g,' a ~ T "Lj r~ueib Il t Il 9 Il ... .. . ... .. *ts~ton SQsonse M.PhilltppI fan Fi ad tue muIee for $410. h aeo SA. L -1il Mone', .I'114. 1' rO41elol ........... t Mlark ChalumhoS thé~J~Cn. os « ' . ' 4A 4880804.l........ wdtted tis è le. osanet isol, Lb. ~at............. 4"p4luf. eisNothCIiesulsLumber snasdOu of s Suai.............. A'Oea I. Ranace tif ~eh". C. potiQiS. md, reArtih4~Vh* r %0d015......... Me. NSotis hCo et, eusee4 iai tis gt~CetOp. .......... peu ~ ~ ~ gud M l rpo' S'.. ............ l' s i.7 R. 8.scbvlnm ix4 dttxIyubrnt. fl.ei........... M tbaat the .... .. Men. 9Ja bué¶ rm lit l'llat b acep e ........... t te om eW c.the il'. e........>....... buW5 »sd P o - grai.le........... t " 'as o a o . i e .T~- ~ - o h n o a r .0hia tofaotutheb egs. ro. tclolee .......... 01 né OUdmibppoimted s t C*Am esi. referned gools idIs6. suW.ali luti. the, o l Tal...................$8411 .90 udontit tomW'W"of- ak eet. S uc<> l<oery Co. vo re-i to o row mixee lliicitls. Cety s. fer bue g theBwas a ssCoinaoittto _________ ut upeniser. . 'l uruse théwo virTH DAY. . ~PCilu$ n letIomen ofthle AnsI. Claineet Waugestis. 11110014 Uaond a upervisara: Naies. Von Wb*t. AmI. Aloîed. Board met pursounu itu é, a&6iUtee5<te th le *«- 1uldze18.38eis wlthChialmen. vrthe sîdinet pis V& ...... pbitooenwd 04 *0 .irt11April e- S 1838........ 2.r t«iSOl Jtssnqneick., (lamak, mlbe loe ion lise IL euhhe Eger avhnsui A4, Ges.unts -clathbhg ...............13.00 nîdge, Hution. MlKing,1Kir# Ewissdr thorMall,.oso u Pe. b. 11e0 10.W. Genuena, toir o! Wa w mmoA.. ï d y ..... .... 2.4 mit ,...... ..... 19.36 or, 9 'AWbut »Ucw4.7 '4rthCbIew»g Lumber & SaýL.Roentbh als tt aoS aK..:.:: 24.7t ruit Co., ?houpoed 01clot.. ..............37.50 Absent. and mon.t...........3.2l9 1 mTW ift 0& . M. W*gmor Cou-. R ai.d mut...s..2 miulu M a of ec er dobsg' stable 5Mb.. ebovins boom sied se. gracenies tuS meat .... 130.60 ansppon oto o Spnvst DGesMirtls liitiste JmdclciasCOmmît. RqwntWal& iHelming. 'Me rolvtigped.«w pee -tees and lomed Son $20.00. gI erlsud mollt .... 16.01 Ti04. ou1 - ttosvs res Jt Il Of îhieh le rsepectfuUyr suis- Siepprs Supply Ca., Tq- the.Honorable Board aof p ?.M. CLABR. Omoii .....5.... . 0 vison.:1T.-.CAMJon tb, Tour Petit4anor, Jouns ZAnd, noupeo eIWuiW Gle - ilmavuS ibsi i Melrc... «............5.00 funi>'representa -*wo ro«, boit 1 nt . a11 c!tee si dadapteS. S494 several seas lut pust thse amer ê0< 66 raitt C. A. Aplpley buemplayediOefeS sud iu possesllon a! the rollin$imgforthbuensuing sean sSuperntulod- iAnsi. Cimed deneioi proilerty, uktteil .piA . exh of tih e qCi~ 1're on tise Humes. Forn Wlsat. Ami. Alomod. mmmp o e nreit ia vet$sei s MIOfàas lienov xsev1eJames ilddn, m.aning aoflihe Statue: tMill@ii cas'ned. met................ 118.32 Beginnuug ait the Intersection oSfitse Aupenvlaair King moved thae.t he iloman Dainy Ca., sone lin. of Ni4>snnk Lail viii Blate'u Attoruey b.laie, S Sd onbis , tut,..................21.32 tho et lUneofo! dmard R. Tmeed'm Opinion as ho miction on e b Cor-'J. A. Bloorndahi. lot, IbeatDo ortil 8degrees 22 Mi. oser"Oum515 sai. smmuulre- oqs ................54.29' ut« wvolt 170'fel, heure sorth 4 part teatlb.,Cassiu Board as 14 ne- jJ. V. G&klhy, deogme snt190 Seet, more orle, e .4uired of tise chien Conais officos.1 geai and grocerie .... 49.9r the.olest lin. af lot 13, Nippoman, n"sd' tiat V ifel opinion lo liai tise Chus. Gemmner. Club Subdivision, produced uortberly. Coroner aisould maie a report tisaI grocertes...... ....... 22.51 ubence sauib 3 dogmes à minutes tise COroner bie roquetteS to maie %n l<iesen. veut aloni Ma sivot line o! lot 1 is cisreport te, tise Soerdeahlils Sbp..meat .............86.4( tu tieshaore Une Of NIPPeneii akUis, tber 110Vmeeting; niSreport tho ce*- Highland, Part Fuel Co., theuce sonthwsenterly.4luug ueid abat. un thesereid fraui thedaie of bis Sfait. .........32.55 Ue ta tise plae et isegisissns con' aectioit tis te preses4 daie. A. W. Himler'.n tiiîg .06 acres,,.murc or less, ibain&. . lion carnieS. supplies............... 67-*7 a pot of tise sougt quarter slatin Superrisor Webbs. Chairjasofuthlie Dr. a. 9. lacis. eassiquarter frachîssul'el Wàspa*4. ~Coffllttue on Waukegan, Shieli sud servie" ..............2.25 AI»a a part of, the Io""*a qu ~DesileliPair ClaMuR, nbmftbd tthe H. P. Jeppeno ter o! tis efuoubeaat qua'er of trAm ohat opn:grecei«e............. 32.57 hionn ai >ctoà 4, 'l'ohp 45 -Xoii or Ilinois. Lýaie.Crmty.mè& Middeon & Clark, Range 9 HuIt, Suahebed -M fc5ýw SuaetOSSupervisensa,.aun. Vomi le« ................63.88 Begluxslng ai the 1 "C- Jtoa unie 17, 19165, Ntb~is n uStore, ahar ne io ?flasil imig1fr.'141#,nam Guion tii. apllols............. 109.8 UIne 319.1 foutsi-»àga s.utiUc Rd Pperviaora: -PL.O'CdâMir, panallel mlitIt oçhl4 .tbb VbiS? comiitie Ob Wigaa. coao].................. 174.8 cfya'lI. S t . >P Maad DogielOFPor. Claule Palaos COU Markot, theuce. uorhisrW-*# i , l- t194 lie, ep oort tisaitios t'bit ..................28.44 llime ta an it çi l", t40 vt , i5il cltlilsapreunieFrank Pltteuvald. lia, of BlS0ld 5U ori':Md'if _ s eeaubs file Allées180................ 16.20 etitquarter Seeit 4, Tam* fo *'tledllwi#,ftA2mat ti*Senmti 1 Nantis, Rauod ttes3*= .~0 gte ou ansfore.............174.28 the ie'stenW r u. i'af- U0~0f & eAmti7Wml 'e a...... .... 9.25 Twedd'n Jol Produccd natis 19 dogmenWaukeGan.- IR. ShnniJoni 22 minutes Ies.rai V bt 6AlibI.ClafiueE UrSSa......ý..........»*5.47 gros 22 u*inutes autual alod Namet f çWbai AmI. Allowei. Canna ill111 volt lin. 170 test. 1of q eus, o t on A0&' q. 01%%L h............. 10.00 lb. shor. 'lino. t wat« 4- i,,iIl d1oeda .571.00 '.35I ïVZh7 lino o! Nl*ersneuk Lab o théicplce giocties.............56.45 White 41ralssi,. ....162 oS bgissuui, aétalui nse and iaFt Binwcs Mdq~'sSambulance 115155 ecii, morianrilu». fu ................ 14à.00 revIe ........28.00 Tour ptIts.4bsd.soue.bt Va oken- "ali WilI >'omu iii auttisnie MClb, Cuut' 4rni grcon ............560.46 . services ..... ......... 4.40 oxdt urui! vse1a lh - y itIl' W ' ll'SiIiIllix age .67 ' Total,,..... ...........1101168 Dame or idbo-4k.e >1.01 V UneS wýA1lw Gran« tohali.............$4114"ei dhibum"ao ...... 4.50 Ail oai ill is nemultuly nuilmi> 96.16.......T. Il. Clark. lieheaiion lieyetalnj 48,00Wa 16e!g~,. .2 Supervipon Klas4bn . mw hr0.ui Lands Co tiqe Vtra ii tu aél ho set. ora4 i'the report ho accéoeil sud dope. Motion 1 : l 1s', - ý.1 '.0 Ma _'nlld Tise .ollciiÏç*féàt-tlZ IL . BrupptI-w . M *Cld is. adee . -a'..........26 à 5up9 o ,i-Somi omK ry «.orei 14 Lihertyvîlle, lIlimnamsJo. Drasier, .1 ferreS buck tu the cornmitiee fO' AW Joue 1o. 191q, UrOOeo e............. 96.92berInnestigatiou. To tise Chairm an sd 9liard o09Bi114 on., sOtii. 00. perisors:........ 30 *â%W 06eg" ,flk YourpettioekMrs Mal èhs. ý;bj'ilectIon Couinmttee..subaultted tise Sol Dosm, molmlste timt-;siis înla 88sa..... ....ooPilaireport: omnen ! kie.t' o!filsd"l cla 0": .W...i..11&i 16, Townal '0 ....... 3&06. lfKCh o îM T_ýOano! %*bmteoilb,,*u GsI ea. -Oip- ,4wa Affneisot lu 1914 a.... oun ald Iron.gt"*0II1es t& « 55 sauy e os uml ..... ' Burpeitlsp otdlpg, li rebt.. ta eeg ee ......... A4ito Ami rocere loi6 Chas. H. Onago. E. A. Flice. H. C. W.,. iiyer. SUPtrvisor Goss monoS 'athsiie ne- -«netw buccepted and eapted. Motion carried. Bup.nvisar Meyear oS PreCtuamoved bat the, Cleni b. suthosUMlae l sue garranits on lbe Count>' Trmsuror 1 IW'Mrm sraiclaimaliss t1 evenal trnouta saveS at this meett"s. -siipotnls og os moyeu la adjumu ,;i1 Uctomber 141h, 1Js Malien carnied. LEW. A. Mg»»I, Clark. Shahs cf ut Uaois. Lake Cbqan. nU& I Iprby cantlfy Ue f r~gta ha -Ltte andCorrect recor4=Mi icpra- !e0M«tise Soard sU Ut9W5i@o ,S coSruiy, lImaIs,, June l-itiennu Wereof 18-b'Ndlu to A bscrlbed my name saiS agusOth, al oS said Counly tii 1h day af ul,1915. LEW A. H2NDEI, (, SUL.) -, UsmkîImd 8upgU 6la "WnltIisg mu I t'iie "Wb '40 cl RaIs TO RAIm* : Wankegan Locals.0 215.00 ;0.06 6.00 85.60 15.00 40.00 15.00 34.00 161.79 CaHqs-ouwi place. Pire Ste,- tloa. II004 B C hop m o~ i. Becker M '4WigPlace. Dicenr Jai Au.. rn...Urd St. and Bit1 jah'.Çlty udge-L H. Til, lê ,roner Leecii. - Place--Weicb'r Hal, de-Edward A. Nsflls V4064 Thomas Strans. Place--village 4dgd>-E. L. Simon.1. Co.,s tî jetnyislacs. Antiocis J*i wii rUimm, Chas Grsat.-Tt~~fl, HalleIde.Jui Vila. U96-401n tratton, C. B.1 14âe VI1sUAnMatble's HaliiETA Attas-INo'U Hall. rsynlake. Judgeak-A. T. White, . C (. Wiibur, L Y. Sukes. Wairen-pollng Place -Woodnsn Hall. Gurnun. Judges--G. T. McCui- ou,,Prank Bulie, C. C. Amues. Wtsieffl 3*-polllng Place-Par. rn'. Hall. Judges-O.eorge Bairstow, 'John Wissbou. ta.L Naton. 1 -wauhond I1sS"-mamry auVa Bsn Jud.s-ary Bn, ,James Salman, NicisLasesa. Wsnukags 3ê-lellug aci.-Axnm, ory. .uds-A. P. Conrad. Lee Mc. ý:Joumagi, Dg"ls A. Grady. WankcgaU 4tfi-PoWntg Place-ns usasb Stfre. JuIt'ne-Cari Martls. Peter Mcilernot. Math Hoff. ' Waukegau lSgh-Jobn Besley'm offims Judiga-Conrad Hoilmietu. Frank Sud- loger, Ira DeweIllor, Wsukogasn otb-puling Piac-Eon- ber Sbop. 207 fl5idene St. Judg&- M. L. Saode, PisIlp Braud, Jr., Am- bras. Marchemnt. Wasskegan 7b-WoIiug plage- C'las. lHane.nn bt'. JudgeB-3. T. Hmons. M. P. Dilgar. Thos. MeDer- ]bot Waukegass Stl-,Polllug Place-Flnr nlab Temrnec MHl. Judges-WIl Gutafaon. fProS.Pfflen, Chas. Gnon. lins. Wsukega n tb-Poiling .Place-T. H. Mayes Ors.. boune. Judgel-. Tboo. H. Meyer, JMSes Lambert, Ws]. lace Sundenlin. heau" aslotb"-Poliiug Placq- il iBIdg., l1" asd Victoria Ste, Ne ChleJlhigos-j. C. Xe. Lear9. John lUW60, Walter Wysacbl. Waaksga Is ik-Paiing Plu- Mtaband Dhmka'a.SBhlp, Gien 2104 Afie. Judgo.-dsei Crapo, A. J. Truby, Ch"s. Lutte. Shields lut--Ping Pisce-FIre bept Rltom, CltyHall. Lake Forest. SudeslJane P. King, John M. Ksmu, Williamn 4040A . Shielda 2ad-,PelJJg Place-Village Hall. Lake BTfE. Judgen-Wnrron Xîliar. Frank itasunthlsa, Fraui 061, aghty. ýShields 3rd-PWeIlg Plaee-Cilsy HalNorthh CblegýjIudg---O. D, 'OBSW A.W ,J Ilroy. Shields 4tb-'.V0iWPiaoe-mauat Traiuing itoSw, Oortoa Sabo*I Luis ,?'aret. Ju4ge-Aubrey. Wafte, L 1, W. Speldel, W. IL Bni4gISas. -1 Llbertyviiie lot-Pollg Placé l'l>wu Hall. Lbertynd. 'Juges- 'rani Eier, Udward (lunvi l arry 'lah.' Lhbetyvillie 2nd-P.ggimg Place- 00h1 & Co., Store, thbenilville. eeUlward Mublite. 1 Premont-Poillsg PlBue-o.W*odsna Hall. Ivaubop,. Judge-H. C . W. Mey- er, Carl Dorfier, Frmssb lo*lb ,Cnia-Polling Place-Scisaede Hall, flarribessu.Judgee.-Pm r m Jnhisr, L~ W. Riley, GoUeb KIMerIa, Eia1'llng Pl.ce-ou Hll, .akt Zurh. Judgeo-i-, A. Fiels 'eter W, Meyer, Heury F. Doargor. Vernon-Polling Place-Tairn Hal UNai Day. Judgea--A. G. Maeth ýmII .J. Gisu, Henry H. Scisnoden. West Deeriield-Pollhlsg Place- Town Hall, Deerhild. Judeu-Geo. Rockelibach. IL M. Vaut, Jubu lor.. Dedfield lat-Polling Plicbe-J. H. DuIry'n Office. Highland Pari. .udges -H5. M. Prior, W. E. Brand, James C. 3oylan. Derfeid 2nd-Poiling Pbtce-City rsaAiHliiîood. Judges-i. J. Walmh, %ames Hepburn, Abert Doue. D.enfild Sns-Poling Place-Vire. 'n'm8Hall, Highland Par*. ,JUdgen -J. 3. Band. James Boidon, A. A. Deenfteld 4h-PollIng PIol-Higt. mand Park Press OfiT ce,. MughIoud Par isâue-cor'.L. Vettt, George llutten. John Courad. l80s«fiold lith-Puiliug Pae-D. C. -:>ffy & Bons' Store. HlahlIM4 P' 'tdges-Jahu Schenera, W. 0. Sear e ohn lo gghus. Ail ofS iitt la respeettully nubrnll 'lsd. "Houent Joe" Nembaume, leterun Kenonha assistant chie! ut police re- tired on M'.onday ater W7 sears of. continuons service. He han been a Police oMfcer lu Kenoaha since the city bas iiad a unul!orm depanimeul sud t;eforo tisat lime yen city mal' sbal sud deputy marshai. li. la weli known lu 'Ibhis clty. iis retireusent mas casmed isy a broken leg which ha austaiued neyerai mouIhseugo at- tempilug to Prevent a iaI ai a ban- quet. He ls uesniy 70 years oS age. Newboune and 'ihos. Tyrreiliof Wau- kegan became policemen about tise name time. Tyrreli. homever, la mucii yauugen tissu Newhouse sud has mauy yeara' service before' hlm stili. lu tact, luke Newhouse. isî'iil liely re- main ou 1h. lobois mlIad age ueces- ialts bis retiremeut. lis from a as1h0 t* 513k f9 amie rbetl40flie. bne141 haît that a" a i te @ 67"-, tu set ab à*Eàw in«ààuo cburch cau be ou n Msur fIQý e o teali la'i nstt "'*sé *lkbi tï 'l mothb. veet mnd flor& 4W 4 li'4& Mn. and àMm. ilars W. Étal Qd. net oentalsd a Party Olt d et their hom. Tlsumsdy oeveugu ban. or of Mr. aud Mre. W 11113 APgFIéY.O A pleasant hlme mas speut. "At. buxi. dred" being Ithe oiSon OS lbe, fvm1ng A daInty lunch vas serveS. Mn. aud Mn. C. k. Fiat Md $Ot Robent sud Mn. sud Mr. Leggtt. ail o! Carthage, Mo.. ariva i'e ast. urdsy by automobile to P4 4 -s oi days witis R. P. LeegIt, G0111e«an&W nue. Thoy tlSt tnday fer DtM tiu returu iug viiaaunlnP lt ilit tbe!n relatives here. 11. Had Edward Rea-don, Wiio Olet the. bope of bisdangbter on Satur. day, ii4mluntil tise M134 h 1% I1bertyville becama very mnch ex.1 01100 Monday eveniug sud Tuenday firben, bY camparlng notes mlth Wau- began the village authorities sud oth- jlons came laeIthe conclusion thal 'Couzit" Von Aschlort. the man who jdlsappeared frous Waukegau Suuday jafiennoon, had made a niait te Lib. ortyviils unday evenlng sud ansa reluit, U.dd'a livery wa «out" a hanne and buggy. "The description tailles exactiy y1th 1h51 gînen o! Von As'h fort; me tinkItilMost have been hc," naid ose man. A Waul.cetau man doubted lhe pos- aibillis but tise LIbertyville man con- tinudd: HIe bad on a braud ney Out of gras clotes, ise mono a diamond ring. (Von Aschfort had no diamoud ring, but b. mlgisi have scquired une tu orden ta "put up a front.") il- acted vr n.ny ononud me, lu L berîy ville, thisnkI il ay lie Ancisfort.'" Tis tranger mwent te Ladd's iivery Sunday' anng sud engaged a hors.' sud rit ton 6 o'ciock %Monday morn- luS. uasing heba hd te drive inoatihe coUnttry te Be11 a ari. iMenald ha came frorn Wauiagan. Mdondas mrnuing ou sciseduiJ, ha ap- peared for tisa ig aud drove tovard Butlier Lake. ter these mrng isa sean golug eat nean thea John R. Tiiompmon place. Wheu, lu the, ove- ang Monday. ha had ual retUrned, Phoneo'messages yen. sent about tisa e9uuty sud une report frai Labo Vil- la vas tisaI ho hsdlben senen luhat iaaltY. But notilg tangible is beau.isoard and thse ig han ual yst bienurettirned la the liiery. (Wtilo tise description o! tihe strau- gar and Visa Ascisfort may lally. It déelsauen logieai ta conclude tisaI MW-ere mono nsd tiese ane. If Von à.$cfar lai.nuallu the laie, If ha cai, silOeot bMa nus, lu ordar la gel aay au mir,0v bis iSe "lu the danb," ha woldnt urbae batherod ta go le Lib- erhp'vilî sud rnut aiborne fonrlise perpone'at making off mtb t. If i. was gong ho go back 10 Garmaus il doekt séern possible tisaI iso ould ]do mullllilg elft but "-beat Itl" for tise Pfton1asà withouti iltgerng around iigr.fer a»Y lengthba! lime.> De mine your ticket souda capà& ftorthwestern Rallway end seçu q "The sstoFvet- DR. '-Z AvI8I 4artitwOet .Cbmer Wiiolnliton and j OPEN £EVËNINGSflN Open SunaSs'-lo te la A. M. m = a.<~nune >lime 10. IiM' 'sestu m-L'w Round4 Tsiblp 79ix akbliuig ysl toniait boub CalItobrà»- sitWon se theoMost i iýOUsl Mosobt lahothe mest are hi:ra 006- »MUmber 30, 1913. - -- bft*rel stop ave aund" rin leitiI wvÇOéoo of aidirect andei sd' r«imbu é mpItsdld train service. 'kni' ticket agent ai ith* 4uo a fturuweuiern Ily. vîli b. e s4tbh. ycu.plan youn tour qu#We t: uda ~leIng car fares; pvb, "matin regandinadu rs.tpvse trilp. 's The croquet Saine et Lake Porenit mmt&.ho would bave .brIsWb on Wednesday ln wblCh Judgs oe golden udibg aslmma*w ir . Bons and 1D. T. Webb cornpeteil &alutns:vas Uarrt.d 5P.5yuau S» cor e two iÀ&*4e Forest men, Iras a drav, Ilti.' U. . tiMrdon '*âàs70II >eereoi4ý bavtng to ke caiied off on accouat of dit the, Umie of bit déath and vau one ciarkness. imgarn«e ver. plinsd,ofet. reploieew résidents o« Lab* Facli tearn vlnning ove gamee. couit. Mina Louise Chambers retflrned Ejoi. Wlm t. floaneti. brother of- Tuesday trom a neven monttbW trip tbw I&@" m" usa"i Anas Uet In the West during wblcb Urno ete lf64 Ndgèri avenu. , a nvejial ur visited the. fairo and too'i auto to upator. ç 1!1. PaUJU inibodwnt p%»co with lier brother wbo iu one a or tepai citwr c oa" tmgC bead offtciais of the, Sauts V1%nS. - bu mw uuga é adÈàseta sS"d i road. soft " - ms. >£Qîmu iu hW* laà MieCarnie Blodgett lisliore froin teb.liea1111181 1 *11ltu, olan Lms Angeles visitiug Mr. and Mrs. Bd tîdac u hh5 he.B alti yard L, Upton. She camne hermfor mslbiteb4dAi bïe&ê I tu tbe purliose of pécklng up the. furn Booth 4w. mIn of the.Blodgett borne onu outb Siieridan rosil and reroviug tbem taenmous livtiont 7 5ez. wu.~ Los Angeles wbse iree@in lto, solide i l HautBO"t the. future. Thi e rnovi of tii. bouse.- ~~l bald effets of tbf.aiod laadmark rouu- T r'~ 0 i douce e5t th. Sauth 1gi aen awa" linn etJ h bltonical association. of, smniy Wou- .tClOC kegan. Judgte Heu»' W. 8ladgett vas C&L, wbetwI on. of tb* City$ jisuss Md Il a î tlst g ija.t i çh oirai incdte inielci b9dbeer l tluý e vit«b rt« proluluent for yuaspro ti11 egtb. ThOM4 im* «, * Natuirailyho omooof bis aid hum ày _03114ami 4u boid futtrea ta ffte teoa- is ou ia a mnattrfn o, ênualt mportuiacolu yt 1*t' F b the comrnunlty. The Item below la of ltreet ta o Waukogan people aMr. Osettala nepublican "tahcentirai carn*itse& mai tramtbis ti.he sinatr iet aMdpub io dbS.~ ie quit. veli iovulaWaukauf: pitratb I Aldenusa Henny D. OLpiIIèI, eho1t un man ot tho loceal im OOiatwou mintu c mittes. la senlouly iiiet hbIhuan. .T 0 1540 i<eniiwortb avenue, Chicago. NE 1ta, t te confiued to hie b.d unan a doc- tor'n car.Thsenature, a blis Wns bus been dianocme s s <ofithelM , qIN intestinen. Dr. Iimvgrd Websb, boy. evor. bftlenos the stdftmusat vie . 3 «M b» OIs VI*~ ahi. ta Wàv.big b.dlu s&; oslai. or 5U fu a W ém dTý1 L-Q weekn. on " fletuber 1 Baatss.imJob«s B. QulnI, vboi ferthies y*" .b"s _ 1beau drlU-mnter ai the Great L*u fss m - - 1training mILlion, leaves thé- station to ts ~~~ 1excb5ilge places witb Sotsaln tokm, 9 ton FnllIsMn, w*110la noir iiabs rd t l m t. V . Aylanns, wvichhuttlmhip rte o ,àIý w me lu a Dant of ith. Adanie so 1. eu5.iu l Waukok"n ray nôt bhW" a yadrt be club, but It bas ou. aitisen mrhôo on Otlmthf~ a Ileet of mator boate. The Motor. boat enthusiasilàIs no tithail 'j ucaj, ~ P 3Cha.s, mole, xnIllIona1re yo'uthbalaie a butor k e r, h Ibo «lcitsn ild.to airO hoIsUt,** npeed boa.t lu Amantsa. Thc up.ed Cl boat mas given is second tihout ko ba atrn eqis iSunday, and huudrida 0of'Wlitkeeh- rcsdba40 I.ui aIton to'iadvantage of bth riat o 1 , l . ý 6 se the.boat la aciont. puh-ft-O df County Clerk I..w A. Xende. la rbothe. ium '*mo spendIng a tom veeks et AI Melfert'n Mbu Maor 4 Wb Oienwood rasant In northeru Wl ii-noscgei mtI& Mn ýW. 0.McKjntne, oS North da? for 'bdils Genes.. streetl aves todzy for San cote onaAisSb Fraucisco Cal., vire mii. viiiat- bas a*ntf»l"_W tend the Panama exposition. Mr. Mt, betttSUlIOi. rKlnney la generai manager o! theinm@ O Mn'ya eWaukegan Lumber & Coal Comnpany. cago and Fri.uds of lire. Fred Binichoit wmli bouse. 41. Ï Lt ouda DL MM, MisAC i ,ý W- Àa"AI IS HE T0 BE A FARMER? Wa'e#au, Au«. 25. A. Ir. CouvS, mral etais dealer lu ibis Cilty. yetsrdss closed asi a deal ou tise l0.cre tract of land an Grand avenue ovmsed b>' Dr. Maxsosi. sollint - e t Dr. P. C. Kiilgit. Dr. ICigat "'ilI improve tise properl>' generali>'. This piece of prap.nty ta consldered onue of th.e blell locationa for s chiace country' home ielween Chicago aud Mlwaukee. Mn. Conrad lias alea sold tise James Trestriai fanro. mldch Io lacated lu BOmtoù ttowushi17 t0T. R. Cook af Chi- csa, miso milI maie many Improve- n.Ont, au the rapent>' and îlI ail lh iset orsiaOctober mai. uis home ltera.) WiiI par '25 Cents a'dozen foonsticet- ly frasi s . 3 . Cý Menehani & Bru. Wkly-i FOR SALB'-9'rou bouse; clty mu- ter,> las, electnit ligah* sud bah; large yard sud garden; % bibck ftii Wasington Si. car iUe; reuta for $16 De onti; aiso frai au. ta ire acres of Impronedl land, ich oeil, nuttable Son truck gardon, or mil i l lu separat, lots. Addr.ss 1521 Wanb- Ingtan SI., Waiegau, Ili.. or pumae Waukegan 13W9W. Wkly-21 Will puy 26 cents a dozen for strict- ly frusis eggs. J. C. Mrchaul & gros. Wkly.lt p, Oba*mm 0 M MW, tin 1 l ibid I