LAIE CUNTY IDEPE)ýI>ENT,__F#q!AY, SEPTEMBER 3,1915., Paejptp _________________________________________________________________________ RATES 'Average Week in Realty Cir- fic parfin. eacn iertion cles but There Were No Big * Loies than 6 linos, Deals Recorded. 65C first insertion Business tsf theé eodr office for tii, veek ending Augusi 28, 1915: Number of transfers, 88. . . . .. .. . . .. . Number ofloans, 18 + FOR BAl£ +, Total number of instruments Ouled, FOR SALE-8 roam bouse; City va- Total amaunts of boans. $-6796.68. ter, gas. electrlc light and bath. Business bas been fairly brisk dur. large yard and garden; % bloc fr0-. ing the veek, but na big deais vere Washingon Si. car lino; renta forrecorded and loans were beiow the $1S lper izntafl aeafronm One taO ve average. Tbe followlng being the acres of liproveti land, mch soit1, principal transaction#e of the veek: suliablo for truck gardon, or vill BsolilI Bentan township Theodore la. In sepitrate lots. Atidresa 1521 Wash-1 Cook boughî the Tresiraîl property IngIon St., Wankegan, Ill. or phone lu southwest quarter of section 33 for Wssikegan 1399-W. Wkly-2t $5200.. - In Nevport township James Craw- RIVATE SALýE--Bed roamest, g'" lord'-bought one-baIf acre lot in Rose- stoye, coal boaier.cbedrawera,kitcheu crans frram Harry Crawford for chairs, rail top desit. llaceY iliug cabi- $1.200. met vitit largo dravere and 8 Card! fileso. In Antioch township Jacob H. Web- Mirs. L. C. Burdicit, Ares. 5p or boughi 8 acres ln noribvesi quar- FOR SALE-a-cýktto ridirtgand driving ter section 16 tram Aice M. Sexemîth mare god taveer. hea AIa 3for a nominal considération. mar, gId riserPt. ChinA1boar1 In Warren township Roy Studer j. a. Lorris. noar Eveett. P. t). Deer-boit1ltaGrnaeuGree Oiel, 111. Tel. Lake Forest 7iiTY-4. 5outf ram Terge T. McCullough for ______Z __7______--- ____---___$36275. FOR 57 -eBuggvbOrae@@,tcedeutttr. George M. Winter bought a lot ou bay track. Lre. W. J. Miindes. Phono Dunham road, Gurnee, tram Roy t,.. 14.3-R. 50pi der for $2.750. Zig hrin inNebraska farm I igodg, tram $15 ta $30 per acr. Write ownêi5 loa information and literature. Cheyenne County Land Ca.,.Boa Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Wkiy-1t+ FOR SALE-Ficet claSé rubber tired top bugg. Inquire at Lake CouitY National Bank. 5Op2 FOR SALE-160 acresot land ln Taylor CosyWlscnin. Write to Lre. R. C. HiobAres, In. nMi FUp SALE-Nov six room rosideuca on lscond MméLlbertivilii. Large bath roosm Mmstry. savon foot bWeenent, two lirgprcees.Stueco finish' .. S UIpOtt. 4ffl $O SL-Ahout AuSMuat th. tour busse. OhiemanTelephon Cout- Va", Wnkegaa, -DL wà» Ly FA8M FOR ;ALE-125 mcr. Lake Conoty. IllmoI&Le.Jproved wth f8 raom boeu, mev 4m, iloesaddailier nocemary buildings, vlclity 01 Llbertj ville. Wlil ssiis a s argaba pric etoS8125 00 au aere Il sod by October lot. b# rite W. T. tsângsey,llOSlBryn Navr Ae , Cblsgo, litI 48p8 41ORSEO SOLO.boùgbt snd exchsnned têsood baud hainm.suad wagons Gubs or tera. N. R. Ladd, phono 4, LIbstyvllle. 5011 :%Y bava a number ai fine homes to selsor rant.Dymond& Autn.ULberyly- ss. u0-50-ti + FPOlEENT + FLAT FOR RIENT-5 raome modeme, &M r, ot-,huiPst-k Ave. Wm. Blet-- Im . . 015 ED To SSEEIFlR mIASMOT NUAID atunel Solomon, vho drives a beer vagon tam a Waukogau boer agent. vas arraignet inlucaunty court iis snoranug ou a chtargeofa havlng slI' lior nne anti-saloon territry. Evr- bought a loi on Pourth street tram Rase Chamberlin far $1.500. In 14ke Farest John M. Dewey haughi the property on Westminster avenue near MtcKinley roati from Bel- on M. Dewey aud athors for a nom- inal constderation. Lawrence and Ellen Mastersan baught a 60-foai lot on Westminster avenue tram H. T. Crafi for $4.000. Jas. R. C. Burton of Las Angeles filed a subdivision of 12 lats lacateti ai Scait and Tfner aireets andi Wis- cousin avenue. 1lu Deerfialdti ownship Aima M. Campe baught an eighth Inierest ln 80 acres in souibeaei 4u5.rter of sec- tion 21 sud'60 acres in noribeasi quarter setian 28 tram the Caspar ZqbLnle eutate for $2,500. 20 acres ln souibvosi quarter section 21, belg part ot the M. Ryder farm for 12,396.98. ln Highlandi Park Alfred Marshall bonght thmee lais on St. John's ave- nue, sonth of Lincoîn. tram Jaohn M. Curran for a nominal consitieration. Davîid T. aud Frances Jones boughi a loi an St. John's avenue tram Fran- ces Ml. Daey for a nominal cansider- ation. Astar R. and Clara Bensan bougtt a lot on St. John's avenue tram Au- Lguet Beuson for a nominal considera- bu Vernon towuship Madeiine W. Rockveli boughi part of southvest quarter of section 14 tram Cama Mac- Vean for $3.500. lu Wautogan Luther 2Moore bought an ace of band. lu sauthasat quarter section 9 au Northt Sheridan mai frmu Haroldi L. Pater for a nominal consideratiati. Dr. P. C. Kight bouahi tise 011 Mazon 10 acres an Grand avenue tram John Mlussta for $3.350. Simon J. Kachumhe baugili a bot on Marlou itreet, corner of Nint street. tram Atan joncha for $1400. Tlieotire o Gldsmitht boughi lise al LAaing hanse an Northi avenue tramf Webb & Jensen for $1,500. N. P. ol Jr.,0 Oaha. Neb.. ilIed a subdivision of teolti Boffmau Propemly ou Blvidore treet Intc, 287 lots. at Mrsit, a fet-mot- living on tise Nu- etý,matie the compilt againsi T Booms.Mathliesin Warren SCIM LS O PE towashtp vhI laIslu "dry" terrltomY. olomos vilun arraiguot in ucourt ibis meraln u aspiacalunlet- bauds O E T3 D Ré i o! $30. Ha vasnaibe ta soecurs a- honau.lnet aifret and vas romand- Fift itahIs rel sebool hanses In ai ten lb. cnsMWfthe si ieroiff vth- the township af Vernon vill nat ra out atln maie apIe. A open &*Lwor omon Mandsy. Septum- Outhavug ade& les A itte lt-ber 6, as pet scelue. Word vas or LUIs iFeinstetu. a brother-in-Iaw, passa about the tovu SaturdaY that appearol anti ignal île bonds. 5111e anti ioderai .oVclals li e' a mhe allegel ' offense t00k place on claraI their intenth»ol f claaing al Angusi 23. Ou that day Solomon sa,,s shool bouses lu tise InectaI districts , until the quarautine bad beel littuti. ho vas taking a Io"tio!fiboer to Wbeu asketi couceraiug Imtter. Grayalate. Mal sa yse obmo T. Arttrt-Simpson, conty suenirin- stoppaI ai bils home anti slI imj.1 tendent uot shaS slI. "0? course saome boert. Be calleti up Shrif Omrit- If tbe elato sud federal officiais Or- der ail seboob bouses ho clofdualiiM lin Immeiately anti the latter drove the. quaranulue le îrftuet, va bate no ta tise Marsi home lu bis automobile, alternative ln tbe motter. W. muet Soloman bad gone but the tva mon oomply viii toîr at-tiers, but titis Le toiiowat i hm sud accud hlm af hav intu a uattor aver vîlci 1 bave su- pervision. I le ui totho acitoOl trus.. iug sl the boor. Accrdîng ta the teos ta ses that tbe ortiers o! the oheriff, Solompn protestad isialno- sse anti faderal officers are carrieti tence. baptng that b. voulti ha tritstott." "atricken blinti. baviug hie head ti hbomme knawu today tual six or les.f seven Waukegan yug ladies vba chonneti off sud bse bth bes, ave taugît In the quarantineti dis- lia vas guiity. tricts vîllI hoaut of varie for aiu hast Thor Irote itaci toth e Marsb bouse s moth after September 6. as bth asdthleabottleti boer vas ebownuas state anti feteral afftcers insisi that iit viii ho the Oirei af Octobar befora evidence. Ithe quarautîne viii ho lifial. Tbliesitaes attor-ney thon matie out a» Information viticli hao let inlu tuependent: Mre remlwe sthsa sE cocaty court on gaiumday. coatyvseekllas ombinul. M Clark. who bad been my toacher ln the academy. 1 remember exacily whai Mr. Clark aaid to, me as I oný tered bis office. Ho saiti: .'Welt. are yau going ta leach ibis winter?' t tald him, "That depeuda on wbetber yau will give me a certiflcato. lHe said, "That depentis an whelber yau have gai a dollar.'"-And that was my Ithîink Il is much different nov- adaya, ma ihey aay. Weil, b commenced my achool in due season anti al vent weli. thaugh some of the boys wero blggor than ibeir teacher. There vere. James Thaîn, Alex, Thain ant ic0k Thain, James Pollock, Orin Sadler.AIpbonzo Sadier, Martin Hastings, Amasan Hastinga, Walter Bastings andi others 100 numerouz to, get in mmnd justibtis minuti, andi nome bg girls ln the bargain. 1 can't think of ail the girls now and tbey have aIl changod uhir lnames. 80 it don'i malie any diffemonce novwbh they were. but they vere aIl gooa schlars but Martin, anti ho coulti fia heip I. i vas boarding ai the Hastingt house and Mrs. Hastings entertained flot "an augel unawares," but a pacti pedtiier vith vares vho hati. among ailier articles. smaiipax, anti Martii took a dose et Iiand0 as 1 had beer r )t t. ng sleeping viii the boYs, t, of course. I w9 exitoseti anti il came near break- îg up nmy sciooi; soins lu the neigh- at-licol didu't lile It andi I dou't ilame uliem. but IIdiWg et the lis- eS andti ubug Il hdlii urt the sehool Jst, a uitile. they permitteti me ta continue. 1 veut ta Mr. Smart'e the nehi night whicit vas Monday. i ibink. anti Mmm. Smart wonldn't bei me lnthle liouse. Wael, b vas amy tnreo anti ane-bait tiles tramhome. 50 1 vaîke t taMy faihem's lim ïea4 atter ropeattng lhe JOunOnY several times, the score grati- ialY vame oiffanti vo varenmabasi- ed attervarla vlth paci pedtiers anti tho vintot- passel pleasanly. Nov. viion I recelvodthettcpost carl Invitation ta Your anntversary. I vas eery mucli pieseti anti voul bave gladly accepueti, but his laoui of île quesion, as 1 am nat no yauug as I vas anti do not foot able ta stand the tramp sn senti mY regrets hy mv vile, anti believe you viii have an en- lOYahie lime as I shoulti most aumur- edby have, ver. 1 able ta ho pt-osent. Very truly yolirs, H. A. WEBB. (Mrs. Webb aiea isugit ai Orubit school one year anti came up tram Anrora ta attend the reuntan. but vheu ah. arrivetilunWankegan, %ho tounti nabadY vitit whom site Conld Set out ta Millhurn. hoes site vas deaieti the piossume of betng one of te guesta)) ADIT I3O TO 11 CAMIP AT FORT Cal, Join J. Matshall. negrao oMeet- tot-merby lu commandi of the Elghtit mgimeni. Illinois national guard, viii ho a memberor tfhei.Fart Shotian army camp. Bis appication, aous viii 19 othens, vas approvol yester- day ity Col. D. A. Fredericit. A movemout begun last spnlng ta farm a eserve carpa cf engineers ta t>e avaîbable 'lu case of var las es- aumeti defilute fat-m. accordilng ta an announcomont matie by Blon J. Ar- nold. Tii. membore of thte commit- tee are William Est-lay Parsons, Nev Yot-(; Henry S. Dinker, Penusylva- nia; WIlliam H. Wtlay. Nov York; Bilon J. Arnoldi, Illînois r laipi bD Manitou. Nev Yort. LOANS IN WEEK REACIIED $5%9796; 106 INSTRUMENTS Homer Hantiea, vho. an September 17 vIli ho 90 yearu oid. came ta, Wau- kegan Pmldsy la vîsit his son, Wil- hur Hentieb. 31r. Hendee ta ratier disappoiniedet athe ahandaument Of the couniy fair because. bal he been abie ta attend tuis year. It vauhtihave heen the fittietb cansecutive fair uhai ho vould have attended. Mr. Hendee loks like a Man of 40 and himseit vonîtini beiteve he ls near the cen- tury mark excepiing uhat the family recordsu prove IL. Be lives ai Antiocb viiere he ta potuteti oui as thte spriesl Lake cauuty. Ta that the vrlter vonîti adI; "We challenge anybody any place lu the United Suites ta pro- duce a man of 90 vitase general ait- pearance ls as young anti vho eau do stunts requlring the agtltty that' Mm. Rende can do." Ta show b ha titFrlday. Mr. Bendee duncel a 11111e "jtg.' andtidt It as spryly as a youngster af 15. *Y os. naturaily 1 fot disappintei thai the cannty faim tis year vas abandoued, for. ladilu tbeen belti. i vould hava beau uhere.,' said Mr. Houtiee. alltng: *«And h vanl have markedthe luts ofululyear thai 1 have beau ai the county faim af Lakte ebun- ty. I usedti taattend vhen Ih vas helti ln Wau.egan and viien lh vent ta Libertyville 1 made lu a point ta go there aOry year. t insu matie up my minI fiai la miss&aole admy healthi.fartunateiy. lias slways beau suchthiat t have not beaudilsappaint- el untîl ibis year." MARRUAGE LICEN4ES. Herbert T. Jolwsoa. Crovu Point. lui., ageti 24; Eln.a G. Lavejoy, Stougbton. Win., .&Md 21. Rlapb Thamas. KeashiL.Wts.. aged 21; Anna Kramel, msea ageti 18. tEtivard B. Mur$iby. Milwaukee, Wio. agol 23; Elle Bslanger, same, agati 21. Rudolpi Andierson. Chlcaga. agel 23; Lulu Carlson. samne, agati 21. william NIcelas. Milwaukee, agol 22; Sophtie Broum, ýame; agel 18. Ernest 0. Sciraular. Milwautke, ageti 28; Bertisa fchroatiar, saute, agern3 Fred Hiag, Columbus, 0., ageti 36 Caraine Chrstiansou, Necadal. WIS Ageti 22. Christ Wliar, 28, ant Elizabeth Powell, 22, bath of Evanutan, 111. Borace Hilb, 21, ZMon City, III., sud Minule Wood, 23, Kenasina, Wig. Josepb F. Hauvay. 23, sund Irma W. Petorsan, 21, bath of Chilcago. Siguard Paulsou, 23, anti Marie Pedersan. 24, bath of Highlanti Park, fil. John Cravfor(i, 34, Dotroit, Micb.. sud Marie Bi,-gt, 33, Viola, Idaho. Charles Hetu, 32. anti Mat-tit Gutzdarf, 27. botIl of Mivau<es. Wis. Rtoy w. Smith,. 24, Wnuetka, Ill., anti Elsie H. Nafe. 24, Highland Park. lit. Et-nemt Sciteve, 21, anti OraceS ih, 19, 6,tit o! Zial City, 111. 1-e etrPoeocli.21, sud Marie Glaser, 20, bath o! Mi;vaukee. Henry Petersen, 23, and Helen Clark, 20, bath of Wadorotb. l11. Edigar R. Allen, 28, anti Mary Mc- Grlgry, 26, bath of Waukegan. Etivard Raska. 21, aud Lillan Grooser, 18, bath of Chicago. Carl Akeu. 21. sud troue Jachtbu- ber. 18, bath of Milvauke. Henry P. EhUali Il, 21, sudRuth Johnson. 19, bath of Chicago. John L Clark, 27, andi Viola Guy- eute. 21. bath of Waukegan. Charles DomIn, 36, and Mary Zvei- tler. 20, bath of Chicago. Raymond N. Hamilton, 25, Miivau- cead ty ol 2,Ci Augusi 24, 191..-W. W. Namis and vife, et aI., ta N. P. Chambeniin. lot 3. blockt 19, C. Frank Wright's addi- tou, Liiertyvîlle. Q. C. $10.f Rose Citamberin antihusitanti to G.1 H. Cooper. lot 3. blackt 19, C. Frankt Wrlgbt's adtioin, Llhertyvtie. W. D).1 Cama MacVean to Madelino W. Rock- veli one anti one-baît acres souili of river sud north of rmatinlusoubveut quarter, section 14, Vernon township. W. D. $3.500. J. M. Curran andti vie to Aifrel Marshal.lots 7, 8 anti 9 (exzeepi esi g0 fot). bock 76, Highlandt Park. W. D. $10. H. L. Patter anti f4 ta Luther Moore, one acre on vesi %iîe Sheri- dan mati. 700 teet nartis of ity Ilmits of Waukegau. W. D. $1. F. C. Brown ant ifitnt Matha A. Johnson, bots 25 ta 29, Brovn'a West A DVIERTIS IN G FIRST TEÂLIIIR 0f EUBB SCIIOOL RE. LAÀTES EXPERIENCF H. A. Webb, Who Taught at $15 Month, Tells of SmaII- pox Experience Yrs. Ago , The Grubli chool mulon was haUd near Mliburn Wodneiday, Auguit 25th, and ln connection wlth t thle vary lnteresting lu- ter cornes from the firut leacher of thls popular country achool dis- trict where achool reunlons wera ravived lst yosr: Aurora, Ill., Aug. 25, 1915. To Whom ht May Concero, Especially -Grub Schoot-Greeltng: It ls 60 years. about nov, that Mr. Dexter Sadler came ta My faihers bouse ta make a bargain wtth me ta teach the "young Ideas how toa 4oot.- t %vas 17 ysars of age and had attend- ed the Waukegan academy and vas' suppasoti ta knov how, though 1 bati nover yet tild. but t thaught 1 couiti oarn $20 a mantb atI11.Weiho tbought the prîce vas toa hlgb for so Young a tari and madie me the offer of $15, and we finatly sptitý the differ- once ai 17.50 and 1 was ta board around the district. tkent ta see about a certfeateý tram the county superintondent. FINDS l45 MOTIII3 LYI DEÀD ON TUIE ICM HmeIN PARLOIR' Retumrnn home ai noan Thursdayil atter a four-bour unsuccesful- search lii for a Job,.Johon Anderson, an 1 -Yer aid boy, founi hb 0"hr itgsoi m r -iff v dead on the par1s Wh n he reîi in' hielme, lie had f r thi ton he front eardoara locked. He could fnot accounb, for the doors lha- ing ioclied, as his mother vas nover m r " % know taleae te husedurlng the noon hour. He began an Investiga- papers, je el tionandupo peeingthrughthie parlor vlndow. he saw lits moUe invite your insp streiched ait full length on 'the parlar fiant. He eailed a nelghhar. and thepi broke ln a wlndaw.' Mrs. Andesni vas stoiqe dead. A doctor a s um- inoned, and atter an examîinaion, hie stated that the vonan had been dead ai leau anhour. 1- Eariy Thursday morning. accord- Ing to thoir customn. Mr. Anderson. bis *pppp-p--p~p son. andt tv daughters gai uit out of be belon 7 '1 oick. The vite- andO moler vas stili sleeping as a het cugtom. The two daughters an REÀL à T IANSFEIS Mr.. Anderson, lmmedlateiy alter Furnlîhod by breakfast, vent ta iheir work. The LAKE CQUNTY TITLE &TRUST Co. young boy went omi in seareh of a Abstracts of Titi». Tilles Oueanteed. Job. Magonic Temple BIdg. Waulregan. He vas reiurnlng home for lit_____ nan day mue lwbon hee ound hie mother lying dead an the ioor. Aug. 21. 19i5.-Niaude A. Smith and That the waman was hanglng cur- husband ta T. J. Stahi. sautb hait tains et a parlor window is the bie-i lot 6, block 2, Grady & t-allowel's lot o! thoso wba Immedlately con- ducied an Investigation. They found Subdliiont. Waukegan. W. D. $1.000. a chair directiy in front of tho vrin-1t Aug. 2ý, 1915. therine !Siegele doy, and ihe vomans body iay di-I and husband to Aima M. Campe, vosi rectly hack of the chair. 1 .I1 'MNy vite has flot been ln the best 180 acres southeasi quarter section21 of heaith for many manibe," stated'and 60 acres ln norbeast quarter sec- the buahanti. "She lias complalnod afl ion 28, Deerfld township. W. D. pain tn tho region ot ber beart for $25600. orne lIttie time." lbe explained. A. P. Beaubien aud vite ta 0. 1. The coronrs Jury returneti a ver-t dict shoving thai the voman had died Rockenbach, lot ln vesi quarter nartlî- of heari failure. The funeral Ilviibe eass quarter section 36, Vernon town- heid tram the family residence on Bat- ship. Q. C. $7. urday. NMrs. Anderson has lived ai 719 South Utica aireet for the pasi A. F. Shqldon and wife ta Area ln- nine years, Ber daughter. Mrs. Mat- stitute of Blusiness Technologt, tract son, la one of the besi knavn rosI- af land In Village of Ares. W. D. dents of the Soutb BIde. $10. Mariha M. Tresirait and busbaud NEAt JNE Y IE ta T. R. Book. tract ot land 1n eaist hait souihwesi quarter section 33, Benton township. W. D. $5200. DÀN ESÀ Jlo-80 Paul Pichier. 21, andi Anus Baril, UE~UfU¶~18, both ofailake MER IM DE JM RY Robert Pettits, 23, and Ruth Roi- hem, noru82nd% tet oi.24M. Win- te6, norui8%vfet quatr47sectio 23 War/ rtovnsiquartW. D.c$2.750. G.rentowcnip.ugW.sDvite.ta0G M. WiT. Clo ogvitan ie DunhG. roatilunrotonesi quaier sctin 2, Warren township. W. b). $250. Aug. 27, 191.-August Beusan anti vite ta A. R. Beuson anti vite. lot 5 texcePi south 50 foot anti veat 80 feet). block 76, Highland Part. W. D. $1. Hanua T. Craf t anti buabaut int Lawrence Masterson ant i vie, vos 40 fest south haIt loi 341, Lakee For- est.- W. D). $4.000. Antan Joncha ta S. J. Kachushe. loi 23. Wadsvamtiî Subiivisaop, Wauke- gan. W. D. $1,400. Esiate of Mary W. Yoe (deceaseti) ta Antan Jahucha. lot 33, Wadovartli SubdlvbaieaWavkema. bD. $785. Tablas Jensen ant i vie et ai. ta Theolare Glismith,. ot 4, Schwartz ResubdivIslan lu lot 32, section 16. Waukogan. Q.C. 1.500. Augnat 28, 1915.-M. G. Canfleldt t Mary G. Canfilit, lot 20, blockit . Kirk and Powell'a Addition ta Wau- ,ea..Q. C. $1. Sida subdivision, Waukegau. W. D).-------- $500. Martita A. Johnson la F. C. Brown, CIIANC.RY NOICE--CURCUIT iota 1, 2 anti 3. block 3. Wooîidge COURT 0F LAKE COtJNTY. subdivision, Libertyvilie. W. D. $500. State Of Illnois, Aug. 20, 1915.-W. B. Walmaul andtiCou ntY Of Lâko-ss. vIte ta Abert Johnson. lot 202, Circuit Court of Lalie Counly Ockto- Sbav's West Atloch Subdilvisian. W. bar Term, A. D. 1915. D). $300. Aima A.. Burt vs. William C. Burt, Abert Jahuson to T. H. Miner. lot ln Chaucamy. No. 7255. Thle requlaitt 202, Shav's West Antiocit Subdivi- affldavit, lavlng bteau led in theofa- sien. W. P. $350. fice of the Clark of mil Court, notice E. A. Cummingm ant i vie te An- in thorefore hereby given ta the salI ton Szatas andti vîoit 80, Cum- William C. Burt, letenlaut au atore- mitige & Campany's Addition ta siti, ilat the ahove nameti Complain- North Chicago. W. D. $150. sut lieretofore Ilil ber Bibi o! Com- Carolinue Pasvogei and busbanti et in ssiI Court, on the Clancemy al te C. E. Sayler, 40 acres lu noruli- silo thereat, and- that a nummons sni quater section 32, Wautegan titeroupon lauedti oaf said Court townsbip. W. D). $6,500. againsi tle aboya nameti defenlani. -C. ID. Sayler sud vite te Wns. I. returnablo on thee Omt day of the temm Lyon, 40 acres lu noteasi quarter of tise Circuit Court of Lake Caunty, section 32, Wauikegan tovnsip. W. lielti ai île Court Hanse ln Wanke- b). $6.500. . gan ln said Laite County. an the PirsI Aug. 26, 1915.-Alice M. Sexamith Monday of March, A. D. 1915. anti that antilusbaudte t J. H. Weber, 8 acres Alias Summons issueti out of saiti ln voit hait nomibvesi quarter sec- Court. returnableono the first day of tienu 16, Hast Aniiocli township. W. Octaber Torm, A. D). 1915. as lis by 1). Il. Iav requlmeti. anti vbicb suit ts stil) Aunie M. Sirang et al. ta Woiceih pouding. k vausiti, lot 36, bock 14, Droyer$ Suit- LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY. division, North Chicago. Q. C. $280.. - Clerk. Frances M. Daloy anti luabandtiet Wankegan -Illinuois, Kugust 14.-- A. Davidi T. Jouas anti vite. san ia! 115. lot 6, bock. 76, Highliandi Par..W. D) ARTHUJR BULâCI4XY, $10.Complaiuant's* flol1itor. Haen M. Dewey et &I. ta J. M. De -Aug.20-Wkly-4t CMANCERY NOTICE State Pt Illinois, Caunty of Lakte, se Circnit Court ot Laite County, <ltober Terni A. 1). 1115. ba Cbancery XNa 1420. Florence F. Zwiier. vo. Josepht H. Zvisier. Thi. r..qtiite affidarit barinig WBee lthe isoftie of the Clark of seld Court, nottie a theretore beroby gises to the sald Josepht 0. Z wioler, dendaut as alore.hd. ltait e abots naind Complainant brtolore Bliediber Bill ut Compiaint in Rali Court on lie Cbaneory aide titereof, sud thai a sommnus tere- upon lised ont oifseid Court agabia the abovo nne etifendant. returnaitie on the frsi day of the term of teCircuit Court of Lakte Coeuty. lu b@ belti at the Court flouse ln Waukegsu lu ésitiLake County. ou lbe Fît-st munday aif oher A D) 1915, as i. by Jais requireti and whicb suit ie silli peudlng. Lewis (). Broebvay, Cienit Waukegan, lîlinoi. Juiy iltb A. 1). hyualuuin B. Mll.-r. C'suîplainanta Solictor .Au. 13 20-27 Seç:3 CHANCERY NOTICE State oftIllindus. County of Lake. as. Circuit Court of Lako County. ,.,,e Terni. A. b. 1915. lu Chancery No. -7425- Maîblids Frilimnsu vs hjntnown boire ai Iav or devisees ioiJac-ot)iGuizier, deoeass" sud '*Umkuavu aore of or persane intometed lnthe East 37% rudes ai ilhe West 58%t rodes of the Notlb60i raols ai the Nomîbvosi quarter iof the Notbothosqustam aiofSection 25, Ta vu. obip 43 Nortit,Mane 11, East oftheb Thti Principal Meridian, lu Laits Conly. lîlinols.' The requitite aifidvit bsuîng been t1lsd lu the office 0i the Clork ai salit Court, notice t terefore heroby given thet sad abat. nameti sud unkuova deleudauls ibat Lte sisoto usma CCoin- plainant beretalare bled ier Bill a1 CabmplOnul la .id Court on tie Citsnory sIde titreol. and ltat s summous 11)0v.- upon lusuetiout ofai aiCourt aaant tae abats usostidalondantuý. rettimuable on lhe afrt-stday aifthetern, i oftseCircuit Court or Litàe Comaty. ta, be belti aitle Court fBouse, le Waubegaulu inid Leili Counli, an the Piret Mauday ai October A. D. 19156m as le taavrequireti sud vhicit suit leasilil ponding. LovwisO0.Broebval, Cierk Waukoganlî llualst, Jul10%h, IL.DD Beam iun B.SMileraI. Aug. 18-20.27 Sept..8 SEN B. MiLLESR. Sélc"ir Ci-ANCERY NUTUCE siaIs ut Illinois, Connuo! 01Laiteas. Circuit Court afi Lae Counly. Octoset- Term A. D). 1915. lu Citancoy No. 7364. Minnte Bu"iesud Augnal Ba" ve. Caroline Tanne, Et-usai Tanne, Ana Tonne. Dietrich L. Tonne, Lattis Tonne, Sophie Primes. Dîcit Primesanti Lauls Tanne. The requisalmetavsî ist ing beau bled lu tie cloffi i tcClarkt afsalti Court 'notice le thas-fore hsreby glvsu la tesali abat. namaldefaudaule that th. above naeat Compîinauts bereto- - forp bled tbier Bill aI Compiaint lu a»Id Court, on the Cbaety sida tiereai, anti tt a summona titoreupan Issud oui af saiti Court »galasnt te abats uansod daeuJanta, rent-nabteona lte firet day nt th.elt-mrni ttoe Cîfrîtir Court of Lake Conuy, ta b. held at the Court flouseslu Waubegsu lunsai Laite Couuty, on ltae Firsi Liouday ai October A.bD.- 1915, as le by lav requit-si, sud vbicb suit la stîli pouding«. .Levwint0. Btoct vay, Clet- Wawbegan. Illinois, May 241h A. D). Benjamin B. Millet-, Complaînnsute alllta'-. Aug. 18-20-27 Sept. 8 ! ,to =U and see our Safe Deposit ; i Which are nearly Two Hund- rate 'Ote1 Saferwhmay -be te saf 0 keepinge of y ournotes,4 bonds, deeds and valuable Iry, etc. We oordially .:ssîs:sus---s- -------- -- --- H.C.Burridge & Son Nur&eryStocl ALL K1INDB 0F HARDY PLJAWN, SHRIUBS, TRElES AND VINES. Let us estimate the olt for autumn planting mür. il w Duy. 1 ma boer g ould a& Thei mm it M chmu i4. Nat ifor th" tbeote lare. ( in tbai t so utterl We lbit kt dovu. $"buok hika th tbure's Wda Hotu *3 ont Wable d& lie. o nam Tbav /,.' 1l Fairholm Gardent Dyuood Rosi by Mi âstew au~ v 1 o w o k" it7 tm re fort» W vrtti easc i ea j. Co i P-hon. 102 -R" 13 I HEC Il. IIILLSR. Botteitor .1 tlon. .11 -il ey. eassi134 ei lot 139 sud osai 124 foot norlt 14 feet lot 140, Lakte For. @est. Q. C. $1.E John Miinszis and vife ta FreInant C. Kuight. 10 acres on narth aide1 Grand avenue, veut of Milwaukee telegrapb oati. W. D). $3.350. G. T. McCullugb and vite.tW J. 1 l.nGrayn loru1feasiduarnor264veat seon l3, Wharturtneronship.W D. sec7o23,Wrentwsip..D G8.2T5, Clluhadviet o, vu 64 oot nruh 26te oy naudres quart e northest4quart sortleont23.uarrenotvualt.quW.ter secio23,Wrntonhi.W.D $ a362l.7ac6. aDasyG Peer nlarit20ancre nousi G quartso ivesi2qartersecoton 21 querer seldtvnslp.arterect$239598. Har r alldtwforp.d e ai.2t95ames Crvfor one-b etfaelo te Jns veut uatrdsoe ction ltlnewot$1.200. por twmsi. W.erD viteta20 il0M Graf. Wla 4.andlmigtn esuil- vison otDep lake. W. D. $225.d visononuDeerpsuLaketaW. . 225- 1 1 s Ta d p c ti c t d t t à It