Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Sep 1915, p. 12

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1. i -,din,*f Suit on De- eTax List Charge Show S W, ,Stand, >otl Counsel Is Told Not to ~uIon Teohnloa Points b tôtbGo on Mots. vie civil suit vblch 81mbe'. Attar- t' Dady asked tea bosrdof isuper- rbom permission t. Oie egainat theo OoayPuliing & Printing ~lâ y dn he aim that an aver- bhaO beamade for' prIebluz dé4linqutt tai lit aIvuforinally (a circuit court late TnesdaY. Thé declaation lais that oame-F M" Us liix S1 60 sthe overcharge - a' the total QU tva differont ceca-1 Oma"su a genetal cdaim ta madeo «OW00. Tiis suit vili bring thea !hwIns' lt he civil caurt for dodiiony W bu vitether Dady's daim in correct f l a bis roquent to ttbo aurd of au-9 UW4tmo ta sMort said civil actian. ipted vith great positivenee gt *M sureanM ovealibage bl eaulicM - - ut' at a previous Meeting ho > stted vith equal poitive-jc »M sthebmcaunty sBd not> Wesbor- *» ea ntitlmd ta the lubrtancet afeéé snd. vith - taI as a paila st o»rne had Weterfield me- iromn aco. Thon &long came a. Srmecourt and 5.10 nithert .30 nor teé couty bad any1 as (ho lioritaali aontesbut1 we enttat ho claie. ga Dadys eus on tht point come ta Jt 1k. bis pcetivem uo a tla anlit on h luterest mat-. 'î regadi lhe conty treasurer 14 ho prenant lime. goi l ine 'oves D&dy"ý la susceptible ta viweà the supromo caurtj gels a chance at a rultng on ,>cta ratier tit theories and qt, invovetic »Mane ns lavelvet lu tho Indictinent lhoy amuid for bfore the grand Jury againt lheovuers 14aaïa psncurod tho smre. a** agt ýiet acivil suit ut a asiracy," a "doop. 'fieguc~~. Theilycivil tg uch came.bocaus. by It the tacts vili ho deveiuped and a M reacimd as ta "vbat's <ontinuedon tmpage"ne.) cause anxiety teo is oved On«i. Came te Ivachoe When Bey. Mr. -Farnswortli vas the son of Reuben FarnswOrth and Eunice Karle and vas boru July 23, 1843, ln Westford, Vt. Bis parents movod te lvanhoe, jake county, pi.. when ha vas 12 years oid and ie ofret taught school thore when but 18 years of ago. Mr. Farnsworth enlisted with the 1341h reziMent IlinOis volunteeTs lu the Union army and served tli thel ln 1866, May 1, ho m iarriod Mie$ Ama Putnam ln the old Putnam home, nt Jar from the spot where ho le nov laid te rest, bouide the nid church of vhicbho eaund is Young -wlfe woro maembers. There vere tbree sous born Int the homo: Charles E., Ernest L,. vho diod five yeM ago, and Floyd B., Who died lntancy. Taught ln Lake Covnty. During tho years 186667-68 %fir. Farnsvortb vas bead of the Lake Zurich oeadoIuy. Lýater be movod with is family lot the to*osbiP Of Jefferson and finaily bought tho Prop- erty and made is homo for manY yoars at 4912 Miontrose avenue, MAY*. f air, nov a part of Cblcagô. He and hie wife united , ith th e Tirat don- gregational chbrcb of Jefferson Park vbere tboy atteuded outil tboy, uiovod to thit present homo &nd off vbich Mrt. ns*orth va au oMcei, fOre raore titan40 iM e Ho vase chair leader until big sot' Charlos toak up the vork, aud vas active la the building ot the nov church.. al- ways liberal and faithful ln Its su:- port4 and zealous for lit succeus. Mrt. Farnsorth organimod tho Oirsi bigh school in tht. district under the 1mw, onaDling townships ie tom bigit achoolsand thus tho Jefferson si Co et je ie go ling of the civil suit theto- psvms the way farthle 4lsmlmsl b. crimlinalaction startmd mc-. î gp by Iiady vhben The Sun owe- Imms laditd. TheoSun tIt al & titt the praper waylu settls ittai point oif til.kinO vas ta eAie Question thraslt out tIr-thea tiuo ot th circit court, a court kg *g p bte sfs o chargin SWht bth aides apparonbly de- i. bo case accordngiy vilii hotriai on lun muitelu th iviourMK4 'J i l e iema tueaY it voulé 0 i nnomte aproemd tn bth 1 1 "d oblui Alctions. #Mth filing uf theit altsove r W»04 dwMh oîha iteau loffldi ~U Woilhe board mehZ The i ,Wmseatoly lhimle is mt. .d Aie. Beaewen, imItil id nelte t e «Aond on sny tcchnlcality but kii the re w»va .have th. suit WOUtetriai et once, thal The Ob OPPUeaffte ehould b. .nlered Ome «"s wth.ut servce bolng #kt 5w lie eleriff; lia the itar- ao eUte le lc ny plemdn lnl qatua# di«salc.hnlcelily, but1 O lie au" pliediftem au would( tpa limt rlghlor The Sun iavuer1 [plie the liarg asorilly smde, gis doequeut tMtli %le iadntutwva gvon 10 theo WMT UOtwthstdlgtg ho advlco t» at.ruey t The Sun could, If 81"1, eel out or turnine sny of ýéboney back ta 1the oounly ity agq the oga 0« pee «iIMaey », 00d o sinàmiotake of 1mw CAN. or SE COVIRM BAC. >owItrs o! The Sun frthertulaid gr oeneeta valve a4 .uch loch. 4#6M but tu ry th case anlils Th in u asi't entitimd tu thm -M" avercharge. il snreiy oesn'b it; the o» rne (hbat Thte Sun tet te sl.attitudeo f tho ~Aioenela attemplag ta9.d. a prpostionof hissort. ~a-4~4.eont. by (ho *trou tb tmliM llav ratherbhu the otdiuary chan- *,avIlai' ou&t -et tho crbna action m et fie time mreliko ý*wR i data topratoot the *Mr a i e public gon- CHA'NCEAY NOTICE. tate or ilfnuos County 0of Lake.-ss. 'Ircuit5 toqrt of Lako Couhty, ta tho Octabet Term A. D. 1915. Josephine Marks vs. Benjamin Marks. Hiraun Morgan, Thoroea&-Uhon, Mary Bloomo, George Blaauno, Bd- yard Bloomo, John Clauts, Emiliej Reithet. liaruartita Eohr.Engue P. Dady. George W. Dady. Fialne Dadr. Cota, Morose, Robert Dady. 'Ehoore H. Duri. "Unknovu boire or devismes af Hiram Miorgan, decessed." "Unkuavu boina or de- viomofeHenrtKnapp. deeased," "Uuova boit. at devise«s of John Claus, decoed." "Unknouin boire or dovîsees a! Smille Reinkor,. doceased," "Uninavu boit. ar de- visiies o! Margatha Robr. do- Csed".- tbited States SugarRegn- ery o!, James L. fivayot. SecessorIluTrust and "Unkuovu ovuers of the reai eï- labo described ln the bill ai caun- plaint and knovnu a lots 2, 13 and 16 ai tbe Assesori Plat ai S. I. %~.Sec. 28, T. 46 N.. R. 12EB. .11 uated lunteCity oi Woukan «I Oounty of Lake sud State o! 1111- mois."' ln Chaatcery. No. 7499. Satisfsctory affidavit baving beem, Oled lu the oftie of tbe Clerk of!ibis Court (hul the defondants Beulaunla Miarks, Theressa Uhon. Mary Bloonso Eugene P. Bady, Gefrge W. Dad*1, Faule Dsuy, Cota Maou.. rosidoOMt of lte Biist fIllinois so that produs conut be served upon (hem or asf of tem and that lie detohdantm Hi- ram Morgan, John Claus. Emlie Rein. kor, liargarethu Rahr, "Tjninova hoirs or devissof ai Hram Morgan, iocoassd." '«Unkuavu beirs or devis- ses a! Henry Knapp. docoasod," 'Un- kuovu boire or devisesmofaiJobs Claus, Oecsased. "Unkuovu heins or ilevisoos o! Smille Reinkor. deceased,' l'Unknovn boit. or devises oi al'- garet"a Bohtr, dscesaod," United States Sugar Rmflnery of Waukogan. Illinois, and "Unknavu ovuet. o! the tmal estate descrhmd la Ibm bill ai complaint and kuovu as lots 2, 3 alnd 16 o! Ibm Aàmsrs Plat af 8. E. 14 SM3. 28, T. 46 N., R. 12 B.. .lbuatei lu tbm City of Waukogau. County, or Lake ad 8151. of Illinois" on due iuquiry cannoI ho iouad so thal pro- ceas caund be servai upon thoun or any of tbom. Notice ls therefore bereby given te aIl the said above namai Osiendants that tbe above zjamed Complainsut beretofots filai ber Bill of Complan lu eaid Court on tue Chancory aide thetordansd titat a summons themop- on lssuod out o! saitd Caurt against the above uammd defondants, retua-1 ahi. on the firet day o! tho terofai tbm Circuit Court o! Lake County.ý i0 teo h ld at tha Court Bouse 'lu Waukogan lu eald Lake County, an the Tirst liouday oi Octabor, A. D. 1915, au le by l&w required, aud vii suit la stilipouding. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY. Clerk. Waukogaa, hlliis, Soptembor end, LA. D. 1915. eELAM U .CLARRE, Complaluant'. P>olicitor. -Wkly5ept.3-10-17-14 Eaiuar , in . luore ' ç 'la, Oa town bail on mllautoi avenue, nov usod as the î6tb pimcinct Police station. He remainod thora as pria- cipal eight years and vas thoe] iv ou 'tha superiniondency oiftour scixools iu Mapleýwocd, district eleven Thaktth. 4001 val<ih bit several of the old town of Jefferson and had baod! of csttieo n the C. AHoydocker undor is charge 42 teachets and faTom t WAdO*rtl, vas 5uffering thaîr Pupils. front1 tables fi the roport of profos- In this district are îocated today sors di Ibm Pasteur l,1'ttute, Chicaga, the follow6ug achoals: 85IlCIrOft. uhO exam ffed thodog's brain and Brontano, Darwint, Goethe, Mio. and stomach., Chase. WhéV t ho n Lodgqichool The rtlrt, of tho Chicago protes- vas erectod lu 1989, lMr. Fan.votth *àm -ewOIi'vMiby (tho faineret5 vas appointod 'principal and there ho Wbd*s.vot.late Tuesday nighl. and bas dovotod 26 yoare of faitbful ser. OU 'WiIW"y the cattle blton voro lcé. hocaa'ed tagathqr and placed undor a guaidi. '1%ëtsiiner, are undocidod He bas taugbt thare gonrations of vht e, t kili the cattie or purcliaso chIin snd la iuournod by tais corps 'of teachots and scores of PuPiLs. MI*e'luS Chilcageo doctors bellevo that presonco lu the schooi room Vwaa 1*6 the 0",,o«p and hoge -hitteti the enia su,~ilo~ H ,vsndýer iahau'lashoexternainated,bu b ton busy 1to, ehelptul »ld d W S*d tfle",,ay, pool together aud boy givo wise coansel. Out ? of 01o la* 0to«&a. 'Tb*o 4Moswhich bit the cat- could enter tbalcdy 0f the SPOlia sMd ticv s taydg and did not bo- joye of childhoao1 and stil. viti bis t1 040MY, rednt' of Wadavorth sron pnru salt rcev hedeor sur *iorliving ltat vlciniby. ènce ue hs poitio. MaY & mrt ver . itten lent voèk. sami bas bean ligtened of liseburdon ot Mme sa.,l*avoshov nyirsigne of is klndly wbeds. M4anS' a pocitesuffOglUE fr818 the dread disaso. book mado hoavier by bis help In a ln as. the, cattle are kilod, C. A. timeofa need or t0 carry on camle »ey4eoker, a relative orthlie Hoydeck- cherisitod ambition. Hi. lifo bu orsliving iu Waukegan, vill be the, beau like an oak treo, sending lits beavy laer. tmp root deep, and its branches cor -__________ respoudingiy higit that undor thomn AUGUST BELOW AVERAE weary bodies and troublod hearts mlght find rest and rofreshIn&i and G rm ae n. courago. ta go ou toIlivo dosan. use- Cnln rmpg n. fui Mîes and beur lite'. burdensl bravely. Raitaîl T57jnehes. Hia passing tram aour midet itasAosllt. 197-Warmnest day 94 oit. ceit a gloom on many hsarts. Oee 1hl11h. Coldst day 42 above on more j% gone tram the Be r. 1V h lied. Aerge tmperature 70.70. Butlier Poin, G. A. R.. of whlcb h o tal a'tifaf 3.96 loches. vas a member. vhose rankis are thin- Augat, I90-.4Wiarmost day 94 ou niug so fast. Tho love and eympatby the 23rd. Coldest day 46 above ou of tis and other nelgbborboods go the $8. Avevae temper4ture 76.71. out ta the taibbfui sorrowing vite ToalIraînfali Ù3 1inchos. and loved anes. AtUetUUI U0-Warmest day 93 ou The bonorary palbeators vers: tbm lth. Ooldes1 day 53 above on John D. Sboup, firal assistant super- thoe lt Avotffl emperature 69.85. inteudeut of ichools; William C . Tals# reIUWÀI .20 luches. Dodge, district superintondeut: Or- A aL1»4-Warest day 88 on ville T.' Bright, district superintend.-- Li 15. l4st day 41 abovo on eut; Henry' C. Coi. Idistrict superin- the lth. A vertae temperaturo 65.54. tondent; Rufus M. Hatch, district su- Raiufali .30 hachtes. perlubendent, and Charles I.LaLory, Auuijil 190--Warmest day 90 ou district superintendeut. the l3rdi Coldeet day 49 above ou the Active pailbearora: John A. Wsd. lt. AveragEe tomperature 67.14. boame, presideut Irving Par', National UlIafI 8.96 laches. bank; W. D. Omyser. Principal Bren- Àug1it, lWlWwarmst day 91 on tguo echool; D. L. Buzoîl. princeipal he 141h. CalOe day 48 above on Bldlng scitool; E. M. Colo, Principal (he l'th- Average temperature 69.40. Diarwin "cbout; S. R. Mci,ý principal Total rinfalil .31luches. Wasbington school, and H. N. Her- rick. principal Drummaond achooL. LOS-liUddy evening auto licous- --He bas rested from bhi& lahors and ea. iNo, 8356, malS al iamp. i'nder bis vorks do tollov hlm." pleamo basve et Sun office or independ- eut Once, Liborlyvîlle. Wkly-Ib4. WiI pay 26 conts a dozeu for strict- Witt puy 26 cents a doson for strct- lv cah xil J.C.Morhan kBro Ily fresh oggs. J. C. Marchant & Bm>. -- re t--g. . . M Wkiy &Br.t1 l' --- --W kly-lt1 lu - UBOIN we a hx bgh Wstrch to-day. Buy it n ow ,on easy club term,. at lowst cash prices. $3.: <'...~*p uts iW.ýLyo ur pooket. Balance at 500 a week. Special purchVe with the f actoryrmi s to make this ofetrfor a limited time only. Members new enrolling. WEATOU TA OU PAY Yen have been readii r about thisfamous wateh. The master time piece. '1xaelsini design, appéar-' ',ance and accurate timekeepiug. None better made. This is an unusual opportubity tW get one w ithout missing the money. An 0o90i that May neyer bc repeated. - Pay Nothna f, -tW Prhiilege Most firma who exItend& yjoo a cenven lent pur- chase plan such as this, chïg ou from 10 te i15 ercent extra for the ýý ion. But if yon 3oin this clu~b you get the rookbto rc--h smre establihed prioe at «bioh PàMLMUWatch-ý es reÉ,>d orcas al ver tho trit4d States. Wherever themo club$ e beeu started they bave been MWl4q*ikly l and diappointedJlote corne. imi'ed M away.-'t Delay is d tm- bership 8im si te firat corners. Osi and hah0 tpln xpl"h - faim rt today -for their cusý, housein Chicao. The Sare b av#e been rosideults of .North Chicagofor the paut'tour years and have mad may f riendb via re- grt their deParlutre. Thoy have heen ai, ud Ms. has09 ate sitfftp are ent*rWaing lMt. Rn.' àothmr. chtel lits Mry Ruai, aBd hlm mter, lirm.dm1 A. J. Timadore, bath of CilaOM . Chiot Lui too'o (h Bally boyÀbut ai tl e: Aere GefiI Botter Tllbones service WE GIVE a,« GREEN TRAPING ST» CaII Na. 400 fotr mydepartmont lu te store. 'The prounptly conuecl .*mat.,MiI* A Comp1ete New Fi 'Up. or 7,9 a dm There is nothxng that add s 80 much ini making the honue cdiy and attr'active as beautiful draperies. You will enjoy selectýg'7oiwneit fali draperies from our splendid assortmnent. The selection:*uiesngly large, and se widely va ed j» ifts range as te en#ble d.i i~oiI*, with- perfect harmony, the celer sceeme of -aiy room.- anîdnmore cxquisite in coloring. Aside from their ch ~ t as draperies, they niuy be used for niany other pu'Irp)oses ia the home attractive. The variety w e are now showing in ipreaddo-' mestie cretonnes is remnarkably extensive; the values very etanvlary rnces 15co25c435co50C u .$.0 Imyorted Sunfat Reps, $1W. M3-lach S O1~ta Beautiful plain colored fabrics for A splendid asffortneue' inlight, me- portieres and ovcrdrapes; browiî and dium and dark sha4iiio; f#oral and green; yard $1.50. Oriental desigus; yârd.2, c. 36-Inch Rajah Draperies, 75e Ourlai»Netsa-lS >te10 Ilandsomne silk materials' ni hrewn, Fine qualities i n'teiýM~, Filet green and old rose; 36 inches wide; and nôvelty weaves; SP te' 50 iuchils popular for overdrapes; 75e. wide; white and ivory. S6-Inch Ourtai» Madra, 50c. A rich heautifully lustrous quality of madras in two-tone colors of bine, green and hrown; yard 50c. Narqulet iwuIl-25C te 450. 4indh plain nwqlg-a#ee irtaining in white, ivory and'ewu';,40iniches wide; yard 25cte 40. New Art Needle Dp Women with a tondness for ac work a n pleased to learn that we -now have a complete new Art Ne4Ie Depart- ment on our second floor. This new departuient will onid- èxeept- jonal nterest because of the extensive variety of st4Cmn roaand made-up pieces on display. A thoroughly 'experienql 4 leeode In- structor is ni charge. ]Royal-1SoIety Suami Rbyl .cg Pleces, 25c Up t. $2.50 Gm>ds, 2 e Included in these. various assort- In addition to the,4edu icle, ments of beautiful stamped pieces each package- cob q$içt are: silk for embrod~r fi Tovuk la, CoteeCes pIUw prfited directio a lIio~are women's lingerie, infiit's£el Tope, 8kê,fa, Table Runners, and useful articles Card Tables, etc. 25e $.00 Materials' are linens, towelings and Eoyal 8ocety FIis4nai the re- fine etamips in white and natural quired shades; aloAn lcyal Society tinen; prices 25e to $2.50. crochet cotton. Dress Yabrlcs for the- Girls' School FFodIE WorstedPlaida-These' handsorne- plaid mater- iliswil niake moat be- co si chool dresses c lfor ýthe young lady. 36 SO iches wide blue, red snd green cler -tombi- nations; yard .......... Plain Serges - Nethjng more seriveable than a school dress of French serge; this quality is .36 iches wide and come ini blue and brown; yard 50c. A Splendid Linu of Singbama You ean make these up ite the uxeet attractive sert of msehool dresses, for the patterns sud colerings are ex- ceptionally pleasing; corneini plaids, atèlilTtàeemks; per 1i Yard.A.................~11 PLAID& AT 5-S-PERCALES, ISe-Neat smervesble'datk alo-aen pcaf~po lard; ,c , PW bymIf 0e OHOOL 0nom, CAO 8-14'luch se»; m=lsvlth relufoeoed. corner; mpOdaW Q. CwiiS eIANK«TI - 10 80z4"'ucl pireuttlu :13 dovu cruwhlma-2 kola; "0 Van.s, ceniforters, witb ceon 'aÇl PICTURES ANbS FRAMEê-A varWoy Of:t aa1iup tal6cU.I choim ....1.. White a"d calareajpl éd- at ..... m l uil Ad dîmes able more preet der epidq trai. e Lot Kasq stem fatu loy Sli Ib S bis oui@ Ar thi su le< et tri ta 'y * te ai U, tc roda wui et7t Mn wkly-it

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