Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Aug 1915, p. 6

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LMR c ouNTI Lm 'EjNDENT. rg*UnAy, -A By T. F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent tirt#Î imp. 80; elay Ioam sofl. $3,20. #by pay more'! Boyd, Liherty ville. 1 ; Pret ciase drpt;ânoaqg and remaodel- Ing M home orbty thtday. Reasonabl-ýc tire.. P. Benson, cor. Late and Map' treet, Ares, 111. 4f) Mir@. J. L. Irving le speudiug the we. k with relatives at Wadawortb. Mir@. J. B. Rouese le entertaining ber a ter, Mire. Gray of Chicago. Lillian Rua"eil e visitng t the home of ber broj;her, Thoâ. IRussell. Henry Kublank le enjoylug a vacatione frorn hie duties in the potal servie. 1 lire. B. E. Terpunng of Iowa, la visit- Ing with relatives ber, and in IbIs vicinty. lirà. . A. Kramer entertained Mir@. Hunttng of Autioch, one day lest week. tir. and lirs. Horace King spent Sun- day wth the lormer's mother in Nortb Chicago. Lucy ând Reua Rosing of Pound Lakte, vlited a lew days this week witb their cousin, Viola Wells. tire. Leo Panfal and cildre are. makînt. an extended visit with relative,4 lu Stevens Point. Mir@. John Roder and Eliner Roder and iamily of Chcago, are spending the wsek wth Mir. and lis. Herman Kublanit. Leslie Harden bac reslgned his poiti t the Ares drug tore and expecte bo taire np the work ln Cblsgo. lire. Florence Johuetan and chldrsn are vilting et the home of tMr@. Aunia Labhrop. Tbe Domesblc Science club have planued a jollilfiablon for toulght (lriday) as thebhome of Mir. and Mir@. A. L. Fry. It will ha in the nature of a hard tirne parti anêséverybody te Invited tu corne out lu rage andi have a good time. lire. Holsbausr of Chlcago, bas heen viitiug at the. homes of tMr@. Peter Litcbfieid and Thomas M ,Bride. liarian Bauman Io vhslti)ngthîs week with ber granduiother, Mire. J. H. Wells. Ire. . A. Kuhinia bas ruburued home aiber épeadins; two weeke with relatives aud friende et Barrington, Algoiiquln aud Dundee.L Mdies Lanora (iuesel lef t Tuesday to @pend a week with frieuds at Oak Park.M COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Meeting of the. Board aof'rrusteee of the. village o! Area, et the. village balE tianday. August 9, 1915, adjourned t tram Aug. 2. Preeeut, Wteon. preident;a tructees, Well@, Irvirng. iitu@sel, Knigge,! Murrie. Absent Abrealait. The minutes of the. prevlaue meFetins ~were read sud approved on motion f1 Wele and Irving. tirdinaneNo 2talhigeofe of village collector andd fixing bie ('(IL- penetion was rend and pagse-1 aný motion of Irving and-Knigge,, al precel I vatiug eye. Ordinance No. 73 regulatinuth te tap-1T piug o! water suppl.v and the. use aiýè water wae then rend and pasevd onu motion of Knlgge and Weilic ail precentB votingaeye. tloved by Irving and %%Wélis tbat tue ent kbe instructed ta arder teu neptuneA water mters for i niediate delxve- Y. Motion carnîed. Metiugadîçiurned umotion af Kuligge and iurrte. T. F. Swan. Cir. FREMONT Pennly lmp. 40; Clay loam sali, 03,200. Why pay mor.'!Bayd. Libersyvilie 1 tir, anti tre. Will Hiranimus ep-nr ,iunday nt the Wllow tannî. tir, anti trs. Mat Foetz andi iemily spent Sîînday et the. J. S. Deinletu boule. Walter Sull and lady trlend, Frances Hertel, epent Snndaywitb relatirec liere tiMr. and tirs. Wm. Stelumilier and chiltiren spent Suntay wlth tirs. Stein. millers parente here. tir, anti lre. Peter tMeyer entertaineti Compeuy front Wauitegan Sunday. l4alf Day Congregational Church 10:30 a. m. Suntier achool. 7:t5 p. m. Pneaching. lilt-eeit meting Thunstiay m p. n. The subjeci for Suutiay evsîlîug, Anug. 15tb ie.*'The Science a! Consrian." E'vsryone lu Hall Day is urged ta bEen thîs subléct. Beni. J. Trîcitey, Mînister, PICNIC The Long Grave Snndav edhool wil give their annual picuic an Sunday, Âug. 22, 1915.,lu tMeyer@ Grave. The usuel amusements il l e providedi. Everybotir velconse. Came early anti briug rour dinuer silh yoD.1 47c1 Angone con depQsit gour savings for Vou. You do not have to coine in person Send ini you SavIDgs Book by somde member of your family -the bank will i ve your accoti.t credit and return the book as your receipt. -No one, however can withdraw any f unds unless you give themn written authority. This is for your pro- tection. Open that Savings Account today ~ THE CITIZENS' BANK Sae .DepoSitBoxe for rnt AresIlilis "4ETma BANK YOUR BUSINESSBOE ,~W 61 t 11 i ;1'~ . e - ,. e ,ý . . - 01 IT% A1N1?fl j7 ~ po jsT ~visîtinna t lier su mmer home horsrecdeived relatives the paet weeit returued homei L um r-;.D. AK L E]F US VAM'~OE a etflegrom statlng that ber granddhid aturdair. Partl imps80; ay 80; so.lay200 Prtl i@îîplio$3,200i. luiiiHoughtou. MCiglen. W&«sperioil..y Dr. T. .ý Iixouan ad wire who have Psrtly mptmp.;Clay lay lsoam $3,20003,2l1 0. î 80,e ttnd eli eoie$t,20mmeiateélis.e b enmluately.boti ihth r cottageotagerfaramonth, Why par more? Bayd, Lbertyvllle 1 Why payv more? Boyd, Libertyville. 1 Wby pay mare? Bayd. .Ibertyvilie. 1 lire. Geo. Meyer, who hen been visitiug returncd tu Chicago Miday. A. Lawel s1wrnt lest week in lCh- tire. Cliford Leonard 4tertslued Mis# Helen liadia. teturned ta herbaite . Beo aturupily eveuing in bhor aoflMr. and lu the rdtY aîUrdnv alter @sie ditra Men Mrs ~ ~ ~ - Mo Mthl n ie irs. tire. Stirling tMorton oi Kan@e, City, wek-with eives ber.WHY NOT BUY YOUR Harry Kohl oI Chicago, leit lest MonEUIY who are now lu Lake Forest. lirs. John Wrtz and dildren are NU SEY TO K FR M;TH ta vigit their brother (jeu. Hst and iemiiY tr u ieMrbl il Iaelgwt ocul tLus MrDnalMrhalFelo1,artaa. osisn b.Lu¶. U SE Y T C F O IH ut Tuinre, Scutb aoa expeted ta tak. possgession oi the Miss Emmna Chamberlain, En lRital tirs. Bert Torpninr and daugliitir Of Charle W. }'anids bouse- in about twoanad ind. romn igusiaud AM ZON u s RIE Belle Plane. Iowa, are guecie o'ALieo. treko ta remain outil the. latter part ai ed ta Laite leneva SundnvLaM A O U R E R E Mr. and Mir@. Wtiî. Ellnsim.n were Cih'- tir. and Mmr. A. Kelly bed eas their isBriK~kr ai AsNLe~D GUEU THEi 13EST ego viitore Seturday and Su dily. .guesti, Bnday tMr. and trs. Geoige Miss a bb Go hr i u usns onsfouodcs The Ladies Aid 'lii meét nulti r-.A. Coei utnTu iss i Il irtz vjited M is. Osar Sivan ut Gien -se; sone of thein have bought oif us for yeari'. L wOel Friday aiternoon. Anug. 20- and litna Kelly eunned tý Austin I;itb ellyn laet tbem fora raeirweeite visit.M@EeetWlsadduteof Tatse s e o irp dcs, on t B tr Mies Pearl Rey wee n gnest of Mary Ili@s Marion Key af Rye, N V bas tr rrr el n egtro iha t speagentelofai r prtak oce, dtitr e ttmer Tiffany o! Autiach les-t week. errived bers for aifea'reels vUîOit with Area. sptnrtheirst of the. weeit et thîe~ atoraeteuadtl toeadr me biles Kathrrnlier ea iîevle V e lAiter, tir.s%%*n. P. Marlin. C. Dorfier home. Kalamazoti grown nîeaiiks QUALITYI. Mie KthynPir"oflanmvli, Vi.,i r. aud tire. Boositiger t.tertaitied,- pont lest Sunday wi ber atiat. lts. A- The weddlug ai Mis@s Isabelle tichirne3 tirs. Fergisauai Raveuswaad, the latter' . W C R C -R g n Rouse. loi Lke Forest, and Heury Stimeaon of part of the. week. lee7oeaau . w g n The Ladie@ Aid vilii bld a Bakery sale New York, wilil take place on Thursday, Phone 236-RIibrtyvElls IL st Lempker's store Saturdny and Sunday Sept. 2ud, et tht. country borne of Mise aller attendiog a six weeks tenu eit the- Augut 14 and 15. 47el tieBiruey's parents, tMr. aud idre. ubngh sonUieriy Mir. and tirs. Liard Ray 'mere Chicago Jubnebuîi MeBirney. Mises tiBirney antid îsnLnvrir 'be fane. ln s uMI@ lizbeh uelke w« aChcao WI10 AiLS AS A IA M R rlsitoe Weduesda.v. brfac.sai ow lu til Cty are MisEibehuierw.eCîcg The Il. Y. C. S. wîîî meet wlîîî Miseiug mucheuterfai' led. Monroe Douglas itorSarurdav l'le man with insuficient capital. Doris Cooper Wednesdav Pveuitag. Robinson gave ae dinner for eigbrsen lnu _ _________ The maen witliout practicel experiencet who wiii not or cannat their bonor Manday eveulng, Aug 2nd L.AMK.E H take suggestions. Wmn. Frazier af Chicago, le speuding et Ouwentela Club .. The mran wbose wife doeeî't want to go farming. th-wik ithHiamBariet.Misa Orace Dean returnedi home Tues- Partiy imp. 8o>; ray boau, solt, $3,200. The. man wlîo exîlecut tinake hie fortune the. tiret vear. Tht. Choral Society a. d Ladies Aid welil day irons avlit aiîb riend, lu Kenosha, Why pay more«, Bayd. L.bertyvtlle. 1 a WrIte us a letter or coin- lu andi taik t vivr wltb ns. Well adi1 git. an ice cream smocial et pevillian et Wle. Fred '. Griiuu, ruai ,commlseioter, -robuieanllibe.haur tnnerf ai InSaee u..s ntts Fran Dr. C'ran@'s, Wedneder eveningr. August tirs.Jarue W ard Th6rne eturned 11hSc mIt necelveai irom tire. Eleaons The iuarrled mîari baa e bard ,praposition ian wiid land Muet 18th, 47ct Aug. 2nd, tram the cast where ëe bas tbaueand dollars whih sue lied wllled wamen ,anar a hanse ta lire in right aw'ay, aînd aprettý d.-entone atthat. B. Wernberlz and faniiy af Lib- been ou a yachting tripçi sihti r. andti t the road ,'îuls ofa Ela taren. W'e Are Owners of Partly Improved Farma ertyville @peut Suuday et William Ger- lire. Arthur tieciter and leh InAter in tht. c1ip)beneuOh' riledat-1ai t e rar-tc'. inse. Barn.1litof40 Acres ider Cultivation.> bers@. 'eek for the. Wiscaien wa.od(si on, a This Rnm le ta le uned for the purpase oi IN WISCONSIN E. Slroeder and taîniiy rere Elgn camping trip aeccatpanieti ly ber two reriairig tht. pubili roadm oi Ela Towen- TAYLORI COUNTY, LINCOLN, LANGLIAI)E. PRII'E AND ( IIIERSý vsitare Suutiay. @on@. Werd and i Nbieck cliip. We »li on liberal terme .We a illivé%e. t.e to r.fermer.o tirs Frut ibiaai as etuiaca to TueMeeieîî ieilywbu avebee 2 vene' rime. Write for FRI. literarur' TODAY. Preadingevery Sunday aiternuaanby M@ rn ibr.hi eu e t h ehmIll h aebe Nt'ESTIOATE 1i8 ANDOUR PROPOSITION. Rev ~eier..Jrmr pstr ere NitLaits Foresttram a trip east smtayîug lu tht. Vounge lier have retrned PRICEq 0-FFARMS-8l 000 î;î'. Sundarteir Steler wli faot hr o- tr nitr.Wlimryadheeir eittathei r home iu Chicago. TELEPHONE UBERTYVILLE gregaytenerth e solo theryaect ou , r.anWi il liam, .îr w andslt.ut lul Tht. water tewër ai Laite Zurich lias a 53 H .D .B O Y D grgalo it aslo Eey ne&. on Wlia tury J, wo "ntJoynew coat iif paint. Tht. work wae coni- Wu ameOwmevsuad Agents tend. bers are enraute Ota the Pcitiiccoast. pieted iMonder mý)unuand Clîaq Cordes. John Roue@ entertaineti our ai bi@ David Joues and hi., dauehters the wae given tht. job a! in«pea'tingr. and 1 LOEB-1AMMP-L RfLTY COMPANV deughters Tuesday: tirs. Terpult.g of MIsses Joues gaiee duîîer Party Wed- s)mnieday mtis weklae 'iii bolet up ýM otteB Iig.10 . Danea t hcg.Ila Belle Planes. Iowa, bMr@. Menu of Wauite- needay eveulng. Aug Srd at their home anatiier Ameriean iiag. i Reîereice-Tlîis pater. , tt.snyvllle Be&"$..Droverm' NatiOmank. Clicaro. or any giu, lirs. F. Mitchell o! Prairie Vlew. bers. A committee bas 1h,-n apprinlte t tanha tluWlsoust. aiid tirs. . I. Ray of thie place. Mise (jenevieve Santard ai Souttiemp.. makie prepanetlons for Lake Zurich Ihav j___ ton, ý. I .le tht. guesi aoflir@. Philip D. whlch wiii be September (;th. thers wrill --- - Armour 111. bë a large parade. ViEW I Miss Katheriue Harvey ai Kan@&@ City, tir. anti lirs. Wmi Eichmeu anti who bas beau rliting litron Harvey dauALtor Marie loft Tuesday for Mueke- Parbly ump. 80; Clay as soul, 08,20. bars,, ba gone eaeu au a motaring trip gan, bieîh., where thpy teili vici their Wby pay more? Boyd, Libertyville. 1 ta loin her parents, Mir. anti tirs. daughter. ilerIylitz MissesIrma and Milîdir4ti Rtenthier Fredericit Harvey. Au auto Collision accurreti Frlday Bellim are atteindingcamp meeting at Npervlls. , A dinuer 'mes given Saturday evening eeuinir oun lymouti'm corner. MIr tir. ant lirs. A. C. Richarde and WiI 6, M. aud tirs. Gog cllcau uieCwscmngioiLieZrc Kuedler andi son Ted were (Cicago Fiuy eveinr Mr. andi tre. J. Alleu aa2dDr.W@ebelw'asca)mint. romsBarrlug. visitons Sundav. Haine aleo enrertainied lot Miles@cbe ton 'mIen tbey eolliddt, loth naechîne I Till Mitchell' le viiting reletiveoi at lieBlrney. beint. damegeti. tils Katherne Brewer @peut Seturday Hampshire. Mir. andud trs Frank Rend and childr- n a91 Suuday et ththome ai trs. liaunt.,uT lpi e il r Miss Elle Park a! Chicamo, les peudiug spent tht. week-endt with f riendd lu iMrs. Berry Seip spent Mande> aiter- ee h ne Bi!r a wesk witb ber cousin, tirs. W. Eddy. Chicago. noon et the home t0tftir. aend tire. Chas. Payable Before the MI@@5 Olive Ritzenthnler otlNapervillie, tir. anti tirs. Charies W. Fîîlds antii ep et palatine, tirs. Chai. Selp l.-ingI le visitiug ber parente, tMr. and. Mrs. J. their femily bave a cottage at Lakte seriouuly Ili with rheumatl.îui I ltfl of acli lM on&h P. Rittetbelar. Minnetouka. Minu . ion the surnmer. & nunsiler aofaaug ipeop> fe 'm C. B. Easrou of Deerlt.ied, i@ ependleg Tht. Lait Festa base hall teau) de.. Barnîngton spent rSaturday liene, Tley the week wlth tir. andi tins. C. J. Masnu-eareti The Michelin Fire lCo. tannatramminie au two asey nko Vo We have, a largre number of accounts to tetr. K nvlrhmeaflay o!fWeet Bide Park, hava "r f 13 4.t Schaumberg. th attraibueigr.e landie, and when subscribers are flot lest 'mecit. ~Tht. new grand stand su ru-cent> 011St Ir MIss Kneier ai Fresiiot, lis cp.nding plwteti le indoedt i îimrovrmenat tOthe on i in e htansiden. ! ti. gtan'bll t aue mom tsewlh br icer trs.Haîp- ailScaibeng"tîeii s elasolla trsO. John Scheieder for tt. peet nî'.uth. more or less inconvenience to both the fue' er. mental returned t, their humnt Corgrees P,trk ' o pn n h usrbr Mise Emma tSclneideract'ompanled tlien, o pntn h usrbr lirs B. Albrigît enteteîned ber euut- home. i tram Chicago <ou Saturday and Sunday. %dIME ise tirrtle Bikuase entertaineti e. lire. J. Richards vlslted eit the home ot1 " 1- girl iend faut Chicazo aven Saturdey Avoid confusion bypain yurbls yin her daugîte7r, tire. S. L. Tripp lut Are& Partly imp. 80; Cc an mso.<if. $3,200., end Suuday. 5.O.m augyu lî ai Suuday. Whr pa), more? Boyd, Libertyvllle, 1 Misses Leda andi Edith O> moud 'mere the month -in ail cases it is essential that tir~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ su ieOaBl netie .Hlipe nifrieaChicago viseitons Monder. Mr. nd reGeo ellentrtaneilthe Idr. W.Hoisapel ndireil of M rFd Hooft bas hem (onthe sur settiement bc made before, the lSth. Do not latter's brother irons Chicago Sturday Chicago. are speudia a few w ik e le tfor the peet eet. andi Sundey. the Baruey'Amauuhoqie. Mir. Hol1tra.pzIl Wm. Brinker of Rerringotn. @ponti forget the date. W. SIersud emiy vlîte reative MnissBrar nanu sprent u tSuiday et the. hanse o! Y r.andi làire Leu et Long Onove Suuday. homne.BMies te mt pu audyl Jees Mass o! Ligartyville, le vlsltlng Chissago. mîb et sutiyl Chicago Telephone Company WnFor Sale. eOU 5duIn the IN. with bis brother. Ray Mos4.. he akeZuic. . yâco icoeA.jR. AnresManager OSPENDENT aeach 15,000 perofl Ed Bartllug o! Chcago, le visting et ires eldti e ouey Laite Aug. Il. tTelephS om 0I B.Y.R D. Cook's. i re. R. A. Ellgleuton, wbo bas bueI 62nd Annual McHen r y County Fair and Races WOOSOck, !LL., AUOUT'24, 25, 26, 279 1915 TU!SDAY,~~ý ENTRY DAY WEDNESDAY, C94ILDREN'S DAY TIRDY u c A FRIDAY, AUTOMOBILE DAY AND RACES, CÔÏWÉICIA I CLUB DAY AND1 MILK PIËODUCER'S DAY GOOD HORSE ICNGEEYDA Ford Automobile Race on Friday, Three Big BasebaIl Gaines, starting at 10 a. m. each day, Hebron, McHenry, Richmnond, and Haphre; Hutchison's Baloon Aet, Parachute drops and Human bomb act, the biggest Areal sensation ever shown outside the State Pairs and Canadian Exposilfions; Toki Brothers' Japanese act and famous areal toe slide; Lortie, Alexander and Griff in their comedy acrobatic act; four big bands; Harvard band, Woodstock band, Des Plaines band and the Chicago Daily News banid; largeat Courity -Pair.-Automobile demonetration exhibits ever showika-Gas Tracitors; Milk;ing-Machines and-, other farm, machinery; the best County Pair Midway, mncluding,,Motordome, Merry-go-rounds, Perris Wh eel and Tent Shows. ~q! 18, 1915. m-rn ALLEI MAI PSEIJD( AND FICEI KEGA ING 1 TAL TURE LEAP TO S WHII WAUI ON Hi Denver, '1er. or Vl Qerman ci Ieng a verb ~fen he i press trai la au eff vins wert. urushetib lie villI «ionsanest Hie Ide; lest myste .etnoy e' tdeattln Ieundry rn >bis poerke "E andti cullar tria locks. Viller. ~ver serci At the mi drty. the. M1 a Ger, tman uer Mlon vere prom nen 1 made no Ht. tve .5very la &gsant aci tion anti rto tht. et! tIled e. ~the Brom ena onu tuivest INpetio vert. close ta !1etecîl thel tugiti eti ai Sel tft Wblla -batit. FIt 4fld the. sitarted. Preseni A 1ev se ,it! beerd antidisci :leet.i r train., .and a p( ;aîong th 1 d Mtiller Injuned 1 desperati Hie vs put on b Elghtel 'day. vh. ver, 11111 lIfgbt ta guard ai Irom th' 1ilfty Mll landei o ,over. M lits sk,îl lie vass ut for 1 etec t 'working -1er wac abrewd Au, w Pun. NIii surprise( Denver 'by tht. S 'the Whil <undt.r ai a spy ai "I rec brother Wednesi stand h( have ou said Mis Later Mls Wl grain ft tht. man anti 'di Robert 1 Tryi Tht. o fair Is t bas het.: itey of ter's doe rne nes 8 the. Thus, questiot posseso, L) tl 9 ID 1 e b 9 t d E

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