LÂKE COtTKT lems L ." asy pOsts 0* TIJÇ fLM Y SPUT'AkENIC IN THOS W. OSSlfl AAI.d ~WHISKY, DRANK IT; TuÂTWAS FINISH Y, AUGUST 13, 1915. _________ MRS. BUSSE FIEilTS BERTSCIIE IS TO FOR FARM IN TH1E BE BROUGHIT TO FOX LARE DISTRICT BUSSE CASE LATER i îontnne FontPag Orel Wife of Former Chicago Mayor Hearir ai elgbt oclock. In ili<- ui<aititrie Says He Bought and Chai tise marshi e nd Nir. Ilornian bad con Paid for Il. ducted an Investigation,.soit accord- ing ta laite reports had heen unsîîc- WNhen Fred A. Busse, former Ci- teau]lin inding a clue that would cage Mayor. purcisased the 4~0,I000O nt solve thse mystery oftheli aged her- farm at Fox Lake several years ago. the Fne mit. he placed it ln hls fatisr name LI was hel Résidents of Diamond Lake and order to prevent gossipere tram say- cerY E Fremont Township sided witi tihe ing that Poities had made hlm a rich hearlut hearing aged man lu is quarret wt h is own man, lu other words, according to the thse aile kmn. Tise residenta ofthtie village dlaIm 0f is widow, lie didn't want and Ge trled to maie Hoffmeyer's dying days people te refer ta im as a "million- morroW as happy as tisey could. but he pre-taire farmer-politian.' started ferred to live retired f rom the worid. Mn,. Busse occupled tise stand bé- Bs,,0ý No botties of Poison were found In fore Master ln Cbancery F. J. Hey- consista thse sisanty and thse door had been decker today lu thse suit Instituted tiy weil fai iocked front the Inside, se many are ber agalnst %Ir. Busses estate. whIcis Miass of thse opinion that thse aged man by lucîndes hies biotiser, Caroline1 Buss e, bis doB reason of a broke» beari took b is hie brother. George Busse. aud bis aboutV own lits. séter, Mns. Carnle Mang. tise latter ther frc lied Cogservator. of Chicago. Mrs. Busse, 1%r., liveS MaSter S* It developea that Attorney C ~T on tise Busse famwtsnrsrteti Heydecker was appoiated conservatar George. petent. of tise estate Immediateiy ?ollowing Tise former mayor's wife started a i A ma By Wnchell Smnith, Author of "Brewster'& Millions". 5 reels of fine entertaifiment- iedatlair.oneer to-patto si nwsi ss sesbr t h t ney Benj. Miller of Ubertyville ce- widow'e dower of tise big dalry farm beenilpu presented tise chlldreîn tiste courts. viicis lies on tise east hank of Fox actuali' g u Tise, iiiiiren are Mlrs. Fmma Goetz. Lake. Tise déenese of tisebeirs issu City, t Lyric Theatre,( Friday, August 13 Mrs. Lulu Stucise. Henry, George, Wi. iseen tisat tise farin stand-,lu tise Iflise BEIDES UNIVERSAL PROGRAM SAME OLD PRICE liam andEmmet Hoffmeyer. ninme of tise former mayors tather ts oayg Taanattempt was made to hav e and tiserefore se la flot entitled to a eul.. Hoffzueyer 'declared insane snd comn- tiird of ItL George Busse bas been Baruey C& CIM HJ Emitted te tise insane a9rium at El- runuing tbe e frni. esd w SAYI SUNIUNE- Lgu, Ill., le a report which wss re- Mre. Busse claims tisat ber bus- itentiai luIge, h ceived in Waukegan laie Thursday at- band hart told ber tisat tise reason be;quest1 W L BESPREAD terno-on. The attempt talied, andIpiaced tisernam ln bis fatiser'e naine he fort WILL Ru* Hoffmeyer returned t, bs isibaty wae to Protect iimaeaf ln bis politicai tiseC near Diamond Lake. career. "He didnut want people bo re- tisrougi SKY N13XT MONTI Tise cilidren are said to bave filed- fer te hlm as tise millionaire feamer- demnand _______tise conservator hearing lmmedlateiy Politicien, as bie feit tbey wouid lunpeWted Ciseer tip.Thse weepiug :skies are after tiseir motiser died, tiseir charge case tbey beard of hlm acquiring tis e 'Lowa. to dry up for a couple of weeks tise belug ibat thier father was squanden- tigrée big famie wvici veut to maie Ni latter part of Auguat. At teast. a Ing hie money lavisly. He hiait a Up bie place," nid lire. Busse as tSisrh wel inown almanace sys that tise littie fortune. estimated et $6000. At. teuas llild er eyegg, wisen se testi- ertuon; veather viii se "clear, pleaanuéai onyHyekrbi enamns eltdy H lascniee tlgr settled" from Aug. 14 te Mi. Until tre edce a enamns e .dy eavsscniea a thon oniy clouds and rmin are in teril is affairesielce tisat time.- hie property and t knowis le meantth r Sigist. that It should be mine; neyer did lhe tihe t Plcnice and vacations continue te O SATEDTH N UEToonsider bis brother George a part- George. is lsasteir a nhs houl'avIf Waukegau. Aug. 5. uer. as ise daimis. He always pald quarreli ptoe d e athilnoutinge shoarrange A coronrs jury, sworn ln ta lu- him a salary and many times bai 1 Acrei tisheaitilu lanc.arag quire mb tiste cause ofthIe bemits ieard hlm tisreaten to dIecharge then wi Federal Farecaster Cox in Cisicago deatis on Frlday afternoon. foutaitisai George alter they bil disagreemeuts. came1 says that tise veather for tise year hie came to hise deatis by soma kind of If It vas lits fatiser's place.lise wouid stant0 was slmply turned about tisis year. osnn-mtr ftepio u-nthv oeta. ony and that tise untoward veatiser now pioigutr f ietio n lt aedu ht"trde tn simply au adjnstment of nature. iuovn. Tise tact ibat a small box M.%ugisof tise morning vas occupied Gad to wisereby tise reatait and tempera- 0f rat poison. Partly elîpty. is one of lu arguments as to tise admleeibility out ohj tures for tise yesr vîli ise ln tiseend bis coat pocks vas lthe evideuce ou of lire. Busse's testlmguy. tise defense Throc DanelFrhmn reens hefaou Dam o lve dty&Mth l n ormal t hevisal ws ar icb the Jury returuedlite fining argulng that aise couil ot teetify ln honing a He says a tis anal sfrvasPt short of normal up to May 1. and of polsoning. A postmortems wae cou- an action of thiîs'lni. Heydecker yos é5~~~~LI V' (S ~~~~~~that tise déluges singe then bave dueted Is 1Dr t.hart- 'nlsneIinly ditdIt\bet oolc-tsIt "T E S A E F J -p- C madte up tise deficiency. Also. ise Llherty tille and 1Dr William 1;Belowe tions. broh By oh R in ar. A L Lh Pa l % V 1i J Ue III... E .were abose normal sd lise Of %MBkCldj i , and u paon their recoin T ie nly meiflers of tie istse oRdets1 .IarleFeFtartiley. lit four ret-lef taf otion Picturs. Pro- .romparatIvely iow aummer tempera- meniatlou tise contents of tise dead family lu court vas Mrs. Busse and , veu due bytht Faisos Payee ~i1mto ent bave almost madte tise adjitît- man'@ stomacis were sent to Chicago Fred Busse. there, due yteFiosPaer imC etto normal, for analysîs. Mrs. Busse tisen descrlbed lise daye 0118 qui ALSO REGOULÂR UNIVERSÂL FROORÂ Tise village marsisal cf Fremont ebe spent witis iser husisani, buying Bus@ upbraid Tovnship, informed Deputy Coroner furulture and stock, sud tise iayef sise vork L Y R IC T H E A T E ivard Conrad tisat tise sum of $242.- passai watcing tise vorkmen lui- oflher LY R C lI A T I3II U D 5 V 40 hail been fouad la tise dead manuB Prov: tise place'near Fox La-*e, bulli vitist: pockets. Teiudlngofti big su vé ali and a bost of chicken coopa b> tise h LIERTYtoruey. TUESDAY, AUG. 17th I L I I of mouey bias causedl many to aban- sud barns, paint aud degorate. visen y H E:A _ A E don tise belief Ibat tise aged man was "Fred paeu for ail of it. ase aid. ary-.. SA MIE OILD PRJ(3E T M LA ttaàied aud rohlied of bis mouey,."I eaw iim vriie out tise cisecks for T4 _____________and vas ted poison ta canceal tise everyting.' b -s ---- ---- - ss- - --:sP. A. SUYDÂX. - Frop. crime White se vas taiiing George Hespiti Pour ut Haffrneyer's ciiliren teu- looked Intently at hies uit. writlug bisgisan1 A nnounfcemient Four 'Rools of thse ttledi attise lneet, but tiseir evi- naine ever and over on It. Soveral for se, Best Licensod PictUres. douce diit net aid tise lurons lu reacs- Uiues hoe smiled in derision, but tise ahle te ________Iug. as flot one ot tise children bxd viov képtiser eyee from hlm. Hr 1 tell D .S. EsG O N RIDÂY, AUG. 13 talui with or seen thelr fatiser in- attorney' tien asied ber about fur- cab lai QUIKSADS F SCIEY - aida af a week aud some not for a tiser conversations vitistise parents Vonted f. ~ ~ L ~ i . 2-ses D.<rphDrsnametis. One son lirai but a mite of Fred Busse aud se continui ne- tise eP Opte.cînist aid Opticias - 2-"UICKSA.NmoDS 0F SOCIs sil lokETYutofth As ae THE GIRL 0ON THE rp.Mr'.. - front-viere the agei man made bs gissig.etloilgot it Ployae H0F CHICAGO . Kales. Railsod Dmeu home on thse Hormanu tari. 1lwinW. in. E Featuring Miss Helen Holmes Mns. toiman. s neigisisr. asOne 'Tise> asked me vby i dldn't spend versatl Hart opened au office in Libettryvilir t>) teSt andl fit THE I4AINTED ATTIC of tise test visa taiiced vitis Hof y- more t hm n ie farm,' se said. lu 1911 fl e~,ad l re t e cuîtd lewil - - - LbsCsd r isefore hie dms. SBis tated tisat "and 1 told tisem It vas because It le furial ~soe. henneeed ona 0 dgs re traltise aid man vas crying bitteri>' and vasu't ln Pred's name sud visonlbe again.- every Wednertday oely. SATURDÂY, ÂUG. 14 tisat lie told bier hc Inteuded ta dom- reali>' ovned tise tamni natead of hae sho THE SKOW BIJRNER - - mit suicide. mereîy payîng for everythîni. încîud- 1liead OMFCE WITH DE. SHELLENBERGER _ g. 3-rosi Esc uy Dymi A number of relatives off tise dead Ing land, food sud flmiture, I voeUl sud SI Hours 9 to 5 Over Loveil Drug Store SIEE EAJIFL son-Co ,e>, man are convîaceî tisat 'ise sulciied, spend ail tise time ouit lise vanted vouli but a big majorit>' of the resideuts Me te." Mns BUNDAY, ÂUG. 15 ai Fremont Township are auxiaus George trowned and hie attorney' Base 8 PAWS 0 MAS - tiat tise coroner cauduct s furtiser objectai toelise idavs e sat remi .la suc 3-emaiBro*dc Star Fture probe lu aearcis of a chuevisici viiisM. Busse went on te recaui that sel vs FL C. B ur rid ge & S on -N u rse~ry S t ock Featuring Chas n t nisd Setie definiteiy tisa cause of deatis. Frai's motiser bai coutiuued. accus- out oi . DoraIs>' Kelly Hoffmeyer is alieged ta have been lug hlm of extravagance, complaining Part 01 ÂLL KINDS 0IF MAN OVERBOARD - S*ll-CeOO-dy wortis tram $5.000 ta $10,000 at tise against tise salaries hae vas paylng legal1 limeof______________ p.moe IA.RI> z PI1.& ]""SSR t BS, Many residtents of tise village vere looked 9 ocf tise opinion tisatishe aged ber- rats" la tise mans pockat vitisnmem.et tise TIR!E S AN D VIN ~ES.. ' mit ladt a big sum af money Secret- Of it gone. iudicated tisat he likely At V s Busse Lot us estimate the oat for autumn planting ai lu tisesant>', but a diligent searcis teck some of tisa rodent Poison as îng sq faîieî to reveal tisa aliegei hidiîng veil. Tisere le arsenic lu l'rougisonu ing n( Fairhol m Gardogns Phono 102.R - - placa of tise eriits goli. rats.,, thing Dymon RdTise verdict ai tise coronerls jury Ubestyviie, III.Coroner Hoffusan's chemîut ln Cisi- le tisas uncisangad. because tise jury., ii tisat iu tise whislsey botte, lu viih tim died from somse sort of PalsongIngcg onMus'av etarprti rtseutsyondtatsel-IJ - . tisera were pertiape tigres vine-glass- unknown ta tise Jury. 1 Alls N t akeTh t R te s 1esos f viake>', ne ud mucis evi- Tise cisemiste'latter to Mr. Conrad All' Not(~ake T at iJitersdouce of arsenic,.visicis. it la150w snid tisat tise analyste coftise stamacis Borne cakes ane hxod to catch the oye couceded, muet bave beau drunk by contenteshaoyai tisa présence of ar- aud fool the tante. But thoy wouldn't AN INSURANCE POLICV w-. Hofmeyer, tisa Diamoud laie senic and thenefane ha vas positive ovon take the booby prie iu a pure food1 hermîl visose deai body' vas fouad tbst deatis vas dtue ta arsenical pois- Wi show. Bewaro of doped cakes. Our cakes, IS A 13RIDGE To SAfETY Tisuruis>' of last veek by e neigisior'olsIng.Mo i liks Our breAan sd other thingu are If you are insurel vîti s fin the viso broke In tihe door vhen isç fait6d Chics., made from the boat of matorials. Our strou5eet compare t, a tire loses usucl te apepar lu tise monning. 1 Tbrougb tise efforts sud coopers- month reputation guarantoos th c f ius lerror. NO înatter haw uer- When Deputv Coroner Conrad vis-tion of bis pariis of over 100 familles. is ce Tiie ibety ili B <~ ions your fuse însy bu ons will have Réai tiese ceae ise aaw tise viskey tise 1ev. H. 'M. Shea bas sucreeded "goiuî TheLib r ff e E ery capitali euh whieh te star* afreeli. iottie and beiievei il Wttuid be wel l lnsaving erected tise HoiyFamily et.' Phonoe6 daeryv 0l,I11 Cati yen affard to be mvitisout ibis te have tt auaiyzed so ha sent it ta Churgis at Nonsh Chicago. It is mod- tali t protection? Yeou h"td butter s'ec us Chicago togetiser viti tise contents arn sud ranis viti tise otiser ratis Ibree about it ta day. of tise victime estomacis. Tise analysi8 ellg cisurchesalaong tise norti sheore. tiat i C L A w O RK D ra d & Dur nd tioSusav arssenic visichis.iîle be- Tisetirut services vere held ln lit tisem. CLEN W RK ura d & Dur n lievos!, vas llrst placei ln tisewig.s-ou July 4, Fatiser Elga was trans- JU ) P u i n g A LTtriggs BIag., Libertyville boky wvici the vlctim drani. Tise ferei ta Narths Chicago from St You J o b "T PbonsZmberIyvliIs "É0-Mskflss1prsececfapakae i"rugs u hma 0 Hd-Prkaeago -1 h ing Is HeId in Master in .ncery Heydecker's Of- fice This Morning. Waukegau. Aug. 6. bher of tise series of isearnugsi In rei A. Busse estate coutroveray id ioda>' before Master tn <'han- E.J. Heyiec'er and sootiser tgviii taits place tomorrow 'rThe ktoday wae ou tise uter cd lgei partnershlp betweett Fred lorge Busse; tise ieartttgkita w will be ou tise partition suirt disy Mrs. Busse against Gel(,. ,whereby lie asie ta hav;e tise 0farm at Fax Laies dividel. it ae ai tise Solltt, Nelsoni aud At- arme. 1FinLnegan. inurse visa it'eudell tusse lu tise haspital prier ta emise, tbld of visat hie aid planning taeisange bis bro- rom vorkig at tse faim. Tise rIn chaucery struci eut bier *ny, ciaimiug George was not it sud tisonefore It vas ticote- tau nameiiSmîis.thformar secre- oBusse, sai!In croses-examinaa- tat likel>' 11.500 a monts biait paid ont b>' Busse on meu visa ly i net vank for isim or tise le question being meant te ee gîct>' psy rail was msiutaiuei yexteut for men ual actual>' aid. s deBunite>' statei toa>'tisai y Bertegise, tise clairvoyant trust mil] be brougist trom Joliet peu- y ta testify In tise Busse isear- ie viii be, brougbt an a ne- from Mfaster Heyiacker suter rmaiiy retuns ta Joliet, vison oik courkty satheflties are r it us l Tntil lhe raturais Laie conty canat maie s id for hlm. Jusi visat la ex- 1ta ho provai b>' hlm, -snat ev-vous Usder Qusst'eving. skiug norvousi>' from tise nues- g f hon alttrney,. Egbert 11gb- Lstruggîlua to keep baci tise but bearlng up bravel>' under' rbal. Mn,. Busse gave a bnie is of tise dIiferoncea beiveen ate maYer sud lits brother e.Accending te Mnr. Busse I.s vare qui te frequont. oe tise table from tisa -sItaes& àe brother. bis face nov sud wreatisodilu amîlo.. Hon story ln bits hecause ai tise cou- objections of George Busse's ai- Fformer Souator Corbus P. anr. Tise viiov vas permit- ausver but tva questions vits- bjectIons. louis dîfficulties aud over ecul- gobjections. Mrs. Busse tison pemtted ta give oui>' a sligist is of ber stor>'. teuiing la shsov te formser mayor employad its r on bis.- Fox Laie ltm lu to give hlm a place taviilor. atiug differeut conversations bel- tishe former mayer and bis biru- ,M'ir. Busse tesifiai ta numen- uarroIs occaslenedis ecauga Frcd Sconstantl>' vas required t0 Id hie brother for neglecUIng bis aud otiser miscouduct. %last lausvars to questions del~n these quarrais vene cul short eobjections uftishe opposlug ut- y. Bse tld of one Instance George isai overdravn Isiesal~i Telle o ai .vch for Brother. b tld of anser occasion vison mer maylr as lu tise Mere>' tai for an appendlcills aparatian frienil ai tise famîl>' sesrched el days befone tise>' van. ae Sud Gelrg Busse. she began Il af an Instance wvinCearme kUp ta tise Busse isomeslu à .te at nlgist, but abse vas pro- d from going into tise -dotonssai iede. evidence tisai George vas au em- and not à partundchitise faim. Busse relatai a telepisone con- tion ase lhad vils George Busse 10. acalai up andibld :-se tisat ever vonli returu te theateani aisele said. "I toli hlm tisat iuli go ta esle his mathen. lisat eeu bar tise evenlng before she vas crylng fer hlm. He ie vouid go ta seselier. tisut tise ànet go sack ta tise farm.- aBlpsea appoarauce ou tise vit. stand vas a sevore ordeal. Bs iluenttY Iuputtint lhan anseen Lch shape tisaI oppeeigCouin- Fuld panait lier te Procei unis. Obection. B>' bar tise greateet of tis esalg as given -aver la disputes, Mis. Busse beos)mIug norvous escs minute. Bshe id sud unclaspad ieanbauds and Id appeal> ram. lima taetime lemaster lu cisaucer>'. hatheblerade of tise table George ecauttul himmeif vils mari- luares on a isloc'eof .aper, stop- nuv and tison taevisisper soins- rte hieattoney'. LIVA ASSAILS ILLY' SINDAY IN À SUNUAY SEtUIN Ibur Glenn Voliva, overseor ut City,. visathroateus te me te ago lu October sud make a "nine 1s' campalgu of conversion." toil1 ingregation Sunda> tisaI bemas tg ta varm Bil>' Suniay's jackt- Ha decl*red lhe vOlblire to ae Suiay'scouverts for about houre, sud be'd vager $1,000 se vould lu tisat tîme recouvert t ca r -scI15,M o moneeswse& K CHBEXn iourgu eom M< rer RoussIxe.shandlsugd og a Bule Servie, te TouIr (uaraie. ir4 N. Rtsie St.Idoor NAoWssalun.Vbles $100 Bras. Bad(oplt)3 tBLEC ONLY 9D OAIM 3907 SHERIDAN ]ROAD CHIICAGO I 1POWER S'PRAYIK AND WnfflWASIHNI 1Clean Quick Gauraateed Work.j Cow BarnChlckem ume,@Ct. F. JELLEY Phone 319-R Ib«estvil, DMi-4 DYMOND EL AUSTI Loans. Inaace, Resd Estate md Houuc Reatmg. Office in Kaiser Block. L.IBERTY VILLE, . ILLINOIS. ELHANAN W. COLDY Attorney-at-Law Office as Homne. Cook Ave. Phsone 16U- LIBERTYVILLE,, - ILLINOIS. LYELL H.MORRI ATTOREY-AT-LAW Libertyvlle - Illinois Lue Bulding. Res.-Phone 12R. Ornte. Phone Il MAPTI C. DECME utie Opp. 1@th st. Electrie station -bffioe Phone 848 Be«. Phone 1808 NOY~B CHICAGiO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUPPI. AITOINET AT. LAW. DR. N. W. DUTDRDLD OSTEOPATBIC PETOIcIAN7î Oid Trtggs Sda. UbsriyvUl, lII. Office oure 10 emii 5 Tnseday. s»d 'rldaye oaly DY. 1. L TAYLOR Offic l ne la N69HUsai aB"WIde aouu:-1ito :3,J%, aIf, b M. gWeoet in Broadway. oppusIlle P&M îàoerwyvlue. a11"016. DR. GOLDING iloura 8 o 12 &Mn-1 to 5P.u tirer Finit National Bank Office boue 1"-. a. Plae Sm 1LibertvvIla. filiale DR, IL . SMLTII. aT5u LIAS. tIovoYT SAfloSSL ÏéU eolrn-d te 19 a.m. mad 1i Uc6Se m. DAILT. CHAS. N. STEPBENS.M.D HOMROPATHIC PRYSICIAN &sud UGON Phone 100 Oui" *s e«aGuas Ce LIlsrtyviiIs.DL 20 years prs .Trme SU ailo@Uom4 women. fRaiabls 0r Do tlek COeuMa.b tion Ire. Rours 9io 5. aad#.4r2 W 5t 144 W. msoeoSt am DÉ. VITO C- HRBE 215 Madim On t. W181111[411114 'R Offce Bourg Sundaja by APPObttes01111» o Ave. PbleU8*Wý PUBLIC A U (208et &uIitalonped auctlon saleend ud mttes. bai eAill ModeofoSborne, waoom.d hamuefor sle osezeh-ksAt ail hm HENRY SINE, PHIONE 1140-M Violihist, Pianlst ami TUM1ho m0 COAV AVE. WAWCEUM l MI LLERS ESCAPE INJURY f IN PENNSYLVANIA R.OO5'ý Word reaebed W&IUkgusto4dma' t %Ir. and Mm,. HAnM Iller. foeSeglp residents of Wauklegau. bad mt met witb Inlury in ffen. Pa. Wh-eU 3pes- pie were killied and 200 iu.Jm'Wl thse foods a week «*0. Mr. aM KM miller llved la thse gaeib bm au iSteele court for many ote.4y ing thse lime that Mr. Mllet W» tloned at thse Great LAJI Training SUUtio. Mr. mUsr' two boumeela Ente. aMd o b é" that flelther wu damemi. 1 1