LAKE cOul!'! mÉDAX. ~EE'IT)fl~R 3~, I9I~. _ Socity taderelope a afiet lri 1~<~F/>j7UflV ~ iontnauzDttl Club lias heeuwrck- ;,cg dniffly suI Ch Pmet bers are inprovnug Ieir opporbuarty for imuical ad ranSentn. .X reaTb T h erlitra baàs hen a-oekhig foc mne dm asui as ma vtly Made sart af ti. tMusialClub. A ucert i. bîiug 13, T. F. 8SWAN arng>fonr<itober lai sud the, pre as"pondesiSa"a Agent paatri a-ou-k Io urter a-ay. Tb*s Orchetre. pan tosemr, the services ai sauintrltor L the lIs inrers&ad voulal Mca Jaes asaai aalgus ~ like ta h~ rtrou suyoue a-liamighe e>! m a-clr. .F.Ra lai Tbuu-aday. a-iàto ta The tie Manaerw fti rnhfr:M, ls.J. 0. .lynsley entAtîtaineal Mr-. .A.Ayaley sut! Irs. Bock urdBiglla t FREON 'ak '" " y.Mm. A. B. Betîintdsgl&«teclorothy ils. Mahel Marri ofGrayeaae, apit pet Widicsday itit relative-r aI aiea- "Y& ti4tis -eu aith hec brother. Prs'a riea- Lynu anal a-lfe. lihelasd Loui!>' Bilaiepeut one day .MUr. Jahn Aicact analdaugîter of lait-sk aitli AnUs Alkr>t. gieo@neMis., aremslla-gu m ea"da un. Wm..Dirbaîlun>! diltinc Mmd iataltIt li. a">!Mn.. Fn>! Albrscit. M anIa î>hena! @ peut Wedarday ai Prof. E . Ncleiy rni Berit. s8>?à. Liberlynille. *felt aifea- aayathLis el a-kitIreatives Fred Witz ut Rogerà Park, sPent SUD- 'us ou. sitîease-a diiasi tIh.iemother har. lier aunt, MA. James Nana an Wanhe- Chai. bordler and niothr elcan campaay ram lIa' -itl> U-tidy. Roegan. ifàd;akf.*pa tiraS. A. Eraurn sd Mc ris> Roe tlenu ! îa-ue..ipa Oia-n Lspaut lait Thîacsaay vti bbc a-el cilli reltvsé e fot'ar.dagbler.WMcc F C Kniggi 5aIMca. [love, a-l ie '>syign il fbeu- t nanhue. sjeter ber-e spet air-a- day- at %VIluh- MmiRs. C. BHolconilaanti danghter <cs> borobi tit Friday toc 0,-unomua-an, Fred Wagtran, sd famity entertarneal Wi, a-bee they han. npurclissi a la tunn ompany rom the cte a ira- <aye tait sud expert ta mahe their home.a-el. Mia ume»Psnlsou rtucitetiSaturday aller spInirhg fw a i lay itli Mca-. J. Sa-an iu Rainelin.. Swan camer doun a-taI len ta @,pendlth wek-end Mis. Adella Aibre-ti lai relurne>! la lte op ber sehoul a-rk aller Opendingr th* isummer vicllbelatler st Olamon>! Lei Barde», a-bu la nov lu thti employ 09a alargdring storelu Ciceago, apuat Sosay a-li hinnda hee.. I)sai Woll a. riturue>! iroin Ta-ni Laion, 1Wl... a-rehe mienea sry eu!jay- aIla-mt nil friand.. WUillK@mde ia sbu&lue.trip ta nIeàra Wlmoslibiha-ma. NqapoWsun Il andl tsmilylCtId"uud 'y nehitfoc Chicgo a-er. Ucr. Bull bai aeceptd a postion witl tie Amerirnu Scboql 01 Cormpondeaca. mms.J. J.ois. apeut s fsa-r dais a th* pat a-mal aith hemraler, Mcm. J. 0. Min Ratl Wi lait Mouday enenlng for- B"elo, No, Dak., wa- he as ili apam a a a-da i a-bis.n Edhl a- mmaibufore renmimglicerdalléeas ciear inluWarren, Iim. Anna retuned to hec homie'it Chicago aiter an eiteuded riit wil relativelierp. Qualrty Photographert. Cal on us-Vaut & Bull. Waukegan. ui lber eléter, Id roF. eitabl at ; Grova. Mrn. Ch«i Herebherger ent'etalned couin train Chicago, lait a-eek. à dangitar wamabora b Ulr. and -Mr@. A. Loomiâ, ou August l7th. INyrtie Richarde ie spending a a-eek ui lber parents. 8. E Knedler and tamily were gwesti of relatives lu Ravina, Snnday. Mr. aud Mc,. J. A. Masou attende> the reunion ai rayslake lat a-eek. Air. and tir. Y. Dnahek entertai ned relatives from Chicago a le w days last a-eek. Ut@,. A. C. Richarde speut Monday and' Tuesday la Chicago. Warren 8tanger of Ravina Io sPenrllnj thu a-eek ulit hie cousin William KustI Barold Wlo made a trip la I)cuuomo- fer. 'a-oc Fida, a-hI îtle car ot stock for The Ladieà Aid vili mqet iith tira. 1I Mc. I. C. Balcoinb. Barry Mdefide H. Haupteeren un Thutaîls! alter- tolk bis placest the 8o0 liiidepot. Doou, ipi. P. Qulty Pho1flrapheca. Tht. a-ffli betac meetIna! [f olu> Cal onu&n-Vaut & Bull. Waukegan. Neigîbora un Fnlalay attennoon. Sept. 8 an aCcautuL utthe quarautine lu l'ernon. Am A USKCAI.Cas IEvscythlug la bclng dune that con bc moi. tuum '~ wnv luprenant the disens.. truriaprealîn Qillly Photograplieta. TA1 a-arAot 1h.rma Muscal Club la Cal on us-Vaut & Bull. Waukegai pragrusMinimolansd tht uembersaiae- dorlotas mochb init front ihel studi. Hat Day Congregationai Church TIis club wa-as ta ci o gaalad a-It Kru. A. P. Blildon am Preaieu as>!10:80 Sfundai seboui Dr@eéior, Kru. Dobat im. Lamu.., Vie 7:45 v.-s. Pcaaciug. Prumdemi md Wlllaui Broa-dsr, &Cq W. aIll hll reiular servIces on Sept 11417 59. il.Aorc e lcone. Tb@A ie MusialClulecoassé,oftbreeBeni. J. Tricksi. tilueler. braales: TheAres Coral foclety, Vhs Aras luatromma Club anal îe Aurm CARO 0F TMANKU Ors-a.Pteb n0 ibblasitIsavu nW. aisi ta expres. aur aluneoretissu om oUei kaallas ndir the direction oft u relatives.,frins ansd hînal nelIo tbe ptarent orocmsa5tion. tonthe heautitul "ataoffeinga analft Tb@ Choral Soceiy lbs hein a-aking the esmpathy showpunuslua ur soi -dalla1se ammen uttaer th direction bereanemeuttoc blastu otan blove of Ms. Blldon, wa-hlma studisal musie ubsa>!, faisr anal granaltathen. nadia tebtnat larociora bothlnh Front lovIng Mother-, iters aI Am!%msud abroa>! Thtrouter ut the brother-s. eoeksy a-Ilematuoaen unlil 'ns-il lin.. John Koffîn sud Fsaily. Tb*pday .vosnd sunyonusla Area aadq%ctty a-lu dealce. ta loin Iu givn uspalî*Mrrslratsi ht.pperlnaly. 1Itl ae uainofteo! l a t oo.e. oombimaê- - ' TUINGS DON'T ""TURN UP"P Tté LaIs Zurich CommercialAseorla. tao Yha deiifrd ta puatpOs tht Labov _________________________ ~i -~ t ÎmÏRULaL 3~r/7ddIEoewnniÏiRESM uFNs m14 Day e.elbraia au accuait ut tht h*5l x laud mouthidi*um aithe15 naglborwl AILAuL SAIIfIlI INJliSAIIJEDAT suit *hip. i. lumen, iated waailve. i Mr*. WS. 0. ttlhmam speul Tueadaq Wab.-oý ILoua. ecj day* of a# 10.0li and Wedns.dy wtli rW-slin uChica. 1Min k«JmJ M Eifli m i ,urd tu Ju nt I srslt i e go. Kbé, Marw lit cIl&wag.>. aW&ithei viI>keFrmt-----a-lhiao sra Mitsé [rusA oIeg as neffda uWs.Ë.ik fent ut iss Maltai Bren. Oamaoe Suit by IlS lte beffler las bissia raestfir t a vask >ith lUr. 5Md Mia-. PWin. Elcu.ILfAl. r i- WI utt ic 92 nl na Wate Feta set iea-aI ra- . Jbàa tti D ficli ceu. a-s gimu 1 Mios XJuauibli. star it te Eq-i ma o"Ysilieu a nd for tPte lli&&s e Farens @etSnàybfewt ai the hbouseofClyde Bati Ficday. sis mrfg hture recent!! aef! retMuaillyveuroesrais eJouet te ira. (jeu. Brasdie rmucel btita Ur* 11.. liailua-su' and chl.lraaJGmthe «&as iôrth Of Waakegan bar- U .ubrgcaa1 atv ia ~ag~> TlirsWh. ba-ihve bnsavistîu '>tj rs , a,al bar. managa.J tu etet a eOmiStsi Othsnd. Aloss,. Gscmany. H vas ter sàtar, lira.&96adt u iitoi> al, virgiew .aitit Lake Fbrest autiiottia Tha-* bacu July eSl.,;B. And as tliroe ai sieee MNsud Gosset andstoïu-e Young tor lie. Pa«S glrwe imutihs rtneid 1ta a uconetlan a-fth thi. trtnt of abats at liorauto anOu ut Id. a-brenaver Wid yarauofa"p. n'.camete the &peit Wednssdayin l u îa. ber hum tla erii4dunday. >edby Poiceen t;teitedlialStates gICI lu eas of<ai Mmr. Vogansd daughier Mall. -1o0 Ura. o6ffl Buares ,,fB[ter.rFails, 10&Clet a igt hala, siaiing age. Tht family lucateal aI Long v haveliss vsiiae îtliMc ud A.. 10 ~vimaug hcss..,Maraaýk i reugli Lakte Ftesin bec suite. Grori..&bot 1 h taueirella Wauk,- le John SciaIt: retmced aatturday bu their MinsaKeltI dmi uat appuesrbefoa' eu, ad aid.6YOM u 1 herse a Clisago. ir. a" Mlr*. M,. M i lut ana u twir Jata g u Iesn o Heralilier a-Ieut tu Wankegan. bal Mim saRaasMa Sclil pent aireri Bnaly ei.tUr>nc udlira L 0tchalieur andafriand te appeler fur'i-liera hli tartial u«ltetrais. a-ich til r des viiilog n CWMU BrSwej Mr. W WilotGârAdiýlie. Teastuation vas talked cter bh. noedlater ina r-Ibad et car, L" day vseimgla hiago Baea-s, v. . id~at li,~ty oficers aMdlMisa Ke"ith'erene,-aien "and'Wgo aki»& 1Ha eu". Di>aedl MeTMgari, aho lia be- in vaa%i at pa.atines a" ths a-asthe uai uttle -a ~ î~ idoeu 10P Genou. ay, Ui&,.@Puing aoehi* vacaioan Te li âWePvas>&>'icaIhareiligave'Client or e.mpromSa.te ofltlfa ta"rait. Huae hi P- réturturd -d Ms.d tu m-"* P eP"'Om mg ktli rus s cal on the grirmds , f i olh .a .s U ~ 'n rth luff s1591. -li Hi tril b i u for the bsgiig etai.ehool. - Millaysvumg "e alt. ina tm 811111,16. buale a et» bise ho ta-os.idatue et Urn..Fred Dalvorsfaof aiCrietal Lake. Mise. lo aeiaeadi. uiiihkàgo, vas th*ýetea " maaby "PlUS' atve E . sud Charle. au @prti ad lra. Chaiswbe s. Wole' guut ut M s rlirFriday. agreal mtetabrla aay suit Wi> Srva.l lits. r»ECashWlf i isth ReictatIta-as the sut@t aallantthteCity hommea thte 6.11B. A" Heowsries. late Surviving Nr e»beg ste&c Thte dance weu S ýaturda»v evéning et of Misaffl iz&Wb tliMiiSdireld Kuwher-! cer s hot titresa tifi11e1,A t bricar, a- Woa.aho is Dowv-i) yeers of mg>. th paviaton wa. a-il attenldt. hacher at. eelu. 1w, houlrs per tahmg the body ana a-ho came te Joliet a-hena agirl ro MisesCara Prehra andlMmr. (bas. Frak Pitirsûti &Gel danabter Peai of te car the ity i tue" ut lofi16year s at ire sen. . ibel, Weaver sp.'nt a 'oupleoiday@ â:Kiioke. rriied tMc. Petersuafparent,*tRok <m..1eecueMa.Kpt o n a- ofTerrs. "oatas.Erneist F , of'~ g iai, tord, the Latter prit a.t W eli iaidimg tirongh thte City in vio- <'hîcagoansd Charles J. ut Joliet: al e: Aboutsix at'huee cutal ulaitioias ofrathetr r enertaneala luglir.Mr. MNI, F. Dfana. utJoit. t a Abot sx mchies ontiniili th MlleLeus Feteir fltrtacedalSa eerything vas JUSt *ihîed up' a-amen belougiDg t) the Franen lereiù combuler ot tiienitiset ber liaXiLday: Tha-rpare ta-a brther.Fre od ando Jmadie a trip to Beiseuville ThuradY tO altêruoon. 'a wrbd -ctaa a~ u Charles. ofil.k.' îauntY. Ill. and tw ta- pItedte l et er* Pe. Mc. anaviramLincoin 1'>:ur'rtMon isitn. Magalhena Stijrm of Beche- as ated ie I StL'aPîts l 1 o- Hoa-ever, the tacts of te shootin., ey. Cal.adCrlt ekshi'1l tta Frank epent Tuesday in thicaa. day fonrSas Fruntieushor-lea tley a-icame outand the>. dhoulal ho ud 'rli -lire lrgheIllt là ir, sud ti»s. LeieGearY stertaîl viitMCh expoiitiu a ora month- tioceal tu cheâr the blotch wahicti aa lecig en %ir, u &ni ra. Ed UPseeli uChengo, laven C B 'laswsud 1111,e-e. 41aelShaffen pJ'au onWaler Sayles. te colored.of- ut Baturday and al Suy. are viîitlng trWnuin 4 lrayelabp. 1 ficer a-ho lias been on thte LAke iFor i F(UWnI Hlenry Sten blas pucehaised iwuc tour- lMlise Bernire Sdîîaeiter oai eus.'.,ies1 force s ay er.Repo)rts au1E S ÂR Tit fneri t tt aIeJon He-lflen> Sebitlet>er. reruru.d robelihouni.tnuniformeal policeman had Jumped' UDfoiIIILIR i ok place fSaturday. Aux- 2b- Thurs>lay io lte ecosit. scared lier and bbc»' ONfoi'~' Uir. Gi. Jacksoon et to Chiago Alrin. h>LWbrt sud Rayntoal Neyer:shot at the car. SALE ON I.JK ÀDA 311 Priday te ses the maring pictute is, vs-cethesuete af Weniol iugal..Y et The taces a-re tat Savie3 neyer'13 "Bale ot 63" a-hich a-as Rivenl t t U the Kinmisey*@ cottage as Laite ZuriciinhB l t aIl: alth hlm. lu the middlle Le, icl)onougli. ecoaty treaurîi ce Orphsum Tbire. VThe picturv es-ee, lav-wel. n 11edualas mliiapproacbed. drilagii ous>! lnec.aaanytu ropilen the 1915 gs tisien at Lake Zurich. àma. Sarah a atansd grand daugiter le ancar. ras W. icGiîre. no, tai saIle lot. TburadaY baitcnnooa le' a Mcm. Hepry Selp la riaitint aItb ber Lis 'ietd liraFM alKimback u'fo-ed-& The colore>! man. rîi bis eause..- HI..Tambling. a Zios (City lax w diaIltr, m. eo.Bradke wo Dw Rve»bud lu wfL'ftaalight. sîgnatled bler t'u stop. SIte buyer. sbsolutely rns-ld tuass als up dauhtir lira.Ueo. Baod.e.a-ho nu- Ravewa'bis lait -and.the certiflcateu ni taxsahoiehalld gros ina Clleago. Mien Elizabeth UcCrares utfEranaton, to.lcuc ra I u nlbougltin luiatheb ale rcducelau Mm.Fre Sip as a hiagoviitu w th dada liueet f r».F.B. ' fired three shoois a-hereupou .11e June. This latle Brut lime onure>,- lira.Fed Slpa-s Cicgoniitr a-S htSuia ust1 lr. . -stoppea!îte car as u -aplac e>!un- oral lIaI suchan actinlou iea beein Wednmda. Wllmu. er arcast. belag releamed late lieu u ae neceeary bthe. refusaitlut s lira. Leo SBr e .viîitiu ler paraet. Quaslity Potgrphier& ahpromise>! te appear. Lake..e n 11 e saIt -tsalaisupenis jaI lu Elgin. Cali on un-Vant & B&Ill. ulga. iTe tacts as thîy came out 51t1the yeatenday by lic. teDonougli. lin. I t re - ll aea inneétipt eaî'ing saed t!aI RaYlsal!bien Aoi Besublen sud lin. Fed W . I Chicago Tueeday. icrs-dite>! utsîl n le à tCubuillboughtla tuhîe taxes a-hd Chlag Tnsdy I~~1 LA omthPo e a1 ulTamblinsgretus->d1teaele cl. lo Quallty PhotographeM'. ni. j It derelope that Tamling houillit fi Cal on us--Vant &Bull, Waulegan. 1r.t fnolahola a-na ~ it turther a-ass alow that neltherla.. es spnseuîlng su auiouuîaigre- il 4 raen Clia&-turoe>! home 1laia-eek in iSayles non McGulce lad been ldlng gatlng $.4.Hewasa a-lllng tu taksle t 'gtne atu t Inanr tiru hhes, but. insbead. vere out lu up 1h, taxes Ou u a ntount uggrs-t- fini tuatlie he ountynfir. 1ing sppnoxit.aely $1.300,. but thl, GAGE'S I-fiE M.. lC. Chattilliayloar a-ho vili _________taies eu blockl 66. North Chicago. i 1,Jante. Taylor sudf el s pend this week end a-taItMri. ana l Mreu.A TOrefuse>! 10 psy. He clade a proposi- ta sud Irs.Kellg Firbaks S L,. Ore0a" OSE AUTO tIV Iion hte1the couuty reasunen but lie t ia Younug ara speuding the a-eek at Jol- vullo a ak Gnèe amaadvIed hlail'e muat taire u t ci ig let. planiug tu a ae th@ cdv next moli bcetlftcates or noue. t- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ton viil wlth hier danliter . Rn Ifbo AfIlf~l itla sginirllY baller,>! Ilat lie a-IIl tins. Taylor af Trylor Grave, epeut dM- 8eo- ý , ILLED ÀJ SOLIEPR iabau-ed troua&Hil x sales lu the tu- c trridy ihC. C. Aip nes ud amily. t uce ls-aute of hie actions iis year- l Thecewama s god atteudaucoetM the sd Mn.-Robert R eCcornth5s>'(5a-PIW W He liasbhein a tox buter lu Lakete pcolc Ssîurday in spiti ut the tact tha on lattbr, 1. -hc'Mct- I K A ime at le lias reins.>! olats up Ir à nuinher ot peoplea a-e.tîrfthing. Coruel I. letrtng belon.' the melera U TA Db-is ::rrtfes unIimîiti la ail 01s .Uneieersdduie !the .iflitary training camup ou bi* re-' _________ Mrs E.tireumyeranddaubte amui cnsEuropesn a-an eîpéc.unvee@. United States District Attorney Wedes! ta sei ist Olo. Mn Sewrt S thaay a-ha bas Says Clayton Mark WiII Be SW IN IR TA ENW le Mcm. J. Handin sud daugliter oa .keifn isiting len parents Mn. anal tiraTried in October. I gVilla, a-ire aturîday visiter* at Geo. aeoS. Vile*, W&@ the <ust ut honor1 TV IuIV V E a lunchieon gircu by lenaunt 1ai Fr1. The casa oi Clayton Mark, .prasa- A llST.4LOUISl lU lR e A. Chacal anal tamlly sud E. Harcis sud day. dent of the National Maleahîs Cest- W S a. amily @pont, Sunday a-th relatives»Asr tinm.Aies iialsau ctucus>! lomelalept. ings Ooupan.y. cliange i>a-tliman- W se AIL DBREAK l Round Lake. let.front atour a-el vs ithili*lem- slaughter n lu onnetlou a-tlithh. Mr. sud Mn.. William Hlaathorn a-et ter iu Kansas. death of a soldilr ai Fort Sheridan (Counn.>! Praim PsgeOue.) tu ths Waodptock fair Loft Friday. A baby boy a-as aelcuiedetthhome tWho il -s esImd by Mn. Mach's auto.Wdeoto 3.0:Qic.I. Mcr. salud ns. R. KernY anal sono a-are ot dis. sud lic..James Urilil. u Tues ntobile, a-enît licallesi lac trItialn sg u t$300 uuy I. SChcago visiter@ Saturday. dAy, Au«. 23. lire. G<tnl5s a-malormenly, the Ioderai courte at Chcago ilu <On»fpringfield,.11;Bat'ahoo. Fe; raI. UlliaJeuneSimupsont atteudeal the pienle lmiiNllAt A ilage. . ober. scceondîngto Istest advîces Iromt Midi.: Dlaran. In.: Rocîlord. II., estorday snd speut fuuday ett he bose Miss FlonuceKng w o bu beius@pend- tIat clîy. Thia cas.elias bain pend- Portage. Wla.. sud Kalauiaseo. Mi. o! 9. E.laral. i.flis relucus>! lu ber lug 11e*cnuntet athé hume aoflierntte 'Dg lu the UiIted! SIates district Thi complaînt iront Kalamao Ia homente Nanthr Chcago Monday. UMAartnMilady, titrned Tu.iaay toicourt. for more ilisu titras s'eucs. yilofa thbcoreI wsnu li@ Mr. auddMre. Nonilicape ai Rooecraus ber home lu Avatoumb,.liluutâ. Macla ultI a Party niftu-ends a-dm tittia ai19a3l tha t aeros a-s u Im ewr. -el analviiter* ot E. S. Fauîker The ountry talc bel>! on tbe On vent-' drvgthe soull intShed a col.loohlng frmer offece>! Io huy à aire for and a Slly. mi"Club Orouae Saturd&Y, hug. 28tu wlrohe lii gov te l er, Who, atl near the di. Ha got a baulen's sLg_ tid M. an>! tir. Hartiorn wa- en eosaa-mua ~gruat succemainluiîe 0t the tatale i tul hslîr o t ustun au notary Publie sud bocrovedal 7e vsahoraTueada.y. ihat h. ecould diziplay o a tle Id.lhel.aser a-l du il the n thelsfarter. desl. Thou lie forge>! at Mmr. E . .Faulkner vas s Chicago ve- un at-usaiSut te ighou! aud montli a et u>lyMrs u isprinia- dasa sud camed $S'.00ou the ed Itor Fr14.!. dsemas about thecouoÇ-!., pThed ulego mars aa s artaay propicty anal dlsappeareti. Quallly Photographara. Quallty Ph.tPtorpeia placets undec icrest by min ha au- "Ia -aKeu" aa ieplc *cati on na-Vaut à Bull, Waukigsn. Calilou us-V&ut &Bull; Waukegau. thonlly aet iFort Slerlfan.but a-as e~ - heu îtla-as reporte>!.t _________________ - l wi4ahan ésariaguof usain ugiter fSt. Louis,.NM., Àtg. 1-J>oltn W.t au - a a sv s r r i .i I a-eaprelere>againat flm, sud lie Bernhardsalas John Bicl, a-ho esa-u t M M A« fled an ippearance bond. It wasmded Hency Wedgi ot Waukean out Ul Mi.FlocetSUpe iatgt 0o!Chcago, n. Mia. F. C. &humacer anud aulaguIe. generally helleve ithat tIte gonemu- ot 83.00astea- Year go, arresteal ipruad homes fuualay, &ftot spendîne Ethel andCal ssviie> relative. lu Val. ment bial droppe>!lte proaecutlon ashosystra helclpiet thme.wveks-.I an s . paraiso sud (Gary, [ual., lait vWek. ttsl h ia iu ntetreanal a privais dilectlve on s charget Barris anal Kenitil Kuhi ot Chicagoa, losAdal Heuais a-ho lias beenispinal. yeurs Ilat the case han ieon placeti of negothtînga sforgeal aloi> trustma ar-a sponalga&couple ut veehf t Athir juif anme adeys vlw ice M. E. Stfftord te.on 111e trial cat. bt Iae on $25.000 lu Wattksslm. Wls...Ioday ilueles. Ueo. Miltchall@. - 1inet1t ler haine l sndihIn, Tire.sensational "a-wt s ave greeal le rtu e toWaukeaha a-it-1 Air. aryJoinsn naldagîtr t 1mai Tusli adwc, casasa-Ilibe brougît te trial lu lia t extradition, aecocdlngteto h. po-E M.MrJonoan ilBleeoftantires..Mer lmaban Ideal courts et teantee lime. e- lice. Wautegau, vsdale>! . atete M l.51je bsb en entaluinu corfig tathe stalomnt of airleas auhcl.ahoImtel aa sbu Satunslsy. Mrs. Danes.ut C&rpeute revilIe. for sa-uF. 'yne, Uniteal States district St Bîernhordlu ofo e tiAd. sapeaik Ths e m ySciealty liadecîded DDt dasa. torney. front a Wauhiesha laîl ta-o eels ago. t outa mle tang anal mat.h Mr. analMcm. A. G. Sclia-cr'mo~»t- ElizabiethiJesalo Colle, Col. Chiarles H ditethe pliesay. lIaI io cout f he oc, an mut dieao. oceal ta Miwauknee Tuéiala tu ti h,,,,IAle:ander, anal William Ruiua E>!- hal erveal ta-Otrmslu the Missouri Ear-nest Scirader and tttmily n<toc.d eau Carl hack te hie studios hle. a-naw.aestiy ceaidlent ofni St. P aul te penitentisry for offenses sîntî' to South Elgiu, Suudsy. 1are tle dafoudants lun1the "ahi*ltb t htcage nWeos irs. Andeon of utChicago. i. sppnding otMns h G-nr6101willv"css Il la salal Bernhard lad a $60,000t tle a-el ai Mn.. A. Rous. open a-tht Miss Elsie (iruet ot Chicago 1 ____ometuoretity____a___eto Mrc. anal Mm..Nesîl ar- tetrtalnir-g 6 oce.iclIvr e iof1hePlantera' Banti anal Trust Con-t. tics Neîl nalconsl lblcgo.Misoea PIaît! altier Gent!> anil VTe average 'roman, lte Golfes Rer. Jack Lion u ashabei» speudlng Hattmat etf Chiego vîsitet! wa-litbîl Cty Trbbune Points out. ztado are Ien H mad eatu ol.Et- îlepai a-oa-el nI> . cI<odrPeter.t-lrriily lent a-el. mont anythlng att a bliîrpîn eîcepltfortsaebn ae 1 ond t*potw e-swt ESlaoeharpon a pencl. andale ahiuado fleat Barnhlard vîi th theallegea sa-malles a-eutta toons.lia -sw. 'Tturmday, Miss Estiier Turma intentaloeal t.leud, 'vihI lion lcha. in lu rnil Bluffs, Iova, Fr-amont,f a-lera le bas accepte a e a rg-.. Ir-nin l'it.-n<c :veriundaaixtiM1d4.bJe., anal JIsuvlli, I111, The policea 1 a __ 1alria u1[ -K nai Qalt heocalat. ii say .llaraalaral'a raty openstîons coi--( p~ ~ Hum. an he novyer .5ma m tate- Iet lateudel tg cunney 111101tnt- Ou je» Ir lie case camnp lie- r-e Jud"gs DIa-ardu,r-ast anal Don- 07ff, aid tht,. jurina toithtitimat- er aider adytarelmett as ltre a-m 1Clause lu titi ul>ectloasled lii e attocrey lac' 111e deisaisi vhlci ras. Dot cisar Lu thea' mimaie. Tiis as al -aw u ernwnans."Pumaicpeur CF sud Ithe judls a-ated sos. eto C naliser titis mottar6mite mre bniets Prepsu-sa by eeunail for liher aide. ae'tiftu othth îe lia>- 34 a-hidI thia mattar had ou lhe case. lu titi meautimme Attoruey &char& -Parai as eshaemIte A.w m e m4eetsard tIt otifers kW RSa.» tLof, Ansels. A lia- a-aillatin -he couseel tor lb. druegsaus m.d 6a anas-er &adltthenremaineali W te ltres Jualgestgbu ire theîr dmc- nou. -At tic titue the hbuta-as PrVencea r the Court, it waasstat>! te the ceuin §et bthatn ut ua- tt âtas-nreachuzax t-icit or the dectiewon lutitis Case ton- ery avuer otr-ceal ouaâte anal every in .îlaMant o(t raid City t,eîng d!reet!y r Iuirret ly àsected iereuryi ni.aî the court -rtt'1j ils':1 t 0 #1 askth bbc onoralle -Arthaur Frosut ar te Honoable' Cha&rle . Ilkoa,,:>. the ta-a cvuaining jualges at the Sic enteeuth Judiciai District. te aselat ilt te conaldecaîrran ut the case: ibat a taluçoînuis br">ef was pretented a-,t lie hill taueeai utsaIsI lutges. anal tbal litrcoa aheurit" aas Iad >- fre court. sitliug as liera above set anrtI. anal the motter a-as argued a- allybyvthe respective couns.' At Soms-le Inçîli that aI ithis tine te i anse vascr.'tlnaealan>! @sch party ght-n bte lu file lieis on lie que&- tien or publie pollcy. au Ibat luteh were Biled pursuat to m alti agce'> ment. "T'h, coutandto"a sotlaltintoa ur ia- île lau upon the proyoelillun. for te cite sutburllea sustaînno Ilb'> r aion la bIhiscounectian. Theici- ito" 01the complalusutas la tIt &Il af lie propent! lu sal>! It usIu Io hundeneal îi th tenrestictire co%,. ratis a-lic a- e eshale luttes fiet leasnIssue! iy John Alexanuder DAiti:btai tle aetendaais ladt knoa-iedge of sahl rstrictive cava- nants. anal tiat binrtgsud kuowl ae. liiihylockh îe- tit10tItiprerît Ises hurriss>!d îrih &idaleouaLt>. that salalcovenants are net pensonal -avenants, but cuvenants a-wi c uit rith tle landl. anal are bludîti n n ouly uponithet- isssbut upun ihe Inass sas a-cl. li talnotitlicostld i>î gîven hy te overseer oc receiven freed irour mucli restrictive cote- riants. anal ihat the silempt orthli recelven ta convey s fe simple titis to liellova. on hy Belloa-& lu others s lietffl.ive andalîllthle pnoptrty lnrolrod In ttis suit ceulal Dot le, uscl hy lthe deiindants. or anyonue 'Ise In violation of sucit restricions. "On tle partnofIlshefMendianta Il la contendod that 1the restrictive cor- ouants a-or, persona] analdi sDot cuat witi thi land;: that If tboy ual run a-lt thelaid. lIai ver. oatrry lu public polîci. aud ihat Ihtî ainiel upon tle u-ighi te lte munlipaîity. tls saif ciii of lion. ahie@ls loca- tion analestalishmett avia itber> lucorporshedndir 1he gîteraI mu- nlipal laus cr thIs otite. "TIi learned>!couasel ounsacl aide have laliore! dllgntlî andalyansd havre praseut>!ttei court thetn re- spective tles. on tle propoaliloas Ia- voire!. anal the court reeis. aften lse teulng to lte orSI argumentesuanu a eiamtnatlon anal cooatiersltod oethe ucitten bries. hthhe iacaplpnttou ar the. couplalants Ère correct, anal liaI tliey are enlii e itte relIifa-hIcI thîee b> lits bill. "Vira courtblids s a mattan of Isa- lia Ii the meudanlta>ha k rh- edgo of the reatrictive cavenants ent- IctIlea lu tle original Its e suca by Jolin Alexander Dowa-th~laI liav hog sucli lnoalealge lhsy t1001tille tu tle premlasshurdonedtiih salal re- strit-ve loyousuls: liai aucli cure- nanti are not pemnal but mua-lt tle land;: thai nIid covenants ane Dot against public polici: lIaI lthenue of the prentissfol' the purpout alleze" lu th1e bill aro violalîveof thîe riglîs of 111e compîlnants. anal Ihat ltae onplaluauta are entilleltu an lu' junetion roestratlng the use cf sasî prentîses for any purpose sîlîge! lu lthe bill of compiaLtl. "lu vIsa- cf tits the codrt onulera thIaIn juncîlon Issue lu aconaance wiîh ta îlerayer ntthîe MîIL restraln- In this; world, but the snccess- fui man generally succeeda by * tnrning themn up." Are you saving a part of your income each mooti i so that you ealu welcooee opportuîîity whon it colnes? Start your Savings Account To-day qTHE CITIZENS' BANK Isole Despout Boxe* for rent Ares& lMinois "MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOME" lm av&, "" NO ci BAS RA MAN RAVII TINY ON. VEAL WHIC THRC HAPS The ehild, s wrappii ghastl *- ite ini t Il h'koî'î avejue' inediate Poliet' P< tîtel 1, ifitilthg ilivestig dîîeted utrlit rrests iI the da v body of ihlg thti lie .11l 1 (Odv sff <iije<-t. W'ithîî h<><d. tf to-îuk the Ile t> t litv i-ori wîith Sti Initer. in flie 1) -the C ouui two ftuer sel %-es t> ]y: 1 TI)' *gar-lage dci'tît lî i al, resoi get.ting i The e, *fling of i v'eioped -day, ,NVESTII Encloéed 001,1, thre baby found l n ordinacy ef th. ravin Dry airait, ln Conrad d titan deirelol T tact .velo mnet djacvery o a-as chu-on! clnaively. .Te habE 'wrapptng p Ilicowu ove and Iikoiy r '5*t the liaf :found lth. H le ni lIno, nI on tle -orsaliton ut tia It mus *ithîn ami k liaeovery. sometir dnesday pI-ccd a- Titi little Coroner- 111' bal