Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Sep 1915, p. 1

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WAUKGAWEKLY SUN VOL. XXI-N>O. 52. TWELVE - G JBERTYVILLE8-LA.KE OOUNTY, ILL., FRIDAY, SEPTEMMER11, 1915. ONE TO 110H! 8150 PZR YEAR IAW~O~ IN4tASBIN VALU UATMN SMOWN BOPuRI OP REVIEW FIGURES MUEN OUT TODAY, SHOW A PHENOMEBAL- IN- CREASE IN 'THE VALU- ATION 0F ALL PERSONAL AND REAL. PROWERTY'Jl .AKE COUNT-416 UM- CREASE - bOWN IN -fER- SONAL PROPERTY, DUE TO RAISIN& VALUATION 0F THREE 010 ESTATES. The. LAW i ten'board eW revlew Ioda>' compiehiidli e work of making oid uhsir repOo te wvelue of par- »So rprt>', fonde and los for the. puopert>' in Laike county ae ehown b>' thse board& fiures for (ils Yser la 833SU.This §aan Incres e o u0fil,8?0 over the. voluation as lIxe by ftii board lant yea, and sani- craee of $4»26,778 *ver the aeeeeou' figure fer 1herimer 1916. Thie lae en sid.ued a n1itpIe»nlel Imoroses bolng *von forger thon the increame et let. yoar w9chwae 1112,43111116 h<gher Iharitinet f th precedisi yeur.' The bg Incresse thia year la found lu peraona] property wbere tise lu- crosse over lb. aseoeors fligures vas $4,816,940. Tho lucreae laattribut- 'ed tu the. locreaM neaivaluation plac- ed * tb. boarg on ,propert>' of Rich- ard W. genre. Nelson A. Steele aud Fraak Demlng. ail decoased. fi thse lands (bore vas an Inereese of $12.185 over (ho assessors' figures. Iu lota tiser. vas s decreane of 871.- 220. Thse figures ofthtIe board of re'iev as compareS (o (ho assessara' ligurea for thse year 1915 la as folows: Persoa- Asaesmlfigure-------.... 621120 Board* figures............ 8.868,0110l AnsseasM' figuresa......... 8.116.1580 Beards "Wur..........6,128.7u8 Amsmsos'figures .......88j.0 Board@ figures----------...M9080 'Fb.e aas»d vaiuatlon of Lake count>' lat yer van $2.438,895 hlgbsr, tison il as (ho year belore, accord- 'lng to tIse flureof the Lake count>' board of relev. That wae conldored a phenominal Increane lu (ho assessod valionlan sd meant quit. a mariod reduction lu tho amount cf taxe. tIsai voro eled lu Msareb. - TIse appessed valuation lait year vas M26,23.115. The year boforo It wau $17,814.320. Tise tollnvlng shows valuations s flizd ln two prevnons yeans: Lands. 91.....................86,03,340 1914 .....................6,032,300 Lots. 1913 .....................87,685,715 1914 ..................... 7,8,645 Persiflai, 'i 1913 ................... 4,125.2a 1914 ...................... 6,827»20 Totale. 1913 ................. 117.814,320 0 1914 ...........20.2U,215 COMPLETE FIGURES GIVEN. The. am**iS"ll. 0f ail rosi oe- tato and peosoal property lu Wauke- gan l l 8,.15k Ths le shows Isy tIse report just complqteS by (hoe i.Ak count>' board -etofr4èIew.The' total -s lueS yt b>'(oàIsa bfor mises.- &blé purpoieoaanS fi but ono-ilird of tIse reamivaluse 0f propert'. 2This ln- dicatés t(bat ho %-total viiue s01 _-&Il roi esSaIe sud persosai propert>' lu Wauiegan ta lot fatromS $9,00%.- TFhe report shows (bat (ho total-as- aseed value of aIl reai estâte lu Laie count>' is 1I4,670,846 and the to- r tal asaessed value of persona prop- erty la $8,668,060, making a grand s. totar of p23338ili05. 'Fbe total value of ail rosit>' sud pertonal propert>' ln tise count>'y wl bh o tuiis>' altli- lng (ho assesseod value figure b>' tbree. -TIse report gives (hoevalue o! ail personal property. lande and lota lu each township lu (ho oounty, TIse numsaho 'cf -horsee, cattio. mule., wetchs, clocha, utomoilleq. buguies, Letc.. lu Wiukegan sud othor places --IUlUbout the coiut> ae alvin. th - Moffrbat townislpe b>'thse hour ofr «,inaSSIpis' u 31owh MYSES NUT PMR. IN$ECTORS RE 9Mr1ED INCIN T e Y SPR13DIN(iDISEI Gypy tribes are au longe r (o be I SAUS IL DURAND Pumite tuplab their camps O the toad ides lnu Lae couit>'. Mou.- - Sa>' nigbt hiilff DliIn J. Griffun vis- HUSBAND0F WOMAN DAIRY lied une camp eItIshe north limita of PRINCESS ,MAKES BOLD Wauhogan and instructed thse chio ECAAIO-NJNT (bat ho vould givo hlmt just 60 Min- DCATIN NJC- uIes tpel u pa nsd be on (ho mos-o. ION NATTER TO BE ARGU-, priff Griffin dit! sot s>'r at tIse ED SATURDAY BEFORE' camp tu seo that bU «ors V ere car- JUDGE DONNELLY-MR. rieS ont, but ho intructed a fermer DURAND. VO4UNTARILY living la luaSsiseQARNTN is ln. Case theo amies 515 fnt cat; GOES NO JAATN out bis instructions. Thon Sheriff WITK FAMILY AT CRAB 01S réturned tu hie homse TREE FARM. mEiro PUT ALL ERS ON StONI!PILE Board Aso Expresses Its Sen- timnt Against Comcrte State Aid Roadi. Wanuim, Sept. 13. As & resuit Of Supers-isore Conrad, Go»ensd Kint bavlog conferred vîtis Statua Attoruey' DoS> Soda>' relative to provldlug a tone plie for drunks snd vIle deserters. tise board of su- pervisors Ioda>' expresseS las-or ta the suggestion Ibat lto county foi- lov tii. oxonpie of cuber counties lu -Providing sncb a pile. Supervîsor Conrad preaented tise malter tu tise board vison he explain- oS 11o1K drenkasuW deeerters throwi tiseir familles on the 'luwn oplcers vitis no coopunetlon sud (bat tIse towns are hecomlng tireS of tise ex- pense, tiserefore (boy hope to put a stop ta .1t. H. auggoateil (batsuch moen b. allowed $1.50 a Sa>', saiS mon- o>' tn b. paiS over lu (hait famIllea, anS thus maie thse offeudma'bsupport liss (gýhnul h ler iddrectly. Mrt. King areed vIit t M. CoinaS. MdS utiS be fait the muatter vorti>' of l9ves(lgsion. He1ihoved (bat a dom- alttee b. ameS 10 go te, othor cous- isnd uinvetlgatf conditions(the and, If practical, Laie couuty couif adop(tishe viaa. - 1Aak FuisSe for Catte. Supervlaor lisotisr o! Prairie Ve addreaod the board on 'tho cattle epldemlc lu Vernon towushlK He saif thse «ense la about 130 or $0 a day and tIse tovu bas no funs ato cover maIS expense; and tise state funds have been (led up b>' ojuncg. --AI staSe officIi ai od me (ada>' (bat If tise couuby board vould rate 81.00. 1he stale could staîl off tIse other cast utii tho fundsamareavallablo. Tise guarda ou (ho roads are paf 20e an bout, sud thoy vant their moue>'. 1 belleve If vo vould raise 81.500 to covor tise district,'! nid M. liaether. ,%ibarmau Eger said a Ma~te officiai haît told hlm tisat tiese tatovould' boar the expense. adding tbat, if the ectint>' la (o psy't, lb should ire lis ovu heip. A comxuttee vas usineS (o conter vîtIs State'. Attorney' Dady relative to tie statua of tise quarautîno situ- ation. Chalrmau Eger osmedmeaisteý eomittes listhor, Ficeeands Moyera of fremont. Agaînst Cancret* Ronds. "R.POIyý, ,thuaI»e 1w ntétats aid' r*Î.ln tL#W. eeoty easlbc bull of 'W 1l or etno shied grave[ 'lIse aiâme vagsareolublou Iftro- SuceS before the suiorvlsorsig oda>' b> Suors-omtbo0f &V«n. It vas e- terreS lu the 'lueS anS bridge cous- aittise but th.,vs>' lu, whicI the mous- bersf ffl t ho résoution Iuicated that (ho boarSdlteflotfeeling ver>' good os-r tise atteispt aI états aid vonk la Its.concret. rooS bult ai Laie Villa, lu othen vorde, it sp- pesteS as if thse board 'laread>' tq break avai.fron enneie constmuct- Theo 5uestlon as to vhetiier tise Laie count>' hoard of supervisons for tIse tetsix >ers bas Ibeeun ianng 5.555 (o awausp laisa luthe laie dis- trict In Western Laie count>' vIsn (bey baS no lisitegl toï 1do mo, arose lu the minds o! board membets tofs>' vIson Ceri lieaSe. e ealetter trois on@ of.(the hostie of tIsaDepartisent o! landàetaIWaahlaglu, D. C, 'Thmt la vbat l bavo.,&glmFU 4endeS, l'or olX Y" & tf liV$ . eOouusly lauing m»eh 'ei. A * "That stop tairen by the. Waukegan Commercial Club ln ýuelgraphing Prosldent Wi an MWd Goveor Dunne 2Mti 0 the. elaughter of sur herd and ethe.'la on* of the nlUBt .4hinge that hot happened 14% tuW 00 mttr; t pleeed an more than _anythlifelg 8-. WCO*L DURA'ND of the. Crab- tre. Dairy Parm. Nir. Duraud mode the above *oit- ment latter h. hotrd vhat the Wmuke- tau Commlercial Club had doue and b. eontlnued ln turther remarks tu show bisi feelings about the Intereat wblch a bunch of builnest men of thse county seat b.d dlkplayed in the goutter. And la no uncertain toue; Mr. Du- =md laid blame ou the inopectors es- iloyed hy the state sud government for apreadlsg the foot-mouth diseaaep' He aald: -"Lm.ooi at the »rogret the] disette le maklng; ik la sprmaàin l thse terrltoy wbere tba.e men are lnspecting and Ilaflot sproadlng aise- vIsere. Notice that on Monday (bree new cases were fouad tu Hait Day vclslty snd that's vher, theIn.lupeet- or@ m eit wock. 1(5.0ms tWappe* rlgbt along after tbem vhereer tb.y go. So v1' permit them to alaughter our stock vithout a protet? And vo are glati lu se. that others arm yak- lng up to, thse act that the. slaugWer %seins uncalied for." At a conference bolS la Cicago Monday nlght. Attorney Genersi Lu-. cey of Ilinois reached sna arment wltb Judge Ilte, attorney for MUn. Seott Durand, wiiereby they wMdlip. peur before Judge Charles H. Don- nelly Saturday mornlug at 10:30 o'clock sud argue on permittiug the present Injunction to stand whlcb provents the alaughter of tIse Duragd bord 'of cattle. Reporta vere tIsat Attorney General Lucey vas due ln Waukegan Tuesday mornlng ta argue the mattel, but It seoms that the attorneys got togeth- or and arranged to lot the latter stand outil they co pronont their ar- giumente ta thse Judge. Judge Bd- wards wouid hear tho matter If ho were avaiable, but he in ln (ho WWs cousin wooda on hie vacation, so It vili go belote Judge Donnelly. Whether Judge DonneUly. mli ho ut Waukegan, ta heur the. argumenta or whetber ho vilii holu Woodstock ivas nt kuowu today. ThrQugh her attorney,- Robert îles, Mr#. Durand announced that every le- gai effort viii b. made to prevent the. kllllng of the bord at Crab Tiee terza. Prominont breedmes trom vlil. oui parts of the.atate wil be.cafle os ivltnosos when'the ieoariag a ber appliqatlon for a' permarent Inljunc- tion Io heiM lp the Lake count3rcir- cuit eourt lots (hls veok. "Human belng wl(h contaglous dis- esses are psaced ln, quarantins and efforts maens (o cure thon,"s. id At- torney 'len. "The stato ilaflot foi- iowlng that principie ln the fout aud moutb campalgun. 'Fb.>'bave slaiagb- tered a million dollars' wortb of cat- le lu the lent yosr and stili the dis asese le bre. 'Sa far only tbreo Isead of Ira. Dursuda cattl, have beau affecte&, and (boy a evif nov. Thero lsn't a , eanfor killlng the. wholo Ibordj hocanneo f (wo or tbt.. boid." LUCEV 0ID NOT ARRIVIL LIbertyville, Sept. 14.-ITsqtsry ai Lîhertyville today aboved tbat 4ttot- uoy Goneral Luce>'fiG flot co0xoéto ILibortyvillo lu conter vIt i mcI!a 4ncharge of tIse vork. Itst.S 1m- tirer, Secrtar7 legy 41 tho atu4e 2LJ&g"k comululen Mme,. $p the village and olied coeeaov Dr. KaseW Sa*p. tion. fle7 ia, qi9 *tr a . '-'b.". .-<1.~ No 1JV13 SWOK AT STATE FAIR Kankakee, ni,. Sept. 9.-Tbere yull ho Do exhibitàoro!cattie. sbeep, Isogs or goalsaiatthe Iliuais @asfair lu Springfield, whlcb begis au Soptens- ber 17. This Wàas decidod at a ope- cil seasion of tIse state board or agriculture, bolds t thse Kankkeo lu- terstate fair gquids toda>'. Nev ont pei .o! tise foot an& mou(h dliusesln varions parts of tise atate are reaponitibie for harring ail clOvdu-hobffd animais tram tiesetate tait grenade. AUl othot Siuermeuts of thse fair vIII ho colitlnISon o a groator scale, thse board anubeahed. Tise action vas (sien aItishe *ques( of Gos-omnor Dunue. IWILMOT SCIOOL CLOSEk4 1MOPE lIRUSINFECTED Two of the Herds Are in West Deerfieîd and the Other One Is in Vernon Township. The Wllmot achool lu West Deer- fielS bais hoon gloseS by (b. board of IsesîbI of West Deerfield as thoe-m suit o! a nov outhreak af (ho foot sud moutb finesse lu tisaI vicinit>'. Four more hords have heen lutected. The>' are round on tise follovlng MILES COMWAY, Vernon. GEO. YORE, OR., W. DeerlueiS. T. R. CURIIAN. W. Deerfield. HENRY BILMUP, Vernon, Ail the roa Deean tise Wiisnot scisool have been closeS sud barricad- oS. Ever>' precaublon le helug tai- ont ta pros-ont (ý ho dîsease front spreadlng te somo of tise otiier larmas. Tise inapoctor. are keeplng gurdn on vabuh aI nlght to ses (bat people On tho places unden juaranLtine do no 5'eave~ e. tra.Oge.ot- t». scIseel directors oft he Wilmot echool caee 10 auiegan "Ya>'for à con- feÇfâCe vIls Count>' Supertntondent 0f àEola T. A. Simupson. 'Fie latter inforised hlm (bat tiiore taeu lir to, do but obe>' tise ruUng o the board of healtis. Ailaf tise nov cases vote disco- ered ou Mouds>', somne late'lu tIse art- ernoon. Ail of tise animaleisnlutise Couva>' bord vere alaugbteredas soo an tise preseuce of the Sîsease vas Siacas-ered. ScIOOLS 0F LAKE GOIJNTY NOW-'A1E STft IN..Â1TENDAù"NC Chiîdren in Sohools Through- 0u County Attended on an Average of 153 Days. Tise schools of Lake cont>' occupy a higIs place mmong the* aciools ln rotisor counUes tiscaugisout thoe tate lui tise natter ut perfect atteudauce. lu tact, Lake count>' stands fithslu bise entire state. Tbe as-orage nuis- hýr of days lu viciseacb aStuent tentolleS lu tise sciools -o! (hie ceun- 3t>' itteuSed scisool Iatt year ver. 153. Kendait aud Wlnnebago coun- ties are lunlise saute claas. Cok coun- t>' stands attse bead of the list vits au as-orage ot 158 Ssys, Stephenson 6ount>' vltb 156. Lsffalle vl±b 155 sud Boone vits 154 came. fort The poorut record vas maSo b>'tise pu- pila of (heoscisoola la Caiboncossus> N.hete thse as-orage vae but 72 deys. These as-orages are ftund b>' tac- lug tho" numbler o! chuldren eni-ailed for (ho year. fiuSlog the ttali n- >ber of daysallhtie chilre attondod scAsool sud then dlviding, ta finS'tise average. Wben It Is considered (bat some of tho oilidren lu La'ie couit>' have a long vs>' to go (o achool it le cou- (bat tise record la quito su ununual one. Tise record lu Wauke. guis, fi lothotgist. bsipe t(o lugup tIse as-orage, for (bore are Isundreda ot cblldreu iu (ho local achools vho, isive fer perfection 'lu attondance. Thée same. bawver, applios (o the obudro n l tise counîtry echools. Chîl- 4011 recels-v1e til Wb ou thoîr re- é*ort cardas vicb show the nuaber W.t m,utl. the-eté-Péfoët lu at. t.*Sance. Wlsen a cetta* record ia ~tanSa littIe cottifloatu lapr *Wted. There tu mueni rivait>' hose- 'l!é (homocertîleatea. COURT WRIT1 lms VENTS SLAUi1TR 0F DURAND COWS MASTER IN CHANCERY HEY- DEOKER, HOLDING COURT AT 2A. M., GRANTS AN IN- JUNCTION RESTRAINING STATE INSPECTORS FROM SLAYING THEf VALUABLE HERD 0F CATTLE BE- LOMSINO TO MRS. SCOTT DURAND - CONTENTION ISMADE TIIAT THE LAW AS APPLIED, Se UNCON- STITUTIONAL. Waukegao. Sept. 1l. Holding court lm hi4 homo nt 2 ociock th[& morning, Moter ln Chancer>' Edwaéd J. Heydeclcer granted a temporsry Injunetion staying thu eanughter of Mr@. Scott Durandea primo herd of pure bred Guernsey cattie. Oliver E. Dyson. etâte voterinarian, end R. W. Pettereon. B. J. Shanle>' and L. F. Brown, comprlsing thé. board of live stock commissioners of the state jI Illinois, together with aIl their agents, employe and as- sistants, are mad. defendanle un- der the. action fileS b>' Mr. end Mra. Scott Durand. That the law under virtue of which 'the. tate liispectors have beon aiaying ln. foct.d harde la unconstItutUonal. le on. of the. principal clali made ln the deciaration. The muater lu chaucer>' vas called out of bed .at 11: 30 'p. ms. b>' Scott Duraud. vWho a calliug from Laie Bluff ou tho tolephone. Tise master -conseoted ta liaIS court lu bis home aud Duraud snid ho aud his atborney would balte thsefIrst traie fer Wauke- gan. He anS Judge Robert 8: lies, t< etber wlth Johhi Griffith of Lake etorest, Whso as te aet es bondisman, arriveS linWauegan aI 1.45 a. M. mnd proct'eded b>' auto te the mastees bouse. il vas aflor 1 o'ciock vben tho bearlngs tarted. mud a 11(11e aiter 2 vison the restraining order was graulod. At 3 o'ciock Circuit Clerk L. 0. Brockva>' *as callod out of b.d t0 Issue (ho lnjunctiou. Foar vas expremsed by Scott Dur- sud (bat thee inspectea miglst start the work of slaylug ait urBe and ho wishod tebehoou thseground vitis the Inuuctlou iu time ta save the ontiro herd. The following tacts are set forth ln thse declaration: That the state Inspectors (breaton and are about te kili thse herd of 61 pure brod sud registered Guoruso>' cattie helouglng te the Durauds sud 4.i4:ch have a value or flot less tissu $35oo0. Represented (bat thse luspectors bave no legai tîtie to or luterest lu any of the cattle snd have no author- iy ta kli tbem. Reproseut that the defeudauts claim te represeut tise state of Illnois un. dec virtue of an mct of tho logisiaturo ostitled "An act to revinse the law lu relation ta the suppression sud pro- 'cî,tlon of these preaS of coutaglous aud Infectious diseases amoug dames- tic cattle.', That tise Inspectors offer $13,600 as compensation for thse destis of thse Cs.tle lu case the owuors consent anS eay that notbiug viii ho glveu as cons- ponsatiou lu case permission for t siaugister isaflot gis-eu. Tisat a large nuMinho f thse ani- mais are woil of tbe diastase and (houe reeovered are Immune. Tisat those flot Curod are tbrougis the criais of thse isease sud csnvalesclng. That those cured are neitiser car- lors of tise dîsoase flot iablo te a rocurreuce oftIe athack. That tise animais sud promises can ho disinfected and cleane thoraugh. 1>' atter (ho Sostis o! the animale snd the hurlithereof. That uoneofo!tho auluisîs are no* affllcted wltb au>' malsdy (bat 19 dan- gerousl>' coutaglous or fectiaise. à ltepresented that tho law b>' virtue of whIci tise Inspecter aare canrylng .n tise slsughter of cattle le uncon. stitutioas as coustrued anS appliedt by tise dSenSauts, lu that It ts an un: ressouablo exorcise of (ho police pow- or of (ho stato. sud aiso (bat Il (altos privais property without duo procest of lav. contrar>' te lb. constitution1 oft(ho Uniteil States sud violates oth-( or provisiona of the etate constltu(log. That the tronches lunvIsich ftIlel (continuad ou page tht...) -1 PMTEST T lAI DETERMINED PROTESTIS1 MADE 8Y WAUKEGAN ORANI- ZATION ON THE THEORY THAT PERHAPS THE E 8A WAY TO CAREFOR CATTLE WITIIOUT KILLIffiTIIEW LETTERS ALSO WRITTEN TO PROMINENT FIRIS A8%- ING THEIR ADVICE ON SITUATION-WAUKEGAM M&ES RISE TO EMERGENCY OF THE DAY. Waukegan, Ill., Sept. 13, 1915. Hon. Woodrow Wilson, 'President. Washington, D. C. Honi. Edward F. Dunne, Goveraor, Springfield, I. This association wishes to unqualifiedly protest against the killing 4 the Crab Tree dairy bord and, other registered cattie in Lake county, IWlnois, bo,- Iieving sucli drastic action unrnecessary and " ir re- parable loss to Lake county and flhinois. We resec- fully request that you do everything possible t~ prevent this s1augter.-WALTUIEGAN GOMME]R- CIAL ASSOCIATION. 4 DEVELOPUXU I FOOT - NOulE EPIDINI. w j-ýttorneys reprèsent- mg Mrs. DiWand and Attorney General I.Lucey of the state reacli agreemient te argue on dissolution of in-] junetion vea-1ub ter, Saturday at 10.30 a. m. 2- riy enersquazan- tine with wife at thei.r home. 3 -Mr. Durand declares <' that the fo ot-mouth disea*e is being spread in Lake county by inspeetors who go frorn place to. place; points out that cases appear wheYever they ha've been. IW04L MANUS REIVIEW BOARDIF- A PPIAL 15 TARIN Attorney Martin Docker Says Action of Sears' Attorneys s Being Awaited. DULLETIN. 'Waukegàn, Sept. il. Henry 9. Eger, William Mther Lewis and W. R. White, meVnbers of the L.ake county board of revl.w thiq YOar, waro namned défendant» in a jPétition for mandamus flied lI circuit court juet before noOn today. The. IPétition was flled by George T. Mo- Culough fer thé. toua of Warren. Tii. kton Weul* tend te mandamue the. ard W. Seatr oaeeinng IO'n hewithh &r8d W tia recae n lndlncs the lh the tsfaste hieusht out la the evi- donc.. Thse petitlon eété e foth 1h5 tihé unoontradiotedévidence was pro. du;ced ta ehewthhat Seare' properl>' ,during the yeare 1913-14 for asse.s able purpoaee was $12,01)%00So d it la demnanded liaI Othe b bard the. propert>' on thle valuation. lut ae dition to Infllcting penaitie. feru fl., payment Of taxes. Thi e sspê as flxed b>' thé board was.00.. bi>' griSa thé amoufst aekMe lu fLue.I p.titiu That -thse boatS of revlew witi. ho maudamuned tô give a rglina ln ac- cordance With what Ibedaims thé ovidenco oboved. .w" tbf action At- torney>'4Mutila l>kesdéclarée viii ho taken. lu osa. (ho attornleys for the Richard 'Wt. (Se»raestate decido ho appeal troistIse Induisent reuderod (bis veek luaIth. taI bearIog b coin- pol tIse Payiag over to the o COsty and cltY tii. taxes vlslch fabao hen ulodged for thse lent 1ev years. Mr. Docke saiS bh aS flot hooli (Ooola on Pie 5) TIe aIe telegrana wv avtée l the au(lon's chioter tvé a" to tie %ate'& govetuer b>' walWuIe- gait Commercial Club and shova &t an extont (ho feeling that pretaIW lu Wauiegau sud la" osir oves' the eiaughter of! eala W"lchaya exposed or os-on infécteS wm jLfo. mutâtulseUMt. Tii. Ommurealclub dxli a«- ot auddewy.'or vi*hat. dme uaaaolg tmon ef theii. al - - - - - $ont OtherLoer. .On h lb.11h of ffuptembor, Sets.'- di> lait (hi. latter' Vs»mellsd. "The DlM i UyCoI "Deat Sit: "Thie aqsociatbea Suires lug. lion lu regard(tisQa cure 0f lbe boat sd menth iseffl 5eb>' virus.1 "Thb. tat. la a lu al lel t fecied vils bisieuJal Solfe extra fin. ehlwteae d j», -ýorted catîlo (bat the vwu*.ooaaW vishea lubave sasel. "An>' Information as lu h" -Ulm, cas ho doue wvIlibesstly'&ppO. "'Please senS repi>' au acon a PaO- Bible as tIse> Are, e*inlng b>' oal InJonction (heo inug0? rb.the wuni- usisie borda of cattie lun ht1h W States.1 "Th-ng >ou lu advenco for a'is' Information as4d b.ip you onaair un, ie ame "Tours ver>' trul>', "WAUKEGANCMERALSO CIA TION, *-, 1 . LLYOhN. "Chalrman, L40 canal>' Camiitee,ý Above lotter' aiuse nt lus Porke, Davse&ACompmsa>'Doeltt ColUmbue KemeriMl *Ibooetery, Chicago. National ?atiioloffléal LebeMralr. Chicago. Bosida, tise ofiers of the&oCaWoh (loIs have vred (o Dr. Monlisl, 1 gos-eruMentveterlharian at Waab' lnuglo,'an*D... 'Ifto,a, CagO, tho«?'plôtests. belng pille -sn.' fier 1to ne ho (ho prosilet Tise>'bave-o ommunicated by t~1e pliais, luW. È. Skinner, tho, National Dai--ensAaoo- W. ..Ketîle. secet;are iU produtees Association, a Dering of Chicago and ihoz la%& N: 1Drlng la thse mn issvhoM ~IO5sk uIsIs cattleinetSle sàruê reporta are that lb sitit 1S- areS coaplotel>' aiits.'béloi troated. Tisore seemi lu b. a »asu&L ii»&, iug (hat (ho slevqadtea et i» h. uuoeesso anda b. Commercial Club à"lI. latb q sure o! tIese lituil Tboemm. tiseir detormlned Metio u se. s, obe tise boadS;flda1aofI tislaS dsrpogO do about 1h. s Patient ah IiUn L4» Ceti* 0r ora Isultiat tOD*Ol me, is: onuff u~er.w ï 'bm-, ---------1-*'. CC. -.. C..- s te ~ t 4 <ceoqause ~ 4k..;> \ (ConttniiàS c~~gô5tte:i 1 .- .-- - 1 - 1 ýý .,e -- ý 1 - i ý 1 jý. ý ', - . MO, ý,mï ýiý -4 p 4 t t -jý .1-

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