eat dey eon lt4 glue tic Lake Forest Beantiful me. if I îîve 1 viii attenMpite fos--oral detivers-. For exemple: adigmsa ithout thc cuotomar - . CoietdySabaon$t Dliid ln Chairtovolx, Mici. Jus- 39, Sidea vu hm. fire yO5Z5 Om ma" et thore oves- vu anythlng n Route 1 ont o! Wauhegau nov e. - licete the sonder tefurishnwAvregotesnpesatnre 71.03. Ral.l [ara. Nettie M. Bayrd, wlat e «'q ichanges, have been vrought lu tue cOMmon tw.en Lus." tends clear ta the. north limite o!taddrws and additionai poatage. la 6.60 luches. A. Bayrd of St. Louis, Mo. suburb. iZMon City (outaide of Zionwvicii sX-t, accordlug ta anceya9tmonttr. Mrs. Bas-rd, wvice. Maudqp iIlipe Bluth PalaliHome&. bas .*Ilis ovudelvery system) mandlb. IIfnge nmes more vorkth e Aver~Ciage-t dea 4uaerT.S&on tuel. va. Iray, spent ber .asly li t p 11g Ogdou Armons-, tentoy Filid, Mrs. uwihnamlofWdor tP _ kegan. Site vasfor im«y ygpM Jam>es Word Tuas-ne. Albert A. BANK ROBBED 0F r vth în a mllF.Evo aslîarrs-i t er tt@bfafor a short tîme, but doe&-, ainflge 9Qtacpesa. 7.8 o teeches-lnthte aid NortiihgiIprgue Il.,.c' Joseph M.f. Cuahy Cedar Rapide, Iowa, Aug. 4-Vie an route 1. Ihd.dygo tenleneoheraue frtor mielouis- 16 . Vi metisiova su ave- have crccted palatial homes asudIt Codas- RapuiseNational banc vas held Route 2, vhilates ti outh route, ugot vîli io hnndled Jmat a au prmpt. rao! e greTheaonh aybo an av& Mr. andiMra. bKarahal Ple J4,i, up sass hich have extenieii tie up and robbed of $21,300 early teday takes lu ait tint ters-Itor S- outh og Iy *0 oves- bs-the. depastm.nt. , V e 71dgm - de*bkr 110 viii arrive lu Cicago la abtotl-t" SM recfthe aburb tas- beyond Iluis bya bandit,wvie t the Point cf a Grand avenue lu Wankegau tova. Whll the specîflumadulcationgalta eg for nuy. veehs trou Europe, ani viii tkb,qoq- <ps-mer confines. kovolvei-, competted Leo Perrin, tue siilp uni touches Itoniout on tiie U auied aboya appis- mermly teoPIAL UN AYis Idenco lu tic Chartes W. Pl i hoe Oui>' eue dinScrdant elemout s-e- pmylng toiler, ta open the. vaulta, andisouti uni goes tu W'arrentoa on tihe l'e Waueqan cie, II;la le..rimd tCape"RB'q ut Lae.Forest.. Vie>'have lkemains tao oleni the artistic eesc!ofafterwari locked hlm in. Pers-lu veat. Tii. Lhbes-yvilte cas-ries- nov Qiat oianggs ta contcrm teconditions a eeu ffai i Ia. 'lees'-4wy the for the montha i«î05.Labo Forest. That intte business Asec- vUe discovereii lu the vault about 15 cernes ta Warrentau. iKingsley ntya's- ei. -varions or0t rmn officeou tsc iaels04 te ,5UUe;Mà ont and Dptcmber. For bye' tien. It us .tust vhich LtieFoesmt minutes tatas- lu a oiate or tempos-. i. carier No. 2 ont of Wanbcan. wbtobrural routes s-nu, have hbeau iigâteci bouledte IL,"u . 41 W- Deut they have beau, vsiting 9, hopsu tetakrle lirai; etep toile te arylaauitY ms the result et«- Mans- of the foeas- for t s- amaie riolt aiong line.s "ier teth iae bt ctu. homo of Ms. Filid's motlhor«, N< limlnate. -4d Partence. He'waa takren te a hoapu- securci thirs mai ont e!ohf Lier Itiofar>' tloops nor. oolahW n.t PdvnDrman, t- a. ierehis/condition at noon vaa tsvilc office nwwl WhI i *uA itaen tue dîtyuni marins iiave ý Sonthumptc, Englani.John Mile Wuegau vas fiacIlamId b>'physiciens to b. critical. fregan. nTh ieie sgetr iawaun A sgtidontho!chan-etonailr soiteValiles n "OVb f3teis s arnd's comntei &b hothe poulice magtie-ivIIe t mPerrineis Amang a gretip ot tatergettig' at u es h ocemgs eslu n uthe bunk gtting eut sas the.Schrechs, Rpkers, etc., vio tor i ho By-'Vi ciiage ulve,__M__lsai________t___ta es-n visitasslnu Labo orma i VI-Ile trete utiZMon City wviin arreaiei on ens-rouey ahpments for thé hanka o! alvays have bean conaidred Liber-.l'ut on. delivée a day nov tiat wO i ebr t tevneu<a Mrs. B. H. Ha-rlunaa and ber 4ugis- a drunk andi disorderty chargc by uelghboring tevus ta go ont ounoarly tyvîlle nelgibora. but viw o 11fe Thalon fGre. ou..le cevlbon a ' p- mww - tes-, Carol, vbo viii arsrivetolpw p oliceman Govlugton. Carl Piman 'trains, yhen the. bandit mtorei A have thoîr mail onuf t*-.."Waukffl» . gut ive ielivlmi a aMy ".la, Hév o 1 a-week ai le 1W ar g UseW. la thels- prifata eus. Tbçe. fl: 9 o! 'Ren CUt>- vu arrmtai ai. mii- aid. deor sud hodifm up v ith a R. F. D. 2.,, . i o b Wueanofce e n us-or 115 e8.5<5 boms e route*ýb t o> laiHsilau'ioniait for ridlng a bicycle on the ide. revolver. A seuffl, ennsue, ta vhlii 1Waukegau by the. change Ios 1 n.gtdon't liehe ochange end nitier do ThR' Au I la le San ranlscei valku on Tvcnty-poevmtb. treet, 'the bandit vai vlctarlous. -fev fs-sm Its nostiiroute t irn me, maus o! ous- neliboros,."TueyAg vwvm lft a Éqisa &ýé VA imm» %rmlktb ww Ltt"lb&lb

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