Commissioners Orvis ami Diet- meyer AttkIM~gt Of is Mo0tives. 'CUSSED,' ASSERTS ORVIS. Mayor Says 1He WINI Have a Statenmt ShorUy-4ýomusl Seeks Rtirg on AC#ona. Waukegan, Sept. Il. .Ay or Pearci called dovnunponhia beal the wrath o! Commlasleneaa Or- vs and Dietmeyer aI tht cotnel meeting on Monday nlgbl. TheWin l- dgnation was srouîed because of the mayors action ln *stopping tht payment o! orduea h" behd bien algned by then. 1% John Wbyte o! Wsskcgsn. rtpoe- sentatîve of tht McMmalp Car Sufa ply Company. vltb h htcotnt é 1h cty bas dont buatam 'fo 1wevirei yearî, vag te 1»00"tenliaseas o sartlng tht argumnt. MW. M i'te' appeared belorethe acouali. I.1Ih an order for tht gqm5ait of bin. vhlcb lt CouncI&oin es otaet. ng forth ,b.1mi >0g lbil va1 I«r 831.05i. si POint «ot limaitt bUt datas te laît KOveubtu aldnada th mayor vien 1is wonerù tzpect aaleiLHà, ma aithe oder bail beena ratuarutitroum be u vit the t attient that Il could onet ie paN at tht. 'lime as Ibere vas a 01: on and aeveral other orders had buta hîld u. liayor Pearce-.Tbi tea a Ittér x have hotu luv'ItMglg for urnes& lme. I thui i1viii6»,«hi' Istu" rov or the t *y j lwvhat 1 vlm - . haliido Ooa ILt M- wfbnwieklI'w lil*a t'I*. ulln iiWtbisgsa awl p *1 a- u* ha"veai s t e, I*hmfu d* d~the clreimalu" IL A tair tiat vo showoli hatboe *4«ge w .uat a ym o a ci. vili bave %0 watt l 7th"a Ur. lhyt-lUtil1 Ibave 8*me0 ot MY r tv MIb, be 16 ,4 bals. Wt» 'Y tact" tom h va to #0 5s tti v ant .Is " 4 , 1le 1» puil. Tifs fIt e '«UV up ie aot Il obue6Mtva dete' issu s unis *Mtberu U lb.vo ioba P iahorna ta IMamyor Paa-'b"*0 wubUlei ooooli vwà wleUq. st eed Pppa& but ammouting $à aat inita" Among« %vera &eh said dollars on tbe Puiap, WhiCh WI OVIO-The mqoti as ieft liêe in pay-blli and ypu are vlitbholdial 't iuniavfufly. Id lta le Itnov tiil your honor ever 4U1« ft'tht clty san vay. i nover Itnhve « a bill bot aiiowed for t an PM Xlouet Col &ol 81,800. I bave biaunable I Suld a record tiat lii burn or asu on ls e ev umnloae khlm aud 7 ipou slov.d 4"5 sflgab uesriy iilete-Iwe 1[ iii gay lh& Au s romit dliy refusa, talla es to duno6 a *éunby y. ésmding u su 4 66 %0Mab edbora 00nt 1hhi oAe h siu r right or vht Wà o s uellledî lb thetp tuahavi e us MaNyer Psare-i 11f411 that lu geod thir. We oalt 1 knov her Corpration coruoae-Wlth Y- R*uWl Pse'bookkeeiaer. Inftat, il UiI M1r. Pdoo'a s ai 46u n Si no lstytr. i1ibave'~ae litaI lIa Ctcolieen delai paver >. tan der t teem d SM 4WULs. a m gettng a &Md - vrU-t mou!r7- *Kltaon la MW yaus oOMISnilit af s jp bera ail the Wo&' tlwoiu. &o4â big to the ornKIfItoli. *41, tn": 4b rtled for tht preent lft the debt. %'re»dlatlng tacel'atho Mayor.a ~ASI1hOr. William A. Colee Roipm. LÀTA.SmITO 1etr PASTOOr QVLOQA.cmunH. FNedT*.o -f 1Ou? E* Asyhèn- sUped$ftefideflt Uner utTfm. e.ts, ttr Whic êi loates i i. wt That Such Is the Case. Tes Y "'o r.W lmA. te 0a igregationai ohurcb. Waukegan. novlu Pr Dr. Hf. J. Cahasan, sup6intendelit I >ebldent of thje International lafflm of the Elgin State hoabpital.i. e on- bureau, and Slo a chatitailquatee. fiatn vnced that flot ail the nets 1n tht taer. kopt a dqte. 14ttt w world are confinedto Institutions. lRe onflytimt !the letuiel%.taikers to Ya han just recelved & iettÉr froiD a gun and speakers at Chi-ago a. fêw dasBsoriouk lil IeI uacston femtrlam Ugsd P. IL. Kemier told the t Iori. Ili ti~if for urne on tta tt 4 ho »ai Iait04 dtir. oeemd.0: elppfug from a oton'a n e'w~r a M dtit dl tht a, - "s îwfcl gthat golf IWund b. îtfl. at"r eh.Bilatltilon. a lb otrvsqute baffled t the an tâdIo tbier, for il as personal sand not c a.t i letjPmu ttht chance that a "i vna Pl, nalelfm' w dutlSiinerItBd . Sl sor ,tneth ii.cS * spa~dOve why yu*o hol rw I y ~ tlvthe loor unIOten -~ u5ttwe*A ge bave te te Th. t M1$ laivy Ind. i vonid Dot M dçnlae shhguiin tht bande f hIn kta4:,e.'bt w <tht *S.ont 1A Plpw Yrk, . AtOt ùI-eý*veli pr-1ie. soui WM rflPVm b, lb gougie ta on n* ~~ 11Âv6 uta klisU nA atIvianh.-Cliis618I1et M tJ oiorsrt eamla lnjttd 0- 1 11 tbprealibIO ed - ta tht exfa~S v la hebp edtgtal. &,mue la vocued Oa~hit ht l d"n ve. oo 6n04hmon 10v vu 1 B gamoe - o8emlt ,bei lisvqfil 4915<qa tb<»g a 0fetithe u441$tbSve?>iWfMal s.i.»Mie trm0 llOUp t ~ ~ 5 ,et Ina My te N- ra Qe dit or hg.d 11 0e 4)te re- EÇ te. e i OW a Çsa 8, lietý u*îoim Ili ft t4' asttap. M. W. WoMO2 oaIf bd 14 ïa Chi', ukl ve. 41 Cl i l» ng1~ocISos Wah. Yot. I.Tabte.nla febtiysm 5eoul# not b.1ora- s tinia. About 30 5040 .vers lu ht ignng f ~ AI Bert, calied, q> Xa. 9, . fd attber onfot the nuitbaa @m'mn u a,&~d* Tfle- the City 0f WbewDOMIfMdni the Id llatt ithisto do vlth the 014 Charge, vIdaIt nlngvaaaal. Mim@ Nelson wel tht MClaollfi ~ 'Wu . aAsi optinion vms dlendposudfor 1ais toiwvaene.e a bmstw ta1~1 WhO WiIUDUU auu lle 'Wao .4Vtms ifl ,a hlpY .Cen aaagttthe foot snd moth commêniratelte day. tt94Coamp&". 099. ,ioêiktag Nors~ ver tilI asther distasa? 've cet a nhr al a afi Wk.l. g1lu bàve re- MIayor Wiia we WOitb e htsanie coMpff, couanT uouti t!V- «M oed,, a CityMiakovbo ai Win 1 lui «vTOl ~WB1IP i.ce Bd Iodsy. fne ron UW&kt hrte w~itcetan f ietli1had latn la thiée vionlg An luforUSaoai sggluai rank fas jâs UU ,WStat t theNort ~h>lu tUo M~ ~atSu% htfilrai0f r.Deeîtte.for ezet4ls tbo tsi aU. n~SiiIl not h ot vje»OisRu xedi011,M&*ýtO ui91-1Mr. VýItt«-Johns avenue:e.= 01;i o. q chah. yejb.teds: Thte nrollSnt la iepetht bride of A 1I b~i. tAe atwee.1r.tme .tsle 1 OUlV ~ nv~S hsl mr hnI a '~eloi~,Wankgan Ieo~*1 Dadlttle"0 a ltir of Mv.. Wood. tdyb tt' toayae. lvrbe eoe ldbav #roved ta .bO ane 09 vorti, wbo a)gacamp bere ta visit MPeSiae i lcenabe vie. Ied, in.Mise MUWb et cbkler, tht -nev ibttresque wvoditeitIn 1t teDooltitUe hom. .They vers CN"cChicagoaî te tic Iellowieg cou sesal la thetciy lu a -a< 6hedldaou add ly~ pies: Ait. tphnon0 Cieg oriCicettaheupu Sna oe mupila vre voli ro an Sd Kattie Pr«t e aukosai a bhomo nser Ara. rt ~rbtirlan churçb. leacrUal t1ndfo h ua. Petér j. Dufly .VtrleÀ" Misa Tii. Northi uchool la orgwdsllng a 1v. Samuti WIllis*r Mi. a"nI&MaGeorge Strans of Sals Quinn 0f ,çbtcuqo aboce tout hall team sud are ready Mgrshdel id, a.spent Bunday vlth Villagers are msklns Ouarte e arabdtswi.yNrhCi r* À.Io$B, h wh Mvr. saSOMr-m lr. Robert Gr"e. forts ta have the affaîr thi bbggesb of 0mk ae lhayNrhCi * Ntb.. sometîme a byhi tbo tht kind tl',t PoX Laki bas ever Car- Case pahool teon for a Bie Ilua. o! ber MOthr, *10 jasoaKelly, who rtcettîi .014bis ritd out. ei.ryfldy la iuvlted and Tout McKnney la.tilll o 0 tg ain. £rom11a s5tv*lI05f&Mm at Boudnot sad 15er, .oved ta the txjectati la 15 at there vii lii Tht tele hOun, ompant attln anImai.Nmw bt 't..!s..'akegan tagr.ctlg a home I l rwutci a n vlli'roody la remove tasuolaa frot Oate 14It. roreat and la rnovlng mb to P ..Begsdfiil #6T~tet Utie dugier t lu-thI vek.tumoedte 0their hoie PU North SbleuI- w IMoore vli retuin ta là!% duttes .édMis. Gre atB4iv v.Cg..e ie vaut ta Migh- ,Odan rond, froantwo monthal outing ofdrving thé City are tesm.,Thura vu1*6 ~e . a a 1 veiifvee t git River. Win. day-of thtis veek. E. A. Dqan'dcn la '.btia mrnetl* d. 4 bneS iendsansd atittuaded a Attornrya Fleld and Decker bave diving thte£&am durlng bis absence. *bo " Ixgve pt «gyot*bhome of Ir. and MUs. tatin an apPeal ta the atafflobte court IW i tBernard Docker la auffertug vîtai mie jFq~ h . »D civey. l n the caze o! Ericlwon Va. Bvttsndb evr.abrolren tbumb ani a cut Mr. B. Smith, Mr. Neal Rbultil, Walienter, twa saloonkeepers. A jamviL Bernard thînks that a plety the, lavu Q Ir . .Danlel annd Charle Perd, gavne.50 alagl e htvllad. ron ASiot nareuwd-the wJae 1b.vo clahned ber busband dled as the ~ aalld 1 e , b Oofpmar. lott satuedsy for resuit o!iilqdor nold hia by the de- f ~ - ffle.uta. titis they plan ta fendants. ý*mW eed«tu yen tu a hntingsud MiseRode Zuckerbas e rcUrned 1 t.. *4AM at'.ifloO resont. whlch la thIa cly trin two weeita- business >jg Alvi efa ri p ln Iowa. ~~apd.*.Mm e4 by Main, of Zion CIY thla ~1h~ad pr#aIasa~tak poiciattemnoon, tbroush Attorney A. V. -. ~'04m1iie titatuétutti'là éla tisbhi.nhoe. 12 Clarke Smnith, 114s IBfr louçeaaîa ~ ~ acune. . - erhaband, AibstMnef, Who la 'V~a o8ah w,-'eU 7Mnf. rant T. Plîmpton siId ta reaide a% Bl*laad Patrk. IDe- t~5.n Mlaubai.- e iu *'4SKinmarlt avenue. sanonaimrtiOn, crtalty 4" d Lulaienea. re ~~ti~anat b ~ té, Oflffl t theirdaughlerJlitachsri u h Ih vs nU ~~g41 ~. eSmp &Wt*I~o1M4 te arwY le Mcb. amn Bell f« r11.10 aiagn ce othle: 1" j " sd Enu Aiberi A. motet elt utà sga»m tké'liecolosse u*sae~* 1h S'l Ua lOUaf13'0f n, n.ket fleotrio »W«re4 tefay bp 4wr W~iliutit 4, ea S e" et t. h tata et £101à lUS. iteelVIe vas lansTe ii. -lek arue. Mdblpi u etrott-baea s aa~oo~.tai ,, h~0f~< oUtSilI p âmé.,es-oiuteîweUtowabe« m 1 ol*Ch n b, ~uaedlevuiU U4e A gi*lm diner el.thenlSitt Aug. _15. tosa é e .~ ~.V.o -ZtaiseThuraton.ipt, ~ g~i---eh d0g muI. an sd er*mwest cerner W&Mbtton ad ~uàt ~ UWk wvIl hietaisoe eter Ge- Delly 1'Iuuuohl Geneoi"ee -en. M»i&yio, UIâi-Cboegu far lu4touirblO Pain; yatti. lakIDg fonlua. OPEN EVENINOS. John P."oro!Nofth OaaobY tht beird, -demade J floa 111e s- t l A I ~ - ~~I5q~p ~ tbrmuSi .Q4rniY M-x Prsyacrklte-a. 5 Rami lm M___________________________ - ~ ~ .Stop! LookI Listen! DON' MSSTHE" WAUR eG-N Tued.y Evcnia, Scp4eàiUer 25-83 p, m~, W içrnie Reception and Bmnque4 at Aruoy ga ad ak County W. C. T.uS weoeeeand rdsponses.' udmui.Everybody în Lake Cotmty invite&. PLATES 75c Wednesday Evedoge Sept. 29, et Armory--Grmd diam.ondmdl4eobnwm7ryconteat. Fve cmtaass reps'eeetmg to, igu paidiffla TI teTS 25C Thursday Evenig, Sepqeà4t 30. et Anuory---Gan. Temperance Mau bMeeting. (0o6d speakors '.Maie-quar- tette.. Ziopi City bmn il 'j Il - 1 mcn= 1 1 1 :,ý 1 , . - 1 - M-J .