LA"E COUNTY -DNDEPENDENT, FRIIDAY, SEPTEMI3ER 3,191-1. Pagre Tii,. ARRESTED ATHOBART, UB hIU 11111' took us a ittie ovêr an hour to get theflTg OSE0 -----------ARSEOA OAT car loto the Libert, ville Giarage anid in FR T VIOLA TFOR H B Ho e i lND.-BROIJGHT HERE. legs than an Iour It waa welded, aqg,od I C B IR l Your mofley's woith whM:aemloeduÀSEL 8 LF URS se new, an~d roady tu go again. Think IKIE $0ADDIAMONDI rre hwsted Sund y i H n-arf niaiegs h ond ra ouToy IS CTC ATM AN xnore- c~~ti ecntybyLo ntable SIX LEaTeR 'lave OnflO!tiiee 0xy-Acetylené weldhrîgAL D Y 0NSae.IdoNeftaminCsg and a lit 'trthe tVialaWRaTTENrDYtAdLIuERTY ai H how quikirNtOFeSIX_______ and nownhe ocPiesa acellI n the W, I* TE " M LI ET - oefni c tl' ordjnoilreair be k!cS S T H L A That'. what youll au'iegan Jal. clie la rharged with VI L LE W V A N TOHE "t gi n por. a>îro euti, îme . (Contlnued Prom Page One) ue ne.r teaUug two suit cases and a few t u die o ot.Ctioauunw get ut ~U7 sutao! ofclothta tramn the Barnatable 1MOulER. t hitthrmtasa e alîbsaine tned airent, except upon Permît by an APO WR TEWSUIN Q home. othb'machine-it a>mPiy mette theal asaistant state veterfinarfan. hometog ther andyo u c(aihardly toit w he r, "The em ploym ent of custom corn l n LETE NMBR l aswoke. t ý h OlyOn l t- helIIng, ahreddlng, wood aawing, co-Cen uc au ed LENRNMERI hh.wokd teieoi ine teer hulihng or similar outtits, la pro-.ok c4 éar hiother: CoUuD1vluleosathere lte, e ai Wukegan. hibited. ThIy l tiri etter for a week or '1b. la flot the "Dtonfir thtuaipute "Týhe tranaportatlon of dressed car. ~ Ctko l Uli or ver oat1, mor bu ifyouknw bw bsy e bvethe Lihertyvllle (,or)> arage even wiih bcane calves, sheep or swine wlth. Cow uarSBss, oct.gng & heen you would test rather eorr, ingtead ahy and abeati! if muet. JhiRe naor rm iblte.ceu e ro L I 'itof acolding. au 1 know you wiliî, recause ha. heen in the business siure 1907 and "The movement of carcasse& of F.J ELLEY Yuli of& oi th«ee'sg1 bi ave flot kept Yeu ponted. Ève have Ior Élire >ears before tha% waoe lu the dead animal* within the quarantined Phone 319-R Ubeat>rail.,iels btty * I T H E T R E heen working file Dallera tu J a home machine bugiemse There are tire men arae, for renderlng purPoseas l pro.__________________ our absolute VIr- Licof mt- read iew r ni utci-under his directon Dow and it rune îrom hbtdexcept on wrltten permit hy Be.A.SMM o . ntw,,atéas eeinra. FRIDÂY, rSEPT, 3 a ack.meningI dl artb f.. rI t o u h ,e fo hgg e t a dva t t nîahest nact a ra&igetthe b ea e l e Woot a nd uh pu. A TO OL E RE. E U A FourFELIX HofTthe kt] )wfa here d Ise lfae n o e andga . 0W e gaow handne linoTs. thes Forty-nl niee dS a tve e n a riugh TielerlitL.rytlud Pcacrestw ii.h ae o yNtoaflY ee eldilcrs and ncha r. sa ndfd a s corean s herawre Iton RSASp!CA Taken fOrcureohemey irt hhe edi Brnrdho teepeiatory ,,e@ayterdamnteIfcathrsocul andersuiin, adthe eflonat erdo a n d B o y w e D Y , e rg EIT ,o 3 a nk.u fi a n e o n deg rful t m e nIht andle dbis n e o . W..@ t Juetha e l d s t o n t he tate arq e un- a P e B ostl S e.t elpes..pu IBERTY ILLLE ILLINOIS THE pROFLSSORS pAINLESS CUR you coiild bave osaed tbis nucb. a tille mnceh attention wlth our old car as a der moat rigld quarantine. and I wili Calil fer gea . - Vitagrph-Comedy every wleklisncwon, asborrtt. filurut newiHudson does. TL@egarage eau s)tore Throughout the counation o! McDon. l-eaturing Sidnew Drew he that yonr plan of sy@tematiîr vngtenYtif cars wit boni any trouble ougb, Bureau, Henry, Warren. Ford PhonC 193-R LibertyNille, Ili. ~ua:: ::s.... :~:~z*-....----i- »»»»0»ZS WHEN CHARLEY WAS A CI4ILD wîil accomplîah more tban 1 thougbt. ad really we are better oattied with b.prohbid tcovnboe ii ______________________________________________ lmtatonaChaplimComedy-By Pathe Prom the facithat thie bar, kbas over our repaira aud our bille t han vWe acre atseP erltt ed N tco e-oed: ?&R.HAEL- 8l00 savings accounta rDow 1 do not atiliomein ecially tbhe bille. lin wiil sales or exhibition of stock permltted, I M N LV SATURDÂY, SEPT. 4 surîîse a bi mne will mah.. iocil o! a' ihilik that 1 am oî,rr enîhusiasîic bit i no catile, sbeep or swlne allowed In PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 3-éo mil[E I THEDARKr.ple o th surace it hýy ýoaselure you 1 bave fonnd no> reson tu bethe Puîblic hlghways: and oelghbors Sriaiitfor diseasesofiwo= n en. rerel.- n h src.>lt /m Wi ajwereot Permitted te risit each oth. ferirace. TresttedirendsurfIcai Cam. 300 MILE lC T pEialK -eàLbn-Drama cortevis tme a. hong(b bi beuotherwie withiherte reuisproîîî>t. ri-h 0 Tetlyifce ds osutto rr tus1 Faturing Ethel Clayton ten uniie s aamucb. 1 know iii,. areful neee or price from lr. Bternard. trtet, Vernon township, lu Lake colla. 144.3 W. MAD18ON< ST. CtCOIL THE TROUBLE MAKER - - Bily la ..1--ide it a poi.t t, lo 1j i ai to stop j'lot a moment wiie the tY. . DYMOMD L AUSTIN DOTRMONKO - - - - hatkujido you notice il,. ý i h Ideal Laundry *agou wad boe, 1I made 11 (I7 10 . YC d I A4.t! DCTR SplitIRéel M in A Comedy Lake Couty wasa aprivai.. i)aî,k from 1 quît.. a bnunîjefor i îook crer, oitaly GUARD ALL H IGHWAyS. Loas. Insurance, Read Estat. id lIN93 until 1903 wbeu i.l, ecaîie a di w bn e had-a relular fariiîily AnY One aitempting te enter the ilom, eni< EP.5 National Bank. That givea tl twenty-wàh1Wasb in imucb cheaper îo baveit anti a dstilcslufVelr own L fieTY inLE, - LLINI. 40 WORLD'S GREAIESI SUNDAI, SEPT. 5n sorhip luli ~ quratoiled deisr it5 It er own LI OffYicein K I LLINOISk . TH RAIN -2relSeigD îm wo yeare o! service,.lun*tlr tarda it du h@wyfo hhd ta ioclt ande.,, explained Sheriff E1lu J. CHANCE TAKINGY SPt!D KINGS bU EAIG2 eUSlaD as a becuD (oing 'buhueeofr lbe sanlie aPOund. Auong ,ur otliîrzoî,dtibinga Griffin Monday. EHNNW OB Wiih Beaaie Learu people incc t wa5 bort. rat speake -us bare is Our iauudrv. I have îhall "Conatable$ have been stattonsi m Auîorn.t-Law - ~WHO STOLE the DOGGIES-Comidy prctty wall neveun packa$wea. sa, far verytbing as ail cross roada, and any one attempi- office at Home. Coc1k Ave. Phione 108-J Sund y , S pt. 5 , - p HOTTIMEIN UNKVLLE--Catýu flet tât hbave madeeil wondcr- ean as a wbislea ud leautîfuiY iruinedlng ta enter or leave the quarantliaed LubintfuigSept. 5, tIeI HOT TlesaEnaNinalNl'hepEuseartOgeaui ien daibat hheitdistricts will he immedlateiy placed LIBERTYVILLE/-" ILLINOIS. Lifl gin ince htbe yoattc anatonbe p s. rtsenw.etaar h under arreat." ha explaîned. - -- - inîlttion Wha doî>u uppoe ~beate softened waîar ail to Piecasl. Th a cording t h hri h o-LYEJJ L .MogmI -. mOunîs t' Nearly l1001per cent lu tbes gai nearlY ail the work bere yon stables have instructions to shoot. and ATIýODEY-àT-LA'W Su ~ r p v ~ A Kdepoits and more than 1)l:or 1cr efit Cao tell tram the facit ite.bav ae a shoot ta kili any one attempting to Libertyville -' Illinois IZTIN STRET NEAR [)S J»LAINS IVER in lans, lu deposita a gain from $i OOOPlans, throc big waebing leave the*quarsntined districts, if. jc lue Duic mcin@,la or ionr ad botafter a warnlng, they refuse tu coin. Res.,phons 0£». Oe.Pion. là $333,568 80 te 8631, t219 20>. Intc ahns it o toeadaotply wlth instructions. that when they are boopting a Dew steeu diflarent machine@ to dogood ahirt The foot snd znouth dissaze spi- MLART C. DDCICD M-Lon bsustev. lra bngtc tell and collar work. Mlr Carlson bas heen demie la spreading, according ta laie ê0~E-?'A you-the nuinher of and amîunt of the ber.. for ire years and bad iwtnty years reports tramt Vernon and Lîbertyville. Utlie pp. Ista et, Emetie e Ubeuo savingu accounie..Fromimv memory i szperlenco, hebnd hlm when bho Cail., foo and meone drep. a dscv thik haimyban rnkerabcrblb Nwdea. amgong o eetBllyered laie Priday on a farm at the Ns)3TH CfH(éÀGO. ILLINOIS One thln)g that lnierestad Biilv W,, and go over the. plans for the uew bouge. north end of Warren township. The ALMA GUR . the tact thai they are jnat as wviltng ta let me hear front ci for i am sailI very report couid net be verifled. PU A U fl mnsin love wiîh my m . 1 wasa nforimed Thursday that 300()'OKYATLW thbn o thn o Of. t r t tae.i - sy'A head otcattie-not hog-hali been ihrng te lndw.II crîeevie a.killeel Thureday mornlng," saId the libr7vuleIIimola Tw o D yavRces ecray ut thebik Cali mllePROBE DEATUifi 0F day I asd naorated tes ta AT P R oodatueiný uins njý MESS CJJITTENDEN get tda ul $0,0.VTRNITSUMGE6>N AIL APA I goridea taon. n r bsinss s ii N JaY B. Morse, aecretary of the Lib. AInTANT RTATII VUTUUUAX. ___Goo rt t h nato urdpgo'umrue.w4ate o atyÀ EertYvlfle Pair Association, In an in. l.lvU.Dh~ w .u t io r > s,> t,> g e t oeat !to i u a t ] o t h fa e r b ea m a t ri~ t ý f l I R i > L J ~ terv iew F rid a y estim a te el th e ]o s a nu - autoe trubPA R Knd Whenweput ia i h er ataîoîyfereel hy the association bY ihe'lean. DR. N. W. SUELLEN»!R' tue parte toller again you o ai) on@on baud t>. aecommodate alielh Known Resident ake 000.Arbitherfaenage o!ibs tt ,- OfTETPATflIC PHY$ICIZA ooluteir sure ibat yviur car will be ai legitimate local denîand for I a PnaInyettig hcorOdTigeBd. LbrWele I RUSSELL, ILLINOIS jeaat agoo ietaec was. Inii avy AianSrate we have the bankingz endi County Died Very SUddenly course, lasa direct leas. According ta Ofice Hure 10unW5 1 cafl urieaiinr ia mdeLetp cr@setid ndwblewowil av t daw on Monday Night. eot recelveel troa Lake Forest, Tuesdays andi Fridffl oWuy of tbem. Seue rapair s6ilIi hai. And pretiy helvy on the acconi te psy for Wufan u. ielrda OMst shaue n a . Di. 1.s L Ie the home, we wîli bava My account tefi aSdIi Ag.3. rd wes Cali Prove aO i;.and wbat i doî nit nsefor thefnrniabings Deputy Coroner Edward Conrad Ordera were posted in Vernon town»- saca.nî iauwo ffinfse bd Il lavethoe ad drw treeDerwas caiied te Third Lake titis morli- sbip today ta kilt ÎlI craws, cate, rabl- nu:ît : %tb cent. You may rasi aseiured t t1il~îi ng ta conduct an laquent ilminthe bits. ,aga ud pe au1suî" nBwdwaw, adti. orsce@a@maeasuelden desib Monitay night of Miss -________________ SU N D A Y and M O ND A Y ÎE »~~~~~~~~~~sviogs accouni couvert of nme. 1iaveAlice Citneae 0 hde A IL -,0 ED i OD pn 8ald you of tbe purchaee of the property befoeaPYiigcui arv.D, E oeharde of ctl er i-DzNrI8 Pwn8onCook avenue. WE decIded ta boj Palmer of Grayalake. who arriveel coterai te ta ufing tram the Ber onis2liaSat.-1 te a Sït S epteniber 5th and 6th LIB3RTY VILLE. ILLINOIS ibis lo% and build. alter w. loakeel over shortly atter Mise Chtiandens ticath dedi otadmuhdsueon O voeilet S e te be th nd thibe properir Dîirand & Duraud have occurreel, le of the opinion that death Saturday. One case was difcoyred ~ o~5» ready for 3ccupancy. There are twuor was due ta strangulation, causeSl by within a ue af Wheein, whtcb tbree of thesé ibat 1Imnat fellin love a goiter. ed e rv -t h fienl aDL 3 - wib but the one i reslly wanteit wu@ aa Fr some tume Misa Chîttender., spreadîng mia amoer îownshIP th ~ 2e ý Lata d5U ;V g'èA nae cottage over in the Idunde suib- who was bora In Lake county and county. La"I* S~.w divsinoal lramInte wlk roi ad reslided ber.. &Il ber lite, lived eai We bave tbe epidemtc eciIn tDA... ___________________________________________________________tosa. Thisseuilha ready for accupaocy the old Chitienden place ai Third banit now." exPlas Dr. leutterfeiit. iLbPJil~.I --------l Octoher. tinranel & iluîand bailld Lake. Li.ving In the saine houa.. were a atate veerinarian, -but it l b s M.hD baume. and el si ien on easy paymeotg. ber mather. Mrs. Sarah Chittenden. many days 'befOrs we selU bie able te CHAS. N. iiw'IIM D A n noo urlut ad Scod %rtn te 87Yersol erbinit nle, George ti!the quftaitne. mui u 0 B SC4~ etP G b lieD.Btefedam have bly 0(.)* ' . effriteJ , s d la a nouti.T g o n . For the tant tw a or iree dys Miss order o! the state anS redierai OZ - PR eE iRDIII Cpay $500 dosen soi ihe balance $30 a Chlittaniten hall suffereit or a colS d a ices, and aise adds iiai be wonld OR. VICTOR Ceý v u- Moaib. This would hae mat about i-sotlhait beau slightiy indisposeait tougbnef t lbe surprised if ai leasi 2.100 bond OSTROPATOIC i U 0Ft.U~TISt 801 ptKimU - end a elean savlng for iheni. I am goîng site was net wbat mtgbi be termeS Of caille seere exierminateit betore 1 1450 hE U L. OF CHICAGO VN'e ed it f< or N tluSe ta tell ail of my frienditah. cita' boe ll. The faitly retirait eariy. About tIse quaratint a iifted. fos eurom. One of aur lire insurano. polc ie.'.eiby tbeycean buy ibeir aseshomie ont 10 ociack Misa Chittenden swaa befau incesTuesitay nlebi no ana resid- 9-12 L IL, 14 P JK 1-8P. 111 cls e rs. Intetd of renting they eauasen te caugin raiber violently. Mrs. Chu. iIng witbin the quarantine districts auDd7Umys ~ ~ B Bu opened an offiee in Libertyville to, test and fit a prime nfeasaay tu every hanse Seihm.aSi vrin îet.tne eti e fbréuitrbas bean permutteS to icavetheir Çf~3. f f glase, and in order to get a.quainted lhe will osener. Ih afforda the protection tviletissanifeve ne u Li be rty eai e tii taifer butlerehomes. The mail sent In armt f urneh gasseswhenneede, Of B rial thut ouldnot bt s otheuiedeal taour population. 1 knosethat 1 was noanaswsr. Thon ehe ae i. elbolgpsofie adlvred to J. L overy Wednoaday only. ure éthdusare- upI inandmbec a veus ne who wilicoins sehen they Estey. By that fiime Miss Chitten- iheir fSacra by a constable, anSdper our meibods are supreme sudamoatehavertilPer 0171E w'ITH DR. BRfELLENEEGER kbrl V riewa o ant kno ev ser3 ena ele bas. It means Sent's condition was critical. An et-.osi uaatu rentpmitteel abat every time anese tanily cornes te tort was made tasoecuresa physi- tOe amnct yletrwtsts Roffl 9 to à OVer Lovei Drug Store ai Ivs at aes, tosen the v-aIne of our prviperty goes ciao, but ihere was much Seiay i ntillde work. - -~ D u and Dur n '.m.aboosgter. &finiing one who wss home. Dr. Pal- Peverai persans reaidlng wlthlu tIse PU C*AUcIoÈý1.: Durand & D rand -PW-ebougbî ourlo rmùan& mer was sacured flnaliy, but sehen quarantine districts have been pcr- tlodnt Mtentbon poilSa O qfaalm Trlggs BIag.a Libeftyville Drand anS ountimoraine. C. N. and hse arriveS lite was extinet. Miss milteStto lest e thelr farins, but ouuiy seutida sl,,end besi reaultit bam Phoine 2, Libertyvilleg 47044 LsIm.Bluff N. E. Durand have been building home. Chttenden la beleveit tel have SIed afier submltUing te a ditinfectatit A Md of bornes., - as - Théodore H. Durit, Président. W. B. Smith. Vice Président.. -.l" for yewand niuaking bases for the about 11:30 p. m. treaiment adminiaiered by doctora. barafis for saileoracnu.'hU . F. W. Chur-chill, Secretary and Manager bullifingaf bomes BiIiy anS Iwlb make TIse verdict of tIse coroner's Jury Their glanes are tiret waslahI aHN YSN Hon. OeWitt L, Jonsis, Gfl. Coufiel as@miali joan .'itb thani polbly seofihai îudaywss tIsaitIshe victini came ta solution of bîchborîde solution. then - 48 ZIOI«Mor -8 TELEPHONE 681 ses cao buy tIse adjoiningt property. 1 ber death tram suffacitiou, causeS by tbey are saseled lu a rubber cape, ___________________________________________gue. BilY lias un the insur&uce1b1171109a goiter. O! late the goier baS bean anS s formaidehyde gas la generaîcui PMOf4E1140-M>r~ moud the other day for lie Insured the tncraaslug la aille anS liaS given lier andl passeit through ibeir ciotÉlag. SE UR T T T R T U T 5 car. He bas an Asina pollcY that cansîderabie trouble. Dr. Buttergld la of the opinion that W.H E IW ABSTRACTS 0F TITIE TITI..P GUAR.ANTEED cavers everyting froni bis oit cap te Miss Chitteuiten wass a istar of the Sîsease was carnieS ltt Lake Vlolinist, PianW~ m aB lb. consplete car and binisebf. I even Mrs. E. J. Heydecker of Waukegan. coîuuty by a tanmer residing ln Ar-.0 OVAE peya daily ldemtuîty wbPie tcan in laid aise a sister of former Superviser lingion Heighta, whlch la In.- Cookt _0_____________________________ Capital $12500000 fln. Yeu Ase. the Aetua cOniPsuY is a Ralph Chittenden o! Gurnea. Other county. omtesU e côûubinationut the tbree companleti anS brothars are: George and Charles: Anal men stilil guard lIse 'ift- 1,0111 olanle. sthd Il VV&I IFre-AKI boipalicy leulîl brvadertbsnothers. Chttenden of Kansas, anS Hon, W.1 ways, and officiais state maitIshe courui- is ,ooutry te sàk.bII NWBIaUM