LAKE COuNTY NBEENDEINT. 1FrRIAY, SEPTEMBER .3, 191-5. A Ukapa mi" r' r 8 R07JMrLAK i .'.'..rA'r.r'INI ROMER TO SUE 5velips .ftems Mr. E. Tower of Chicago violted attbe Mrand Mr@.Raiîu WheaBEeB T EE FtroILNdS S YS' 'h Cn er at o - FROM - home of H. White latit week. o!fWeaton IIl, ipent Suw. ih e BE BE E NFAV1 L NT S SÀ h e Cnrv t o For.] o!flrystal Lai' e epend, home fok@. raF-? lnrthe w"kw it h M r: Huse)o: .ise Helen $nfurd returu e ir!rm Ca:1 - THER ANDMOTIIER SON ON SUNDAY f E là e y JDUEPoo~ P etion and auj sornelb. 'lody 10Occupy. - ith liée hontie krikL I baiBaby Duruford. o fk 1Emn ng nfergvm __________________ C. Junge iuotored t,, Beiug ont day Mies ElseeStepherre r. trt itr n Id chid of Mr. and NIrs -rg i )II ,siranc, ai,o %a rienfoui Orders Taken for Job Work. lent week. Mondai lavjng siretit t1- ptactt%11 f rd i ireetoies k(SI O Lý rlaineb OlotI'Bs Bdvrtting ratteson application. rMsJelavsar agte ie-wek'tMre soiAttr o ,. am t hn ', i'Csufe nug La T < ~~Ihe expected and inixiedia Frlday witb relatives rn Wrukegan. Ira fStephen. haum rn. ri d.,cation while asleep fl 1-1;.e""eel for assanit. rorrilrri(r arîd riefama efe f a t s osa d in Mre. .Jobn Maxwell je e pendînga a Mie Brady oforte Armnour Coe. visiter]Co , where he ici reniai, for moin.- ie fbis father and mother, t,. ll tion of r'iarato-r agktrDr.1i J.e ec ofw s i ls a d n enonpie 0 oi esvisltîng toih erpeurente the welfare ramît berts aturday. on Bccouiit rf II i eiultth1 i on r..ached by the (r rrrrsrjury Divrenforth, li a I.t inw, odernibusinessthe at Amhrst, Vile. Herbrt Hroward of -Jolie.t topent tihe Mir. d <rrgtion o f Zon/r.rua r, - t ae Fridav *night, ;and other rotali i ron8, ok Dewtt Hoakins of Gener Junortjon,lweek-end wibbsparente. aIso Mr. &ne week of!hi." varatbtiiwtb iriýride ,in letween sobso the pro-t' i a ri, I r 'A Ewr Ruir, , s arrhor r ing power of the individua né.î 6: Bideeli andhi"arul lra Abe my ci-romheir.rrr rr ooit rrr artjo rr . oidnoJ, Ma1 on i, apenittre week here sloing himee c., Ms (e.Kraft of Waukegan vielted et'cThe berées ry tIlrbsud rr. aloi]rMia zen, R- is s~rr 'i 0i- nta- sc n id rd i i rl 41 Mitcsellenlack 1 th"eH! Mii oule.eenand F.Steadruran aid rhildr-n ori (urîreé.. hao nmediately ai rOr rriirg.i reaed ysirrrerrar , r, rhmetj st a r h n n m t Aiertue !Nation bas acce;t-rl aps o. oa e 1Ma 1>05 outl to rid ,Militr -rri i~em-nrrg and %wrapped rhe cavers i lmit re.rosa anbb t ia r r tlou srclerk wlth S. L. iarfetd& Co. brother Arthuirr of Riprn Witt ,are gurei 1îler<1on rherIleur was sirlolrrie lîean ami heas rare the inesa tri- unoord 0 ieKti Sndi',reurib Mis itra SeitidIhr-ao s ped. ire.ic Urnéo'nrr.t. gri is r aike topitasnbas eer r ru roupi : n s rwrî r tr ogha de . ¶'i h oy Cash iPoster and aruniber ef friendeS LtjesMr. anr i r.Suniro rSpaliirrd uîiafr miiier ior'irrI< orer tai arir-. ýI trîrmrrîriîer Thean Mondi norant.In-tt ieek end witlr Milto itLutri o ' irîre tire boywas iiorri Iiiirr.the Lake and] Camp Tlionre-riri, a, rrsr theo J.. VL 5±ianî ry 8 L. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ él a.DCnrsadluîlveettr a~ Mor.and I rre. Mill Trrrtte-r rf Srioux r r-.)fn( f itj ira wr aire from the rururer nions. île paw; week lu Detroit, Mi-h.Tire Lrong Lakhe Pleamure Club 1, 1î ~~ n] Ie i reached lu Miii t, omer wbudrdbarrrli a tIcal. a ew pbionophy MisViola lBlack le visitinrg Irienditet 1idancing party in tire Opera Ronce SurFals. r.1)-,arv- iritriadrtA. l iftbiwas inutes 1'coirr -r rrrrw .21ite te i 6 Don ursJp tfitr eeî i tm-dns week.. urda Prceevegiîlng. guPr».ande-edlieeegonet ina . Bin nid elaigusit li . wanminteshiirëhei, reror 1 u l'rnd odel ap lica le.',o LillRhaoadHa muSihpro.1ng tI rad@ tire. A large crowd lire. Earnee White and son Thain. strictren woman couir]rîmiri-rle her aeo hîaobcfiiwn ni leit Ricayrson Bynd II Ha.e n iewaio lu atIf-udanee.r ieiel.-ative-s ini Keinla rercotin-. rtorv, Ifnn.1hemrrfr, aille h cagoarte nîr a r.i Sn-r a nw wll empoer iuecnlnrnnur.Ca! Qualiîy Pirr nr Ms îI IrearlJon ue IfÇvi arrny onont Iho Pr.f)srenfrir fiiujies _____e___________nn idut eneofrgyleotr 9lo ,ateodd h Gil if EwadCorourl ferthaofouse f ou oie s <je jor chiol:uplie . on eai n s-aut& ull& WaBeulltf atedtr th iruandhenEdwrdConar tor] ertriraofad ("ami)Ias o (aîrThouisonfo ("et A meethoug supliea airthe Reine Srhoo we-r-k. ber tirme and flot gire ninIo Iu.r grief. et tore ane lolea radIolome wateb. Iiii meuin w&@cele( riInmnotha"' ir oparte ito! f, Ibis wa papeed fo o u ad riauobý prtofthio aprJiete tait îonooldated dierricteterbourl. riead.- said the motter.r Wm.i jihardsonof Mlioun, topent tir MeirsE. N.latnon. M'erretmHrrrk Imniediaîeiy aliterlirer risorrery, ve vietitjnig ritirfois ruftier, Orlando %fige Helen and Catherine l>oyte o! anud Dr. Jamimolo wrere apîrointer] &s a 'trs. Iuniford aruakened l r r ius'rand E e ti e v c Richardson. Wa&ukegan, vwere tvliting frit-nde sud erîmuîrruteeafroru is lunabers. Irr, i)ruifrrnitic S rv c Mi. Mary Thouisoîranid daugiruere r relative* sirherPe tr e si IekfMrs Mar c( rfIII rragrr andr]o a.r uggester] ralling a Aoîror. Therp e i Agais and Aliehave returued te 11rl eLou lIsoite and ecltdren are Lrttje Bain of Ratitie. tri , vieted Mort. ne roeiof summonîng Ia 'l%-ician The bone brakngfaili ashL te a Grayelake te lire. Tbey mon-ad lnit the viutfîîng br peuple in WimeonsirI. Erima r-trarg tbe trat wek uniti nrorning. toi. unr roi bas eîg a î a.n,.. r~ Parter cottage Ouuthe firte. J H. Lut s an eiy. F.U li eitiueyer Mir.Waller of St Paul Park, MInu.beeri dear] baum,' repIri id- osjbrf or]eceaigca ah edn Chas. Fenion. 1.h. (tWhitre,.attliew landuilniand C. A. fUcydetiker toutanlvîir.ultrand Mroé.Vrtr rStranug airnd irearter] armer. Seholtren ntdWon. Iruretemtî auto Iteri u i.e.Bayand Penutyr. srtiaurm. sLéesie Brimer tire pat IDr., Warrener, was sumurireri ]eariy by the current if you wiII provide the proper te Chicago SuInday to'roi a rincs h al i ]eis at weet Thay le-tiue.eudan wee.kiru bemornlng, aud beonrado- a rire- Iappliances. You can aron outdoors with an garin eat Sui Park.- mornuurg and returnied Fria'evenina . Me c îlu- r iîer. c filru t rieto netheu-rr r ou arnentselectiric iron. You can operate dozens of Job. aud Ja@. Tuet of Chicagro. @pett on Wedwsday afiernoon, Auro. 25,aithtie week-end rlirtire bonire foite that he wvould lbe compeIrýd ro cati Bunday aud Monday i' rultir a brother, tire home, o! Mr. anr]Mris. A. Clark Thr se Ebla SIioo,îirrînc and Minriie tbe coroner hecanae lbecia'. positive teaplncsndnji n co arae John Tuoet. ocurred tia weddîng (if tbeir daugirter. Hoppsau ef Chicagr. are epeudjuga l that the boy traitd dftoi rtier than Don't swelter :I a hot kitchenapbneadejo an nomabl I tartifimi Iight. ELECTRIC SERVICE itaa J. T. lMoril epant tir.. tiretrîart of tire Mise Helen, tu Henry Petarson. tire Rat. week wlthMr. aiMoi JS IK enman naturai causes. Edrard (ronrad te- this subrnm-er. Corne un and sce 1 toiviek Di huji bj onr, lae Mirrii at Satord (Ifi Mifburu, olliciating. Theé irétéMarjrrie Cannon aurd frieude of cerved a Caui to the flumforr home rit Ounr full une of luxury in everything but coat. Bellir Wje. coauple tutti a trip tu Mlwaukeeanadr Chicago,, mîtorcid trr E N Canuf)o e ,'rloi k Eriday afternîoorr and ai 6 Buliîngton. raturnnng home aunda'y Frjday aud m teMa.' reune o akea"' .F h fi. fleur vTiayeir enurr.ieo MîîdaY avenuiug Thiybave tire besot rishea îtof pentO R EN CEy horeguorrr]to Wakecar ucrrfrit AA.dAIlA A.. oun a ruer-t iiiit ritir relatives at their'm ant ruando. Suuda ir M r . aur i e r E lIr onrî erd c t whjch bar] be err ,i rim hi Is yo'lh osCo o ke loSitoIlso Harvard,.%le Sbh- wa-»as c-c-rrrauied Mehauoisd lulr- orrsanertaîner] tire Wetr-r r! Hjiariand remcbrrrrrs of the mati ar(]i% ui àelw cn rrmanav yatrctv on ber returu trip1-y ber ,dote-r Moois rs- i C>ilnd olCook StoIveurim,1wPrléand makeaii wooe a ds rerow attractior nie Wed.s.-dhcao I atoitieetdîeig MroiesHelen ' ".LocL h f tievr." proposition to do the work. yClaork .1 Quaiti'Photographers iW____ _________________ MrMadsr.. Gir ai] on us-V sot & Bull, Warikegan. frouir MOnea-uminellre T l'arijabir ansîd NusMinnie Lux h iietolst, smd.lui their danghters Rore-anrd ti-tatiare , t ,illere îan* IV >ed i __________ MAVD ý Te m-tnste aeol .peudinugthmirnaiouraitthe .' lP ai,, rriugadg upMdAAC N A YO R VÀIL OFdecidrd tribuy an nu stive or P ulic Service Comrpany ta, bavetire rainair asto ilied tonrthe Jl- -J Jl ADT not rli shrsi-uc tt OFNIrrur LM O P'aul McHîighru! Chicago,.mipent Satur- Etniteton faim by Art Bêtsic] sud Mr. 1lutseMariai, R nr- orit u tir Ruai'ey IUiHLAND PAK i s 3 olmcvriel smia FNO TENILN dey and Sonda, im.tinic relatives and Perieou. lOn Saturdair atternooîî C. A. of r hical gir iant atriani iro uuday oeai friands hbere o tirai. r ur i ydact.-r toot Ii.' di hcgufia iebn.'c ieruro]otrrBs NAMEI.JPRESIDENT TOM WALSH,. The hardware Man fier, Tirayer o tbad 'i adh@exarunatuin, iricir Iroveti tirai' ad nouiMatgarg*t Rouer.saeIlios ë son, Chaleso: Wantegan. topent several beon uruttaen. Mr. aud] Bre Asa rbtree werrtMei- The Oid Solilre aid Sailors of .asak Ias Independent Classiried 'Ails Payé, ASk mn user of the day. o! lest ireet hare vieiirig re lative@ Mues Mary Short o! Coat City, returner] HervolreSudav eseijnu. Lake County in camp ar Gîsysîaae e -r-- aund trîrode tu lierhoitie on Mondait, ltorspsnding a Mignon. &Ma' manrusd Amy nr, le,, enacrer]thr- foiioaing offi -__________ Amoti lot-ao isioigTueda a re iait!, ber brutiai andti ejter, CI A. wre.-Mienry i' atorrnai ceavrinfor the ensuîrîg year C. J. Wgtiiau and J. J. Louocabaugh. and Mimi esEmma Haydeker.radMi '.Sriîer!ltrii. PRESIDENT--\iajor H-. F. Nail, of Ed ager muedhithe C J oBorrutoMi, ant ili,. iuu.v l<r-îmryer speut rthe sept uitir relatives berr- Highland Park. RWag uér oe u .,t lier f< J Or rWednneeday. Aig 2,th. t a urglitir. Mranti 'Mre. J.biZimmer and fnon Of IRST VICE-PRESIDENT-Johni aud Lake ertoi Mr@. Aima FenîiîMise DuieaPorteriaauroite.,Margaret Long Cromre. epentSusrlay viath sciatrees . RSlEofND VICEgaESDnT -n Whro lormerli oi-cuîr,ie tirsremîdeurceliras alsoi Eizabeth irlitir ruer,,- r irîraérrr-reGeiao îeisrii move t ie eohuloîe rit te tire Congre- bIna. Irrm li avelum.-.] iý 1 rntn e ,o il MeQ ur zttC* illtrs00 rrr tntiretMurplây rtrdbre TIRD VICE-PREtSIDENT-Jerome gsionsl ciruoi i.r*Miasd MIl.T, Sti,g alitie hrdre]aç afttr a wr-emt ust uhicmage Burnatt of Aniocha Mr.Bu n agtro hcgsoîdierre reuton at lrayetate !ast ueek. finnde SECRETARY arnd TREASI'RER- aire. Buin i lwdagirift Ir itg o. i ieorge Fer- ut Kanouha. cuie]IlMme-la lier rti turied i me Fni- H. W. Hall. of Wategau. ESTABLISHED 1907 E S. Adsnnrand famjln retative@ebire.a tant daysteset wt-ek. d.altafer a Wbk i oet st ini I'er- t At 3 Oo-rintris afienoon Con- Tia--%Ire Page Hirl rusea Wanteairn-îtiwtr e borne of Hennry Sciatier. gressman CIeol. Edmuird Icoseof INCORPORA TED 1915 Tire Soiduere an aro lesremumîcralbaiotleit Fridali III.a]sirel Curîondau.(,Icl w.nt te thîs district lbar] ime ileasare of ail il v agra nd at ucsu tia of an e Father Fetey enteriained cinupaonyi'Mlton Junctionr 'Aednesday. returoiumg dressing tha old roldieresud nallors. n e th La ' ofIl oi ver, cool wreather. Tire progîam ,(rr-- hem Chicago tast bunda-. hbre Satarday eetnîna i. Maiman Ai 3 ocîock Set rrrtarc Hll adoînar] ttioted of a camp ira Wdnesdai' u!git ai Mi. sud i Rciardon are rej'loîcna enjoyer] a visîit riti fr.iMoibeane dur Tha Sun that 871 nid soldiars hati an- whtcir old aoiers sud prrruinaenrtireé,birtir o! a icen borr, Aag . ui irer tay. uarader a il c-au arr!seaiatthe camp speakers enteutalnad a large crerur witir C. A.sud Mien Emuma tiydecter, fln.Thre Wauco-rda eniroora mli op-en toleu-l njny ibaîr 27ili annual reunlori addrmm ae d aur]ruaétorjes ruhîle tirs Mary Short aud ir A. laitreaday, iSept. -o th.The tillac ball bas beau and. pic-uIc. Besid-î the addrege lit veteraon Fila & Drmm Corps sud a good coai~n un fir-ode in Buîliugton. Wl,@ if ted nop ioi the Bigri&but Tire Cougrasaman Foss rne or two of tise filel e btweén ith appropri. Sundai'. grades@a il be taaght n rhe nid mecool nid courrades adoir. 'sed thé meeting. alle oesîccîons. Tire association business Cl! Quality Photographers. building The annual ranrur ire ruas hfildc f th ol'vig n ne meeting iras hnld Thureédai' mornling, ai nus-Vaut & Bull, Waukegan. Lie Elizabeth Scianenuran rof Wante- Wednesday nigbr ai Grayslake. If laeg c f t ei ol w n a !ollowed in the altarnoon by ezarc-jessat _________ gau, @sp edn dday aundTiruredai ' atimater] thar fll 9,000 atténded m n b s a re o p rh s h tire grove. lHon. George EdmnurFocos vol b ritr er cousin. Miss Mesas ias the arcamptira. m n h i g e d ti p r h s h gave a ver iûttiretiig taIt onui uarC Dr. tirton Pansions, nf§Kaneam arriver Last yétar 110 rallier] in tha colore condItions astirai' rueanti are todar. Châ.sWaltar ejisedri ver bandai' iiti r Fiday fer a tmentie vacation riti r ba the Waukegatn rannion wiren thsa numnber -< snares of Stock -whbich is Tirs rayaake baud farubi musicrIl M. Burke sud !auil MnI. Waiter parents. Mr n sd M-aIirubbaud. bugle soundad. This yaar but 85 ne- lirrongir the day eti r !rquant selctietus acecomtrauled hlmé home Mondai'. Quality Photographers. spondad te the cai] of thepic- uicgia set opposite bis namxe: by tire Fife & Druna Corps. Tire c-en- Mr@, Edwimn Wton ja atertaLlning Cl uu-st&Bul akgn rIf seesomrw irrthe asfailles o cesions ires iaudléd by (haladis o!Company trom Kenoue itIis ruet. Clion _______ Bul__________gt oro t te aalis13 tire Congregationtal riurcir sud thay Chas. F. Ricthards sud dangirtein rtarmre than.ouaot I ake cotu.ti' vé; reports a rry succeseshil day. Tira day motoraul t< Wantegau, Mouday .pra. NO. SHIAR2S à-MOUNT w»scloed by adanceain the operahboul < i e] Ah E TÀT OIl.Tire anoual reuniro breaks up to- wltir a large crorur]iluattendanca. Gog De iie ntohrl AV jogTO ni girt.Ifla n air] tiai the nid soldiae .- 'T ip QuityPhotagraphurs tre oa.112 $ 25 oo Cal! on us-Vant & Bull. Waukegan. @i aoSLia. damMha-eEr-OTAnr]thea people ut Gnayslak.sud tirat aftenrspending tire sumrar tout o!ficio I ST T 1IIN SO theY would ail ha willing tn vote (oH A.W to900 .0 Ute piati' of KorboDpat yeur banna. e chool tili e haîr lu thea grade building unonr. atock aud lpans sud avold iroof aurd un til tire uew t.owuuship blding is St. Paul, Min..Aug. 27.-MlIne- William_______10_1000.0 moti toule uir h' lbrtvileerested. sois wiIl get $39.996 as an inharitanca Lumber Co. 2t ~~ ~Dr. Hniett entertainer] bi@ mother tai on tha personal property belli DSNETi( TN%; lsLm.R .R u e5 W 1 Quelity Photographers. ove? tiuisi' by R. W. Seare et Seare, Roebuck & ate. SolI rira t% LitrertyvIli.- Lum- g Company of Ch- g, In ibis nata. ber Ce. t Cal! on us-Vaut & BllU.Waukegan oie.Vida Moolai ias a Waategan. rgar orellva]bStg _________________________bueInena viiter Mondai'f. SValtysd ar In Rédruod i rit'Use planty 0 o rIrr r t t vur hains, W e iet ei$ ( 0 w ot Maur] Brogru rturued to eB5001i5raMiMnneapolis, tram ruhere lha ruent stock sud pnicir i]airfd hoo! aud F E ESatu-day nigat, afrer speudinq lheu-varia- te Chicaugo. Ha le reporter]!ne bavameir troubte. >-1 lIriLibertyvjie tien ruothbha moIrer. lf an esîaîa of $38000000. Ha baîd Lumuber Co. of stock.a. If you are interestecl let us TO SCIIOOL CIIIFDREN Mu. sud Lin, Chan MeGuire and Mr. personal property in Minnesota worth IIN CT trrt\r.UsLmeh ar ro i ou Duuiug the fiaèt week of suhool we home trona Indiana, ruhera tire metorer] ef municipal bonda,. aie. Selin bn ig.rl. ibrtie nr wilI give a pan holdar fre wii.h laît ruet ____________ber Co. 2t esc-h 5oc- ablet bought taiou- store. A pat' cIfniai yeuog people autoar] tO Quaaity Photoguaphera.---- Thre boy or girl bringing in tire Most Kanoaha to attend the du- eustre Tuie Cal! on ris-Vant & Bull. Waiikagan.R o clod Bakt DESMET QUARTZ TILE COMPANY oovers froîn Rexai tablets dnring day eveimna. R o cfod Ba