Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Aug 1915, p. 7

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LAKE (O1TNTY INDEPENDENT. -FRiDÂY. AUGIS~T 13, 1915. Wa«tM~n JWtv~ ~..m.... ALLEGED f6ER- 1RS. SCIIWERY IS MRAN SPY SOUfiHT OUT ON BONDS; R TO KILL SELF CASE IS CONTJNUEI) PSEUDO GERMAN CdÛf i~ Brother and Attorney of Womn- AND FOR R NAVAL 0F. ! an Charged With Attempted FICER WKO GAVE A WAU-, Murder Sign Her Bonds. KEGAN ADDRESS IS DY- ie rn cwey h a r ING IN A DENVE1â HOSPI- rete . he ra n g ofbwer y 1,On TAL FROM SKULL FRAC. achreo TURE RECEl VED WIjEN HE der Frank Quigisi', a Marketst fl LEAPED FROM TRAIN GO- young man, sas released from cus-. INQ W50 MILES AN HOU- tody in tise county jail'iast Baturday DILIGENT INQUIRY F'AILS I!gnedb: liber brnother,0Wohn TO SHOW REASON WHY iacli of Cbicago, and ber attorney, WHITNEY ADDRESS IN C, T. Heydecker orWuef n h WAUKEGAN WAS FOUNO berning s efor oieNigor9 ONHS ESO .Walter Taylor, but by a ualgre ýîDenver, Colo,, Aug. 6-Richard ewe hesae@At Ier. or Von Mîller, wbo posd as a and Attorney Heydecker tbe bearlng Qerman coîsol and former German ns- was conllnued te Auguet 17. Tise rea- 1~ officer, but who sas suspecited of son for lise continuatnre sas n0t made Ieng a German spy, 1e dying I in wn ~nver hi)îstal (if Injuries reeelved ~fen he leaised lieadlong froi n ex- eIb elfhsser Ia press train going fifîy miles an bour, was 10 asait the condition of Quig- ln an effort te escape tise officers ley, tise slleged poison victim. De- Who sers hrlnging him froîn SêI spile tlie faci that lie swallowed an Is-"e City 1tetDenver. lits sul as mrabed by tbe fat] and It lmielieved enormous amo0401 of arsenic. Quig' lie will die s Itiosît regalnIng con' ley ban been Improving steadili' and scioness, Ilbis said he sas able 10 lie oui a short Hie Identlly là sbrouded Inlise dep ime on L>unday. Tise bellef prevalsa est mysteri'. lie lied taken painse 10ilat lie sili be able ta attend Mrs. destroy sverything ibat miglil aid In .rbtd-eatifying lm. es-en te culllng the Scbsery'e hearlng shen it Ja lisld on - mundry marks from bis alothing. In Auguet 17. Lbis poerket was found a letter slgued In $Pite of Quigley's stalemeni tisai "E" and coming from 414 Julian et., le ilne o poeue 'Ie ullukegasiT iseîclmbda ps- Scbwery, cbsrgIng ber silli beiag tise t uliar trunk w is les'>. cotn,inatiloîs - ' ' locks. NMileror %'sOn tîilM'r, came ta Dens- ser $eVeral Monils a"c n sae aâ t be nmas? felilon a hie botelIn tise 7lty, tbe Itrosu Palace. He posed asé a German coant and former Ger- maàn naval offleer. l 13lispasses- -ion were Ipttpre directed ta lise mosi ,proininenl people InlDenver, bol be ýmade no effortin1 present tisem. He lived higli, spending money in 75 ver' laviis menner Hl@sîuîrds'- '*ant actions attracied monh atten- tion and commîent. Ruon sers. rite to the effsct thal ho sas a iii',lie jîazsed several sonthiesa chiecks on thse Frown Palace Hloiel, and livei in one, of (lie mont expensive suis. ~en one day he dîi 001 sHîsar, and investigation sisowesi Ilat lie ad kINpd out. The checks heb ial pass;- sers found tu lie sortiiesa. The 'otel people badi een bealea outiof close la $1,00., 1Dfteciies serepîsut on the trail ai tlieýfugltivp and lie Inally sas local- -ed at Salt Laske Cii'. Deisol, Sher- tf William Arneit sessi la hnlng hlm 'baek. Ie sas plared on board a train 4d tise trip bac*( la Denier sas otaried. Thisa as on Mondsy aficr. '--oon. Presentliy Mileraseked pîermission to go loto the wsa roons of lisetrain. A fes seconds laler lise depuiy shen' tIf iseard lise crash of lreaktnz glass and discovpred that bis pisoner badl leaped fromt tbe sindos of tse fast train. Tise raits sas alappesi and Arnett and s posse of cîlizens burrîesi baîls lalong lise lrack. Wlien iliey reacli- ed Miîler tIse> foîsnd lie bail been un- injured li'tise leap and lie put up s desperate baille 10 gain his freedoin. Hie sas ovrposeresi finally and sas pmut on board lise train. Elgbteen besr later, on Wednea- dey, when tweive miles oui 0f Bsn- ver, 'Miller agaîn put up a terrIie 15lght la escape. De aiiscked tise gîxard and porte!ra and again- leaped trom tise train. shicis sas maklng <ffty miles an boor ai lthelimte. Ho landesi on lits iead. rotling oser snd ~over. Wh'ien pcked up Il sais found bilss skssil bai been crusised lb, but lis sas sil breathing. He sas rush. Lu o a iospital ln Denver sblh ail $Bisble speesi. No bopes are held ut for is recoveri', etective agencies sisu bave been working on the case ielieve tisai Ml*- lIer sas 001 a count but an extremeli' alirssd cnook, A as brieflli' aatesiln Tlirsday eu. zîb thel Whitney sas munis surprisesi ta gel a lelegrain froin <Denver" sîmilar ho tise ans recebyssi by tbe Sun conneclbng the asidresai tise Whtney eldence wiltiste man under arreat ansi esspectesi ai belng ta spi' andsi aIe n~ atteinpted suicide. "I receivesi a telegrain froinmi' b.irother FYed datesi ai Les Angeles CWesnsdsy nigbt ansi cannot under. stand ios ai' stranger bappenesi ta have oun addresa ansi ettere signesi "E," tise lIrqt initial ai mi' nains," said MisWbitney. Later liheesvsnlng ai Tbursday ,'.Niss Whitney receivesi a second tels- grain framIn fenver shicis saisi biaI tise man under arrest, siso sas dying, -aIli as been knosn as Rhsode Il- -ansi Miller 0pf Washington ansi alec ;Robert Ingersal lMiller. Tmybng ta "Get" Fred Witney. Tise ane passible solution oaihe ls-ui faIir s aIperbapesame German apy tbas bee n tnybng ta "gel" Fred B. Whit- Yney 0f Waukegan because oi tise laI- -ter'q conneclion w1thth ie Lake Sois rbne compani' siicli sWnïg suis oesa(o tise alles,iMr. Whitney' lin g tise ciairman ofthtie bard ai dlnec Obrs. Tis, If be la s German spi', tise uestion la: "Wsas Ibis man Miller la possession af WisiIqey'e Personal ai- tainesisicis he sas lrying ta use "gainsi Whistney?" Posîssihl>. Mller sas fot amedt- cause ai allhnia unfering tmers la e persistent report 10 lise effeci usai tisere wsil he s recnciilatlon isetween Qîîigey and iss Gertrude Seisseri' and Iliat tis mai' have tise resuli of s'ausing hlm 10 dmep tise prosecotion againsi lise mother. Depuli' Coroner ('onrad hlas 001 i-t iseard f rom Coroner lioffman of Cli cago as 10 shether or 001tishe batie RETRACE liONEY- MOON TRIP TAKEN FITYYEARS A60O Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Innes Wil Have Been Married Fifty Years on Tuesday. WAU'KEGAN, AUG. 9. To retrace on iheir fiftiets sedding1 anniversary tise course of their lion- eymoon trip taken baîf a century agoc ls the exquislte pleasure that isa10 lie0 enJoyed by NMr. and NIns, A. W.,In-a os of Waukegan, Fifty years agoc Tuesday, Mrnsd 's. Innes se re united ln marriage ln Galeshisrg, . IL Il le a rallier unusual coincidence1 (bat %Iin, noss sbould celebrale bis hirtbday Tuesday, the date of bis Ilftietis seddlng anniversary. Mr. In-É s wilI lie 80 yeare old Tusdai'. Mn. and '%Fre. lunes left Ibis afier-1 noon on ibeir long trip. Tliey go lrai to Toronto, Canada; Iben ta 'Mon-1 treai. From thers 5liev sîlI take a ý trip down tbe St.awrence rl, .vis- lbing the Tliousand Islands and' Laite George. From ibere tisey sîlI take ln the 'siîTskoka Lakes and Georgian Ray. Their Ist stop silIlibe ai Nfac- kinae Island althongs they may ta0ase ln Niagara F1alls ln case the seather la pîsasant. Wisen Mr. and 'sîfrs. lnnes left on Ibeir lionsymoon trip .0 years ago, tliey vlsited '%lackinac Island and Niagara Falls,.among ollier place3. Tistise trip iliey are taklng nos. after (lie elapse of baîf a century, sili retrace tiselr steps of ysesrs ago- On bis eevenly-fifili hirtisday '.Ir. I10 nes visited bIs old home ai Banff sbIre, Scoiland. 11e and bis sife isad planned to go there on Iheir golden seddlng annlversanv lut are deterred on accauni of the sar. Sisortly after Ihelr niarriage ai Galesburg %Iîr. and 'sîIrs. lnnes moved bo Hutchinson. Kansas, shereMnr. In- of soda saler lis sent hlm for an esa conductesi a dry goods staors fîr analyste containesi arsenic. Thisis l 17 years. Prom iliere iliey came ino considpred one of lise Important links 'saîkegan snd for tise lasi 22 yearsj ln the cnain. M ir n mss las conduciesi a dry' good7 Tise seputy coroner admiliesi Iodas' store hbes1.itislaone aiflise oldeat tisailise Inqisaloser lise remain.s 1 esiablisised business tàmses la f1is 'of tise infant cisilsi bm 10t Getrudelii'. inh r aise Sciseibck yar od. si i ses lncheseryan hicliN'a't],ouni ibcnedSC TC L P E ; on WsVdnesdai' on Thîsrsday o ni il S OTT>O LAPEI mseek. Ilb las been seierned cndts.," lie uloreaiQulge onhlt G OES TO A SANIIAK: I usi hat v Il Ide vs-I p at tbh ' iii iii.' -ij is nt knwn.IUM TO RECUPERATE ed la coînection sîihan>. iaternatio'- 1 aI affair. I Wauksgan. Aur. I f Von Miller la concerned inl ans t Webster Scott, beiler knoos as rea!]y Important matier connecles i "Scotiy," prapietor of a pool bahl on is lise L.ake Suhmarlne Company il le poinled onst thai is leap mav i %'asisingloîistsreet, and tise man siso bave been a desîserais sttsrnpt t., ca.!caussd s sensation v len lie started cape.a-$10,00f) damage suit one iîay lhia Authoiti' on Submsnbnet. I week againsi Hennyi' Weyer, a set' Fred B. Whsiney bsa a wîde repu-koaWsiigo sre1rael latlon as an International Iasyen and t I w ahntn ietgoel an asîthomi'y on undersa ahsts, He eaId la lie aimost a mental wrsck, Ii sas a clerk of tise Hous Commit- faci ise la In suics a hîghlli nenvous les on Naval AffaIra ln Washington condition tisailie le ondergoing (reat- from 1901 10 1904. Wisen lis lefi that position lie became second, vice-SMent at a sanîlanlumin il iysoosi. president of lise Lake Torpedo Boa Accompaniesi lii' is wife Scot Company'. lb Mai', f006, ise eft- uai boardes a (isicago and NothWest- company and sas made vtc.president ern train on Fidai' andi gai off at ai the Lake Sulimarine Company, C0f Mth shicb hel ~nos bthe bead, -Waywood. He sent direct aIi Whistnev sas involved ln a qusie- sanitanlum, v hers liii se made Scandai binbe naval departinent ln knosn hie condition. Itlale ot kaown 1908, shen Representative Lilîsi' hos long be silIlibe obliged la re- made chargea that certain suhusarinemanterbtîisadhe ay" companleas ers usbng Illegal meand antee u t asi emyb tn gel the governusent contracte, Ail under treatment for severai seeka, tht WhItney dîi sas ta snits cer- Acquaintances siso sas Scott board tain anonymous lettes te n55- the train bers saisi tiey hardi' e. Paliers ansi 10 Congreesman Bdinbor- cognized lilm. Tisey aay be appeanssi tougis ai Michigan. Shlp Vessels to Alles, ta lis but a wrec' aif bis former slf Since the European sar liegan bise and seemesi la have agesi a score ai Lake SulimarnnsCompany' has iseenyears, tise target for pro-German bats, The ct'clapeokpaeonWd governmentw as asked ta proiititl clscias 10 îaeo 'd ifrom siipping sulimaines to the ai- neadai' mornlng. His suit against klies and fo avoisi an>. formai breacbi Weyen sas flied in circuit court iste nio nsutraiity the compan>. resortesi to Tiessiai afiernoon. On Wednesday t(lie tactins of shipping sulimainea ln isections and iaving thsm assembled. morninrg a physiclan sas callesi ta in England., No legal method of Stop~ the Scott haine and found hlm an pluet hls sas founsi b>. bhe Germans, the verge ai s nenvous breakdosa. randsitil as allased ta continue. A Sun reparler callesi s short lime laten andi asked ta speak ta Scot. Sbosing lias quickiy a bundis of (Ina. Scott replieul that lier isbansi 1autos can collent on tise naed. an ln- conid nai lie seen. Prom lise next cident ai Sondai' evenbng le nobesi, room, 1h.' o0e proliablyIi n wsicliScott Southi of Washington Street, on the sas ii'ing cante the aounds of moalu- Green Bay rossi, about 9:30, AnîbonyI' ng andi cryloît. tStesart of Waukegan sas repairing 1ITtla said usatilif as upons lie asi- a tire, Along came a isuge auto (ruck vice af a physician usai Scott ws en route ta Chicagoanad heavil>. loasi- esi witis furnsiture, Tise driver turnesi out to pasa Stewart, Ris car skiS- desi slgitl>. ontîl the off-sisesls sent dasa in thie dirI off tise.crusises atone. The truck stoppesi ansi sas Juet op- posite Stewart. Stewart basi 10 ne- Painrlise tine--an-lise truck coldn't macs on. Tise resait: A ball dozen machines goIng norîli ansi a bahf doz- en sautis sens forceS 1teswaitt lq departure ai StesarttIn onder 1e per<. mit thein to gel past. Th'e truck hasi a liard tlimàe getlIng out ansi iasita sak lielp fnom a local garage. removes ta tise sanitarluin. as fil as fel tisaI onIy- reat wouîid neatone bis mental equilibisnuz" Tisat tise mldYi lise sell knowns local pool bail propsietor mai' le sen- içusli' affeciesi la tise iSaroai inu> of isa ieauls, Tiss i' hk poseibli' bis mental condition inay have caus- -i hm ta alan t'ýisasutagaluàti7'Wei' or. ;I Scoll'e atton'yi, James G. Welcb, eays ise laeflot prspared la maie a statement et thia time allier IJian ta say tisaI the aoit agaInst Weye; la fiat tebe dropped. ., :- 1 3 have ssonth, tean masîsng the eosai snowliiiii thîe trsas et the irsi terssni o ne iruitJiJI LIR y IJVR fllun parade. The Ellida teain of <irî,cort. A was seleelesi This.ta the 05.-ai.. /a D ItIiU E lIon whicis arpearsd second in tiseHL IJ RID A parad e. The members afti far N T E CA Eiectric"park. in lise running of font D SISIT u A T IE l racsetc teRAVINEo týr The Accident Broke Both of His ra . t 1atie tnoiter' IÇ.Ili1Arms and Caused Bruises sas a spteaing lrograinlit 'shirhc 4 K 84d4j5' A VINE Msayor Pearce aciesi as lise riîrn.annd______5.uts on Head. He gave a sort talk. A. \\. John-I Jas. Tull', lise local ire.' dochnr Assisiant Stîpervîsor 'sartin Ring- son , grand president of tîîe Vikings driving sitis a sonkinan in lis oPrd dllc ibadPr.ssr i o also gave a talk. Tbe Swedi-sb Gles' atlie Kellogg ravine jusi nqrth0 o cr lvr ns aici erie Clubs gave several seletilons. Zion Cily, Sîsadai', added oîe morela iey ndtxabsrc, Teeetoofofer a edI m se as senlouali' njured Salurday alter- Tiseeleîlonof ffls n as sels in. le selt ftoihe raiisie' iisîbier 10 lise~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0fenon011s I edsr ts îeai onwiî no i sien lbe sas sinuc b y a street the ftenoo. To".,1ýtedwere th alead log aitlise Central avenue crossing In PRESIDF>NT -lîha A. IAiden.' Andi, ike ms o f the ses eral oth-Highland Park, He sustained frac- Pritlsof L-osge. No. e, Chicago. ens siso made the Iii -foot descen-t. lrea ta bots arms, a broken nose. VICE-PRESIDENT 's HolmbengTuIlli'andi bis f rîîss, Yaîua, escapedbulelaisieaeysadod. Hialmar Lodge, No.:, Eanston. onhurt and lihe Ford i ouring car dsa use ss talteedesiliiyti. adbd. SECRETARY-John itagge, Bnag. damagesi but lîghtiy. Ih eîen liacked Hemo t is iedacbDe.t sappene l Losige, No. 2, Chicago. on thel.'rasinlanads lelpes itbself . nkoos. n. .Rlngdahi sas saik- No. 8. CisîA.O Tisbore crmd usdntae Ing froin lie east 0 tise Seat asie of Losige, N.8 hcg.1Te a aeasde u '"tise lracks shen lise accident isap- SERGEANT-AT 411 l]>' G. Jlasais. one ide as tise driver hît a rut and1 penesi. He deciarea lie did _not bear1 Drake Lodgle, No, :', hirago 1thse macshine t-cnt e,.,.. Il ur5., . . Fred Pearson, Vii" iIce No. 24, f Si. Charles. Jo hn Carlson, Fritî t fL.odge, No. i r,, Chiscago. Il. Siohie, ViXnar- i, .dse, No. 1, Ch icago. Kouis Johnson. lPrgc No. 2, Cisi- cago, Fred Holin, DrakeLodî.îge, No. 1, ChiIcago. Oscar Lindabl, Norde-î Losige, No. JI1, 'sukegan. Foilowing are tisetnsies of tise Jusiges ai the drilI conte-t sisicl sas helsi at Electrîc park: Fred L. Pearson, Chicaza. AubIn Petterson, Waukegan. Tisos. Speilman, SVsukegan. Tbe drill lesa i uaing tise first pize sas the Ellida L.odgs, No. 25, ai Rock'iord, Tise second prize sas son b>. Fnb- tlsof Losige, No. 6,. of Chicago. Brage Losige, No. ?, of Chicago, sers asardesi tic prize ion preaenb- I0g bise beel appearance ln tise par- ade on Salundai' afieranoou. A ooms- mittee of Waukegan asen, ncluding bise mayor andi clii' commisebonera. T. H. Dunsb. F. G. Saills ansi Secre- tari' Magili of tise Conmmercial Asso. cialion, made lis e sion. Tise ns- viesing stand sas sitiialed on the city lot on Washsingtonî street, Brage Lodge. No. ', ai Chiscao. sers presentesi witli a beaubilul bronze statue ai a Viking 30 incises hlgis, siicb liasibeen imported ftram Sseden, Tise prize is a traveling prizs ansi isasardesi for beat sork ln bise initiatoni' coales s eid acis year durlng the monili of Aprîl. Bragi? son tise prize asat Aprîl, t4eing the flret teainta So inIl. Axel Ssaoson ai Evanston, mem- ber of tise 1. O. V. banîd, 555 assrded tise $70 soli golsi saicis tisa basi been donatesi li' lie MWau'sgan sirilI leamt of Norden Losige, No. 11. A nuinher of tise visiîing VikingJl, made il a point ta vîsit the Viklool old peoples bainsaI Gunee ansi sers pleasesi iti tise Institution. lisdependesit: Mare readers than mau overonce la-dinliste spproacb ai tise car ansd tisaIise aven ~ ~ ~ a onetahdn a ieiotlom. dld 00f hear an>. îanning signai. Tise fully 2,, or ::() leptietoss. Other Ihan ohiber eprcld a brokers sheel. the car vas nat dam- cbis ne.Dessursnmi'i aers ha ou ils. rs uyan est.according 10sitnsss, andi sas a rin epr bInitheiartut nTisias pîckesj op ncoasciolîs. He sas car- denirl.o -e atca u lssiriesitaobis shume aver tise lîver>. as- Thi bilat ellgg,, aviela nebis shici s b but a shiort distance 0f tie van t he couali'. Sani' 'Maysor Samuel '.%[. Hsatings of Higli- meahi n hae sndlnletsn n ansi*Park la conducting an Investiga. sevralme hae been lion, fion. He la qîjolesias bavbng said Tise consmisaîonens oi Benlon lasItiabeaeh lnd tsecdbon sed eiadnseiping thedidanser surrounding (lie accident are as ne- ansimeas o smnovtsgtis dagerpontesita him. that be silI skitthe spot, but to date noling bas issen ciii' councîl boalsass an ondinance coin- accomplîises. peiling sineet cars la stop an (lie nonsh aide ai Central avenue. He C O D EATIER thnks tiat If ibiswere donslt wauld i'r!rfnA>rKfu siscli befeli 'Mn, Rtngdalil. Tise be- MARS CELEDIAION1 11sef prevalis, according ta Highlansi D Y Pankere, Ibat Nfr. Rbngdaisl muastbai-e 0FWA CO DAstarted te alli across tise ta _________tbere sas an onobeinuciesi vies af Wankegsn, Aug. 4 h tee a rc..Inse e A conaldenable numben of Wauke- tise theetcar tack, t ro ea de-a gan people veni ta Waiuconda iodai'. ciane l ca e arasst proedinraie where (bey sitendes tise annual W'au- sisal wod. b ems aiirt conda Day celebrallon. Tise exîreme a ped 1>.~~~~~~~ colsaie aitieefta at (ris. F. G, Basin ai Highilandi Park bng a damper aven lise affair ansi ble sas not lIed Tisuredai' ibsi a purse atendance sas not nearli' so lange sialea iroin ber sisile asesas a pas- as lb sould havliss eotisensse. sengen on s Norhwsern train isas Tso aso lobads of members fnom lissa ?ound ln bise somans rsadi'-to- tiseWaikega Comercal ssoca- ean elntisng deparituent aof(larabal the atiega Comercal ssoia-Field and Cois alors. Tise purs con- lion made (lie trip, W, J. Smith, sdi- îaîned nailîoasi resenvations istssen ton ai the Sun, (00k lise falosing mnen Ciicago andi San Francisco, a chieck ln bis car: Rev. Ganster, Dr. Rob- ion $,00. s twenty-five ride Highland erts Frnk iirie ad Crcut CerkPark la Chilcago ticket and $8. Wbea enta Frok uri ani Crcut Cerkfosuns Il coalainesi everything but the Brockway. cash,, Il swas neturne asI lbs owner, 4ihert F. Carney tonk blie folios- 1,etlOrs recebvesi rmnFart Leaven- Ing osembers In lis car: 'M. H., Robin. vonls feîieral prison declare thal lis Rev. lames lorrison fDarne]], former Chiarles Wonack, L. J. Yeoman ani1 Kenosha mister, who lo senvlng s Secrelari ' "sagili ftiseCommercial Iliree yeasa erm i ollowbng hie ne Association. George Bairtows i cent conviction In Milwau'ee a took a nuimber ai local reaidenta ln great favorite at tise prison. lie lias been ilacesiln chsarge ai tise prison bis machine. litîrans-asdîi is learning ansi iis ai- J. Pb. eicb, a Waukegan attorneyi fahlltv ihave made bbm a great afId and justice ai tie peace, sas flI n lisis dsîuanlmenb of tise prison. De Ispeaker af tise day ai lise affair, Tiser" lba siartesi several movements for the ýwer, oher peaers. Thepal isebttemment ni Use prisoners wiuis hlm seraatier peaers Tie Platne aad seme ta lie sannesîls' lalereai- band nendenesi a bandi concert ed lus makbng conditions ai (bc prison througisaut trie day. Paut races, to- Seller, gether witis<fliber gaines and sports. belped ta make upt>hie day's pro-: TAiS County"s big seekly-INDb- 1gram., 1PENDENT. Pag e v,e EMBEZZLIMi BANK CASIIIER JSIIELD IN COUNTYJAIL CELI Confesses to Having Embez- zled a Huge Sum of Money From a Chicago Bank. Msax Palenske. assistant cashier and audItor of the l)rovers National Btank of 1 'iclago , wIlo confessed blire seeka ago to0 l.iaiîg e mhezzled be- Iseen $1,,000 and $70)00 from the ban k, sas transferred laie Saturday front the ('ook County jal inChi- (,ago io lte Lake County jaîl at Wau- ,ezan Tihe move sas explained by bank and federal officiIais as a "mat- ter of con venienve." The U nited States lias prisonens In the C'ook and L.ake County jails and ai Wheaton. l'sîatlv ibey are dis- MÀTThEW WILSON% DIES IN MENDOTA Former Waukegan Veterinary Surgeon Dies Suddenly of Heart Trouble. Friends of Matthew Wilson, whe for several years was a veterInary surgeon Inr ,Vaukegan, and wbo was well known througbout Lake county becausé of bis work in giving the lubeulin test to cattle, were sur- prlsed tod ay wben they learned ihat lie had (lied rather suddenly iurs- day of heart dIsease at Mendota, Ili-. where he was living witb bis ituth- er. He had been In Mendota ever sInceý leaving Waukegan about three or four months ago. Complete details of Dr. Wileon's deatb bave flot been recelved as yet, but it ls known bis deattt was rath- er sudden. He bad been ailing for some tîme. even wben ila Waukegan, but no one looked for the end to corne so suddenly and unextiectedly. Ar- rangements bave been made ta boid tbe funeral on Sunday afternoon at two o'cloc'<, Dr. Wilson lived In Waukegan for several years, and during that time' establisbed a reputatlon as an excel- lent veterinarian. Several monthe ago hie wife was called front Waukegan to Msndota by the serions Ilîness of ber mother, wha later disd. After that Dr. and NIs. Wilson moved to Mendota. where Dr. Wilson opened up an office. His healtb had been nons too good and2 lie was flot able to carry on blir pro- fession as activelY a8s he atherwse would have done. PIONEER RESIDENT .DIES IN CHICAGO. Sunday, at ber home in Chicago, occurred the death of Mr&. Brldgett Lynde, a pioneer resident and heavy tax Payer of Lake County. Thse de- ceased was a iter of the late Mrn. .%cAdany, who died at ber home In Wauksgan two or tbree months ago. .Ir@. Lyisde1>Ived In Waukegan over fifty years, and during tbat time paid taxes on land wbocb ls worth many thousands of dollars. Ehe isaselI known ln this city, aud despite ber advanced age she vlslled In this city frequently sînce ber removal to tbe eity. F. BAIRST'QWu MANUFACTUREROP Marble and Gré'uite Monuments Cemetery Work otEvery Description Correspondence 5oIIcIted 116 Genémst VIKIN(iS IELD ANz ALEC BEAUBIEN CAN YOUR SON BE. NUAL ELECTION 0F TO WMiE BATTLE COME PRESIDENT? OFFICERSON SAT. FOR LIFE OF NEfiRO NO CHANCE, REPLY It le doubtfssl If Waukegan ,,,r ha", WeII Kriown Attorney Employ- Many Amusrng Answers Are1 a cons ention wbicb ssw mre n e sCuslfr lee aebeMnSeigTe fui than that of the Staff Assjisio da one o lee aeb e ekn hi Independent Order of Vikings, ishirli Negro Murderer. Citizenship Papers. completed a two days' session herp Alec F. Beaublen has len emiployed -Cari yourso be-orne prplednt?' late Sunday aflernoon. Hundi-d rel as counsel for Louis Il. lroiso, a no- was one of tbie lqiieation'sprop.osnded dlgts ers present from ait arts gr ne nitnn o udra y Naturalization Examiner ilai7er il) fdtelegate gro nder idicinsnt formîrder an]alocal foreigner seekîng naturaliza- af -bftt.Teysr oei han nos a prisoner blit he l,.ke 'ouniyjlion papers ioday. The fellos look- plleased witli the recePtion whuh ey aîl Brown cannot bcli lerated >Front 1ied up and grlnned. recelved bere. The key of the i', j ails long as tbe mîsrder "a~o No chance," was bis reply. belonged In them every minute of bolds over is bead, and a Chicago Just linon l a altbh fellow had tiseir stay bersmn ore mlyp ftp ne- ssserted. ln repli' to a questioner frontI man a orer mplye nitue ile eamner, that lbe muid ne-v e Hundreds of Vikting flagesud gro lad. bas taln"P~ the figît for b 4 orne .reident l)ecailse bie was n ,if a cone Vikings" signe decked the stores Ilfe. native horn Amerîcan. In the down town district., \Iaiiasger On July 1, Brown, age 2lýv ears. s'tnt Mr.Intlligent asvers mlasde t i Theodore Idiecli of thes Publi ,'irv. and killied Samuel Carter . anotber teItlietasesmd olt quîestions, abowing Iliat some of those tce Company wltb hie usual public militia man. ln hie harracks at <'amp 1 wlo aren as taking their prelimin- spirîteduese, donated fest0ons of in Logan, nortb 0f Zion lily shere the ary examination bave siîîdled deePlv cande8cent electrie liglits whii hsere negro regîment liait gone for large' in order thaitlihey may become cii- etrug arosetbsdou bsnsîrete pratîc. 7ns. Some of the questions lie puis strug acose he own own trets, ractcemîglt prove sticklers to even Ameni aldlng ln the generai effect of wet- Brown, It la alleged, msade a dle- cao born citizens, but tbey are an- corne and hospitallty to the guesis. mand on Carter tbat lie pay husss.l-, swered wiih littîs beiation hîy msny In fact, everything possible wvs don.' cents sblcb lie owed blini. of iliose helng examlned. ta mare thIb e feel that thev, be a reyîî 10 Folowing are sopie of the nues- gosets- reyo gosue I 'tions propounded by Mr. Biaizer: sere entIrely selcome. psy me t ehoîno yeyoul2d;t4.,î;75;t,4î$.. I'i der wliaî farm of goverroment Is The big majority of delegates did psy me thse money yoo ose nme?" jlb.' laitedI Sfses? flot arrive until th e middle of Satir Brown le saldt by one of ihe wiineses We celelîrates tbe. Fourili of Jli' day afternoon. This made the parade tu bave demanded of Carter. whai for? F'n i hat country did s.e declare railier late ln starting. Tbausarffls of 'If I tbougbt you were goinr 10o oir Independeisce? W'aukegan îpeople turned out 10 wdîeh do anythlng, I would crack you on tihe %%'o sas our irst ruler? the well drllled team bn their naîtv jas," ('arter la alieged la bave re- llid ve cal! bîm a lking? uiom ae arlnteprd-plied. iowIxon,- a terni (toes the presideni unîfrma akepart 0 th tarileserve? Scores of automobiles Iiiel tise At ilie same fiime Brown tg sllege (ail he sers e more tban four years? course. The judges flrst vlewsIel ho 1 have poinled is rifle ai Carters 110w long il George Washingtons different teams from the r-ýi .'win beari, and pulled the trlgger. Carter Serve' stand on West Washington streeî. feli ln a beap on thie loor and was edM'hoîsies thlw foteLn- Then tbey entered automobil... andl dead when thîse preseni reached Mi. 'shere la the nations lsw-maklng drove west on Washington str. -t so Brown was immedlaleli' taken loto body locaied? that tbey coutld ses tbe dît! r iii or- custodi' by hig fellos militla mien, andi lo bow mai' parts is Il dlvlded? was roulitta aukg.s iserelie Hos are congress men elected? ganîvations la line, a ruh oN'akgnxeele1Hos îtgilie presîdeni elected? Immedlateli' afler arriving at Elerc sas iodicted on a cliarue of mîsrder 1 'liat tg tbe law'making body of th.ý fric park the paradç sas iobaniied 'and beld sîlliaut bail, lstate" and a short spea'slng pragruini as Accordlng la reports.,lBrown wsut Where do the legislators meet? held, This included talks l.y some teàtlfyO that lie ahol ('arier in self- Naine sorue « fthe otiser siales, defense. Attoney BeaubW'hI is ibWo gte goveroor of Ilîlnolis? of thse ieading Vikings and bu ithe %fne\*ire Ieuin iu bat <agilie presidents naine? judges af the parade, After thi, the work on thie case at thi', Iour anIll_________ alier 1loing cup sas award'd to iii.' slI demaod that Birowin ie cien a -o1. . ýý tt.f- - f. I Illp DViçnU DB1L 1-: triliuted sherever ib the Most room on sherever is mo-il convenient 10 have them. Palensse's case does nî,t corne up until faîl, and there 1, no reason why be sbould lie kept la Cook Couniy any more than in one of thieailier jabla of Illinois, as leies a federai pris- oner. Palenske confessed to emliezzllnf thie fonds afien the Chicago nese- pers had told tsaI lie was a refugee irom justice, and tbat a warrant had been lsued for hie arresi. le sas on bIs vacation when offi- cIaIs of tise bank bad bis records aiu- died. and a shortage ws foîînd lii the auditors the very firet day. MVlne, women and song, fi le ai- ieged, caused the dlosnfall of the young man, who surnenderçd blmself 10 the federai autlionitiea, shile state aiicers sere iooking ail aven four siaies for hlm, MIe sas brougli t W'aukegan liy two United States marsbals, and sIlI lie kept ln a celi by himsif and sili n01 he permitted to ses any one ex- cepi iliose siso procure permits from the federal authorliies In Chicago. TisaIlie sas brosîglt ta Wau'iegan so lisat Chicago friens acould nfot ealu on btm la the helief af local authori ties.

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