eCourity Independen't'l Waukegan Weekly Sun I Office a ophone Numbur . Lbertyviie Cxchange. ibier.dst te Poulolfice ut Lîbertyvlle. Ili., as&Sscond Casa Mail Malter -____ 1' Officiai Papir for LI.&e County. iueaud Evary Frlday. Adverieilang Rate.@tIade Known on Application. OUS80IPTION PRICE, $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE w, 4. SMITH..................................................................... Edilor îÏ. . émiTrH...........................................................Martag PA. J WEBER .............................,..........Reideni Manager, Phone 609- ROAD DRAGGING. Mfinois Highways, the official, organ of the state high- vays commission, printa the foflowîng suggestions for prettable road draggimg which are commended to. road men in tbis county for their guidance: Make a light drag. Drive the tearn at a walk. Ride on the drag, don 't walk. Don 't drag a dry road. Drag when the road is muddy. Drag, if possible, immrediately before a freeze. Begin at one side of the road, returning on the opposite aide. .Always drag a lifte earth towards the center of the road until it is raised 10 or 12 inches above the edge of the roadway. Do not atternpt to move very mueih 4aterial at oie tirne with a drag. If the drag cuts too rnuch, shorten the hitch. The amount of earthi the drag will carry eau be regu- lated by the driver according as hie stands near the cuttng end or way fromn it. When the roads are first dragged after a very rnuddy speli, vehicles should drive, if possible, to one side until e roa has had a chance to freeze or partially dry out. The exercise of a verv littie care on the part of the tisers of the road will do quite as mucli as the drag towards se- Iun a better road. The law provides a penalty for any- ewo wilfully ruts or cuts up a dragged rond. The Lakes Bluff pptn4stress whe finds herseif in a bad pllght through hal'n been nogligent in learnlng hoy t ep ber records, sholdavtaeacoreubo- bmîpng lmmeçllately afler asrunng office. Evon a cor- JWsuafdoute seool ight have helped her te avert the troOle she nov faces tbrough being "short" $400 ln her accomits, entirely tiirough errer, as aie states. Vo vouder boy the* residonts of Waukegan TOWN- 8w? 0U1MIE0FP WAUKEGAN regard the, mattor of Oowbtuhi the Cit~y superlntendency of achools with the W# a chol superlnteidency. The. OUTOIDE rosidents un SI netbb for the city plitisai statue-and the high Sobool la a TOWN8K iP air. Some of them 'fre saving liatIbéyre *Milng te permit city politiciens te mamipu- Y1111 PT obeel syotom but they believe they're pre. ieu they inaugurate radical changes lu th. F ormer Wardon Allen of Joliet prison muet feel thnt Ïbe ia reverdi for dong noble service te mankind are net ~'propbrtyapreciatod. XIthe fiIrs place he bult up the1 % <'oue qutom, n," d oe of his tru#W emn is beliovedto b*Ipve kOÏd bis vife; then tbings gel ite a muddle and ho r la tÏted to rosigu bis job aftr vich Governor Dunne, Z»mçoent1c governor of Illinois, stops int&the tare and in- sh u4 ho (b. the.governor) hin an who instltuted tie I%«bone stom" and not Moln. It's surely an unappre-i dative world afttr ail. Attorney James G. Welch of Waukegan, at Wauconda TbMuruay, urged fanmers te trade at home" and tins b*1IUIthilm. merchants.Hoevaan't there for theMn orler bouse but ho surelyhando'4 hem somé strong rapa aibe sbuavod the peeple wvi= hi, obeardagou It l to emto t et omeratier than uli t themail- ordèr peeple. Reo hoed boy it belps them own commai uty te Inade a etrnoe and boy it hurla ilte Intrde vith Qwase mail-erder poople. That bis hearens appreclated is runaras vas shown by the tfeuent oulbursts o! applause. The streci of blgbuay on Shieridan road at Keilogg's famu îerth of Zion se for bas lamed sevon hlppod autos tit semon. Fertunatoly no peruen bas been Wled. -But, b#y long eu sucb a record keep up wthb accidents re-oc- ourbno oe flen? 8eem as if aconcrtd ffrt bould has puapasoeof et accidents have bien due te care- leus on lthe parteof lb. drivers, urly eut of men some Mm 'be ben exerting caution sud a itmet wlhh trou- le. Il is up te mebody te fi tuat r<ad se accidents viii utI bd snonuorous and hravel generally on sncb a main bgbway thua mmade more saf e. Peor, unforlunate, msjudged and innocent Adami H. bu-Omco itobis ovn. Mucb defamed and abused and bosslng tho burdon of man'a oins ail thome centuries, it's bem diaoovered that, after ail, ho vas given credit for a.metblng ho dld flot do. Read Ibis: Philadeiphia, Aug. 8.-lt was not Adanm and Eve who brought about the fal of men, but Noah, accordîng to a translation of a tablet uow i the University of Pennsylvania inuseuni. An an- nouncement to this effeet 'vas made today by a represen- tative of the museunu. According to the Sunxerian the- élogy found on the tablet, said to have heen written be- fore the days of Abrahamu, a.nd translated by Dr. Steven L enprof essor of Assyriologv in Oxford University, SNoah was ordered not to eat the fruit of the cmasi tree in the trarden of paradise, and when hie dis- obeyed, the eurse fell upon hini. The eurse wvas that lie should have ili health and an early death instead of living te be 50,000 years old, like lis ancestors. Dr. Langdon lays that tbis tablet is at least 1,000 years older than the Geneos accotant, and, so far as is known, is the oldest rec- ord of the sor't in existen<'e. Nov ita'a poor Noah, instead ef peer Adami ofddCàrte illew 1-<ys1W1 Walter Holuhan o! Chicago, returned1 to hi. home Suaday ater @pouding a monthhut lie A. L. rravia home. J. D. Boyd and duugbter.ln.luw, tIrs. H. 1). Boyd. went ta Munisse., Minb,, Wedneeday 10 @pend n week wtée rela- tives. tirs. Edward Fowierund threecidrec and nephew, Kenneti Cosiella o! Chic&-1 go, are vl.lting'wlth Le. Whitney und1 family.1 O. D. Haven and dauubters. lira. Roy Proctor antd ion and tire. Le. Whtney and son retnrned Tueiduy Iroin a six duys viil wti relative. lu Barrington. tir. and tirs. W. Y. Wels and @au Chupman. and Master FErank Owen o! Elgin, are viiing ut tii home o!ftMr. Wells parent@, tMr. and tirs. E. H. Wollo. A Vary beautiful painting i. beng exibuted in on. o! the. windows o! theii gas office whiib la attracting a greatj dial o! attention. Tii painting leathei1 work o!ftira. J. B. tiaclutfil. Tbe regular business meeting o! the Earnet Workîrs cl&@@ o! lie M. E. Sun.. day achool will be held ut tb, home o! Mise. lla Parker Fridu>- alternoon. Aug. 18. Ail membere urged 10 b. present. Mie Addie Miller and brother Arthur were bouts ut a musicale on Sunaay evening attbçqr home given lu bonor o! a friend, tui Sophie Acierniaun o! Chicago. About twenty pereons reere presený, o! wiiiciten ot part lu tie prograni. Lait Sunduy tie remains of William Hofineler, the aged man wbo was found dead lu b.d ut hia home ut Diamond Lake Thureday mrornlng o! last wsek, were taken tu liii Union cemetery ut Fairifleld for huril, a Fairileid mInIster reading Cthe service at lb. grave. supC. t'. A. Apiey 01 lie dounty Farin iud severai min and tessmn ut work on Wedneiday ixing up Milwauke. avenue juat aautb o! liaI institution. Dles were dug on bath @Ide o! the sîrel and lie center o! il ruised so thut Ibis stretci la now lu muni bitter condition. SupI. Appl,,y donated the. s.rvices o! his. men and teuma 10 the village and tie work ha@ hein approved hy J. W. Hurt, chair. man o! tie streit commtte.. 'That's a finc looking map of Lakc Coualy-wby, Il bAs ail the landown- er'o naines on 14~ Surel>- a fine place of work," oaad Proessar J. J. Hal- aey of lake Fornat unlverslly, Mon- day, w&an b. calleS a i te Daily Sun offce for lthe tiret lime sMoehi a"d Mirs.Halsey neturned from thhir ex- tended trip ta Cuba and other aoutieru pointe..0f course, Prafesior Halaey purchaaed one of lte maps. Anmbîr o! lie local amateur dlay pigeon shooters are prantlg almosî daily for the Grand American Handicap wiich wlll bu held lu Chicago next Mon- day. Tii shooting ut thul lime will bc for prises. the inet 0! whlcb wiil be several bundred dallara. Ed tinCormick oas bien sbowing np remartubl>- lu practice, breaklng 124 on t o! 125 birda a week ego Sunday and ]est Sunday 125 itralgbe ut 18 yards. AIl of Ciii local ebotire are aad bave chances o! wlnnlng ln lie Chicago ournamcent. "The Only Son" aI lb. Lyric Friday,i -Aag. lbhh. Intereet la elisted ubthle outsit lu a young Inventor and is wifs, who bosioder-to-abouldiî aruggli ta buld a home and meanslfor!futursehappl- nées for thein two eciudren lasawetly nahural, admlrably alt.d 10 methoda o! ssea portrayal, and not wlhou h lrflIl- Ing exhibitions o! Iru ierolâm. Twenty year latir, wieu ho la a ratiraad ma» Date, wvin thbir children are grou, thie wife tallea aidier errar la dlscovered wien br lover la mnrdured by aomeoni i. wronged. Exposue@causes the mag- nul. to renounce lie motuer a! is childrîn, and abs leavia hlm wlth 'tii only @au," the. duugbter remalning witi her falier. Tii oui>'son grava tamai- iioad overnlgbît. Ri converti ail bis availabie seieinieobeu, makes a busness deal wîti a husky Wietemri nurnid Tompkine. He la a nbip a! the oid, bock us a figiter and prove. Il vinu cîrcumilanceâ bring hlm Imbo collision with min wvioeekutho oain contrai o! bils budiun... oui athîr thanil ftur'. agenta. Itl inov aciasi bilen ather and sou, vîth smre milodrumutie lu- cidentaSad an ultimste happy result. ',Tb@ Seau, o! Justice" ut iiie Lyrin on Tueeday. Aug. 17th. Thi Scalea o! Juatice la a drurna of a district attorney via throws iiouor, position aid dnty lu tbe scales againat a vama' love. Iu tii.greul story' o! love and trugidy are !etured John Reluhart, Pauni linAlliiter and Jane Fesuney. Four resi@ o! wonderful motion pictures pro- dnced by lie Famous Playere Co., and ln addition lthe rigulur t'nlvereui pro- gramn. "Tii. Snov Burner" usthle Ub.rty an Batnrday, Ang 14. A piatoplay ln tire. par. h.Esau>,A-At by Rinry (BY MEC> Witii the. core 1 to O la favor o! Lbirtyville and -two mon qut la th. eigiitb, we toss.d uwa.y a weil earned victory ta the "Guys'e frani the Naval Station. Darlier wan bringlng &long swell and the boys were sure backlng hlm up wlth circus catehts and wnosa- tdouidoubles, but toc, good 10 lait. Flyn, the. tiret man up for the Naval Station lu tii elghth i lgled 10 le! t and stoie second, Dorgiity fouied out to Johnson, Evans @truck ont, Flyn going ta third, Darlier m'ajkod the. pitcher. thii put meu on iraI and tbird wlth lwo goni, thon instead o! playlng the hatter Jobnson triel ta geltih. man stealing and Flyn came lu witb the iynascore. Darfier tien bit Fasen and wàiked Boys.. Theswwu anaugii for Body and Stafford yanked hlm. Rapke "Iukg np lie task witb tire. men on. Witii twa tcke on tie hutter, Johnson badl a passed bail and two more came lu. Spungel tien 1 @truck ont. Tbey aot ans more lu the inti. Mieyer* dropped Monter fly and ho came la wii)à J. Dorfir tiirow wlld to tiret. This ilet 4 to 1and not unu isrnid run diii the Navy Cet. W. gaI aour ion l'y «"lating the pll" la tie second. Staffor-d siagid aver second, Spungel bootad Bndy a bot ne,Fiser put oui la front of tb. plate, Stafford golng ta third éad Body to second. Johnson tien knacked a long fly to center and Stafford came lu on the. tirows. This question wby dld wî lou. the gam&, and the. lrnthfully answer la: By 1 bad tirowing and not playing the batter with two out. The score.' liamarea ÀABB R A E J. Dorfier,ab ...........4 0 1 i11 Davs 2b ................. 4 0 O 2 0 Magrady,eoa.............. 4 008 0 Stafford,Il ................ 4 1 1 0 0 R. Dorfler, p.............. 30 0 1 O Fishr,lb ...............a 3 o i 1 O Johnson, r................ 3 O0O0 i11 Waton, rf ............... 2 0 0 0 0 Meyirs, c ................. 8 0 i O 1 Barbour rf................ 10 00 0 Rapke, p.......... ...... O 0O0O0 O U. S. Navy AB R H A E 9'asen .. ................ 41 0 2 0 Bojge l ...................380 0 0 t Bouton, rf ............... 4 O 1 O 0 Spungel, 2h .............. 4 0 0 2 1i Mionter, ........>......... 4 1i1i0O0O Flyn,8ai................... 4 i1 1 83 O .............. 4 0 0 0 O Evena, e...c.............. 3 0 O 2 0 Posheny, p................ 3 1 O 2 0 32 4 3 il 1 Summery Stolen bases, FIvn; doubieplaya. Meyers@a to Fle, R.Doriler ta DavIs to Fli-er; IL base on balle off Dorier 2, off Rapt. 1; E bit hy tItcher Fasen strnck-out hyE Dardier 5, by Rapte 1, hy Pouieny 5; paweed balla, .John-ion; wlld pisci, John- »lOI,ý- J, AOlIst, 11u o! gane 1.58. ljnpis. Meioad Boos.. Nota Slafaord and Ileyers pufl doff somue real cîrcu. catches, tht ne "Brick" gaot ln tiie tiret wal cangit about fourincisa frani hie grouud, At mcegri tb. teani biew up lu the. alxtb, sunday ln th. elgbtb. next lime he>- May gothie full Bine fnnlnga. A wild throw ta firet went lotii ",rd d àbIts 1 a tlulJi1ud bmek- leu lim largehotpin.. E. E. Hiieworth, mangr of the. fuIr mrne».luhieecroidiforth.epurpose a!W"ing over tie Navy lad@. Nx odyTii. RavannaStars oule. br rm cageo. Tiaisem Ioconi- p>oftd,,! Negros and Cubansand lao. o! tue faacst eaume ln the. Inter Cit>- Leagne. Lakea ibit wWMaI,-MUENDENT. ne WaaO»rtiibseubali tossa de- fuatifi my'. Lut. by the. score or 9 to 3 at Wadsworh B unday. P(>TArOES--Onions. Carrots, Beete, Turnips, Cabbage, Beans, Cucumberi, and otb,, Vegetableii. Aieoaupples and oiiir fruits. At rîgit prices delirered lu Libertyvilie. F. W. Seiicier, Phoue 286-R. 45tP l 1 - q 1 UWOUPP1SS A w-woou sry oe -i lua boggis ap la the. north country wilda. witbn atmo@phere thaot faiy tinizlas with the. bard lot of rongb men endier thé. griuding raie of a attili rougiier mater, la told la three rosi@ of film, in gripplng lauhion, by Esaanay. under the 1 direction of E. B. Caivert, wbo alio lMMironates the. tituler character. The êtrengtb of the pbotodramatization1 centres ln the chlaracters aa.umed by Itichard C. Travers sud tMr. Calvert. The Broadway AmusemenIt Co. willl PreeenlrGene traton-Porters"Frecklea" at the Liberty'ville Auditorium Tueuday, Aug. 81. "Frsckies," le a distinctive sud original producilon of sach absorb- Ing Interftt that It laot difficuit te undere 'taud wby the millions ot fiction readers have deligbted ln the etory, nOr wby th@ Ong 'play bas betome su pape- ]Br with aIl clamles o! theater guet». la bis dramatisation, Neil Twomey bas kept faitbfuily to th@ text of tMra. Porter'@ atorY; every character banhbtu, brougbt outinl bold relief in the, play sud where the piture wsln the mind'. eYe@ o! the reader, it l@ now lu the actual Ilne o!vision. Tii.coming o! "Frecktiu." willIbe atheatrical event juteas it was an event in fiction; the aong play le now as gWreat aBsDece.. as le theratory and la PiajiPg taImmee crowd@ everywbere. Tii. $inalc for the. play and the songé rendered bY Preckies and the varions charactera are by the Viennes. Composae,, Anatol Frtidland. fti leeaid to be a novelty tram a Musical point o! view and the @ongs amnng the mo@t beautilal heard ln a long trnc. ah /zurch ?/0eW$ FROM - LOCAL - CHURCHES Mothodist-Episcopal. Preaching services nezt Snnday wlll be beid at tiie noaa time. In the morning aot il o'clock and la the. evenlng at 7:80 %vy. F. P. Joues, a yonng man from Evanston, ilil preaci. Tiiere wlll be sPelal music at the. eveclng service. A cordial Invitation la extended to ail. "Keepini On's Self Againat Tempta. tian" wll b. the. subiert o! the. Epworth Leagfue service next Snnday evenlng at 6:45. Leader, B. W. Duneeti. Ail are cordlaliy lnvited. The. Woman'a Home mieeioary solety will be heid next week Thursday alter- nom,. Anec. 1llt I th le church parlote. Mrli. Sarsi Masou wili iead the meeting. Si. Lawrence Episcopsi. Holy Communion 7:30 a. M. Sunday school 9:80 a. nm. Mornlng Prayer il a. m. IRAMAREA NANDS MAE TO U. S. NAVY TEAI Thia is your Pair, your vacation, the time when you expect te eeo old fionds and make. mnny new eues, in 1 fact it la Lake County's Great Holiday. Don't mises youn part of it, it belongs te you. It in your Pair. There whil be Toy Baloons, Teddy Benne, Doues, Ete., for the littie foika. The usuni Amusement Stands for the grown upe. And thon there willl belthe varioum departmenis of exhibita for Ail te Enioy and al indications point tesa langer exhibit than even. Every Department will ho crowded wlth the bout the Countyhla. LM(E(IMJTY PAIlR JI%. a,3$P to 1, 2 and 3, 1915 $8,OOO 1IN PREMIUMS $39500 - IN PURSES A good clean Midwayp, various and Side Shows. free attractions that will please and' înterest aIl. Good harness and running races everg day. Good snPP4 bal games everi da, byp the best clubs in THISI liIi LD gONE---U9SED AUGIT, 1912 (R.-printed by request) The bees are buzzing over the clover, the corn is ripening, and the long- bladed leaves glint in the sunsbine;, the boys are shoutixig and splasbing in the old ewimming bole, and the perfume of green, growing things makes the air eweet. The farmer looks over hi& fields, reckoning on fuit granaries snd well. 1usld lofts ia the autumu. He is enjoying the berrnes and p"s and fruits of his gardeîî, ahd preparing to lay in- stores of provender for man and beast for the unproductive months to soon to follow. No one is dlosr to nature in bis work than the fermer, and no one knows better than he the necessitu of providing for thse future., Likewiee, no one shotûd know better than lie the neceseity of Iagisg bu, duriog bis productive %leurs. sufficient étores te laât him, and those dependent upo. hi., durig the latter gears of bis ite. when he bas not the sme energy te work as now. savings bank accomnt and a lfie insurance policy are quite as necessary to him as lofts full of bay, sud 'bîns of corn and oatà, and setods for another seaison. With a habit of life that causes him te fill bis barns, te keep a healthy bank [und, and to own a comfortably large file insurance policy, a farmer cao look imb the future without dread. He knows lie will have bwl seannons when crops are poor, when his savingsbsnk must be calted on to help him ont temporarity, and when bis premiams are bard te psy. But what would file be Without some sgruggle? Do not the boys get far more funa out of the ewimming hole Ibis summer becaiese they have been deprived of it ail win. ter, when the snow was deep and the echool kept them buey all day? Doee not the farmer derive more strength and satisfaction when he wins out al ter aliard struggle with nature than if hé had rnerely to, go out and pick bauanas any day of the yesr in order te live? To hlm who bas the ambition and energy to work shail be given the ricli fruxits of bis work, snd to biani wo bas foresigit, shall be given comfort in bis dedlining gears. The bees are buzziug in the dlover, the boys are shouting and splashing in the old swimming isole. and summer witb ils joye and duties is liers. Happy the apn who, can look spon it with jey unmixed wilh dread for thse unfruitiul dey: to followl JOHN HODGE District Manager AREA ILLINOIS Speed Program Wednesday, Sept. 1la 19 15 2s27 Trot Purse $400 2:24 Pace . " 400 1 Mile Runnlng 100 3 Mile Running " 100 Thursdag, Sept. 2, 1915 fret For Ail Pace Purse $400 County Pace Eligible 2:25 300 Fret for Ail Trot Purs. 400 fMile Running " 100 4Mile Running 100 f riday, Sept. 3,119 15 Country Trot Elgible 2:30 $300 2:20 Trot Puise 400 2:17 Pace - " 400 Mile Running- 100 E dii, TheL wilI glie ..elui lb Partly Wiy Pu., Ed 'icI on busir Harry Grace P. Huwes 0 slett, vie dur. IN rai. je transacti ire. E. yimit wlti M iC. lng ber et F. J Il new. berr* and funt . 91. , u Thr i b Te plue liteait, The G, lIus a e vedrelae etîîî 1111 (jr,, Si Th- Aîd dalrt i laeMI. t (reut t d aii1 Ur.t> . 1' I.hiragu le thâ luche. lT 11crb. Lthtimbt Vie ilr Edi Kuir unI cri, W! e franout Jttn r àThe b Loit. Iii.tei Music by nome of the Bout Bande In this part of the County. No trouble te find Plenty te Est and Drink at Reasonable Prices. The Management ie Sparing no Expense in trying te make tilayeans' P AI R the bout evon, -Remember the DATES Aug. 31, Sept. 1, 2 aid 3. Plan te attend.