g -, ~ *~4 s. TiUP1!WflW!Wq~ U~TftA v ~ TEMBER 17. 1915. e. - as- 911l, T,> bée- -beeil a of tba: et aruM, est Laités sby tlwe a Me route' îHubbard àa et mias are of the unser M,- estoppeS aked somc,, tCity and aldernes c ic deys by Milse Menct At gboy met van thc the. aider- erre that 1 recently etea nm, locuan et eS Clyde' tih a icvi I spe.dIns g k thc niai- hi _Was iras faund )ke. kes naval ýn giviage as poliop- îo w ven- the force, là"i oi' g station IBRmUeiIJ BIGGEST FACTDRY DEAI..IN HISTORY 0F THtE.CÇAY 15 CLGSED IN * WAY THAT ll4$URES BIG ImSTRIAL SCTIVITY - AMYFAC- QRIES FOR FMTIRE ARE MADE POSSILE. 111iotsCavah'y. 'lIat thée;grandaid lina of blua la Mbiii~sd ihtnngng fat la evi- by Uthefat that but two ai many WaukegiýnIteà who ro- to the cali ta arma vben the Illnos Cavalry wus organ- la '61 viii respoad ta revaIlle on - ightèentb day af Siptamber the Oitlth annual reunian o? Caval.ry Association viii hbaiSe Memarial hall, Cbicago pu.biIl. IThe tva "boys oi 61" wba yull al don the fitieth aniual reunian ara leris P. Westerfieid anS Penny Har- 'Mr. Westerflald bas this ta say oi reunion: ~~Perry Harris and myseli are the ~ayliving membera ai the aid Wgth ln Waukagan. We bath ax- ta attend the munion. Possibiy or four ara lait ai the egiment Lake cauaty. Histary yuil tell that the Eghth Illinoi Cavairy ed the batisleof Gettysburg. ytva Illinois regIments partiel- e la bta -t batis." IN BEACIS 1FACEt 0,e I.jury, flnd thst Joeeph came Io hl& dath b>' accident- ftiline #rom a Ponuli at his home, 5etrecsuad MuAlister avenue, Chloago, »Id tell cauting ln- 1Iinjurie@ and br.alclng hon.. ln anmd fractau-iumtitMknee. (siene") THE CORONERS <Pondi THE CORO#4EWS JURY. Wankegan, Sept. il.- ph Beach, vho feul 15 test irom pas-ch af bis home sud landeS an face ou a cament sidewalki, died Ahc Jone MoAlister hospîtal a faw files befora 4 'clock lPlday ait- a vîthaut regaining conscions- Edward Cenrad preaîdad at Uic est vhich vA haiS la North Chi- et 9 o'clock Saturday 6omntag a verdict showing thal bis Seatb cauieS bt an accident vas ne- o.acrdng In the testlmany Intro- et the lnquent, Beach had been the aida val ai the hauge a the porch. Ha vas comlng the laSSer and misseSl the loy- *1 .Ho e tllhead foremost. g au bIs face. lHe vas uncan- vhen picked up. and vas tait- 'siiimedately Ia the Jane McAlster tal wharc ha died vithout se- conscioasets. Beach vas 60 *Id, anS, bas lved la North Chi- many years., The funerai vii liait on Bunday. TOI TiSTIIY IN WILCONTEST ur Kendall BSteas, attorney, ed ta bis home lnu fka Bluff ada, nigbt iram Ban Francisco, Iot wich city ha vai calaSd as wituesa lu the iamamJohn E. viii contait cas. nov pendlng circuit courts af Cailfarnia. The ,content suit in'volvingneariy $le- vas brougbt la Uic namses oi S'K.B asi nsd bis tva brothers are aepevs af the milionaire E. Biale. The jury emlablahed -cneaaîs aim that undue ln- baS been brougbt by cantate « lu having Uic tbrea content- excluded la shariug lu the pro:- *et lth: juiliionairé. *rdung ta A. K. Stearns, bis un- JMh E. Beala, marrieS a voman *'jsr sbis junIor iter h. had his sevetah birtbday. Mr. s vsiteS lu Sait Lake City, *Dnver, Colo., Lon Augle. anS Francisco, Cal., during bIss tay e West. Ha made a 6.000-mle anS vas absent i ro is »bomie - Bluff nearly six vmek.Ée* -bisiwi vtby unle but fcv i béicor e bd eati aud hip *oybaS mucb tq.do wt theUi i-durneS br th*c Y. fstei as ta the physîica and Men- tion af JohnI. Baieaet Uic ION WITlI NOTII1R IOMZOAFAIRS cidab o te deaed nint an - Company' ln WawkegseÎles beau Wsukegau, . 0-, Remhoval' of Dr. éfller Into 501d. The dut vwih Carl E. .nmo MaorFred Buck anfilm au- .Offices'l ai mn fII lg Sye fWue n ot 17 hat a veny narrow e«Cape ftmicago ahu ein »@Mtiating for bains erlously lujuredlaln ChiaoTempts 'Action. some lime peut hmc bian consum. Thursday flaon, vben a carelcais dr- Thciutcor nnto Iue mated and Mr. Seyler now la ln an o? anathen auto cii-ve hbuS on faîte! h icutcut nucia su pocseaml.»of the big pruperty, theîr nov Mitchell auto.1 agalat the drug store et ZMon City Waukegan'es end largeaI fac- None ai the Party vas luured. but anS Incidentally pnaventIng Dr. Bill- tory property. thair amall son Howard vas tlrowomayen from conciucthng bis Office ln Mr. StyWletbter to The Sun clear train the back acat Into the tas,- tbe drus atone because doctans are la aclf.eaplanetory a, foiiows, vanS part, ]adins anhlbislléte. 1 tabooeâi ta ZonnCity ln atili effective showing asl don I ,tha ha. bock. l"OrtunatalY lîttia Helen vas but the drug store lanot closeS and swung the. bggiat fautor>' demi lylng lu the battam ai the tonnealu Dr. Bilmayen lanot delsting la bis *ver made. le" Waukoean ln the sleeping. Acrigl, aa vasPractîce o? treating people who cmli wmy of a asIe under ceutract or- ibo1vf(d up agaînat the front of bbc ior bis services. snY Other. way, thet la, of prop. baek seitAama the impact came but The fiel la Dr. Bllmeyer bas .71>' slncsdy standing se s plant vas net injureS. Mn. anSdlira. Buck mayaS acros the streat into the ruaS>' for use: vers sevaeey jarreS but net InjureS. noama abova the Finît' State bank'i "North Chicago, Ili., The damage ta the car consisted of' uligwihls we yMrhl A broken aditba. blda hc aove yMrbu Sépt. 13, 1li. " smasheS fonder. FielS & Company. 'ESitan Waukagaa Sun. A smasheS lamp. AnS bis pramenca thorera msas an "Dean gin: The othar car vas Samaged morne. Intenotiog point. that ai wbat thea '*You ray ho Intereated te 'cnow vBuc fotk omcb vveasbbcnaît maya aithe Voliva people vîll1that nagotiationa wltb the Coma Prpd- Mr. anSdlira. Buck baSl started fon ha. ion It in admitted that the maya ucts people bave reaulted In nay er Joliet ta riait friands, ,lust their chu-. againat the Srug store incluSeS Bill- chemtas theîn entire holdings la thîs dran bolns wîtb theux. Ther ver. maYer as vail as the drug feature. eiyvwiib the exceptiQu ai the marah dnivîng along Archer avenue. At a that tbay vere "ater hlm" as rnucb acres notb ai the barbon. The Seul carner a Atreet car vas c6ming ta a @tap. A driver coming iroms the op-as the drug store. compi sea 26% acres ai land, an patilla ay turneS bis auto out anS Havc Ouaranta. Tille.. whlcb there la lacatad about 30 drove around the car on the "off" But the ncv point la thia: la casabuilîdings otligsmtiglk aide, Contingsîdrectly Ilto the Buck anoiher action la hrougbt t t nl00,000 cqaretal.ng Soet&acie car whlch vas proeeeding an bbc right 00)sur et.a anaae aiSe ai the trict. 13ilimeyer an the theony that ha 19 a nina miles o alroaS Irseka that are Befame cither driver could stop, the doctar practiclng cantrary ta the connecteS withbobth the BoIt lina cars Came tagethar. bua n. 1 plana ai the City, the Chicago TIlle aSd the Northvemtern. -Thene la aise The Impact vas something fIlght' & Trust Company vonid ha Involvad contaîneontePprY uda fui. accanding ta M r. Buck. That alt o nUcpoct ona vire flt Urovn irom the car, that lu sncb a movement. This big Com- tiens' basement aS d tIors, al ai thbcaira vire nat pilaSan top ai pany guaranteed the tîtie ai the reiniorcad coucrete ion rata in@e- cach other and that bath vere flot building la question vhen iclIarahaliratons vith the capacity ai 750,000 smashed ta pleces, acemed lnexulain- FieIS purchased lb anSd. epened the buabals. The amouhit ofnaoney ex- able. At any rate, the crash vas aucb that the cars came ta a tul bank, therafore tbey bave ta stand pendait on bIla vark by Uia company stop anS a hasty aurvey ahowed that bacir ai thea tibia anS. 1n case a maya vas sometuiîglilke 180.000. Engi- nobody vas serlously burt. the boy vene stanted ta oust BMimayer. no userens imate that Ibis elavator eau being braisedSiornovhat by being Souht Uthette-trust company vauld ho campîcied fon about $40,000. brovn ?rom the bacir ta the front seat. lHe baS nat seau the tharcair lump Into thea arop Ilinul cqeuneit The parceaise aincluSes tva la- approaching; ha lad beau ooklnga ty.adt eti h lgpit4akea ittathe aka, ana being a 30- Savun the itreet anS theretare vas Invaived. Witb the titie-trual Coin- lnch Main. 4.000 fettata the lakte uuurepared for Uic collision. pauy Involved as tbey wauld ha, Il la anS bbc albar a 24-inch main, 3,000 The driver ai the other car seemed aprn htahse ih hntets notelte ohl odcn very Indignant ta Uink that Mn.apaottasbggrlgttath itolkebthagodcn Buck baed ban on tbc paticulan spot ardjnary citizana hava put up vould Sition. These tva mains coat ta lu- vberc bis car happaned ta linS; ha. ha preelpitateil. for the Mlarsalal FielS staîl about , 90,000. idn't îeem wIlling ta caucade that carnpany vould look ta the tîtie-truat "Tiprerybsentîno- %Ir. Buck vas on the lght side of "hspoet a entie v the rond. Nearby business mou coxMpany ta make goad on Ita gan- or by me vtb the Idea in vley aif rashed ta the acane anS qickly pro- antee. trigI vrt oprto ah feraS lir. Buck thaîr ovdance ta Drug Store Operabing. trigI vrt oprto ah prove that the ather driver vas on AnS the inteetîng part ai the ait- organiseS Cmong aur local people. tbe "vrnaide" ai the raid. Ha Tha plan lb 'la maire oi thîs a rentIug get bis ummaanS vîli naît dapiagesuastion as regards the drugsitore la Pooiin n i]bgna net auat hlm for the Injuries te the 1hat1Ilb inoprattag axceptag Ibat ilbproposintiorn i a g aro nt caM dount oil druga, non tobacea. Ev- bi6l atna.vrbue n Nir. Buckr lrmedlately gai ln boacb enythîng aima thatsajch a tore sella scalierpaconceiriasuthable ion. Th witb the Mitchell people aud baSt aJeoerdfrslIntesoeadae pcwl bsual o.Th nev radiatar put on aud napalms vere la offered for sala labbbcbltora anS bastily made o ha dova bick home signe inside anS outalde uud leaidferitens vhil] v a i aatratveai- Intead ai proceedîng ta Joliet. How- the camual observer ta bhînk that I compae ihwa iia p ovar. undaaated by the axpaniemice. ha la a "regular" dru& store. C ae ihwa iia fl anS bis farnily started out agate thia __________ rente for la Chicago that va are con- nxrnIng fan Joliet anS, unlesàAhtey - vtaced thal vo viii heablhe ta 11il ran acras marna othor "nul driver," A H I~ T W V It ta capacity vîthîn a short lime. bhay expected ta maýca the Ioumncy l a IvL~I Yla lb a ar a te la t mppy maialy. __I_______a pr ttepant upyp ftIfiff CQ OL or, pat. ligbt And vatetathUicten- Blui J44UJJL ants irani the power plant that la AUTO DRI VEN BY poet. 1' nov <she retay. bscneto WOMAN TRIKE 2 j QUITE CROWDED I *ith'l a~l ________that Mr. H. V. iakeistein, vbo bas 'WO W STRIES 2been closeiy aisoclated witb tbý Carna OsFiIIed to Capacity and an Productu Compne Sunlng tbc paît BOYS ON A BICYCLE Addition Soon WiII Be eed- 20 yeare la entIblad ta muchi credît ______ - ed to House Pupils. in hrnnig about the canaulumation ai Ibis dcii. Mr. Finkeisteta vlth Two North Chicago Boys Fiave Althaug b ut but a ltbIaavar bis iamliy cama bera about a year, Miraculous Escape From tbrea years aga. Waukega's fiue aga and began thbc Ssmantalilg and Death-icyéle Ruined. township bigh school soon viilpoove disposai ai the maeb1aai#v anS cquip-- inadequaba ta bauae the pupila vite ment ai tha plant, anS ta date bas Tva North Chicago baya baS a viii vlmb ta attend. The capacity aucceaded lu dispomîag af the greatan miraculous e«cape maux Seatb Sunday ai the building already bas beau part ofILit.That wbich remaiuia le aitennoon vison thir bicycle vas rua reachad anS if any mare pupils an- nov bis property anS Mmr. F'inkelatelu Sovu and destroyed ýcy an eutame- rail it vîli b? necessany ta moite nov expecta ta make Waukegan bis bile drîven by lins. H. C. Sevarance smre othen arrangements vhlcb hava Permanent home, anS mter dlapaing ai 1329 Main etrecl. Racina, WIa. The nat yet haci> vosked out, o? lia machinery and equiprnent thai. accident bappened ou the South Gen- The prasent capaclty ai the achool reinalns, vini engage la smre fonu ai oes stmaet bridge. amemly roam la 406 pupils. Thare manuiaclurng, prohably the ctal- lira. Severanca, accampaniad by an- are nov 405 puplis la attandanca. ilshlug ai a rolling Mi, vbici voli othar vaman vho vas crrying a This leavea but anae vacant seat. utilise the sonth building ai lb. ru six monthe aid chilS, vas drbvlng Wben thc higI achool vas erected it fluai-y property that vas fonzninly nanth on Genaeeatareet, Juat as bbce vas thaught that Il vas haiag builI useS am one oi the paver plants. reached the narth euS ai the brige, lange onough ta mccl ail requirements "We nov have negobimblonsoa"v,'Itb tvo boys au a bitte came tearng ifor sevenai years. Nov il vauld a aumbier o concerns that va expeei dova the treet. lira. Saverolbce ihut saamn that bbc board ai education ta ltaspace in these buildings and off the paver but before iihe could acson viii ha broaght faca ta face vitb viii ho se ta kacp you advlmed et brlug tbe car ta a stop the tva ma-ic a ecasîty ai erectîng al substan- aucb limtes thal Information of Ibis chines coideS head on. The baya tial addition ta bbe achool. kînd abouti! ho givan p the pub&. vere iSIng on tbé vrong aida ai Whather thia viii ha uccsmary fan 'q 1 vh ta tbank yau ion bbc friand- thc trait. tlether vas badlZ ln. naît year la ual as yat kuovu. but iy sunouncemxenla i-OU hava givun jureS, but Il vas deamed vise tota ue ,If the rate afi moréase ta enrolimani ibis malter vithin the paît iev days Uiam ta the office ai Dr. BerichIeder acît year la Up ta this ytar, as Il la and. trust that aur frlendly rouations ta bave thair braises dresseS, aiS It: mamb pasitively viii b., the vili continua. "Wby if I baS beau Sriving fat. presse quartera vili haonxuch tac "Youns very truly, bath boys voald have bren kîlied, Il sémil. Next yenr a largo numben afi "C$RL E. SAYLBR."- la miraculous ta tbînk that Uiay vers ireabinen are expectod tram theSgylas- la EIatmd. ual sertoualy InjureS. 1 arn thankful North Chicago achoala anS ibis vill i Ms- aler vas ona ai the happlest that 1 vas SnIvlng slow, sud 1 do net avait thé anroîlmeat ta a marked «.- mciila tovn yhan ha gave thea boac tbin'c that 1 shouid ha haiS respan- tant. el, 1 dtalis Id The. Sun todar. He aia ne subie fon the accident. If tbey baS lbt la probable that tbe' addition turneS; mroa New Yor' vwhere ho been ou the right iSe of the atct coutidlot ha put up Iblisycar becauia CloueSthee deai with Prealdant Bcd- thc accdeant' vouid nal havé bhap. the ts rlevy fon the bulding tudi IX 151'4 of le Coin Producta CaUpeny pend. Inal soucient ta put up a substantiel snd liha qgesit bpea ai the fturei lira. evrance accampanlcd -OU ddtIon, The chances, aretual litte«. Use -l"uaireflnery buildings. icen Pet Samon ta Uic Police stalion oulS, b. e aaSaarel»té it uBtiU 10$jsMWO lthat The Sun's fginis vhcre sahe ggve ber Demanad a nttyi a tx W", -p iýQrî»yj as es.*8000 o ai Bbe promis«eS icdcik urgeant ta vpld iv?.ta h4 auicgtogd. ithe w~frdo eyes c ,l quine ta, Wamikegsia ta case Uic NambbM Oàt o? a ddition 'vlSE- h ,e 4t- at eth iâyart sUt-pnling IR their Ub' 'Chicgo boys atirbed smit. ,Irile. - - ,ý- c "d-aIS uaO Uctue uceus ôtu 1 ý WI To WIOOPINêcmIJEI AN] CJICKENPOX1 biegeat fsctory plan evezý conccivadl In Waukcgin. Power Pnfant Intact, lnquir shbows that the eleccrie pow- er plant sud the water worki plant et the reflnery atili stand Intact, wlth macblnery, etc., and ail that la need- 04 la ta "start them up." % tlal Important feature makea the big prJect immediataily available for thé purposesSegilgned. By bolug able ta sali power and watar as well as heat ta rentera, the. promoteri feel they have a big Sraw- Ing card which the average iactory site 50.5 flot pommais. Mfr. Sayier adda that a colS storaga plant of extensive capacity eema ta be a certainty ln the nestr kuture, be- cause ai the. demand for R[Qiaplc ln this locaiity. and by the extenU4ve raom they have avaîlable, it -vanta ha an eazy feature ta add. There wil be aimait unlimited warehouse facili- tiez at the plant. There'a a big de- mand for iuch apace. Mfr. Saylcr statea that the bare land et the ite ia worth at leaat $3.000 and there la vacant land enough laf t thora ta duplicate the prement buIld- ings In case It vere deafred. Roiiing M ill. The plana o? 3Mr. Pinielatein for the rolllig miii are unique. Ha plana ta start a ralllng mîli wbere abandonad rails of railroada are re- rolleS and converted Inta, amaller railis. Other materlai aiong the sanle Une will be turned out, and as ha bas bad axperlance la this line of work befare. Mr. Fînkelatein la able ta start rlgbt la wltb a knowledge ofi what la nacesaary ta do. By the terme ai ha contract. lai.r. Sayler cames lot Immedlate pomes- alan of the big property and from the enthuslasm be now la showlng il wili not ha long are thînga ara hum- 'ulng at the abandonad plant. Mfr. Bayler, with Mr. Nîver, who la1 assclated vlth hlm ln the reflner( deal, were guasta ai the Commercid Club officera at a luncheon ai noan ta- day at the Wamhburn. Afterwardsj the crowd ai mon want ta the relln- ary ta look ovar the property whlch promises ta mean no much ta Wauke- gau. SQUEZES 6iRL'S AUM; @TSFOY DAYS IN CO. JARL Italian Resident of Market St. Is Charged With Flirting en the Streets. e Waukegan, Sept. 9. WARNING TO MALE FLIRTII. Dont squeeze a young lady's arm during a pictura show. Dont take advantage ai the darkness la pîcture theatera ta maire lave ta an unknayn lady. Dont foliaw a yaung lady home &fitar site bas 'turneS you down.» Dont take advantage ai the absence ai a woma'as husband fram the home-and maire a social eal.' Dant dof your bat or cap ta a lady you do flot 'know. FOR IF' YOII DO- Police Magistr-ats Taylor wtil sen- tendfe you ta 40 days an the county jall, and Sharlif Elvîn J. Griffu wIll Inatruct him prisoners ta gîva you bread and water for your meals., Jim Barber, a Market treet rosi. Sent, la crylng bis Oyea out lntheUi coaty Jaîl, for ho was aelected ai an example by the police. Jim ilaa single man, and la a great admirer ai women. He prefera blandes-and the girls ay that ha Insista uponj squeezing thaîr arma ln picture theatera. Lest ntght Jim attendeS one o the local nickel (?) theatars. aud solected a seat along aide ai. lirs. A. J. Wall. veber-, vhosa huaband la a w1mreaa aPeratar at the Great Laktes training station. Mra. Wiollwober's hushand was detained at vork. no vas unabie ta accompany bis young wvue ta thej thoater. -As soon a Uic ilîbtawere turnet? out ln the theater Jim snuggled uD agaluat Mmr. Wallweber, and began ta squeeze ber arm. She did notJ scream for help. but changad bar seat. Jlm, foliowink ber example. changed bie seat and accupiad ans et ber aIde. Thon lin. Wollweber lat the theater. Sha walked south ta the corner ai Genesea and Water street, thon tInmoS veat, for ahe livea et 313 Water street. Much ta, ber sur- prise, when abe turneS in t ber door Jlm was dogglng ber foQt teps. e1h. was staiaISta go loto ber own home for fear Jin wauid fallow ber. Bbc vaîked up and Sovu the itreet a icwj times and thon W. ifoulibana mar- ried daughtar appeared an the scene. "Bure, yalk up and down the atreet until I returfi," sald Mr. Houlbans daughter. fte did returu and wth bar waa Police Officer Wm. Coomba. Bill stood hblaSn a trac and sure enough 31m valked up ta Mrs. Woolweber1 and started maklng lova. In a tew1 seconds Bill waa an the job aud lit. tic liter Jim wa marchlng bavarda thc police statio. The agd part çf the Incident la this -Jimmie tuttars-and really It was1 pathetlc ta hein hlm teilles about bis t MAT COES 1M15 YES IN DEÀTII Loved PlayMate of South Side Children Dies of Injuries Sustained in Accident. Waukegan, sept. 9. Le Roy Wigei ls da. The thre-year-old tcblld, who left ebis horne on May street at 2 O'clock )Wednesday with bis face wreathed In 8mllesý and a penny clutched ln hls tIoy lihi, died of concussion of the brain at the home of bie Parents late Wednesday night. While en route to the candy store to buy "goodies," the youngster stepped directly in front ai a big auto driven by Peter Kirchner and was felled ta the brick pavement. Hla aikui was fractured snd Dr@. B&r. kar and Bellows fud upon examin- ation that the Ilttie cbap was suifer lng from concussion af the brain. Little La ROY neyer regalned con- 7 aclouaness. With the sme amile il- luminatlng bis cauntenance that was borne when hls mother gave hlm a Penny for "goa>dies" Le ROY Passed away. The antire nel<bborbood IR lu MOUrnink. There are othar chlldren In the nelgbborhood, but Le Roy was the pride 0f the vlclnlty. Ha was bis mathor's prIda and joy. Le Roy was neyer known to crY, althougbhah was of the sobbing aga. lHe was neyer known ta dlaobey hie mother, and was always ln rapturas whensked ta ào an errand far a nelghbor or another little friand. Le Roy wam flot sane when be met the injury that caused bie death. He waa accompanled by hls brother Clarence, *ho la twa yaars hiese- nier. Togather the boys Ici t thelr home for the candy store. Le Roy was leaSing the way, aithough bis brother appeared Jmat as auxioa to reach the store and the candy as did h. The boy's parents were at hie bed aide when he passed awsy. Throagh- out the evanIng scores ofi lttîs tata oi the neighborhood baS Uip-toe Up ta the Wlgali resîdence ta luquire as ta the condition ai their playmate and friend. "Hems about the am«n.I 1was the message tbey carried awai wlth them. Not ans but a score or more littie ebldren living noar M&y and MoAllater avenues praycd for the recovery of thefr playmata wben tbay sot down on their k ses lest nîght and saIS, "Now 1 la; me dawn ta aleep." The boy's fa ther la emplayed as a wire drawer In the Amerlcan Steel & WIre Campany plant. Withbihl faily he moved ta Waukegan an the 27th day of May lait. Peter Kirchner, accompanied by a Young mien called Shanke, was drlv- lng aauth, an lcAlitar avenue about 2 o'clock Wednesday aiternoon. As tbiey nearad XMay streat tbey woe compelled Io0 drive In the middle of the ioad as a wagon load ai brick waa .ptanding on the rlgbt-band aide of the road. Mr. Kircbner ahut oit hlm gai, and the big car was nat trav- eling aver 10 miles an haur. It ecauldn't bave been, for Mir. Kircbncl- stoppeS the car In lisa wn length after tbe chIlS wasastruck. 1 The lîttie boy and bis brother isteppeS ou$ irom behlnd the vagua Jut n the front wheels of the big Car came abrosait af the rer ofa tbe brick wagon. Mir. Kirchner Im- mediately elurrcd bis car ta pe it bond vide af tbe rad and thua avold. ed atrlklns lie chuSd witb the front -heais of the car. The Uitile boy s teppeSdldrstiy Inta tbe sida ai the car and was filleS ta the brick paye-, ment, striklug hls head a sharp biow an the hgceks. Mfr. Kirchner assisteS lu carrylng the boy ta hlm home. Needles ta altate, 3Mr. Kirchner la prostrated by grIef. He vIii suifer as mucb as wyul the baya Parents, be- cause It la the firit, time inabihlm1f. tbat an act ai hie bas resulted In In- jury ta another. Bangeant Taylor. "No. ve aughltaebave a whIppîng fflt," saiS Assistant Police Chiai Tborau asTyrrel. "I vaut you reportera ta Issueas varning ta the flirts la Waukegan," saId the police chie?. "Thia Young lady tels ma that &ho bas bean stoppeS on the straita by flirtasayeeral tîrnes Saung the pust few veek, anS lb muet stop. Jina. mie got Jusb bh ai fwbat the aext flirt wîîr get. I vould be tempted ta rounce the naît ieiiow vho la baught la bere on a simîlar charge,", amiS Thornas Tyrreli. Jimmie nov occuples a steel cage ln the caanly Joli. Sure, ha la crylug and baggIng ion bi& in.cdom, but the police daclaro that bread anS vator vilI b hilsfane il ha dies la the 4o Says. sf "We Sont vant font anS moutb dia- easae-everybady kep out-also eauf buy0en." rens as aigu on a veil knovn farux veat ai Waukegan. It vouid aPppar that "eallui-ana" Sa not camae under asgenersi classification. State Board of Heafth Poats a New Order Which WilI Work a Hardship Heme. Waukcgan, Sept. Il. By virtue ai an act ai the state board oI health Waukegan homes, whereln a chîld la auffering irom wbooping caugh or cbicken paz, la toi ha quarantinad. Acting Healtb Officar W. 9. Bellowi recelved a notice irom the aecretary af tue state board ai bealtb aunoune- lng tbat the atate board had decided that It was Imperattva that homes vbereln a cblld was uffernug fram aither ai the aboya mentioned dis- meamas should ha quarantined. Although faw persons are avare of the tact. Waukegan la suffering from a wbaopiag caught epîdemis at this bour. It la saie ta ay that thora are at ieaat 100 camssla the City. But ane case Ai been reportes by phym- icians ta the bealtb officer ai the City. la paît years It bas flot hean cam- pulsory for physîcians tb report cams ai whoaptng cough or measies, but at tbis tour notices are being printeci for the use ai the physiclans anS sur- geona of the city. Tba physîciana viii ha compelled 'by iaw ta report, aIl cases tn the future. Clarence B. Hicks, Inipecton la the bealth oCie s epartmant,, announced Ftlday nlght that be baS been in- structed ta pont the raS igna-quan- antîne ignas-on ail homes whenein a chuSd waa suifering ?fram chîcken pal or meaules. *,The public schooia *of tbe City apen on lionday naît. and 1 *hall aàk Buperintandant Kuoelk, the. princi- pals ai tha various scbooli anS Uic achool teachara ta, ca-operata vith me inv thia Work, I1saH ss"X that thay report aIIlecas.oaichickau pur and wbooping cough wbicb are called ta their attention. TJnlema%,saine ac- tion in taken aIibIs timc 1 fear that the parcMentaofaiattendanca lu the looler grades wlll b. Seceerasd dur- lug tht firat semaster, because et this tour thare are scores af cases In the City,* aaid Mr. Hiceks. l'ew mothars eau Physicians whcn thoir chiiea aergsuffering irom the vhop4~Coupb or the cbickciq pox. iu iaCt,* 6big perentaga ai the motb- ars qi Wau'tegsn are weli anough varist!la medîclue anS, In the £are ai tbe slck ta nurse eblidren af their ava blond vba are auffcrng, from eftber af the tva mentjoned digasses. Bath dîseases are Contagions. as- paciaily vhooping cough.,anS Uic ai- ficera aifUicheaith Separtmant pro- pose ta kaep &il children vba, are sut- fering from the dlaease anS ail chil- dren wbo bava been exposeS In quar- antîne. *'We realise that tbis action, on aur part wili work a hardabîp on the ai-' dicteS, but va muai cart for those lu gond bealtb," saIS ana Sactar af the City. Cblidren sufariug friramwhoopimi cough may ha placeS lu quaranttna about.live or six Ira.s or about the marne time ibat s( persan auffering rmu scarlet foyer vauld ha aat off iroin society. .Tha ,lew order af thc %tats board af bealth goam luto affect at once, and accardîng ta latent reporta, tI, liv or onder passed by the boir ar'-a ries a amall% fine for ait violation*x wbether committed-by physiclausor~ by parents.. i-j« REBEKAH STATE PRESIDENT A OUEST 0F LOCAL LODGE. Oue of the mut bhuortast iodge meetings anS blaqueta boild l Was. kegan la yeusawva that leld by the ltebekah Lodge lu their bail over the Waukegan National bauk W'lday ait- ernoon and evauhng. Mm .Tazaby, preaidant af the state sesmbly, vas gueit oi bonor at the banquet serveS ate Ço'clock, man h. aiso witussad anS commenteS upan Uic degree work exemplIied by the Waukegan degree tmIsS luths evenlus. lai aUl, it estîmated that fully 150 vere praettae the evaalug meetlug Oie bundred mat Soya ta the banquet t"aet Il 6oelock. Ouests vere prasent from Lb.rty- vie, Antiocb. Laka Zurich. Decatur anS Cary,.111. P. BMRSTOW IMAN uFAClutUq rIN Marble and Gradite Monumest Cemetery Work of. Evev Decripton Correspod.mm o 5lcIt« 116GeseS WitJe~a :TEMBER 17,ý 1915. *k1m s6mum à